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Editor and Proprietor.
Si/as At The Fair.
DEM SEUANTHr—When I wound np
my last letter 1 bleeve I was jest a gittiu
into the karridge with Site to go home to
his house fur a bite ov supper. I call it
a karridge, tbo the hansom looked more
like a spring waggiu, and dident hove no
top to it. It was varnished np wonderful
slick tho and Site told me it host him
over two hundred dollars. It ens strong
hilt, and with seoh roads ez they hav
here I don't see how it kin ever wear
out. The hosses were bounain big fellers
who looked otrong anuff to plow all day
and not feel it. They was both ez black
as a shedder, and harried their heads
about ez hy as they and be got. 1 never
seen stall geers in all my life ez they bad
on, and I kant begin to tell you how
=toll good it dun me to wathh nm trot.
They kep ez good time with their feet
as old Mike Dodds kin do with a drum,
and peered to do it ez easy as Bill Jones
cud smoke a pipe. Imo afeerd them
bosses has spilt me Erum ever gittin any
kumfert out ov ridin behind a mule agin
as long as 1 liv.
Silo and me sot on the back seat, and it
wud a dun your eyes good to hay seen
bow I did hold up my head and lean bank.
I dontbleeve I ever felt any more like a
member ov kongress in my life ez 1: did
while them shioin horses was a whirlin
ns along thru the streets. 1 dont bleeve
it wud a helped my feeling a bit jest then
if Ide a bad sugar in my mouth. The
black man who drove was dressed in
solger klozn and hnd on a plug hat. He
oarried his bead ez stiff as tho he bad a
bone in his neck, and looked ez solium as
if he had made up his mind that he was
a goin to ask Site far a rise in hie pay if
he had to die far it.
Alongside ov the black driver was a
dredfol purty young women, which was
wan 00 Sites gale who had gum into the
store a little before we got reddy to start,
to ride home with her pap.
I dont kno how it will seem to you, but
it peered to me that I hadent never seen
anything so skaudlus ez that [fore in my
life. A white gal buggy ridin with a
darkey in broad daylite, and that too
without any objekshnns frum her pap.
If I shed ever hav to see wen ov my gals
a doin seeb a thing as that I dont bleeve
I oud sleep sound at nits, and yin this
mornin ez Site and ms was on oar way
to the store I seen a wen site. A. white
woman with gloves on that hum most up
to her elboze, was a ridin with a kullered
man and drivin the team big anuff tohold
wuu, and there the black feller sot ez atilt
as a ramrod with his arms folded akrost
his breast. I tell you it made me feel ez
tho I dident keen a pasnip whether I ever
voted agin or not, I dont objeekt to a
young womnu a ridin to town with n
hired hand on a load ov hay when thores
any rant noedeessity or it, if the feller is
white, but this thing ov your own flesh
and blud a buggy ridin with a barber, I
tell you it stirs me 'leer up.
I0 wog amazia to me haw match nicer
things look in this town when yure a
ridin in a karridge from what they do
when yuro a goin it on foot. Ez we rode
along Site pinted out places and told me
who laved in nm, that went away ahead
ov what I ever expected to see in this
world. I tell you, old women, you kin
ride fur rods here where things is so putty
on both sides ov the road that you dont
want to wink wunat, nod if I and only be
sure that bevvin was ez grand ae sum
parts ov this town that Silo has had me
druv tbru, Ide be' willin to pay more than
ez mutoh agin quarteridge as I am a doin
now to sit to it, and Ide be willin to hav
you put a full grown chicken in the
preeohsre buggy ovey time he koro to see
We rode tln'u streets where there wuz.
tent a house tar a mile that wuzzent big
snuff and fine anuff fur an augel to lav in
and be satisfied. It was hard fur me to
understand how they and all hav ben put
there without ita rninin mutiny. I saw
tum places that I wad most be willin to
swop our (arm fur and throw in the pigs
and obiokens, bat ov all the snipshus
homes I saw, I dontbleeve there sons wan
that mud mutate more than hold a handle
to Sites house,
There letiub no pikchere in any book
that wad p19 you even haft an idea ov how
wonderful slick Silo is fixed up. Evey
thing is too grand fur you even to gesoat.
bine Dollar to garret haze got eveything
ez One as silk, and no matter where you
stand to look you cant heli' but groan ez
yon think ov how onmerciEal expense has
ben piled up. I paint aekedSite yin what
the place post him, but I will tomorrow.
Ivo ben too bizzy a trytn to find out what
he paid for ethos things to gib to that.
The house is plenty big anuff to keep
tavern in, it raaly ie, and so for ez I kno
tbeyve got carpet in eery room, Hirt in
gun[ ov um it dont quite reach all over.
In the dinin room, fur instance, troy only
hav a carpet under the table, but Whet,:
ever the fluor le bare it looks wipe it had
ben sandpapered and varnished.
I never in my life had any noehnn that
things oud be ez grand anywhere ontoide
ov story hook ez Site has got 0511, fur
even his etable looks better on the out-
side than any houee in Ciderville. All
door his priming you kin see that tntlnny
Om. 27, 1893
lune been Meowed away fur things that
httint ov no urthly yuee exoept to look at.
The bildin le four [Aortes hy, and es fiat
OE a now churn Irani bottom to top. It
etands all alone by itself in se little med.
der without no fence around it to keep
bis nabers cows out, and I reckon its
four miles or seoh a matter from hie
grocery, If it was my plane I wudent
sleep Datil I hnd ram not lase than two
strings ov barbed wire along the front ov
it, The bildin peers to have been hilt
out ov sum kind ov stone that must hav
quite a chance ov kopperas in it, for ite
ez green as grass, and I ehudent wander
if it wont bo years before it will need any
Ez I sod a spell back, Sites ground lays
rite oat in the weather without doin
nobody any good or bringing him in a
cent, for inetid ov tru0kiu it and raizin
his own kabbidge and so on, whioh cad
he dun ez well as not, hem got it seeded
down in grass whioh he dont even meter,
and which he keeps trimmed ez loose ez
the hair on a town fellers head. So the
ground paint a doin him no good at all,
ez I kin make out, except to raize sum
flowers and other noneeuse that he cant
nether eat nor sell. Thereat a rite smart
sprinkliu over it ov bushes that a hired
hand and grub out in week and put 1t
in prime order fur plantin in pertaturs
and such. And then fur anuther thing,
bete got the patch all klattered np with
walks that bidet no more needed than
wail paper in a chicken knpo, and there
bniut wan ov ell[ that runs within gun.
shot ov what yndo oall strata. Theyre
eery last wan ov nm ez krooked ez a
rams horn, and a blind man with a dog
to lead him ort to make a shorter out to
the house than has ben dun with the
straitest ov the lot.
Shattered arotmd here and there over
the redder is a lot ov figgers ekulped out
ov bronze and marble that wad look
skandlns in a graveyard, on akountov not
bean dressed decent. I Dant see no sense
in um and dont kno what under the tun
heze got um there far, bskaws not havin
any garden he dont need no skeerkroze.
Ib jest looks to me ez tho the man was
wurried like all !catnip to kno what to do
with hie munny, fur its (deer to be seen
that hezo ben throwin it around by the
handful without no sense or gumpehun.
I did low to say a heap more in this
letter, but ez Iva used up my last sheet
ov paper I bleeve Ile quit. So good by
fur the present.
'foam in 'clover,
Conundrum social will be given in the
Lecture room of the Methodist church,
Gerrie, on Oot. 81st.
Mrs. A. M. Carson, who has been
spending a month attending the World's
Fair, has returned home.
The orangemen will hold a concert and
entertainment ou Nov. 6th. A. McKay,
113. P., of Hamilton, will deliver an ad.
dress ; Jas. Fax will supply the comic,
and Mise Gibson and others the balance
of the program.
Por dwich.
A Large frame building is being erected
by S. Braden.
The Orange Society intend giving a
supper on the 6011 of Nov.
It ie expected that the sash and door
factory will be running this Fall.
A converted Jew from New York
preached in the Foresters' Hall recent' y.
Mies A. Williamson who has been
spending the Summer in Manitoba has
Jas. Argn, of Fergus, has bought out
the bnsiuess of A. Wyness, who has been
out of our merchants for the past three
years, and will onrry on the business in
the same building.
Marei:e r-.
Revival meetings are being conducted
in the Methodist churches.
Sam Fenson has two sprigs broken
from a raspberry bush whioh contained
about two dozen berries. The berries are
a second crop.
James Weetcott, of Douglass, Man.,
formerly of Usborne, who has been visit-
ing the various Fairs throughout On-
tario with his prairie animals, is in town.
He brought with him four elk and ono
'noose. He disposed of the greater por-
tion of hie animals pu his travels.
I. Bowerman and W. D. Weeks nar-
rowly escaped serious injury while at.
tending the funeral of the late John
Hunter. It seems the procession was
leaving the premises when a horse pro-
ceeding Mr. Bowermnn's commented
backing up, causing their horse to make
a suclden plunge into theditch, upsetting
the rig and throwing the occupants oat
with 1110011 force to the ground. The
horse ran away but was captured before
much damage was done.
The Royal Tenplars rallying night is
set for Monday evening, Nov. 6th.
John Muldrew, of Egmotdville, left
last week for Toronto to persue hie
studies in Knox college.
The Epworth League of the Methodist
church will hold a World's Fair eater•
tainment on Tuesday evening, Oot. 31st.
Ssaforth 10 the front with Automatio
Telephone system :—About thirty bust.
nese houses and residences are now con.
netted and it is highly appreciated by
the fortunate sub+oribers.
A convention to organize the South
Riding of Heron for the coming election
in oonneetion with the Plebisotte, will he
held in the Presbyterian ohuroh, l:Iensall,
on Wednesday, Nov. 1st, commencing at
]0 o'clock a. m.
It is with deep regret we are this week
palled upon to chronicle the death of one
web known in our tnidet in the person of
Mrs. Laidlaw, robot of the IMO Wm. Laid•
law, whioh took, place at the reeidenos of
her son•in-law, James A. Cline, Wing.
ham, on 1901, inti , at the advanoed ago
of 85 years, after a short illness. The
deceased lady was a native Of Ayrshire,
Sootland, and has for a period of over
thirty years resided in and around Sea,
forth, being for a number of years a tori•
dent of McKillop, and afterwards of
Turnberry, when on the death of her late
husband, Wm. Laidlaw, ehe same to Sea'
forth to reside with her eon, James
Laidlaw, merchant of Ghia town, and
atter hie marriage she lived tot intervals
with troll of her children. She was a
living example of a tine christ'au woman,
and to her the event was one anxiously
looked forward to, a golden euneot, that
gladeome promise of a more glcrioua
dawning. Tho deceased Indy bad been
in Soaforth about ten days proviotm to
her death and for one in hes advanced
years, woo poeecesod of great strength
which was evidenced by the lengthy
imbue she sowebimes took bo pay some
friend a visit. She was a etauueh mem.
bee of the Presbyterian church, an indul-
gent parent and a true friend. Sho was
beloved by all her large oirulo of friends
as her kindness of heart and willingness
of hand made everyone a friend who
knew her. She leaver'a family of two
sons and three danghtore to mourn for
her, analog, who oarri00 on an extensive
grooery business in Seafortb, Robert, who
is engaged in farming in Kansas, and
Mrs. Jos, Brine, Mrs, J. H. Broadfoob, of
Seaforth, and Mrs. J. O. Cline, of Wing.
bum. Her remains were Laid away in
the cemetery at Wingham on Friary
It tools over 200 barrels of water lime
to build the foundation to Wm, Allin's
new brink bloolc.
Frank McDonald, our popular express
and telegraph agent, was united in mar•
ring° recently to 1\tlee Jennie AloCreight,
of this village.
A parlor sooial under the anepioes of
the Church of .England young people will
be held at the residence of Mrs. W. S.
Holmes, Rose street, on Friday evening.
Frank Shoebottom is fitting up the
shop in tine Campbell bloolc, next to G.
W. Berry's furniture wore rooms, whore
he will open out with a full line of fresh
James Nichol, while working at tho're•
moral of the Arlin braiding, was stepping
over nn opening when he stepped too
short and fell head first into the river,
receiving an ugly out on the head and be•
ing otherwise badly shaken up.
News has resorted here that on Ont. let
there died at Nanaitno, B. 0., Henry
Ross, formerly of Luaknow, from career
in the stomach, after a brief hat sovmrs
illness. Mr. Ross was familiarly known
in Ontario as Piper Harry Ross. He was
one of the few enthusiastic Scotohmen
who organized the Luokuow Caledonia
Society and during kis residence here
was the society piper.
The Treasurer's sale of lands for taxes
is announced for Deo. 15th at 1 p. m., at
the Court House, Goderioh.
Gregory H. Tom, brother of Iospeotor
Tum, and at one time assistant in the
Goderioh Model school, has been ap.
pointed Principal of the Vancouver, B.
C., city schools.
Thos. Swartz, livery keeper, has been
making some extensive improvements.
Last week he commeuoed the erection of
an addition 112x34 feet to be built of solid
briok, which will be used as a horse
stable and will be fitted up with every
Capt. Oraigie, of the tug Evelyn,
brought down from the fishing islauda
two very ourious specimens of petrified
roots or twigs, 0 portion of the soil in
whioh they were embedded also turning
into stone. The effect is very peculiar
and interesting in appearance.
The delay in the boats caused by the
late storms led to a blockade of freight
on the docks hero and when the United
Empire got through loading on Wednes-
day she had taken on 11 carloads of Balt,
8 of apples, l of miscellaneous stuff and
100 tons baled hay, A large quantity
still remains.
Judge AIaolllahon gave judgment at
Toronto recently in the case of MoPher•
sou and Hovey Co. vs. Midglsy, the
action tried w1112000 a jury at the late
assizes here, for the price of a 'Monarolr'
separator sold by the plaintiff to the de.
fendant and for other relief. The defence
was that the m whine did not fill the
warranty, and His Lordship now dis-
mi3809 the notion with costs.
'Of in toast.
The dog•pois0ner is [gain at work.
Miss Mona Freer, eteuograper with the
Salt Association, has gone to the London
Business College, to fill an engagement
as a teacher in that institution.
All the present staff of teachers were
rs.engaged except Mise Leslie, who goes
to the normal ; Miss Holmes goes to Miss
Leslie's room for six months, at a salary
of 0125.
Twenty•three years ago, while Will
Jackson was pleasing a pane of glass, he
shoved his hand through it, cutting his
wrist by the broken glass. After the
wound healed np 10 would trouble him
more or loss, though little attention was
paid to it. The other clay a small sore
broke out on his hand, and after festering
for a couple of days ho pulled out a
small piece of glass whioh he has evident.
been carrying about all these years.
The friende of John Hunter, of the
London road, aro very much concerned
over his whereabouts, and can get no
trace whatever of him. Last Thursday
evening he left home without informing
any ono es to his intentions, and although
searching parties have been out daily
scouring the neighborhood, mud telegrams
have been sent in every direction, he is
ns completely lost ns if tine earth hnd
swallowed him up. He invested some
money in Montana silver trines, and the
lose of this, or some other unknown
cense has, seemingly, turned his mind.
He was a very quiet young man, not
given to any indiscretions, re.pected by
everybody, and his friends do not know
what oouolucion to arrive at. While
afraid that exposure to Saturday night's
storm may have been fatal, they are still ;
in hopes that he will turn up all right.
115 was a member of bar, Masonio frater-
nity, and th
o brethren have sent t a
cription of him all over. with requeet that
if he bo found, to ogre for him and letbis
friends here know. He was in Montana
Aloe. "lessen de Sone, wholesale
gr000re, Montreal, have failed for 925,.
During the Inst month 170 Chinese
entered Canada, o nnpared with 150 der.
Ink Sept. 1892,
Tho town counoil of Ingersoll hag dia.
obaraed Night Watchman Cable on
eoonomioal grounds.
.. World's Fair epeoinl trains on the
Grand Trunlc and 0, I', 10: are passing
through Loudon at the rate of one each
The jury in the Young murder case at
St. Thomas failed to agree oa a verdict
and the prisoner will be again tried at
the Spring Assizes.
John Delahey, of Delohey Bros,,
merchants of Cobden, Ont., has been
selected to contest North Renfrew in the
Conservative interest for the Ontario
A Buffalo despatob says Andrew Ben-
ner, of Ridgeway, Ont., who lately
bought a farm formerly owned by Ar•
thur Johnsen), three miles from the vil-
lage named, while malting altorations in
the old house, cane upon a couple of hags
of gold containing 97,000.
The daughter of a prominent Prince
Edward county farmer went to Dsseron.
to recently and made purchases at differ-
ent stores, tendering in each ease bills of
different denominations. On exnmina•
tion it was found that the hills were
short from one 12511 to an inch. She had
adopted the old method of fraud of ()lip
ping and of pasting the bilis.
Olive, the 9.year•old child of Benjamin
Foy, Mariposa, while playing in a field
put a rope around the neck of a horse, as
she had often done. The horse took
fright and the girl having[ the rope around
her was dragged until life was extinct.
Tho same day Olive, daughter of R. A1.
Thurston, of Duneford, was burned so
that she died three hours afterwards.
She wag 10 years of age and was using
coal oil for lighting the lire.
David Kennedy, contractor and build•
er, who had the excavating contract for
the new opera house at Guelph, was kill-
ed by a wall falling on him, while direct-
ing the workmen, between 5 and 0 p. m.
Ido saw the wall ooming and endeavored
to escape but tripped on a stone and fell.
A large stone struolc him on the head,
pausing death in about 15 minutes. Ile
leaves a family of grownup children.
Three young men, Thomas Hamilton,
Harry Jacques and A. Burke, were work-
ing on a table immediately in front of
the generator attnohed to the soda foun-
tain in Orawford's confectionery Ettore,
Hamilton, when it burst. It 'contained
three pints of sulphuric acid (oil of vit-
riol.) The aoid streamed on their frees
and arms, bat as quickly as possible they
turned their backs to the flow and put
their heads near the floor. The supply
was soon exhausted but when they got
up they were almost senseless. Their
arms and facet were horribly burned.
They immediately ran for water but in
their attempt to soothe tho pain they
washed the acid into their eyes. The
men were taken to the hospital.
1. S7.10.EWT SALE 101 CANADA.
is the 1atest triumph in pharmacy forth° cure
of all the symptoms indicating 100IDNER Awn
[Avian Complaint If you are troubled with
Costiveness, 0tfzziness, Sour Stooueel,
i3IMID Phe,EE NG, X REDST T Poon drr epbses
MIEE11, Melancholy
I ty Feeling,
ld Ao 589
Nights, Melancholy Pooling, 13e0s AOHA,
00Ombrny's 30508009 and liver Cure
willgive immodiatorelief audEF>, noSACure,
Sold at all Drug Stores.
1licmbray Medicine Company
of Peterborough, (ldcnita(l),
Practical JVU.tcl inc3l3e.r"
and Jeweler.
Thanking the public for past favors and
support and wishing still to seoure
last winter and spring, and it is barely Your patronage, we aro opening
possible that he may have gone there. out Full Lines in
A big prohibition meeting was held at
Tlleonbnrg Thursday night.
The street railway of St. John N, 13.,
hag been placed in the hands of receivers.
Efforts are being made in Toronto to
eebabtish a company for the canning of
dead treat,
Adam A. Armstrong, of I''orus', ane
started for the World's Voir with font of
his prize fat (tattle.
A scheme line been mooted to expend
9500 in providing a public reading room
fee idle persons in Toronto.
The patrons of Iucluntry of South Sim.
coo have nominated T. W. Lennox, of
Hasa township, to run for the Rouse of
A oirious freak of nature may bo
nobiued in the orchard of Arch. 7(somp.
son, near Clown', The trees had been
stripped of their fruit in July by a heavy
hailstorm, and now they are all in bloom
again and even the fruit is forming.
Silver Plated Ware
from Established and Reliable Makers
fully warranted by us.
Clocks of the
Latest Designs
ra'Aleo a Full Lino of 'VIOLINS and
Violin Strings, rho., in stook.
N. B:-005uror *Marriage Ll0,n00a.
T. Fletcher, Brussels.
'Waite Star Lane,
11U1'AG M tIh S'CEst9 SJUPS.
Between Now rot* turd Liverpool, via
[doeeoetown, 09ary Wodu0Odny.
As Um steamers of tale lino carry only a
etrletly limited number In rho WEST and
8100029D OARIN n050m1m5abttlone, lubend(ng
905850gara aro reminded that 00 early ap-
pliontipn for bertha is noceooery ab tale sea -
sou. Par plane, rotes, eta, Apply 00
W. H. Kerr,
Agent, Brussels.
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 62 Per Cent., Pearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Divisions Court Clerk, Brltescls.
A Splendid stock of
(Both Presbyterian
and Methodist).
Just to Hand this Week.
intending i'urohasors should too thorn,
New stock of Notepaper, En-
velopes, c&C., just in,
System nenovator
--AND mina_
For Imporo, Weak and Innpoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessnese, Palpate.
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Nene.
night, Loss of Motnory, Bronchitis, Oon-
sumption, Gall Stdnes, Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De.
Prop: and Manufnoturer.
Sold by J. T. PEPPER.
Druggist, Brussels,
Confederation Life
Read Office : TORONTO_
Capital and Assets, $5,000,000 -
New Insurance, 1892, $3,670,000
Insurance at Risk, $22,565,000
Policies Non -Forfeitable and In-
disputable after two years.
Gains for 1892 over 1891 in In-
surance, 'Written, $755,000,
Or over 25 per oent.
Insurance at Risk, $1,978,000
Or Nearly 10 per cent.
Assurance Income, $48,678
In Assets, - $489,878
W_ ice. IRR,
:..i ilk rtd:rra•
Studio over Railcard Ban' , 13r isselso
We have all the leading styles in photos, such as Sun-
beams, Mikado Panels, Cards De Visitos, Cabinets, (Man-
tello Cabinets, new style) and any size larger, np
to life size Crayon Portraits which we
make a Specialty of.
Also Pictures Copied, and, Enlarged.
Our Prices are Reasonable
And 0111 work nothing but Fizst-claps, which makes this the place
to get your Photographs,
A Call is Solicited.
AISMIL rIM61.1722328
Our stock is well Assorted
in. all Lines and
Ft! HT
For the Ladies we have some lovely lines of New Dress
Goods with Trimmings to Match.
A Special Assortment of Children's Coatings,:
Something Real Nice.
Iteadymade Suits and Overcoats for Men and Boys. Suits made to
order in the Latest Styles—CHEAP.
Our stock is frilly assorted in all lines of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers
for Ladies, Gents, Misses, Youths and Children. Have a
pair of new Boots and Rubbers to keep your
feet Dry and Comfortable.
Groceries Fresh mut ;Reliable at
A. Strachan 's.