HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-9-1, Page 8A. person may have a good education
and yet be ignorapt of some thiuge that
are in daily use. For example how few,
comparatively, know goodhoney from bad
and what ft is that makes the difference
between the two, There may be two
apiarists living within a stone•throw of
each other whose bees have gathered the
honey from the same flowers, and yet
that from ono apiary may he all that
could be desired, pausing those who par.
take of it to surely Dome back for more,
while that from the other apiary is not
relished, is sickening, actually turning
one against honey, for, it may be, all
time to coma, Oen you tell me how this
is and what makes the differenos 7 It is
simply this :-One beo.keeper allows his
honey to remain in the hive until it be.
Domes ripened or thickened, caused by
the evaporation of water in it, but, of
amine, gets less with more labor. On
the other hand the other apiarist gets
more honey with less trouble by extract.
Mg it soon after being gathered, and as a
consequence eau afford to sell it cheaper,
but has an inferior ai•tiole, being thin, in-
variably poor flavored and unappetising.
I do not claim to have• the only good
honey but maintain there is none better
and would ask you to buy only that which
you know to be good.
Druggist, Bookseller, &o,
Trains leave Bruosele Station, North
ud South, as follows:
Golan Sanma, tamest Rouen,
Mali 5:54 am.Mixed 0:40 a.m.
Tilxpi'ees 11:59 a.m. Mail5:1S p.m.
Mixed 9:00 p,r1. Express 0:45 p,m,
:final gaps rems.
A. chiel's amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prout it.
No Paper Next 'Week.
Following our usual custom of taking a
week's holiday each year we will omit
next week's issue of THE Pose. We hope
to be on hand rot the regular appearance
of the paper on the 15th inst. The
office will be open to receive job work,
subscriptions, &e. Our correspondents
will kindly note the holiday and re.
member as with a double portion on the
following week.
SussoamE for Tan Pon.
BETTER is 0scarce article.
R. T. or T. next Tuesday evening at 8
SEVERAL eases of typhoid fever reported
in town.
Sanwa Board on Friday evening of
neat week.
BRIISSELS Fair on Thursday and Fri.
day, Oct. 5 et 6.
19 Maas on the dollar is the rate of
taxation in Brussels for 1803.
ToaolTo Exhibition opens next Mon.
day and will coutinua to the 16th inst.
THE spectacles advertised last week
were restored to the owner through the
ALEN. MCLENNAN is making up a lot of
oombinatiou chairs and step ladders for
sale this Fall,
Edirne J. STRONG has everything in
apple pie order at his Photo. studio,
Watch out for his new advt.
Some tine bleak bass have been caught
in the Maitland river this summer. One
onnght last week weighed 2 pounds,
8a ounces.
WE are informed that J. D. Ronald
has affected a sale of one of his Dale.
',rated steam firs engines this week with
the prospect of other sales near by.
NoTzcs,-Dr. Cavanagh desires to call
the attention of the publio to the fast
that his Dental office will be closed for
one week while he is absent at Chicago.
He leaves on Friday afternoon.
denten Lowes is making good progress
with the stone water tank and with fair
weather will complete it early next week.
It is a substantial piece of masonry and
should do service for many years.
DIED. -Last Tuesday, Maggie, infant
daughter of Angus and Amy Campbell,
Queen street, Brussels, died after a brief
illness, aged 11 months and 24 days.
The funeral took place on Wednesday
IniPEOVEMENTS,-Mrs. Sinclair, Princess
street, has had a frame addition erected
to the East of her briok residence, --Rev.
R. Paul is having the woodwork of Vic-
torie Cottage brightened up by a coat of
paint. -Neil McLauohlin has had his
residence, Tunberry street, painted and
an addition built to the rear.
A vzcnr interesting article/ on Ilawaii
appears on page 0 of this issue. It is
well worthy of perusal.
Simon ro'openecl on Manday with a
Largo attoudanoe of pupils end all the
teachers in their reepeetive places,
Deem Madams had the fingers or
his left hand nipped in the flax mill
machinery while at work last A'[ondey.
D. EwAN has purchased the property
East of his shop from Mri. 11. Brown,
Grey, and will improve the dwelling be-
fore removing to it.
TEE Brussels Fell Races annoeneed
for September are declared off owing to
lack of support in the matter of still -
scribing to the purees.
Jxo. S1 LI 10 puohiog the sale of Wild.
Tong's Lightning soap for removal of
grease, paint &o, from clothing. 1Ie
guarantees it to work or refunds money.
• LAST Friday Lothar Bail had the mss.
Fortune to have two lingers of his right
hand injured while working a maobine
in 11, Leatherdale'e cabinet shop. The
middle finger was broken. Ole will be
htid off work for some tiuio,
J. T, PEPPER ticketed Wm. Smith,
Brussels ; and Wm. Moore and wife,
Monis, to Deloraine, Man,, and 4Vin-
eipeg, respectively 1 Mies Maggie Mc-
Naughton to Kingston ; and Miss Addie
Bast to Ottawa, this week over C. P. R.
Tun Wingham Times says: -Messrs.
Hembly mud son, of Brussels, were in
Wingham on Monday. tumor has it
that the elder Trembly pnrposee assum-
ing control of the oatmeal mill. Wing -
ham oan find room for plenty more like
D. FRAIN wishes to correob a statement
made a few weeks ago to the effect that
the flax bee held talcs in the interests of
his children. He says the flax pulled by
the bee was measured and deducted from
what was coming for the job and cense-
quently the ohildren were not benefitted
a cent's worth.
TIIEIE was a surplus of 052,50 in hand
after all expenses were paid in conuee-
ti0n with the celebration of Aug. 9th.
This with the 002 balance from a
former Dominion Day oeleblation totals
0114.50. How would it be to apply this
amount toward the purchase of a new
town bell? This would be apreeti0al
way of expending it and giving every
ratepayer equal benefit.
COUNCIL. -A speoial meeting of the
Council was held last Monday evening,
all the members in their places. After
disousing several 00.009 of charity the
rates were struck for the year as fol-
lows : -C•+, rate, 13%)10 mills on the
dollar ; local, 5 8/10 ; No. 10, 9/10 ; No.
9, 5/10 ; consolidated, 14/10 ; .. No. 8,
4 8/10 ; school, 51340. Total 19 mills.
This is one mill lower than /an year,
AT Listowel on Tuesday and Wednes.
day next, 511 and 511 of Sept., 01150 will
be divided annong the trotting horses.
Their expellent half mile track is very
popular with horsemen and the attend-
ance of
ttend•anceof all the fast ones in Western On•
tario and a few from out side is already
assured. Both days will be 0f equal in•
tercet, the first day's program being the
2.45, the 2.85 and the 2.22 classes ; the
second, named rape, the 2,59 Blase and
the 2.10 crass. Fare and one-third for
parties of eight or over from any point.
The train servioe is very convenient and
the Meeting promisee to be the most sue.
oeseful one of the sense°..
SToLEN,-Last Saturday forenoon Wm,
Bright, manager of Brussels Flax mill,
hung his vest, in the pocket of whioh was
an open faced gold watch, upon the fence
East of the Methodist cheroh lawn and
immediately opposite the mill Seine -
body purloined the timepiece during the
noon hour, it is thought, and the missing
watch has not been found since. Sus
Business Locals.
TIAroTiir seed at MaCraaken'o.
1lluseolu ehinglee at 50 Dents per
benoh at J. tC P. Ament'e, Brussels.
COSMOS tyre Bioyole for sale. Deaid.
ed bargain. Jas. lSsanAx'rmNE, l;rnseele.
WE aro prepared to maks pictures, any
alas required, ab reasonable prices. Give
Ile a call II, 2, Strong,
WALEEa & Ewa:, Brunets, aro the
local agents for the Chatham wagon, also
the Bain wagon. Prion - right.
Note is the time for viewing. Public
buildings, resideuoee, pio-nio parties, eta.
oan be photographed on shortest notice.
1I. 2. Strong.
Iron an human and horses and all
animals cured [u 80 1005ute8 by Wool -
ford's sanitary lotion. This never faile.
Warranted by G. A. Deadman,
To Tno Penn. -Having purchased en-
tire stook of C. E. Perry's negatives, any
photos. oan be had from them by leaving
order at my studio, H. J. Strong.
AYER's Sarsaparilla is one of the few
remedies whiob are recommended by
every school of medicine. Ibe strength,
purity, and efficacy are too well establish-
ed to admit of doubt as to its superiority
over all other blood.purifiers whatever.
A.yor'e Sarsaparilla lends all.
MANY people, not aware of the dangers
of constipation, neglect the proper
remedy till the habit becomes ohronio, nr
inflammation or stoppage resulte. A
dose or two of Ayer's Pills in the be.
ginning would kava prevented all this.
WATCH STOLno, Lash Friday an open
faced gold watch, Seth Thomas move-
ment, was stolen from a vest hung on
the fence near Brussels Flax mill. A
liberal reward will be paid for the return
of the watch and tho arrest of
the thief. W. Bnzel3T, Brussels.
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drilling welle and is prepar-
ed to attend to all worlr entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells deemed out and put in proper
share. Terme reasonable. Residence
sewed door north of the bridge, west
side of Tnrnberry et., Brussels. 54-01
drinking is an injurious habit, and
nervous people should be careful in the
use of it. It is not a food, it ie not a
tonic, and if drunk strong it may he ae
baneful in its effects as brandy would he.
Anyone who feels as if they were a beadle
of nerves should give up both tea end to-
hnm•n, and use Membray'e Kidney and
Liver Core, w•hiell will help them to exist
in comfort without them.
THE Oho, Or, SToRr-Brantford, Aug.
28 -The old, old story crops up again
here, and Frank Elliott is the narrator
this time. He says he has for six years
been a victim of kidney disease and
could get nothing to aura or relieve him.
Dodd's kidney pills did the business in
quick time and now he is well and happy,
Mr. Elliott learned of the detain}, of
these pills from accounts published of
Arabia Rymal's case, Thie gentleman,
it will be remembered, was cured of
paralysis, consequent of kidney disease,
by Dodd's kidney pills.
11089 Cyclorama, "Jerusalem on the day
of the crucifixion," is drawing large num•
burs of visitor's daily, who all express
themselves as greatly pleased with the
magnificent and inattentive view,
Everybody going to Toronto should avail
themselves of the opportunity of seeing
"Jerusalem" at the Cyclorama, Open
daily from 9 a. in. to 10 p. nn, Lectures
given every Inc.ttPrices of admission ;
• , Adults, 25 cents ; children (ander 15
' years) 15 cents. Next Suuth West
corner Front & fork Streets,
icioa rested on certain individuals and
a search warrant was issued. The parties
were followed to Walton by Constable
Scott and Mr. Bright but nothing was
snared in the search, Tho owner of -
fere a reward for the return of the watch
and the arrest of the thief.
GOLDEN WEDDTRO.-The matrimonial
how is long and strong as is shown in the
one of the old people, Mr. and Mrs. Ed-
wards, Albert street, 'Brussels. ' On
Saturday last they arrived at the fifty,
fifth anniversary of their marriage -
which tools place in 1858, To celebrate
the day their daughter and eon -in-law
provided an expellent tea on their lawn,
to which they invited the aged couple
and about eighty guests. Before the
company sat down to these good things,
the friends gathered, to show their good
will, presented the old people with the
sum of 025.50, and it would be hard to
say who felt the greatest pleasure, the
givers oe the v05819808, for everyone ap•
peered to be full of joy. The guests then
partook of the good things provided, and
my, they did disappear 1 After the eat.
ing was through some time was event in
social intercourse, when all went home
pleased with themselves and everybody
else, We thought it needed something
Tike this to bring out the kind feeling
found in the human heart. Now, we
pray that the son of the aged oonple may
go down late and in a clear sky.
NE 99330 WAS Tulin.
Dss'cnoeT MEETING, -Tile Wingham
menial Distafot Meeting of the Metlo.
0 Olnrch was held in Belgrave, on
Tuesday, 22nd Aug, Members present:
Revs. S. Sellery, E. A. Shaw, J. A. Mo-
Laohlan, G. 13, Cobblediok, T. Canna,
T3. 2, Fair, Geo. Beggin, Wm, Baugh, 3.
11. Dyke, J. W. Pring, W. 0,
Hazlewood, M. Cavanagh, Wm, Pollard,
A. Woodman, Juo. Mille and Wm. Wray.
Wingham, Looal arrgt, Local aregt.
Wroxeter, Rev. J.H. Dyke,
Brussels, Local arrgt.
Londesboro' Rev, Wm. Baugh
Blyth, Local arrgt,
Aobsrn, t ,i it
Belgrave, Rov.J,A. McLaolilan,
Bluevale, Local errgt,
A communioation from Methodieb Young
Peoplo'e Society of Ontario, to Bible
Study, was road and on motion of Rev.
G. II. Cobblediolt, seconded by Rev. JAI.
Dylce it was resolved that each paster
use hie influence in obtaining 108 many
young people as possible to study scrip.
tore lessons referred to, anti also to pre.
pare tlemeelves for examination on same
in January next. Superannuation Fund
-Apportionmente the same ae last
year. The May Dietrlot meeting will be
held et Blyth.
J. P, Beaucloin,, real estate agent,.
Montreal, has assigned, with liabilities of
The Young Liberals of Mitobell are
ivakhlg'oxtensive preparatfone for their
demonstration on Sept. 14th in honor of
Mr, Laurier,
Iturceixm-At a meeting of the Board O
of Directors of the Howiok Farmers' I'i
Mutual Ineuranoe Co„ held in the For• lis
eaters' Hall, Corrie, on Saturday, Aug.
2611, there were 79 applioatiois for in-
surance, covering 0114,000. A few small
claims were settled. This Go. is the best
Partners' Co, in Ontario.
Burnam grain deniers are getting
ready for the rush of grain to our
market. Fall seeding and threshing ere
going to be over early this year and as a
consequence a large quantity of grain
will be marketed before the Winter seta
in. Tate Pose market report is corrected
every week by the dealers and is eon.
sequently 0011000.
Ae Brussels fall Fair there will be a
trotting race for stallions, a race for
boggy horses and a three minute trot.
A sawing match, a shopping race, the
above and Other Rome of intereet will
form the attractions in addition to the
usual tip-top exhibit. Brussels hue the
targest and, best show in the dietrlot.
*Geta program of the end day of the
Tan Draalo,n.--Robt. G. Vincent has
worked out a new design in a spring
Mal trees that appears to be the very
thing the public is waiting for. It is
called the Diamond wire mattress and
Mr. Vincent has applied for a patent.
Ole is perfeotfng machinery whereby he
will be able to turn out 8 or 10 a day and
he says the price will be very reasonable,
Mr. Vincent has had an offer for a half
interest in the invention but has nob de,
sided whether he will accept it or not.
Ile has purchased material for upwards
of a hundred mattresses as a pra011001
teetof their. worth.
Sntxomis.-A oar of British Coulnm-
hien shingles for Bale by Balker & Van.
stone. See them before you buy.
Britisb Columbian shingles will lay more
per square than any other shingles in
Canada. They are safely laid 5i inches
to the weather, one thousand covering
nearly 158 equare feet. Pine shingles
cannot be safely laid over 4i inches to
the weather, ono thonsaud covering 138
square feet. Therefore sufficient pine
to oover the same amount of roof, at the
came pride per tbousaud, cost about nine
per cent. more than 13. 0. shingles, and
at the same time our ehinglee twill last
filly three times longer than pine
The steamship Sarnia has been out a
month and still there is no word of her.
Canadian cattle breeders Continue to
figure well in the prize list at the World's
An attempt was made to burn Machin-
ery hall at the Industrial Exhibition
grounds, Toronto, Sunday evening,
Damage 0800.
A telegraph operator named St, Clair,
formerly of Waterloo, Ont., stabbed him-
self to death with a pooket knife at
Buffalo on Saturday night.
The ex•Guelphite excursion from To•
rent° to the Royal City was a great sue.
one. Mayor Smith was presented by
the visitors with a handsomely -engraved,
gold -mounted mane,
Edward Holmes, the English journal.
150 who undertook to walk from Montreal
to Vancouver, reac00d the tatter pity on
Friday night, hawing made the distance
in 117 days, or 26 days ahead of schedule
HExaovnn-In Henfryn, on Aug. 2401,
the wife of Mr. Jacob Henhover or a
ALcoan,-In Grey, on Aug. 23rd, the
wife of Mr, R, B. Alooek of a son.
GeANT,-In Grey, on Aug. 2711, the wife
of Mr, John Grant of a son.
LOTT -Iu Bruesele, on Aug, 2801, the
wife of Mr. George Lott of a eon.
AnxeT'nouo,-In Brussels, on July 28t1,
the wife of lar. William Armstrong
of e. eon.
VAaB0510otn.-Ll Seaford, on August
21st, the wife of Mr. W. D, Van•
Egmond of a daughter,
IIANeoti-SHAW.--In St. Paul's church,
Wingham, on the 23rd ult., by Bev.
L. G. Wood, Me. Lionel W. Ranson
to MIes Naomi Shaw, all of Wing.
Hnennueosi--YOoga,-At the residence of
the bride's father, Colborne, on the
lath ult,, by Rev. J. A. Young, M,
A., of Toronto, brother of the bride,
assisted by Rev. A, Iienderson, M.
A., of. Atwood, brother Of the groom,
Rev. Robt, Iiendereon, of Auburn,
to Miss Annie Young, daughter of
Mr, Alex. Young.
S>;PT. 1, 1893
ST4'lXDiLRD B,4XIC OF C1f X4 Det
ASSETS, (Seven Minion Dollars) • 07,000,000
CAPITAL (Authorized) . . , • 02,000,000
Agencies in all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Afanftoba, IInflyd States to England,
M1?Afv,' aims° Navvy.
A General Banking Business Trapseoted, Farmers' Notes Discounted,
Drafte Teemed and Oolleotione made on all points,
Interest allowed on deposits of 01.00 and upwards from date of deposit to date of
withdrawal and compounded half yearly.
Every facility afforded Customers living at a disbanoe
Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts 13ought and Sold on
all points in Canada, united Status and Great Britain.
Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com-
pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Menthe of
October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits.
We effect 10 Indio Insurance ill Old Engfle11 01' Canadian Companies, or 11 BM.
11118. Companies as limy be dvelretl.
Swlnn1No-CoyENT11,,-On the 23rd ult.,
at the enflames of the bride's
mother, Wingham, by Rev. S. Sel-
lery, 13. D., Mr. T. 0. Sperling, of
Meeford, to Miss Louisa Coventry.
Wn:L0AMsoti-At Glenboro', Man,, on
Aug. 24011, J. S. Williamson, of col-
lapse of the heart, aged 45 years,
'VAN ALr,EN,-In Wingham, on August
28rd, Grace Irene, only child of J.
and E. Van Allen, aged four months,
C.u1Pnex ,,-In Brussels, on August 2901,
Maggie, infant clanghter of Angna
and Amy Campbell, aged 11 months
and 24 days.
110,21a. -In Soaferth, on August 2401,
Margaret, eldest daughter of James
Hogg, of Molfillop, aged 84 years and
8 months.
Fall Wheat
Spring Wheat
Butter, tubs and rolls.
Eggs per dozen
Flour per barrel
Hay per tot
Salt per bbl., retail
Hides trimmed
Hides rough
Sheep skins, each
Lamb skins each
Apples per bag
50 58
50 5$
30 $5
50 00
27 28
16 17
10 00
3 00 3 50
.,. 50 60
6 00 7 00
1 00 00
60 1 e0
65 00
50 00
17 18
700 750
Itionne 00, Ont., Aug. 29. -.Offerings of
cheese today 9,811 boxes, 2,820 boxes
last half of July and 991 boxes first half
of August. No sales ware made, and
there was no improvement in the market,
selenium still holding for 9do.
171 015, N. Y., Aug, 28.-Oheeeo sales ;
150 boxes at 800, 4,115 at 8do, 1740 at Sic,
388 at 9c, 137 et Oho, 54 on commission.
Eighty•six paokuges of oreamery butter
at 25o. The market is tee lower and dull.
LITTLE PALLS, N. Y., Aug. 28. -Cheese
Bales today were :-152 boxes sot 8o ;
1,070 at tic ; 2,290 at Sic ; 2,365 at 8o ;
110 011 titivate terms ; 426 on 0011)11108.
cion ; 255 boxes dairy at 8i to 81),
Eighty-five packages of oreamery butter
at 25o, 27 packages of dairy butter at 24o
to 25o.
EAST Burt'ALo, N. Y., Aug. 20 -Cattle
-12 care on sale, prises a shade lower,
stock all Sold. Sheep and lambs -7 oars
on Bale, including a oar of Canada lambs,
almost no trade, Bogs -10 oars on sale,
a local packer bought Yorkers at 0a 95,
but there was no outside demand ; good
to ahoioo heavy hogs sold at 55.90 to 06;
all sold.
airmen, Aug. 28. -The Mark Lane Ex-
press, in it weekly review of the British
grain trade, Saye :--English wheats are
weak and prices have reached 65 both for
the old orop and new• There have been
large offerings of foreign wheats and
prices have deolined le for American, in•
eluding Californian and Argentine, and
ad for Indian and Russian. Flour has
fallen 6d to to per sank. Barley, nate
and Dorn have Shared the downward ten.
denoy. At to•day'e market new English
wheat was in abundant supply and there
wag no recovery is values. Whites Bold
for 80e per goarler. Some red whets
brought only 26e. Old wheate were in
moderate request. Prices were extreme.
ly low. Foreign wheats were a shade
firmer. Foreign flour wee offered at
priciest that were 65 lower. This induced
increased inquiry. Barley and oats were
steady. The prices of beans and peas
were in buyers' favor. Corn was ea8y.
F.5.:: FAI1eaaa,
Heneail, Sept. 743.
Toronto Industrial, Sept. 4-16.
Western at London, Sept, 14.21,
Central at Guelph, Sept, 19.21.
Great Northwestern at GOderioh, Sept.
20 22.
South Huron et Exeter, Sept. 25.26.
Mitchell at Mitchell, Sept, 26.27.
Tnrnberry at Wingham, Sept. 26-27.
Mornington & Ellice at Milverton, Sept.
North Oxford at Woodetook, Sept. 20.
Centre Huron at Clinton, Sept. 26.27.
Southern a0 Brantford, Sept. 26.28.
North Waterloo at Berlin, Sept. 26.27-
Morris Branch at Blyth, Oat, 11.12.
Zest Wellington at Harrieton, Sept.
27 8.
Dalt Wawauosh, at Belgrave, goptena
her 28.29,
Tgckeremith Branch, et Seaforth,
Sept. 28.29.
North Perth at Stratford, Sept. 2829.
Eleuthera at Kirkton, Oat. 5-6.
Emit Heron at Brueeele, Oct. 5'6.
a1NE and boiler for sale, second hand,
in firet•olase running order. Apply to
T. 00151210, 1111x1.
rearms for sate in Brneoele. Prices
low and tonne easy. A )ply at
Tail POST Publishing House,
World's Fair :the jerseys gave more
milk and made Moro cheese than any herd
iu the teat. The value of the oheoee was
over { more than the next highest -viz,:
S1rmrthoroe. Coat of service of my Jersey
Bull reduced,
Druggist, Bookeellor•, &o.
•���� DEn8I0NP•.D has several good Farms for
Salo and to rent, easy tonne, in Townships
of Morris and Grey. Iv S. SCOTT, Brussels.
The subscriber offers his 100 acres
of land, being lot 21, con, 7, Grey, for sole.
There are 00 acres cleared and under crop,
balance bush. There is a comfortable house,
largo bank baro, good orchard, wells, &a., on
the premises whiob aro joining the village
of !Ethel, where are chinches, stores, post-
ofece, railway, &0, Possession given any
time to atilt purchaser. For further partio-
tilare as to prloo, terms, 50„ apply to/
0.10 Proprietor, Blinn P. Q,
The 200 acre farm being lots 11
and 12, coy. 10. Grey, is offered for Bale, 130
acres are cleared rod the balance well tim-
bered. Buildings nrat-olase, Orchard, well,
&o, School house within 40 rods, Posses-
sion given at ouoo if desired. Fm' further
particulars as to price, terms, &c. apply to
81I03. WALKER,
0.00 Roseville P. O.
or NELSON IBRICKER, on farm,
T he subsorlbor afore hie excolleut 155
more farm for Bale. It IS located on 0on.8,
Grey, and is io Stateless couditiou. .Gine
1.001ny house, large bank barn, geed orchard
wells, &o. Farm IS well drained and well
fenced. Only 0 miles from Brussels. Will
sell outright or would take a Smaller farm as
Part pas', Possession could be given in the
Fall. 1 or particulars as to price, terms, So,,
apply t0
GEORGE 01100105, 33russels,
DEnsr05E8 oilers his splendid US sere
farm, being Lot and wort part Lot 0,000,
0, Gray, for sale. There aro 100 mores ale rod,
balance timbered. Two dwelling houses,
bank barns, good orchard, well fonood. A
never failing spring on the place, Posses..
Bien given any time. The subscriber also
effete for solo a dwolliughonea, stable and 5
acres of land in the corporation of Brussels,
The .10050 and garden would be rented fora
short time if not sold, Hard and soft water,
=loos, tame and further particulars
apply to 201113 Sa0TT
4141 Brnssolel'.0.
The undersigned will keep for service this
present season the Improved /ergo white
Yorkshire pig ',Beady'. 011. 100 20, 000.0,
Morris, to which a limited number of sows
will be taken. 'Terme 81.00 to be paid at
Mme of Belvieu, with the privilege of return-
ing if Deoeseary. Pedigree may be seen up•
on application, RO11ERT I'fi;OHOL,
15tf Proprietor,
Pureunut to See. 80 of Chapter 110 of the
Itovieed Sta0u0os of Ontario, 1827, notion is
hereby given that an creditors and others
having elai,ne aQainet the estate of Alexan-
der Cam01'On,late of the township of Morris
in the County of Enron, Yoem en, who died
on the 18th day of July A, D.-5880, aro, on or
before the 27101 clay of September A, D, 1885,
to send by poet, pro•paid, to W. M. Siuoialr,
Brussels bolleitor for Sarah Cameron the
Exeoutr/x, or the said deeeaeod, their Ohrie•
tint omen and surnames addresses and
do0ariptiene, the lull partloular5 of their
elaim5 a atatement of their accounts and
the nature of the.sosurlttos (if any) hold by
them, and that after the day last afere9aid
the said 9E0011011.x will proceed to dietribnte
the 000000 of the said ileooaeitd among the
parties entitled thereto, having regard only
to ouch claims Of which notice shall have
been givens as above required, and the said
oxeeuttix wilt not bo Hallo for rho Said 00 -
Bate or any part thereof, t0 af,y person 00
parsons of wiioee plaint or MAIMS notloe
obeli not have been raeolvod by them at the
time of dletribation,
1pntedatBrussels tltls8d day of August
W.11. 511305110151,
Bolieitor for BleoOtzex,
The Best Goods
cut 2'he Best . ''i068
Than 1311.y "Yet 'or
Pepper's Dreg, Store,
11.311.T stilegi.rdIL'4.
a Solicitor and Oonveyauoer. Collec-
tions made. Odleo-Vaootou0's Bleak, BrnS-
eole. 21.5m
. 8011010r, Conveyancer, Notary Pub-
lic, &e, Onloo-Vanstooe'e Block, 1 door
north of Control Hotel, Private Funds to
NJ Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Godoiioh, Ont.
M, 0, CAMERON, Q. 0,, PDIL77' HOLT,
Solicitor, &o. (tato of Garrow &
Proudfoot's 01110e, Goderleb,) O110o oyer
Giluee & Smith's Bank, Bmewls.
Money to Loan, 47
Auctioneer, ,e always ready to at-
tend sales offarnts, farm stook, &o. Terme
cheerfully given. Oranbrook P.O. Sales
may be arranged at THE POST Publiehing
House, Bre allele.
Licensed Auctioneer, Sales conduct
ed on reasonable terms. Farms and farm
etooit a eneeiaity, Orders loft at 11311 POST
Publish tog lieu so,Bru seals, or sent to Walton
P 0 , will re00ive prompt attention,
.L an as an Auctioneer, I ant prepared
to conduct sales of farm stook at rem:enable
e000y pol'sonnI a in as position tof sell nearly
good marks andget good eeourity when sold
onoro0it. Satisfaction guaranteed, Give
me avail. 32- F S. SCOTT,
'XT • H. NIaCRA00EN,
at his Grocery Puruberrygst 000, Brussels.
• Toueorial Artist' Shop—Next door
south of A. hr. hieKay&I Co's hardware store.
Ladies' and ehildrens hair nutting a epeetelty.
Isomer of Marriage Lleensos, by
appIsomerntment of Liout,_Govornor,. Commis-
sioner, Ineu sone BOo. Conveyancer
et the audubrooli
Post Office,
Olorlt of the Fourth Division Court
0o. Huron. Conveynneor, Notary Public
Lan,', Loan and Insnreneo Agent, Puede
invested and to loan. Oollectiens made.
0113,0 in Graham's Block. Brussels.
Mise Mortes, of Windmill, ie 1209000d
to give instruction In oil painting. Terme
maybe ssesrtained at Miss Nellie Rose' store
Whore samples of work may be seem. MISS
Ilferiee would also tanto a few more pupils in.
• Organist in St. Tobn'e Church, Bra is. and pupil, in the Art of 'Teaching,of A.
W. Thayer, Ilius, Doe., New York, wilgive
lossons to inutile either at 3. 0, H a1B0oy's,
eor. King and John Ste., or if iaroferred, at
their own homes, Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday at Walton. Terme moderato.
e • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, in prepared to treat all
diseases of domeatioatod animals in a com-
petent manner, Particular attention paid
to veterinary dentistry, Calls promptly at-
tended to, Office and Infirmary -Two doors
north of bridge '1'uruberry et-, IirlIBBOM.
h 0,M„L•R. C.P., Edinburgh, M. 0. P.
S. Ont. 13osidenoe and officio in Wlison'e
Block, corner of Mill and'1'uruborry Ste.
eJ • 0. Br, M. 0. 1', S. Out„ Graduate
Queens Volverslty, Kingston. GrrxOE—
Smale'e block, ono door South of Standard
13 Brussels, Night boll auswered at the
same place,
M. CAVANAGH, L• D. S., D. D. S.,
Graduate of the Royal Collage of Dental
Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto tins-
vereity. O8Lron-Over A.R. Smith's Storo,
1, Alexander Mabel, of the Township of
luorrio,iu the County of Huron, farmer,
hereby publiely apologize to Denier Mc-
Kelvey, of Srnssels, for any sta,temeutsthat
O have undo with 1'eforonee to 11is treat -
2110116 of lay late decoaood eon, 'Biomes, t
had uo remain to Day or think that the
Motor's treatment of my son 19110 otbe1wiso
than proper aid okitfuh My sole axone() for
having imtan the 0tatomento and used the
words 1 did is thatI spoke oareleesly aura 111-
e0ueiderat0lyy, I now desire to remedy as
far Mtpossiblo the wrong 1 baVe done the
Doctor by ter defamatory etatenonto and
8o molts thio apology and direst that 10
pubtiehod in Tint 501us517Le Po0T far four
successive iaeuee.
Dated at Brussels? thio10tl, dayof August
VOL ALEXA00DI11t 111011040,
0.4 Witn000, G. P', BLAIIR, Otdiel0or,