HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-9-22, Page 44 THE BRUSSELS POST Srpp, 22, 1893
.:. _ rater .. axaaaxttantr�n7ilta,aavere,
nsentiotar.ra ewran
New Advertisements,
Looals—James Irwin.
Local—Misses Hoare,
Loomis—H. J. Strong.
Looal—R. Leathordale,
Strayed -Samuel Snell.
Trying on—A. R. Smith.
Millinery Display—E. Rogers,
Boar for Service—Bobt, Niohal,
Voters' List Court—F, S. Sootb.
Voters' List Court—Wm, Clark.
Voters' List Court—Wm, Spence.
Milli tory Opening-1>2iss MaPhorson.
Bibles and Hymu•books—Tina Parr
The Crowd Grows Larger•—II. E. Mad.
doe's d; Co,
7tfirustis 2St,
FRIDAI', SEPT. 22, 1893.
EVERT church organization iu Huron
County should send representatives to
the Prohibition Co,ventiou to be held in
. Torouto on Tuesday, Out. 3rd. This
applies with egnul force to the various
h u be
orders o should Tem era e o s too w
p AO
specially interested in plauuing the
Fivo thousands people attonded the
open.nir meeting at Durham Monday in
honor of Mr. Laurier. In addition to an
eloquent and forcible speeob by the Lib-
eral leader, the following delivered ad-
dresses 0u current politionl issues :—
Gilbert MoHeohnie, M. P. P., James Mo•
Mullen, M. P., Wm. Mulook, M. P., Wit.
liam Patterson., U. P., and Dr. Lander -
kin, M. P.
Tann Western Lair, being held at Lon.
don tins week, is fairly overrun with
side shows. They and the refreshment
stands °Gimpy more space than that de.
voted to any line of exhibits. The
Directors will kill their Fair if this
thing is ooutinued another year. As far
us special attractions aro concerned the
Western is well to the front. Cavorley
on the high wire, the educated horses and
dogs, Japanese troupe, bicycling, speed•
iug in the ring fire works, Bronoho Bob
and Miss Slocum in their fancy shooting,
&o., doing their part in first class style.
Tnn staff of the new Governor-General,
as has been announced, is as follows :—
Secretary—Arthur J. Gordon, 0. M. G.
Mr. Gordon began his colonial experience
as one of the staff of Sir Arthur Gordon,
now Lord Stanmore, when Governor of
New Britnswiok. Mr. Gordou went sub-
sequently with Sir Arthur to Fiji as pri-
vate secretary, and later on, in the same
capacity, to New Zealand and Ceylon.
Mr. Gordon is distantly related to the
Earl of Aberdeen, and Mrs. Gordon is a
mousin of His Exoellenoy. Aidss•de•
camp—Capt. Urquhart, of the Cameron
Highlanders, is the eldest son of Mr. Ur-
quhart, or Meldrum, Aberdeenebire. Hoe
served through the last Egyptain cam•
paign. His colleague is Oaptain Kinder-
eley, of the Coldstream Guards. Extra
aide•de camp and assistant seoretary—
David Erskine, the eldest son of 11ir. Ere•
kine, the eldest son of Mr. Erskine, of
Lintrathen, Forfarshire. R. M. Fee.
guso0, brother of Ronald Ferguson, of
Nevar, will join the Earl of Aberdeen at
Qaebec as entre A, D. C.
THEME will be more opposition than
ever to Mo. Gladstone's purpose of hold-
ing an autumn session now that a case of
cholera has occurred among the caretak-
ers of the Parliamentary buildings, and
the buildings themselves have been de-
clared by a medical commission to be in
an insanitary condition. Already the
members have been showing signs of
over -work and ill health as a result of au
extremely exciting, worrying session.
In a recent speech the Speaker of the
House declared that he believed the late
violent disturbances in the House were
the effects of overtaxed nerves and ill -
health, and the 'Lanoet' endorsed hie
opiuiou and urged that the Houses of
Parliament should be reconstructed, or
at least made more commodious and
more convenient. It is a well-known
fact that there are not seats enough in
the Commons chamber for more than
one -hair of the members and hardly
standing room enough for all. The
members themselves are opposed to a
very,large hall with a seat and doth for
each legislator, such as most other par-
liaments have, on the ground that large
halls entail a declamatory style of elo-
quenee, whioh they thick opposed to the
true deliberative method of the House, a
More colloquial kind of speaking being
that most encouraged in the British
House. It would seem probable that a
hall large enough to accommodate all
mambero with a sent on a bench should
at least be had. It is anything but true
economy Lo endanger or impair
the health of public men by crowding
them into too small space under ineaui•
tiny conditions.—Montreal Witness.
Three negro brothers named Julian
were lyuohed near New Orleans on Mon-
day morning for shielding a fourth
brother, who on Friday shot Judge
Estophinal to death while the latter wag
tryinghim for a trivial offence.
W. s. Shaw, of 910 Mt, Elliot avenue,
Detroit, allowed a friend to sleep at hie
house One night last weak. The friend
repaid his kindness by slipping ant of hie
bed lb the email boors and etealing hie
horse and carriage, Detective Blakely
reooveted the outfit at Belle River, but
the owner refined to prosecute,
Huron County,
The gate receipts at the Iieneall fair
this year amounted to upwards of $200,
the largest in the history of the society.
II, P. Chapman, of Ripley, who has
oonduoted a job printing °Moe in Ripley
for some years, will shortly issue a week. he was a Qonservative. The remains
away expressed hie unehsleen oonlldenoe I Grantham, England, is perhaps 0
in Obriet as his Saviour, He was war' t only town in Englund wltiolt has it Beit
ally it healthy man, but his last illnele sign for a hotel, It is a hive of be
lasted for about 11 mouths. Twice i hung above the door of the 1350 Inu.
married, he survived hie second wife by 1 The World's lair inanagore are e
a year, lees two dive. Four boys and twelve Inilliou dollars in the bole, and t
Wgirls of the lash family enrvlye hint 4 the paid admissions between now and t
end of the year will not serve to pt
then out of it, 'n
A 10 ton iter constructed of alto
inum, said to be the first sea -going ye
eel made of this metal, is being but
at Loire, for Comte do Ohabanues 1
Ponies', It will be half the weight o
a vessel of similar class oonstruoted tvikb
a steel frame, Her hall will weigh end
5,500 lbs., whereas, if built of the ordin
any material, it would weigh 10,0110 lb
Hiles Nellie Bean and W. D. Dough
erbv, of Atlanta, Ga„ are mutes. Justin
of the Peace Orr Saturday united ah
couple in the holy bonds of matrimony
The juetioo wrote the marriage down
When everything was in readiness fo
the oeremony he handed the paper to th
young lady. As she read the question
she would answer "Yes" and dosignat
with her fingers the one she anervered
The paper was then given to Mr. Dough
arty. Opposite the questions was def
blank space enough for him to write th
answer to enoh question, which ton
properly dote. After the ceremony ba
beau performed and Judge Orr had put
OS the little slipofpaper-these words,"
pronounce you man and wife," the yon
couple read it and wrote that they wer
ready to receive the oongratoletions o
the justice and the few friends who wer
present, Judge Orr's congratulation
wore written on a piece of paper which
he gave the young pair.
An autopsy upon the body of Mrs
Elizabeth P. Thonae, who lived with W
F. Morgan's family, near Willow Grove
Philadelphia, revealed the feat •that th
woman had swallowed her false tenth
For some time past llirs. Thomas, a
widow, had been suffering from a
nervous disorder, which slightly nn•
balanced her mind. On Sunday morn-
ing she leaped from a secoud•etorey
window. Her jaw was broken and she
swallowed her false teeth, A physician
was called to attend her. The suffering
woman deolared that she had swallowed
her teeth, but it wee thought that she
had loot them. Believing that it was a
maniaoal whim, little attention was paid
to the woman's tales. However, although
the fractured jaw was set and dressed,
the victim grew worse and died. The
clootor was puzzled by the death and he
made. a post-mortem examination. In
the woman's throat were her false teeth,
so tightly'.wedgad that they could not
pass down or be removed.
A Chinese funeral never proceeds
straight from the house of mourning to
the graveyard. The devil is always on
the lookout for funerals and follows them
to seize the soul of the dead man, so, in
order to outwit the evil one, the bearers
take up the body and start off with it at
a brisk trot, while peeks of fire -crackers
and pyrotechnics, emitting a dense smoke
and vile smell, are set off just as the pro-
cession starts. Having thus deceived Old
Nick as to the direction taken by the
bearers, they run as fast as tbey can with
the body, then suddenly turn a corner
and stop while more fireworks are burned.
The devil cannot turn% corner easily,
and en, if really in pursuit, he shoots on
by, and by means of a good deal of sod-
den turning and stopping and a lavish
expenditure of fireworks, the funeral pro-
oeesion generally gets to the grave in
safety, while the old boy, confused by
their movements and half suffocated by
the fireworks, is still wandering about 111
the city.
The town of Villa Canes, in the
province of Toledo, has been devastated
by floods and about forty lives have been
lost, Heavy rains have fallen in the
provinces, and the town, which le situ.
tubed on rather low ground, was inun-
dated. The people bed no thought of
danger, though the generally small
streams in the vicinity of the town were
rapidly swelling and threatening to over•
flow their banks. Late on Thursday
night of last week when most of the in-
habitants had retired, the waters from
the hills, where there had probably been
a oloud.buret, swept down on the doomed
town, carrying away almost everything
in the path. Huge trees that had been
torn bodily from the ground, swept along
on the crest of e ruching watere, and
were hurled with frightful violeuoe
against the houses in the path of the
streams, wrecking them. A number of
persons were badly injured. In one
place a yonug W0113411was found with a0
infant clasped to her breast with one
hand, while with the other hand she held
the hand of a little boy. All were dead
and there was not a mark upon them.
It ie believed the bodies of many others
are buried under the ruins.
The little town of liiantone, fives miles
from Jamestown, N. Y., was the Boone of
a social event a ehort time ago, which
had a sad effect on bhe health of that and
surrounding communities, and resulted
in the extinction of one whole family.
De Witt Aiken is a prominent and pros -
and three boys of the second. Politically
ly newopenerthere.
J. Swallow and an assietant from
Woodham, last week dug and brioked up
a well 17 feet deep, set in a pump and
put on a platform in lees than a clay and
a hall for Robert Ward, of Fullerton.
A unanimous oalt to Rev. A. MaiSay,
of Luaknow, from the oougregstion of
Union Centre and Lochaber, in the Pres.
bytery of Platen, N. S., has been for-
warded to the Olerk of Maitland Presby-
A Yirkton oarrespon ut says : —Dar -
lug the thunder storm itch passed over
this place Tuesday evening a ball of fire
was Been to descend withgreat velocity,
strike the earth and n• ound into the
air and explode with terrific force.
Rev. Mr. Holmes, o Rattenbnry St,
charob, Clinton, hits been in communica-
tion with Messrs. Hunter and Crossley,
with a view to securing their assistance
this Fall in spacial services, but learns
that they cannot possibly Dome until
next Spring.
The storm a Rin t it F •i t
o t t o u 1 dt and
Saturday was one of thewaren they have
bird fur same time, T es were -blown
down and outer datng done. A Mr.
ldawden, traveller for drug firm of
London, was blown iu t re and had to
stay over night. He an his horse and
rig were blown off the road, but were not
hart. The wind was theheaviest known
for years.
L. Kennedy, Clinton, had an operation
performed on his cheek or jaw bone the
other day. Sumo time ago a wisdom
tooth canned him great pain. Several
nnssccesefol attempts were made to draw
the tooth. It had apparently grown to
the jaw bone. Under chloroform, the
tooth was removed. The pain continued.
Last week a deep incision was made clear
to the bone and several splinters remov-
As Mrs. John Miller, of St. Helens,
was untying a horse from the hitching
post in front of A. B. Oongram's drug
etore,.in Luokuow, the other day, the
animal soddenly sprung at her and sank
its teeth into her nose, from whioh the
blood flowed freely for a few minutes.
The force of the savage brute's (Meek
knocked Mrs, Miller down upon the
sidewalk, and her head, striking the
planking, raised a large lump on her
Discovery of the fast that the accounts
of some of the depositors in the postoffioe
branob saving bank nt Lucknow were less
than they should be was what led to the
enquiry and the presence at Lnoknow of
Poetoflice Inspector H. G. Hopkirk, of
this district. It bas been found that by
forged withdrawal applications the fol-
lowing sums have been wrongfully drawn
from the accounts of the parties named :
Norman Nicholson, $150 ; Malcolm
Nicholson, $150 ; Alexander Nicholson,
$200 ; Miss Macdonald, $100. All the
passbooks of the depositors have been
called in for examination and it is
thought all the losses have been die•
(novel ed.
In addition to the Premier and oollee-
guns being in Clinton on the 26th, on. the
27th (second day of the shote) they will
have the Lieut Governor, of Ontario,
Hon, John Dryden (Ontario), and pro.
bably the Miniaber of Militia, J. T. Gar.
row, M. P. P., and A. Bishop, M. P. P.
The Lieut.Governor will arrive at 10 a.
m. and a procession will be formed,
headed by the band in military uniform,
and 12 of a Guard of Hauer under com-
mand of Capt. Combe. At the town hall
an address will be read from the Town
Ooutwit. Lttuoheon will be served ab the
Ratteubury. At about 12:30 or one
o'clock the Agricultural Society will read
addresses on the grounds and the Lieut.-
Goveruor will open the show.
A very interesting breech of promise
suit is likely to be tried at Goderiah
shortly. Mr. Doig, a school teacher at
No. 9 section of McKillop towushflp,
Huron county, and Miss Wilsey, daughter
of one of the trustees of the school, are
the parties concerned. The whole
country side is torn up over the affair.
The wedding was to have taken place in
the Summer and the wedding cake and
the bride's trosseau had even been made•
The expectant bride was very mach
affected over the alleged perfidy of her
lover, and now she asks for $5,000 as the
balm that will soothe her wounded heart.
Both the young people are well and
favorably known. bliss Wilsey is the
daughter of a well•to-do farmer, while
Mr. Doig also owns a farm. It is said
that the defendant will admit the
promise of marriage, but will give
reasons for hie refusal to carry out his
contract that may prove sensational.
Mr. Garrow will proscribe, and M, 0.
Cameron will defend.
The Clinton New Era eays :-No man
was better known iu the vicinity of
Holnesville than John Caldbeek, and
few ever enjoyed the oonfidenoe of their
acquaintances more that' le did, and
while his death has leen anticipated for
some time, the annouucsmunt of it carried
a pang of Borrow to many a heart. Born
in Kilkenny, Ireland, he emigrated to
Canada when but 18 years of age and set-
tled on the Grand River between Brant-
ford and Paris, where he resided for some
time. He afterwards moved to Goderiah
township and settled on what is now
known as the McCartney farm, Maitland
con., enduring all the privations and
hardships of pioneer life, Disposing of
this farm be moved to the one now oeeu-
pied by Wtliiem Stanley, on the Huron
road, whore he resided for nearly $0 years.
He then moved about half a mile east, to
the Bridgewater farm. About four years
ago he moved to Clinton, remaining here
until about a year ago—hie wile dying at
that time—and then he took up his reel.
deuce with his son, Daniel B,, in Gode-
riah, at whioh piece he died Monday
morning. Before moving permauoutly
to this 0ounty be was engaged in teaming
between Hamilton and Godel•ioh, making
quite a number of trips of lids nature.
He joined the Methodist ohorah when he
was 24 years of ngo, and for years filled
its most responsible affirm, having been
Sunday Bohoel Superintendent, elan.
loader, and loom proaoher, an office be
hold up to his death. He vette a man of
strong oonvistions and nothing could
move him from a amine which he believ-
ed to be right; he woe a man of strong
spiritual attainments and delighted in
conversation or argument that would
develop spiritual truth. He rejoiced con•
tiunally in the inward evidence of divine
acceptance and a minute before he passed and varied character,
were interred in Clinton cemetery on
Wednesday, The pall bearers wero all
old associates of deceased, being J, Mo.
Osrtnely, B'. Elford, 0. Jervis, J, Budd,
11, Acheson and J. Marquis.
The other day Barb Switzer, of Godo.
rioh totvnahip, met with a bad aoeident
He woe driving along the road when a
team behind him, owned by Geo, Canto-
Ion, Immune uumauageable and ran away.
Before Switzer oonld get out of the road
the team jumped right on top of him and
they all fell a tangled heap in the
road. When Switzer was extricated it
was found that he was out severely abort
the head. It was a wonder he was oat
The onuuty races at Clinton ou Wod-
nesday afternoon of last week proved
quite a suoeess, though ill luck seemed to
dog the Seaiorth boys, as two of theca
had their wheels smashed and two others
collided at a critical point in the mile
open, Spoiling their ehanoes of wmniug.
Following ie the summary :-1 mita,.
novicesb Cooper, Olin
ton, O o trot 2nd
beat rth . mile o)e7,let Cooper, 2nd
Livingstone, Seafot•th ; mile, class B.,
Fritz, Dashwood, 2nd ardno, Seaiorth ;
1 mile open, 1st Livingstone, 2nd Win-
ter ; 1 mild Clinton town, 1st Cooper,
2nd Doherty ; 2 mile handicap, class B.,
1st Fritz, 2nd Snider, Brucefield ; two
mile handicap, let Livingstone, 2nd
Baldwin, Ssnfo•th ; live mile open, let
Baldwin, 2nd Livingstone.
Wesley Erwin, who returned to Bay•
field last week tells the story of his
miraculous rescue from a wreck a few
months ago. Abort 70 miles below
Cleveland, the boat he was engaged on
was lying at anchor, when a violent
storm arose, (analog her to drag her
anchor some distanee out in the lake.
A tug was signalled for eseietanoe, but
refused, and shortly afterwards the boat
went to .pieces, precipitating the crew
into the water. Wesley had the luck to
seize a door, bo which he clung for dear
life, and a dog, which was on the boat,
made the Bayfield boy his companion on
this nnoertain °raft. Time they driftecl
together for some three hours, when they
were thrown up on the beach. After
lying in a helpless 'condition for some
time they made their way to a farm
house where they were taken in and
oared for till able to proceed. Wesley
was the only one saved from the wreak.
General Ne-ovte.
Dr. Talmage has offered $100 t', the
infidel who has read the Bible twice.
In the oustom house at San Francisco
100 tins of contraband opium have been
found nucleated under a closet seat.
Steplow Green, colored, was hanged at
Livingston, Ia., on Friday. He prayed
and sang on the scaffold and ooufeseed
his guilt.
One hundred years ago Monday Geo.
Washington laid the oorner•stone of the
National Capitol of the United States at
Paul Archer, Will Archer, Pols Hill,
Ellen Faut and another person, all color•
ed, confined in the gaol at Canrolltown,
Ala., were shot 10 death on Thursday of
last week by a mob who overpowered the
A steamer which is claimed to be the
largoet freight steamer in the world has
recently been launched at Dunbarton, in
Scotland. fifer displacement is about
15,000 tons, and the will carry 7,000 tons
of freight. In addition to freight she
will have a capacity for 300 second- class
and 1,200 third-class passengers, but no
fireb•oLss. She is intended for traffic
between Liverpool and Philadelphia, and
is intended to make the distance between
these two points in eight days.
I0 ie reported that U. Mango intends to
resume work on the Panama canal
November, The receivers have, on the
security of the oanal company's shares
in the railway, it is said, secured- suffi-
cient fonds from the Bank of France to
resume operations on Lhe Culebra section.
It is intimated that M. Nlotchienrt ex -
pacts thus to restore public confidence in
Colombia and produce a favorable awn
upon the Paris bourse. He hopes thus
to facilitate the organization of a new
syndicate whioh will take over the fran-
chise and concessions and reeommenoe
work on the other sections also before
the last time extension lapses.
Lieutenant Peary's wife isnot the first
woman to brave the perile and hardships
of Arctic exploration. About thirty years
ago J. W. Taylor, of London, was placed
in charge of an expedition sent out from
London to colonize the east coast of
Greenland, and was accompanied by his
wife, an accomplished young woman,
who lived with flim two years in an
isolated settlement on Oobwin's Island..
She was the only European woman in
the colony of thirty men, most of whom perous farmer of that village and has a
were whalers, Mrs. Taylor's health daughter, Maud, who was engaged to
failed at the end of two years and she rs. Merles Amedell. The wedding was sot
turned to England, her husband re- for Aug. 10th, et the hone of the bride,
maining a year looser, and a large number of guests from
The forestry Building ie one of the various plains wore asked to participate.
many appropriate and handsome stems- A fee days previous to the nuptials the
tures of the World's Fair. Built entirely bride -°teat complained of feeling in..
of wood, with pins instead of mile, and a disposed and Dr. H. P. Ilan, of James•
bark roof, the pillars of the broad piazza town, was called. He found her, as he
whioh surrounds it are tree trunks. says, suffering from a slight oold, but
Within ane displays by all the great advised that a postponement of the wed -
lumber Staten and many foreign countries ding was unneoossary. The guests
that are remarkably handsome and oom- gathered in largo numbers on the evening
plate. One of the most eurprising oon• of the marriage, and, aa is customary at
tributions is the monster blaok walnut oouutry weddings, many of the favored
log from Kansas on the south piazza. It ones availed themselves of the privilege
is the section of a log that was 47 Poet of hissing the bride. Two days later two
long, 78 bathes in diameter at the base of the guests were attacked with cUph-
and 48 inahee at the top. The claim is thorn, and four days only elapsed before
made blot it is the largest bluok walnut the bride and a large number of others
in the, United States. Kentucky shows who had been present were similarly
the hollow base of a glant sycamore ten afflicted. Thus far from twelve to
feet in diameter. The popular iutereeb fifteen canine in Jamssbowu, Kierton°,
is greatest iu the exhibits of groat red, and other places have been traced direct -
woods, fire and spruces from the Pacific ly to the wedding, and it is thought that
Ooast, and of mahogany, vermilion, teak the gathering was the indirect clause of
and other rarer woods from South many more. Cue of the saddest; features
America, Australia and the Last Indio& of the ease, however, is the extinction of
Brazil, Argorltina and Paraguay have the family of Ransom Brett, of Klan•
reser a bewildering array of fine woods tone, consisting of himself, wife, and a
and the visitor is eimply dazed at the bright little daughter. They were among
variety and member of epeoiee, and dim. abs gusto of the evening and among the
ly comprehends for the first time what a first to offer to kiss the bride. Soon
wealth there stebds in the tropical and afterward they were taken ill with
subtropical forests of the southern eon., diphtheria and all died of the dread
bieente. Paraguay Chows 821 kinds of disease. No other loathe are reported.
timber from twelve inches to Pone feet in Dr, Hall, in an inteeviow, stOntly mein.
diameter, and Brazil is said to have tabled that the bride was in perfect
specimens of nearly 1,200 epodes. The health on the nigght of her marriage and
display of Australia 15 scarcely less ex• hieing that the anomie germs mast have
tensivo and is surprising in its. riebaese been dtseemivated by some other person
�f l COQV1 11:ro Y011 tint OW
houo1a Bool
Comes nearer to Perfection for
Comfort and Elegance than anything else you can
buy for $1,75. Of course we have finer
Goods for a little more money.
For this Season we have a good
Assortment of Boots for Women, Misses and
Children, Men, Youths and Boys,
We also Carry a Full Stock of
the Celebrated
When you are in need of any-
thing in Footwear we would by pleased to show our stock.
Yours Truly,
MiB5 McPherson,
Having returned from her pur-
chasing tour, is now preparing a splen•
dicl and Fashionable Display of Fall
Millinery to whioh the ladies of Brussels
and surrounding country are cordially
invited. Opening on
Miss MaPhereon's experience in Pity
Millinery is a guarantee of the latest and
beet ebyles. 0a11 and see the Fall ebyles
and see what nioo goods can be procured
for it small amount of money.
Miss McPherson,
Stretton Block, Brussels.
SA.GINkW, Mich.
P ,LY CITY, liitclo.
(RA) RAPIDS, Mich.
Roaud Tris, Tickets will be sold to above
1001000 from elf Statfous 10 eauadu
SEPT, 22ND & 28Th, 1893,
Tickets aro good to arrive book at starting
point not later than October 4011,1803.
For particulars apply to
Agent, Brussels.
B 0 0KST0RE.
A Splendid stock of
(Both Presbyterian
and Methodist).
just to .hand this Week.
intending Podium should sae thO fl
New stock of Notepaper, En-
yelopes, 8tc,, gust in,
Grand Trunk
World's Fair, Chicago.
Single Fare, Sept. 29th & 30611.
Good «to Return on Oct. llth.
Sept. 22nd & 23rd.
—Ti Olt.-
Round trip
Valid for return to arrive at dostinabion
on or before October 4th. Apply to
G. T, R. Agent, Brueeels.