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The Brussels Post, 1893-10-13, Page 8
TIIE BRUSSELS POST OcT. 13, 1893 Gospel Tracts, i 11Lis, (Dn.) GEAlltu,�A4iss Dolly Shaw �iS ©w7 v 1 aud P. Scutt were judges et Blyth Fair this week, ON Thursday evening of this week meeting was held to organize a You Men's Liberal Olub in Brussels. THE flax crop is all lifted for tri season in conteo6ion with Brussels mi end enntohhlg will now be pushed. J. O'LEARY is the possessor of a splen- did timing Dolt from a Olen Grit mother and Oolemau'e thorn' bred s6ellion, Dori [neat the Prohibition Conven- tion hi Brussels on Friday afternoon of next week. Public meeting iu the Town Hall at 7;80 o'clock, 26 CENTS, in advance, gets Tint Poe' to January rat, 1804. head our Autumnal offer concerning it portrait of Hon. Mr. Laurier in another column. Paoo. IrewEINs is now quite settled in his new apartments above A. 16,. Smith's store, where be may be fond bettvoen 0:30 p. re. Wednesday and $ a m. Mon- day, Mr. Hawkins rine vacauoies for 6 pupils. A recital will be given by the Brussels class 011 Saturday, Oct. 2let, 2 p. in., in the music room, but it will be Private in aoeordanoe with the wishes of the pupils, many of whom are beginners. PIIUWIRIT100 QONVEN'0ION,—A Convon• tion to organize the East Riding of Huron for the earning eleotion in connection with the Plebisoite will ba held in the Town Hall, Brussels, on Friday, 20th inst., commencing al 1 oedook. Four delegates are asked frum every cougro- gation, tomperanee organization of any name, and all young people's societies iu East Huoon, as outlined for Local Legis• galore elections. In the evening a publio meeting will be held at whioh F. S. Spence, the well.known Temperance orator, of Toronto; Rev. P, Musgrave, of Winthrop ; and Rev. G. H. Cobbledick, M. A., B. D., of Brussels, will deliver ad. dresses. Temperance musio by a union choir of the various churches. Every minister whose work, or a portion of it, is in the East Riding is asked to be present, Ban FIEF.—Last Friday night Ament Bros, saw mill and stave factory in this place were completely destroyed by fire. When the alarm was given the flames bad got such headway among the in- fiamable material that there was no possibility of saving either• machinery or building. The two powerful streams from the Fire Engine prevented the fire from spreading to adjoining buildings. To the energetio proprietors the loss will be a serinue one, as owing to the high rate of insurance they had only $2,000 on what is estimated to be worth $7,000. Brussels also suffers heavily by the burn out as the faotory gave employment to a large number of hands and in addition furnished a large supply of Summer wood. Messrs, Ament have not yet de. oided wit tt they will do but the probabil- ity is they will not rebuild owing to the scarcity of timber for their baeiness in this section. Personally we would like very much to have them oontinue as residents of Brussels and would be pleas- ed to see them take hold of the planing mill and boom it. How the fire started on Friday night is not known. The mill had not been working for some time and consequently there was no fire about the premises. Some affirm that qulok lime that was being used in connection with repairs to furnace may have heated and set fire to the light wood surroundings, but nobody appears to treaty anything about the first cause. Both John and Philip Ament were down town when the Ore alarm was given. The Gore Mutual carried the risk on the property destroy- ed. The machinery will be of very little, f any, use. The Ament Bros, hav° been n business in Brussels for the past 10 or 12 years and enjoy the respect aud steam of the community. On Saturday he fire started to spread endangering other premises and to avoid any further omega the fire engine was again brought oto requisition and the flames put out. t would be well in case of fire to see hat every restage of danger is removed efore the lire appliances are returned to the Hall as no small expense is occasion - by these repeated trips. hem= or Rev, R. Rose.—The People's ournal, (Scotland) of Sept. 28rd, refers o an uncle of Rev. J. Ross', Brussels, in the following interesting manner :—We ive to day the porbrait of the Rev. R. Dae, parish minister of Oradell, the nbilee of whose ministry was celebrated here on the 14113 aud 161h inst. Mr. °sa was born at Arnage in the year 818, and is a brother of the present elle], John Leith Ross, of Arnage. He graduated M. A. at Aberdeen University, and afterwards travelled for some time in Australia. At the Disruption in 1848 Ile was presented to the parish of Creanby the patron, the Ent of Erroll, suc- ceeding the Rev. A. Philip. During his long pastorate he has seen no fewer than twelve ministers of other denominations in the parish—seven Free (Church minis• tern, throe Episoopalian ministers and two Congregational Meech ministers. In ednoational matters Mr. Ross has alwu.ye taken a lively parb, and has been Chairman of the School Board cousin. uously since the passing of the Eduoation Ant. He has presided ab the Savings Bank Board since 1843, and has been a regular attender and has done exoellent service at the Parochial Board. Mr. Ross never married but has found an admirable helper in hie parish work in Miss Ross, his sister, to wham a high tribute wee paid at brie jubilee celebra- tion for her unwearied acts of kindness and charity. The jubilee celebration consisted of a dinner in the Church Ea11 on the 14th inst., followed by a presenta- tion ; and a dinner in the Puhlio Hall, Elton, on the 15th inst., to whioh Mr. Ross was entertained bythe Established Presbytery of Elton. The Rev. B. AJ. cook, teacher, Aeohiriee, presided at the dinner in the Church Hall, and the at. tandence was go large that every avail- able inch of apace was occupied. In pro. posing the health of the guest of the evening, the (Amerman spoko of his asso0iation With Mr. Ross in the mission. He had at first to °mount00 a very sparse oengregatinn, but when he (bile ohairman) came to the parish 20 years ago the roll bud crept up to 698, and since then fully a fourth more had been added, till they had 760 members, and that, too, although Blaolthill and Boddam had got two slices off. Me. Rose, in re- ply said he had been a long time in Crudon and was thankful that be had been able to go in and out so long with them. His 50 years there had posed away very pleasantly and he bad been assisted all the time by a very efficient etaff of elders and the presence of Lord and Lady Erroll with ail their readiness to assist then in every good work. TIS alluded also to Mr. Gemmell, of Ardhf• —TO— • Give A way. Believing that much good may be done by the careful diettibetinn of religious literature and knowing the difficulty in obtaining mill outside of the cities, I have decided to keep a stack on hand. If you are interested in thie work you m are wakens to as any as yuu can use free of oltargs, the only condition being that they will be distributed judiciously. Should you prefer payiug for them you are at liberty 6o do so. I will endeavor to keep an assortment suitable fur gener- al tract work. Kindly make use of them when writing to your friends or whoa travelling (which is one of the best times for this work) orother favorable seasons, regular distriuting, &o. G. A. DEADIIAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &o. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN ExTENSI000 W, G. & B. Trains leave Brussels Station, North sod South, as follows: GOING Sorra. GOING No1T(. Mail o:J4 man, Mixed 0145 a.m, Express......11:u'9 a.m.111441 8:13 p.m, 1F12xea 9100 pm.l Express ...... 0:48 p.m. cIi'n t Il.Ct s WItrnm. A ehfei's amang ye takln' notes, An' faith he'll prent iL GET ready for the Tax Collector. W. P. STEw.0 r drives a very comfort- able Gladstone, Aucrrox sake are numerous just now and fair prices are being realized. A NuxnEn from this locality attended the Blyth Fall Fair on Wednesday of this week. New subscribers continue to roll in to THE Pon. We give the latest local and district news. MEssrs. BAEIOEO & VANeTONE shipped 2 cars of live hogs Eastward from Brussels station o11 Wednesday of this week. A xunnon of Brusselites will be sub• prised es witnesses in the Nightingale insurance suit at St. Thomas next week. Iris stated that Wtn. Knechtel has purchased the 100 acro farm of John Mowbray,DIaliillop. The price is given as 95,000. It's a fine farm. IN Brussels Fall Show prize list, on page 3, W. Taylor should be credited with let and Sud prizes for both white and brown Leghorne in the poultry com. petition, MESSRS. STEwanT & GRAEAE are im- porting several cars of Manitoba No. 1 wheat for the purpose of manufacturing flour. They have the chopper in operation now. J. Hoorn:, horse dealer, of Wroxeter, purchased a number of excellent horsee inthis vicinity last week for shipment to the Old Country. He sent 2 oars from Brussels, linens Beene & ti,Leseoste are press- ing and shipping hay in large quantities. They talk of purchasing au improved Amerioatt press that would put through 1 more bay than those Itow in use. W. i Denbow is doing the pressing for them now, e Goon Wonr.,—The Enterprise Salt t 'Works of Brussels received 120 tone of coal last week and in the unloading of it d some extra big work was done. Six men i averaged a ton of coal every six minutes, I keeping up the speed until the lot was t unloaded. Gordon Mooney is the fere• b man and was assisted by five sturdy helpers, e Conuun, The anent given by J. Scott, of Wingbatu, iu the Town Hall j last Friday evening, was interfered with t by the heavy rain and the fire, the nude. moo leaving the Hall when the fire bell g rang. The program consisted of vocal R selections by Miss Forbes, Mr. Wright, j (comic,) Dlr. Scott and a young lady t violinist. If the numbers were a little R fresher they would have been more I heartily appreciated. 1 HeatexEAL.—Oil the 11th of last mon:h a matrimonial alliance was oonsummat. ed between August Schulte, of Chicago, and•Miss Jessie R„ sixth daughter of Wm. Newsome, Queen street, Brussels. Rev. Father Barth was the officiating olergytnan. The ceremony was perform. ed in Chicago where the bride has been living for some time, That the good things of life may be theirs is the wish of the relatives and friends of Mrs. Schulte. It looks lilts a straight ease of annex• at10n. MECHANICS' Ixsrtroot.—A meeting of the Directors of Brussels Mechanios' In• steatite woe held last Monday afternoon, President Ross in the chair. Thee clues. tion of opening a reading room was de• bated and laid over for a week, Rev. G. 73. Cobbledick was elected Vice•President in the plane of Rev. G. F. Salton, re. moved, and G. F. Blair was chosen a Direntor to take C. E. Perry's phos, A committee consisting of Miss Shnw, J. H. Cameron, J. tlleBein, J. T. Pepper and W. H. =err was appointed to name a number of books required in the library and also ascertain certain infor- mation regarding the reading room. The meeting then adjourned to meet on Monday next at 4 p. m. STILL MET Go.—Tile Lynoltbnog, Vir• girds, "News" of Sept. 28th contains the following under rho heading of "Boman - tie marriage last night" :—"levo loving and loyal hearts were happily united last eight in the marriage of John William Burgess and Miss Myra Fisk Holland, which wee solemnized at the home of the bride's brother and si?l, r, D. D. and Mrs, Shraeg, 1117 Wise sneer,. Both the con• traobtng parties are 1.111ve0 of Canada and there is a tondo of romance in their union after a long separation during whioh they remained faithful to their plighted troth. The groom is station agaut at Garden River, on the C. P. R., where he has prepared a home for his bride. He le well rewarded in marling such 0. long trip to consum,nato his happiness," Tnr•. Posy and ft large circle of friends wish rife. and Mrs. Burgess all the joys of married life. The happy twain were visiting In Brussels for a week leaving en Thureday for their new home, a ng is 11 tory, the Nestor of the heritors, who were born three yenta before the present cen- tury, Othee toasts followed, In the evouing at a meeting held in the church Mr. Ross was presented by 11'[r. Yenta, of Anqubarasy, on behalf of the oougrega• tion, with a pulpit gown and oassook, a puree of sovereigns and a silver salver. Mr. Moss made a feeling; reply ; and Rev.Masters, Fiddee, Cairuic and ItfoLoau, Redden], also spoke, At the dinner given to Mr. Boas by the Preebytory of Ellon in Ellen town hall on the following even. ing, Rev. George Greig, M, A„ Slain, the longest ordained minister in the Presby. tory next to Dir. Boss, presided, Revs. T. Young, Ellen and 'A.. Bitable were ol'ouptere, The oho.trmen, after the usual loyal aud patriotic teethe, gavo the health of their gueet and in doing so pre - emoted gum with an address of oongrntu. latiou from his brethren in the Presby. tory on his attaining hie jubilee. The address, whioh was in the shape of an album in a rich ntorooco cover, the text being beautifully illuminated, referred to Mr. Ross' early 111015aities in the pariah and to the sn00ees whioh bad attended his ministry, Mr. Bose in reply said it wag rather a melancholy rebrospsot to look baolc to the yenre that were past and the loss of so many friends, both minis- ters and elders. Do. Robertson, of Elton, presided at his ordination and gave him a good anted. The Presbytery bad given besides Dr. Robertson, many celebrated ministers to the church aud Professors of Divinity. It had given Dr. Menne, Dr. Blank, and Principal Pirie; Dr. Trail, Die Bisset, of Bourtie, snot others, not excepting Dr. Gray, of Ancbterless. (Applause.) He saw no reason why the young men now of the Presbytery should not rise to eminen05 as those before them had done. Several other toners followed, among thein being the health of the Arnage family, proposed by Mr. Mair and replied to by Mr, gloss, of Arnage. Business Locals. House to rent. Apply to Jas. Walker. NOTICE Strong's local in another eolumn. A now good second hand carts for sale. J. Walker, Brussels. ANY quantity of good dry wood for sale. I. 0. Richards. NEST week is baby week at H. J. Strong's Photo Gallery. DANDY show of buggies for sale. Jas. Walker, carriage maker. CnentoN tyre 13ioyole for sale. Deoid. ed btu';;,tiu. JAS. B,woaNTrai, Brussels. Pine sum petition for babies at Strong's photo studio, Monday, Oct. 0611, to Saturday, Oct. 14th. CAsu son Evros.—J. Hainer will pay the highest market price, in mush, for eggs, at his grocery, Brussels. Ton Seen CnEaP.—A good second-hand coal stove for sale, also parlor wood stove good as now. I. C. Richards. Ir you want a ready-made suit or over. coat, gee the prices we are offering. All to be sold in one month. J. Irwin. Doses forget to call and see Mrs. E. Rogers' magnificent display of millinery. Recollect you eau get a nice Fall trimmed bat for 91.50. ITCD on human and horses and all animals cured in 80 minutes by Wool - ford's sanitary lotion. Tbis never fails. Warranted by G. A. Deadman. Bouuowen Tools.—The persons who have tools borrowed belonging to my work shop are asked to kindly return them AT ONCE. R. Leatbsrdale. We are offering Lace Ourtaive and Art Muslin at one third less than reg- ular prices. See them before you buy. One month only. J. Irwin. 1ltANTtns and mantle cloths in great variety, oleo a fall assortment of trim- mings and fanny goods of every des0rip- tion, just arrived, at Una. E. Roams'. le you want colored cashmeres, for 18e, worth 25c. or all wool Henriettae for 83e. worth 50o., call and see what we have. All to be sold in the next month. J. Irwin.Fon one month only—all our stook not sold will be moved from Brussels in one month. We aro giving great bargains to clear all out. Call and get prices. J. Irwin. IP you want ie nice, stylish dress for little money go to Mrs. E. Rogers', who has the largest and cheapest assortment in town. You can gab suited every time and dent you forget it. WELL-DIaeINn AND DRILoneo.—George Biot has alt the necessary machinery for digging and drilling wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaobion. Wells cleaned out and put in proper shape. Terms reasonable. Residence snood door north of the bridge, west side of Turnborry at., Brussels. 84.bf HELP von TNN lbunneeterO.—The num- ber of well aatbentioabed eases of rheum- atism whioh have yielded to the action of Membtay's Kidney and Liver Cure is bringing this preparation before the attention of the medical profession in various localities. Sufferers from this torturing affliction should test its merits, It appears to have a specific action on the liver, kidneys and blood, and quiets aud allays the inflammation and pain in an unexpectedly brief period of time. TEN Canadian Grocer and General Storekeeper gets bebter as each year rolls by, This is evidenced by the Fall num' bor just issued. Special numbers of The Grocer have bean lesusd before but the present issue surpasses them all, take ib in what partioular you ehooss. The cover is unique and striking. The read- ing matter, oontributed by special and expert writers, deals with a variety of subjects german bo the Grocery and General Store Trade, and is liberally illustrated. The markets are full and concisely written, conveying information regarding everything carried in a groo0ry stook, The advertisements are many and well displayed and a perusal of them will give the merchant an idea where to boy beet, an idea bow to advertise. For good advertising is one of the essentials to suooess. The number contains 04 pages and the publishers, the J. 13. Mo. Lean Publishing Coe Ltd., 10 Front St. East, Toronto, are to be oongrabnlated upon their effort. The snbsoription pries ie $2 per year, wheel) any grocer or gen • eral msrohant can better afford to pay than he can afford to be without his paper, Bunooss—Hoimete.—In Lynchburg, Vir- ginia, on Sept, 27th, at the residence of efr, D, D. Shuagg, Mr, J. W. Bur• gess, of Garden River, Ont., to Miss • Myra, Fisk Holland, of Lynolthurg, WernitellenalitheneettlaglanneentelanMefelithalleteenthea ST,4 ND. 4R,D BANE OF STA.>•3S.,TSS3Z9a 9,07.- HEAD OFFICE, - TORpNTO. ASSETS, (Seven Million Dollars) 97,000,000 OAPITAL (Authorized) - 82,000,000 elgeneiee fit all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, dlt 4titobn, United States tO England, lo"e&ssacs i0;?',W '/A. 4. General Banking Business Transacted, Partners' Notes Discounted. Drafto Isensd and Oolleobions made on all points. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of 91.00 and upwards from date of deposit to ditto of withdrawal and compounded half yearly, SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO TICS 00LLEOTIGN OF )7oii ltltg' SALE NOM. Every facility afforded Customers living at a distance. J. A. STEWART, MANA0Itn, conrawk.-.._ _ _—. =LIES SMITE, � B�^. ., ra , , - �! V S S ..EJ 1J S Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. FARME0S' NOTES DISCOUNTED. SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY. &air nia' Ra DIS°Pagentalter. Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com- pounded Twins a Hear, Being Added to the Principal ab the end of the Menthe of October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits. we elO'eoL to ovens Insurance In old English or Canadian CompmUce, or in Nut. mil Companies ae may be desired. AGENTS Ben CANADA AND UNITED STATES : TIIE GAN,IDLIN BANK Or CotteutnOE. ScnvLT'N—NEweontt.—In Chicago, on Sept. 14tH, by Rev. Fr. Barth, Mr. August Schulte, of Chicago, to Miss Jessie R., sixth daughter of Mr. Win. Newsome, of Brussels. Q,teenonaere—In Grsy, on Oat. 6th, Ellen, beloved wife of John Carmich- ael, aged 81 years, G months and 9 days. 4TTCTxmzeT SA,T-,S- THnnsDAr, Oot. left .—Farts stook, implements, &o., Lot 21, Con. 5, Morris. Sale at 1 p. m. Wm. Cameron and Mrs. Alex. Cameron, propts. Geo. Kirkby, anot. Twosome, Oct, 17.—farm stock, imple• menta, &o. Lot 80, Con. 3, Morris. Sale at 1 p. no. Unreserved. Alex. Kellner, prop. Geo. Kirkby, sue. !bonnie, Owe. 20.—Farm stock, im• plemeute, &o. Lot 25, can. 10, Carey, unreserved. Sale at 1 o'clock. Samuel Chambers, Prop., Geo. Kirkby, Auo. TUESDAY, OcT. 24.—Farm stock, im- plements, household goods, &o. Lot 25, con. 5, Grey, unreserved. Sale at 1 o'- olook. 0. A. Schiele, Prop., Geo. Kirkby, AGU. Fall Wheat 55 57 Spring Wheat53 60 Barley 30 86 Peas 51. 52 Oats 27 28 Butter, tubs and rolls.. ,. 17 18 Eggs per dozen 18 00 Flour per barrel8 00 8 50 Potatoea .. 10 00 Hay per ton .. 5 00 6.00 Salt per bbl., retail...... 1 00 00 Hideo trimmed 81 Hides lough 3 Sheep skins, each........ 00 1 00 Lamb skins eaoh........ 65 00 Apples per bbl.. 1 00 1 50 Wool 17 18 Pork 7 00 7 50 TORONTO, 0ot. 10.—Flour — Straight roller, 92 90 to 92.95 ; extra, 92.60 to 99.70. Wheat—White, 680; No 2 spring, 57c ; red winter, 58o ; goose, 67e ; No 2 Manitoba hard, 74o ; No 3, G8o to 70o ; frosted, No I, 65c to 65o. Peas—No 2, 52e.o. Barley, feed, 86c to 80o. Or,ts— No 2, 28a to 28ec. Market seemed weak. Sales—Red wheat outside at 66o. Oats to arrive at 82o, and outside at 280. Peas Weide at 52o. TonoaTo, Oct. 10.—(Special) — This market was very dull to -day, with little demand for shipping cattle, except choice qualities. The general run, however, was inferior stuff. Offerings amounted to 40 carloads, and the best sales were at 3gc to 4}o per 1b, the latter for a few choice head weighing 1,880 the. Butoh- er's cattle cull, at Seo for the bust, and at 2}o is 8e for inferior stook ; atookers bring Seo per Ib ; witch cows are quoted at 925 to $40 each, and calves at $2.50 to $7 ouch, according to quality. Sheep dull, with stelae at $8.50 to 94.50 per head. Loathe sold at 8o per Ib. Hogs are a trifle weaker, with fair receipts ; the boat sold ab Sio per lb, weighed off one, and good to medium at bac to Glc ; Pougb are quoted at 50 to Gio. EAST BusirtLo, N. Y., Oct. 10.—Cattle —Tweety oars on sale ; dull, lower ; Canada store, 100 lbs„ sold at 95.80 ; bulk unsold. Sheep and lambs—Twsuty oars held over and and seven roosivod, in. eluding one oar Canadas. The market ruled slow to a shade lower for common to Ink lambs, with good sheep and lambe about steady. The best sheep on sale brought 98 75 to 94, and common to fair tote, 98 to 93 50 ; good to choice 76 to 80 Ib. lambs, 94 75 to 95 ; common to fair Iota, 98 75 to $4 50 ; Oanadas, 94 76 to 9510. Hogs -42 cars on sale ; market was very slow, and it was in the morning before anything wee sold, prices ranging at full weak 5c to loo lower all round for what were sold ; packers', pane, sold at 90 80 to $6 50, and a few at $7 for nearly ail ooru.fed to strictly go, and 90 00 to 97 bought the ssleoted Yorkers ; pigs sold at $6 60 to $6 60 for a few, and roughs, 95 60 to $0 25 ; stage, 94 10 to 94 26 ; green stook quotable at 95 26 to $5 05 as to quality, the latter price for culled stooks, THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. ANTMIa3ER OP YOUNG RU:actingEstee for sale, Apply to 201300 IIODDI0lC, 11-0 Lot 4, (20u.18, Groy. 01i 12 HORSE POWER EN. LONr' °I ., and holler for sato beoona hand, in hist-olaserunning odor, Apple to 1,00 Ethel. SEVERAL ELIGIBLE PR0— l7 ran80,8 for sale in Brussels. Prions low and terms easy. Apply at TED POST Publishing House. DOUBLE BARREL SHOT— oox.—I have a nue breech -loading James "trap gun," frill ohokod, nearly now, which I will sell for loss than wholesale price, G. A, DJOADMAN, Druggist and Bookseller. STRAYED ON THP, PREM— Ins of the undersigned, Lot North 6 1 and 0,Con. 1, Grey, on Or about the middle of July, a yearling steer. Owner may have the same by proving property, paying ex- penses and taking him away, SAMUEL SNELL, 104 Jamostowe P. 0. Card of Thanks. We desire bo return our Wooers thanks to the people of Brussels for the aid they gave us in saving property at thelore last Friday night. Hspseially do we thank the llromeu who stayed at their post t0 the lash and did such excellent service iu preventing the names from spreading. Brussels, cot, 12th,1093. S. & P. AM1;NT, Young Men's Conser- vative Club. A. meeting of the above Club will be held at the Otub Booms on Friday, Oct, 1350., at 8 o'clock p. m, sharp,for the purpose of or- 00010(ng for the winter, As the General Elections for the Local Legislature will be held within the next tow mouths theuestion of preparing for the Campaign will bo considered. A largo at- tendance quested' S B. WILSON, President. Sec.-Treas. REAL ESTATE. T..i'1ARMS FOR SALE,—THE UN• DE2SIGNItn nee several good Farms for sale and to rent, easy terms, in Townships of Morris and Grey. F 5, SCOTT,Bruesele, 1.-4 ARM FOR SALE, BEING LOT L 18, Oou. 7, i11 the Township of Gooy. The farm is a good one, Possession can be given March 1s6, 1801. For particulars as to prio), terms, do., apply to 12-4 E. 13ATEOLiN, Lot 10, Con, 7, Ethel P. 0. ("1H0I0E FARM FOR SALE.— ‘...) Being South half Lot 27,aon.0, Morrie, 100 acres, nearly alloleared, Good buildings, Mee young bearing orehard. Immediate pas. 0eeoien, Easy Terms, Apply to tf- W. M. SIN OLA0R, Solicitor, fie,, Brussels, 200 ACRE FARM FOR SALE. The 200 sore farm, being lots 11 and 12, eon, 10, Grey, is offered for sale. 120 ' bseood.'t Buildings nrst elass..tl 0rnllat c°1,1wo 1, &o, School house within 40 rods. Posses- sion given at once if desired. For further particutare as to Price terms 00. apply to Mils, FVA�LBRR, 8-01 Rosovino P. 0. or N10LSON BBIC0ER, on farm, ] 1ARM FOR SALE.—BEING LOT 20, Routh half non. 4, Morris con- taining 100 was, 80 aures are cleared and free from stumps, balance hardwood and oedar, There Is a brick bouso, largo bault barn, log barn, orchard, wells, 340., on the next i Them Possession givenuaroFall 5501 eat lin whioh would have to be arranged for with present tenant. The farm is may 18 miles from Brnssoie, For further particulars apply to ALEX, STIEWART, 0-0 Queen Street, Brussels, GOOD FARM FOR SALE.— The subaoribor °gars his excellent 165 more farmfor sale. It is 'coated on Con, 8, Grey, and is in Bret -class condition. Eine roomy house, largo bank barn, good orchard, wells, &o, farm Is well drained and wall fenced, Only 5'miles from Brusso]E, Will sell outright or would take a smaller as Hart pay. Possession could be givenfarinthe Fall. Tiorpartibulare as to pries, berme, o., apply to GEORGE 0110010S, 1+3rassels, 11ARM FOR SALE.--TI3E UN- 1EneloNEn oi'fore hf a splendid 120 aero farm,ymn sale. ah re aro part Lot eared, 0, Grey, for sale. Those are 100 acme cleared, balance timbered. Two dwellinghouses, bank barna, good orchard, 50511 fenced. A never failing spring on the plane. Fosses• elon given any thee. Tke subscriber also offers for sale a dwelling hong°, stable and 5 noros of land in the 0orporation of Brussels. The shouse and garden would bo rented for a short time if not sold. Hard and soft Water. Fox nrlooe, term: and farther nartionlars apply to 201314 SMITi1, 4 7-5 Proprietor, Brusoelo P, 0. DENTAL, Iu31.11JT144�S M, CAVANAGH, L. 11' 6n D. D. 8., Gradoato of rho Jlloyal doglegs of Dental Surgeons, Ontario and of Toronto Uni: voreity, Ossos1—livor A. 1t, Snsith's 8tote, BM:seals, Toilet Soap, Choice Assortment, Large Stock. Some of the Kinds aro ;— Heliotropo, Lotus, Glycerine, White Oatmeal, Tar, iStauluy, tCo. Pepper's Drug Store, lt.lir, 1+1x.44. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. -p L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, le tionsmade,olO�oeuUVa3°ur ietollose B2ioet,0llrus- Dols. 21.8m '%'�T M. SINCLAIR•, 110,7 • dm, Sollullar Oonvsyaunor, Notary Pub: north of Central Hotel,ObOs rt ate°IFlindo°to Loan. ('CAMERON, HOLT t� HOLMES, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Pubiio, Tt. 0. OAR/MON, 0. 0,B/loll, Ont. PIISLIr DOLT, DUDLET 1101,TDis, F. IBLAIR, BARRISTER • Solicitor, &a. (lato of Garrow 4. Proadfoot'e 011loo, Goderiob,) 01500 over Gillies 6, Stn Bank,13 rus eels. Money to Loan. 47 AUCTIONEERS. A • RAY MANN, to nd gales Auctioneer, ieralwayst,r&c.1y Terme cheerfully given. 0rabhrook P. 0. Sales may be arranged at Tan POST Ptlblishfng House, Brugselo, ("1 EORGE EIRE:BY, ‘..q Licensed oil on reasonable terlms. °rFartus. ale$andvfcodar°•mt stook a epeoialty. Orders left at Tan PosT Publishing Douse, Brussels, or seutto Walton P, 0., w111 receive prompt attention, TTAVING TAKEN OUT LIOEN- to oouA of sales o1 fariin stook at reasonable prices, Knowing the standing 09 nearly every person I am in a position to sell to good marks and get good seouriby when sold on credit. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give mea call, 02.0 S. 800TT, BUSINESS CARDS. %T H. M1o0RAOKEN, 'sourer roat his 0roey lurer0yb,usells. • N. BARRETT, Tonsorial ehrue6oresouth of A. 5 y Artist. Ladies' and childrens hair cutting a epeoialty A nfoNAIR, 11• Iesurer of eterriagc Lioeneo y atpointmone of Lieut,.Govmnor, Commis- Fire Commis- sioner, D. Conveyancer at too Oranbrook Post Oilioo- ROBERT OUNNINGHAM: 1N:DRANON, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. ALEX HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Division Court Co, Huron, C°nvoyauonr, Notary Public taninvoaierl°annand loco. Collectins made 01noe in Graham's B look, Brussels, OIL PAINTING, Miss Mortes, of Win hatn, is prepared to give instruction in oil painting. 2erme may be aaosrtain od at Mies Nellie Rosa' store whore samples of work may b0 seen, Miss Merles would also take a few more pupils In music. 91 A. HAW LIN S, softs, auOrganist pupils to the Aol John's loaah°in 1of 5. W, Thayer,Mus.00o„New York., will giv los:nus to pupils either at uie parlor, over A,11, Smith's stoic, or if proferred, at their own bcnlee, Monday. Tuesday and Wednooday at Walton. Terms moderato. VETERINARY. D. WARWICK, 5 • Honor Graduate of rho Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all diseases of dorneettoated animals in a com- petent manner. Partioular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calls promptly ab - tended to, blase and Inlrrmary—Two doors north Of bridge •pnrnberxy 54„ Brussels. MEDICAL CARDS, T A. MoNAUGfT0N, M. D. r./ • o.ot„L,it.o.P„ Edinburgh, M. O. B. S. Ont. Residence and ofjoo in Wlleon'e Block, corner of Hill and Ttlrnberry Ste, L. GIBSON, M. D. . C. M„ M. 0. P. S. Ona, Graduate Queen's University, IOingston, 000 uotc— 8male's bleok, ono [boor South of Standard 13 auk, Brussels, Night bell answered nt the same piaci e. ROAR FORSERVIOE.—THE Undersigned has on hismolls on, Lo t 2, Con, 17, Grey, a Cheater Whitt) boar, also a Borkshir5f5oar,purchased from Jae. Shell, Huilott, Torme-51.50 to be pain at the time of Onrvlee,with. privilege of returning i1 necessary. JOSEPH BENNETT, 104 Proprietor. ROAR FOR SERVIOE. -TIIE 'Undersigned will keep for aerobia at Let 8, COu,10, Grey, the there' broil Xorlc. shire boar,' 1ldady,” bred by 15. 141,Jarvis, Olarkeon,Ont. Forma, 61,1)0 to be .paid at the time of service with privilege of return- tug if neeee5ory, Pedigree nth be seen an amelioration. JAS. WATSON i 15-4 Propretor, 'ROAR FORSERV107.--TIjE Undersigned will peep for service on Lot 20 n. 0, Month de, e there' bred im• proV01) Om. White Yorkshire Boar "Canada's Prni00,” purchased from the woll•linowu breeder J. E, Brothour, Oak Lode Farm Burford, Toone, e1.00 to be paid at Oho time of service with pri1itog± of Iofo'nint if neeassOAy, 'Pedigree may 640 then en ap' plication. BORT.NICHOL.