HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-10-20, Page 1Vol. 21. No. 14.
Brief Sketches of our Business Establishments.
A Prosperous Town and an Enterprising
Class of Business Men.
In the succeeding columns the ails is
to present in brief, 000018e form n des.
oription of the advanced buainees facili-
ties of our town and sketches of our
principal business establishments, The
writing up and represontntion to the pole,
lio of such a large number of our busi-
nese concerns cannot fail to bo of sub
etantial benefit to the town and makes an
excellent showing of the enterprise of the
Liens herein cIesoribed. Tihab Brussels
is ono of the most eubetantial and prop•
porous villages of Western Ontario is a
fact so well known as to need no Dom.
meet here. It must be said that to the
enterprise of our merchants in keeping
their stores up with the times and their
lair, liberal dealing with the people, is
due, to a large degree, the prosperity of
our town, for by this moans is an im•
manse volume of trade drawn from the
rich agricultural country surrounding.
Brussels is spoken of by strangers end
commented upon as ono of the bandoom•
est and beat built towns of Western On-
tario, The appearance of our business
street, with its fine, substantial and
modern blocks, capacious and city -like
business rooms, lighted by large plate
glass windows, as well as the large num-
ber of really handsome residences and
wide, well kept and nicely shaded streets,
will well bear out this claim. The pnb-
lio affairs of bho village have been man-
aged with a view to economy consistent
with the necessities and development of
Brussels. The village is at the front in
the line of public improvements baying
e. fine eleotrio light plant wbioh lights
the [Arcata and business houses ; good
Mechanics' Institute, all the societies
and lodges. The induotries consist of
the Ronald Fire Engine Works, salt
works, flux mill, woollen mill, two flour
mills, planing mill, tannery, &c„ &o.
The village possesses the advantages of
tip top educational facilities, while the
number and charaoter of the thumb
edifice' indicate the religious zeal of the
people. There is a brunch of the Stand•
ard Bank and a private•banking instita-
tion in the plane affording ample faaili.
ties in this important department of
laminae. Brussels has a population of
about 1,200. It is conveniently situated
on the Southern extension of the W. G.
&B. division of the Grand Trenk Rail-
way in Huron Oounty and is in the
midst of a rich, agricultural country.
We ask of our readers a careful perusal
of the following sketches :—
Wel, ROSS,
This first-class flour mill is in a flour•
ishing oondition and doing a large atilt
suooeseful business, which exteuds ell
over this section of the country. IVIr,
Rose has been established here for a
number of years and has the advantage
of a thorough knowledge of the milling
business and for turning out a superior
quality of flour this mill is unsurpassed
in the county. It is a fine Bubstenbial
building, equipped with a full line of
machinery of the improved full roller
process. Speoiel attention is given to
custom work, farmers coming here for
miles around to have their grisblug done.
WILLIAMS c2 son.
This popular and fleet class livery
establishment is too well and favorably
known to the pnblio to require any ex.
tended mention iu our review. Messrs,
Williams & Son have been established a
number of years and have aiways doue a
large and satisfactory buainesa. They
can offer to the publio every oonvenienoe
and a000mmodaticn in the livery line,
their establishment being equipped with
ileo avehioles, good horses, &o., so that
the most suitable turn -outs are furnished
at the shortest notice. Messrs. Williams
& Son also do a large trade in all kinds
of agricultural implements and are in the
best position to meet the wants of the
people in this line. Every intending
purchaser should visit their carriage
shops and see the bargains offered in
eine riga.
Among our maonfaoturing interests
our town bas the advantage of a good
pump factory well deserving men-
tion in our review. This business is
carried on by James Bell, a gentleman
well and favorably known, who has the
advantages of long experience and
thoroughly undoretande the business,
Mr. Bell manufactures a very superior
line of wooden pumps and contemplating
purebaeere will do well to call on him.
museum; & nese ns.
In putting before the publio an edition
of THD Posw descriptive of the mercan-
tile itlbersste of our town we wish to
make prominent mention of the popular
and flourishing Dry Goode establishment
of the enterprising firm above named,
who rank among the most suooeeeful
merchants of the oounby. It is now
about 5 years since Moseys. Ferguson &
Halliday oommenoed business here.
The semen they have met has been very
gratifying, whioh is evidenced in the
flourishing condition of their busieese,
the largo trade it enjoys and its popular.
ity with the people. We have no hesitee
tibia in Baying that abs publio land every
advantage in dealing here whiolh capable
managemt can serve. The firm pun
ohne thole stook bone the best marimba
and the Store is always filled with a large
and superior line of Dry Goods, mantles,
clothing, &o.
In referring to the moat. markets of
the town we must make prominent men-
tion of the popular rateeket sncoesefull •
carried on by the enter g resin eubleman
above nanioMo. Illashill Is one of the
oldest established butchers of the county
and is a gentleman well and favorably
known, Fair and uprighb dealing, close
attention to business and handling the
best meats is the basis on which his busi
neat has succeeded.
One of the most enterprising of our
business young men is the gentleman
above mentioned, when popular and
Aret•alass jewellery establiehmonb should
oeonpy a prominent place in our review.
Ib1r. Jackson was established in business
here about 9 years ago. He commands
a full share of the trade and possesses
facilities for meeting the wants of the
people which makes his store a most ad-
vantageous place to deal, if you require
watches, olooks, jewellery, musical in-
struments, &a.
Inseparably connected with the drug,
book and stationery trade of our town is
the name of G. A. Deadman, who has
been saeoesafelly engaged in this line for
a great many years, so long that bis
business is one of the best known in the
towth to the people of the county, Tho
store is always up with the times, the
[took being complete and carefollly select-
ed, embracing all kinds of pure drugs,
druggist's sundries, the leading patent
medicines, &o. Mr. Deadman has al-
ways made a prominent feature of his
business in carrying all kinds of books,
stationery, school supplies, wall papers,
&o., and during the holiday season is
headquarters for fancy goods. Dlr. Dead-
man is the largest honey dealer in the
county and has a provincial reputation
as a breeder of pure Italiau Queen bees.
Icor five years he has given special atter•
Lion to raising pure bred Jersey cattle, in
whlulh he has not paid so much attention
to pedigree as to quantity and quality of
milk production.
AM0RIOAN 310303.
Our town possesses the advantages of
this large and firat•olass public hostlery
--The American Hotel—A. liceuig, pro-
prietor. It is one of the finest, construct-
ed with reference to modern conveniences,
and best equipped hotels to be found iu
any town of the size of Brussels in On-
tario. Tie euterprising proprietor is a
well known and popular hotel man. He
had this house erected about g years ago,
(his former hotel being burned down)
since which time it has been oonduoted
in a manner that has made it a favorite
with the local and travelling pnblio.
The house peasants a fine appearance
and acids much to the town. It Is com-
modious, splendidly heated throughout
with hot air, the rooms all large and
comfortably furnished, flrst-olass tables
set, convenient reading and sample rooms
and nothing is neglected that would in
any way add to the comfort and con-
venience of guests,
A. 10. BMITn.
No name is better known in connection
with the meronutils trade of our town
than that of A.11, Smith, who has for
some years baoll been a prominent and
influential morahant of Brussels. The
business hes a phenomenally suooeseful
record and through periods of depression
as well as of prosperity it has always
maintained the confidence and popularity
of the pnblio, While the hong and uni-
form course of fair and upright dealing
of this establisbmenb has wen the appre-
ointion of the people, the advantages it
has always offered to the publio has
exerbed a marked influence in drawing
trade to the town. A, merchant of ex•
perienee and ability with purobaeing
facilities scoured by high commercial
staudiug, this esbablisbmont is fully up
with oily houses. The large and cum.
modious eters is splendidly equipped
with a superior and extensive stook
bought from the leading wholesale bonne
and direct from the manufacturer and
embracing all kinds of staple and fanoy
Dry Goods, ladies' and gents' furnishiuge,
carpets, ladies' °loakn and mantles, furs,
clothing, boots, shoes, &o. Mr. Smith
mattes a specialty of readymade clothing
and ordered work. Those who fail to in•
spent the stook on hand for this season's
trade will be doing business an injustice.
J, 0. ann.
In thio article we will take for the enb-
ject of our sketch the popular establish•
merit of the gentleman above named,
who nuke as one of the most suoaoesfnl
merchants of the county, Mr. Skene's
establishing in business here dates bank
about 10 years. During this period be
hart met with a degree of sncoess whioh
redeate great credit upon his ability and
integrity as a merchant and which is
evidenced in the flourisbiug condition of
his business and its wide and general
popularity. As headquarters for a large
portion of the people of this community
for their mercantile supplies the estab-
lishment is ltept up with the times and
offers every advantage to the publio
which capable, experienced management
oan secure, The principles of integrity
adhered to a0oounts largely for the
popularity of the buainesa. A. child is as
e purobaeing here ms is the most ex.
perienced shopper. Jndging from the
splendid stock on hand the business is
well prepared for this season's trade.
A. M, 30010 t3! & 00.
Among the establishments of our town
which transact a large annual volume of
business we would mention the flourish.
ing hardware establishment of A. M,
eleffay Co., which business maniples
a prominent plane in the msroantlle in.
toreste of our town. It would be diliianit
to find a hardware establislneent better
adapted to the wants of the people than
this one, During the time they hay
been eetablisbed here, now about 7 year
have demonstrated their ability to eon
diet tt iitat•olase hardware store in
manner which hail won a well deserve
popularity. A visit here reveals a larg
and well selected stook, embracing every
thing usually included in farmers' en
biackamiths' supplies, mieoehaneou
lilies, paints, glass, nails, wire, cutlery
die. The business is in a flourishilh
o town. It passed by purchase some b
s, years ago into the bands of its present
propriebore who rink among our most
a progressive young men. They have met
d with unqualified noose and the store is
e known today ex one of the bast places in
the county for the purchase of anything
d in the line carried. The firm buy from
e the leading manufacturers and are in the
best position to meet the wants of the
g people in their line. We note specially a
fine display of stoves, ranges, furnaces.
lamp goods, &c. All hinds of house
furnishings in tinware and oopperwaro,
dairy supplies, &o. Special attention is
given to all branches of job work se
roofing, savetrongbing, furnace work, &o.
Thetion. business is in a flourishing oondi
To speak of this business as its merit!
deserve would require very laudatory ex-
pression! at our bands. Mr. Dunford
oan look back over a very successful
business owner in Breads, extending
over 12 years. During bbis time he has
oondoctod an establishment creditable
bo the branch of bnsirheas in which be is
engaged and which has exerted a marked
influence on the merchant tailoring of
the town and in keeping it to a high
standard of exosllenoe. Of Mr. Dun•
ford's abilities as a cutter it is unneoes.
sary for us to spook as his work well
shows for itself. Suffice it to say that
the first.olass merchant tailoring is
done equal to what eau be obteinsdin
the large cities. We find here a splen•
dici stook of nil the leading lines and
noveltiee of foreign and domestic tailor -
inn cloths, rubber costs, &c. Perfect
satisfaction and generally a saving of
money is guaranteed in dealing here.
Alr. Dunford returns thanks to the pub•
lie for their generous patronage.
R. L0A311El0DA35.
In the purchase of household furniture
our citizens and the people of the sur.
rounding country have superior advan.
tages at the large and snlendidly equipped
wareroome of the gentleman above
named. In oar description of this estab-
lishment we may say at the outset it ie
one of the best places to buy furniture in
this or surrounding counties, The long
and successful experience of the propels.
for in the furniture business stands him
in good stead. A visit to the store and
an inspection of the stock and prices will
show the advantages offered. In the
first plane Mr. Leatherdale buys from
the leading manufacturers for cash to an
advantage. The variety of the stook af-
fords a scleotion that will suit every taste
and means, from the finest to the Qom.
mon makes of all kinds for the parlor,
dining -room, bedroom and kitchen. Mr.
Leatherdale gives special attention to
his undertaking department. He is one
of the most suooesslul undertakers of
Western Ontario and is a skilled em•
bafiner, a competent funeral director and
keeps op hand a full line of caskets and
all kinds of funeral supplies. He also
does a large trade in organs and pianos
and purchasers can save travelling agents
profits every time by patronizing biro.
Be does a nioe trade in carpets.
Among the longest established of our
present Harness men will rank the gentle-
man above named. If experience in any
line of business counts for anybbing Mr.
Dennis may be classed as one of the
most oompeteub of harness mnnufaobur-
ere of the county. This foot will be
readily admitted by a large number of
the farmers of this seotion who have bad
dealings with him. A onttomor can al-
ways rely upon anything that comes from
his establishment. Special bargains
given in trunks, valises, satchels, oto.
II. es. MADD000.
A recent and important aogniaition to
the mercantile interests of our town is
the growiug and popular general store of
wbioh the gentleman above named is the
proprietor. -This is the newest establish-
ed among our mercantile institutions and
though before the public a few months
it sommauds a trade which would satisfy
the most ambitious. The business from
its inception found favor with the people.
Mr. Maddock made a good start and the
competition the store has created has
been of benefit to the publio. Mr. Mad•
dock is a merchant of experience and
ability who couducts his business in
touoh with modern ideas of mercantile
enterprise, The publio should note that
the large and superior stook of all kinds
of general merchandise which fills this
store is all new, consequently containing
no old and oub•of-data goods. It should
be inspected by all our readers. We
predict for Mr. Maddock a successful
Our review of the business mon of the
town would be far from complete did we
omit a mention of the gentleman above
named, who for the last five viers] has
done a nest satisfactory tailoring busi-
nose and has built up a flourishing
patronage. Mr, McBain has demon•
aerated bis abilities as a first-class nutter
and any work entrusted to his hands ie
done in the moot satisfactory manner.
He deserves his Buenos,
A popular and successful business of
our town, of long standing before the
publio, is the one herein described viz.,
the first.class grocery and bakery oom•
bined of the substantial and enterprising
gentletnan above named. There is peob•
ably no line of business more to be ap•
predated than a properly conducted
bakery and grocery where the arbieles of
prime necessity of the household are
found in the best condition and of the
Choicest quality. In the fleet plane Mr.
Thomson has the advantages of long
experience and thoroughly understands
the business. We have no beeitation in
saying he has one of the best bakeries in
the °aunty, which is noted for turning
out a enporior quality of bread. 4 com-
plebe stook of all kinds of choice family
groceries, provisions, fruits, vegetables,
confectionery, bakers' sundries, ,to., con.
stoutly on hand. The business is very
popular with the publio and deserves its
An establishment where the publio
And every advantage in dealing is at the
popular and well known ebovo, tinware
and job work establishment of the enter-
prising firm above named. This is ono
OE the pioneer bnsinese institutions of sur
MRs. E. 80288.
No establiehtnont of our town is more
popular with its patrons and the public
in general than the long established and
wolf known dry goods, millinery and
mantle establishment herein desoribed.
This business, during the many years it
has been before bbe pnblio bas always
had a large trade and as tbe management
combines experience and a thorough
knowledge of the bnsineee satisfaction is
assured. Making a specialty of the three
Mims named the store may be considered
headquarters for the ladies in their
purohane. 12 was never bettor prepared
than it is for this season's trade. Each
department is admirably stocked with
the pick of the markets, Mies Green,
the well hnowu milliner, is again in
charge of the ladies headwear and Miss
Moore is busily engaged in the mantle
department. In addition to the above
there is a general liue of dry goods, furs
and a well stooped grocery department,
All who fail to inspect this stook will be
doing themselves an injustice.
n, 02nns.
A good hardware establishmenb where
the publio can obtain its requirements of
everything needed in this branch of
msroanbile indnetry is an important
business in a town. In this respect
Brussels is in advance of its size. In
the establishment herein described our
citizens and the people of the surround-
ing 000nbry have all the advantages to be
bad in larger places. The proprietor, B,
Gerry, is an experieuaed, enterprising
hardware merchant and is in the bust
position to meet the wants of the public
in his line. Able to buy to an advantage
he purchases from the best markets and
his commodious store is filled with an
extensive and oomprehensivo stook, em-
bracing everything found in a flret•olass
establishment. On the sbelves are all
kinds of builder's tools and materials.
Miscellaneous lines, paints, oils, wire,
glass, nails, cutlery, lamps, farmers'
supplies, stoves, tinware, &o„ always on
hand, The business is widely and favor•
ably known to the people. Mr, Gerry
ranks as one of the substantial business
mon of the county,
TII05, F03300012.
In referring to the jewellery trade of
our town, we would make prominent
mention of the long established, popular
and reliable business of this gentleman.
Mr. Fleboher is ono of our longest °stab•
liehod business men. He has been
identified with the jewellery trade of the
town a great many years and the large
and appreciative patronage he has ale
ways engaged is evidence of the merits of
the business. From long, praotioal ex-
perience Mr. Fletcher thoroughly under-
stands the jewellery business and is a
competent watahnaxer and jeweler. Ile
protects the interests of his patrons by
careful buying and in dealing here one is
certain of getting goods just as repre-
sented. The neatly appointed store is
splendidly etocked with fine gold and
silver watches, °looks of great variety,
jewellery of all desoriptions, spectacles,
silverware, &o, Spacial attention is given
to repairing, whiolh le done in the best
manner. Mr. Fletcher is the agent of
the Great Northwestern Telegraph Com-
pany and also issuer of marriage licensee.
J. 0003180.
A few words in our review of the busi.
ness places of the town in reference to
the advantages to be had in dealing at
the popular boot and shoe etore Beacon -
fully oarried on by J. Downing will be of
interest and profit to our readers. Tbis
!bore bas built up a well-earned reputa-
tion of being one of the best and cheapest
plaoes to buy boots and shoes in the
county, The thorough practical know-
ledge which Mr. Downing bas of the
business is at once a guarantee to the
publio. That be is a oonhpetent buyer
is evidenced by an inspection of his etoolc
which represents the products of the best
boot and shoe factories of this °entry.
The variety affords m selection which will
suit any taste and menus from the fine
grade bo the heavier wear. Mr. Down-
ing does a large custom trade. Hs gives
speoialattenbion to Ude and any work
that leaves his hands may be relied upon.
The business deserves its emcee.
A. 00101002.
We cannot speak too biglily of this
first -den resat market which f8 one of
the best in the comity. The business
has been before the publio a great many
yeare and was eetabliebed by the father
of the present proprietor. It is menduot•
ed in a capable, enterprising manner and
does a large and ilotnishing business,
Mr, Cirri° is a competent judge of stock
and the public find at the market the
choicest and best meats of all kinds in
season that oan be obtained and fair, up-
right dealing. The market is kept in a
neat and oleanly manner, is furnished
with refrigerator, &o., for keeping meats
in the best condition.
Inseparably connected with the growth
slid progress of the mercantile interests
of our town fora number of years back
is the popular and snaoesSful establish-
ment which we herein describe. This is
o large and splendidly equipped general
store and in ovary respect is an institution
creditable to the town oe well ab to the
enterprise of its proprietor, Of lana
standing before the publio the buainesa
bas a record whittle illaetbates the raaulb
of honorable mercantile enterprise and
W. H. KERR, Prop,
Which ranks the proprietor among the
most etwoesefui merchants of the",county,
The features for which the shore Is
especially noted la the superiority of the
stook oarried. Mr. Stranban is a oom-
potent buyer and purahases from the
boat markets and the people oan always
rely upon getting here wane as well as
goods that are seasonable and the best
the markets afford,
JA6. S10AL7IN1.
We Dome next iu our review to our
popular and well patronized fruit and
aonfootionery shore and restaurant in
connection, snceessfnliy oarried on by
l'Ir, McAlpine. It was established about
a year ago. kilo business bas proved a
moose as well as ono of convenience to
the public. It is well conducted and
kept in a neab and attractive manner.
The store is headggarters for all kinds of
foreign and domestio fruits in season,
nuts, confectionary, oranges, &o. Meals,
lunches, oysters, &o., are served.
C. Zilliax, formerly of Listowel, is the
accommodating proprietor of this well
known house. With its convenient lo-
cation, comfortable waiting rooms, well
supplied dining tables, large stables and
roomy sheds it abtrnobe a very large
trade, espeoially from the rural districts
surrounding Brussels. Mr. Zilliax is nob
a man who does muoh talking but he at-.
tends carefully and oonstantly to all the
details of his business and thereby as-
sures satiefeation to all his guests. Al.
though not to pretentious as many other
hotel buildings in Huron Co. it is doubt-
ful if any of them are better managed or
prove more remunerative to their owners.
Since Doming to Brussels four and a half
years ago, Mr. Zilliax has erected the fine
briok block, South of the hotel, now cc-
oupied by J. T. Ross as a grocery, and
thereby demonstrated his faith in the
future of Ibis town. I'or a good, square
meal nicely served the Central takes front
rank, this important departmsut being
under the special supervision of Mrs.
This le a modal grocery store doing a
full share of tie grocery trade of the
town and conducted iu a manner which
guarantees every possible advantage fu
dealing here, The success Mr. Ross has
met in bis 2 pare here in this business
shows what capable, careful management
will accomplish. Those who appreofate
the choicest and best in the grocery line,
fair and courteous treatment, will find
all that oan be desired here. Mr. Roos
is agent of the Oanadian Express Co.
and one of our enterprising, successful
business men.
Surrounded se Brussels is by an agri-
oultural country there is nothing of grade,
er importance than a good grain market.
In this oonneoton we would make prom.
fnent mention of the firm above named,
who have done much in making the town
one of the best grain markets of the
county. They are well known, sub•
etantial business men. They nave the
best facilities for handling and shipping
and pay the highest cash price for all
kinds of grain. Messrs. Baehr & Van -
stone also deal extensively in live and
dressed hogs, baled bay, shingles, &o,
They have both been residents of Brus•
eels for many years, Ur. Vanstone being
born here. As pushing, hard workers
they should succeed well.
A growing and popular business of our
town in the grocery line is the well pat.
ronized stook of J. Earner. Though not
established so Jong as the majority of
our businese places this store commands
a good share of patronage. Since cam.
menoing about a year ago the business
has steadily grown in public favor.
Every possible advantage is found in
dealing here. The store presents a neat
and cleanly appearance, the stook all
carefully setected and oboioe, embracing
all hinds of pure family groceries, finest
crockery, glassware, &o. The business
is going ahead.
geneses nom,.
There is nothing of greater importance
to a town than good hotel aocommoda.
bion. In this respect our town is for.
tunately situated, baving the advantages
of the large and first-class publio beetle-
ry, known as the "Queen's," which is one
of the mosb popular and best conducted
hotels of this section of the province.
The present proprietor, James O'Leary,
who is a well•known and popular betel
man, took bold of the Queen's about 2
years ago. He has made a moose of it
and has built up a large and flourishing
patronage. It is comfortably furnished
throughout, sets splendid tables, bas
largo and suitable sample rooms for con.
merolal travellers and the best of a000m-
modation for the local and travelling pub-
Au amenisition of great importance to
our town which deserves prominent men-
tion in our review is the roller flour mill
jest pub in operation by the enterprising
Arm of Stewart & Graham, They will,
no doubt, bullet up a large business as
they are gentlemen extensively and
favorably known to the publio. Mr.
Stewart is an exparienosd, practical
miller and Mr. Graham has for a num-
ber of years been successfully engaged in
the grain beelines. Since parshasing
this mill they have expended a large
amount of money, time and labor in im-
proving and refitting it and it is now
capable of doing* a enperior elites of work,
The Angst quality of flour is hnanufttoture
ed from best Ontario wheat mixed with
No. 1 hard from, elaeitoba, au iudiepen.
Bible in first class flour. Special atten-
tion is given to custom work. M09ere,
Stewart & Graham purohnse all kinds
of grain, pont, &c., Mr. Graham being
always on the market where he is well
known to all the farmers for miles
To the farming community there is
no lino of business et greater importance
than that which relates to agrienitural
implements. In this connection we
would make mention of the well-known
and popular business carried on by
eaeesrs. Cardiff & Kirkby, our reliable
and energetic machine men, agents tor,
the great Maseey-Harrie Co, Messrs,
Cardiff & Birkby rank among the most
sucooesfut representatives of this Com-
parry in Western Ontario, Their deal-
ings with the farmers are surprisingly
large, indicated by their extensive sales.
The Arm is in the beat position to meet
the wants of the public in all the latest
improved farm machinery of any des-
cription and their well-known, upright
principles make it a pleasure to do base-
ness with them.
0001RANE & JouNsTON,
Among our manufacturing industries
we wish to omit attention to oar fiest.olass
marble and granite works, Msesrs. Coati -
rime & Johneton proprietors, This en-
terprising firm bee built up a largo and
flourishing businses and are conducting
one of the best industries of the kind in
the county. They are practical, first•
class workmen and thoroughly under-
stand every detail of the business. They
nee the beet of material and manufacture
all kinds of monumental work, which in
style, color and finish is unsurpassed.
Any contemplating puraheme will con-
sult their own interests by calling ou this
suss M'PUER80N.
Our lady readers will appreciate a
reference in our review to their favorite
and popular millinery store successfully
oarried on by Miss McPherson, Here
the ladies find every advantage in deal-
ing. Miss McPherson is an accomplish-
ed, experienced milliner and a capable
buyer and the store is kept up with the
times. The stook is purohased from the
beet pity markets ansi blue store displays
a beautiful collection oe stylish and
fashionable millinery and fancy goods
which [boned be inspected by all our lady
readers. The business deserves its enc-
Our towoh can justly boast of one of the
best equipped and best conducted photo-
graphic studios in this section of the
province. The enterprising proprietor,
H. J. Strong, has been established here
about 2 years. He has met with phe-
nomenal moons, has built up a large and
satisfactory patronage and made the
studio noted for turning out a superior
class of work. He is a photographer of
more than ordinary ability and experi-
ence. All kinds of photographio work is
executed, from a sunbeam to the most
elegant lifeesiaed portrait. Enlarging in
°rayon, pastil, water colors, &o., is done.
The studio is equipped with all the
latest appliances and fine scenery and to
see the display of photographic art is to
appreciate it.
Next we introduce our readers to the
popular and well oonduoted millinery
store aucoessfuliy conducted by Miss
Hoare. This business deserves more
than passing mention. Miss Hoare is a
ftrab•olass milliner and a capable buyer.
Her store displays a beautiful stook of
stylish and fashionable millinery which
all our lady readers [should inspect. Mies
Hoare takes precedence in the millinery
line being well satabliabed and does to.
firsaclass trade. The display of millin-
ery is a model of neatness and taste and
besides it the has a large and varied line
of fenny goods and fanoy goods materials
such as silks, ribbons, pompoms, &o.,
and a full line of ladies' and children's
D. 11000.
A brief reference in our review of the
business establisbmente of the town to
the popular furniture and undertaking
business of the gentleman above named
will be of interest and profit to our read•
ere. It is about 2 years ago since Mr.
Hogg established here. The success he
has mat has been most gratifying. He
has built up a splendid trade and bas
made the beeiuesa popniar with the peo,
pie by his capable management. A visit
to the eburs and an inspection of the stock
carried and prices will show the aavan-
tages offered. Here we find n large and
well eeleoted line of all kinds of house.
bold furniture for the parlor, dining.
room, bedroom and kiteben, whioh it
will pay any intending purchaser to in-
epeat. Mr. Hogg gives special attention
to the undertaking department and
though unassuming and modest in his
pretensions, hie services always give
satisfaction. If Mr. Hogg recommends a
line of furniture the publio may rest as-
sured it is as he says. Spada) attention
given to piotnre framing, repairs, &o.
w. n. exameeRDN.
In referring to the grocery trade of the
town no business is more worthy of
prominent and aomplimsntary mention
than the long established, popular mud
reliable store known as the "Beehive,"
oarried on by W. H. McCracken. When
we see a business before the publio the
length of time this one lens been and
possessing the confidence and apprecia.
tion of the people as in the present omse,
the merits and integrity of such a busi-
ness becomes evident. Year after year
from its iuoepbion this business has gone
ahead increasing its trade and meeting
the wants of the public in the numb sates•
factory manner, Mr, eloCraoken is a
gentleman well and favorably known.
ale put:theses his static from the best
wholesale houses and his store is always
filled with a large mid superior line of all
ltiuds of staple and fancy groceries, pec•
vision, fruits, vegetables, °rookery, glass-
ware, ohinmware, &o. He has a strong
proforenco for gardening and finds bums
to "scoop" the Fall Fairs every mason,
Deems n1h06.
In the estebiiehment conducted by
Mossrs. Beattie Bros., our town possesses
o ne of the beet equipped and beet son.
ducted laiery establishments of Western
Ontario. This enterprising Arm Have
been currying on business here a number
of years. They have been sum:ess£ul and
have built ripe large trade, The livery
occupies ailno, substantial briok building
and is equipped in the very best mariner
(OONTINIIED 0;1 25010 4.)