HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-10-20, Page 44 THE BRUSSELS POST
New Advertisements,
Daily Pxoursicus—G, T, I'r,
Ail Binds of Feet—A. R. Smith.
Teacher Wanted—Alex. Stewart.
Boar for Services—Samuel walker.
For Ten Days Only -James Irwin.
Saw Logs and Heading i3olts—J, & P,
Great Removing Sale—Ferguson de
Pair of Long Boots Lost—True Pose
Publishing Souse.
c, Inc Nru5u15 ;last.
FRIDAY, OCT. 20, 1898,
Brussels Business Men.
with an excellent line of vehicles, good
horses, &c„ eo that the most fashionable
single and double turnouts are furnished
at the shortest notice. You are sure to
reoelve satisfaction here. Prices the
most reasonable. They also ran a anion
'bus to and from all treble. The Beat -
tie's have stables at wiugham and Clin-
ton as well as in Brussels.
NY. noDDICa.
One of our well known and enterpris-
ing business men is the gentleman named
at the heading of this notice, whose
popular business deeerves mention. Air.
Roddick is one of the mot experienced
and competent workmen in his line in
the county and is the man above all
others for anything in the way of house
decorating, painting, sign writing, &e.
Any work Intrusted to him is done in the
moat satisfaotory manner and at the
most reasonable prices. Ho has gone
extensively into the wall paper besinese
and has on hand as fine a stook of wall
papers, borders, &o. not surpassed outside
of the cities. Be has A large and in.
creasing patronage. Mr. Roddick also
does carriage painting in the most ap•
proved style,
J. J. OuLrIN.
Among the dealers in farm machinery
of this eeotion of the country J. J. Gil-
pin occupies a prominent place for the
success which be has achieved and the
wide and general popularity he has work-
ed ap for his business. For years Mr.
Gilpin has been supplying the wants of
the farmers with everything required by
them in the machinery and implement
line. He deals with the well-known
firms of Frost & Wood ; Cockshutt and
others among the beet manufactures of
Ontario and is in poeitiou to meet the
needs of the public to the greatest pos.
Bible advantage.
01tUNC1I i111t0IL�.
1lnox church Christian Endeavor
elected the following delegates to the
Prohibition Convention :—G. A. Dead-
man, Jas. Bot z, S. McCall, Jas. Calder.
13. Gerry will represent the Methodist
Sabbath school at the Provincial S. S.
Convention at Toronto next week. Mrs.
Stewart, A. M. ticliay and G. F. Blair
are the delegates from Melville church
Rev. Dr. Moffitt, of Toronto, agent of
the Upper Canada Tract Society, will
occupy the pulpit of Melville church next
Sabbath morning. The service in the
evening will be conducted by Rev. G. II.
Cobblediak, B. D.
The Melville church W. F. M. S. held
its minuet thank -offering meeting on
Thursday evening of last week. The
offerings amounted to $1140. This So.
ciety recently ehipped clothing to Iudinn
Missions in the North that valued at
The annual meeting of Brussels Branch
of the Upper Canada Bible Society will
beheld in St. John's church un Thnrs•
day evening, Nov. 9th, commencing at
7:30 o'clock. Rev. G. H. Cobbledick, B.
D., agent of the Society, and ethers will
address the meeting.
The Melville ehuruh delegates to the
Prohibition convention to be held on
Friday are Atex. Stewart, (Cray,) A. M.
Moltay, George Crooke and Edward Gar.
vin. From the Y. P. S. 0. E. the
delegates are J. H. Cameron, Robert M.
Dickson, Jas. Ballantyne and Jas. elm
The delegates from the Epworth
League to the Prohibition Convention
are 13. B. Maddock, Dr. Cavanagh, Miss
Beare and Miss E. E. Kerr. From the
cotlgregation of the Methodist church the
appuinteee are Mrs. J. L. Mere, Marsden
Smith, B. Gerry and T. iMIaunders.
The Maitland Preebyter•ial Society
have sent 1,200 pounds of good, warm,
substantial clothing to the Indians ou
Prinoe Albert Reserve, N. W. T. The
auxiliaries contributing were Hinceedine,
Chalmers, Ano„ Mioonrdine Tp., Luck
now, South Einloes, Ripley, Pine River,
Langside, Whitechurch, St. Helens,
Brussels, Ethel and Wingbam.
Next Sunday Harvest Home services
will be held in the Methodist church in
thia town. The pastor will preach at
10:80 a. m., and Rev. Jno. Ruse, 13, A., of
Melville church, will occupy the pulpit
at 0:30 o'clock. On the Tuesday evening
following a harvest home dinner will be
served in the Sunday school room of the
ohuroh after which a mneioal and literary
program will be preaeuted. Addresses
are expected from the resident ministers
and Rev. S. Sellery, B. D., of Wingham.
The church is being appropriately
decorated for the oocasiou.
0n Sabbath evening Rev. Dr, Moffat,
of Toronto, Secretary of the Upper
Canada Religious Tract and Boole So-
oiety, will deliver an address in I{uox
church. Subject : "What business is
the Tract Society doing fur Christ in
Canada." A special collection will be
taken up Inc the much needed collier -
taps work in Ontario, Muskoka, Algoma,
Manitoba and the Northwest. All are
earnestly invited to attend ; hour of ser-
vice 0:90 p. m. Dr. Moffab states that
the Society has two oulporteure at work
in Manitoba aid six in Ontario, Musko-
ka, &o. Rev. Mr. Bone labore among the
sailors on the Welland Cauaf, hfr. Pot-
ter, the new eailor'e missionary, is at
worst on Lake Ontario, &o. Vary many.
grants of bibles, books, papers and tracts
were given where needed during the year.
The Society is aiding it number of poor
ltabbath schools, The Society distti-
bated last year 12.000 bibles, 44,000 reli.
Riot's hooks and 1,000,000 pagoe of the
beet religioue tracts. 0dr eelporteure
alone sold no Isea than 3,000 bibles and
7,000 volumes of the beet religions books,
The Convention of Huron Anglican lay
worlsers and Sunday school teachers will
be held this year at Woodstock, in re•
epoese to an invitation from the clergy
and churches of that town. The days
appointed, with the approval of the
Bishop, are Wednesday and Thursday,
1st and 2nd November, prox. A cordial
welcome and hospitable entertainment
await any who, conning under the above
designations, are able to be present. A
very excellent program is in course of
preparation, and it will include among
other topics, several papers on Sunday
school work in various practical aspects,
also papers or addresses on foreign emis-
sions in relation to the ahnrob ; she
eeripture basis of church support;
parochial organization ; a lay reader's
qualifications ; and our young men as
church workers. The report of the
Buren Anglican Lay Worker's Aesocia•
Mon to the annual meeting of that body
which is held during the sessions of the
Convention, will be of much interest,
Ae in former years divine service will be
held on the evening of Wednesday, Nov.
1st, when an address will be delivered by
the Bishop.
Presbytery of Maitland.
At a pro re nate meeting of the Tresby
tery of Mai•land held at Luoknow Oat.
17th, llev. W. IT. Geddes aoeepted a call
from Baynes Ave., St. Catharines, and
St. Davide within the Presbytery of
While putting on record their high ap•
preeiation of Mr. Geddes' services nrnong
us, of hie unvariable, kindly, Christian
fellowship, ortbeir desire that be should
continuo with them, yet seeing that the
Lord seams to call him to this new sphere
the Presbytery of Maitland agree to hie
translation aucl pray that all divine
blessing may go with him and rest upon
It was agreed to declare the pastoral
charge of Whitecltureh and Galvin
ohuroh, East Wawanosb, variant on the
third Sabbath in Nov. The Clerk was
appointed Moderator pro tempore.
Jaren MeoNann, Clerk.
Luaknow, Oat. 18,'93.
E$eeine .,
whooping cough is prevalent here at
Mrs. Whiting, of Brussels, has taken
up her residence in the village.
Miss Mina Watts has returned from
visiting friends at Cedarville.
Silver Corner's cheese factory has sold
Sept. make of cheese for !lie. per pound.
Luke Lucas, sr., and tvifo have return-
ed from Chicago where they were attend-
ing the World's Fair.
Noah Wolfe, who has worked ou the
G. T. R. for 9 years, has taken his de-
parture for Muskoka, leaving some
mourning creditors behind.
Chas. Herr, who has been employed
with Wm. Bawtinheimer for some years,
has purchased lot 32, 7th con., Grey,
from Robb. Dilworth and intends to start
farming in the Spring.
John Kelly, of Shakespeare, won over
$000 with his sheep at the World's Fair.
Some Oxford farmers who experiment-
ed in sun -flowers this season have realiz-
ed over 000 bushels to the acre. If it
proves as valuable as ensilage, no doubt
it will be extensively cultivated in the
Grand Trunk
'WORLD'S 1°.±; ,In
OCTOBER 13 to 28.
Valid for return to arrive back at destina-
tion the thirteenth day from dote of sale,
Pullman and Wagner Sleepers on all ex-
press trains.
G. T. R. Agent, I3rnssele.
All J-
The Fall Millinery Opening at
bliss McPherson's store was a
decided success and the Exhibit
evoked rnany complimentary ex-
pressions from the hundreds of
The Latest and Prettiest styles
in Hats, Bonnets and all other
Millinery Goods at Low Prices.
We aim to satisfy by giving
our purchasers City Millinery in
their own town.
See the New Styles.
It will both pay and please
you to call and see our splendid
display before placing your order.
We won't be undersold.
iss IlloPlierson,
City Milliner, Brussels.
OCT. 20, 1893
II. Y. McAllister,
Begs to announce to the Farmers
of the surrounding vicinity
that he is prepared to
buy all kinks of
At the Storehouse at
Ethel Station.
Highest Market Price Paid.
British Columbia,
Oregon, California,
Tourist Sleeping Oars, Toronto to Se.
attle Without Change, leaving TO—
AT 10:15 P. M.
Until Farther Notice,
For further particulars apply to any
agent of the company.
Agent, Brtissele.
los, 011f Smre for goll5 Sada pct. 20
We have Still a lot of Goods that we -will
Sacrifice to Clear them out.
Dress Goods that were 10c, now Go and 7c,
Dress Goods that were 15o, now 10c,
Double Width Cashmeres that were 25c, now 18c,
Double Width Colored Henriettas that were 46c, now 30c,
Double Width Tweeds that were 40c, now 25c,
Double Width Tweeds that were 50e, now 350,
Double Width Tweeds that were 75c, now. 55c.
Black Henriettas, Serges &, Cords, at One Third below regular prices,
Lace Curtains that were $3.00 now $2.00 Lace Curtains that were $2.50 now $1,75
i0 " 2,25 rt 1,50 2 00 " 1.25
A, Peer Ends of Tweeds will go Very Cheap.
50c Tweed for 36c, 75c Tweed for 50c, $1,00 Tweed for 75c.
Extra Value in Flannelettes, Flannels, Shirtings and Tickings,
If you want a Readymade Suit or Overcoat, don't
miss this chance for a Bargain.
Don't put off too late. Saturday, the 28th, will
POSITIVELY be our last Day.
Are 'Easily and Properly Fitted
from our Immense Stook
of Footwear.
Any Feet in Particular ; All Feet in General ; Wonder-
ful well Wearing.
Easy, u loonomical and Cheap.
Are your feet among the Thous-
ands in Brussels 'and surrounding country that
are comfortably encased in our Shoes ? 1f
not, next time come in and let us
show you our Stook.
Don't Cost Anything to See,
Are here in Abundance as well
as New and Novel Things produced by
the Arbiters of Fashion,
A. R.
The undersigned has purchased a New and Choice stock of Gro-
ceries, Comprising :—
Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Spices, Tobaccoes, Fruits,
Soaps, Bottled and Calmed Goods, Syrups,
Vinegars, &c.,
And has oAenecl them to the inspection of the Public in the Store
known as the
Where an inspection of Goods and Prices is asked. Highest market
price paid for good butter and cash for eggs as usual.
all antyn e
We are showing as fine a range of Shoes as there is to be
found. in Brussels and at Prices that
Our stock comprises all the Latest Styles of Men's; Wom-
en's and Children's Footwear—Rubbers, Overshoes,
Felt Boots,,Rubbers t Socks and Rubber Boots.
111 Long Boots we carry the
Largest Stook in Town.
13efore purchasing' elsewhere see the stock of