HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-9-15, Page 5SEn. 15, 1393 yttltramtpmgmarmstm-mftEatmotriena-pientatErmummEwstwo.t.tm,„„, DISTRICT NEWS CI yr tut) roe> le. Mee. 5. Oster is visiting her sister, Mrs. Price, at Toronto. Next Sabbath the communion well be observed in the Peesbyterian church here. Gtoy Towneblp Oranoil will meet al; Zinerneres hotel in this village on Tues• day, 20th inst. We'eal ton. Rev, Mr, Torrance, of Paisley, former- ly of 'Walton, has boon in London for so week taking the Turkish bathe, Tem- porary benefit has at least been the re - eat of hie trip. It is hoped that he may soon be peernanently cured of his most painful trouble. Fore—Larit Mondayiat noon p. aok containing 6 or 8 tures of oats belonging to 5. Either, of the vilioge, was burned, the flee being ocoasioned by a spark from the engine oE Messrs. MaLeed & johnetou'e thresher. One stack had been threshed in the forenoon and the second was to be tackled after dinner. It will bo quite a loss to Mr, Fisher. 1r3elgra-vo. A. euerteseta harvest HOMO terrioe wits held iu Trinity church. Mr. and Mrs. Barkley, of London, are visiting friends in tow,, Children's service will be held in Knox church on feueday, Sept. 24111. Mrs. Watson, of Florida, has been visiting friends in this vicinity. Miss Lizzie Graham, oi Atwood, le the guest of her taster, Mrs. Erskine, at present. A. number from Belgrave attended the Caledonian games at Luolinow on Wed. Dailey of last week. Prof. Goldeteic, eye specialist, of Sarnia, paid Belgrave a professional visit last week. El tit tea Dr. Douglas, of Moncton, spent Sun- day with Dr. Ferguson. We are sorry to learn that Mrs, Eph. °ober is on the siok list. Miss Spence and Mies Lang returned from their trip down East. Quite a number from here are taking in the Toronto Exhibition. There will be no servioe in the Presby- terian oburoh next Sabbath owing to communion at Oranbrook. The Seoratary of the MeohaniosIn. stitute received word that the Govern- ment would grant quite a large sum for the purchase of new books. Now ie the time to avail yourself of first arose read- ing for one year for the small sum of 61.00. New books will be purchased in the near future. 131 -re v o. Bliss Sadie McCracken has gone to To- ronto, Andrew Patterson bus been seriously ill with typhoid fever. Misses Maggie and Nellie and Master Charlie Hartley have been visiting at Wooastook. James Elliott, Wm. Messer and An- drew Gray intend seeing the World's Fair this week. Fisher & Coof Kincardine, have nom- phsted the repairs on Messrs, Duff Stewart's sawmill and planer. The pimp er now in ell idest. The July make of cheese from this factory was sold to Thos. Ballantyne and e was shipped last Saturday. There were 661 boxes and the prize waa 9 5f16 orate. Despite thfailure of pasture, owing to the drought, the factory is waking 18 is f cheese a day yet. ., No service in the English church, Blyth, on Sunday next. Quito a number of our citizens intend taking in the Clinton bicycle races on Weanosday, Chile. Floody, of Iffullett, has purchas- ed the residence of John Buie at the north end of Blytii. Rev. T. IA. Higley is attending the General Synod of the Church of England in 'Toronto this week. Mrs. Barry jessop, Mrs. Graham and Miss Sophie Symonds left for the Indus. trine Fair, Toronto, on Tuesday. The members of the I. 0. Foresters contemplate holding a grand concert under their emspioes on the night of our agricultural fair. On Saturday afternoon the remains of n the late Mrs, White, of Morris, passed through this village to the Union came. tery where the remains were laid into „," its last resting place). Over eighty " Vehicles with sorrowing friends were in the prooession. On Thursday night of last week some evil disposed person or persons attempt. ed to get into the residence of P. Kelly, on Mill street, 11 18 generally supposed that the parties were only trying to snare the 000npante of the house, the Misses Kelly, they, no donbt, knowing that their father is ab present in the Old Country. As soon as they heard the ladies about the house they took their departure. (Jr ee.v. Throraing le the order of the day. Mira rhoey eloteenehlin is visiting al Atwood, W. A, Smith leto hitt Montreal College last weelc, Alex, alultav jr, lute gone to Stratford bo attend the Collegiate Institeta, Grey Connell will meet at Zimmer's hotel, Ciranbrook, on the 2611i inst., et 11 o'olonk m. George Weisla jr. has gone to Brussels to study the tonsorial art at R. N. Bar. rotes shaving parlor. Charles Harrison jr. is at present ere- joying visit under the parental roof. Ile looks bale and hearty. Jarnee MoNair jr. left on Saturday last for Stratford where be will take a oom- inertia course in the Central Baines College. Mrs. 1 llorneastle and clatighter, who for the past six weeks have been visiting on the llith con, at James eloNaie's, have returned to their hone° in Toronto. Robert Blair and wife are away this week on a visa to the Toronto Exhi- bition. They will take a run to Uxbridge enol see Rev. Ale. Banns, Mrs. Blair's brother, before they return. jas, W. Oololough was intending to sue Conrad Neable, of this townehip, for libel and load entered the suit. The maga was settled by Neale apologising and paying 6100 to Rattle coats, &o. James Robinson, fathee•in-law of Reba Douglae, and who hag made his home with 88r, Douglas' for a number a years, died on Sunday night and was buried on Tuesday afternoon. The old gentleman WLOS univereally respeoted and had retool,. ed the age a about 00 years. He load been ill for several months. Builders are busy at the new bridge on the 1st line, The stone wall is completed under Sun- shine chuera. Morrie township Commit will meet next Monday. Fall wheat sowing is through and the farmers are anxiously looking for rain. Rev. J. II. and Mrs, Dyke, of Belgrave, have been visitingrelatives a Fairmount. A. short time ago a little daughter of John Currie had the misfortune to sprain her leg. W. Be Mooney intends visiting the World's Fair and well also call on rela- tives at Detroit. Mrs. Chas. Mitchell and family will make their home in Brunets having re. moved there from the farm. Samuel Oaldbiok, jr., has returned to hie home on the 2nd line, After spend- ing six months in Unole Sam's dornaie. Joseph Kennahan, of Wawarash, and Bliss Mary Agen, of the Gth lige, were united in marriage on Monday, Sept. eth. J. E. Hunter occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church Belgrave and Son• shine during the absence of Rev. Ur. Dyke. John Merry, wife and Bartle Merry, o Toronto, and Mrs. Kendall, of 'Victoria! 13, 0., were visiting at John Mooney's reaently. Wm. Wright is home from London on a visit to his parents. Owing to a break in the faobory he has oouple of weeks holidays. Risbord Armstrong, has gone on a visit to hie daughter-, and sous at 1thoselaw, N. W. T. Ile does not inteed to return meth near XMRS. The new school bonne et Browntown is nearly completed. It is built of red brick, trimmed with white and When finished will be a handsome looking eh:Imbrue and credit to the emotion - The Methodist oburch at Browntown 1 is undergoing repairs this week. The o bricklayers are busy bricking the °haat with red brick. The appearance of the cornet: ivill be greatly improved when it is oornphitted. Sorae Morris youths had a "Harvest Horne" celebration at Brussels one even. t ing last week but the corn jam was too much for one of the patty arid he hart to r be helped hones by hie companions. Thio P is rather a bad way of expressing grabi- t tude for the bounties of the season. Report saye that a property OMAN in t Morris, who resides outside of the limits t pends more than one Sunday in bern• ng stumps, eating weeds, era. Some. body should present him with a oopy of °Bible and also an extract from the Statutes of the Dominion of Canada. Dren.—On Tuesday tuorning, Sept. 5th, lira, the youngest daughter of George ram, aged 1 year and 6 days, passed way. She had been ponrly for eever,a1 °eke with whooping cough and this TUE BRUSSELS POST „ .m.mrwrwa , ter I with peoullar itioeideet reoently which her Mrs. Rae, an old lady of 73 years, niet in wet eonfine her to the honso for a long ---te.3•6:e9:5(,!; time. Ber son Robert, elong with H. zip lieta 17.J. lir,,. Chits. Sheriff returned to 1 home in Toronto on Tuesday, at spending six months elating friends this towitralp nod T3luevale. Mrs, 1Vin, Ieuvry, who has been viii ing her daughter, efre. Cleoree trend son, bird line, for a few molt putuni to her home in Italat last WOO'S. OBIT —On faraday evening, fith Mrs. Matthew Moses, son. 15, wee will to her long 110111e afttel: hay, to; tiattiti Playford, wee rafeing hex reeidenae et, when Dee of the janice gave way, lettinu ed the building down ono side ravened Mabee. Title midden jer tiptoe a etqa the ripe ago of 05 yew, The deueased, whose maiden 'lame WM Margaret Sal• ea el etre, Bee, breeking her beg. 1 , board, the top end of which fell open mon, was born in the town id Grrantook, Renfrowithire, Suothond, 170d and af. tertviord resided in Glaegow where she was united in -marriage to Matthew Moues cm Juno ilth, 18110. They railed for New York in 18I0 and made their home in letaseachugette for about 8 yeare. From there the tinnily removed to the township of MoGillivary, 00., then a portion of Huron County, in 1864. In 1868 they settled in this township on North half lot 27, con. 8. The subject of this notice continued to reside here until her cleanse. Oa of a. family of seven children two cited in Scotlend and the remtoincler, four sons and one daughter are highly esteemed residents of Morris township with the excerption of James who is now living in Kincardine. Mr. Moses died on Aprib 17th, 1878, being blind for 8 years previous to this date. Mrs. Moses, although eo well advanced in years, retained her tamales in a wonderful manlier. She was only ill for about a weelc the tremble being diartliewe. The dentosed enjoyed the good will of all who 'craw her. The funeral. plane 00 ThursdaY, 7tb inst., Rev. 8. JOUCei of Beassels, oorideoting the service. The interment was matte Brussel,, came. tory. Deeen.—Alerander Campbell passed to the immortal there on Friday, Sept. 1st, about 9 o'elock in the morning. Ile wee born in Perthshire, Seobland, in the year 1816 and was 77 years, 3 months and. 10 days old at time of death. Ile crossed the Atlantic in 1852 and settled in Granby of Halton where he remained for 2 years. From there he moved to Olintou and font: years later came to his late home on the let line of Morris. He only survived hie late partner in life by a few weeks, Mrs. Campbell having paned to her reward on the e2n6 of July last, aged 76 years. Of the family who remain to mourn a kind and loving father there are, John and Alex., of Calgary, N. W. T. ; Dr. Jas. Campbell, of Detroit ; Archie and Mote, on the homestead ; Damian, who resides just therm the road; and Margtoret (Mrs. Geo. Turvey) of Morris. The late Mrs. John Purdue, who died in October of 1887 MS a daughter of deceased. For years the deoeasecl suffered .the pangs of die• 6 ;kW% etearetelicreeteetteeee 11 Pall oeh ease, undergoing at times severe sick- nesees, from which he was not expected to recover, but hie last sickness was lim• ited to a few clays only, when bhe freed spirit, released from the weak, worn and painseared body entered the higher ex. artenoe, rich in the rewards of it life Whittal WAS beautifully adorned with all those manly principles that win the love of human hearts and the approbation of angels. Holiest and kind, faithful and true, the oommeudations of all rest upon hitn. He was a consistent member of the gingham Presbyteriau church, and in polities ri, life long Reformer. The Me- erut obsequies on the following Sunday afternoon were largely attended, some- thing over one bemired carriages being in the oortege to_Winghtoin cengetery. twood. Dr. Rice has built a fine stable on his Pr'.°1.1PhearlEYingto Fall Weer will be hold on Tuesday, Out, 3rd. II. Boar heel had his name and busi- Dirge neat'y pointed in front of his EltIOP• Won. Wherry and family will move tom the village to their farm in EInta, eighth Mr. Wherry purposes working ow that he is enjoying better health. The Canadian Order of Foresters, of bis town, are completing arrangements or a high °lase mooed, to be held over 13allantyne's new store on the evening of he Elms. Fall Fair, Oa, 3rd. Mmonemos' ilitiTITUTEt—Sao. Needs has received a card from the Bch -motion Do - arta -tent, Toronto, informing him tat he Department will grant the ULM of 54.70 to the Atwood Mechanies' Sabi. which is dollar for dollar paid iu by he local subsoribers. The Salvation Army tea meeting was nob patronized as liberally as was ex- peoted and deserved. The spread was all that could be desired and the after program was of an interesting and in. streetive ohareoter. Cepa Freeman and Liana Fox said farewell bo their ora- l -arias here, luovitig been appointee to another station. The anniversary services in connection with rho Atwood Presbyterian church will be hold on Snuday, Sept. 171h. Sermons will be preached at 11 a, m. and at 7 p. m, by REM. G. Munro, of tear- riston. On Monday evening following the anniversary tea meeting will be held in the basement of the church, from 6 to 7 o'olook, at whira addresses are expect- ed from Revs. G. Munro, of Hatriston J. A. Morrison, 33. A.-, of Listowel ; 3, W. Cameron, B. A., ofNorth leforning• ton ; Rev. G. B. Davis, 13. D., of Lis. towel, and resident minieters. Choioe musio will be furnished by the choir. Netolteew-wortix. Miss Irwin, of gingham, ie visiting friends in town, Repot says the village hotel is going to almege hands, Ibibes Bella Lougheed leaves this week for an indefinite stay in Toronto. Miss Wood, of Stratford, 19 the guctab of Mr, and Mee. Wood, of our village. Quite it number from our village are going to attend the Toronto Exhibition this week. Last Somdtty, in the abeenee of the pester, the Methodist putpit was mon- pied by Mr, Kellington, Trowbridge, and a most excellent eddrese was given. The now Orange Ball will noon be ready for oraupsaion. The Orange broth. ten intend to celebrate the oouasion by a grand tea.meeting and entertainment. Baird spoke to the young people last Sunday evenieg, taking fox Iris topic, "Two noble Revolutione." Ho founded his earnon on Danione remoln. tion When in the Babyloeieli (beet and that of the Prodigal Sou, loud throughout had a need; deeply interested audienoe. On Friday evening, 15th inst., ni box nodal will be bold at Ur. Annetrong's residence on the Boundary, Tho pro. needs are to bo expended in pueehasing ri. new library for Enueuentiel Sunday School, Tho Brussele oreheetra. Will be present besides nuniercnie other talent so that a splendid evening le Reeked leeward combined with other troubles, calmed hoe death. The funeral took place the same afternoon ab the Brussels cemetery, Rev, B. Paul conducting the service. The handsome brick residence of Roble Bloomfield, let line, wain oompletely destroyed by fire on Wednesday of last week. The fire etarted in the old log hone, situated a few feet from the briok, from a pan of hot mho. No person was near the house et the time and the fire was well under: way when notioed by the neighbors, ARUN) household fernithre wail saved: The Ines will be about el,• 600 with very little insurance. Mr. and Mrs. Bloomfield aro now living in their other house across the river. While threshing at Inspector Jno. R. Minaret on Thursday of hoet week Bryce Young had a very close oall. Ile woe oiling the gearing when rho sleeve of his smock caught in the machinery. Ete immediately braced himself and luckily the sleevee tore out at the shoulder and he was free. Had the smock been new Mr. Young woad likely be minus an arm to -day. The numbers of men who have lost membere in this manner are SWUM A0OIDDN'4.—T1oward Snell, of the Boundary, went to Manitoba sono time ago with it cell load of horses, On the homowaed trip he had two cites of cattle taking Mom Best. At Berrie their freight Wale was standing on the Witch where another train some hog luta the rear of the freight. Iffe. Snell anti a oompanion wore in the caboose. It was lifted off the trucks, curried 100 feet forward and landed on the telegraph wire. Mr. Snell was quite seriously injured aboub the Uinta and is still very poorly at his family theidenoe. A. number of rattle were killed and others badly damaged. An agent of the rail- way company visited the injured man hod week with a view of effecting a rattler:drat for the itjury done. Wo hope MreSnell will boon be frilly restored to hie anal hoteith, Wromeoitcbr Two weddings are on the tapls and people are all expeotante , A bakers dozen from here intend visit. ing the World's Fair this week. Gofton's now bionic is rapidly rising and will be ready for the roof in a short time. Our new citation agent by his business, like and obliging marmot is hunting deservedly popular. Many farmees and others availed themselves of the obetop rate to visit the Toronto Exhibition, John Bray is putting up a building next to his blackernith shop which he intends for use as a show room for ones riages, ete. Alex. Leonard, of Stonewall, Maui. tobto, was visiting here last week. Be foe. moldy resided in Wroxeter. Ile has clone well in the West and will take is Chicago on his way home. ;Trak Sanderson has returned with his beide, A,I1 immense crowd mot the train and gave three aware for each as they stepped on the platform. They have now rattled down to Weber matrimony. The Thanksgiving mooting of the W. In M.. Sraiety of Presbyterian church Was a great 51100585 fitianoial/y aud racially. The papers read by the dif. levant members were excellent and to thelpoint. Mre. Wm, Douglass filled the Preettlarit,s chair itt Splendid tityle. Wing -len en Themes Bell has purobrised the Orating rink property adjoining hie fur- niture frootory, from Alex, Orr, The Agricultural Ball has been coin. plated and the grounds are beteg put in shape for the show. Jae. McKelvey, of tho Star restaurant, has rented the orating rinlc from T. Bell and will run it this Winter. J. 11. and W. le Dulmage have pot their stallion Saranac on the track this Fall. Ho book first place in tho 2,3/3 trot a Guelph, purse 6200. He took three straight heats, tile time made be- ing 2,31i, 2.318, 2.33e. Beattie Bros.' 'Y'ioncla took third place in the open trot OD pace, at the eatne rues. Best time. 2.23e, At the regular weekly meeting of Anchor of Hope Lodge, L 0. G. T., it was decided to hold a box social in the Temperance Hall on Tuesday evening, the lOth Met. Miss Maggie MaLanchlin, who has fully reeovered frong her recent illness, has returned to her hither in Now York city. Dr. ail] %leo, To-elee 11,tV away on it trip to 11.. !egret, klisecteri, and will visit gorld'e Par bailee they rotern. The f PtI, Illoglialt (heath it, town will bo operal on the let clay of Oct. rhea john Eider hag roIertiod home, having spent the len, fee, in iethe in Duluth, 51Tait.itmot.t, amt Nisi Seperior, Wisoon • Near here Wednesday morniug of last week a young man named Levers was in it well at a depth of ea fest boring when he street a vein of gas. signalled for a rope, but before the rope got to him he became insensible. Another young man named Marshall descended to his assis- tance and fastened the rope around Lever's body, but he too was overcome with the gas. Some of the neighbors, suspecting that something was wrong, went to the well and pulled up Lever's bosly. After coneiderable delay Mar- shall's body was also brought to the sur- faces, but life had fled. Lever was resus- citated alter considerable difficulty, and is now in a fair way to reoover. A. despatch from Toronto sees :— August Lang, to clerk 22 years of age, was arrested by Deteotive Davis Tuesday morning. The action of the police de- partment was taken on a telegram from the Chief Constable of Wingham, who wired to the Chief here that Lang was wanted at Winghane to answer a oharge of rape, a warrant having been issued for his arrest. Lang left Wingham on Saturday night iu a buggy and it is eup. posed that he drove to Clinton, where he boarded a train for Toronto. The polies have no particulars about the alleged offence, and Lang will be detained in custody until the arrival of an officer from 'gingham wibb the tearrant, '... • t As it is now tile season for 10 change of C1othi4 we beg to Announce that we are prepared to supply our many Customers with seasonable goods in all lines. GOODS RIGHT. PRICES RIGHT. STYLES BIG -HT. General Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Oaps. We guarantee Prices and Quality equal or better than ally Competitor. SOLICITED. 4Vtrc' P an 41/ ext.. OatatMamp arvie Str mgef. PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST Studio over Standard Bank, Bru-ssels. We have all the leading styles in photos, such as Sun- beams, Mikado Panels, Carole De Visites, Cabinets, (Ilan - tell° Cabinets, new style) and any size Itbrger, tip to life size Crayon Portraits which we make v, Specialty of. .4,1so Pictures Copied and, Enlarged. Our Pr.ioes are Reasonable And our work nothing but Fitst-class, which makes this the place to get your Photographs A Call is Solicited. .30121,0101GrUIPERIE.12•01•36•3101•101 E HAVE 21 ST IPENED 6.111+.1.117.211211217.314 IEGES NEW DRESS GOO Black Serge% Black lienrietta,s, Black Brocades, Colored Cords, Colored Brocades, Colored Stripes, Colored Plai0„ Colored Tweeds. 80 SPECIAL LINE 54 Ian rfwecd, DRESS. SUITING-, TV ORTE 41.25, OUR PRICE 85o. 11, .01....../..•21.9.1..IYMMOMmimmVIVAOIMMUNSBIWCAO•01.111e•AIMI.D.YROMigam.y1126%•041.0•••••••*.IMIO New Lines and Wonderful value in Woolen Hose, Cashmere Hose, and something extra in Boys' Ribbed Hose. • MENS' UNDERWEAR We Carry more Men's Underwear than any two Retail houses in Brnssels. The Prices start at 25c. We guarantee the Best Possible Value. 2 Pairs of Ina Sox for 25o, 2 Pairs Heavy Braoes for 25es HalldS07126 Ties for 25o. Wonders in every Department. Call soon. If shop- ping on Saturday COMO early. Always busy bore. It II, El Mllifid GOOfi C0111111fily GARFIELD 110tISE, BransELs.