HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-10-13, Page 44
New Advertisements, have beep the members of the Indepen-
dent Order of Oddfellows from all parte
of the Union and from Canada, and the
bright uniforms of the 1';naamppment
brandies have given an anueual brilliancy
00 the scene, Prize drifts have taken
place in the live stook amphitheatre,
witnessed by as great crowds as saw the
harems and gabble a couple of weeks ago,
It ie a matter of no email ]ride with On.
tario Oddfeliows that one of their num.
ber, Dr. O. 1, punlpbell, of London, Oat„
-, T ct; is uow at the head of the order in
Q:.,J intSSt.1 past. America, and presided ea the meeting
here, his address on one or two 000aeicne
proving hhn full worthy of the exalted
FRIDAY, SEPT 29, 1893. position he occupies,
Looals--Jae, Walker.
Sueceseful—Miss Alo1'herson,
1i'01 Overcoe.ts—A. R. Smith,
Boots and Shoes—J, Downing.
New Grooery—dos, Ballantyne.
Gospel Traots—G, A. Deadman,
Card of Tllauka—J. ce P, Ament.
Double Up Salo—H. 11, Maddock,
RAILWAr QOrporatione have not all the
low on their side as is instanced in the
case of Beaver ve. Grand Trunk Railway
Company of Canada, reported in vol. 20,
Ontario appeal reports, page 470. The
head note glvee a brief statement of the
law as expounded in his ease as follows
"A passenger who has paid hie fare and
has lost his ticket cannot be ejected from
the train upon his failure to province life
tieket for iuspeeliou by the conductor.
There being upon the Liotta no condition
requiring its production and no contract
for de pr.ldaetiou having been entered The Lincolns rank with the Leioesters
into that is not a refusal to pay his fare, I and Cotswolds as the largest of the lot
under 51 vie., 211, sea. 218." The g
., tamp.
Canada Law Juvenal vol. 90, No. 15,
gives the gist of the ease in verse.
Tho judging of sheep commenced with
the long•wooled varieties. Chas. lair.
bairn, M. P. for South Yietoria, and R.
Gibson, of Ilderton, were the judges. The
lirat class taken up was the Loiaesters,
claimed by their breeders to be kindly
feeders, beautiful of form, maturing
early and of good sing. They are proline
and good mothers and produce a good
grade of long wool, The American ex-
hibitors were not numerous 013 this sties
acid had to content themselves with cue
third prize, all the rest going to John
Kelly, of Shakespeare, and Jas, Snell, of
Clinton, who won in the aggregate $1,.
A Beaver who travelled upon a railway
When asked for his ticket thus simply
did say :
"I really have losb it—produce it I can't,
And pay once again for a ticket I sha'nt,"
The couductor was wroth at that
Beaver's tale,
Itt veracity he began to assail,
And, glaring upon this tibketiess Beaver,
He said : "I'm afraid you're but a de.
esiver ;
Your ticket give up or the train I will
And out of it quickly I'll soon make you
But Beaver, quite beaver -like, stuck to
bis tale,
And before that conductor he would not
So without more ado the train it was
2 ,
And from it the Bracer most rudely was
Now this Beaver was grieved and vexed
to the heart,
For yon know that his tail is his sena.
tive part ;
Yet his tale was rejected, his person as
So his bosom did heave, and with rage it
did swell,
And a suit he did bring against the rail.
E'or serving him in such an outrageous
And damages heavy he claimed to as.
Elie grief-stricken feelings and soothe his
great rage.
The courts, when they heard of his pith
ful tale,
Thought the Beaver abueed and his suit
' should prevaSl ;
And to the defendants diel solemnly say :
"When a Beaver his ticket doth lose on
the way,
His tale you can't treat with au= die.
Nor on his veracity rudely reflect.
For bouncing this Beaver out on the
In damages heavy you'll have to unload,
And we'll have you to know that it is not
That a Beaver must keep his ticket on
For inspectf0n by any an= duffers as
When once itis paid for that quite ends
the matter ;
If yon kith him out and his body you
Beoanee to your view he du:liuos to dis-
The ticket he says he has lost by the
Yon must for the job heavy damages
And this 1s the law—because that's what
we say."
The inot•ai of this story I pray you now
to learn :
Au Elephant should never the tale of
Beaver spurn.
World's Fair,
The citrons features of the Fair, as they
are called, are proving great as
oarde, and attractions of all kinds, evolv-
ing for the most part from the fertile
brain of Fraol Millet, are crowding each
other oloee these days. Mr. Millet,
Whose writings and eketohee have made
his name a household word with maga-
zine readers, bee been director of color
since the inception of the Fair, and to
him tine beautlfal buildings owe numb of
their attractiveness inside and oub. His
duties in the line of coustruetion being
over, he turned hie attention to amuse
ment and designed the innumerable pro-
oessioue, illuminatioes, etc., wide!' have
so greatly increased the attendance, The
whites and greys with which his palette
was covered in the early clays have been
abandoned an Mr. Mf11et has dipped his
brushes iu Otte brightest vermillion with
which fitly to illuminate the olosing
The quoeti011 has frequently been ask•
ed, "Will the Fair pay ?" Tam best
answer to that is that the tnanagement
has decided to pay off all the bonds in
full, with accrued interest. With a con•
tinuauco of the present large atteodanoe
till the close it is expected that Horne.
thing will be left to apply on the ordinary
The diepoeal of the beildinge after the
Fair le over is a question that hoe been
discussed a good deal. The latest sug-
gestion, and a startling one it ie, is to
b ten them up, hawing first removed the
finiehin40 and anything that scold be
utilised, It is thoagi{ht that the stuff
With which the buildings are covered
wanid crumble with the heat and leave
the steel beams and althea uninjured.
If this Bohemia ware carried out, the
baildinge burned one ata time, it would
furnish a spectacle such as has not been
witneeaed eines( the days of Nero, and a
large amount no doubt would be collected
St the gates.
Among the Ikany prominent visitors, there is 00 clue to the thief.
wooled varieties. They are a good mut-
ton sheep, the lambs weighing heavy at
an early age. The ewes tape good care
of their lambs which average an increase
of one and 0.11011, and they are good
shearers. Two prizes in the Lincoln
olass went to American breeders, the re.
minder, amounting to 51,105, going to
Gibson ca Walker, of Ildertou ; Mr.
Oliver, of Avonbank, and D. A. Cantp'
bell, of Mayfair.
Cotswolds are apparently more in
favor with American breeders than Lei -
oaten or Lincolns, judging from the
fact that no leve than four Amerbaans
entered the list against the two Ontario
men, R. Miller, of Brougham, and .7. S.
Snell et Bros., of Edmonton. The Cots
are easily picked out by the vartest nov-
on.ice on account of the huge woolly topnote
that hang over their eyes. Tbey are of
large size, good breeders and shear well
and owing to their being bred so long in
the highlands of England are especially
suited to country similarly situated on
this side of the waters. In all $085 iu
prize money was taken by Messrs, Miller
and Snell, and, as was the case with the
shorthorn cattle, many of the other prize-
winners were 0,2001io bred, but uow in
American bands, thus establishing most
conclusively that our province is the
breeding gronud for fine sleep as well as
The classes in which Ontario breeders
are represented that remain to be judged
ere Dorset Horns, Southdowns, Sbrop-
shires, Oxfords and Ilampshiroe, and to
our credit be it said that there is not a
weak animal hi the lot. A7 swine the
°lessee in whioh we are interested have
not yet been reached by the judges.
oval:newIs° 00E 11020011118,
So large is the quantity of fruit arriv.
ing daily from Ontario that Superintend.
cut Pettit has been compelled to enlarge
his sphere of operations and has borrow•
ed from the State of Washington a space
some 60 feet long on which to display the
overflow from the six tables, each 90 feet
in length, which are already crowded
with the choicest products of our orchards
and vineyards. Itis intended shortly to
utilize the acquired apace for exhibits by
districts, for which awards are offered.
Our people have at last beanie thorough-
ly awakened on the fruit question and
parties who have visited here have gone
home determined to stir np their own
localities to send their products. Besides
the regular source of supply in the
Niagara peninsula, outside points such
108 Cornwall, Belleville, Or llia, Colling-
wood, Owen Sound, Meaford, Leaming-
ton, Ancestor, Oakville, Lambeth, car.,
are now shipping freely and others will
follow. The goods are carefully packed
and are taming forward its perfect 0ou.
ranee nos 000n AUTIS05IT1,
Sir Richard Webster, Chairman of the
British World's Fair Commiesiou, has
done the Fair very thoroughly the past
few days and at a recent social gathering
paid a very high compliment to Canada,
to whose courts he had paid special at-
tention in making his rounds. The
magnitude and perfection of our exhibits
had astonished him, he said, and re.
ferring to the Ontario educational boort
in the Liberal Arts Building,he expres-ed
the opinion that it was one of the most
beautifel and instructive in the whole
exhibition. It was the only one which
at all approached his idea of what an
edtoationel exhibit should he, for it was
perfect in arrangement and explanatory
in a simple and eatiefaatory way, of the
finest practical system of public educe,
tion, from the kindergarten to the uuiver.
sity, that the world affords today.
Saab a flattering testimonial from so
eminent an authority ie something to be
proud of.
The three Ontario shorthorn cows—
Waterloo Daisy, owned by F. Martin-
dale, of York ; Fair Maid of 'EIullebO, by
Wm. Grainger, of Londeaboro', and Lady
Bright, by H. Wright, of Guelph—which
have been in the three dairy testa, were
shipped home last week, with two calves.
These cows have all made exceptionally
good reaor'de for eharbhorns, some of
them running as high as 50 pounds of
milk daily, Lady Bright, who ie nearly
18 years old, must panes extraordinary
powers as elle has rarely in the whole
live months gone below 80 1)00048 daily
and has several times been in the
C. M. Youxo,
Wm. Fawcett, a brakeman on tho
Manitoba and Northwestern Railway,
fell from a freight train near Yorlcton,
Man., Su1Bay morning and was instant-
ly killed.
Geo, Whiteman, a farmer of Lariviere,
Man., was accidentally killed while try
ing to do time repaire to hie granary,
A, beamfell down and amok him o0 the
back of the neck.
The airy of Montreal will naive 020,-
012 as its share in the street railway
company's earnings for the first year of
the new contract, The amount repro -
ants 4 per Dent, on $740,828, the groes
Four lettere containing $1,160 in all,
have dieappeareh en rotate for the Bank
of Montreal, Ottawa, The lettere eon.
tained remittancoe from district pbet,
Aloes wtore there was n0 bank. So far
Every Ellie o'1' our Readers
tiutlz'ol.I Ne 'WM.
Spiritualiete are in eeeeion at Ohioago,
Pewee Ijfenlalult le growing stronger,
The Argentine rebellion has been
Count de Lesseps 00nditiuu is some,
By epeoial arrangement with the pub- what improved.
Ushers 1ve are enabled to Inttilte e1ery0he 20 now aaese of yellow fever Were re.
of our readers the possessor of a lifelike ported at Broaswiolt, Ga., 101 Monday.
porbrait of the ITou. Wilfrid Laurierthe Twenty new.eases of yellow fever and
trusted and esteemed leader of the Liber. one death were reported Saturday at
et Party of Canada, The portrait is Brunswick, Ga.
drawn from the lateeb and heat photo- Brigadier•Geuerel Breoltenr'idue again
graph which the honorable gentleman anoounoes the defoncelese condition of
bas had toned, and is etahod in a lifelike the southern coasts Of 0110 United ,Staten,
and thoroughly srbieOio manner. The Light Orme of coal mine owners hi
entbuel000;c.reoeption tvhiolt Mr, Laurier Bolton, Eng., have opened thole pits and
has received wherever he has appeared miners have gone to work at the old rate
is evidence of the great worth of the man. of wages.
He le the peer of the great lenders Papi. The edible dogs of China are known by
neat, Brown and Mackenzie, who, their bluish black tongues. They never
t1oegll they have passed over to the grout bark, and are very teeitalrn. Four mil,
majority, still live in the mommy 00 a lion aide. half are elonghtorod annually
grateful people. Mr. Laurier's portrait to titilate the palates of the ooleebiale.
should be in the home of every Liberal The first section of train No. 8, on the
in Canada. The portrait is printed 011 it Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago rail•
sheet of plate paper 18x24inolles and will road, while Doming through Whiting, a
nob be for sale only enough copies being station about 80 miles west of Fore
printed to supply souvenirs of RID. Wayne, Ind., jumped the track and a
Lanrier's triumphant campaign through. number of people were (tilled,
out the Dominion. Wm, Nixon, an elderly farmer living
To eve our readers the cosh of the in London township, received a bad
picture being mailed to us and then to Molt from a horse on 1'leeday. Ilia jaw
them, it will be sent directly from the was broken in two plaoas as a result, and
publishere. Fill out the blank below owing to 110 advanced years the injury
and send it to the publishere of the pis• will go hard with him.
tire, The ]Montreal herald Co., Mon- The Royal Liquor Commission met=
treat, with G oenLs in stamps to pay for Monday ab Woodstock. It tome shown by
packing, mailing, eto., which will entitle statistics that commitueuts far drunken.
yon to receive one of these exe011enb nese decreased 60 per cent. when the
porbraita of the most popular man in the
Dominion. You will be pleased with it, rnoreased after the repeal of the act,
Soobt Act was in foram, and that greatly —*--"—'----e-m-* """'
as Don't wait until Jack Frost gets all his Freezing Apparatus in
ur- I shape and running until you have contracted a heavy cold
om- and threatened with pneumonia. You can have your pick
oat from the hundreds of garments, comprising
CIS-171tell CRIMES.
Rev. le, Paul occupied the pulpit in
Waterloo street Methodist church,
Stratford, last Sunday.
Rev. ivlr, Brownlee, of Gerrie, and
Rev. W. G. Reilly, of St. John's church,
Brussels, exchanged pulpits last Sunday.
The subject by the pastor in the Meth°.
dist church next Sunday will be "Jeho-
vah Rophelt,L" in the morning, and in the
evening "The Pattern in the Mount."
Rev. G. H. Cobblediak, B. D., and Miss
Joan Ross attended the Provincial
Christian Endeavor Convention at St.
Catharines this week. DIr. Oobblediok
is a member of the Exec:diva,
The Salvation Army served dinner on
Fair day in the building recently used
as the postomoe and cleared about 024.-
00 from their enterprise, The proceeds
were applied to local purposes.
Presbytery of Maitland will hold a
special meetiug at Laoknow next TRes.
day at 1:15 p. 01. to consider a ball to
Rev. W. II. Geddes, of Whiteabaroh,
from RayneaAvenue, St. Catharines, and
St. David's, in the Presbytery of Hamil-
Sunday evening Rev. Mr. Cobblediak
preached- a special sermon to women,
having reference to the W. P. M.
S. In it he touched on the condition of
womankind in heathen and Christian
nations ; urged strongly the enfranchise-
ment of women ; proved that sex was
no barrier ; and concluded with a very
euoonraaiag account of the work done by
the W. I?, lel. S. in this and other hands.
Knox ahuroh Christian Endeavor So.
eiety held their semi-annual business
meeting 00 Monday evening. The fol-
lowing are the newly appointed oflioere
—Rev. D. 1v1111ar, Hon. President; Jas.
Botz, President ; Mies Lizzie Roes, Via -
President ; Miss Ilary 0alder, Recording
Secretary ; Mrs. A. I. McCall, Corre-
sponding Setrebary ; M. Sootb, Trees.
timer ; Look.out Committee, Mrs, Martin,
Miss Maggie McNeil and Mise Maggie
Eekrnier ; Prayer Meeting Oommitles,
Miss Bella Betz, Miss Nellie Ross and
Mrs. Boutb.
The epeoial service in Melville church
lest Sabbath morning was largely at.
tended by the y0nng people who filled all
the °entre pews. The 01101011 was beau-
tifully decorated with Autumn leaves,
while just above the organ in front of Cho
pulpit wag an arOifieint arrow, to which
reference tette made in the service. Mr,
Rose' text wag Psalm 127, 4—"Aa arrows,
80 are children," and in the sermon he
improered upon the young people that
they should be hike arrows by being 1
Straight ; (2) Sharp ; (9)•Swift; (4)
Sure. After the sermon the rewards
gained by the sueoeesful candidates in
the General Assembly's higher Religious
Inetluotion scheme were presented as
follows ;—In the Junior Doctrinal De-
partment, certificates toRobt, 7C, Coseley;
Wm. D. Forbes and Alex. W. Ross ;
diplomas to Agues Melioration and Wm.
G. Cololough, In the Intermediate
Historical Department., a certificate to
Lillian Ainley; diploma to Mee, C.
Livingetoue and a diploma and p0180 to
Jennie 0, Miteholl. In the Senior
Historical Department, a tsertilioate to
Mrs, Jno. Stewart; diplomas to Mrs,
Jennie Tufts, Jae, Moore nerd Edward
Garvin ; diploma and prize to Jas. A,
11088. In the Senior Biblical Departs
went, n diploma to Christina Sinclair ;
diploma and prize, Mrs. Neil Richardson
and Peter A. M0411htlr.
A. D. Benjamin, a wealthy Toronto
hardware dealer and one of the principal
stockholders fat the Detroit Steel Bath
Manttfaaturing Company, bas rroently
fallen heft to $8,000,000 through the
death of hie father in England.
City i']ugineer ]seating, of Toronto, 1
&aided that the present system of sec
ing water is the bast, and will ret
mend tunnelling the bay for a supply,
distance of 2li miles, Oat estimated
$250,000. Depth of lake end 80 fe
land end 120,
Frank 01. Sheffield, temperance outer
and ex•Methodiet preacher, who was tried
at Providence on Tuesday for the mur-
der of his 5•year-old daughter, Margie,
was found not guilty because of insanity.
Sheffield tusk the child to Rooky Point,
on Aug, 28th inst., and leading hog to a
secluded place in the woods pounded her
head in with a stone. Re then went in-
to the town and told what be bud done
and where to find the body.
A shocking sandal has been paused at
Sun Francisco by the coroner's investi•
galhcn of the San Francisco Foundling
Hospital, where thirty-three babies have
died within the past week. The plane
was closed and 24 foundlings were given
into the custody of the Catholic Infant
Shelter. The coroner ascertained that
89 infants died from lack of nutrition,
and from inanition and pemphigus. The
Daughters of the Good Shepherd have
publicly branded the asylum as a
slanghtor house for babies.
Henry Dy k, aged 21, tried to break in-
to Wm. Deltoever'a store at Olive, Mich.,
Monday night and was killed by Frank
Devries. Dskoeyer went to Grand
Rapids on Monday and stationed Frank
Devries as night watch there. His store
had been mitered on five previous oc-
0a81on8 and he feared another burglary.
In the dead of the night Devriee saw Dylt
boring a bole in the rear door. He at
once alined his shotgun and fired three
times. Dyit died instantly. Devries
gave 1.imself up to the antltorities and
MB taken to the county jail. D,yk was a
son of a notorious family. He has
served a term in the house of correolion
Ma was 01)00 implicated in the burning
of a poor mane field, and has been ar-
rested on 008900ion of setting fire to a
house. His parents have both been tried
and convicted for assault and battery,
and his three brothers have been found
guilty in the Circuit Court of vrrioue
sToax, 110.—itr Garai Kirkby, Ano.
tioneor, has received inatruottons from the
undersigned Prnnrtotors 00 8011 by Public
Auction, MT., of 21, Con. 0, )Jerrie, on 'I'hlrrs-
1sy,ttrtolaerinttl,lSlKt, commons lug ab 1
O'clock sharp, the fnllowiu g valuable prop.
arty, Viz :-1101010 5 er 0 years 014 ; 1 blood
snare, driver, 7 years old ; 1 span mares 2
years old ; 1 blood colt 1 year old ; 1 general
purpose onlb 1 yam: old; 10 mileh cows sup.
110000in calf to a thyro -brad bull; 1 three
year old heifer ?supposed in calf ; 1 fresh
lnilellClow; 2 steers 0 yearn old ; 4 steers 2
nazsald; spring calves; 1 brooding 8011;
1 horse three years old ; 10 calves one year
old ; one set of double harness,nearly new'
7 ewoe; 0 lumbo; 1 wagon end ay reek ; 1
lirtbt wagon; 1 buggy; 1 harvest cultivator
with seal deist, new ; 2 mower and non har-
vester, nearly 011,'; 1 pair 'of 1)0b.s.efghe; 1
wheelbarrow, Nearly hew; 1 set of barrows;
A plows ; 1 one horse plow ; 1 Chatham fou-
l. turnip seeder; 1 watering trough;
Mug mill with baggio attachment' A num-
ber of cattle ties, with other articles too
numerous to mention. The sale will be
Without reserve as the proprietors aro
giving up farming. Terme. AB Sema of 80
and under east,' over that amount 10
months credit will be given on furnishing
approved iota notes. G par sent, off for
cash on credit 14210/114B.
01129, ALM. 0A1010 RON,riet
Pro or
1ILLIA;I onntrlxON } p s;
0110. 0SILU10BY, Auotioneor.
The Fall Millinery Opening.at
Miss McPherson's store was a
decided success and the Exhibit
evoked many complimentary ex-
pressions from t110 hundreds of
The Latest and Prettiest styles
in Hats, Bonnets and all other
Millinery Goods at Low Prices.
We aim to satisfy by giving
our purchasers City Millinery in
their own town.
See the New Styles.
It will both pay and please
you to call and see our splendid
display before placing your order.
We won't be undersold.
Bliss IYroPherson,
City Milliner, Brussels.
ewt� ek.
t vxv
The Price won't bother you a bit. A perfect fit can always be de-
pended on when you purchase of us for our stock is so large
that you are subjected to no annoyance or trouble whatever.
Call and see Our Melton Overcoats, black and fawn, with Vel-
vet Collars, for WOO.
Suits and Overcoats for Boys and Youths.
We have one of the largest stocks in the County—Buying them in
large lots we often get snaps that small dealers can't touch.
We give the benefit of our buying to our Customers.
Tweeds, Woretth Overceatings.
We also carry a large Stock of Goods for
Clothing made to Order and guar-
antee Satisfaction,
The -undersigned has purchased a New and Choice stock of Gro-
ceries, Comprising :—
Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Spices, Tobaccoes, Fruits,
Soaps, Bottled and Canned pods, Syrups,
Vinegars, &c.,
And has opened them to the inspection of the Public in the Store
k110w13 as the
Where an inspection of Goods and Prices is asked. Highest market
pried paid for good butter and cash for eggs as usual.
We are showing as fine a range of Shoes as there is to be
found in Brussels and at Prices that
Our stook comprises all the Latest Styles of Men's, Wom-
en's and Children's Footwear—Rubbers, Overshoes,
Felt Boots,,Rubbers & Socks and (lubber Boots,
In Long Boots we carry the
Largest Stook in ri'own.
Before purchasing elsewhere see the stock of