HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-10-27, Page 8S Salt Refsum can be readily cured by pronigt application of OUT SALT RHEUM OINTMENT, I can refer you to several casae where Other remedies were tried in vain, that yielded at one to this ointment. Are you troubled with a cough or cold, then use Deadman's Cough Balm. Is it toothache that is unsettling your nerves, then apply some of our toothuohe remedy. Is it biliousness, sick headache or iadiegebiun that is rendering you unfit for work, then take a few of our anti. bilious pills. If it is worms that are?taus. ing misohief, then by our worm powders or oaudioe ; or if unfortunately neuralgia isatwork and you are pained and miser- able, use at once some of our Neuralgia Powders which strike at the root of this corn. plaint and strengthen your system. These remedies as well as many others are prepared at oar Drug and Bookstore, Brussels. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, oto. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. O. & B. Tr.,ins fear° Brussels Station, 'North nd South, as follove: GoIaG SODTH. Goma Sown. Mail 6:54 a.m.Mixed 0:45 a.m. Express 11:59. a.m. I Mail 5:13 p.m. Mixed....,..,, 9;00 pro. Express 9:43 p.m. A. ehiel's among ye Lakin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. THE pork market opens in Bruesele next week. JAS. WALKER'S wagon shop is being veneered with brick. A. NEW roof has been put on H. Wil- liams & Son's livery stable. APPLES are scarce. Winter fruit is selling at $1.00 per barrel, SAuuEL RIVERS had the misfortune to give one of his hands a bad cut with a knife last week nearly severing a finger. THE Fall moving and house cleaning has been taking its innings in a large number of cases during the past few weeks. Jos. Iowa intends removing the bal ance of his stock of dry goods, &o. to At• wood where he will offer bargains to his former customers. Tors week 8 oars of hay were shipped from Brussels for export. 8 cars of oats and peas were also loaded and forwarded to Eastern points. On Th oreday Scott & Jones shipped a double decked car of hogs andJ. Roddiok a oar of shingles. TERRE was a stripe on hand at the Brussels flax mill this week. The ocoe- sion of it was a proposed change from soutcbing by the day to working by the hundred pounds, whereby the employees state that they could not make wages at the rate offered. The matter was agree• ably settled and work resumed. Ox minuet of illness J. Roantree was unable to remain as miller at the Nation- al Roller Mill and Messrs. Stewart & Graham have engaged Win. Richardson, late of Atwood, who is now at work. Mr, R. comms highly recommended and will 1 move his family to town shortly. The 1 improvements being about completed the mill got to work grinding this week and will now he run regularly. DIED.—On Friday of hast week Alfred Laird, son of John Laird, Seniors'', died at Buffalo after a brief illness of two weeks. He was only 22 years of age. Thedeoeased was not very rugged and while visiting at Chicago took cold which developed in something akin to pleurisy. The body was brought to Seaforth and the interment was made on Sunday. S. Plum, Miss Ella Plum and others from Brussels attended the funeral. Musfe3L.—The following are the names of the music pupils who took part in T. A. Hawkius' Recitals last week in Brus• eels and Walton :—Russel Taylor, Annie Taylor, Jessie MoAlpine, Maggie Mooney, Lido Crooks, Jane Menarey, Jessie Crooks, Annie Sinclair, Tenie Sinclair, Emma MoQuarrie, Annie Kearney, Bessie Moore, Alfred Gilpin, Edna Den- nis, Maud Haggard, Benson Wheeler, Vinie Cardiff, Annie Ross, Ida Burk- holder, Maggie McMurray, Jessie Mo - Lachlan, Matilda McRae, Belle Smith, Georgie Smith, Lizzie Moore, Lizzie Kirkby, Willis Smith, Lizzie Smith, Maggie McDonald, Dora Benny, friary Ryan. BOLD HoNTERs.—Tbe "Columbian," published in New Westminster, B. 0„ says :—Floods of game may be expected at any time now. Aid. Gifford and J. B. Ballantyne (formerly of Brussels) left for Sennas today armed to the teeth to decimate the ducks and geese in thab vicinity. Though they intend being absent only a few days, they took with them provisions enough to last a month or six weeks, and left orders for more to follow by freight. In the matter of weapons, theyoarried asuffioient number to arm a small battalion, end if the ducks don't drop it evidently won't be for want of firing. WEDDING BELLE.—The 05551600 of Rev. F. E. Arnold, Ypsilanti, Minh., were called into requisition at the residence of Mrs. S. J. Johnston, in that oily, on Wednesday of last week when James Blaehill, of Brnssele, Ont., and Mise Edith Johnston were united in holy matrimony. The groom Wee supported by Edgar Iter, of Northville, Mich., and Miss Lettie Johnston, of Northville at- tended as bridesmaid. Having captured a wife the happy benediot set out for his Oanadian home which was touched on Thursday evening. A reception Wes held at the residence Of «'til, Blaehill, Mill street, where about 6 guests had as. enabled. A sumptu0ue repast wag served and the evening very enjoyably spent. Mr, Blashill and bride, in addition to many hearty congratulations and good wishes, were made the recipients of many beautiful and useful presents both at Ypsilanti and Brussels, They pur. pose malting their home here. THR Post voices the sentiment of their many friends when we wish them health, hap. pines and prosperity, Early in the meaning a short "serenade" was attempt. and by a few youths lacking in good taste, Mr, Blashill might have made it hot for 115me,of them. 'ries Liberal Club will hold its first regular in'eting iu the Odd Fellow's Hall on Friday evening of next week, corn- ;lamming at 7;00 o'clock. Good program, (:in.taiat.ttON,—Mies Smith, sister to Mrs. R. L. Taylor, brought it lively little ahanoleon back with her from the World's Fair. It is is novelty in the Auf- mal kingdom, possessing as it does the ability to change its color to three differentshadee. Naturally a green, it becomes brown towarde evening and Wan at night. This little 'Lomita is about 8 Inches long, including the long tail, and somewhat resembles the alliga- tor family, Its hill of fare is house flies and in the parsnit of its rations it will jump incredible distances. The Chi. 0a505e wear these animals oil their coat sleeve or lapel of coat and have a small chain attached. ANNEYi:D.—As willibe Been by notice elsewhere in tem. Pose this week Jas, Wilkinson, wile served his apprentice• ship with 10. L eabberdale, of Brussels, has forsaken banholordom and ]las enter- ed the ranke of the benediote, Mies Lillie Appleton, of Esannaba, Mich„ where Mr. Wilkinson also resides, was the Young lady chosen to preside aver the new home. The ceremony was perform- ed on Wednesday of last week. The groom's parents are well known residents of Morris township. Er. Wilkinson may rest assured that his Brussels friends wish him and his bride a great deal of matrimonial sunshine as well as long years of prosperity. Ourr,—The grim messenger Death claimed another of onr old residents this week, Mfrs. Haunah Wilton passing over to the great majority on Wednesday morning. Heart failure is said to be the cause of her decease. She bud been ill for a number of weeks. Mrs. Wilton was a Canadian by birth and has resided in Brussels for upwards of 35 years, It will be is matter of surprise to many to know that she had attained the age of 69 years, 1 month and 25 days, as she was an active woman. She was the mother of three sons, Jacob, Samuel and Wil- liam, and one daughter. The funeral will take plaos from her late residence, William street, on Friday at 3 p. m. Service at 2:80 o'clock. MEOHANIcs' IN5TITOTE.—A meeting of the Direttore of Brussels Mechanics' In• stitute was held on Monday afternoon, the President in the chair. It was de- oided to canvas the town for new mem. bers, Rev. J. Roes, B. A. and J. R. Smith to take the North of the river ; J. T. Pepper and F. S. Scott, East of Turn - berry street ; and J. H. Cameron and J. MOBain West of Turnberry street. Re- port to be made on Monday, Nov. Gbh. Committeee were appointed to arranges musical an 1 literary entertainment to be held shortie for the benefit of the In• stitute. It is the intention of the Direc- tors to aid a number 0f now books to the library its soon as funds are forthcoming. The balance of 1898 will be given Re a bonus to subscribers for 1804. Get your dollar ready and secure 14 months good, solid reading. SPRINTING.—We understand that a most exciting foot race is on for Friday of this week at 8:30. The competitors are J. Bird, champion sprinter of East Huron, and J. Hill. The coarse will be a straight away one from the Queen's Hotel North 100 yards and return. Geo. White has kindly oonsenled to act as starter. We unclereband that Mr. Hill, though not widely known in the past as a sprinter, has lately developed great speed under the able training of T. Bloomfield and has shown some remark- able Musts emark•ablebusts of speed, especially at the start and finish. Mr. Bloomfield is so certain that Mr. Hilt will win from what he has already seen him do that he is hacking pin: heavily and offering odds of five to one. As no admission can Le charged a collection will be taken up for a consolation prize for the loser. HTDIENEAL,—Cupid completed a matri. menial allianoe last Wednesday afternoon in the city of Toronto, when by the aid of Rev. llir. Hunt, Edward Hackman and Mise Ella Habkirk, both of the Queen city were made husband and wife. The bride is a daughter of Wm. Habkirk, now of Manitoba, formerly of Grey township, and sister to W. Habkirk, of Brussels, who attended the wedding, Mr. Fisher was groomsman and Miss Day brides- maid. The bride was the recipient of many beautiful gifts. She has had a position in T. Eaton & Co's. establish- ment for the past 7 years. Her many friends in this locality are a unit in the wish that happines and prosperity may attend herself and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Hackman went to Brantford and other places on a wedding tour and on their return will locate in the Queen city. HARVEST Henn SERv1E0.—Last Sun- day the annual harvest home services were held in the Methodist church in Bruesele. The pastor preached a very appropriate discourse in the morning. His text was taken from Isaiah and was entitled "Joy in harvest." The speaker spoke of the nature, reasonableness and holiness of the joy. The herveeb was a proof of God's activity, fidelity and au illustration of His several chaeaoter. Rev. J. Ross, B. A., of Melville church, preached to a large audience in the even• ing. Isis subject was the Friendship of Christ, dwelling on "There is a friend that stioketh closer than a brother." In a clear cut and very interesting manner the reverend gentleman demonstrated that the Saviour was (1) A loving friend ; (2) A patient friend ; (3) A powerful friend ; (4) A sympathetic friend ; (6) An unfailing friend, and urged all to cultivate tills abiding and satisfying friendship. The chetah was beautifully end appropriately decorated with "grain, fruit, roots, vegetables, fiowere, ever• greens and Antmmn leaves. Above an aroh Greeted over the pulpit was the motto "Thanksgiving" and in front of the gallery was a well made motto "The workers have their reward." While a large number of the congregation assiabod in this pleasant but laborious work special mention of Mrs. T. Maunders, who was placed at the head of this work, is quite 4u place. She and her assistants, worked many long hours in perfecting the very tine decorations that were ad- mired by so many people. Tuesday even• ing bile harveethome dinner was served in the Sunday aohool room where four long tables were spread with the good things of the earth. Again and again the seats were filled and it was 8 o'clock before this important part of the even- ing's performance was through. An adjournment wag node to the auditorium which, with the gallery, was well filled. An excellent program wag presented as follows :—Opening hymn, and prayer by Rev. J. H. Dyke, Of Belgrave; selection THE BRUSSELS POST from the orchestra ; solo, "0 1 restless sea," Mies Bulls Smith ; address on "Ohuroli Work," by Rev, J. Rose, 1. A. ; violin solo, II, L, Jaaltson ; quartette, "Before Jehovah's awful throne," the Minn Moore, T. Moore and Nelson Gerry ; address, "Lop•sided People," by Rev, S. Sellery, B, D„ Wiugham ; duan, "I❑ the noes of Christ we glory," Dr. and Mrs, Cavanagh ; solo, "Only Tired," MISS Melissa Amee ; address, "The hind of people the ought to be," Rey. W. G. Reilly ; solo, 'Little Gleaners," Mies Bate Wilson ; address, "Horne and Pro. hibition," Rev. D. Millar ; duetb, "Army and Navy," Prof. Hawkins and Dr. Oay. anagh ; selection by orchestra ; Doxology and Benediction by Rev, J. L, Kerr. Mrs. H. L. Jaoksou, Mies ll:nechtel and Prof. Hawkins noted in the capacity of acoompaniste 111 a matinee satisfactory to all. We have not apace to particularize oonaerning the various uumbers on the program. The musical selections were first class and were very heartily reoeived. Bach performer acquitted themselves ad• nlirably. Tho speeches were brief, point- ed, sensible and yet interspersed with bunmor. Everybody felt it was a grand success throughout and those taking part were well deserving of the rousing vote of thanks they received. The pastor per- formed the duties of chairman very efli. cientiv. Mrs. B. Gerry was the presid- ing officer in the Committee appointed to look after the edibles, and Rev. R. Paul was the arohiteeb in preparing the tables. What were the proceeds of the Harvest Horne 7 Well, about $100 which is a most gratifying result to the workers concerned, Business Locals. Housm to rent. ripply to Jas. Walker. A yaw good seoond hand onto for sale. J. Walker, Brussels. DANDY show of buggies for sale. Jas. Walker, carriage maker. BALLANTTNE & WILTON are doing a rush. ing business in the Doherty World Fair Range. CASH yon Bees.—J. Earner will pay the highest market price, in cash, for eggs, at his grocery, Brussels, ANY one wishing to get a new saw filing machine may see what suits them at A. M. McKay & Co's. hardware store Brussels. ANT one wishing to get a new saw filing stand, I thick oan be suited by T. McGregor, of Brussels, Ont. May be ,,sen at Moloy & Co's. hardware store. L'i,a•-IrATiv'i PORED IN A DIY,— South Anlericwr Rheumatic Oure for Rheuuna- tiem and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 8 days. Its notion upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It re- moves at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 76 cents. Warranted by G. A. Deadman. WELL -DIGGING AND DRILLING.—George Birt has all the necessary maohinery for digging and drilling wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all workentrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper share. Terms reasonable. Residence mond door north of the bridge, west aide of Turnberry et., Brussels. 34.01 KNITTING In:whines, great reduction in price. Plain machines with 2 cylinders for 615, with full instructions. Just re- ceived a fine lot of knitting yarn direct from Germany, various grades, also Lis. towel yarn in various shades. A large stools of knit goods on hand in hosiery, mitts, &c. Any size of hosiery knit to order. J. Y. S. Birk, Agent Ceeelman Bros, knitting machines and British American Dyeing Co. 27 YEARS ox OCT. 14.—The "Beaver" Hardware store, Brussels, celebrated f05 27th birthday on Saturday, Oot. 14th and we stand in the front rank as a ereb.olass hardware store. We have now in stock full lines of lecke, hinges, glass, putty, bolts, nails, paints, all kinds of saws, and files, axes, handles, cattle and all other kinds of chains, carpenters' tools, 5009 and ammunition, table and pooket knives. Silverware to specialty. Whips in great variety. Wire screening from a fancy fence to a timothy sieve, rope of all sizes, oattle ties and halters, spades, shovels, scoops, orow bare, platform scales. Port- land cement, plaster of Paris and hair for plastering. Stove department, we have the happy Home Range, the best in the market, also the celebrated Bermuda cook and many other good cook stoves. Fine coal stoves of high finish, also parlor and box stoves. Tinware of all kinds. Dopper, brass and graniteware, choice stook of table and hanging lamps, Red cedar shingles, steam, emithing and house coal, pure water white lamp oil at 20c per gallon, daisy and upright churns. Call in. B. GERRY. MORN - ibtoLr•,on: In Trowbridge, on Oat. 15th, the wife of Mr. Alex. McLeod of a son. MARRI3s)D, WILRINsoN—APPLETON: In Escanaba, Mirth., on 0ot. 18th, Mr. James Wil- kinson, formerly of Brussels, to Miss Lillie Appleton, both of Escanaba. HAslenAN—I'Iis oaR.—In Toronto, on Oat. 26th, by Rev. Mr. Hunt, Mr. Edward Hackman to Mise Ella Habkirk, (formerly of Groy town- ship) all of Toronto. Erasmus — ,ToIINeTON. At Ypsilanti, Michigan, on Oct. 18th, by Rev. F. E. Arnold, Mr. James Blaohill, of Brussels, Ont., to Miss Edith John. ston, of Ypsilanti. onsraa. Wineoe.—In Elma, on Oat. 186h, Chris- topher Wileon, aged 68 years and 8 months, OeAwoonn,—In Listowel, on the 18th inst„ Joseph A. Crawford, aged 40 years, 11 months and 28 daye. Tucnano--In Winghem, on the 18111 inst., Mary Tucker, aged 80 years, 5 months and 27 days, LAIno ow,—In Wingbam, on the 19th inst„ Catherine, relict of the late Wm. Laidlaw, aged 85 years. OIIA1tsny.—In East Wawanoeh, on the 18th inet., Wm. Ohamney, aged 80 years and 1. day. RYeN,—In MaKillOp, on Oat. 10th, Thomas Ryan, aged 92 years, 10 months and 16 days. LAInn...In Buffalo, on Out. 20th, Alfred, son of Jno. Laird, of Seaforth, aged 22 years. MaN1tn,--In Grey, on Oet. 2180, Wil. liam Martin, second ton of Peter McNeil, aged 18 years, 6 months and 12 days. HANNA. ---In Morrie, en Oot. 25th, George ' Hanna, aged 75 years and 9 mouths, »alIena615LIMI SRIND ,4 -RD A/1NIC 0! DI.1. 7MST.A.riS'+SSfT7777 7.073. HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO. ASSETS, (Seven Million Dollars) $7,000,000 CAPITAL (Authorized) - - . $2,000,000 elgrnoles in all principal points in Ontario, Q1lcOce,111ani1501 , fended Spites tO Lll9laori. aN08,5°N.48' mem A General Banking Business Transacted, Farmers' Notes Discounted, Drafts Issued and Collections made on all points, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of 61.00 and upwards from date of deposit to date of withdrawal and oompounded half yearly. SPEnAL ATTENTION 55018 To TRH COLLEOTIoN ON FAP.Dtsns' ,SLE NoTEe. Every faoiliby afforded Customers living at a dietanee. J. A. STEWART, Monne. .m-•. =t1”1a . .3•1 LLIL & SMITa► , BA KERS, L�LTSSP1, S, Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on A•11 points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. FAEMEGS' NOTES DISCOUNTED. SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY. &PING'S a.2X)3! DEIN,7id'vTOINlU"r�'. Interest Allowed on One Dollar sed Upwards ab Current Rates, Isteregt Com- pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits. 88'o elrcet to write Insurance iii old :English or Canadian Companies, or In Mut. nal Comp]]]ila9 its may 3Yt% desired. AGENTS Poli CANADA AND UNITED STATES : Tsie CANADIAN B,nuc OF Common. WILTox.—In Brussels, on Oat. 25th, Hannah Wilton, aged 09 years, 1 month and 25 days. LITTLE,—In Ingersoll, on Oct. 0111), Mary, relict of James Clinton Little,and mother of Mrs. J. M. O'Oo.nnor, Brussels, aged 83 years. Ronso s.—In Peel township, Wellington Co., on Oot. 14th, Thos. Hambly, aged 74 years. TnEBDAY, OCT. 31.—Farm and farm stock, lot 11, con. 7, Morris. Sale at 1 o'clock sharp. Jas. Hall, prop. Geo. Kirkby, alio. TUESDAY, OCT. 81,—Farm stook, lot 34, con. 15, Grey. Sale at 1 o'olook. Geo. McKay, prop. A. Reymann, ano. Won:ESDer, Nov. 1sT.—Farm stook. Lot 5, con. 2, Grey. Sale at 1 p. m., sharp. Robt. Rite, prop., Geo. Birkby, auo. Tounsnex, Nov. Um—'farm stook and implemeuts. South half lot 21, con. 4, Morris. Sale at 1 o'clock sharp. Neil Blank, prop., Geo. Kirkby, ano. WEDNESDAY, Nov. aro.--Farm stook, implements, &c. Lot 11, eon. 10, Grey. Sale at 1 o'clock sharp. Wm. Taylor, prop., Geo. Kirkby, an. 2vZARL}7TS• Fall Wheat 66 56 Spring Wheat 64 65 Barley 83 36 Peas 50 61 Oats 28 29 Butter, tubs and rolls17 18 Eggs per dozen.-.. 14 00 Flour per barrel 8 00 8 60 Potatoes 40 00 Hay per ton 5 00 6 00 Salt per bbl., retail1 00 00 Hides trimmed 81 - Hides rough .. 6 Sheep skins, each 60 1 ('0 Lamb skins eaoh 66 00 Apples per bbl.. 1 00 1 50 Wool 17 18 Pork 7 00 7 50 INGERSOLL, Oct. 24.—At the cheese market held here to day nin e factories boarded 2,320 boxes September make; no sales ; market dull, 11 mite hid for some lots ; salesmen refuse tceseb a price. TORONTO, Oot. 24.—Flonr, straight rol. ler, $2.90 ; flour, extra, $2.50 to $2.72. Wheat, white, 570 ; No. 2 spring, 66c; red winter, 56o ; goose, 5Go ; No. 1 Mani- toba hard, 710 to 710 ; No, 2, 70o ; No. 3, 66o. Peas, No. 2, 51o. Barley, feed, 800 to 87o. Oats, No. 2, 28)0 to 29o. Sales—Choice white wheat outside at 00o ; oats to arrive here at 38o ; peas out- side at 5155o. Tonoxxo, Oot. 24.—The receipts of live stock at the western market today were 47 loads. There was practically nothing done in export cattle, although cables were steadier. The nominal prices are 8io to 4o per lb. Steckereare Belling at SC to 8 o. A fair demand for milah oowe, which are higher at $46 to $60 each, the latter for choice. Calves rule at $2,50 to $8,00 each. Butchers cattle Bold at 80 to 8}o for fair qualities, and a few extra ones brought 85o to 8$c. Rough cattle, 20 to 25o. Sheep, quiet, with sales ab 98,00 to $4.50 per head, and lambs brought $2.75 to 98,25. Hoge, nnoliang• ed, ohoioe Bold at Go off Dare, and modi• um, 5,)o to ago per pound. EAST BUFyero, N. Y., Oot. 24.—Cattle, ten oars on sale ; barely steady, mostly western cows and nomenon ebookers ; one car choice 14 owb. steers sold at $4.75. Sheep and lambs—The market was very dull, as usual with Tuesday ; fully ton oars held over from yesterday, including two loade of Canadas, for which there wag no demand, and they were forward• ed east in fillet hands, One hundred and tbirtythree different fete wore weighed up today, and of the number not over ten drafts were in bunches of over 80, and plenty of the sales were to the city butchers in lots of from 1 to 16. A few bnnohes of good 65 pound feeding lambs gold to feeders at $8,65 to 94, and choice 78 pound lets at $4.26. Buyers for the eastern butchers made up, a few loads of good sheep at prince ranging from $2.23 to $3.00, with gales of glop to the butch. erg at the earn range, and small lots of good killing lambs, weighing 75 to 85 pounds, at $400 to 94.26 ; one dook of choice 86 pound Canadae, taken to ship on an order, at $4,60 ; several bunches of heavy aloes wool sheep are in the pen foe which it le impossible to even get a bid. Iloge—Forbyeighb oars on sale, moat of the good Yorkere of 160 to 180 pounds, and the bulk of the hogs on Bale were of that weight, sold at $6,05. A few choice 180 to 200 pounds, $6.70. Piga and light Yorkere, $6,60; roughs and stags, steady and unchanged. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMIll. 110 OR 12 HORSE POWER EN- aINE sad boi]or for sato, seoond hand, in first -spree running order. Apply to J. 00151730, Ethel, QEVERAL ELIGIBLE PRO - 1N.77 nEITIIEs for Sale in Blvssa18. Prises low and terms easy. Apply at THIS POST Publishing House, ET OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE JL in the village of Elbe, belonging to the estate of the late Dr, Cale. For full partioula re ae to price, terms, &o. Apply to WM. SPE RO"), Ethel, DOUBLE BARREL SHOT- Gux.—I have a fine breech -loading James "trap gun," full choked, nearly new, which I will sell for less than wholesale Price. G. A,BRADMAN Druggist and Bookseller, Saw Logs and Heading Bolts. The undersigned are prepared to buy all kinds of Lags, Basswood Heading and Black Ash Bolts, to be delivered at Smith's plan- ing mill, Brussels. 14.3 J. & P. AM10NT. STRAYED FROM BRUSSELS, about Aug. let, a rose stag, 2 years old. Last aeon at Wm, Bryan's farm, Morris. Anyone knowing of its whereabouts will greatly oblige NEIL MOLAUGHLIN, 15. Brussels. Teacher Wanted. Applications will be isneiyed by the under- signed, u5 till Nov. llble, 1893, for a male teacher for S. S. No. 3, Township of Grey, for the ensuing year, Applicants to state salary required, certificate they bold, and experi- ence,If any, ALEX. STEWART, Sec. 14.2 Box 274, Brussels. REAL ESTATE. TIARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN- •J1L-'' m,neraxnn has several good Parma for sale and to tont, easy terms, in Townships of Morris and Grey, P S. SOOTT,Brussels. 'WARM FOR SALE, BEING LOT 18, Oon, 7, in the Township of Grey The farm lea good one. Posssselsn eon be given March let,1891. For particulars as to price, terms, &a., apply to 13.4 101. BATEMAN, Lot 10, Con, 7, Ethel P. 0. r1HOIOE FARM FOR SALE.— .) Being South half Lot 27, Won.5, Aio:1.1s, 100 acres, nearly ell cleared. Good buildings, ane young bearing orchard, Immediate poe- 055550n. Easy Terms. Apply to W. M. S1NCLAIR, tf- Sohoitor, &c., Brussels. On() ACRE FARM FOR SALE. The 200 acre farm being lots 11 and 12, con. 10, Grey, ie offered for sale. 120 acres are cleared and the balance well tim- bered. Buildings 11rst.class, Orchard, won, &o, School house within 40 rods, Posses- sion. given at once if desired. Per further particulars as to price, terms, &e. apply to MRS. WALSEIR, 8-01 Roseville P 0 or 11100508 B11I0EE11, on farm, FARM FOR SALE.—BEING nom 20, South half eon, 4, Moar s con- taining 100 acres. 80 acres are cleared and free from stumps, balance hardwood and cedar. There is a brink house, Large bank barn, log barn, orchard,. wells, &a, on thepremises. Possession given on April let next, There are 7 acme of Pali tenet in which would have to be arranged for With present tenant. The farm is oo.ly 15 miles from Brussels. For further particulars apply 10 ALES, STEWART, 0—tf Queen Street, I3ruseels, FARM FOR SALE.—THE UN. DIMMED offers his splendid 125 acre farm, being Lot 8 and west part Lob0,Con. 0, Grey, for sale. There are 100 a0r05 cleared, balance timbered. Two dwelling houses, bank barna, good (inherit, well 155856, A never falling spring on the place. Possos. sloe given any time. The subscriber also offers for sale a dwalliug Louse, stable and 8 acres of laud iu tbo corporation of Brussels. The house and garden would be rented for a short time if not sold. Hard and soft water, For prices, terms and further ppertioalars apple to JOHN SMITH,Proprietor. 41.01 Brussels P. 0. MEDICAL CARDS. JA. MoNAUGHT0N, M. D. • O.M, L.R.o.P Edinburgh, h, ileo 'e Bleak, ,. Residence and Tubes rr Wite, Biook, corner of MB! and Turnberry Sts, J- L. GIBSON, M. D. . 0. M„ M. 0, P, 8. Out„ Graduate Queen's Uuivereity, Kingston. OSSiOE— Senate's block, ono door South of Standard lsank,ltrueeols, Niglitbell answered at the same place. T M. ARMSTRONG, M. D. 15 • Ph slalan Sur con Member, Play , g c yeber, eta. Graduate Member Toronto University Medical Faculty, nae OerOf College of Phyel5iane and Surgeon, Ont, Over n—Next [leer to MODonalti & oo„ walton Out. OCT. 27, 1893 4111113101110110111 Toilet Sou; ; Choice Assortment. Large Stock. Some of the Binds aro i^ I:teliotrapo, Lotus, Glycerine, White Oatmeal, Tar, Stanley, ice. Pepper's Drug Store, IlE RUss1: Lai. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. T14 L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, .5. to Solicitor and Canoe/neer, Oolleo- Wens made. Oinoo—Vanstono's Block, Brue- eels. 21.3m M. SINCLAIR, IAT • Solicitor Gouveysneer,N0taryPub. 110, &e. Chico—Vanatoue'e Block 1 door north of Central Hotel. Private Funds to Loan. CAMERON, HOLT & HOLMES Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Ont, Dr. 0.0.01IEn0N, R. 0., k1ILIP HOLT, DDDLET aoToiOs. 1 F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • l�• Solicitor, &o. (late of Garrow & Proudfoot's OlSse Gociorich) OGbes over Gillies & Smith', Bank, Brussels, Money to Loau, 47 AUCTIONEERS. A RAYMANN, Auctioneer, is always ready to at- tend ealesoffarms, farm stools, &c. Terme cheerfully given. Oranbrook P. 0. Sales may bo arranged at THE POST Publishing House, Brussels. GEORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Auctioneer. Sales conduct ed on reasonable terms. Farms and farm stooka opeolalty. Ordere left at Tau PosT P ublieblugBsuse,Bruesele, or eenbto Walton P. 0., will receive prompt attention, HAVING TAKEN OUT LIOEN- to conduct sales of farm etooulat reasoluable priose. 'Knowing the standing of nearly every person I am in a po eaten to Bell to good markt, and get good security when sold on credit. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give me a call. 32- F S. 8OOTT. BUSINESS CARDS. H. MOORAOKEN, • annex of Marriage Licensee. Ofllae at hie Grocery, Turnberry street, Brussels'. N. BARRETT, Tousorist Artist. Shop—Next door south of A. M. McNay & Oo's hardware store. Ladies' and ohildreoe hair cutting a specialty A . MoNAIR, Insurer of Marriage Licenses, by appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Commis- sioner, &o., Q. B. Oonveyaneer and. Agent Fire Insurance 00, 011105 at the Oranbrook Post Office. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM= INsnnANOE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. ALEX. HUNTER, O1Srk of the fourth Division Court Co, Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds invested and to loan. Oolleatians made. 01Iloo in Graham's/neck, Brussels. OIL PAINTING, Miss Merles, of Wingham, is prepared to give instruction in oil paiutiag. Terme maybe seal tainsd at MI as Nellie Rose' store where Samples of work may be seen. Miss Modes would also take a few more pupils in music), rp A. HAWRINS, .1L • Organist in St, John's Church, Brue- Bele and pupil, in the art of 'Teaching of A. W. Thayer,Mus.Doo., New York, will give lessons to pupils either at his parlor, over A. R, Smith's store, or if preferred, at their own banes, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday ab Walton. Terms moderate. VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, el • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Oollege, ie prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated animals in a com- petent manner. Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Galls promlatly at- tended to. Office and Infirmary—Two doors north of bridge 'Pursberry et., Bruesele, DENTAL. 1)ENTI T! M • CAVANAGH, L. D• Sr, D.D. S., Graduate of the Royal Goilego of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Uni- versity. OFFICE—Over A, R. Smith's Store, Brussels, BOAR FOR SERVIOE.—THE Undoreigued hag on hie promises. Lob 2, Oon. 17, troy, a Chester White boar, also a Berkehire Boar, purchased from Jas. Snell, Hullett. Torras—x31.00 to be paid at the time of service, with privilege of returning if necessary, JOSEPH BENNETT, 18.4 Proprietor. BOAR FOR SERVICE.—THE Undersigned will keep for oervioe at Lot 0, Oon. 16,'Grey, the there' bred Sork- shire Boar,"1'.oady;" bred by E. M, Jarvis, Olarkeon,Ont. Terms, SLOG to bo paid at the time of service with privilege of return- ing if necessary. Pedigree may be seen on application. JAS. WATSON, 10.4 Proprietor. -ROAR FOR SERVICE.—THE nuclorst nod will keep for snide at Nm iii Half 3160 20, 005.7, Morris, the Thoro' bred (Thome White Bear Doilanne,' for servioo. He wag bred by Daniel D000urooy nornho]m, Porth Co., and in from importot{ Stook on bock sides. Terme 51:00 to he paid at time of service with, privilege of returning 1111 tf ssarySAMUEL WALBE13, Proprietor. OAR FOR SERVICE.—'THE Undersigned will keepfor serviao on Lot ea Gnu. 0, Morrie, the there' bred im- proved White Yorkslhire Bear "daoiada's Pram," purchased from the well -Keown breeder J. E. Brebbour, Oak Lade Farm, Burford. Torsos, 4150 to be paid at the thin of oervieo with privilege of returning if neeeesary, Podigroo may be soon on ap- 3lloatlon. ROST. NI00100 ,