HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-10-13, Page 3OCT. 13, 1893 odr,:tom_ .srts=1b., BRUSSELS FALL FAiR, Tows, Directory. MnkvtLLE Onolton.—Sabbath Sorvioee at 11 a. m. and 7 p, m. Sunday School at 2;30 p, In. Rev. John Ross, 13. A., pastor. Knox Cannan.—Sabbath Services at 11 a. m, and 7 p. m. Sunday Sohool at 2:80 p, m. Bev. D, Millar, pastor. ST, JofN's Cnnncu,—Sabbath Sorvioee at 9;80 tu. t 11 a, n . Bend 7 v. W. G Sunday Mourn- bent, METHODIST Cuunau.—Sabbatll Servioes at 10:30 a. m. and 6:90 p. m. Sunday School at 2:30 p. in. Rev. G. H. Cobble - digt, M. A„ B. D., pastor. ROMAN CAT1(OLI0 Cuunen,—Sabbath t 1oLitvnn 0;80ai. ReJoseph Kennedy, priest. ElAI,VA'rION Au/n.—Sorvioe at 7 and 11 a. m. and 3 and8 p. m. on Sunday and every evening in the week et 8 o'clock, et the barracks. ODD FuLLDWS' LODGE every Thursday evening, in Graham's blook. MAeoew LOnWE Tuesday at or before full moon, in Garfield block. A. 0. U. W. Lonurt on lab and 3rd Friday evenings of each month, in Blas. hill's block. 0. 0. F. LouoZ 2nd and Iaat Monday evenings of each month, in Blashill'e block. D.O. L. lot Monday in every month, in Orange Hall. I. 0, F„ 2nd and last Friday in Odd Fellows' Hall. 11. T. or T., 2nd and 4th Tuesday's of each month, in Odd follows' Hall. Sows or SCOTLAND, let and 3rd Tues. days of each month, in 03d Fellows' Hal 1. 1i. 0, T. M. Lonan, let and 8rd Thurs- days of each month, in Vanston0 block. PosT OI'rraE.—Office houre from 8 a, 01,to7p.m. M'IEcruANlce' INSTITUTE.—Library in Holmee' block, will be open from 6 to 8 o'clock p. m. Wednesdays and 8:80 to 5 and 6 Io 8 Saturdays. Miss Dolly Shaw, Librarian. Tow's COnNcm.—W. II. Kerr, Reeve ; W. H. McCracken, George Thomson, R. Ross and John Wynn, Councillors ; F. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thos. Kelly, Treas- urer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J. T. Ross, Collector. Board meats the 1st Monday in eaoh month. Sonoon BOARD.—T. Fletcher, (chair- man,) Dr. MoKelvoy, Dr. Graham, Rev. Ross and A. Reid ; Seo.Treas., R. Ross. Meetings 2nd Friday evening in each month. Pwu.m Sermon TaAonnns.—J. H. Cam- eron, Principal, Miss Braden, Miss Downey and Mies Cooper. Bonnet or Ltect ru.—Reeve Kerr, Clerk Scott, A. Stewart, H. Dennis and J. N. Kendall. Dr. McNaughton, Medical Health Ot'tioer. YES OR NO Ob, savor did lover in a fable • In snob a predicament stand, A letter I wrote to my Mabel To ask for her heart and her hand, With compliments worded so nicely, A life-long devotion I swore, She answered—and left me precisely As wise as before I It is tone that I begged, when inditing My note, a reply with all speed ; And Mabel, to judge by her writing, Fulfilled my petition indeed I The drift of this scrawl se erratic I'm wholly unable to guess ; It may be refusal emphatic, Or can it be "Yes ?" Affeotiou she'll feel for mo "ever," But stay—if that blot is an "n" It turns it at once into "never," Or is it a slip of the pen ? Hor heart will bo a "truant (or true ?) be" And what is the word just above It looks like—it cannot be—"booby I" Perhaps it is "love." A meeting must needs be awaited To render these mysteries plain ; Perhaps in this letter she's stated She never will see the again. On one thing at least I've decided— Should she be my partner for life, A typewriter shall be provided Por the use of my wife 1 THE BLESSING OF. A SONG. "What a friend we have in Jesus," Sang a little child one day ; And a weary woman listened To the darling's happy lay. All her life seemed dash and gloomy, And her heart was sad with care ; Sweetly rang out baby's treble, "All our sins and griefs to beer." She was pointing out the Saviour, Who would carry every woe ; And the ono who sadly listened Needed that dear helper so. Sin and grief were heavy burdens For a fainting soul to boar • But the baby, einging, bade her "Take it to the Lord in prayer." With a simple, trusting spirit, Weals rand worn she turned to God, Asking Christ to take her burden, As He was the sinner's Lord. Josue was the only refuge ; Be could take her sin and Dare ; And He blessed the weary woman When she came to Him in prayer. And the happy child still singing, Little knew she bed a :barb In God's wondrous work of bringing Peace into a troubled heart. THE BRUSSELS POST a (CONTINUED P11011 rdne'r gnus) The prize list is as follows :— Honsos,—Heavy Draught -- Stallion over three years, Goo Olvar, Fisher & Menzies ; brood marc having raised foal in '98, J I' Dab:, Jno Shortreod ; horse colt, Geo Dela ; mare cult, 1 1' Dale, J `Shorbreed ; 'E year old lllly, 2 If Dale, G Mof£att,J Shortreed ; 2 year old golding,J 1i' Dale ; yearling filly, Goo Dale, J Short - reed ; heavy draught team, Geo Dale, A Gardiner ; stallion over 8 years with 4 of his progeny for 1890, Fiehoe & Men- zies, Geo Giver. General purpose—Brood mare, having raised a fool in '03, James McLellan, J P Dale, Jae Petrie ; horse colt, Jas Petrie, Jas IklcLellae, D Milne ; marc oolt, 1Ingb Rose, J F Dale, Thos Rose ; 2 year old filly, Neil D,moanson, J 1' Dale, J Bolger ; '2 year old gelding, Thos Roes, Jno Brown, J MoLollen ; 1 year oldgelding,Jne Simpson, Jas Mo. Leliau ; span of general purpose horses, D Walker, Taylor Bros. 2 as 8. Bond- eters—Stallion over 3 years, F Scott, W Roddiolt ; brood mare, having raised a foal in '98, Geo Thomson, W Rocidiak, T Strachan ; spring foal (oolt or nilly,) t1 Gin\, W Knox, Ballantyne & Wilton ; 2 year old filly, T Caldor ; 2 year old geld• ing, A Grant, T Dennison, D 0 Ross ; 1 year old filly, D 13 Moore ; 1 year old gelding, Geo Thomson, A Strachan, M Johnston ; buggy horse, Silas Jaokson, Jno Scott, W J Dickson ; roadster tram, Jno Scott, Luke Sprain. Carriage - 11 Attains, Flsher & Menzies ; stallion under 3 years, Fisher & Menzies, P Scott ; 2 year old filly, A Smith ; year. long gelding, 0 Sago, H Kirkby, It Poll. and ; epring foal, (colt or filly,) 11 Poll. ard, 0 Sage, J Armonr ; carriage span, D D Wilson, 11 Johnston ; brood snare, R Pollard, R Leabherdale, 0 • Sego. CATTLE—Durham—Bull over 2 years, D Milne ; bull under 2 years, R Corley, D Milne 2 & 9 ; milch oow, having salved since last show, 3 Armour, D Milne 2 & 3 ; 2 year old heifer, D Milne 1, 2 & 3 ; 1 year old heifer, D Moine, J Armour, A Milne ; bull calf, D Milne 1 & 2, 11 dor- ley ; heifer oalf, D Milne, 1, 2 & 3 ; herd of )nrhams, 1 male and 4 females, D Milne. Jerseys—Bull over 2 years, G A Deadman ; bull under '2 years, J Coats, ; miloh cow, having oolved since last show, I) Forrest, G Thomson, G Deadman ; 2 year old heifer, fR Inglis, G A Deadman ; yearling heifer, D A Lowry, G A Deadman ; heifer calf, J R Smith, G A Deadman 2 & 3 ; bull oalf, G A Deadman. Native or grade—Cow, having calved since last show, R Corley, R Robertson ; 2 year old heifer, R Cor- ley, Clara Ireland ; 1 year old heifer, R Corley, T Ross ; 2 year old steer, 71 Rose 1 & 2 ; 1 year old steer, 11 Corley, T Rose ; steer calf, T Rosa ; heifer cal[, T Ross, R Corley ; fat oow or heifer, T Rose, R Corley ; fat ox or geol., T Ross 1&2. Sneer—Leiceeters—Aged ram, Sohn Barr, Jas Speir ; sbearling ram, N Oum. ing, D Crerar ; ram lamb, N Sunning, J Speir ; pair ewes, having raised lambs in '93, N Coming, P Robertson ; pair of shearling ewes, J Barr, N Coming; pair of ewe lambs, J Speir, N Coming. Downs—Aged ram, McEwen & Jones, Jno Smith ; ram lamb, Jno Stuith, R McGowan ; pair of owes, having raised lambs in '93, J Currie, R McGowan ; pair of shearling ewes, McEwen & Jones, Jno Smith ; pair of owe lambs, 11 Plc: - Gowan. Pros—Berkshire—Baur over 1 year, D Milne, J Shorbreed ; boar under 1 year, A Smith, W McAllister; sow, braving littered in '93, W McAllister, W Bryan ; sow under 1 year, W McAllister, A Smith. Yorkshire—Boar under 1 year, R Nichol ;sow leaving littered in '93, R Nichol 1 & 2 ; eow under 1 year, W Bar- rie 1 & 2. Chester Whitee—Boor over 1 year, FI L'dwarde, S Snell ; boar under 1 year, H Edwards, 8 Snell; sow having littered in '93, 5 Snell 1 & 2 ; sow under 1 year, 11 Edwards 1 R; 2. PonaTnx.—Guinoa fowl, Jas Harrison ; dark brehmas, 0 Henderson, Gao Irwin ; light brabmas, Geo Irwin, 0 Henderson ; black spanieh, 0 Henderson, Jas Harrison ; plymouth rooks, 0 Henderson, G Irwin; white leghorne, J R Smith, W Taylor •, silver spangled hambargs, J Harrison,'E Garvin ; black homburgs, 0 Henderson, G Irwin ; polands, 0 Henderson, Jos Harrison ; bantams, 13 A Lowry, Geo Irwin ; lmudans, Geo Irwin 1 & 2 ; dor- lcins, Geo Irwin, Sas Harrison ; long - sham, Chas Henderson 1 & 2 ; wyandot- tes, W Taylor 3 e$ 2 ; turkeys, R Nichol, J Cook ; geese, Ohm Henderson, Jas Harrison ; rotten docks, Geo Irwin, J Cook ; peltin duoks, Geo. Irwin, Joe Harrison ; ayloebury ducks, 01has Hen. demon 1 & 2 ; canaries, Mrs T Ballan- tyne ; game fowl, Jets Htarrison, Geo Irwin. InPLEMttNTs.—Pateht arty wagon, 5 Plum ; one horse buggy, covered, Sas Walker 1 & 2 ; two horse buggy, covered, Jae Walker, D Dwan ; road oart, Jnn Wynn, Jas Walker ; iron harrows, S Plum 1 & 2 ; turnip muffler, J 3 Gilpin ; turnip nutter, J J Gilpin ; general put, pose plow, J Heffernan, J J Gilpin ; double mould board plow, 3 J Gilpin subsoil plow, 3 J Gilpin , set doubletreee and neckyokes, Jae Walker, S Plum ; recommended, open buggy, S Plum ; set horse shoes, S Pluto. GRAIN.—Whibe Fall wbeab, 1t McGow- an, Atnos Smith, Geo Johnston ; red full wheat, Jas McCallum, R MIoGowau, Geo Johnston ; Spring wheat, any var. iety, Joe MuOalluhn, Goo Johnston, Geo Moffatt ; barley, 4 or 6 rowed, Jno Brown, Chas Henderson & Son, P. Rob. ertsou ; black onto, V Poersfee, Jae Erg. risen, Geo Moffatt ; white oats, George Johnston, Jno Howitt, J Burgess ; small peas, Geo Moffatt, Jno Brown ; large pens, Geo Moffatt, Chas Henderson, Jas Speir ; t motby seed Jno Robb jr, Jas Harrison, Amos Smith. FnuIT,—Btaldwin9, Jae Evans, Jno Mfo• Kinnon • Famerum, nob known, R Inglis; ,King of \Tompkins Co., W McArter, 11 Hamilton ; Monmouth pippins, .1 Robb jr ; Northern epio0, Mre Geo Nott, 11 Hamilton ; 1t 6greening, W Barrie, J Evans ; golden mote, 0 Henderson, R Inglis ; Spitzenburg, Mrs T Ballantyne ; Sock no further, A Stewart, Jno Hewitt ; Tolman sweets, 3 Currie, J Evans ; Btb• ston pippins, W Barrio, Mrs Geo Nott ; Culverts, W Moaner, J Speir ; Roxbury russets, J MoKinnon • Alexander, A Smith, 0 Henderson ; Duchess of Olden. burg, Mrs G Nett, 0 Henderson ; Fall pippin, J MaKimhon ; Maiden's blush, W 1leArter, H Hamilton • variety of Winter npples,.I) 13 Moore, 0itae }Seeder. son ; variety of Pell apples, C Hleader. ton ; Winter pears, Mre T Ballantyne, Nellie Roes plums, Mrs McKelvey, W H Modraoken clusters of grapes, Ohas Brazil wili tluarentine all vessels from Europe. Robs. Louie Stevenson says there will be trouble at Honolulu if the British warship withdraws. The outlook foe a poaoeful settlement of the dispute between ].'ranee and Siam is considered more hopeful. At St. Louis, Mo., Train Robber Hedge. peth has been found guilty and sentenced to 25 years in the penitentiary. rive negro murderers were hanged ou One scaffold at Mount Vernon, Montgom- ery County, Ala., last Friday. It is reported that the Mansfield mine a few miles front Crystal Palls, Mich., oeved in the other flight and killed 40 miners. A daughter of Pehof. Briggs of the Union Theological Seminary has decided to en. ter the Now York Training School for Deaconesses. Iionderoon, 3 Howitt; orabs, J Stafford, O Henderson ; apples, not in above list, Geo Johnston, R Inglis. Rocas tun Henn Caois,—horny pots. toes, 3 Bo/gar, 2 Mebane. , W Taylor, B Inglis ; labo potatoes, W II Modraoken, B Inglis, V I'oereter, W Armstrong ; collection of potatoes, 0 Hoodereon, E Jas 13vens ; wax flowers, Mrs T Ballon. Lyne ; wax fruit collection, Mrs 0 °amp. bell, Mrs Geo Nott. Recommended -- Etching work, Jno Currie ; aard board motto, C A Deadman, Nellie Roes. FINE ARTS.—Collection of stuffed birds in ease, It Loathsrdalo, Mrs Jno Wynn ; oolleation of stuffed animals, It Leather. Garvin, W 11 IloOracken ; Swede tor- dale ; paned drawing, Mrs 0 Campbell, nips, P Robertson, 0 Ilonderson ; tor. Dips, any other vertcty, 0 lIeudersun, G Johnston ; white field °arrols, Jas Mu Lellan, ®J Wilkinson ; Albriugham oar. rote, D 13 Moore, W Taylor ; scarlet names, W Taylor, 2 MuLellan ; early born carrots, W Taylor, 0 Henderson ; long blood beets, J Goats, W Taylor ; blood turnip beets, J MuLellan, W Tay - ; ay; white sugar beets, W H MoOaeokon, J McLellan ; parsnips, W H MoCraoken, Geo Kelly ; mange' warm's', long red, Mrs T Ballantyne, W H PeleCraolten ; yellow globe mongols, W H McCracken, Geo Kelly ; red globe mangele, W H Mo- Orackon, J MoLelloo ; long yellow maw gels, W I1 MuOraokon, Wolter Richard- son. VnolTAsLns.—Onions, from seed, rod, J Stafford, w Il Mo0raoken ; yellow danvere, from seed, J Stafford, W H Mc- Cracken ; onions, from seed, Giant Room, W Taylor, W H McCracken ; onions from top sets, W H MoOraokon, W Taylor ; onions from Dutch sots, W II Modraoken, A. Stewart ; top onion sets, 3 Brown, Cao Kelly ; Dutah eats, Mre J Wynn, Fred McCracken ; potato onions, 1' MoOrsolcon, W Taylor ; corn, Yellow Canada, J Stafford, W Taylor; corn, White Flint, W Taylor, W II Mo. Oraakeu ; collection of corn, J Stafford, W TI Maoraoken, C Henderson ; winter cabbage, Mre T Ballantyne, W Taylor ; curled savoy, 0 Henderson, W 11 M4o- Oraolten ; red pickling cabbage, W Tay- lor, 0 Henderson. ; cauliflower, \V Tay- lor, J Stafford ; pumpkin, W .Taylor, (1 Hodgson ; squash, W H MaCraoken, 0 Henderson ; collection of garden produce, W H McOracken, W Taylor, ; tomatoes, large, 011onderson, J Burgess ; plum or cherry tomatoes, W Taylor, 0 Hender- son ; butter beans, J Stafford, W H Me. Oraokon ; white beaus, Mrs. G Nott, W H ivleCracken ; eny other variety beans, J Hewitt, W II Mo0raoken ; oitrons, round striped, 0 Ilenderson, Mrs 0 Campbell ; citrons, long Californian, J Evans, G Johnston ; watermelons, Mrs C Campbell, W H McCracken ; musk- melons, W II McCracken, 0 Henderson ; euonmbero, 0 Headersou, W Taylor ; celery, white, 0 Henderson, W Taylor ; celery, pink, Mre E Stewart, 0 /lender. son. D,ttax Pnonuot.—Tub butter, Jas Wil- kineou, J McLellan, H Hamilton, Jae Evans ; table butter, J McKinnon, Jas Wilkinson, D B Moore, 3 Ferguson, Mrs E Stewart ; factory cheese, Neil Mc- Laughlin, W A Edgar - home made cheese, Jas Simpson, Mre'E Stewart. DuMEeTlo MANUOAOTntEe.—Ten yards flannel, Mrs Geo Nott ; pair blankets, Geo Johnston, 0 Hendersoth ; counter- pane, Mrs Geo Nott, Mrs .L' Stewart ; yarn, hone spun, W II McCracken, Jae McLellan ; gentlemen's suit, Canadian tweed, D 0 • Ross ; maple sugar, J Mc- Lellan, J Brown ; maple molasses, 3 Evans, Mrs G Nott ; honey, comb, G A Deadman, W Armstrong; honey, etram• ed or extracted, G A Deadman, C Hen- derson ; grape wine, D )3 Moore, F S SootE ; strawberry wine, W FI McCrack- en, Mrs T Ballantyne ; elderberry wine, Mrs Geo Nott, W 11 MoCraaken ; apple jelly, Miss McClelland, Jas Beane ; rho• barb jelly, Mirs T Ballantyne, J Evans ; raspberry jelly, Mrs T Ballantyno, Nellie Ross ; jelly from any other fruit, Jas Evans, D 13 Moore; btalter's bread, white, Goo'Phomoou ; home made bread, white, Sas Harrison, Mfrs T Ballantyne ; baker's bread, brown, Geo Thomson ; home made bread, brown, Mre T Ballan• tune, D B Moore ; fruit cake, Mrs T Ballantyne, D B Moore ; jelly calve, Mre McKelvey, Mrs T Ballantyne ; oatmeal oaks, Nellie Ross, Mrs McKelvey ; col- legian of canned bait, in glass jars, W H MaCraoken, Fred Mooraolteu ; axe handle, Jas MuLellan, Geo Johnston. Mesurna'uncs.—Sat double farm har- ness, 1 0 Richards. LAnrae' Wona.--Arisrene work, Mrs A Strachan, Mrs illoKelvey; applique work, Mrs A Straohan, Mrs T Ballantyne ; braiding, Mrs G Nott, Jas Ireland ; her• lin wool work, flat, Mrs T Ballantyne, Mre McKelvey ; berlin wool work, raised, Nellie Ross, Mrs A Straohan ; berlin wool and bead work, Miss McClelland, Nellie Ross ; berlin wool flowers, John Currie, Miss McClelland ; bead work, Nellie Ross ; bonnet, Jas McCallum ; berlin wool and silk, flat, G A Deadman, Mrs A Straohan ; cone work, Mrs E Ste. wart, E Garvin ; cord work, Mies Mo• Olelland, Mrs T Ballantyne; crewel work, Mrs 0 Campbell, Mrs McKelvey ; card board motto, Mrs E Stewart, W Barrie ; crochet work, Nellie Rose, Mrs 0 Camp- bell ; darned net, Miss MoOlelland, Nellie Ross; embroidery, cotton or muslin, Mrs E Stewart, Mre 0 Campbell ; embroid. cry on worsted, ales Geo Nott, Nellie Ross ; embroidery on silk, Mre Gao Nott, Nellie Rose ; fine shirt, G Moffatt, Mrs Geo Nott ; fancy knitting in cotton, Mrs E Stewart, hiss McClelland ; fancy knitting in wool, Mre 0 Campbell, Mrs Geo Nog ; flannel shirt, Mrs Geo Nott, Mrs Ill Stewart ; feather flowers, Mrs Geo Nott ; feather sbitahiug, Mrs T Bal- fanbyno, Nellie Roes ; hair flolvete, J 11 Smith ; point lame; Mre Geo Nott, Nellie Ross ; lase honibon, Mrs Geo Nutt, Nellie Rose ; lambrequin, berlin wool and bead, Nellie Ross, Mrs A Straohan ; lamp mat, Nellie Ross, Mrs E Stewart ; leather work, Mrs 0 Campbell, W H MoOrnoken ; pair woolen mitts, Geo Moffatt, Jas Alto Callum ; poly woolen gloves, Fred Mo. Oreckon, W H McCracken ; netting, Mrs E Stewart, Mre T Ballantyne ; tufted quilt. W Barrje, 3 Brown ; oroohet quilt, Mrs 11 Stewart, Jae Ireland ; pabohwork quilt, Miss McClelland, Mrs 331 Stewart ; log cabin quilt, Mrs Geo Nott, Mfiss Me- Olelland ; fanny quilt, Mre T Ballantyne, Jas Leland ; knitted quilt, Mre B Stew- art, Mrs Geo Note ; rag mat, Mas T Bel- lantyne, lairs Geo Nott ; ribbosoone, Mrs 0 Oempbell, Nellie Roos ; rope silk, Nellie Rose, Mrs A Straohan ;• 'Roman embroidery, Mrs A Straohan, Nellie Roes ; shell work, Mrs Geo Nett, Mre E Stsw• art ; sofa pillow, berlin wool, flat, Nellie Rose, Geo Moffatt ; sofa pillow, berlin Wool, raised, Nellie Rose, Mrs'A Stre• ohen.; sofa pillow, pabohwork, Nellie Ross, Mrs A Strachan ; pen: stockings, woolen, Fred MoOraoken, Mrs Geo Nutt ; pear stooltinge, cotton, Mrs Geo Nott, Mfrs E Stewart ; pair soots, woolen, W H McCracken, Fred Metratlten ; pair poke, cotton, Mre E Stewart, Mrs Geo Nott ; straw hat, Mre C Campbell ; tot. ting, Mrs A Straohan, Mrs.0 Campbell ; Mrs McKelvey ; water Dolor landscape, Mrs C Campbell ; oil painting landscape, Mre 0 Campbell, J R Smith; oil portrait, Mrs 0 Campbell ; black ()rayon drawing, G A Deadman, Mre AfoKelvey ; spatter work, G A Deadman ; pointing on pot - tory, Nellie Ross, Fred MfoOraelten ; painting en silk or velvet, Mrs 0 Camp. boll, Mrs T Ballantyne ; painting on placquos, G A Deadman, Mrs 0 Camp- bell ; ornamental penmanship, W Mo. Arbor ; business penmanship, W Mo. Agar, D B Moore ; girl's penmanship, 1) B Moore, J R Smith. FLOWERS AND PLANTS,—Table bouquet, Mrs T Ballantyne, Minnie Stewart ; hand ',comet, Minnie Stewart, J R Smith ; button hole or dress bouquet, Minnie Stewart, J B Smith ; collection of dab. Bast, Minnie Stewart; pansies,Mrs T Bal. lantyne, Minnie Stewart ; phlox dram- mondt, Minnie Stewart, Walter Taylor ; asters, Walter Taylor, Minnie Stewart; stooks, Mfrs A Strachan, Oise Henderson & Son ; petunias, Walter Taylor, Chas Henderson & Son; nfrinnn marigolds, Minnie Stewart ; french merigolde, \lilt• tie Stewearb ; dlauthus, Walter Taylor, Minnie Stewart ; balsams, Jae Evans ; gladiolus spikes', Minnie Stewart, Walter Taylor; verbenas, Walter Taylor; pere- nnial phlox, Wafter Taylor ; cox eotnbs, Minnie Stnwet•t, Walter Taylor; collec- tion ornamental gt•esses, home grown, Alex. Stewart rich con. Grey ; varieties of flowers not specified in abm,c list, Minnie Stewart, J R Smith. Broom Ptnzos.—W 11 Kerr's special, for bread, Mrs T BtdIautone ; for batter, Mrs J Wilkinson. W H McCracken's special, six swede turnips, .las Wilkinson, Jos Speir ; six long red mange's, Mrs T Ballantyne, Geo Kelly ; six yellow globe mangele, Jas McCallum, Geo Kelly. JUDGES.—Grain and Roots -3 W Mo - Bade, Atwood ; Amos Smith, Molesworth, and Geo Johnston, Bluovale. Vegetables —Chas Proctor, Belgrava. Ladies' work—W D Mitchell, Atwood ; 0 Mc- Clelland, Belgrava• Horses—Jno Coop• er, Palmerston ; Ohes Henderson, Wing - ham, and Mr. Mason, Guelph. Settle— Jno Anderson, Belgrava ; J Gaunt, St. Helene, and 11 Parker, Atwood. Sheep and pigs—Arthur Simpson, Atwood. Poultry—REllioit, Wingham, and Jno Brethaur, Wroxeter. POST 00RIP0. Where were oar looal artists ? The gate receipts, despite the rain were 3280. It was a bad day for refreshment booths owing to the wet. Thos. Gibson, M. I'. P., was among the Fair vieitore on Friday. B. Loatherdale had a good exhibit of stuffed birds and animals. In the thorn' bred cattle David Milne cooped nearly all the prizes. There was a great show of hogs and the judges were a long time awarding the tickets. 1'riday'e rain pot the half mile track in. a very sticky condition and hardly fit for speeding. Jno. Shsv handled the bigot selling for admission to the park on Friday and did it well. Brussels Band enlivened the proceed. ings with e, number of selections during the afternoon of Friday. Brown's .Phonograph, and a ventrilo- quist Show with to darkey accompaniment were the observed of all observers. The show riug for horses should be opposite the grand stand so that the soot•• lug 0000mmodation could be utilized. The Ladies' department was well fl1103 and competition was keen. Several new members came into the arena this year. Thursday evening there was a goodly attendance at the "Palace" and a lengthy program of instrumental music was 91001. Thos. MoGregor's saw filing apparatus was examined by a large number of visitors at the Pair and favorably coo. mented on. Brussels carriage makers made an ex. bibit in buggies that attracted a groat deal of attention and the display was worthy of i6. The otos of Indian curiosities, the property of Dr. MaNaugbton, Brussels, received a great deal of attention. It is a fine collection. Messrs. Ballanbyne a@ Wilton, and B. Gerry had large stove exhibits and 11 Leatherdale wade a display of parlor suites, organs, piano, &c. You might search 6110 Connty over be, fore you would find as obliging and ao• oommodating set a of Directors as are to be found at Brussels Fair. Treeeurer Stewart will pay the prizes and Recounts at the Town Hall, Brussels, on Saturday, 21st and 28th lusts., from 2 to 6 p. in. A note should be made of this. The biokot office should be moved to the eastern corner of the grounds and a Small gate placed there so as to obviate the clangor of being run over by horses or cattle at the large gateway. If the centre of the ring ware levelled, more stabling and pens fitted up and a new Palace built Grey Branch Agrtaul- tural Park would be the finest in the county. 'These are improvemente that will have to be attended to. Lucknow lost one of her oldest res'. dents recently, in the person of Dunoan MoArthur, who left to spend the rest of his days with his nephew al Dutton. The members of the Ancient Order of United Workmen of this village will oelebrale the anniversary of the Order by attending divine service in the English church in a body on Sunday, Oot. 19th, when the rector, Rev. Mr. Milos, will proaolt to them. The great social event of the season in Kinloss, 000ured ou the evening of Wed• needay, Sept. 27th, when Samuel Mc- Donald gave his daughter Flora in mar. rings to Robertson McDonald of Huron. Mise Mary MoDonald Wee bridesmaid end Thos. McDonald groomsman. Brantford's population line inareaeed 169 sitnee lust year and is now 16,482. A dnnghter of Thos. Williams, of Drummond, near Perth, found an old tin pail embedded in the earth in the woods which contained between 6800 and 3400 in American silver, the most modern piece being dated 1$41, It is thought that the money was put there by Mr. tinsel work, Nellie Rosa, John Robb jr ; Williams' father, whose memory as to tissue paper flowers, Mrs O Campbell, the spot failed him, anestuemamaismairsogausatassataaanievienouns ",sr BARGAINS IN ts e , MiSh�es FOR 30 DAYS. A Grand Chance to get Big Bargains in Boots and Shoes at Good Brothers 1 ow Cheap Store' Groat efforts to dispose of all classes of Boots and Shoes it order to make room for Pall stock, The stock on hand comprise everything that is new and fashionable, and will be offered clurinl the next 80 Days at VERY LOW PRICES. N I 'S.FECT- TON rw rtrr .J D. A Nice Stock of Crockery, China and Glasswnrn :11t:r, nt Beane ed Prices. Butter and Eggs Wanted. a.xr ' J'm,„ ..P — ST0:�2, BRUSSELS - AND - SEAPORTH. ULD EMIR( Not simply hide bare walls. As discordant strains of music are -tt the ear, so is the eye tortured by out -of -harmony paper on the walla If you look to cheapness alone you might as well cover you plaster with penny -a -dozen newspapers. But if von appreciate rea beauty you should consider many things in purchasing papers-th location, light and woodwork of the room, etc. Our stock includes something especially adapted to every roon —more colors ancl patterns than any other wall paper store la the town. Oar Gooch Papers cost you no more than the poor one others sell. Call and see our thousand -and -one styles. Persons thorough': versed in Wall Paper will wait upon you and aicl you in makink selections. We hang paper in a first-class manner and are prepared to ex scute the best kind of decorations. WINDOW BLINDS.—I have an elegant stock of Window Blinds, well assorted, that will only need to be seen to be appreci ated. They may be had either trimmed or plain by the yard. W. RODDICK., House, Sign, Carriage and Ornamental Painter. P UNDS F 001 FOR 0 1 01 in Exchange for Goods The Highest Market Brice will be Allowed We have a rine Assortment of Tweeds, Cotton.s, Flannels, Cash meres, Blankets, Sheet- ing, Knitted Goods, Yarns, 8co. • All Wool left with ns fur manufacturing, whether rolls o otherwise, will Have our prompt attention, L TEED SATISFACTION GUARA V __ __ E Co.,