HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-11-3, Page 88
Salt Bbeuna can be readily
caned by prompt application of
I can refer you to several omen where
other remedies were tried in vain, that
yielded at once to this ointment.
Are you troubled with a oough oe sold,
their use Deadman's Congo Balm. Is it
toothache that is unsettling your nerves,
than apply some of our toothache
remedy. Ie it biliousness, Wok headache
or indlogetion that is rendering you unfit
for work, then take a few of our anti.
bilious pills. If it is enema that are:esus..
ing mischief, then by oar worm powders
or dandies ; or if unfortunately neuralgia
is at work and you are pained and miser.
able, use at Dupe some of our
Neuralgia Powders
which strike at the root of this cam.
plaint and strengthen, your system.
These remedies its well as many others
are prepared at our Drug and Bookstore,
Druggist, Bookseller, &a.
SOCr1ERN533031030 W. 0. & a.
Trains leave Bruesels Station, North
ria South, as follows:
Goma Seoul. GOING NonTU,
Man CTed a.m. Mixed 9.45 8,m.
Express 11:58 a,m, Mall 9:11 p.m,
MLsed 0:000.m. IIxpreee 0:43 p.m.
Prat Ittos 5teilts,
A chiel'e among ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
Cowen. meeting next Monday evening.
RABBIT hunting ie DOW on the program.
Tmnleolvrse day on Thursday 23rd
MAT. RlcamnnsoN talks of beooming a
resident of Bruesels.
THE Fall promotions in our Public
school have been in progress this week.
Buzz notes always in stook at Tan
Pon Publishing House. 50 per dozen.
TLE snow storm of last Saturday and
Sunday left the roads in a vary
sloppy condition.
B. COOBR:tNE, of Cochrane & Johnston,
was away at Vermont last week to the
goarries where he purchased a car load
of marble for tombstones, monuments,
WA'scx out for Harvie J. Strong's advt.
next week, He intends keeping his
studio open every Saturday evening from
9 to 10 o'clock to allow an inspection of
his work, new scenery, &e.
ABOUT 50 persons from Bruesele and
locality were ticketed from this place to
the World'e Fair at Chieago during the
past six months. At a luta average each
passenger spent 035 making a total of
B:lns, A. G. DEADPAN, of Delaware,
mother of our towueman, G. A. Dead•
man, was awarded the prize at the
World's Fair, Chicago, for portraits in
silk. It is said to be a very handsome
piece of work.
MESSRS. BAEiiER ci. VANeTONE purchas-
ed and shipped Last Wednesday noon 177
dressed bogs, the aggregate weight of
which reached 80,150 pounds. It was a
lot of finepork. The consignment was
sent East in a refrigerator car.
DIED,—On Tuesday of this week Dan•
iel, youngest son of Mrs. Catharine
Clark, Seaforth, formerly of Brussels,
died after a short illness of infiamma.
tion of the bowels. Ole Was about 10
years of age. The funeral took piece on
Thursday, the interment being made at
Brussels cemetery. Mrs. Clark and
family have the sympathy of their many
old friends in this locality.
PUBLIC DI.BATE.—A bustling debate ie
billed for Friday, Nov. 23th, in the Town
Hall, between the Young Liberal and
Young Conservative clubs of the villagb.
Everything promisee a rousing meeting.
The question of the day, "Protection
versus Free Trade," is to be discussed.
The respective °labs muster some excel-
lent debaters who are well able to deal
with the question in its variant expecte.
Music will be furnished by the Y. L.
Glee Club.
LAST Monday evening Lorenzo Frain,
Grey, tied bis team at the grist mill
while waiting for a load of chap, Some-
thing startled the horses and they broke
loose and ran away. The wagon box was
left near the railway but the horses and
wagon were found near Mr. Frain's rest.
dence where the wagon had caagbt fast le
a clump of trees making the runaways
prisoners. They were none the worts for
7 mile run but the tongue and reach of
the wagon were damaged. Mr. Frain
was at one of the stores attending to
some purohases when the horses ran
The Stratford Herald of Saturday last w
says :—Rev, G. F. Salton, pastor of the
Central Methodist church, Saturday
morning received the sad intelligence per
cable of the death of his mother, Mre.
Fletcher Salton, at her home in West
.Hartlepool, county of Durham, England.
The deceased lady had reached the age
of 68 yours and like her husband, who
eurvivee her, had berm a plata-leader in
the Methodist elm oh for between forty
and fifty years. It is five years since Mr.
Salton saw hie mother, and it has been
his endeavor to make a trip to England
at every five.year interval to see her, but
hie removal from Brothels to Stratford
prevented the trip this year, The news
of her death was unfortunately late in
roaohing him through lois absence in To.
ionto last week. The cablegram arrived
in Stratford just alter hie departure for
Toronto on Wednescicy to attend the
Provincial S. S. Convex, ion ; it wag re.
sated to Toronto and sent to the eon.
vention where it was unaboountably lost,
and it wag not until Saturday morning
that Mr. Salton was dually apprised of
the news, It ie needless to say
that the loving hearts of the people of the
Central eburel1 as well as of many other
warm admirers and friends, beat in
sympathy with Mr, Salton in the Tose of
one sonear and dear to him. Mr. Stiton
has a brother in the ministry in Canada
--Rev: S. Salter, of Utithvon, as YOU as
(m031133 brother, Wm, II. at home in
England, and a gilder Virg. Whitehead,
also residing at Wett Hartlepool.
PHILIP AM1ENT and family have move
to the briok house adjoining their ne
TEE POST for the halanoe of 1803 fr
to new eubearibere for 0804. Now ie
good timoto subseribe,
WILLIAIO MARTIN attendeda sped
meeting of the Distriot Lodge, I. 0.
F„ at Wingham on Wednesday of th
The father of the late Mre. Wilton w
upwards of 100 years old et the time
his decease which took place a numb
of 'Pith
1NE new metallic roof is on Ament Bro
faotory. The work was done by Maser
Ballantyne & Wilton, of Brussels.
saw mill was raised last Wednesday,
IN FULL Broer.—Toe National Roll
Mill, Brussels, is DOWrunning regularl
attending to both gelating and ohoppin
Tell your neighbor.
OWING to a break in a wire in the dy
name the street lights ootid not be worilc
ed for several nights. Our citizens on
begin to appreciate the value of electr
oity by these omissions on a dark nigh
Mamma of Liberal Glob on Pride
of this week in Odd Fellow's Ball. I
addition to the transaction of beelinesthere will be a musical and literary pr
gram. Meeting commences at 7:3
TUE boots advertised in a recent ismof Tan Pose were returned on Friday
last week. All advertieemente in til
paper are read every weekby a larg
number of people who are on the look -o
for bargains.
Oen thanks are due the Garvie Orang
men for oomplimentary ticket to the
concert on Monday evening, Nov. 6th.
On their program is Sae Fax, alias Nora
Gibson, L. Chapman, Prof. Kramm, Miee
Annie Perkins, and A. McKay, M. P., of
Hamilton. The Gorrio orchestra will
also be on band,
A NonmEn of youths are likely to get
Into trouble over some Billy actions on
Hallowe'en night in the destruction of
fences, removal of gates, &c. The names
of a few of the crowd are said to be
known. A month in jail ie what some of
these"lightning" lads ere looking for,
judging by their aotioue.
SLIPPING has been lively at the G. T.
R. during the past week. Among the
outward shipments were 1 oar dressed
hogs, 10 cars hay, 1 oar live hogs, 1 oar
Iambs and 2 cars lumber. Epeeist freight
trains have been running on this Heeseveral days in the week to prevent a
to be collected on real property in Brus•
eels this year is $272,366 ; personal,
534200 ; total, 53098.25. County, 5402.-
71 ; school rate, $1642.12 ; general muni.
ofple rate, $1642,12. Total, 05951.71•
$65.00 ie to he collected on clogs. Col-
lector Rots has his reoeipte all ready to
hand to you when the ducats are pre-
Eon. Mn, LABRxEB, The Montreal
Herald Co. hoe published an excellent
portrait of the Bon Wilfrid Laurier, the
Liberal leader, which it is circulating at
cost of mailing with the view of making
the face of the honorable gentleman a
familiar one at every fireside is the Do-
minion. Itis printed on a sheet 18x24
inches and le pronounced an admirably
likeness of Mr. Laurier. Any reader of
this paper may obtaio o copy by Bending
fn hie name and tux cents in stamps to
pay cost of postage, tubing, peeking, eto.
The address is The Montreal llerald Go.,
608 Craig street, Montreal.
WELL DEsznvzo.—At the close of the
prayer meeting in Knoxthumb last Wed.
nesday evening Alex. Strachan, who hex
lead the winging for the past 13 years,
was presented with a purse containing
542.00 as a token of the appreciation in
which his servioeeare betel. G. A. Dead.
man read the following address and Miss
Maggie McNeil made the presentation :--
Alex. Stradium.
DEAR Sic,—As a small marls of esteem
for you personally, and in recognition of
your invaluable service se leader of
Psalmody, the members and adherents
of the congregation askyour aoaeptance
of this purse and sum of money. They
regret the amount is not larger, but be-
lieve the smallness of the suis collected
is no indication of depreciation of your
unwearied endeavors. Your labor of
love is highly appreciated by all and that
you may long be epared to carry on your
good work is the earnest wish of all lin.mediately concerned. In addition to
Sabbath duties in the customary services
of God's house, your eervioes in the Sab-
bath school and weak day prayer meet-
ing are likewise highly appreciated.
Mr. Strachan replied in appropriate
terms thanking the donors for theirgreat
d "J'ernsalem at the time of the Ortloillx-
W ion," and added a few words to what Mr.
Malley had said. A vote of thanks wan
ee given to Miss Roee and Meagre. MoNay
a and Gerry on motion of W. H. Here and
G. F, Blair. Bev. J. Ross, 13. A., 000n -
al pied the chair. The choir of the Endea-
r), vor Sooiety lead the eervioe of praise,
is_._.__ .-..—._...
ax People We Know.
er Robb. Rose is home from Durham
on a visit.
e. 11. L', Maddock visited London on
e, Wednesday.
The T. G. McCracken, of llarriston, was in
town on Wednesday.
er Jae. Smith, lately with Jas. Irwin, has
y, taken a poeition in the Garfield House.
g. Wm. Ainley and Roy, of Listowel,
were in town for a few Jaye this week.
Mies Lily Gordon, of Luoknow, was
visiting her sister, Mre. T. Fletcher, this
week.ly Robb. Wilson, wife and son, of Wing -
I. ham, were visiting relatives in town last
t, week,
y A. M. Large, of Drayton, has taken a
n situation in E. Dnnford'e tailoring es.
e tablishmeot.
o. S. B. Smola, who has been in Penn -
0 Sylvania for the past four months, ie
home on a visit.
e George Hoare, Clinton, was vieiting
of his mother and sisters in Brussels for a
is few days this week.
e Mr. Burne, wife and family, of Wig.
nt within, U. S., are visiting Robert Burns
and wife, father and mother of the
e. gentleman above named.
Ir George Welsh, who has been employed
in R. N. Barret's barber shop for several
weeks, went to Toronto last week to con-
oult a specialist ooncerning hie health.
Mrs. Thos. Shannon, of Grmtna, Man.,
eldest daughter of Mre. S. Pearson, of
Bruesels, has been dangeronsly i11 but we
hope a change for the better will soon set
Wm.Seukins has pone to Wingham
where he will work at his trade as tailor.
He will be missed from the Methodist
Sunday school orchestra where he played
the flute very nicely.
Mre. W. 1'. Stewart, of Brussels, was
arranging to accompany a friend of hers,
Mrs. Smith, of Durbam, to the World's
Fair. This lady wrote Mre. Stewart to
meet her on a certain clay but the letter
did not reach her in time and lucidly so
as the train she would have taken was
the unfortunate one that was wrecked at
Battle Creek. It le' stated that Mrs.
R,nifh was among those who met their
DELEGATES REronr,—On Tuesday even-
ing a public meeting was held in Melville
ohnrch for the purpose of receiving the
reports of the delegates to the Provincial
Christian Endeavor Convention, recently
held at 8t. Catharines, and the Provin-
cial Sabbath School Association which
meet in Elm Street Methodist church, To-
ronto, last week. Mies 50011 Rose pre-
sented the former in a manner that was
most entertaining and instructive, We
are pleased to be able to give the report
n full In this issue. Every Christian
other should read it oarefully. A. M.
McKay represented the Sunday School
Convention and his address in whioh he
used two charts, Wag full of pointers
and ouggestione to parents and teachers.
How to win the World for Christ was
the topic of the first half of his talk illus•
trated by the accompanying stowable:cc
Co•operation, Church,
Harmony, Home,
Reaping, Realm,
Insppiration, Infant,
Self-denial, School,
Temporance, T000118%,
Mr. McKay oleo gave a brief outline of a
Normal lesson as given by Prof. Hamill,
of Oblong°, in whioh the four teaching
points were taken up as follows .—Pre.
lieninary-0. T. (on thin) ; 0. G. (cordial
grouting) •, P. S. (pleasant surroundings) ;
A, B, 0. (all 'Rieke closed). let, Tett
Attention and Home Study, and, Teach-
ing, the Matter and Method. 3rd, Bs -
production, should be original and amour.
ate. 4113, Application must ha personal
and persietent. The audience wag greatly
interested in this part of the progratu
and asked and anewered questions in
oonneotion, Miss Harlow's mode of
teaching and illustrating lessons for in.
tormediate and primary classes was also
given. B. Gerry, who represented the
Methodist Sabbath School at 81:o Convon-
tion, was asked to speak but owing to the
latenese of the hour he only took up a
few minutes in degoribing the Cyolorama,
Rev. John Ross, B. A., will begin a
series of sermons on "The Life of David"
in Melville church next Sabbath morning.
Rev. W. G. Rielly preached in Blyth
last Sunday evening. Jas. Irwin took
charge of the service in St. John's
At the union Endeavor meeting in
Enos church laet Sunday evening Presi-
dent Both presided. The service was a
profitable 0110.
Rev. E. A. Shaw, of Wroxeter, occu-
pied the pulpit of the Methodist church
in this place last Sabbath and preached
two excellent discourses.
Rev. W. G. Reilly, Mrs. Reilly, 13.
Dennis and Jae. Irwin attended the
Huron Anglican Lay Workers' Aesooia-
tion at Woodstock this week.
Next Sunday morning Rev. G. H.
Cobbledick will preach to the Orangemen
of Bruesels and locality in the Methodist
church. Service commences at 10:80.
Rev. R. Paul delivered an interesting
address at the League Monday evening
on "St. Luke and his gospel." Samuel
Garter took charge of the prayer meeting
at the opening.
The quarterly communion servioo will
held in the Methodist chttrolt a week
from next Sabbath. Fellowship meeting
after preaching and sacrament at close of
evening service,
There is a change of officers in con.
nection with the Salvation Army. The
Lieutenant, who has been here for the
past 6 months, "ferewelled" /nab Sunday.
He has gone to Windsor.
Thursday evening of next week the an.
nual meeting of Brussels Branch of the
Upper Canada Bible Society will be held
10 St. John's church, commencing at
7:30 o'clock. Addressee are expected
from Presideot Straohan, Rev. W. G.
Reilly, Rev. G. H. Cobblediok, B. D.,
agent of the Sooiety, and Rev. John
Ross, B. A. Appropriate selections of
music by a union choir will be given.
There should be a large attendance.
Business Locals,
A raw good second hand carte for sale.
J. Walker, Bruasele.
DANDY show of buggies for sale. Jae.
Walker, carriage maker.
FOR Bale cheap, a good set second hand
harness, L C. Richards.
Fun coats, robes and blankets, largest
stook in town and lowest prime.
I. C. Richards.
CASE ton Eose,-5. Earner will pay the
highest market price, in Dash, for eggs, at
hie grocery, Bruesels.
ANY one wishing to get a new saw
filing machine may the what suits them
at A. M. McKay & Oo'e. hardware store
Iran on human and horses and all
animals ourod in 80 minutes by Wool -
ford's sanitary lotion, This never fails,
Warranted by G. A. Deadman,
Mise Mega= MoNenaamo3 wishes to in-
form the public that she is prepared to
do plain sowing, especially boy's olothos,
at her home, Princess St., Bruesel0.
ANY ono wishing to get a new saw
filing stand, I think eon be suited by T.
McGregor, of Bruseele, Ont. May be
seen at Molloy & Co's. hardware store.
Birt has all the aeceseary machinery for
digging and drilling wells and 10 prepar-
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satiefaobion.
Wells cleaned out and put in )proper
shape. Terme reasonable. Reeidence
80000101 door north of the bridge, West
aide of Turnberry et„ Bruggela. 34.30
50urrINO machines, great reduction in
price. Plain maohines with 2 cylinders
fee 515, with full inetrnotions, Just re.
calved a fine lot of knitting yarn direct
from Germany, various grades, oleo
towel yarn in various ghades. A largo
stook of knit goods on hand in 110630,
mitts, de. Any size of hosiery knit to
order. J. Y. S. Kirk, Agent 0088103 n
Brea. knitting machines and British
A.merioan Dyeing Go.
Nov. 3, 1.893
T4XD,i1ED B4XIC fir C✓1 N 1 D4 ,
s'r.a.7JS4s 13=21 1e7P.
ASSETS, (Seven Million Dollars) 57,000,000
CAPITAL (Authorized) . . . 52,000,000
Agencies itt all principal points fel. Ontario, Quabec, Manitoba, United States rO England.
it'di"MAWR Natelrwdi.
A General Banking Business Transacted. Farmers' Notes 3igoonnted.
Drafts Issued and Collections made on all points,
Interest allowed on deposits or $1.00 and upwards from date of deposit bo date of
withdrawal and compounded half yearly,
Every facility afforded Customers living at a distance.
GILLIIT B r¢fotl si aaidela4fB
Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts J3ought and Sold on
a1 points in Canada, United States and Great Britain.
mia,•Raw Ospangarmarr.
Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Llterest Com-
pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months Of
October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits.
We effect 10 write Insurance In old I•:ng11eh m• Canadinxl Conlpinnies, Or In Mut-
nal Companies as may be desired.
Aeneas von OANA08 AND UNITED STATE0 : Tns CANADIAN BANK or Couoinncg.
INC L01DA MEAT AS NEIL AS 01000,(35.
To the Editor of TUE Poew.
Dos Sin —I read a ocmmuoieation in
THE Poer last week asking why bread
did not come down in price when wheat
is so cheap and I agreed with the writer,
but why should not meat come down
too ? Sheep are cheap and the farmers
say oattle are ditto, 3 to 4 cants per
pound, and yet steaks hang close to 12d
cents and roasts from 8 to 10 cents. In
the Summer there may be a risk in keep
ing meat but that dont apply now.
"Small profits and gniolr returns" ie
surely dead.
Yours in earnest,
Ceo,uo-1tlian News.
W. Lincoln Soott, one of Stratford's
popular merchants, was married last
week to Mies Jeanie, daughter of Mr.
Hendry, of Dundas.
R. S. Box, of St. Marys, is the victim
of a clever forger, to the extent of $100.
111r. Box, it seeme, discounted a note pur-
porting to he signed by two well-to-do
farmers of that neighborhood. It turns
out that the names were forged.
Miss Mabel, daughter of J. Watling, of
Stratford, was married last week to
Arthur Salisbury, of Hamilton, at St.
James' church, Stratford. The bride
was a valued member of St. James' choir,
and many handsome presents testified to
the esteem in which she is held by her
David Wilcox, whose farm ie down the
River Thames, 7 miles from Chatham,
had a frightful experience with natural
gas Friday. Men were engaged in sink.
ing a well on the premises. There was
no suspicion that natural gas existed on
the place. After reaching a depth of
about 60 feet a flow of gas was developed
unknown to the diggers. The vapor
quickly found its way into the farm
hones and filled every room. An exploe.
ion took place which shook the house to
its foundations, blew out the doors and
windows, hurled the kitchen stove
through the roof and damaged everything
within the plane. There was only one
person in the house, Mies Mary Johnson,
Mrs. Wilcox's sister. She was just pass.
ing out of the door when the explosion
took plane. The flames enveloped her
and so frightfully burned her that her
life ie despaired of.
2901�N -
TAxnon.—At Windsor, ou Sept. 30113, the
wife of Mr. Arolt. Taylor, formerly
of Belgrave, of a daughter.
PRATT--POLLARD.—On Wednesday, Oet.
25613, by Rev. Mr. Bennett, Miss
Harriet, eldest daughter of Mr. Wm,
Pollard, Ethel, to Mr. Charlea Pratt,
=x7 -ix).
MAR S.—In Seaforth, on Oat. 31st, Dan:
lei Clark, youngest son of Mrs, Cath-
arine Clark, aged 10 years.
A'r7'C'S'SeDi7 SAS�75S.
WEDNESDAY, Nov. Ben.—Farm stock,
implements, &o, Lot 11, eon, 10, Grey.
Sale at 1 o'olook_ sharp. Wm. Taylor,
prop,, Geo. Kirkby, nod,
03R'70303 X.$ 7>4A1 =7sPS'S,
Fall Wheat 55 66
Spring Wheat50 65
Barley 80 85
Peas..:. 50 61
Oats 27 28
Butter, tube and roils.... 17 18
Eggs per dozen 15 00
Floor per barrel 8 00 8 60
Potatoes 40 00
IIay per ton .. 6 00 00
Salt per bbl,, retail.,.... 1 00 00
Hides trimmed 81}
Hides rough 3
Sheep skins, each 40 65
Lamb skins each,...:... 50 70
Apples per bbl .,,, 1 00 1 50
Wool .................... 17 18
Pork 7 00 7 00
101315,10 Str octet, f r gale (MeV.
Druggist &o.
inthe'lilag o el. ]B t
t ! bol, lesion fug t o
the estate of tile lath Dr. CalmFor lull
raxtioixiare as to Price, terms, &o,.
Apply to
01,1, SPENC17,E93bl.
GLvn and boiler for sale, second hand,
in first-olese rousing order, Applyto
comm, mho.
+7 rn1TrEs for sale in Brussels. Prices
low and terms easy, Aptly at
THE POST Publishing House,
Owner may have same by paying for
this notion by calling at. Tint Pon Publish-
ing House.
f` will be paid, for information
loading to the arrest and conviction of the
person or persons who destroyed the fancies
before several lots in Bruesels on the night
of Oct, 31st. W, 13. I5100010.
ouw.-I have a ROO breech -loading
James"trap gun," full {Molted, nearly new.
which I will sell for less than wholesale
price. G. A. DEADMAN,
Druggist and Bookseller,
Saw Logs and Heading Bolts,
The undersigned are prepared to buy all
kinds of Logs, Basswood Heading and B lack
Ash Bolts, to be delivered at Smith's plan -
Mg mill, Bruesels.
14.9 J. & P, Aa1ENT,
about Aug, let, a red stag, 2 yoare old.
Last seen at Wm, 13ryan's tarn), Moarls.
Anyone knowing of its whereabouts will
greatly oblige
-15- Brussels,
Strayed from manatees of undersigned,
14 miles North of Brussels, about July 12th.
Any information leading to their recovery
will be thankfully received.
10.2 Brussels, P. 0.
Hereby given that if the two parties
caught in the set of taking turnips from my
field between 4 and 5 o'clock ou the morning
of Oct, 2001,, do not beep off my promises
they will bo treated to 0 trip to the County
town, WM. WRIGHT,
Lot 1, Con. 1, Turnberry.
Undersigned willkeep for eervioe on
Lot 20, Con. 8, Morrie, the thorn' brad Lame
Berkshire boar, Huron Prime," bred by
Wm. McAllister, Verna. Terms, 61,00 to be
paid at the time of service with privilege of
returning if noaeseary. Pedigree may be
soon on application.
10.4 Proprietor.
Teacher Wanted.
Applications will bo Ieoeiyed by the under-
signed, up till Nov. 11th, 1801, for a male
teacher for S. S. No, 8, Towu ship o1 Grey, for
the ensuing year. Applicants to state salary
required, certificate they hold, and experi-
{neo, if any. ALEX..STEWART, Sec,
14-2 Box 274, Bruesels.
The 200 acre farm being lore 11
and 12, eon. 10 Grey, is offered for gale. 120
aor00 are Bloomed and the balauoe well tim-
bored. Buildings first -ohms. Orchard, well,
&o, School house within 40 rode. Poeees-
eion given at once if desired. For further
particulars se to pride, torus, &e, apply to
S-tf R°saville P. 0.
or NELSON BR/OXER, ou farm,
�1 LOT 20, South half con, 4, Morris eon-
taining 100 eons. 00 acres are cleared and
free from stumps, halanoe hardwood and
°odor. There is a brdolc bone, large bank
barn, log barn, orchard, wells, &o„ on the
premises, Possession given on April 1st
next. There are 7 acme of Fall wheat in
whioh would have to be arranged for with
Prosect tenant, The farm is only 11 miles
from Bruesole, Por further pal:deuleae
apply to
Street, 0-31 Queen Street, Bruesels.
DEIGGOliEn offers his splendid 125nore
farm, being Lot 8 and west part Lab 9,Com
5, Grey, for aide, There aro 100 soros cleared,
balance timbered. 'Iwo dwellinghouses,
bank barns, good or{ltard, well fnced. A
Lever failing spring on the place. Poems -
Men given any time. The subscriber also
Gam for•eale it dwelling house, stable and 5
mares of land in the corporation of Bruesels,
The house and garden would be rented for a
abort time iP not sold. Hard and eat water.
Fox nrioee, tetras and Anther particulate
apply to JOHN SMITH,
- 40-t[. IIrnessl0 P.O.
13 • Ile
nor Graduate 91 of the Ontario
'Veterinary ooileotl is id anima to l groat all
of finer. Pa/healer ed attention
it n bpm•
903008 manner.tiet attromon Paid
10 vetorbrnry ice a010Y, Calla promptly o
non ted to.of
office 'and 1'n rrmary-Two dodo
north of br/dga 'rurnb0rry et„ BrueOole.
For Coughs land Colds
Cherry - Gough - Cure,
JEcti _':)v' ON 104A.31.1TX.X.
.5 Cents Per Bottle,
—Get it at—
Pepper's Drug Store,
13A� Ip ,I.Lta.
• o Solicitor mid Conveyanoer, Collec-
tions made. O$oe—Vailstotlo'e Block, 13rue.
sole. 31.8m
Brcieitor,Ltesocl]ydorlio, &o, 011too—VReonBlok
north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to
llarrietere, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
GOiloxiok, Ont.
ti. 0.0ADrE13ole, Q 0., Pn 3000 0OLT,
GE BLAIR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor, d0. (lata of Darrow do
Proudfoot'e Oifioe, Goderiob.) Oilice over
Gillies & Smith's Bank, Bruesels.
Money to Loan. 47
tr • O. kt., L. R. O.P., Edinburgh, M. 0. P.
S. Ont• Residence and office ha Wilson's
BIoolc, warner of Mill and Turnberry Sta,
- 0. M., M, 0,,y . s. Out„ Graduate
bleak, onodoorStandard
B auk, Brussels. Night boll answered at the
same plao0.
EY Phystolen, Snr•deon, A000yyuohor•, eto.
Fa▪ culty. of Member 000tge oft Phyeiolane
and Surgeons, Out. OrrioE—Next door to
McDonald & 00„ Walton OM.
M. CAVANAGH, L. D• S., D. D, S.,
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto IfnI-
vereity. Orman—Over A.R. Smith's Store,
• Auctioneer, re always ready to at-
tend sales of farms, farm stook, &a. Terms
ehoerfully given. Oranbrook P. 0. Sales
may be arranged at. Tun POST Publishing
House, Bruseele,
ent90 Sales
ed on rasoable termsFarms and farm
stooka specialty. Orders lolt at Tun Poem
P nbli0bing House, Brassols, or sent 80 Walton
P. 0., will reesive prompt attention.
to aoodoot sales of Tann stook era
prices. 'Knowing the standing of nearly
every person I am in a position to sell to
good marks and get good security when gold
on evedit. Satisfaction gunaanteed, Give
me a call, 82- F S. SCOTT.
N • H, btoOBAOKEN,
Iseure0 ofidarrlageLleenses, O011oe
ablate Srobery, Turnberry street, Brussels,
'. Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door
eolith of A. M. MoIiay & Co's hardware store.
Ladiee'and ehildrene hair nutting a speoialby
A. bIInsurer of Marriage Licenses, by
appointment of Lieut; Governor, Commie.
stoner, ,tar, Q. B. Oonvoyanoer and Agent
Fire Iueuranoe Go, Mee at the Oranbrook
Post Oinoe.
.C3_ Clerk o1 the Fourth Division Court -
Co, Huron. Oonveyanoer, Notary Public
Land Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds
invested and to loan. Oollootione made.
OSloo in Graham's Bleak, Brussels,
.1. • Organist in St, John's Church, Bruer
sale, and pupil, in the Art of 'Tsaahinp of A.
W, Thayer, 14Lus,Doo., New York, will give
lea00as to pupils Dither at hie parlor,
over A, R. Smith'e store, or if preferred, at
their awn homes. Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday at Walton. Tornio moderate.
Undersigned has on his promises, Lot
2, Oon.17, Grey's Chester White boar, also a
Berkshire Soar, purollaSed from Jae. Buell,
Hullett, Terms -81.00 to bo paid at the
time ofservioo, with privilege of returning
if necessary.
Undersigned will keep for servioo at
Lot 3,Gon 10, Grey, the tboro' bred Xork-
shire Boar, 'heady,^ bred by 1I. M, Jarvis,
Olarkeol, Ont. Terms, 81,00 to be paid at
the time of service with privilege of return•
ing ifneoet ery. Pedigree may be so oil on
application.AS, WATSON
18.4 • Preprletor.
-s-f undersigned i] u
g w 1 Ido p for earvlo0 at'
bred Heli Lot 20, t ou, oal' "Drs, the ," lo'
brad 0. Ilte White Boar ''Dofiaeoo," for
eervioe. Lie was brad by Daniel o Dimpart d
stook on b Porth 0, and is from imparted
atoti on both sides: 'harms 01,00 ofreturningpaid
at time of sorvf5awith pr(vilogoof roturuhrg
it necessary.
14.11 SA]4S171HL WAX,BFilt,Proprietor,
Undersigned will keep for service on
Let 20 COD, 0, Morrie, the- bhero' bred iiia.
proved White `Xerltelliro Boar 'Oauade s
Phaco,' purchased from the Wvell-known
Drearier 3. 13. Bretheur, Oak Loam) Varna,
Burford, Tannic,51,00 to bo paid at the
time of eor'yiee with privilege of retaining
if neoeseary. Pedigree maybe eo on on ap
ROT. 1110110L,