HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-10-13, Page 5OCT. 13, 1803 TIIE BRUSSNLS POST ageerezzemes=raseeeeese” esteeamit1e=smiteiFeet..._:,...77„ I 11. Beeman plaid el three petunia and half of potatoes this vor, of the elliegie Murphy variety, and they yielded e30 pou lade. Our Ootinoil app sr to be getting figures down pretty row having paid a oertain oentenestor the Mut of 621.01 for work done by him, We regret to learn theknee Elle, daughter of Jelin Cloakev, wlI' w jured in a runaway aeoident About the. e menthe ago, 133 31)3 yet able Ito go %bout withont (Imbibes, D. Kelly is making quite a obange on the Beciour form which ho recently pr. obesed, 11 113 rumored that Mr. Kelly's eldest eon will work the plan on his own hook before long, Wo said "on hie own hook" but bake that back as we under. Anna that Mr. Kelly jr. Is looking out for a, partner. The Voters' 1101 Court was held in the Township Hall last Friday forenoon be. fore Judge Toms. The result of the Court WAS 17 names Wad and 10 111r1101C off by the Reformer& The Conservatives did not enter any oppeale. G. P. Blair, 13arrieter, of Bruieels, Milt, charge of the legal part of the work. 1.3.00T110N1l.—The many friends of Jobe Mollie, formerly of this township but now of Saginaw Clity, Michigan, will re- gret to learn that while at work 9 one of the /hope ef the Sagiortiv Beef Company he mot with an acuident whereby his left leg W118 broken a few inches &hove the ankle. Al the time of writing he had spent two weeks in the hospital and is gosling along nicely. LAtoweJ. Wm. Small, painter, has removed with his family to Stratford. Adam Hess anti wife loll holt week for 34131 11 10 the World'e Fair. The family 01 3. 0. Hay have returned to town from Chicago where they have been residing for some months. The new Bank of Hamilton building is nearly completed. The brown stone front has a striking appeenume. The new foundry buildings am pro- gressing rapidly, all the stone faunae, tions being completed and the brier work is well on the way. Tho buildings cover a large are, and will be an im. portant addition to the industries of the town. Harvest Thanksgiving services will be held in Christ church next Sunday. Rev. R. J. Me0osh, of Chatham, will conduct the servioes. Services will also be held on Monday evening when his lordship, Bishop Baldwin, is expected to be 9118001) 81131 deliver an address. tweeemeretesensmoteeziewieueeicusetweet DISTRICT NEWS. CraimilbroOl• Tho cider mill ie now running full 000301313111—Win, (Matte and his sing. ing elites hero am very busy geted»g up II splendid program for a greed oonaert to Come off 111 /1b0110 1011 days, The ohm here will be aseieted by the musical talent of bile Straalian and Taylor remit. Ms of Grey and the Walton Methodist ohureli elude, See the bills. Be sure you 1110 3110130 or you will miss the treat a the 00118011, 111U/ft. Rev, Mr, Brownlee 91038011031 in Se. Gaorge'a church hist Sunday afternoon, The olietwe fuetory has closed down for the 8010011 a 011 Mn Edgar has removed to Breseele for the Winter, A private recital will be given by Ma m nein pripila of Walton on Wednesday, Oet, 133111, at 315 p, m. in the Foresters' Hail here. Mrs. 31)1( 1110 Misses Bap 'twisted at a Foreeterce conoert at Blyth on Wednes• day evening. They discoureed melody on the violins, glasses, bells, bottles, Am. .Aletevvootl. Voters' List Court will bo held here on Thurrelay, Oct. lath, to 1 p. 111. The Church of Einglauct held harvest thanksgiving serviees 012 13u11clay, Ocb, 81311., Jae, Grievo, 51, P„ /oat a valuable Japanese carved walking stiok in the Agrioultuval 11011 00 3811 3113. Jas. Loree, formerly of Atwood, has geoured a lucrative position io A. Moyer 13 Co's. grist mill,Listowel; and has re- moved hie family there from Belmore. Lemuel Patton has disposed of one of Me 100 etre fame, near Trowbridge, to Jes. Porterfield, of Monkton, for the sum of e5,000. There is a lino, large brick house and good barns on the place and the land hi 131 o good state of cultivation. Mr. Porterfield bits got both a good and :heap farm. He takes poasession Oct. 20th. 13h 01, J. M. Henderson, who has been &way to a cutting Bohm!, is now in the tailor- ing business and pushing work along. There was no wheel here limit Friday ae Inapeotor Robb gave the pupils a hall - day. A number of the upile attended Brussels Fair. Ethel does 001 11110031 (being behind in the Prohibition movement. The lodge here sent Roht. McKay as their delegate to Toronto last week to the big Conven• tion. He pronounced it a genuine 8310' 0088. Tho repaire and improvements to the Presbyterian church are completed and the building very notch improved there- by. A. new ahingle roof has been put 09, the foundation pointed, the walls kalso. 'titled and the wood work painted. S. Gillies, who has been the station 1890111 11010 for some time, has removed to Davideon, 00311 1311131, Michigan, where he will manage a large lumbering bard. nese for his father. Relieving Agent McDonald, of Toronto, is on duty here. E0TER1311151110T.—T130 F.,p3V0r1 11 1,01144110 0( 11118 place pnrpose holding an enter. tainmeut ou Wednesday evening, Oot. 18111, Atwood anti Trowbridge Leagues are to be in attendance and provide the timpani for the evening, A greed time in expeoted. All are 8101001130. 3:101eSW0111-1.)/1. J. Belden, of Wingliona, was in Moles- worth over Sunday. A. large amount of cheese left our &Wry for Listowel statiou last week. Inepector Bebe visited our school last week aud gave a very favorable report. Me. and Mrs. Dunn, of Atwood, were miaowing old friendships in town this week. Mr. Babb and Geo. Mace, two pods- geglles, Sundayed with the parents of the Meer. Miss Ida McKee returned last Friday from Peterboro' where she has been holidaying for the past few weeks. H. R. Sponoo hao been engaged as teacher of the little sohool on the Boundary. The school will be much more oolivenient to hie home than his present one. Miss Cloghlin, the preseut tetteher, intends taking the Normal 000100, The one topic) of interest beside which all others shrank into ineignifioavoe in our village last Friday was 1111180010 Fall Show. Early in the morning many happy faces started westward and mealy pitying glances were bestowed upon the poor unfortunates who 1031)111)1831 1181)13131, The day was not all that could be de• sired but it takes a good deed to dampen the spirits of a holiday crowd 13011 3311 re• tuned home deolaring that the realiz. ation went away beyond anticipated pleamare. The Harveat Home tea meebing ont at Maine last Friday evening was a deoided 8000888. Tho night was not in its favor but (me would never think that to look 811131113) 301 the house was crowded to NM door. A. lengthy program was presented, The musio by the McDowell family, of Lietowel, was a epeeist treat. Tho ad. dresses by Rove. Pring and Williame were heartily enjoyed, while the dialect reading given Wyly beet -whit down the house. The people of Maine certainly deserve credit for the style of their tea and entertainment. Proceeds amounted to PS. .1313,01. Harry Kelly took a business trip to Chicago on Friday. Ward Symonds has secured a situation in Brussels Salt Works making barrel& W. Detimmond, foreman of the flax 811111, lefb for the World's Pah, on Saber. day. William 00001813, 8 former Blybhite, but now of Woorlstoolc, is visiting friends in town, A Coart of Revision of the Votere' Lists for '08 on the 13th 1131013,, in Shims. try 31111. Our tonsorial artiat, Jets. Huekstep, has bung out his 8h111& in the Howard' brick block. Our old political warhorse, P. Kelly, 18 doily expected home from a visit to his 'waive land, Ould Ireland, Wm. Oampbell, 12th Divieion Court Cloth, is havitg 11 beets front edriet1 te' hie properly on Queen street. ettetoolf's grocery store has Undergone some deolded improvement lately in the 'hope of new Window frames and a teeth Mt Of paintr On Wednenday evening the members of the I, 0. P. kelp geve 04 entertain- rneot in 11331 111307 Hall, On Sunday several 331113)113130 of he 0. 0. F. 01 131)11, tom, etteeducl divine or - 1100 11/1111 11301,' bro1111:013 i Wingiam. 31. A, Scuilett and family, who /lave been living here for the pasb two years, intend making their home at Owen Sound shortly. • Two 01 001 hotel keepers took a trip to OIiulon bet week at the invitation of Liepeotor Paieley, for an infringement of the Licerwe Act, We underetancl that John Kelly, of the Queen% was fined and the other, F, 30130118131, got elem.. The minuet Harvest Thanksgiving servioes of Trinity church is to be held on Wednesday evening, 38th ;nab. Revs. Fairne, of Ontaton ; Woods, of Winglia,m, and Herrin, of Hayfield, will take 1)1111 181131 13110 011111011 will be dope, ated for tlie oaciaelon. W let:411am . Wm. Gennett and N. J. Kerawell, len a few dayo ago for a visit to Eugland. Rev, S. Solley was in 'Toronto lasb week attending the great temperance convention. Thos. Gregory has purchased two grain houses ite Iiippon station and will p Weil lase grain in ICI ppen. Miss T. Galbraith has sold her house and lot on Some droll to Mrs, William Gay, et a reasonable figure. A. L. Hamilton, druggiet, lately of this town, has purchased a drug bust - nese in Palmerston and opeued ap bet week. S. 0, Geese, a eonverted Jewish Rabbi, of New York oity, delivered ad- dressee on Tuesday and Wednesday even- ings of last week, in Meyer's Ilan. Mr. Gnarls is a miesionary among the Jews in New York city. G rases,. Wm. Holt 10 10111 aside with a lame back. R. 11. 0,111 118 making some improve. meets to his dwelling. 3, E. Coombes sees home from Her- riabon High school for a few days. Mies Kate Calder left for Boissevain, Afanitoba, on Wednesday 01 11118 weak. Wm. Brewer did the threshing in the North end thie Fall to the satisfaction of all. Mimi Maggie Burgess, of Brussels, was spending a few days on the Lit con. last week. Alex. McKay, of Stratford Collegiate Institute, paid Ft flying visit hits friends recently. MoKelvey and his daughter Maud spent a !ow days last week at Goderich. Dougald 0. S. Simeon has sold hie farm in Wawanosh mid will likely be. come a resident of Grey again, We bid hina welcome. P. L. S. Bell was here this week in eonnection with the Government Drain No. 2. Tho work will likely be proceed. ed with at once. What is the Connell doing that they have not let the contract of digging Me ditch on the 3813 0081,, in etoordance with the Tengineetes Award 7 The brustees of S. S. No, 8, Grey, have engaged the present teacher, jno. Stew. met, for the corning year 01 9>8 inorease of salary. They evidently know how to op - prolate a good teacher. Last Saturcley forenoon the Vetere' list Court for Cerey 810.0 held at Ethel, judge Toms presided, The Reformers added 10 names, Minuet 10 off and amyl's 5 changes. Tho Conservatives added 2. G. F. 131811 and R. L. Taylor, Barristers, oondnoteci the cases. D11 1)0114 011.113pbe11 11310 disposed of his 50 &are farm, West 11311( 1,1 7, aon, 16, to his neighbor, Wm. Turnbull, who owns the East fifty, for the mu of $2,800. Posseesion will be given on April 1st, 1804. Mr. Campbell will not resume ferming, at lemst for a time. lio is an old and worthy resident 01 31310 township and we hope he will locate near by. Oere.—On Thuesclay of testi week El. Ion, beloved wife of John Carreioltel, died (11) 1110 residence of her eon, 17111 aon,, at the advituced age of 81 years, 13 months and 9 days. The cleopsed was born in Lanarlishire, Sootland, where she was also married in 1841. Tbe family eame to America 28 years ago, residing in Oxford County before locating in lees township 18 701818 18340, Apoplexy was the mule of death after e, brief ill' ness of 11 week's durotion. Mr. Car. Inielmel and two sons, Aeigus, of Hansen, and John, of Grey, are the survivors of wife and mother. The enbjeet of this notice was 33 faithful member of the Presbyterines church and enjoyed the esteem of a, large circle of triends. The funeral took place on Setarday after. noon, Rev. D. 13. McRae, of Oranbruok, conducting tho service. Interment ;vas made in Brussels cemetery, IWO Crii00. Mrs, R. G. Vincent in visiting her pr. ents this week. Mrs. Dobson Is enjoying a visit with friends at Mitchell. 131011,1 Walker and family, of Napanee, have become reeidents of the Gth line. The school house in section No. 3 has been greatly improved by 0 coat of paint. 111. 13118010, the popular teather of S. 8. No, 8, has twee re. engaged for another year. John Ward, who has ban in poor health all Summer, appears to be grow- ing weaker. The& Ruseall, who has been Emending 113 couple of weeks vieibiog friends in Miehigem, returned home on Fridoy. Mrs, Matti& who lilts been visiting her sieter, Mrs. 13. Busman, hoe retnenee to her home in Souris, Monitoba, Miss Mary Halliday, who is ottencling the Model school al Goderich, Sonde:ea with her parents on the 5th line. D. Meiklejohn is building feileoef and making preparations for it fine lime from the coueeeeion no to the farm handbags. The new brick eohool 031 Browntown is about completed and will be opened next vteek, 11 18 a credit to the neighbor, hood. Michel Kelly, of the 7th line, is taking time by the forelock hoeing already let the 00)11)11801 1130131 exeitvated the found. tion fox a very large barn to be tweeted next Snmmer, Mike 18 a pusher. Wm. Maio bas otleotod a very 1110 young Shropshive rain from the flock of 3, Anderson ct kion near fiefgrave. Mr, Ittiobie Will ehip the rain to his son Thome& &young farmer in the eouoty of Suiten. Perth County. Tho remains of Mee Connelly, of Logan, an eta settler, who had lived nearly >13 oen• tury, viz., 04 years, were buried in the Catholic cemetery on Sundoy. There were a large number at the funeral. Tho Stratford uesessment roll for 1894 has been returned. The new roll puts the population at 10,227, as egeenet 10,• 088 by the last aseessment. Other figures give the value of bnprovemenbe ab $2,759,180 ; value of real property, $4,• 176,790 ; personal properly, 9116,850 ; taxable income, 600,825. The large barn and side building of J. Adam Ohalmers, of lefasselburg, together with all 01110 seasoa's pop of a 130 acre farm, some of lest year'e grain, impl01 ment, eta.. were totally destroyed by fire Monday afternoon. The only thine sieved was the live stook. Origin un. known, but supposed to have been little boy pleying with matches, Esti. mated loss on buildings, 62,000 on eon. tents, $1,600. Insurance very small. A. St. Mary's welter says ;—"Tom Pearson, 0130 Of our looal celebrities, startled the °milt-11unit3; the other day by whamming that he had falleu heir to a large fortune amounting to some $3,000,- 000. In suppott of his claim he produced letter purporting to bo 11001 001101301)1 in Scerboro, Yorkshire Counl,y, England, addressed to Thos. Peareon, and stating that Robert Jackson, en unele of the party to whom the letter was addressed had willed 1311 1118 property to him. Tom, who saws wood and does other sundry jobs 0110113 town, ia highly e'evated over his supposed good fortune and has al. ready dealaved his intention of carrying out many philanthropic ideas as moon as his fortune is at hand. The doubting ones seem very incredulous cheat the existenoe of the 'fortune but stranger things have happened outeide of flatten. Wm. Rowland, sergeant major of the 98611 Hatt„ died at Stratford the other afternoon of inflammation of the bowel& Serga•Mejor -Rowland was an old and true soldier, He wee born near Kelmul. laugh, County Mayo, Ireland, and enlist- ed with the 47th Regimout of Foot at Wolverhampton, on June 9th, 1848. He was then in his 18111i year. After service of ten years with this regiment he was honorably discharged, being at the time a aorporal. Ho served with the 47th at Corfu, Malta, TurIcay, Crimea nod Gibraltar and waa preemie at the battles of Alma, Sortie, Inkormonn and Sebes. tapol. While stationed at Sobastapol Sergeanteleajor Rowlood risked hie own life to save a man from deowning. 311 1850 Mr. Rowland again entered the army, this time at Wostminster, mangle ing with the 08131 Regiment. 110 was then a little over twenty.eight years of age. Ho saw service with the 53rd in British North America and in the West Indies and at the expiration of les time 81)30 honorobly discharged. His dui. charge papers from the 58rd Regiment note the fact 13111813 130 had the ()dolma medal with the Alin& Inkermann and Sebastopol clasps end e. Turkish medal, M. Ilowlond Wen 0 to Stratford to live in Afity, 1867, and has resided there ever ainco. Tho Matti was attended by e large umber of the mambas of the Battalion. john Henderson, aged 83, a Nissouri hunter, WM 3111 11 over and killed tear London. Tho Provincial Govereeneub will be petitioned to 11031d a, surveyor to propetly define the limits of the Long Point Co's property at Long Poinb. There is a gee. uine impression that the convexly ex. ereieee the right of proprietorship over moro of the mares that their deed 911311'. 8311085 to them, end the Governmenb ie requested to interfere in being! of the general public). A corroeponclenb says 1,1100 little ohild of Arthur Mutton, of West Nieeetli, While creeping over the floor leaked up caterpillar, and, babsalike, put it into hie mouth and chewed it up, with the vomit that the ataildIe tweet Warne very much inflamed and ewellei from the hairs seek. ing into the throat. Under the care of the doctor, the little one ie eeeoveritg, iii,„,, ,,,, vy Which we Inaugurated last Friday is Bound to be it Success. The public know what a Special Sale means here. It means that in 27 days certain lines must and will be turned into money. Already CEO BS - HAVE - BEEN - THE ADIVII.MMICRIACIMingimM&C051.4490.IIIMAStre........,21.315.5.10112.15SeinicIONkiale Eeep it up, wo will Save you, Dollars. Everythins Now, Bright and Crisp. All Wool Cashmere Gloves, 15c per pair, 2 pairs of Wool Hose for 25c. Ribbed Cashmere Hose, worth 40e, for 25c, • All Wool Vests, worth 70e, at, 500, Good Grey Flannel at 121c per yard, Fancy Jersey Flannel at 25c per yard, Tweed Dress Goods at oc per yard, 50c Tweed Dress Goods going at 8Th,. 75c Black Henrietta at 50c, Mantle Cloth often sold at $1.00 for 08c, Men's all wool Shirts and Drawers at 50c All wool Shirts and. Drawers, regular 750 line, at 571c A good 'Umbrella for 50c, Best Carpet Warp, 5c lb, bundle for $1.10, Men's Tweed Pants, worth $2.00, for $1.25. Special Sale Saturday Night of Gloves, Hosiery and Men's Underwear, One Price and No Deviation, TIE RE. Ma fir Bargains ,very Day, gool Comm oxstrixELD BRZTOSELS. Produce taken as Cash. <est tattdiciaa Nee avre. A. Children's Convidesomit Hospital will be eientbliehed at Montrout. Lady Unit, widow of Sir Alexander Galt, has goue to Wienipeg to xeside with her son. The 0. P. R. hes abandoned 1301311 1101313 year the proieet of erecting a new sorting 0101138101at Winnipeg. Miss Silverstone WOO run over by a 0. T. R. teain at Chatham street, Montreal., Monday night and was instantly killed. Thos. lifeCon key, of West Korea, peak. ed a cob of corn tide week that contoined 880 grains. Mrs. Henry Mott, of Norwioh, was m- oney, while peeforming her household duties, struck by lightning and rendered unconscious. As a lady of Norwiell was preserving 111111 10 her home one day /est week a swarm of Pea flew into the room and drove the lady out and took possession of the preservers. Limo Dennis, of Burgassville, has a remarkable hen whioh is laying her fourth batoh of eggs for thie summer and basjeeso hatched two lots and roised 11, flock of 25 elliekens. Jas. Barber is now keeping thatch" at 317 Dundee street. Ilio wife left the other day ostensibly to visit lieu mother 81 Dealcerville, Mich., bat the faot that a border, Albert Smith, disappeared on the flame day has given rise to some diseue. sion 111 tho neighborhood, Mrs. Barker took a trunk, 13 bed and the sewing 81)8. 0111010, whioh hag aroased the husband's suspioion, olthough when he said "good. bye" to Boehm on the buten he did not 1111013 she wee eloping with Smith. She also took her two ohildren with her.— Woodst oak Sentinel. While W. E. Tenninge, who lives at Staples, a village a few miles from LE10,110ington, wee returning from Rochester with a load of oats, on Friday of last week, he overtook a. young 01001 named Maokenzie, who askod him for it 1 ride. Mackenzie, who was somewhot intoxicoted, after riding a 8110113 131010 fen from the load, whioh, before 113 could bo prevented, pewee over his body. Mr, Jennings stopped at once and assisted him on the load again. When Meehan. zio, apparently nob badly injured, got seated again he said "I aril all right now, and had scarcely uttered the words when he fell back and 031 )1110(1. 130.81130 young and worked at the m Ils at Staple& Little was know of him there. "It 3311113 a, decidedly grim ornament," said a traveller, "thee I saw 301) 1110 house of a. well.known civil engineer whose eateer had some time boon in the Beaky Mountains. It was a 11001111100 competed of the finget nails of.o, yonim Sloes brave slain by 111)3 1:3138 warrior, 'who, with the genie 01 1110 victim, had taken this trophy 01 11101 prowces. Strange to say, this oeolclaae was intrinsically very handsome. The characteristic) shapelinege 01 1310 In• dians arm and llama ideally perfect oven to the finger tips, was illaeeratad io thie barbarous( memento. The neeklooe of ten picots was 10 coior brown, euggee• ting inore than anything else a seeing of &mewl. So removed in 8990410000 wog it from any forbidding seggestions of the savage deed it, reeerded that the genuinely gentle and reftnedwomito to whom it wag 'hewn handled it longingly, and begged of the owner thot if be over gave itmevity it elmald be to her, A sad accident befell the little deughter of Arab. Cionobee, of East Aldborough, on aloncley. She was being taltea to school on 1110 mint wagon, driven by her father, when the bora 8 ren amity, throw- ing Lor out aud larenking her sktill. London Saturday 1,1313 1311r00 Free. men brothers of 1teleigh were found guilty ef metheaughtev with V.01111.1 10 tbe deeth of P. 0, Rettlite of Chatham, mud they were 8031,0,100,1 10 penitentiary for life, Their coasin, Lemuel Pree- n -eh, was diseharged. At their la•t meeting the Bervie 0. Y. 13. Lodge, No. 3, paned the follo,viitg resolution unanimously 1—"Wheleas, the 101100900 01 the Roman Ce Mono (Miura is steadily blameable in Canada ; where as as the hatching of taxation are becom- ing heavier every yecir ; be it therefore resolved that this lodge of Orange Young Britons do hereby denounce the Grand Orange Lodge of 13. 11. for its slavish support of the Roman Catholic govern- ment of Oanada. Wo further denounce the policy of the Thompson government, which &ewe unjust burdene on many people to benefit a few ; is creating gen- eral diesatisfection, and rill, we fear, be the co use of driving thenitda into annexa- tion with the United States. We take this opportunity of expeessiug our (lona- deuce 111 Helton 11100m:thy, as we believe his pollee/ to bo jest and honorable mud ought to secure hien the supporb of all good citizens of Canada whether Roman Catholics or Protestants. 13e it forbear resolved, that this lodge will do its et• most to separate the 0. Y. B. society from the jurisdiction and control of the Grand Orange Lodge of 33. A., for we believe that Grand Lodge is not worthy to control the notions of any junior society, Wm. Sterling, W. M." "ru 1,, • ; :17.44:77:51 1TY • *0 • Grand Trunk WEEKLY EXCURSIONS —TO TII1L— 'W'ORLD'S FILM IINGLZ rat ran Nun Tam Oot.18 & 1,1 1310igrbgig Q, 03.11 20 01 To arrive bOok dost1w1 ; tion on or before 0034,1, o 31331340rviva 11130(3 331 ,108)3)110. Oct, 27 & 28 TMon Oh or 1301010 Nov.131,1a. fet DAMY EXPRESS 1.../ TRAINS to alit0AGO., J. N. KENDALL, 0, 3.11. Agent, thmes. He E. illeALLISTER. PDPJW8 P P uLAR W A:17 PA IiE8 British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, California, Tomist Bleeping C31118, Ter eee to Se. attle Without Change, le1131 TO– RONTO EVERY FRIDAY AT 10:15 P, M. until Farther Noito,, COMMENCING' OL'. 6,'93 For farther portionlites arply to any agent of the compally. J. T. PEPPER, Agent, Brnseele. ERS ATTENTION I MoAllicter, MERCHANT OF ETHEL, Begs to announce to the Farmers of tho surrounding vicinity that he is prepared to buy all kinds of k IN At the Storehouse at Ethel Station. Highest Market Pried Pahl.