HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-10-13, Page 1-tannoeven""rric1ixisysieFo-rii;:;crxwarants _ .
Vol. 21. N o. 13. BRUSSELS, ONTAR.I0, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1893
Wroxeter Show.
W. I-1. KERR, Prop.
The Fall Show of the Wroxeter 'Ter-
tian/Meal Society was hold on Tuesday
and Wednesday of last week. On NVed-
nesclay there was a very good attendance
of visitors and the exhibits In the oub.
door departmeate were good, some splen-
did stook being exhibited, The exhibit
of poultry was the best aver shown
there, some fireb.oless speeinlene of differ-
ent breeds being on exhibition. The in.
side display was hardly up to lest year,
there were some splendid samples of
grain, roots and fruit shown. Ladles'
work and plante and flowers were also
well represented. The prize list is as
follows i—
rlonseis—Ileasy draught—Span, J Bell ;
brood mare, J Bell ; 2 year old ally, a Stow-
srt 2 13011 ; horse colt, J 13911 General par-
pose—Span, W 00001110 ro,r Davidson ; brood
mare, P Scott, P AlcHwen ; 2 year cad geld-
ing, it Rao ; 1 year old gelding, Of Montgom-
ery ; 2 year old filly, P Mollwatt, W J Mitch-
ell ; horse 0015, P MoDwen ,• mare colt, W
Reit ; Roadsters—Brood mare,T Straelian.
1 & 2; 2 year old gelding, Hebb ; 1 year
Ma gelding, D Moffat, 1 & 2' 1 year old
Ally, P Wright , ; bore col(, T
Strachan, I) 31 Moffat ; mare olt, T Straell-
1 Lambkin; buggy horse, auy brood, Et
11 Dana, John Clegg ; Carriage horsoS—
Brood Moo -O, J Lambkin ; 1 year old gelding,
P Scott ; 2 year old All Smith Brothers,
Samuel Snell; 1 year old Ally 0 Johustou •
horse colt, P Soott; mare ooI, ,7 Lambkin
best groomed horse, G 35 Deno (spac(al)
boot walking team, P Davidson (special)
boot lady driver, J Gorton (specla,1); boot
earring° team, J (lotion ; host formed horse,
3232 POr131110.
OATTLE—Durlms—Clow, Wilson, 0
Fraser; 2 year old bolter, L Wilson, 1 & 2
3 year old neifor, also heifer calf, ,T TA, Wil-
son ; Grades -1st for cow,1 and 2 for 2 Year
old heifer, 1 for 1 year old bef1er.1 for 2 year
• oldstoor, 1 for 1 year old steer, and 1 for fat
Miami or heifer, all by.7 NVilson.
EIIMED—Lo(ookoor, r99131,9 shears or over, I)
Fisher, L Lovell ; shearliug ram, 2 31 Joh u -
Eton, L Lovell ; slaearling ewes, J Sanderson.
1 jeA. awe Lambs, Stewart ,J Johnston ;
ram ;web, 2 Ft Jehustoo, 1) Fisher ; ewes, 2
• shears or over, .7 Stewart, 1) Fisher ; pen of
4 owes mull ram, 1) Fisher ; Downs or their
grades, ram, 2 shears or over, W II Web er,
Molilwon 13 ros, shearling ram, W G Weber,
3 2 2 9 shearling owes, MoDwon 13T09.,
Knox; ewe lambs, W H Webber, W Douglas ;
ram itimb,10 Anderson, NV H Webber ; ewes,
29110020 or over, W It Webber, J Knox ; you
ei 4 ewes and 1 ram, W 50. Webber ; fat sheep
any lamed, .7 Knox, W J Hitch ell.
PIDS-13or5nh1re swine, 8(09.110(3 pl.g, C
• Bitker, W Wright ; brooa sow, 0 Baker ;
Chester, aged boar, (.3 Snell ; spring pig, A
Robertson, 8 Snell; breed sow, T nosgrave,
5 20011.
DAUM PRODUCE-110mo made °hoes° ,P P
Abdosworth ;
1 rash table butter, L 939010(9, A.
Vo11s crook butter, f, Brown ;20 pounds
N,, table butter, P Ayiestvorbli,
RooTs—Large tomatoes, A. L Gibson, 0
Baker ; smell tomatoes, J 33rothour, 0
Baker; cabbage, J 3 rethour, W 0 Miele -
wood ; W H McCracken ; squash,
W Soudersou, W H /dear:Laken ; pomp,
bios,)? Scott, P W Weight; citrons, G John-
ston, P72 Mitchell 'celery, W 31litaCraolcou ;
watermelons, \V li McOraolcon, (3 Baker •
muskmelons, 0 Baker, J Brethrn: ; beans, d
73alcer,R Douglas ; corn, 0 Baker, NV /I Mc-
Cracken ; cucumber% J Brethour, PP dein-
Gnaw—nod 1,01 wheat, J W
Bolt, (91 Johnutou white fall wheat, F
Davidson, G afoltitt, G Johnston ; wheat, any
Mud, IP Davidson, specifd ; spring wheat,
auy 1,11(3,2 Knox, G Moffat ; 6 rowed barley,
Kuos, I, Brown ; white oats, G Johnston,
spacial, Davidson ; largo nem:. 0 mega
sioull pans, G Moffat ; barrel flour,11 Betioli.
InvnismENTs—Putrip, D Showers,
blankets, G Joltuston, Moffat ; home spun
• yarn, W 331 MoOrackeu, 1? Aylesworth ;
in11-010111, 9 13 AR:Kelvin ; (1001101. 2 13 Mo.
iCelvle; fine ooat, Knutson ; home made
bread, LI Brewed', Lovell; houoy strained, J
Brethour ; molasses, G Hislop.
PLOWERS—Collootion or 011811 01 plants,
foliage plants, dowering 210019, out flowers,
dried flowers 0091 flowering gerauituns, all
133 .3 13rothour ; table bouquet, W Douglas,
M Robinson ; oolloobiou of area:mental
inassos, 1 Brothour, It Douglas,
• POTILTI9T—P111T turkeys. P W Wright, D H
Moffat ,• white geese, D Moffat, 1 2 2; grey
• goeoe,d Bakor ; gray dunks, 0 Bahr, A
Wells ; white. (lucks ,A Wells, P Davidson ;
red spanish fowl, J Young ; plytuouth rooks,
0 W Sanderson , J II retbour ; white legbores,
Dre(hour, I) X Moffat ; light bralinnia,
Brothour; cleric In:ahem% J NV Saud:non, 1
22; brown legborns,J 13rothour,1 & 2;
loathe 01 55010000, T Rao,])' NV Wright.
• Iturar—Isall pears, W Bolt; era') apples, J
31oox; halawles, J Knox ; yellow bell 110 w or,
H StoOraolcon ; bon ditvis, J Knox; blue
plums, W M Robinson 1 yellow plums, W H
Ma Craeken • wealthy_ apPles,J3inox ; emu).
• min golden russets, NV J. Mitchell; fatuous°,
P73' Mitchell ; king bompkins co,, L Brown ;
mammoth pippins, W Mitchell ; northern
spies, 0.139.0100 1119101091 pippins, W Douglas;
pomme grille, a Knox ; ductless of oldeuburg,
\VII olt ; smokehouse..A Miller : rhode island
• greouings,T Mosgrove ; roxboto 01(09015,2linox golden russets, W J Mitchell ; ool-
• ',arts, 0 135.kor ; tolman eweets, a. Johnston;
imitzenburgsai Douglas .20 minim pippin, .7
Knox ;
we oar, 20. Wilson ; °hen ango straw-
berry Li Wilson ; atdous blush, NV J
• ; st lawrouce '1! Mosgrovo ; oolloo-
Coe of apples, P Aylesworth ; attuned
/reit, P7291 MoGraokon, J Brothour.; out door
grapes, J Knutson ; fall pip p MS, A Miller.
• 1.1A0I08' W011/1-100111091 not or net work, J
Knutson, J 13rethour '• tattilig, a Wells ;
croehot work, A Wolls,ItAfiller ; embroidery
In silk, A Wells, Miller ; embroidery iu
01001)19,0 (1011101.19 Caney kuitting, G Moffat,
• B Alulfat ; flannel shirt, Moffat,J Broth -
our ; hair flowers, P P Aylesworth ; paper
flowers, P Aylesworth, J Kuute on ; wax
fruit orilowers, P AylosWorth, W Douglas;
1301110 wool work raised, A Welle, NV B. Mo.
Oraokon • Marlin wool work Bat, I? Ayles.
orbb, A' wells ; or:At:nue, Nis 51 Bobtugon•,
fancy sofa pillow, J Knutson, NV 12 ktallraok-
• on 1 patoltwork sofa pillow. P A ylosworth,
P Scott ; pillow shams, L Brown, A Wells ;
• braiding, A. Wells, (lOwan oil n11189105, J
NV Sanderson : wool !Bookings, 177 H Mci.
°radian, D 21 AloPtit ; cotton :Reeking s 3) El
Moffat, P batt wool gloves, 1) El ,W
11 emoraokon ; wool mats, D 1,1 Moltat, W 33
McCracken ; wool seal% EI MoOraokon, 1)
MolTat ; log oahlu guilt, A. Wens, W 51 INRI-
Craokou ;rag mat, r. Aylesworth, S )3rob13-
09111 worsted hooked mat, J 001111111, 91.
Wells ; knotted quilt, L Brown, .7 Brethour ;
patchwork quilt, A NV ells, W 101 MoOraokon;
knitted quilt, J Dowsed) Hlitelfitt I eroohot
quilt. A Welled 2 ; trey met, J Brethonr,
A Wells ; eneohnon of lace., A P P
..11.3,10131T00t11; shell Work, 13rot13our, P NV
Wright; CODA Work„) Brothour.P 1? Ayles.
worth ; seed wreath, .1 Brethour ; table
drape, R ,L Bro wn 1 arasoeue embroi-
dery,11 Scott, NV itt Roblin:0u ; outline em-
broidery, J lirethour ; painting ou silk Or
Velvet, P P AylosWorth, 1. Brown ,• drawn
Nvork,J Knutson, Moffat ; conealon of
"eney work, A.Weils, 2 Brothour ; lamp mat,
L 1211010D ; rope WOrk, recommended, 2
W0110; eolleetion of dolma reaunamended, J
w tunidason.
Lord and Lady Aberdeen were present
on Monday at the Christian Endeavor
Convention in Qnsobec. '1/he Governor-
General gave an addrese.
The dredging of the Kaministiquie
River is completed. There is now 16
feet of water morose the bar and the
channel se 100 feel wide.
Detective Carpenter, of itfontreal, has
gone to Port Hope with a view Of having
Hooper triad in the former city on a
charge of poisoning his wife,
The Morris Branoh Agricultural
Soolay'a Pall Fair, always a good one,
was held on Tuesday and Wednesday of
tibia week. They were favored with
beautiful weather and as a oonsermenoe
the various departments were well filled
with exhibite. On Wednesday there was
an immense crowd of people present,
possibly 0,000. The gate reoeipte, at 10
and 5 cent admissions, totalled 6491.73.
Special atteactions were provided in the
way of wood sawing matches, Highland
piping and danoing, lady driving in the
show ring and a mile bioyole race. In
the latter Oornyn, of Winglmn, did not
receive fair play, being jockeyed out of
his place, There were the customary
side shows which did a big business.
Myth Bend was in attendance. The
Blyth Show was inaugurated about a
quarter of a oentury ago. Tho first Fair
5008 110191 on About Iwo aores of ground,
where the Hornell Catholic ohuroh now
stands. AB dine rolled on interest in the
Show never flagged, but rather increased
and the area of ground to accommodate
the exhibit/1 had to be inereased. The
present exhibition grounds comprise five
aures, situate on Mill street. There is a
splendid Hall on it. To such proportions
hati the Soolety grown that the Show is
now pronommed annually the best in the
comity of Huron for attendance. The
inorease from year to year has been so
great that the Society will soon be com-
pelled to again enlarge the grounds and
building. The present grounds will
likely be sold and about fifteen acres
purchased and n good ritoe track secured.
The hewspeper men on the ground were
M. Y. McLean, Seaforth Expowtor ; A.
M. Todd, Clinton News-Reoord ; R. El-
liott, Wingham Titnes 1. W. H. Kerr,
Buosszes Pon ; and W. R. Irwin, Blyth
Standard. There was such a crowd at
the Foresters' ooncert in the evening that
o geoond Hall was called into requisition
where the program was repeated. Mrs,
Sage and daughters, of Walton ; Mies
Duette, of Blyth ; Mr. Baeker, comic,
and others took part. Owing to want of
space we onalude with the prize list.
Houses. — Heavy Draught — Team
meets or geldings, Jas Reynolds, George
Dale ; brood mare having raised foal in
'93, foal by her side, J P Dale, 2 Sean-
drett '• mare foal, J P Dale, J Scandrett;
horse foal, Geo Dale ; 2 year old gelding,
Jas Reynolds, N fuming; 2 year old
filly, I' 13rown, j F Dale ; 1 year old
filly, Geo Dale, 2 Soandrett ; 2 year old
entire colt, Geo Dale, EL Taylor ; best 4
colts foaled in '93, Joseph Fisher best
and fastest walking team, Et Gibbin.
General Purposes—Team memo or geld-
ings, 11 Wood, J Reynolds, T McDonald ;
brood mare having raised foal in '93, foal
by her side, 2 McCallum, II Ross ; mere
foal, FE Ross, J Dale ; horse foal, J
Petrie, J AloCalinm ; 2 year old gelding,
23? Dale, 39 G MoGowan ; 2 year old
filly, T Brown, A. Denoanson ; / year old
filly, R Ferris, Ft Gibbons. Road and
Clarriage—Span roadster horses W Wat-
son ; brood mare having raiseh foal in
'03, feat by her side, F Tanner, It Pol-
lard ; horse foal, H Kirkby ; mare foal,
F Tanner; 2 year old gelding, Tanner,
E Dennison ; 2 year old filly, 3 Melville,
R A. Robertson ; 1 year old gelding, II
Pollard, J Curtain ; 1 yenr old filly, Jas
McGee ; best single driver in baggy, W
Dickson, 0 E Mason ; saddle horse,
Dr Carder, W Tierny ; sweepstakes, best
mare or gelding, any class, Jas Rey.
OATTLE.--.Dlli1111411—Mil011 00W, raised
01111 )0 '93, or with tall, ,Tao Snell, 1 & 2 ;
2 year old heifer, Jos Snell, Jas Potter ;
1 year old heifer, Jas Snell, jos Potter ;
heifer onlf, N Cancing, •T Snell; 1 year
old ball, J Snell, 11 Corley ; bull calf, J
Snell, R Corley. Grade Clattle—Miloh
aow having raised calf in 'OS, or with
calf, 11 Medd 1 & 2 ; 2 year old heifer,
M 21 Hert•ison,- R Medd ; 1 year old
heifer, let H Harrison, M Harrigan ;
heifer calf, T Ross, R Corley ; steer ealf,
T Ross, Jits Potter ; 2 year old steer, T
Ross 1 & 2 ; 1 year old steer, 11 Perris,
T Ross ; fat gear, T Ross 1 & 2 ; fat
0010 01. heifer, butcher, 11 Perris, T Ross ;
herd of cattle, T Ross.
SUREP.—Ootswolds—Ram lamb, Jag
Potter 3. & 2 ; pitir aged owes having
raised lambs in '93, jag Potter 1 & 2 ;
pair ewe Iambs, Jae Potter 1 & 2; pair
shoaling OW619, 304 Potter. Leioesters—
Aged roan, Jae Snell, J Barr ; shoaling
ram, Jas Snell, N Cuming ; ram lamb,
Jae Snell, N earning; pair shearling
ewes, Jas Snell, I Barr ; pair aged ewes
having raised lambs in '98, N (turning,
S Snell ; pair ewe lambs, J Snell, bi
Claming ; best fat sheep, 3 Coultes, 93,
Laidlaw. Shropshieeclown—Aged ram,
Jae Cooper & Son, Ie C+ McGowan ;
shearling ram, Jae Sooper & Son ; ram
Iambs, Wm Seen 1 & 2; pair aged ewes
having raised Iambs in '93, Wm Sell 1
& 2 ; pair 'Mainline ewes, las Oconee 1
& 2 ; best pair ewe Jambe, W Snell, jas
Pme.—Ohestee Whites—Aged boar, J
Potter, H Edwards ; ,boar littered in '98,
H Edwards ; sow littered in '93, It
Laidlaw, H Edwards. Any large breed—
lhood sow having littered in '98 or with
pig, Walter Soott ; boar littered in '98,
F 11 &Mottles ; sow littered i,o '93, F 151
Scheeler', Walter Scott. Berkshire—
Aged bone, J Shortreed, W MeAllister ;
Mood sow having littered le '98 or with
pig, NV McAllister ; boar littered in '98,
NV McAllister, F 31 &Mottles ; Sow litter.
ed in '93, W McAllister, R Laidlaw.
G00a2-2 bushels tea fall wheat, H
Edwnede, W Soott; 2 bushels white fall
wheat, bi Brethour, Geo Moffatt •, 2 bug -
hole spying wheat, D Btethour, M Bre.
thour ; 2 bushels fall wheat, any kind, It
G lYloGowan ; 2 bushels 6 rowed barley,
Beethour, 03 Brethour ; 2 bindle's 2
rowed burley, M Brethour ; 2 bushels
large white oats, M Elrethour, D Bre.
thour2 buishels black oats, 1N1 Brethour,
Jits liarrigon ; 2 bushels small white
oats, II Edwarde, M H Harrison 2
bushels email peas, M Brethour, H Ed-
wards ; 2 bullets largo peas, 03 Brethour,
bushel of timothy geed, NI Brethour,
D Brethour ; barrel of flour, Kelly &
Sony; bushel flax geed, D Brothour, R
R00111.-4 bushel row potatoee, V, Gar.
vin, Mrs II le Walker ; bnshel elephant
potatoes, W Lay, Geo Quinn ; bushel
potatoes, any other kind, 11 Edwarde, 31'
Metcalf ; oolleation of potatoes, penlc of
wish kind, W H MoOraoken, 300 McGee;
field wrote, 309 MoGes, Utts McsOal.
lune ; 0 garden rod earrote, Walter Tay.
lor, Mrs 37 It Walker ; 6 'swede turnipe,
J Williams, R Sellars ; collection garclen
Profluee, W 31 MoOraoken, Walter Tay,
lor ; 0 beets, Mrs II 11 Walker, W 10 Mo.
Oraoken ; 6 mangel wortzels, W LI Mo.
Oraoken, Jas MoGill ; 2 pumpkine, W
Levy, 11 Ck MoGowan ; 2 squashes, W El
McCracken, D Marsh ; peck red onions,
Walter Taylor, II EIaggib ; peek yellotv
onions, Walter Taylor, J Stafford ; peck
eilvet elfin onions, Jno Stafford, W 31 Mo.
010011301; peok potato onions, W H Mo.
Oraoken Walter Taylor; peak white
field beaus, M Brethour, Stafford ; 6
ears corn, Jno Mason, J Richmond ; 3
citrons, Miss Symington, Mrs 0 Camp.
bell ; 8 watermelons, T T
Hamilton ; 2 heads cabbage, Drumhead,
El Ross,W Taylor ; 2 heads rod 'ph:lichee
°Mohave 11 B Laidlaw, W Taylor ; 2
2 heads cabbage, any other kind, P NVit-
liams ; 2 heads cauliflower, Walter Tay-
lor, Metoalf.
DA/1117 AND PROVISIONS.—Tub factory
better, Geo NVatt ; tub of butter, T Ham-
ilton, J McCallum ; bub of butter,
(specia)), J Williams ; croak butter, 20
lbs, jas MoClallum, Geo Watt ; 10 lbs
butter in 11 lbs prints, J Bingham, T
Hamilton ; factory (Meese, P Papineau ;
20 the extracted honey, J Richmond ; 10
lbs honey in 1 Ib motions, 3 Richmond ;
loaf ho ine.made bread, D Moore, T Ham-
ilton ; dozen plain tea biscuits, N
ing, Jas Jaokson ; 5 lbs maple sugar, 111
33rethour, AV II MoOraoken ; 3 the maple
syrup, Ens McCallum, T H Taylor ;
oolleobion canned fruit, W 11 MoOraoken,
Mre 31 12 Walker; grape wine, home
made, D Moore, M Brethour ; tomato
catsup 1 gum% R 33 Laidlaw, Walter
Taylor ; pickles, 1 quart mixed, Walter
Taylor, T Hainitton ; pickles, 1 quart,
Noy other kind, Walter Taylor, W H Mo.
Faxe.—Most entries, Goo Nett, J
Barr ; 4 named varieties of winter apples
5 of each, Jas Potter, Jas Jackson ; 4
named varieties of fall apples 5 of each,
D MoLeau, Mrs Geo Nott ; Baldwins,
Sas Jaokson, J Moffatt ; king of temp-
kins, Jae Thompson, W McArthur ; nor.
thern spy, J Shortreed, Geo Jaokson ;
rhode island greenings, J Barr, J Potter;
golden russets, M EL Harrison /3 Moore;
roxboro russets, M H Harrigon ; seek -no.
further, R B Laidlaw, Sas Jackeon ; wag.
uses, Jae Jackson, J Brigham ; ben day),
R 0 111oGowan, Jas 13arr ; vandervere,
Potter, Jae Barr ; mammoth pippins,
Jae Potter, Geo Jackson ; fallawator,
Gen Jaokson, 19 B Laidlaw; tolmau
sweets, Jae Jackson, M H Harrison ;
mann, 10 Hughes, 191 EI Harrison ;
maiden blush, W McArthur, D McLean ;
snow, Jas Potter, M 151 Harrieon ;
duchess of oldeuburg, Geo Jackson, Mrs
Geo Robb ; Oolverts, D McLean, W bto•
Arthur ; 20 oz pippins, Mrs Geo Nott, R
Ross; any other named variety, Mre D
Stewart, firs Shortreed; collection of
apples of any named variety 4 of each, J
Brigham ; named fall pears, R
Shortreed ; 2 named varieties of plums,
8 each, W 151 McCracken ; tomatoes', 11
Sailers, Mrs II 11 Walker ; collection of
grapes, A Jacobs, It 13 Laidlaw ; crabs,
M Brethour, Mrs R Shortreed ; peaches,
R B Laidlaw, Jno Scott,
POULTRY.—Turkeys, A Jacob, JP Dale ;
geese, Jas Harrison, E Haggit ; rouen
ducks, Et Handl), W Irwin ; duke, any
other Icind, AV Irwin, F Dale ; brown
leghorne, W Taylor, Evans & Hale ;
white leghorns, W Taylor, W Irwin ;
light beelines, W Irwin, Evans & Hale ;
black spanish, Beats & Hale, J F Dale ;
dark bralimas,W Irwin 1 & 2; homburgs,
W Irwin, Jag Harrison ; dorkius, IV
Irwin, Jae Harrison ; black breezed red
game, E Haggit, Joseph Oook; buff
wahine, Evans & Hale 1 & 2 ; bantams,
W Irwin, Joseph Gook ; polande, Evans
& Holo, Jas Harrison ; plymouth rooks,
W Irwin, J Oook ; collection of pigeons,
El Haggit ; oolleotion of fowl, W
Irwin, Evans & Hale ; guinea fowl,
P Dela, W Irwin.
DIPIIMIENTS.—Lurnber wagon, Jno
Bransdon ; pair bob sleighs, heavy,
Slater & Sime ; iron beam sod plow, Gil.
Hee .5 Martin ; iron beam general pur-
pose, Gillies & Martin, 0 Hamilton ; best
gang plow, 0 Hamilton, Slater & Sins;
single open buggy, 3 Ferguson, j 33runs.
don ; eingle covered buggy, J Ferguson,
J Brunedon ; double buggy or jump seat,
covered, Brunsdon ; critter, V Vannor-
man, 1 and 2 ; set of horse shoes, J
Ferguson, Stater & Sims; phaeton, J
McNally ; wooden pump, P Willows,
Ferguson ; stove and furniture, Dens-
tedt Bros, 3 G Mosier ; fanning mill, A
MoMurichie & (Jo; land roller, 0 Hamil-
ton ; Baffler, 0 Hamilton.
MANUES.OTUREEI.—Home made all wool
flannel, Mrs G Nott; 10 yards Tinian
flannel, 3993 Laidlaw, DIBrethour ; pair
home made all wool blankets, Miss Sym-
ington, T Hamilton ; blankets union,
Mrs D Stewart, M 21 Elarrison ; pair
horse blankets homo spun, Mrs 0 Nott,
Mrs D Stewart ; coverlet home spun,
Mee G Nott, 0 Shortreed ; rag mat, Mrs
LI le Walker, Mrs G Nett ; yarn mat,
Mrs H R Walker,' Mee G Notb ; carpet,
Mrs au Walker, Mil3rethour ; stocking
yarn home spun, T Hamilton, W EI Mo-
Oraoken ; pair wage boots, Jno Shoeitb,
1 and 2 ; pair band made gent's boots, a
Sheritt, 1 and 2.
LADIES' Woax.—Gents flannel shirt
hand made, T Hamilton, Mrs 0 Nott ;
gents white shirt hand made, T Hamil-
ton, Mrs G. Nat ; pillow shame, Mrs
Nott, Mrs 0 Campbell ; patoh quitO, N
Chiming, Mrs 0 Campbell ; otazy quilt,
Mrs Geo Nott, R Hughes ; ameba or
knitted quilt, Mrs D Stewart, Mies Sym.
ington ; 11010 W001011 900119 OT stockinet',
hand made, W 11 MoOraskon, T Hann.
ton ; gents mitts, Miss Symington, W H
aloCritalcen ; darning on smoke or gook-
ings, Mee 3110 Walker, Biro Geo Nott;
patolies on old pants, G Moffatt, Mrs II
R Walker' ; plain 001011({, Mrs ®ional,
Mrs T Hamilton ; old ladies collection of
hand work, T Hamilton, Mrs 33 Stewart ;
braiding on wool or csetton, Gee Moffatt,
Mies Symington ; attune woek, Mrs G
Nett, Met; 0 Campbell; embroidery on
bolting oloth, Mrs D Stewart, Mrs 0
Campbell ; embroidery on stilt or satin,
Mrs D Stewart, Mrs 0 Campbell ; ken -
0j09910001 olobroldorYi Mrs 0 Campbell,
Mrs 0 Nott ; roman embroidery on
linen, ales Notb, Mrs Straglian ; parlor
soreen, Mee 0 Campbell, Miss Syming-
ton ; sofa ouehlon, airs 0- Nett, Miss
Symington •, lanoy panel, Airs Campbell,
Miss Hamilton ; piano or table Karl, 311
Brethonr, 1191 Synnngton ; drawn work,
Mies Symington, Mee ; point
lace, A. Jacob, Mrs Geo Nett 1 novelty in
fancy work, Mee H 11 Walker, Mrs Goo
Nett ; fancy work 0105 011 list, Mrs Camp-
bell, Mrs D Stewart ; orewol work, Mrs
T Rainey, Mrs Stilleben ; crazy work,
Male Symington, Mrs Stewart;;c canvas
work, Mre Campbell, Miss Symington ;
crochet work in silk, Miss Symington ;
°rootlet work in Cotton, Miss Symington,
Mrs D Stewart ; crooheb work in wool,
Mrs Campbell. ?fire G Nott •' bedroom
slippers hand made Dire G• Nobb, Mrs
Campbell toilet babies and mitts, Mrs
Campbell, Mrs CI Nott ; foot stool, Mrs
II le Walker, Miss Symington ; applique
work, Mrs G Nott, Miss Symington •, pin
cushion, Mrs 0 Nott, Min Symington
hancikerohief or glove case, Mies Syming-
ton, Miss Lane ; mould work, Mrs 0
Campbell ; wax work, Mrs 0 Campbell ;
suit of ladies underwear, Miss Syming.
ton, Mrs G Nat ; knitted lace in cotton,
Mrs G Nett, te Hamilton; bead work,
Mrs D Stewart, Mrs G Noll ; button
boles, Miss Symington, LC Hamilton ;
oollectlon of ladies work, Mrs Nott,
Mrs 0 Campbell.
FINE ANTS. -0011004i011 of 011 paintings,
Mies Lane, Mre 0 Campbell ; ligtare
painting in oil, Miss Lane, Mrs 0Camp-
bell ; animals grouped or single, in oil,
Mrs Oampbell, klieg Lane ; picture in
oil, Miles Lane, Mrs Campbell ; water
color painting, Miss Lane, J 2 Walker ;
°rayon in portraits, Miss Lane, Geo Jen-
kins •, crayon drawing, Miss Lane ;
paintings on pottery, mrs C Campbell, NT
13 moOraolcen ; pencil drawing, sars 0
Campbell ; hand painting on silk, sateen
or plush, miss Lane, las Campbell;
painting on glass, me Campbell, 31)06
Symington ; oil painting 13821910 09010, R
/3 moGowan ; collation of photographs,
Geo Jenkins.
PLANTS .100 Feoweits.—Oollection of
foliage, mrs 31 11 Wallser, 33 marsh ;
geraniums in bloom, ons H 900 Walker, D
trash •, tallies in bloom, D marsh, mrs
H R Walker ; hanging basket, D marsh ;
display of plants in flower, mrs 11ES
Walker, D marsh ; table baguet, 11' met -
calf, ass Harrison ; hand boquet, mrs 11
Shortreed, Walter Taylor ; floral design,
D marsh ; dahlias, Harrison ; pansies,
F netoalf, D ?mesh.
Sreoms.--Lady driver, single rig, Mimi
Fisher, Miss Kirkby; bag -pipe com-
petition, D McKay, ; A Ander-
son, St Helens ; J Dingwall, Blyth ;
dancing, boys or girls under 15, Jennie
McLaren, Saltforcl ; Nellie MoLaren,
Saltford ; Willie Hays, MoKillop ; organ
competition, 11 Allan, Miss McLean,
13e1g,r0ve ; Miss Shannon ; sawing eons.
petition, Iarrison & O'Connor, 841, 82 ;
Newcomb & Carter, 89, 86 ; Malarty &
Nelson, 44, 88 ; each team made
two outs in the number of seeonds
given above. Bicycle raoe, Ed Comp.
ton, J Stiokle, 3 Cornyu ; specimen of
writing, Mise Ferguson, Auburn ; Miss
Logan, Blyth.
JUDGE9.—Pleavy horses, T W Durnion,
Luoicnow, Geo Oruiolcshank, Wingham,
nos Bell, Clinton. Light horses, T
Lapelie, Seaforth, T E Durnion, Dun.
gaunon. Pigs, Jno Govier, Elullett,"YEd.
Bell, Lonclesboro'. Cattle, Geo John.
ston, Londeshoro', Ohas Washington,
Auburn. Inaplemeuts, P Scott, Brus-
sels, Jno Ritchie, Wingham. Poultry,
Wm Grieve, Maillop. Sheep, L Task-
er, Hullo% Thos Anderson, Belgrave.
Ladies' work, Miss Dolly Shaw, Brussels,
Fine arts, Mrs Dr Graham, Brussels.
Roots and vegetables, Jos Allison, Olin -
ton. Dairy produce, (leo. Powell and 5
Herrington, Biyeli. Grain, A. Taylor,
Blyth. Fruit, J Stewart, Benmiller.
Manufacturies, Rolm Morrison, Auburn.
Prohibition is Marching On.
1114 Delegates at Convention.
The great union convention oci Tues.
day and Wednesday of last week was an
overwhelming surprise to the most
sanguine advocates of the amuse. A large
gathering was autioipated, but in view of
the feat that no previous oonvention had
ever reached a total of 800, even when
not confined exclusively to delegates, a
liberal estimate made 500 an outside
number to anticipate. The Temperance
Hall, Toronto, which will seat 800, was
seoured and expected to answer the pur.
pose, but before noon on the first day it
WU packed and many more were seeking
admission. The big pavilion of the
Horticultural Gardena was kindly placed
(11 10110 disposal of the aointnittee by the
Mayor, and a hasty move made for the
more commodious quarters. Fortunate
it was that a ohange was made for at the
afternoon eessioic the number of repre•
sentatives who presented credentials
reached within a few of a round thong -
and, and there were hundreds of intermit.
ed visitors' without orodentiale. The
total number who peesented credentials
reaobed 1,114, fully four times OR many
persons as ever before attended either a
Provincial or a Dominion prohibition
Even more marked than' the numbere
was the earnest, cleturmihed businees
spirit, which sat upon and /1090 up from
the body. "No mom fooling" wits the
sentiment of every word and act. Bon.
G. W. Rose Waled 11 5110 "swing of 0013.
The temper of the convention with
respect to public) looney could be read in
it Moment by the most obtuse. On the
matter of rolling up the largest possible
inajority for prohibition undo': the
plot:40Ra there wag ported and en.
11100100310 harmony and unanimity. On
any proposition to approve or condone
the most remote way, any political
evasion, party intereste, or Alliance
aotiou on plebieoite, there was prompt,
emphatic and all but unanimous dissent.
The great work of the convention was
the planning and perfeoting of organiza-
tion to carry on the present campaign,
and 08105 of good work 19011 packed. into
the two clay% For this purpose a strong
central committee was chosen to exert a
general supervision 01 the campaign and
promote ooanty and district organize.
tion. 91,500 wile raised to assist this
;central committee in their work and
other suns will be received from friends
of the cause for the same purpose,
Conveners were named for all the
counties and cities not yet organized and
they are requested to take immediate
steps to oall conventions in their reeve°.
Wye districts to provide for the organi.
gulden of every municipality,
A particularly pleasing feature of the
oonvention was an address from W. H.
secretary of the League of the
Cron, a Roman Catholio organization.
His remarks were able and eloquent and
he assured the convention that his oo-
religionists fully understood the breadth
of this great movement, and Hint in the
campaign there would be no sectarian
divisions, but a united oo.operation in
the Name of the one God and the one
Christ, aoknowledged by all, whose cause
this was.
The public meetings on Tuesdtty and
Wednesday nights packed the great
pavilion and aroused wonderful en-
thusiasm. Among the speakers were
Dr. McKay, of NVoodstook, Jos. Gibson,
Ingersoll, Eton. S. H. Blake, Rev. Robb.
Johnson, Lindsay, Ed. Carswell, Oshawa,
3.12. Dougal, Montreal, Hon. G. W.
Ross, Geo. Duffy, president League of
the Cross, and others.
On Tuesday morning promptly at the
hour named, Rev. W. Kettlewell (Grand
Councillor of the Royal Tempters, the
body which suggested the union con•
vention,) Whoa the convention to order
and in the name of the union committee
presented the name of Mayor Fleming,
Toronto, as temporary ;chairman.
His Worship took the chair amid loud
applause and returned thanks for the
honor due him in a few appropriate
F. S. Spence and W. H. Dahill were
elected convention Secretaries, pro tem.
The opening prayer was then offered by
Rev. Dr. F. Austin, Prinoipal Alms
A business oommittee was elected oom•
posed of J. J. Montane, Q. C., W. W.
Babanan, J, B. Brooks, F. el. Spenoe,
Rev. W. Kettlewell and airs. Fawcett.
While this committee was in session a
number of short inspiring speeches were
delivered by Senator Vidal, Bishop
Campbell, Rev, Mr. Otossley, Mrs. Mao-
donel, Mee. Thornley, of London, Dr.
McKay, Ex -Mayor Gibson, Ingersoll,
Ea. Carswell, Dr. Demob, Senator
Altana, Hon. A. G. Wolfenbargher, of
Nebraska, and Rev. J. 11. Rector.
(CONTINUED 011 201100 PAGE.)
Bad Whether but Big Crowd.
It would appear that the Directors of
the East Huron Agrioultural Society are
not in league with old Probs. for as regu-
larly as the annual exhibition (comes
round just so regularly is there a down-
pour of rain.
Thursday the first day of the Fair was
all right and the "Palace" was fairly well
filled, the shortage being in the quantity
of fruits, the manufactures department
and art exhibit. There was a lot of ex.
Gallant grain, roots, vegetables, butter,
cao. and the ladies' side of the house was
never better. After the sun had set the
stare made their appearance and the
members of the Society were ready to
shake hands with themselves over the
prospect of a good day on Friday.
Friday dawned, Mouth; overcoat the
sky and by noon heavy showers of rain
fell which threatened to oontinue all af.
ternoou. Before 10 o'clook all the stable
room at bbe hotels was occupied and des.
pita the unpleasant weather the large
crowds weeded their way to the Aerial'.
tura) Park and the procession did not
stop until 9260,00 had passed into the
treasury for tickets sold. This with
membership fees, &a., will pay all prizes
and leave a small surplus in the hands of
the Society.
There was a splendid exhibit ofihorses,
cattle, eheep, pigs and poultry and great
interest was manifested in the awards of
the judges.
As far as possible the program of the
day, as announcied, was carried out. In
the sawing match Messrs. Harris & Ram-
say, of Grey township, again carried off
the palm, taking two onto off e 16'• inch
maple log in 44 seconds. Messre. Turn.
bull es Sitters, of Grey township, 'compet-
ed also teking seicond money in 521
8i:intends. It is extromly doubtful if there
are two men in Huron Co. who enn pull
009000 with the 1st prize winners.
The half mile track was in bad shape
for speeding owing to the rain but the
stallion reale was called and was won by
Hollinger Bros. horse, Grey township ;
2nd, P. Scott's horse, Brussels. In the
buggy ruse 3 Soott, Listowel, took let
money and W. J. Dickson, McKillop,
2nd. The 8 minute trot did not fill.
While it was rather disappointing to
the Directors to see the attendance] eborn
owing 10 1115 rain 11 (5 gratifying to know
that the people of the surrounding (mum
try value the Fah so highly that in the
Mae of a sterna linnirede of 1115111 visited
Bruesele, and felt repaid for their visit.
The plebigoite eampaign in Hamilton
will be opene1 by a meeting on Oct. 17,
alr, Starter, M. P. P., and Mayor Flem-
ing will speak.
The fishery commitsion oonoluded at
Belleville Tuesday. There were about
200 fishermen present. It wag the nn.
(minion opinion that the C1090 9000011 for
White fish ebould loe from Nov. 1 to Nov.
10th, ns if, tvas proven that the Most of
spawning Was during that period.
People We Know.
Mrs. Mungo Wallace is on the eiolc Ilet.
Mrs. S. Hinds watt visiting In Listowel
lard week.
Ganley, of Clinton, wag in town
lad week.
Sirs. (Dr.) MoNaugliton is visiting at
3. 11. Sparliug, of Neustadt, WAS 111
town latit week.
Wm. Jamee has a situation In the
Listowel foundry.
0. E. Turnbull, of Goelph, was home
oo 99 visit this week.
Geo. Rogers, of London, was home for
a few clays this week.
Mrs. Leech of Goderlish, was visiting
in Brussels thie week.
Mee. Carter and daughter, of Blyth,
have been visiting at Relit. Burns'.
Mrs. (Dr.) T. G. Holinee' mother died
recently at her home in New York.
T. Grimoldby, of Owen Sound, was in
Brussels for a few days last week.
J. Gordon and wife, of Lackuow, spent
Sunday with T. Pleticher and fancily.
T. A. MoLauchlin, the Bruoefield
pedngogue, tools in the Fair Last Pridity,
The Misses Plenty, of Wingham, were
the guests of Miss Dolly Booker for a few
Mrs. T. M. O'Connor was called away
to attend the funeral of hor mother and
Rev. W, G. Reilly was at Toronto this
week attending a re union at Wycliffe
Richard FEingston is laid up with a
sore hand occasioned by a sliver from a
dry hemlock board running into it.
W. M. Sinclair is away to Toronto on
legal business. He will likely go on to
the Assizes at St. Thomas from there.
3. Spence left Brussels last Friday for
a new situation at Menford. He will be
missed in Brussels, especially in the R.
T. of T.
W. A. Edgar and family have moved
back to 13russels again, the factory at
Walton having elosed down for this
Lorne Hunter, of Fordwich, was home
last Sanday. He recently ran the gaunt-
let in a runaway asoident in whiob he
was considerably ehaken up.
Howard Rivets left Brussels on Thurs.
day for Algoma where he will join his
brother who is engaged in farming and
has been a resident of that locality for a
number of years.
The Hembly family have removed this
week to Wiugham where they purpose
making their home. We heartily mom.
mend them to the people of that town as
first.olass citizens.
Mre. Wilton and son are stilt prisonere
in the house through illness. The form-
er has been confined to bed for the past
4 weeks and Willie for about 7 weeks.
We hope they will soon be convalescent.
Additional Local News.
name of °cmellia W. H. McCracken is
so olosely assoeiated with Fall Show
prize lists that a Fair without him looks
lonesome. Owing to the bney season he
only took in seven this year with the fol-
lowing results as bo prize winning
NVingham, 20 ; Seaforth, 26 ; Belgrave,
17 ; Brussels, 88 ; Wroxeter,80 ; Gorda,
28 ; Blytlx, 15, making a total of 174.
Like Alexander of old, he is still looking
for fresh wields to conquer.
Hugh Williams celebrated his 50th year
as a carriage builder on Wednesday of
this week. Re was born on the island of
Anglesey, North Wales, May, 1895, anff
will ooneequentlybe 69 years of age at
his next birthday. Mr. Williams came
to this country in 1840, locating at Elora,
He served his apprenticeship with Wm.
Robinson, of Galt, and after living in
different plass located in Bressele in
1975. Re is not a broken down man yet
by any means bat can do his day's work
with the best of them.
liimmoreaci 0111190I209.—To judge by the
crowds of ladies in attendance the
Fall millinery openings in Brussels most
have been a great success this year.
Miss Iloare's was the first on the pro.
gram and then Miss MaPherson's and
Mrs. Rogers. Many of the styles are
new and pretty. Par trimming will
divide the honors this season with feath-
ers and ribbon. Each of the milliners
had their display in neat and attractive
form and are well pleased with the sales
made and orders taken. If you haven't
called yet do so now.
Cunene 000ANI2111.—A1 a meeting of
the Brussels curlers lash Monday even.
ing, held at the Queen's Hotel, the fol.
lowing office bearers were elected for the
Limning season ;—Patrom F. 0. Rogers ;
Patroness, Mrs. F. C. Rogers ; Ilton.
President, II.Dennis ; President, W. M.
; Vimaresident, D. 0. Ross ;
Seoretary-Treasurer, J. H. Cameron ;
Committee of Mauagement, 2 Currie, W.
F. Swett, W. W. Thompson, F. S. Scott
and Dr. MoNatighton. Brussels is
grouped with Goderiali, Seaforth, Strat-
ford, Waterloo and the Royal City olub
of Guelph and in this lively oompany
they will have to look after their laurels.
There is an abundance of first-class
material, however, in town and curling
will likely boom this Winter.
W. P. M. S.—The annual Open Meet-
ing of the Woman's Missionary Sooiety,
Bressels Auxiliary, WU held NVedneeday
evening in the leoture room of the
Methodist ohurell. The Pretident, Mrs.
Paul, took the coheir and the following
program was presented ;—President'*
address ; singing by Nellie Ward, Ella
Ainley, Than, Gerry and Lizzie Down-
ing; Seoretary'e repat, given by Mrs.
Gilpin ; teadiug, Mrs. Tait ; tole, blies
Nellie Ward ; report from the Board
meeting at Listowel, by Mrs. J. L. Kerr,
delegate ; 'Miffing, Nellie Ward, Ella
Ainley, Thum Gerry and Lizzie Down.
ing ; reading, Mise Bell ; cluett, Dr. and
Mrs. Cavanagh ; hymn and &mien, by
Rey, R. Paul.
The )tiebeo Legislature has been sum.
mend to meet Novetilhot 9.
The police patrol system will bo in.
augurated in Montreaton Nov. 6.