HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-9-29, Page 8t
SEPT. 29, 1893
rea(ra ACIM 5 111
Wait for our Importation of
Hymn Books
Prayer Books
Gift Books
Work Boxes
Fls,noy Goods.
They have been ordered for
importationsome months ago and
may arrive auy day. As usual
We will have a good selection at
reasonable prices.
Druggist, Bookseller, &o.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
nd South, as follows;
0:51 a.m. Mixed 9:46 a.m.
Express 1160 a.m. Mail 809 p,m.
Mixed. 9:00 p.m. Express 9:48 p.m.
oral tet135 JttMS.
A ohiel's amang yo Lakin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
SEND ns the local news items.
THE oyster season has arrived.
NOVEMBER 28rd will bo Thanksgiving
25 CENTS gets Tun POST for the balance
of 1898.
BRussELs Fall Fair on Thursday and
Friday of next week.
J. D. RONALD is shipping a Fire En.
gine to Edmonton, N. W. T.
THE Blyth Fair will be held on Tues-
day and Wednesday, Oot. 101,h and llth.
Asa your friends to attend Brussels
Fair on Thursday and Friday of next
READ what Silas Gauderfoot has to say
about the World's Fair on page 0 of this
EVERY lady should take in the mil-
linery openings in Brussels this week and
next week.
CHEAP rates on the G. T. R. to Bel -
grave, Blyth, Atwood, Ripley, Brussels
and other Fall Fairs.
Tuoou were two initiations at the R.
T. of T. last Tuesday evening. Now is
the time that workers are wanted.
Wu. Boss & SON have been running
their floor mill neatly every night for
• weeks to keep np with tbo rush of grist-
ing, chopping, etc.
Now that the new notice is up the
publio is cautioned against trotting over
the bridge unless they are anxious to
contribute to the town's exchequer.
A nor air furnace has been planed in
the basement of the Methodist parsonage
with a view of adding to the comfort of
the inmates, B. Gerry land the eon -
• leased the store now occupied by Jas.
Irwin in the Smith block and will remove
there in November. The location is tip.
top and the store well fitted up.
NEXT Sunday afternoon nb 3 o'clock
the members of Court Princess Alex.
andra, Canadiao Order of Foresters, and
visiting brethren will attend service in
St. John's ohnroh when the incumbent
will preach a special discourse to them.
GRAND entertainment in the Town Hall,
Brussels, Friday, Oot. 8th, Fall Fair
evening. The following talent will take
part : hiss Agnes Forbes, soprano, To-
ronto ; Frank Wright, Irish comedian,
Toronto ; Prof. Scott, baritone, Wing.
liana ; Mise Nello Mt:Hardy, pianist,
Wingham. The above talent is the piok
of Canada. If you don't want to laugh
stay at home.
LEotLRETunxe.-According to the re-
port of the Inspector of Legal Officers,
the total salary received by the sheriff of
Huron, for 1892, was $1486.26 ; the
salary and fees earned by the Deputy
Registrar was $1004.40 ; the fees earned
by the County Court Clerk, exclusive of
salary, was $704.20 ; as Surrogate Judge,
Mr. Toms received $792 ; Mr. Malcom•
son, as Local Master, $1,250 ; Mr. Lewis,
as County Crown Attorney, $1008.85; D.
McDonald, Clerk of the Crown, County
Court Clerk, and Surrogate Registrar,
PAY Ur --flaring the past two weeks
and again thie week we are sending out
notices to subscribers who ate in arreare
to THE Pon. To the individual sub-
ecriber the amount may appear small
but when it 001080 to multiplying it by
hundreds it means a large amount to the
publisher. There is an expense of nearly
880,00 in coeuection with every issue of
THE POST so persona who are mot paid up
to 1894 will see the necessity of forward.
lay the amount at once. The money re.
oeived is always acknowledged on the ad-
dress label, Take a look at the label on
your paper now before you lay it down
and see if the above gentle hint applies
to you. Xt is meant for You if you are
Huron Fall Fair, which will be held at
Brussels on Thursday end Friday of next
week, the Directors have arranged for the
following, attractions for Friday :—Cross
out sawing match, 1st prize $2 ; 2nd, $1.
Chopping match, 1st, 01.60 ; 2nd, 76o.
Speeding on the fine half -mile track will
include a stallion trotting moo, open to
all etallione in test Riding of Buren,
half toile heats, beet 2 in 8, let prize $10,
2nd, $5." Horse and buggy trot, mile
beats, beet 2,in 8, let prize, $8 ; 2nd, $4,
8 minute trotting race, mile heats, best
2 in 8,1st prize, 016 ; 2nd, $8 ; 6rd, $2,
Three minute race horses eligible the day
of rare. No entraneo fee to any of the
above events. Three horses to start in
tach race. Cast Huron Fair is always a
good one and dais year will be no oacep.
Non tothe rule.
Savaaan interesting mutters aro orowd.
ed out this week and will appear in next
A NEW plank eroesiug has, been put in
00'Farnhorry street at the oorner of
W. R. M00a400ns took 20 prizes at the
Fall Fair at Wingham on Tueeday and'
AT the Gerrie Fair on 'Saturday, got.
7tli, there will be a Manitoba exhibit of
grain, vegetables, &o.
Weru good weather Brunie Fall Fair
will ase a great big orowd next Friday.
The townspeople should attend on masse,
AT the Wingbam Fall Fair last:
Wednesday Jus. Walker, carriage maker,
Brussels, was awarded let prize for top
A eon market will be found for stove
and cordwood in Brussels We Fall.
Persons having it to sell ebould get it in
before the muddy roads.
S, D, BoNALD, of Brussels, was awarded
a medal for hie Fire Engine exhibit at
tho World's Fair. The "Ronald" is
hard to beat and is an excellent machine.
Oman your printing for the shows now
and give the printers time to turn out
first-class work for you. TIE POST job
department can give yon the very best
Tors week the Reeve, Clerk Scott, S
D. Ronald, Geo. Howe, W. M. Sinclair
and R. L, Taylor were attending the
Godsrieh Assizes in oonneetiou with the
oorporation suit over the woolen factory.
COUNCILLOR Moennoann has OOmmeno-
ed the Fall Fair campaign and visited
Wingham, Belgrave and Saaforbh this
week. Ile bas a fine lot of roots, vege-
tables, &o., this year, notwithstanding
the dry weather of the past Summer.
IIusTLINn OUT GRAIN.—Last week
Mes.rs. Busker & Vanatona shipped 4,600
bushels of oats, 2,000 bushels of wheat
and 1,000 bushels of peas -11 oars in 5
days—to the Eastern markets. It was a
lot of grain to handle in so short a time.
So0xn onY Rha had very little to do
coated the new signs on the windows
of I. 0. Richards and J. McAlpine with
lye, thereby damaging the signs very
serionsly. It was a midnight attaok.
The perpetrator will be made smart for
his unasked attention if discovered.
LICENSE BOARD.—The License Board
for the East Riding of Huron met ab the
Queen's Hotel, Brussels, on Monday of
this week, all the members present. A
transfer of lioans° was granted to Alex.
Orr, at Gorrie, and to Wm. Deimos,
Molesworth, as suooessore to Arch. Mo-
Intosh and Jacob Steles,reepeetively.
GOT THE OoNTneor.—B. G. Wilson,
Brussels, has been awarded the contraot
of the wood work of the new briok cheese
factory at Britton, to take the plaoe of
the one destroyed by fire, There are two
buildings, each 82x60 feet, with iron
roof. The work is all to be pushed
through this Fall. Mr. Wilson's tender
was $1,200. We have not learned who
got the brink work contraot.
ACCIDENT.—F. S. Scott, who by the
way is quite a sportsman, took his gun in
the buggy on Friday of last week and
went South to attend to some legal
duties. When near Walton he aimed et
a bird and pulled the trigger. There
was an explosion, the breech of the gun
opened and the shell was hurled with
violence into Mr. Scott's face, striking
him below the right eye. The wound
bled profusely. 81r. Scott thinks there
meet have been some mud in the muz-
zle of the gun to cause it to act the way
it did.
BRUesELs ve. RONALD AND HowE.—When
this case was palled on Wednesday morn-
ing, at Goderioh, consent minutes were
put in by counsel for the plaintiffs and
defendants to the following effect :—The
defendants, Ronald and Sinclair, aban-
don their lien on the engine and boiler
in question. No order against either
defendants—Ronald and Sinclair—for
posts, the plaintiffs adding to their
mortgage security the coats of the motion.
The defendant Ronald obtains judgment
against the defendants Jane Bowe and
Geo. Howe for the amount due on his
chattel mortgage and on hie lieu with
outs. The usual reference to the master
at Goderioh to take accounts between all
THE BLAog KNIGHT.—Last Thursday
evening liev. Mr. Heater, called the
Black Knight, addressed a very large
audience in the Town Hall, Brussels, o1,
"Tbe Devil dressed in white." He dealt
with the subjeot from a Temperanoe
standpoint and in his unique and humor.
ous style struck some good points that
will not soon be forgotten. The reverend
gentleman was suffering from the effect
of a very bud cold yet spoke for upwards
of an hour. Mr. Hector's parents were
slaves but he was free born, his birth-
place being Windsor, Ontario. Rev. G.
H. Cobblediok occupied the chair. A
vote of thanks was given the lecturer at
the close.
Tun Olinton New Era is authority for
the following local item ;—In the town of
Brussels, not long ago, a pertain gentle-
man, for reasons of his own, wished to
find out who were the members of the
P. P. A. While the organization was
meeting one night in its lodge room, he
bribed a boy to wait at the entry, to see
who the members were, and report to him
the next morning. When the boy turned
up the next day he was melted what
success he had. "Well," he said "it was
pretty late when the meeting came out,
and the first man down the steps was
my old dad ; and as soon as I saw him
I bad to skip home before he got there,
or be'd a whalen the life outen me.
Pr8EsENTATION•—Some few weeks ago
Wm. Bright, manager of the Brussels
Flax mill, was unfortunate enough to
have bis watch stolen from the pocket of
his 'net as that garment was hanging on
the fence. Last Saturday evening the
employees of the mill welted upon Mr.
Bright and presented him with a fine 14
carat gold filled ease, with a high grade
Waltham movement, also a gold chain
and locket. This beautiful and timely
gift was accompanied by the following
address :—
To Wrs, !Tright :
DEAR SIC, --We, the undersigned, hear.
ing of your misfortune in the loss of your
watoll and a sum of money, babe this
opportunity of manifesting in a tangible
way our respect and esteem for you since
you came amongtb us, 1tindly acoept
this gold watch and obain as a' email
tolcdn of our good faith in yeti end May
you long be spared to carry, and make
use of the Seine is the wish of your
sincere friends and co-workers.
Mr. Bright thanked the donors for their
generosity and accepted the beautiful gift
in the spirit in which it was given. Tho
ivaboh and chain ware purohaeod from H.
L. Jackson, jeweller, Brusseie.
Tole twenty-eighth annual Provincial
Convention of the B. S. Aeeooiation of
Ontario will be held in Toronto on the
24th, 25th and 26th days of Qotober noxi,
OwINo 10 the Conservative demonstra-
tion at Clinton on Tueeduy the morning
train from Brussels oonneoted with the
L. E. & B. at Wingham. Thie should'
be done every dey if the interests of the
travelling publio were studied.
,Business Locals,
ANY quantity of good dry wood for
sale, I. 0. Richards.
Ousurox tyre Bioyole for sale. Deoid.
ed bargain. JAS. 13ALLANTONE, Brussels.
Fon SALE OueAP.—A good second-hand
coal stove for sale, also parlor wood stove
good as new, I. C. Richards.
MImeNE1er OPENrNG.—Grand Millinery
Opening on Thursday and Friday, Sept,
28th and 29th. rltrssos Hoian.
IF you want a ready-made suit or over-
coat, see the prices we are offering, All
to be sold in one month. J. Irwin,
Ir will pay anybody requiring a good
buggy to attend Brussels Fair and see the
display of rigamade by Walker & Ewan.
Prices away down.
BORROWED TooLe.—The pereone who
have tools borrowed belonging to my
work chop are asked to kindly return
them AT ONCE. R. Lsabhordale.
WE are offering Lace Curtains and
Art Muslins at one third less than reg-
ular prides. See them before you buy.
One month only. J. Irwin.
DRE89nsARINe.—Miss Rena Bawtin-
heimer is prepared to do sewing, either
at the homes of her patrons or at her
boarding plane-11frs. Jesse Wilbee's.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Fon one month only—all our stook not
sold will be moved from Brussels in one
month. We are giving great bargains to
clear all out. Call and get prices.
J. Irwin.
SEE the Chatham wagon at Bruesele
Fair. It is worth a quarter to see this.
alone. Medal winner at the World's
Fair. WALItl:e & Ewne,
Carriage Makers.
IF,you want colored cashmeres, for 188.
worth 260. or all wool Henriettas for 880.
worth 60o., oall and see what we have.
All to be sold in the next month.
J. Irwin.
Alms MINoE SPAULDING purposes work-
ing np a class here in piano and organ
tnition. References from W. H. Hew-
lett, A. T. 0. M., A. 0. O. (Can.) 0ecti-
Ooeten from Toronto Conservatory of
ENO -LIRE Spavin Liniment removes all
hard, soft or calloused lumps and blem.
ibhes from horses, blood spaying, curbs,
splints, .sweeney, ringbone, stifles,
sprains, all swollen throats, etc. Save
$60 by use of one bottle. Warranted by
G. A. Deadman.
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drilling wells and ie prepar-
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satiefaotion..
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
shape. Tonna reasonable. Residence
s0000d door north of the bridge, west
aide of Turnberry et., Brussels. 34.08
Xxx'TINo maabinea, great reduction iu
Floe. Plain machines with 2 cylinders
for 815, with full instructions. Suet re.
oeived a line lot of knitting yarn direct
from Germany, various grades, else Lis-
towel yarn in various shades. A large
stook of knit goods on band in hosiery,
mitts, &o. Any size of hosiery knit to
order. J. Y. S. Kirk, Agent Oreelman
Bros. knitting machines and British
American Dyeing Co.
. THE CRUEL OALOULI.—Drop a postal
card to George Rose, of Peterboro' and
ask him what Membray'e Kidney and
Liver Cure did for him in relieving him
of the intense pain oaueed by the pas-
sage of stone or calculi from the bladder.
Hypoderinin injections had to be resorted
to in order to relieve the agonizing pains
at times, but the use of Membray'e
kidney and Liver Cure enabled the
kidnoye to wash out the sand and debris
from the system, and naturalized the
acid formations.
A NEwePAPEo SENSATION.—Oollingwood
Sept. 26.--=A big sensation was created in
this vicinity a couple of weeks ago by the
Collingwood Bulletin's account of the
ease of Valentine Fisher, who has been
cured of eeiatioa of nearly thirteen years'
standing, by Dodd's kidney pills. Every-
one who talks with Mr. Fisher is. speed.
ily convinced that his was a marvellous
ours. The general conclusion is, that
there may be many more like him, who
are using remedies for rheumatism,
sciatic, dropsy or other diseases, but fail
to obtain relief, beoause they do not at.
back the seat of the disease, which is in
many each oases, the kidneys. Anyone
who doubts the efficacy of Dodd's kidney
pills, may soon be convinoed by writing
to Mr. Fisher himself, or William Wil-
liams, Esq., Principal of the Oollingwood
Collegiate InstituteCapt. F. A. Bassett,
or A. H. Johnston, 'Esq., all of whom are
well acquainted with Mr. Fisher, and
know the history of his illness.
Lower .—In Brussels, on Sept. 20th, the
wife of Mr. Daniel Lowry of a
SHEAn8n,—In Elma, on the 17011 inst,,
the wife of Mr. James Shearer bf a
NEUERS.—In Elma, on Sept. 19th, the
wife of John Benet of a daughter.
Bonn.—In Morris, on the 20th inst., the
wife of Mr. Joseph Robb of e. daugh-
BLAaE.—In Wroxeter, on the 91,11 inst.,
the wife of Mr, Robb, Black, miller
of a daughter.
LEE,—Lr Wroxeter, on the 911 'net., the
wife of Mr. W. Lee, merchant of a
KORT.—Ill Atwood, on Thursday, Sept.
18th, the wife of Mr. George Korb of
a eon.
McEwnN.—At Coulter, Manitoba, on
Aug, 1301, the wife of Mr, Peter G.
McEwen of a son,
WonLACogr—Nnex.—In Elma, on the 21st
ineb., at the residence of the bride'e
father, by Rev. A. NI, MoCullooh,
Mr. John Woolacott, of Logan, to
Mise Lizzie, third daughter of 112r.
Joseph Near, of Dime,
:tl.'r7'd7'7'Y'ON SA7L27S,
TnnitsDAY, Oat. 19111: Farm atlok,
impiemonis, &e,, Lot 21, Con, 5, Morrie.
Salo at 1 p, in. Wm. Cameron and Mrs,
Alex, Cameron, propts, Geo. Birkby,
S1',f1JV'D✓1.R1) .B,4JV'IC OF C,IXAD,f1,
=-'3'3'•FantizanTnsann 1872- -
ASSETS, (Seven Million Dollars) • $7,000,000
CAPITAL (Authorized) - - • $2,000,000
490115050 it1 101E principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States t$ .Ltt plotid,
V'Xt^rs629118 a
A General Banking Business Traneaated, Farmers' Notes Discounted.
Drafts Iesued and Oelleotions made on all points.
Interest allowed on depoeits of $1.00 and upwarde from date of deposit to date o
withdrawal and compounded half yearly,
Every faoility afforded Customers living at a distance.
J. A. STEWART, Mamma.
GILL/ES �r IT , a`•ttB,
S S .) I S,
Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on
all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain.
Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest 0om-
pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of
Qotober and April. Speoial Arrangements made for Time Deposita.
Ile errata 10 °'rite 8nanrance in ol,l 10101/01/ or Canadian Companies, or in Mut
1,101 Conepanl0a ae nuny b0 QO0100,1.
TUESDAY, Oct. 10th.—Farm stook, fin.
plements, &o. Lot 28, Oon. 6, Morrie.
Sale °eminences at 1 p. m. J. & A.
Welker, propts. Goo. Kirkby, mot.
Wroxeter, Oot. 8-4.
Blanebard at I{irkton, Oct. 5.6.
East Huron at Brussels, Oot. 5.6.
Howiok, et Gorrie, Oot. 7.
Morris Branch at Blyth, Oot: 10.11.
IVSARacam 'S,
Fall Wheat 57 60
Spring Wheat 55 58
Barley 32 34
Peas 50 52
Oats 28 29
Butter, tubs and rolls18 19
Eggs per dozen 12 . 00
Flour per barrel 8 00 3 50
Potatoes • 40 00
Hay per ton. . • 6 00 00
Salt per bbl., retail•-,. 1 00 00
Hides trimmed 8i•
Hideo rough 3
Sheep skins, each..,60 1 00
Lamb skins each 65 00
Apples per bag 75 00
Wool 17 18
Pork 7 00 7 50
Ixonnsonn, Sept. 26.—Oheese—Offer-
ings today, 8,433 boxes ; 998 August and
2,600 Sept. Sales, 600 at 1083. Small
attendance ; market quiet.
EAST BUFFALO, N. Y., Sept. 26th.—
Cattle—Seven ears on sale ; steady, and
nearly everything was sold to local
butchers ; mixed lots of butchers' cows
and light steers sold at $2 50 to $3 25,
and a drove of coarse Indiana steers of
1,880 lbs. brought $4. Sheep and lambs
—The supply of sale stock was exceed-
ingly light ; only one load and a deck of
freeh native stook arriving and 4 loads
of Canadian lambs. The market was
very Blow but all were cleared np by the
close. Some of the Canada lambs sold
up to $5 40, with the general range at
$5 25 to $6,30. Hogs -22 oars on sale.
Good to choice corn -fed Yorkers ranged
from $8 90 to $7 ; grassers and Michigan
lots, 86 75 to $6 85; good mixed packers,
$7 to $7 06 and $7 10 ; no very extra
heavy hogs of over 260 lbs average being
on sale ; pigs, $6 25 to $6 60.
TORONTO, September 26th.—The re-
ceipts of live stook to day were fair and
prioes good considering the state of the
British markets. Offerings amounted to
about 60 oar loads and they sold fairly
well. A few loads of very choice shipping
cattle sold at 45o per 11, and medium at
4o to 48o ; butchers' cattle in moderate
demand with sales of first-class stook at
38o per lb ; medium at Bio to 3)o and
inferior at 2$o to 3c. Milch cows sell at
$25 to $40 oaab, and calves et $3 to V.-
Ji.50 each, a000rding to quality. Sheep
quiet with solea at $860 to $4 50 oath,
and lambs bring $8 to 83 50. Hoge are
firmer, choice selling at 68o to Co$and
medium et 68o per 1b. Grain market
continues dull. Flour -straight roller,
$8 06 to $8 15 extra, 82 50 to $2 75.
Wheat, white, !Nieto 620 No 2 spring,
590 ; red winter, 81* to 62o ; goose, 57o ;
No 2 Manitoba hard, 760 ; No 8, 58 to
70o • frosted, No 1, 65 to 66o. Peas, No
2, 5tlo. Barley, No 1, 46o ; No 2, 40o ;
No 8, 36 to 37o ; feed, 36 to 778. Oats,
No 9, 81o. Salee'Bed'wheat, outside at
005o, and some No 8 Man hard, outside
at 710 ; peas, outside at 68 to 56c ; oats
on track here at 84o, and outside at 31o,
Brooding Ewes for sale, Apply to
JOHN 1t0DDI02t,
11-8 Lo4, Con,18,Gray.
�1o OR 12 HORSE POWE1t EN-
iorNE and boiler for Hale, -emend hand,
In first -ohms running order. Applyto
J. 00131710, Ethel.
kJ for Sale in Brneaols, Prioea
low and tering easy. Apply at.
THE POST Publiehing House.
aux.•-I have a lino brecehaoading
ninon ”trap gnu;' fu11 choked, nearly new.
Which h It. will sell Sar le a than w b Metals
prfoe, - G. A, BROADMAN,
Druggist and llaoksoller,
t.....7Isrfs of the uudoreigned, Lot 'North 51
an12,Con,1,Grey, onor about the miaow
of July, a yearling steer. Owner may hens
the same by Droving property,paying ex.
nonae5 anal tasting h1m away,
10.4 Jamestown P. 0,
A. DEESIONED has several good Farms f or
sale aad to rant, easy terms, in Townships
of Morris and Grey. F S. SCOTT, ,Brussels,
) Being South half Lot 27, eon.8, Morrie,
100 aures, nea rly all cleared. Good buildings,
One young bearing orchard. Immediate pos-
session. Easy Terms. Apply to
tf- Solicitor, d:i.,Brussels.
o l� Tbe 200 aers farm, being lots 11
and 12, eon, la, Grey, is offered for sale. 120
acres are cleared and the balance well Lim.
boxed, Buildings iirat•ol ass. Orchard, well,
&o. Sehobl house within 40 rods. Posses -
don given at once if dashed. For further
particulars as to price, terms, 0e. apply to
5.1f Roseville P.0.
or NELSON BRIOI(ER, on farm.
Lor 20, South half eon, 4, Morrie eon-
taiuing 100 mores. 50 soros aro cleared and
boo from stumps, balance hardwood and
cedar. There is a brink house, large bank
barn, log born, orchard, wells, &c., on the
premises. Possession given on April 1st
next, There are 7 sores of Fall Ramat
which would have to be arranged for with
present tenant. The farol is only 14 miles
from Brussels. For further partioulors
apply to
0—tf Queen Street, Brnesels.
The subsoribor offers his excellent 156
acre farm for sale. It is located on Con. 0,
Grey, and is in first-class condition. Fine
roomy house, largo bank barn, good orchard,
wells, &o. Farm 1s well drained and well
fonoed. Only 2 .miles freer Brussels. Will
sell outright or would take a smaller farm ns
part pay, Possession .could be given •in the
'1'alh Norpartioulara as to price, terms, &o.,
apply to
GEORGE 011001'8
Proprietor, I3ruesels.
DEneramen offers his splendid 126 acre
farm, being Lot au divest part Lot 0, con,
6, Grey, for sale. Thera 005 100 acres cleared,
balance timbered. Two dwelling houses,
bank barns, good arohard, well fenced. A
nsvorfuiliugspring o0 the place. Posses•
offers for a any
dwelling house,tab eraud 5
soros of land in the corporation of Brussels.
The house and garden would be rented fox a
short time if nob sold. Hard and soft water,
Fox prices, terms and further particulars
apply to JOHN SMITE,
d (•tf Brussels P. 0.
Undersigned will keep for service on
Lot 20 Con. 0, Morrie the there' bred. im-
proved White Yorkshire Boar "Canada's
Prince," purchased from the well.kuowu
brooder J. E, Bretbour, Oak Lodge Farm,
Burford. Terme, 51.00 to bo paid at the
time of eervloe with privilege of returning
if neoeeaary. Pedigree may be seen on ap-
Notice is hereby, given that a Court will bo
held pursuant to "The Voters' Lists Ada
b Bs Honor the Judge of the Comity Court
of the County of 'Huron at the Town Hall
Brussels, on TIIU118DAY, the cth day of
Ootobsr,1898, at 10 o'eloolf a. m., to hear and
determine the several oomplainte of errors
and omieeionein the Voters' Lief of the
Muuieipaliby of Brussels or 1805. All por-
eons baying business at the Court are requir-
ed to'attond at the said time and place,
Clerk of said Mnnleilrality.
Dated the 10051 day of Sept. '08,
Notice is herebygiventhat a Court will. be
held Remnant to 'The Voters' L1ets Aot,"
by Big Honor the Judge of the County Court
of the County of i•Iuron at the Township
Hall, Morris, on FIM ES. Y, the lith day of
October, 1009, et 10 o'eloak a, m., to hear and
determine the several oomplainte of errors
end omissions in the Votere' Liet of the
Municipality of Morris for 1809,. All persona
having bueiueee at the Court are required to
• attend at the said time and plaoo,
WM. OL0R1,.
Clerk of acid 12unleipaiity.
Dated the 1801 day of Sept„ '51,
VNotice is hereby givon that a Court, will be
held 3ureuent to !'The Voters' Etats "Alt,"
by Hie. Honor the: Judge of the County Court
of the County of Buren at the Township
15011, dreg on SATURDAY, the 7th day of
Octbber ,1800, at 10 e'olook a, m., to hear and
determine the several complaints of errors
and emiseiouo in the Voters' List of the.
Muuielpality of Grey Por 1808, All person0
having business at the Court aro required to
attend Mtn) said time and place.
Dated the 1011 daytof $ OP 0u3uioipalttq,
Toilot Soap,
Choice Assortment,
Large Stock.
Some of the Kinds aro :—
Heliotrope, Lotus, Glycerine,
White Oatmeal, Tar,
Stanley, &o.
Pepper's Drug Store,
• Solicitor and Conveyancer, Oolleo-
tions made. Olace—Vanotone's Block, 13rue-
sole. 21.5m
• Solicitor Conveyancer. Notary Pub -
lie, &o. 00005—'Vanstone'e Block 1 door
north of Central Hotel, Private 1{unds to
Barristers, Solioitoxo, Notaries Publio,
Goderioh, Ont,
nr, C. OAISH0005, 0. 0„ PHILIP HOLT,.
DUDLEY Moral -Es.
V9 • Solicitor, &o. (late of Garrow &
Proudfoot'e Oili0O, Goderie11.) 011ioo over
Gillies it Smith's Bank, Brussels,
Money to Loan, .17
• Auctioneer, ie always ready to at-
tend sales of farms, farm stook, &a. Terms
cheerfully given. Oranbrook P.0. Sales
may be arranged at flan PosT Publishing
House, Brussels.
r`i EORGE KIRKBY,iJt Licensed Auctioneer. Sales conduct
eel on reasonable tones. Parma and farm
stook aapoofalty, Orders left at THE Poem
Publishing House,Brussele, or eentto Walton
P. 0., will receive prompt attention,
oE as an Auctioneer, r am prepared
to eouduct sales of farm stook at reasonable
prices. 'Knowing the standing of nearly
every persop I am in a position to sell to
good marksand got good security whoa sold
on credit. Satiefaotion guaranteed. Give
mea Call. 82- F S. SCOTT.
Ieouxexsfltiarriage Licenses, ()Moe
at his Grocery, •1`urnborry street, Brussels,
• Tonsorial Artist' Shop—Next door
south of A. 111. Kegley & Co's hardware store.
Ladies' and childreue hair cutting a specialty
• Iesurer of Marriage Licenses, by
appointment of tient-Governor, Commis-
sioner, &a, Q. B. Conveyancer and Agent
Fire Insurance Co. Olaoo at the Oranbrook
Post 011toe.
Clerk of the Penni' Division Court
Co. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public
Land, Loan. and Insurance Agent. Funds
invested and to loan. Collections' made.
O0ioe 1n Graham's Block, Brussels,
'L./ Mise Morins, of Wingham, is prepared
to give iustruation in oil wanting. 4orms.
may be asoertained at Mies Nellie Rose' store
where samples of work may be seen, Miss
Merles would also take a few morn mile in
-•. Organist iu St, john's Church, 131ns-
eels, and pupil, in the Arl of :Teaching,of A.
W. Thayer, Mus. Doc., New York, wilgive
lessons to pupils either at J. C. Halllde,y'e,
001', Ring and John Ste„ or if preferred, at
their own limos. Monday, Tuoaday and
Wednesday at. Wal ton. Terms moderato,
5) • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all
diseases of domesticated animals in a corn.
potent manner. Particular attention paid
to veterinary dentistry. Calle promptly at-
tended to. Office and Infirmary—Two doors
north of bridge '1'urnb any et„ Brussels.
sy • O. M„ L. B. U.P., Edinburgh, Al, 0. P.
8.. Ont. Residence and °Moe in Wllson'e
Block, corner of Mill and Turnberry 'Ste.
eJ . 0. M„ M. 0. P. S. Out, Graduate
Qrtoen's Univerait I(ingatou. OFPxo31—
Smale's block, ono door South of -Standard
Bauk, Brusselo. Night boll answered at the
tame plane.
1)Ti.NTCIt9P 1
M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S., D. D. S.,
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Uni-
versity, OFPro1—over A, 10, Smith's. Store,
0, Alexander Nichol, of the Township of
Morrle,in the County of Huron, farmer,
hereby publicly apologize t0 Doctor Me-
I(elvey, of Bluefield, for any statementatliat
nave made with reference t6 hie treat-
went of my late deceased son, Thomas, I.
had no reason to say or think that the
Dootor'etreatment of my non was otherwise
than proper and el,ilfnl. My sola crenae for
having made. the statements and used the ..
words 1 'lid is that I spoke oarelosely mud 10-
oonefderetelyy. I now desire to remedy 0e
far as poa0ible trio wrong I haVl done the
Doctor by my defamatory etatomente and
50 make this apOlogy and direet that it be
published i1, THE 1733Huee0Ls Poor for four
ment alityo femme,
Dated at Brnneols tlge lath day of August,
3508. AMMAN 1001 141(801,
4.4 Witness, G. F. BLAIR, 501100tor,