HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-10-20, Page 8TIIE BRUSSELS POST Gospel Tracts —TO— Give Away. Believing that muoh good may be done by the careful distribution of religious literature and knowing the diflioulty in obtaining such outside of the °Hies, I have deoided to keen a stock on lutud. If you are interested in this work you .one welcome to as many as you eau use free of charge, the only condition being that they will be distributed judiciously, Should yon prefer paying for them you are at liberty to do so. I will endeavor to keep an assortment suitable for goner. al tract work. Kindly make use of them when writing to your friends or when travelling (which is one of the best tines for this work) or other favorable seasons, regular distributing, &O. G. A, DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &o. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 800011999 900EN8I09 W. e, & s, Trains leave Bruesele° Station, North lid South, as follo,vs : GOING 110mml, GOING N0Rol. Mail 0:54 a.m.Mixad 9:45 a.m. Express 11:59 a.m. I Mail 0:10 p,m, p.m. 9:00 p.. Express 9:491)•00, local e.Ws Pms. A ohiel's among ye talon' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. BEECH nuts are a plentiful crop this year. THE brick work of D. Ewan's resi- dence was completed last week. THE Wiorbon News bee suspended publication after a short career. A 115901NG of the District Grange was held in Brussels on Tuesday of this week. THE Ronald foundry has closed down for a few weeps owing to a slackness in work. THE report in last week's issue that Wm. Kneohtel had purchased Zoo. Mow- bray's farm, McKillop, is inoorreot. A OELEnusemie will be held in Brussels on Nov. 5th by the L. 0. I,. in which the majority of the district lodges are likely to join. B. Gunn, J. R. Smith and Jas. Kelly were in Listowel on Thursday of last week bearing McCarthy, O'Brien and Hunter. Ate interesting sketch of the new Gov- ernor General may be rend son page 2. The Fall Show prize list of Howick Fair will be found on page 6. JosEPH ROANTanE, new miller, for the National Roller Mill, has arrived in town and will move his family to Brussels in a few weeks. The mill is now about ready to make floor. Wu. MILLER has purchased the lot on Cypress street, adjoining his dwelling, from Mrs. P. McKenna. There is a new house is course of erection on the lot. Mrs. McKenna purposes going to reside with a relative. PRIZES.—The Treasurer of East Huron Fall Fair will be at the Brussels Town Hall on Satirday's, 21st and 28th inste., from 2 to 5 o'clock p. m. to pay the prizes and accounts in oonneation with the late Fall Show, Persons interested should govern themselves accordingly. IN the East Huron Fall Show prize list the name of Jas.MeLellen enema a num• her of times. It should have been Jae. McCallum. as he was the prize winner, J. R. Smith should be credited with let prize for 2 year old Jersey heifer. D. B. Moore writes that he did not receive prizes for grape wine nor carrots but should be credited with 1st for home made white bread. $10 Aon cosTS.—Mrs. Elizabeth Mc- Ilroy, of Morris township, bad her eon•in- law, Thos. Rogerson, before the magic• trate last Friday evening charging hien with counselling his wife to beat the plaintiff. Thecae was dismissed. The P second case wee by the same Mrs. Mc- M 0 OCT. 20, 1803 Fount Diyieion Oourb will be hold in town on Tuesday of next week, Elueu A1oMAe'1zs has opened a shoo shop at I3algrave. Ulu» Poen wishes hart sueeese, A. siuunin of Bruoeelitee attended the wedding of Oliphant Smith, Grey, and Mies Mary Ireland, Morris, on Wodnee. day evening, Tun R. T. of T. will Meet ou Monday evening instead of Tuesday next weok, The members will kindly tape note of this change. BRuaeste 00511001 R. T. of T. elected D. Flog(;, J. Moore, 2. Rose and J. 13. Mo. Lauoh1in as their redreeentatives to the Prohibition Convention. to be hold Friday afternoon, Len Saturday sees a terrible day for rain. The wind and storm played "hob" with the electric light wires causing the lights to go out. The congregations 011 Sunday were small. Messes. Bennatar5NE & WILTON have seared the contract ofputiing galvanized iron roofs on the factory purchased by Ament Bros„ also on the two story cot• tago, dry kilo and saw mill, The job will cost about $800. PROnmITION Convention in the Town Hall on Friday afternoon of this week. Public meeting in the evening at 7:80 0' - °look to be addressed by Rev. Messrs. Cobbledlck and Musgrave, and F. S. Spence, of Toronto. Oolleotion at the olose to defray expenses. MA0ISTERIAL,—Last Friday afternoon Peter Sinclair, Inepeetor for Grey town. chip Board of Health, had Wm. Blashill, butcher of this place, before A. Hunter and Jno. AlcOrae, J. P's., for violation of the Aot concerning slaughter houses, his building not being far enough away from the street and hooses. Mr. Blashill was tined $6.00 and costs. '1'HE Glenboro' (Manitoba) Gazette says of well knowu Brusselites :—The time ought not to be far distant when a tele- phone exohange0s established in Glen. boro. A. W. Smith, of the Queen's Hotel, has already led the way with a private one from bis house to A. Doig'° livery stable. We congratulate him on his enterprise, and his brother, W. 0. Smith, ou the successful working of his invention. A ODRIone ACCIDENT.—Last Friday Jno. McKinnon, of Grey township, was coming to Brussels with a load of straw. When near the railway :messing a coal or spark from the pipe he was emoking fell on the straw unnoticed. Before he was aware of it the breeze had fanned the spark into a flame and it was with dim - entity that the horses were uuhitched and gaveS. The load, rack and wagon fell a prey to the flames. Con curds MOOnoonin, D. Ewan, W. M. Sinclair, J. J. Vincent, J. N. Kendall and others were away at the Elgin As• sizes this week in aonueotion with the Nightingale insurance ease. The merits of the case were not entered upon but the question of the valve of stook consumed by fire was referred to Judge Toms, at Goderiob, and the amount of does will be arrived at in that way. This procedure was agreed to by both parties in the suit. "Too Muer Now."—We quite agree with our town totem that Brussels can only reasonably support one paper. But when the New Era says that nee Pose has never been a party paper it states what is known to be not true. Tun Pose is a good !coal paper and it is a Reform paper. If THE Pose were wise it would let politics alone, as there is only room for one paper in Brussels.—[Clinton News.Reaord. LIDERA'. CLUE —0u Thursday evening of last week a Young Men's Liberal Club was organized in Brussels, the following office bearers being elected :—Hon. President, Dr, McDonald, M. P.; Presi- dent, J. N. Kendall ; Vice•President, A. O. Dames ; Secretary. G. F. Blair ; Treasurer, A. Gormley ; Executive Com• mitts°, the above officers and A. Hislop, M. Bleak, F. S. Soots, J. H. Cameron and W. H. Herr. The Club will meet semimonthly, the place of meeting being the Odd Fellows' Hall. A committee was appointed to draft a Constitution and to arrange a program for the next meeting. The membership roll was opened and 20 names planed thereon. HURON MEDICAL Associseime,—A. meet. ing of the Huron Medical Association was held in the Council Chamber, Clin- ton, on Oct. 10th. President, Dr. Woods, in the chair. The following members resent, Drs. Bethune, Smith, Woods, oTavisb, 111cLaucblin, Armstrong, Mc- oeh, Sliaw, Turnbull and Guun. Dr. Gunn presented several interesting cases in practice that elicited long discussion. Dr. Bethune read a very interesting paper 011 Pulmonary Congestion. This brought out many varied experiences of the mem. hers present. Dr. MoLacblan's paper on aloobol in medicine was left over to next meeting, owing to lack of time. The next meeting will be held in Seaforth, when a very large number of good papers will be read. Ruo,1rvso,—Tuaeday afternoon R. G. Wilson hauled up a bunch or two of shingles to the residence of A. M. Moliay, Alexander etreet, where he was putting on a new roof. He left his little son Frank, 0 year old, in the wagon while he carried the shingles around to the rear of the house, A flock of geese frightened the horse and away it went, turning on Flora street and them down Turnberry on the run. Every effort was made to stop the frightened animal but in vain and it looked like a poor ohanoe for Frank's escape without injury. He had been holding on manfully to the seat but when the wagon turned at Mill street he was thrown out like a shot en to the street. After a roll over he jumped up, very little, if any, the woroe of his peri- lous ride and abrupt descent. The wagon was upset shortly after and the shaft and other parts of the rig slightly damaged. FACTORY SOLD.—We are pleased to state that the Smith planing mill has boon sold to Ament Bros., who were burned out on Gbh inst., and the new firm book pewees - tion on Monday. Messrs, Ameutpurpose putting on a new tin roof at once on the building and after some other necessary repaire will sot the machinery in motion. They will continue the stave and heading business as in their former mill and in ad- dition will run the planers and gash and door department. This Week men are moving the caw mill that they own in Grey township into town and they will push that business as of old. Amente aro hard workers and loop after thole business well so we predict a very successful career in the fine roomy fan tory they have eoured on such advents,. geous terms. Tho brink residence, Sonth of the faotory, is also included in their purohato, $3,500 wee the figure paid by them for the entire plant. Tint Pore wishes Messrs. Ament every 80000ss, Ilroy against her daughter, Matilda Rogerson, for beating her. The defend- ant was assessed 610.00 and the coats of the Court. 18 PROHIBITION CONVENTION. -4. Convey. tion of Temperance workers to organize the West Riding of Huron for the nom. ing Plebiscite on the liquor traffic:, on January 1.00, '9.1, will be held in the vil- lage of llfanoheeter, on Wednesday, Nov. let, commeuoing at 1 o'clook p. no. Four delegates are requested from every church congregetion, temperance or- ganization and all young people's socie- ties in West Huron, as constituted for Local Legislature elections. Every min• Teter whose work is in the Riding is especially invited to be present. Yovxo MEN'S CONSERVATIVE CLnn,—The opening of this club was held at the club rooms on Friday evening, Oet. 18th, with a large atteudanee of members. The following officers were elected for the en- suing year :—President, James Moore, re-elected ; Vice-presidents, W. R. Mooney, re-elected, Samuel Shine; Re. cording Secretary, Dr, Gibson ; Cores. ponding hen„ R. L. Taylor, re•eleoted; Treas., H. J. Morden ; Executive Com' mittee,Joa. Bowman, Riolt. Cardiff,David Smith, John McFadden, Wm, Maunders, W. H. Cloakoy, Noble Gerry, Bruce Wilson, John Ball, Alfred Becher, Jelin Smith, Samuel McCall, A musical and literary ante:tainment was arranged for next meeting to be held Friday evening, Oct. 27th at $ o'clock sharp. Too MANY Now.—Tie Clinton New Era says :—It is said that another paper will shortly bo started in Bruesele. There's no how to prevent it beim; done, but we would have thought the' the earlier ex. perienee in this same direction would have been a lesson not illicitly forgotten. Brussels is too small a place to support two papers, and a second paper simply means a struggle for existence, espeoially when thele are too many papers in the county now. It may be an advantage to have both political parties represented by papers, but THE POST has never been a party paper, and while another would unquestionably divide the boeinee of the place there is not muoh poosibility of it ee0liri0g'a permanent foothold for years, and if tiesromoters. of the new pe pee the will ree their moneylire are th p3eketaud etop before they strt. their Business Locals. Hoven to rout. Apply to Jag. Walker, A row good second hand carte for sale, 2. Walker, Bruesele, DANDY show of buggies for Bale. Jae. Walker, carriage milker. BALLANT'yNit a WILTON are doing a filen• ing business iu the Doherty World Fair Bangs. CASH iron Eooe,—J. tamer will pay the highest market pees, in wall, for eggs, at his grocery, Brussels. ANY ono winning to get a new saw filing machine may see what snits them et A. M. McKay to Oa's, hardware store Brussels. RnnoNATIeTI ODIUM IN A DAY. —S01101 Alnerimtu Rheumatic Cure for Rhenma• tis1 and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 8 days. Its notion upon the eyetem is remarkable and mysterious. 1t re- moves ab once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits, 76 cents. Warranted by G. A, Deadman. WRLL.Dr501Na ANA Dnmanoo.—George Birt has all the neoeeary machinery for digging and drilling wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper share. Terms reasonable. Residence emoond door north of the bridge, west aide of Tarnberry et., Brussels. 84.01 A KnoNn LADV.—A lady named Mrs. T. 0. M. Humphries, living in Keene, Ont., who used only two bottles of Mem• bray's Kidney and Liver Oure, has for- warded a statement to the effect that it completely oared her of inflammatory rleeamatism, kidney and livor troubles. Saab a oomplioation of diseases yielding so quiokly to this remedy should :m- ootrage sister sufferers to give it an honest trial. THE December issue of the Delineator is called the "Christmas Number," and is rich in material pertaining to the holt. day season. The styles for the month' are exceptionally handsome and appro- priate and the younger members of the family receive special attention in an il- lustrated article entitled Party Dresses for Misses and Girls. There is also an appropriate article on Fashions in Fur Garments. A paper that is invaluable to all ladies is called Some Suggestions for Home Blade Christmas Gifts, and the housewife is eepeoially considered in Dainty Deserts for the Holiday Season. Christmas Legend and Folk -Lore is most interestingly treated and as au antidote, there in a description of a vary modern Kriss kringle Carty. The children will be delighted with the entertainment pro- vided for thorn and the parents will ap- preciate the ideas contained in the Child- ren's Ohristmae. In addition to this speoial matter there are articles ou many popular subjects. Lawn Tennis, it: the Sports and Pastimes series, is brought to a close this mouth ; Household' Renova- tion tells about Floor Coverings, Furni- ture and Moths ; Mild Life deals with Recreation for Boys and Girls ; Physical Culture continues instruction in Expres- sion, and Around the Tea Table makes us acquainted with the fashionable fancies of the season. Novelties are illustrated in the papers on Knitting, Crocheting, Tatting, etc„ with full in- structions for making.- This number is an exoellent one with which to begin a subscription, which costs One Dollar a year ; Single Copies, 15 cents. Address orders to The Delineator Publishing Co. of Toronto, (Ltd.,) 88 Richmond Street West, Toronto, Ont. PERSON' PAI1t(317,tPBS. Mre. Tufts has been on the sick list. Mre. A. Coueley is visiting at Wing - ham this week. Harold Creighton, of Guelph, was home for last Sunday. Mrs. S. Pearson is visiting her daugh- ter at Wingharn. Mrs, Wm. Ainley, of Listowel, was in town on Tuesday. lliurdy McLennan, of London, was in town on Monday. J. P. Doherty, of Clinton, spout Sun- day with 11. E. Maddock. A. Bawtiuheimer was visiting in Brus- sels for a few days )act week. Mise Lizzie Wilson, of Alliston, was in town for a few days this week. Walter Wake and Antony Sample were holidaying at Owen Sound this week. Mrs. Ronald and daughter, of Chatham, have been visiting at J. D. Ronald's. Mre. Geo. Fitzpatrick, of Staynor, is renewing old acquaintances in Brussels. Mise Edith Hill, of London, was re- newing old friendships in town this week. Mrs. J. L. Kerr and Mre. 3, J. Gilpin spent a few days this week with friends at Gerrie. Mre. T. Gibson, of Wroxeter, was visiting at Dr. Cavanagh's for a few days last week. Mre. Whitting has removed to Henfryn where Thomas has a job on the G. T. R. as section man. Alexander and Miss Lizzie Bird and James 00oper and family Sundayed with friends in Ilarriston, Mre. A. Bruce and Mrs. J. Timmins, of Bluevale, were visiting in town on Thursday of last week. Cbaa. Sager was away at Fergus last week attending to some necessary re. pairs to the Ore engine in that town. Wm. Norton, of Listowel, who ie still a property owner in town, was here this week attending to some business ma0tere, Nelson W. Gerry arrived home from an extended vielt with relativoe and friends in Manitoba on Saturday night. Edward Grimoldby, wife and children have returned from Owen Sound and will maks their home in Brueele as Mr. G. thinks be will fare as well Here as in the Sound. A. Summers, who was seriously in- jured a short time ago in the flax mill is able to get about now although still quite sore from tbo terrible squeeze he re. coi vel. Samuel Walker is away at the World's Fair. Ile ale vieited an old friend of his boyhood days at Joliet, Illinois, whom be lead not sen for 40 years when they were companions in Scotland. Mrs. (Dr,) McCullough, of Detroit, has gone to Philadelphia to prosecute her Oonree in Dentistry 111 the Pennsylvania College. She is quite taken with the (amuse although there is plenty of hard work about it. We regret to learn of the continued siokneee of John Duncan, harness•malter, of Seaforth, We hear that the disease is Mel that there is little, if any, hope of hie ultimate recovery, Mr. Dungan was a former resident of Brueeols leaving re• moved to Seaforth from tllie pleas some 10 or 12 years ago, STAXD✓.7R.7) B4NIC OF O4N„1De , Esw.A.m3T-asx3aci9 alte72. HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO. ASSETS,- (Seven Million Dollars) . $7,000,000 CAPITAL (Authorized) - • $2,000,000 Agencies in all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, litartdtoba, fluffed Stales 10 &Olaaid. A General Banking Busineee Transaoted, Farmers' Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued and Collections made on all points. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards from date of deposit to date of withdrawal and oompounded half yearly. $PEOIAL ATrnNTIoN GIVEN TO THE COLLECTION OP ''ARTIER' SALE NOTES. Every faoility afforded Customers living at n distance. J. A. STEWART, MANAGER. rCI23937,:11MiCt=61111111 GULLIES & Mtfn r.9a 1.1, Ba;'arr9ra21L vivid 3RDUSS S Transact a General l3anking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. FARMERS' NOTES DISCOUNTED. SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPEOIALTY. °a9M90s Ramie Wit, patspa/WZ'. Intereet Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates, Interest Com- pounded Twine a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits. Yee effect to write Innxuvinee In old Fng1i8L or Canadian Companies, or in Mitt. lull Colilmales nee may be desired. AGENTS Fon CANADA AND UNITED STATES : TEA CANADIAN BANN OF COoIDIEnOE. Mrs. Burkholder and Mrs. Taylor, of Cleveland, wore visiting Mise Tillie Knechtel, of Brussels, last week. Dr. McTaggart, of Tennessee, former- ly of the firm of McIntosh te McTaggart, private bankers, of Brussels, was In town this week on a business trip and gave n0 a oall. The doctor is a most genial gentleman. He expeote that another 25% dividend will be made shortly- in connection with the above mentioned estate, Parasitic bronchitis has been found in the lunge of calve near Kingston. J. E. Stewart, Ontario government in. epeotor of eal000s, has ordered the niokel- in•the-slot cigar machines to be taken out of these houses. A pike was recently caught in the Thames river near Beaohville which measured 80 inches in length and weigh- ed seven and one•half pounds. Frank G. Barnard, of London, Eng- land, and John Monteith, of Rosseau, Ont., left Roman on Sept. 27th and ar- rived at French River on 280h. They secured the unusually large number of five bears, some of them being of enor- mous size and occupying the full atten• tion of the sportsmen in bringing them to earth. BOR1V - MCKne.—In Grey, on Oot. 7th, the wife of Mr, Zaoh. McKee of a daughter. PAoniw.—In Wroxeter, on Oot. 9011, the wife of Mr. A. Paulin of a daughter. Conn•—In Trowbridge, on Oot. 2nd, the wife of Mr, 3, R. Code of a son. lions.—In Elmo., on Oct. 70h, the wife of Mr. Win. Robb of a eon. FOImnsT.—Iu Atwood, on Oct. 0th, the wife of Mr. Wm. Forrest of a daugh- ter. CONSTABLE.—In Seaforth, on Oat. 11th, the wife of Mr. Jas. Constable of a son. Moen.—In Brussels, on Oct. 18th the wife of Mr. Wm, Mose, harness maker, of a sou. HEAr1I—Zaunaroe.—On Oct. 4th, by Rev. T. Amy, at the parsonage, Trow- bridge, Mr. Wesley Heath, of Trow- bridge, to Miss Lavine Zurbrigg, of Kurtzville. SMITH—IRELAND.—In Morris, at the rest. dance of the bride's parents, on the 18th inst., by Rev. S. Jones, assisted by Revds. D. Millar and J. Roes, B. A., Mr. Oliphant Smith, Grey town- ship, to Miss Mary, eldest daughter of Mr. James Ireland. HAnvn0—MOINToeoi.—At Seaforth, on Oot. lith, by Rev. A. D. McDonald, D. D., Mr. Wm. Harvey, of Logan, to Miss Tena MOlutosh, of Grey. =MD. OATIPEELL.—In Howiok,. on Oot. 7111, Ed• ward Campbell, aged 78 years. HAoITIOND,—In Atwood, on Saturday, 7th inet., Geo. Hammond, aged about 60 years. How e:B.—In Atwood, on Oat. 11th, the infant son of Rev. J. G. Hooper, aged 5 weeks. WEATHERED,—In Pullman, IS., on Sept. 28th, George 0. Weathered, aged 40 years. The deceased was a brother of Mre. James Irwin, Brussels. MoINTosu.—In MoKillop, on Oot. 6th, Rosanna Morrison, wife of John Mo- Intoeh, aged 50 years and 9 menthe, POnLTON,—In Blyth, on Oct. 16001, Henry Poulton, tailor, aged 80 years, 9 months and 14 days. .6. 700 ZO ,0 00.A.0 00. THunos,Y, ocT, 26.—Farm stook, im- plemen t5, &n. Lot 25, con. 10, Grey, unreserved. Sale et 1 o'olook, Samuel Ohamb ere, Prop., Geo. Kirkby, Au(. Tons ma, OCT. 24,—Farm stock, im- plement,, household goods, &c. Lot 20, con, 5, Grey, unreserved. Sale at 1 o'. clock. 0. A, Schiek, Prop., Geo, Kirkby, Auo. IBM Y.'S0i72,ki 92A17.7.r.30 :r' S. Fall Wheat 05 57 Spring Whose 68 56 Barley 80 85 Peas 51 52 Gate - 27 28 Butter, tabs and rolls.... 17 18 Eggs per dozen 18 00 Flour per barrel- - 8 00 8 50 Potateee 40 00 Hay per ton -.. 5 00 6 00 Salt per bbl., retail...... 1 00 00 Hides trimmed 8i Hides rough-- 8 Sheep skine,each..., 60 1 00 Lamb skins each 65 00 Apple s per bbl 1 00 1 60 Pork .,.,. ,,,•.,, 7-.110 7 50 _ THE PE.OPLE'S COLUMN. inOR 12 HORSE POWER EN- GINE and boiler for 5015, 5000011 hand, in Snit -class running order. Apply to 0. °OBER, Ethel. QEVERAL ELIGIBLE PRO-. Pnn0me for sate i0 Brussels. Prices low and terms easy. Apply at TILE POST Publishing House. PAIR OF LONG BOOTS, NEW- LY half soled, lost on the gravel road South of Finder will please leave at on Tun P08111 Pnb- Bahing House. DOUBLE BARREL SHOT - James ntrap gun, full 'Axelrod, nearly vow, which I will Well for lees than wholesale prise. G. A, DEADMAN, Druggist and Bookseller. Saw Logs and Heading Bolts, The undersigned aro prepared to buy all kinds of Logs, Baenwood Heading and Bleck Ash Bolla, to be delivered at Smith's plan - fug 1481, Brussels. J, & P. AM)ONT. aux.—I have a line breech-]oadiug Teacher Wanted. App1]oations will be 1 eooiyed by -the under- signed up till Nov. 11th, 1808, for a ale teachem r for S. S. No. 8, Teovnebip of Grey, for the ensuing year. Anplicente to state salary required, oertifloate they hold, and experi- ence, if any, ALES. STEW41tT, See, 14.2 Box 274, Brussels. REAL ESTATE. ARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN- DEneIGNnn has several good Farms for sale and to rent, easy terms, in Townships of Morris and Grey, E S. SCOTT, Brussels. I ARM FOR SALE, BEING LOT 18, Con. 7, in the Township of Grey The farm is a good oue. Poeesslon eau be given March let, 1804. For partionlars as to pried terms, &o., apply, to 19, *BAT]9IDIAN, Lot 19, Con. 7, Ethel P. 0. (-1HOTOE FARM FOR SALE.— kJ Being South half Lot 27, con. 0, Morris, 100 ammo, nearly all cleared. Good bnildiugs, fine young bearing orchard. Tmmediote pee- seeei0n. Easy Tomas. Apply to W. M. SIN GLAIR, tf- Solicitor, &e.,Bru5se10. 20Q AORE FARM FOR SALE. The 200 acre farm being lots 11 and. 12, eon. l8, Grey, is offered for eale. 120 acme are cleared and the balance well tem bend, Buildings first-class, Orchard, well, &0, School house within 40 rods. Posses - Bien given at ouoe 1f desired. For further particulars ase to prion, terms, &a apply to MBS. WAL0EB, 8-tf Roseville P. 0. or NELSON B10I0IrER, on farm, VARM FOR SALE.—BEING Low 20, South half con. 4, Morrie con- taining 100 acres. ell acres aro cleared and free from stumps, balance hardwood and cedar. There is a brick house, large bank barn, log barn, orchard, wells, .20., on the premises. Possession given on April lot next, There are 7 acres of hall wheat in which would have to be arranged for with ppresent tenant. The farm is oLly 1i miles from to russels, For further par iculara alT0—tf ALES. STEWART, Queen Street,Brussels, GOOD FARM FOR SALE.— acre farm Pox Bale. 111 is afore his our Oou 8 Grey, and is in ftret•olase condition. Fine roomy house, large bank bars, good orchard wane, &o. Faso is web drained and well fenced. Only 2 ;mike from Bruesele• Will mall outright or would take a smaller farm as part pay, Poseoeeion eonld be given .in the Fall. For partlonlarm as to price, terms, &o., apply to GEORGE CROOKS' Proprietor, Brussels. FARM FOR SALE.—THE UN- . mins/mum offers his splendid 150 aero tamp, being Lot 8 andwest part Lot 0, Con, 0, Grey, for sale. There are 100 acres elearect, balance timbered. Two dwelling bowie., bank barna, good orchard, well fenced. A never failing spring on the plasm, Posses- sion given any time, Tho eubecriber oleo offers for sale a dwelling house, stable and 5 acres of land in the corporation of Brussels. The house and garden would be rented for a short time if not gold. Hard and non water, Fox prices, tonne and further 7�lertiaulare apply to JOHN SMITH, 4!•tP Proprietor. Brussels P. 0, NYIEDICAL CARDS, 7- A. MaNAUGHTO.N, M. D. 5. 0. M., L. It, O.P., Edinburgh, M. 0, P, S, Ont. Residence and °MDee m wneon'e B1ool, corner -of Mill and Turnberry Ste, T L. GIBSON, M. D. O, M., 00, C. P. S. Oat., Graduate Queen's Tiniverelt Kingeton, f male's block, ono 4001' Eolith of Standard 13ank,Brueels. Night bell answered at the Game place. Toilet Soap; Choice Assortment, Large Stock. Some pf the Kinds are: -- Heliotrope, Lotus, Glycerine, White Oatmeal, Tar, Stanley, 1Co. —)/a(— Pepper's Drug Store, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, Callao - Bons inane Solici tor -Venet0110'0Block,OL1rua- sole. 51.8m ViT M. SINCLAIR, • Solicitor, Oonvoyaneer,NotoryPub• lie, &m. Oinoo—Vanetoce'a Bloolt, 1 door north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to Loan. rIAMERON, HOLT & HOLMES, 'kJ Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Pablio, tr, 0. 001110009, 0. a., oh, Out. PlImr HOLT, DADLEY 00L01110, 11 F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, VVfI• Solicitor; &o. (late of Garrow & Prondfoot'e cillos, Goderiob,) Olfloe over Lillie & Smith's Bank, Brussels. Money to Loan, 47 AUCTIONEERS. ARAYIVIANN, tend Bales Auctioneer, /mien stook,ready to rme cheerfully given. Oranbl'oolc P. 0. Sallee may be arranged at TUR Poem Publishing House, Bruesele. GEORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Asetioner, Saes cenduat ed on roaeonabe terms. Farms and farm stooka specialty. Ordure loft at VIM Poem P ubllebing Hee se,Bru awls, or sent to Walton P. 0., will reactive prompt attention, T_TAVING TAKEN OUT LICEN- to conduct as of farm stookl10811'prepared ne ua0le prices. Knowing the standing of nearly every persen I am in a position to sell to good marks and get good security when sold on credit. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give mea oall. 82- F S. SOOTT. BUSINESS CARDS. T T H. MaCRA0KEN, at his Grocery, luraborry street, Brun els. B N. BARRETT, south ofd AL McKarial y 0 Oo's hard Ware store. Ladies' and childleus hair cutting a epeoialty R• MoNAIR, appointment of Lieut,-Governor,of Commie- teener, e suranee 0o. Conveyancer lllo i t the Oianbrook Post OfBae. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM: slsOnaxoE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. ILEX. HUNTER, Co. Huron, of Convee yancer, Ith rotary Public Land, Loan and Iusurenee Agent, Funds invested and to loan. Collections made. O0lce in Graham's Block, Brussels. ® IL PAINTING, to givMiss instruction in o 1 painting prepared may be ascertained at Mise Nellie Ross' store whore samples of worst may be sen. Musa Merles would also take a Pow more pupils in music. 91 A. HAWKINS, eels, and Organist the John's :Teaching,lof A. W. Thayer, Mus. Doc., New York,, wigiyo lessons to pupils either at his parlor, their own R. Sbevies etMondayor ,fTuesday Band Wednesday at Walton. Terms moderato. VETERINARY. D. WARWICK, ! • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, ie prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated animals in a oom- potent manner, Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Culla promptly at- tended to. Ofeoe and Infirmary—Two doors north of bridge 'Purnberry at., Brussels. DENTAL. 1.11M TX STI M. CAVANAGH, L. P• S., D. D. S., Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeoua, Ontario, and of Toronto 'Uni- versity. OFerom—Over A, R. Smith's Store, Brussels, BOAR FOR SERVICE.—THE Undersigned hoe on his promises, Lot 2, Con. 17, Groy, a Oheater White boar, also a Berkshire Boar, purchased from Jae. Snell, Mullett, Terme-51,00 to be paid at the time of servbee, with privilege of returning if ileo oesary. J0SEPII BENNETT, 18-4 Proprietor. BOAR FOR SERVICE.—THE Ondoreigned will keep for service at Lot 5, Con.10, Groy,the thero' bred Sorlc. ehire Boar,"heady," bred by Til, M. Jarvis, Oiarkeou, Ont. Terme, 91.05 to be paid at the time of service with privilege of return. ingif noceseory, Pedigree may bo soon on application, JAS. WATSON 12-4 Proprietor. 1-0AR FOR SE1iVIOE,—THE undereigoed will keep for eorvioe at North Ma1ft Lot 29, Gen, 7, MOn'ia, than Thoeo' broil e, Rer wb]td Boar lel Dnee;' fol 000,100, was broil by Daniel Deeeurtey, Bornholm, porch Oo„ and is from importedd stook on both sides. Tories 81,00 to be Haid at limo of service with privilege of returning it 4seary 1.00 SAMUEL WALKER, Proprietor, •a�-{.OAR FOR SERVIAE.—THE :a--� Undereignod will keepfor 500 i Lot 20 Con, 0, Morris the tlroro' bredcim proved White Vorlts1rfro Bear "Canada'a Prince," purchased from the moll -]mown brooder J. 70, Brothour, Oak Lodge Farm, Burford, T60100, ;E102 to bo paid at the time of service with privilege of rofurnleg. if n0eowary, Pedigree may 110 scan on ap- plication. BOBT.manor,.