HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-9-29, Page 5SEPT, T, 29, 1893
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Belgravo was fairly well represented at
Clinton on Tuesday,
W. R. Erskine spent a couple of days
in Menden last week,
J. A. Morton and 16. Venetone, of
Wingham, were in town on Friday.
A large number from Belgravo and
vicinity visited the London li'air last
A. grand concert wan hold in the
Foresters' hall on Thursday evening by
T. Scott and hie troupe.
A euooeneful Harvest Rome and
Children's Day service Ivan hold in the
Presbyterian ohuroh on Sunday last.
/Slue 'wart (s.
August make of cheese wan sold to
Mr. Booth for 10o per pound. There
were 600 boxes sold.
Albert Denman undertook to take a
ride on the book of a young heifer. The
latter objeoted and dumped Albert off
injuring one of his wrinte quite seriously,
ACCIDENT.—Laeb Sanday Afternoon PM
Hugh McDougall was driving away from
Eadia'e church the breast atrap broke on
ono of the bonen and the team ran away.
The oeoupants of the carriage were
thrown out, Miss MoDougall being bad.
ly, if not fatelly injured. Mr, Mc-
Dougall was slightly injured. The
horses were caught near the bridge.
Whet eete1'.ter.
The brick work ou Gofton's new hotel
le about completed.
Next Tuesday and Wednesday aro the
days of our Fall Fair bete.
Wm. Mclforriohor and hie sister and
W. Swale left here for a visit to the
great.Oolumbian Fair lost Friday.
License Inspector Miller was in Bel.
more Saturday evening seeing how the
law was observed and found everything
o. k.
Owing to the illness of Rev. Mr. David -
eon the servioe iu the Presbyterian
church was taken by the Elders last
J. Hooey shipped a oar load of horeee
to the Old Country this week, malting
125 sent to that market by him this year.
He will visit the old land to perfect ar-
rangements for another year and will be
absent about 2 menthe.
1313. .
No service in the English ohuroh in
this town on Sunday evening nest.
On Sunday evening St. Andrew's Pres.
byterian church was lit up by electricity.
The Western Fair held in London last
week was well patronized from this
On Monday evening the members of
L. 0. L., No. 063, held a meeting in the
Orange Hall.
On Friday afternoon some of the mem-
bers of the 0. 0. F. of this town attended
the funeral of a brother in Londeeboro.
Sid Croll, of the Hub, has been in town
the past week preparing the inside of A.
MmKellar'e fine residence for the plaster-
A goodly number of the Tories of this
town were present at the great Liberal
Conservative Demonstration in Oliuton
on Tuesday.
Some of our citizens intend going over
to Wingham, on Sunday next, to he
present at the opening of the new English
ohmic in that town.
We are pleased to see Poet Sellars,
who met with a serious accident a short
time ago, is able to be out again with the
aid of a couple of crutches.
R Sellars having is his
t v g frame ame nasi•
dance, on the corner of Mill & Dineley
Ste., veneered with brick, which will
when finished, make a decided improve.
V at,1 toxo.
Mr. MoGavin shipped a oar of
emigrants effeote to Manitoba from
Brussels ou Thursday of this week.
Nost Friday the Waltonlans will turn
out en mases to the Fall Fair at Brussels.
The races and sawing contents aro a good
drawing card.
A few Conservatives from thie locality
went to Clinton on Tuesday to the Con•
servattve demonstration. They appear
to fight a little shy of Sir John Thomp-
servioe will be held in Sb. George's
thumb next Sunday morning instead of
in the afternoon. Rev. Mr. Reilly
preaches to the Canadian Oudot: of For•
esters in St. John's ohurob, Brussels, at
8 p. m.
Rev. D. Forrest was in Goderioh this
week in conneetton with the Wilteie—
Dbig breaoh of promise ease. The
parties agreed to settle it without going
into the evidence and the Judge fixed the
damages the defendant will have to pay
in addition to the costs at $200.
Amman Prommraa Germ.—Hugh Mc-
Phee, one of the early settlers of the
township of Grey, died on the 22nd inst.
in the 79th year of his age. Not having
been in good health for some time, he
took serloaely ill and suffered a good deal
some weeks before his death. He was a
native of the Isle of Skye, Sootland, and
name to Canada in the year 1843 and
resided in Cape Breton for 8 yearn, then
removed to the county of Lanark, On-
tario, where he lived for 6 years. Thome
bre married Miss Margaret Nioholeon,
daughter of Alexander Niohoisou, of the
township of Ramsay. After leaving
Lanark ho moved West and settled in the
county of Huron, where he reeided up to
the time of hie death. He was ono of
the few Presbyterians who took an active
part in laying the foundation of
the Presbyterian ohuroh—now Duff's
thumb—Walton, and for many yeare he
hat been an honorable Elder in the eon
gregation of aaid ohnroll. lie was a man
of more than average ability, good judg•
went, a fine memory, and haviug re -
calved a superior education and good
home training he was always interesting
iu oouversation and admired for hie
social qualitiee. He sena always capable
of giving good advice and was very ex.
emplary in his walk and conversation.
He will long be remembered as astraight-
forward, unassuming, sincere, humble
Chriotian. To know him was to love
him. lie loaves a widow and two daugh-
ters to mourn bis loss. In the year 1874,
in the short space of feat weeks, two tone
and four daughters were parried off by
diphtheria. on the 25th inst. his funeral
Was largely attended by friends and
eympathisere anxious to pay their last
tribute of respect to the memory of the
beamed. - -
rr.li:E B R $S.J LS
ps=sra-'7.2s` eassa4evetca
George Taekson and wife, Wm. Sack
8011, the Laidlaw brothers and oche
residents of Morris towuelrip are away a
the World's Fair Mile week,
At the Inst meeting of the Township
Council John Mooney wan re.appointe
tax oolleetor for 18031 at the salary o
$86,00. Mr. Mooney is an old hand n
the business now,
S. Tbsoll, T. Wallace, Joseph Smith, d
White and 5, Irvine oentemphtt l.uttfm
up' now dwellings. W. 1I. Clualioy, non
tractor, has the eontraete iu baud and
will attend to them with his usual
The Counoil has inetruoted Barrister
Diokenaon, who has been nontiluoting
commotiontheir aide of the ease in commotion with
the suit Huron Co. ve. Morrie re bridges,
to engage any legal assistance be tray
find necessary in lighting the appeal now
in Court.
On Monday morning of this week a
valuable brood mare belonging to Wit.
lone Furrow, 3rd line, was rolled lying
dead in the stable. She had been turned
ant the evening before, along with the
rest of hie horses, to pasture in a rough
and etninpy field and it is supposed that
alio had fallen on a hemlock knot while
jumping over a log, thereby inflicting
snob injuries ea caused her death. She
managed, however, to get to the stable
before o:•ercome.
fD..t:wood ..
J. L. Mader has received a cheque for
the 564.70 grant from the Government to
the Mecbanios' Institute.
At the Industrial Fair, Toronto, the
Newry factory was awarded a first for
while cheese, and a third prize for
truckle cheese.
Constable Bulmer, of Listowel, was in
town and is reported to have arrested a
oertain Atwoodite who was one of the
prinoipale in a drunken brawl.
The Bee is authority for the following :
Last Sunday morning George Kort was
the innocent victim of a Gunpowder Plot
that would have brought tears of envy to
the eyes of the great Guy Fawkes. For
the hiatorio Gunpowder Plot never
materialized and George's did. Well, it
happened in this way : Last Spring Mrs.
Kort stowed away among other things a
half -pound of gunpowder in a box stove,
which was laid aside during the Summer
months. Oa Sunday morning George
felt somewhat chilly and resolved to
build a fire in that stove. He prepared
the kindling, put it in position and
touched a match to it. All was serene
for a little while and George eat down
and enjoyed the genial warmth of hie
fire. Presently the paper oontaining the
powder naught fire and away she went in
let -her -go- Gallagher- 121h-of•Ireland.no•
surrender style, blowing the stove to
smithereens, the fragments flying in all
directions. George V/118 nowhere to be
seen. In due time, however, when the
awoke had cleared away, Goo. emerged
from an adjoining room, his hair stand-
ing on end, and with a look of blank
amazement he addressed the spot whore
the stove sat in words something like
these : "Weil, I'll be golt darned if that
doesn't boat all 6 ever saw in my life
before. Vila in thunderation is the
matter mit the stove anyway." For•
tunately nothing more serions happened
and George has not complained of feeling
chilly sinoo.
Y..hinvtb) `w {sl.
Miss Jennie Sehnefcr 1010 gone to
Chicago where else has secured a Oita.
The convention of the western Branch
of the Womnn'e Mlssionary Souioty of
Methodist ohnrnh of Canada, will be
hold in the Methodist church, Listowel,
on the 3rd, 4th and 6th of October.
Frank /Uncial, late of Debnoit and
formerly of Goderioh, has leaned the
store in Campbell's block lately occupied
by G, McTavish, and will open out a
furniture and undertaking heathen..
The contract for the new foundry
wbinh Galles & Martin are °rooting on
the site of Hay's still, has been let.
Nenert Bros. of the town have been
awarded the brick work, Bamford Bros,
the wood work, and T. Seburger the
painting. The tinemithing work has not
yet boon let. The buildings are to be
completed by the 15111 Nov, The total
cost will be in the neighborhood of $5,.
000, W.E. Binning, architect, will over•
see the work.
1101 eel.
Voters' Lieb Court will be held hero on
Saturday morniug of next week, at 10 0'
cloth.. -
Mee. Milne er. has gone to Stirling
Falls, Ont., whore she will reside with
her daughter.
David Milne, the well known stook
man, will likely attend the Walkerton
Fair with an exhibit of thoro' bred
II. F. McAllister, merchant here, is on
the marltee for the purohas° of ell kinds
of grain at the storehouse at the etatiou.
The higheeb market prioe will be paid.
Wm. Duke is preparing to remove to
the farm he recently purchased from
Jas. Lindsey. It is located near Trow-
bridge and was formerly owned by Thos.
Reeve Milne, Township Clerk Spence,
John Eokrnier and David Sproat are
back from their visit to the Columbian
Exposition at Chicago. They were
wonderfully well pleased with it.
Why does some one lonely look ? Tell
me why ?
The Martin tragedy created no little
exoitement here.
Mise Ida McKee is at present holiday-
ing in Peterborough,
Mrs. Lambed returned from. To.
ronto last Monday evening.
Rev. Mr. Jamieson occupied the
Preebyterian pulpit last Sunday.
Mrs. A. Patterson has returned from
taking in the sights at the London Fair.
Mrs. (Rev.) Stevenson has been spend-
ing a few days among old friends in the
village and vicinity.
Mr. Baker, our local oirous-man, gave
an exhibition of hie talents to a crowded
house last Monday evening. Re is quite
a boat in bimeelf.
The village hotel has a new proprietor,
Mr. Baines, of Fordwich. The exchange
was effected last Tuesday, J. Steiss re-
moving to Fordwieh where he purposes
running a Temperance house. Our vil-
lage has no use for very mach liquor and
would favor the establishment of a
Temperance house here.
Vii7griErika M.
II. W. C. Meyer has removed to his
future home in Calgary, N. W. T.
D. C. Munro, formerly of the Times
staff, 18 now tettnhing at Killarney, Man.
Wm. Clegg has disposed of his hay
press to Jae. Martin, of East Wawauosh.
E. R. Swans has rented a hotel in
Manchester and will take possession of
it shortly.
Nearly one handrail tickets for Chicago
have been sold at the Grand Trunk sta-
tion here during the cheap fares.
The Wingham W. C. T. II. expeot to
have a meeting some time in the course
of a topple of weeks in the interests of
the Plebiscite.
S. Golley, V. S., was in Toronto and
brought back with hits a couple of
thoroughbred English setters, one of
whioh ho keeps himself and the other is
the property of A. Morrow.
A. large quantity of machinery for the
Wingham Eleotrio Light Oompauy, fur
I their new power house, has just been re•
calved from the Wateroue Engine Works
Company, Brantford. When it is placed
in position the eleotrio light will be run
by water power.
Voters' List Court on Friday, Oot. 6th,
at 10 a. m.
Mise Annie Dad hoe gone on a visit
to Gerrie.
Miss Julia Sharp is visiting her Meter
at lit. Thomas.
Emmannal Olvar in visiting his daugh-
ter at Warwick.
Miss Lizzie Maunders has gone to her
millinery situation at Arthur.
Arthur Caubleon and wife, 8rd line,
are visiting Mende in Clinton this week.
Aimee Shaw and wife, of Listowel,
were visiting relatives and friends on the
let and 2nd oons. this week.
Mrs. Leonard Tutton, of the let eon•,
ie at present visiting relatives at New-
Mrs, Wm. Dulmage and obildeeri, of
Newbridge, are visiting relatives on the
let eon, at present
George Henderson was attending the
Fall Assizes at the County town as a
juryman this Week,
Churob re•oponing at Johnetou'e ap.
poiutment next Sanday and.tea meeting
on Monday evening.
Joseph Clegg was attending the Amine
at Goderioh this week doing ditty for his
Queen as grand juror.
The Morrie Branch Fall Show will be
held at Blyth on Tnenday and Wednes-
day, Oot. 10th and lith.
Donald McKenzie is attending the
Collegiate Institute at Guelph with a
view of becoming a teacher,
Cold nights will have a tendency to
snake Mho eovoe.droppac elide quicker
from his favorite haunts.
John Wheeler's reeidenoe is now com-
pleted and is, without doubt, the finest
finished dwelling on the 4th con.
Mrs. Robb. Davison, son and daughter,
of Dungannon, are visiting relatives on
the let and 2nd cons. at present.
Charles hooey, of Mildmay, wise vieit-
ing friends on the let and and cone. this
week. Some attraction for Charlie.
Mies Jane McVay and Mies ,Aggie
MolTatt a, o visiting friende and relativee
at Clinton and $eaforbh thie week. They
are taking in the Faire also,
Exhibits are now being prepared for
the local Palm.
T. J. Vincent is able to be about again
after a elight,illnes•s.
Voters' List court, at Ethel, on Satur-
day, Oct. 7th, at 10 a. m.
Alex, Berrie was a juryman. Mho
Anima this week in Godettoh.
A union -between Grey and Moliiliop
may be an event of the near future.
George crooks jr. has gone to 11. Lea-
therdale'e, Brussels, to learn the cabinet
Plowing, threshing,dituhiig and taking•
np potatoes are now the chief occupation
of the husbandman.
W. A. Killoogls, of this township, went
to Muskoka this week, where he intends
upending Lire Winter.
Several Groynes were at Goderioh this
week as witnseees in the MoKillop
beeach of promise ease.
Mies Sadie Hillier, who has been visit-
ing relatives iu this locality, has return-
ed to her home in Goderioh.
William Oakley has been on the sick
list and is still quite poorly. We hope
he will continue to improve.
Those who were at Brnesele to bear
the Black Knight were well pleased and
say the lecture was a rare treat.
Smith As Sample, earpentere, have
been making some improvements in J.
J. Vincent's store. They nee good work-
The Morris and Grey oheese factory
closed down a short thus ago for this
season owing to the falling off of milk on
some routes.
A large number were at Clinton on
Tuesday to hear Sir John Thompson and
other ministers of the cabinet disease the
political questions of the day.
Mrs. Joanet Stewart loot a pair of
epootaolee between her home and John
Metopes reeideuoo last week. The
finder will greatly oblige by returning
them to the owner,
Donald MuLauohliri, an old mud well-
known former resident of this townebip,
now of Dakota, ie renewing old acquain-
tances in this vioinity. Time is dealing
very kindly with Dir. Mao.
G. A. Schick and wife intend to re-
moving to Buffalo. Thie move is ren-
dered necoeeary owing to a change in the
pension law which compele all pen.
sinners to become residents of the States
to share in the full advantages of their
The most important capture of a moon -
thine whiskey maker of recent years Wae
made by II. S. Marshal D. H. Hermon on
Indian Creek, Wyoming (county, Va.,
Saturday. The man captured wan the
famous Willard Morgan, over whose head
a reward has been hanging for years.
Morgan began making moonshine
Whiskey and killing people, Who wore in
his way in 1870, and he wits prepared
and doffed the law ever since. He has,
with the aseietanoe of those engaged with
him, driven a dozen posses out of
Wyoming bounty, and last Fall, single
handed, he disarmed four offreore and
mado thein walk out of the county before
the muzzle if hie Winchester. The num•
her of mon who have died at his lands ie
vttriouely estimated at from six to fifteen.
He was finally captured through the
duplicity of one of hie mon, who led him
into oloeo quarters, where he was aur-
We have just received a Big Line of
Direct from. the Manufacturers. We closed oat the
whole line and got them ail
Lot 1. worth $2,50 for
Lot 2, worth $2.75 for
Lot 3, worth $3.25 for
Now is your chance—get these Goods
while they last.
Men's all wool Underwear at 49c,
2 pairs of Wool Sox for 25c,
Wool Cardigans for 75c.
Heavy all wool Blankets at $2,50 a pair,
Large Blankets worth 84.25 at $3,50,
Good Comforters at 90c.
Special Lines in Grey Flannels,
Fancy Flannels, Yarns, Ladies'
Underwear, Gloves
and Hosiery.
All Wool Shawls, beauties. at 85c,
All Wool Hose at 15c.
This is the Store for Genuine Bargains and the People Know it.
�g'' i„ 9ifComoilif5
Gtl` fit• � .,a � �,^_�.Iya (' �j "� r.`�= j�
rRtzls�`oJV',Sa�IELD tK I�ic O�'tJ]lc.��Eq Br`s°1U{i� iLS.
Perth COuniy.
A movement is on foot for the forma-
tion of a city battalion at Stratford.
There aro already three companies in
that oily and petitions are in circulation
welting Col. McKnight to bring in one of
the outside companies so as to make the
necessary four.
The South Perth Agricultural Society
has arranged with R. Mulntosh, the
aucbor man .of the Zorra tug.of•war
team, which now holds the ohampion•
ship of America, to pull against three of
Blanohard's stalwart yeomen, on the af•
ternoon of Wednesday, Oot. 4th, the
second day of the fair.
A two'etory frame dwelling ou Queen
atreet east, Sl. Marys, owned and cc-
oupied by James Guest, was destroyed
by fire early Tuesday morning. The
contents of the 'first flat were mostly
saved, but all on the second fiat were a
total leas. The loss on building is about
$2,600 and on contents $2,600 ; insured
in the Imperial for $1,200 on building
and 51,200 on oontents.
James lfaddiolt, who liven in the Gor-
don survey, Stratford, the other night de-
posited $20 in a bureau drawer in his
bedroom and retired. Nest morning ho
noticed some papers strewn about the
room and, suspecting something wrong,
looked for hie mouey, bub in vain.
Someone had been there while he slept
and he was minus a good part of hie
month's wages. This ie the third time
Mr. Haddick has had money -545 in all
—stolen from his house. The robber is
supposed to be well acquainted with the
promisee and the movements of the
An old lady named a'Ies. Leek, living
about throe miles on 11e other aide of
Mrtehell, drove into Stratford the other
morning with some market stuff. After
she had sold out eh° brought her horse
and baggy to the Stratford hotel, kept by
Martin Youeie, and asked to have the
animal stabled. 1Vlr. YoUaie took the
bores in, When Mrs. Leek called later
011 to have the horse hitched it was gone.
She was told thee a young mom had call•
ed for it, aid be was allowed to take it.
The young man is described as being 18
or 20 yeare of age, tall and slim, and
having a week's growth of side whiskers
ornamenting has face. The horse was au
old sorrel with white.tnarked face and
switch tail. The buggy was an old cov-
ered vehicle with one shaft broken and
strapped underneath With au iron strap
and bound with braid.
La Plata rebellion is getting very
Looks like a race war down South.
Fighting between negroes and whites in
throe states,
Moro people are being killed and
lynched on the 'Cherokee strip,' Okla:
home, than in 13razil'e civil war.
Mattie Sides, a Columbia girl, finished
washing dishes in very hot water, and, to
arrange something, thrust her right ares
into the ioe box. The cold atmosphere
parahyzod her arm, whioh fall helpless to
her aide. 10 a haw m11111108 her hand be.
beeamo erampod and the arm swelled to
twilo its normal eine. A phveioian wan
satinwood hitt ooiodioinee were of no
avail. Finaily hot irons were applied
and gave relief.
Bogs to announce to the Ladies that her grand Millinery
Opening will tale place on
THURSDAY liy S T. 5T11,
And Two Following Days
When we invite every lady to call and see our lovely
Styles. It will really be the Brussels Show and no charge
for admission. Wo want every lady to look, whether
they buy or not, so as to get an idea of the most fashion-
able colors and Stylos, all selected with great care by our
Milliner, MISS GREEN. We will also show the Newest
Styles in Mantles and Mantle Cloths, of which we have
a groat variety in Stock. MISS MOORE, as usual, will
attend to this Department.
iks usual we have a very large stock of the most
Fashionable Dress Goods, comprising all the Shot Effects
now so much in demand. In fact we have everything
new and pretty. As we have much the largest stock to
select from vie advise every lady to see our goods before
malting their purchases—whether they buy from n8 0r
not we will be only too pleased to show them. We have
also all the Newest Trimmings to Match the drosses, and
a host of other now goods which we cannot mention in an
Thanking our customers for past favors and hope 1•o
see a big crowd on the Show Days.
E. E O
BRUSSELS, Sept. 21s1, 1892.