HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-9-1, Page 51
SEPT. 1, 1893
Searc ly td 11 tFur ane ,.-e
eneI ' in JE russels.
People wonder that we should be always Busy and this the Quietest time of the whole year, the Reason
is easily explained ---We have the G-oods the people want at the Prices they want. Our G-oods
are all New so that you could buy them with your eyes shut and not be Fooled. Every-
thing RELIABLE here, try us ; you will like our Style of doing Business,
Good Pins per paper, lc,
Best 200 yard Spools, 2c,
Gimp Dress Triimnings,, per yard, 3e,
Dozens of pretty handkerchiefs, 2 for 5c,
White Hem. Stitch Handkerchiefs, 5c,
Waist Steels per set, 7c,
Heavy Black Cotton Hose per pair, 10c,
Extra Heavy Cashmere hose, 25c,
Ladies' Union Vests, heavy, 25c,
Ladies' All Wool Elastic Vests, 50c,
Special bargain in Gloves at 20c,
A strong, heavy Corset at 45c,
Best Featherbone Corsets at 95c,
Best Kid Gloves in the Market at 90c,
Girls' Rubber Circulars at 900,
Ladies' Rubber Circulars, warranted, $1.75,
Ladies' Heptonette Waterproofs at $3.00,
5-4 Table Oil Cloth at 25c,
4 Batts for 25c,
R A ER rrlg
Double Fold Dress Goods per yard, 5c,
handsome Plaids, 40 i aches wide, 15c,
Stylish Tweed effects, fewest out, 250,
42 inch Black Cashmere at 20c,
Black Henrietta worth 75c at 50c,
42 inch Figured Serge at 30c,
Good Skirt Linings at Oc per yard,
Heavy Waist Linings at iOc per yard,
Hundreds of yards Flannelette at 5e per yard,
Heavy wide Flannelette Shirting at 11c per yard,
Good Shirting at 5c per yard;
12ic Shirting at 100 per yard.,
Best Grey Cotton at 7c per yard,
Superior Grey Flannel at 15o per yard,
Union Flannel at 10e per yard,.
500 yards Print. worth 10c at lie per yard.
Pretty Muslins, very fine, at 7c per yard,
Heavy Cottonade at 10c per yard,
All Wool Tweed at 25e per yard.
Men's All Wool Sox, 2 pair for 25c,
Alen's Good Cotton Pants at 45c a pair,
Men's I3eavy Pants, extra, at 75c a pair,
Men's Heavy Braces, 2 pair for 25c,
Men's Linen Collars at 10c each,
Men's White Shirts at 50c each,
Men's Shirts aut3 Drawers at 25c each,
Men's Wool Shirts and Drawers at 40c each,
The Best'Value in Underwear in the Country—See tllom.
Good Wool Top Shirts at 48e each,
Our Lines of Gent's Fine Neckwear 'are
hard to beat.
Gent's Silk Umbrellas, Nickle Plated Handle, best goods, very
Stylish, at $1.75.
Gentlemen, try us for your Furnishings, our Prices are Bound
to Win Your Trade.
We Carry the Largest Assortment of Carpets in Brussels:
Come to the Busy Store for G-oods Reliable and Always Cheap.
Highest Price for Tub Butter.
Produce Taken Same as Cash.
o1,{��'��; 1(} 7 ,,r`•F r _a s Y T
G-arfi.eid House,
Mrs. (Ray.) Mcfae is visiting at Blyth
and Goderioh.
A flax beo was on dock Tnesdsy follow-
ed by a hop in Dames' Hall.
G. F. Blair, Barrister, of Brussels,
spent Sunday at Bev. D. B. MoRae's.
. h'Iiss Watson, of Blyth, who was visit•
ing at the mouse here, has returned home.
What about m revival among the R. T.
of T's 1 There is a large amount of
Temperance world to be done in the near
future and the Council would make a
good centre to operate from.
,. twooct.
The flax pulling season is over in this
Rev. J. S. Fisher and wife have been
holidaying at Grimsby Park.
R. A. Knox, B. A., of St. Marys,
shook lusnds with his Atwood friends last
The sixteenth anniversary of the At-
wood Baptist church will be held next
Sunday when the Rev. W. J. McKay, B.
A., B. D., will preach. On Monday even.
ing the annual Foreign missionary meat-
ing will be held, addressed by Rev. Mr.
MaKny and resident ministers.
Tho Bao says :—The editor arrived
home Monday afternoon from a pleasant
visit amoug friends as Guelph, Elora,
Galt and Woodstock. Itis sister Isla
loolced after him moat of the Erne he
was away, and be came hotne sober. 31
is with reluotanoe he substitutes the
salmon and paste -pot for the em1100 of
pretty girls (particularly the Galt girls)
and toe cream. .
Hleotriolights are being placed in the
Methodist ohuroh,
Our annual Pall Show is to be hold on
the 10th and 11th of Ootober.
Mr. and Mrs. Powell returned from
their visit to the Chicago Pair on Satur-
d The brickwork of A. MoKollar's rest -
denoe on Dineloy street jet almost
Robert Howard has moved his family
into the new briefs block which he has
erected during the Summer.
Walter King and wife have returned to
their home in Cleveland, Ohio, after a
lengthy visit among friends and relatives.
Masers. Jeseop :b Mn3flroy intend upon•
ing out in Kolly's brick block, north of
Bell's Harness Emporium, on Saturday
Mrs, Samoa' Pinker was awarded the
gold watch in the contest "Find the six
foxes," offered by rho Ladies' Home
Richard Sellars has come into a nice
little fortune through the death of a
relative in the United States, He left
last week to look after it.
On Monday evening the fonr•yoar•old
km of Wm. McElroy was run over while
crossing the market square by Mosses,
Plummer :as MoNally's ponise, both
Wheels passing over ono of the little fel.
low's shoulders.
Fall wheat sowing is the order of rho
The S. 0. T. have purchased a new
Miss Spence is vieising her brother in
John Heffernan is home from Musico.
kit for visit.
D. Dunbar and Mies Lang are visiting
friends in Prescott.
Mrs. Wallace, of Muslcolta, is renewing
old aoquaiutances here.
Several oases of typhoid fever are re•
ported in and around the village.
Mrs. Chas. Ainley and children, of
Harriston, are visiting friends here.
Quite a number will go to Toronto
next week from hero to attend the Fair.
John Crich, wife and family, of Sea -
forth, and Geo. Walker, wife and family,
of Harriston, were visiting John Grant
lust Sunday. Mr. Orich is in poor health.
The doctor says his trouble is occasioned
by a tumor in the stomach.
IA' clam o'w.
John Peart, whose health has not been
good for come time, left for the Preston
Springs last week.
' All the Lacknowites who were at the
World's Fair in Chicago were delighted
with the great exhibition.
I1 will please his many friends in bhie
vicinity to know that M. J. Mckenzie,
former teacher of S. S. No. 0, Kinloss,
eu000eded in panning his examination in
Manitoba, scouring a Piret•olass A.
Sono two weeks ego Alex. Benton, a
young man of the 4th Con. of Kinloss,
and who has been confined in the London
Asylum for eleven years, escaped from
that inttittttion and walked bask to his
old home in Kinloss. For a time he ap•
peered to be quiet and harmless and his
parents intended heaping him at home,
but at times be became dangerous and
unmanageable, and it was found neo0e-
sary to send the poor fellow back to the
asylum. He was taken to London by
Constable McLeod on Wednesday of last
`ttPine. in re nes.
Wingham has a wedding foyer epidomio
An too cream toial was held in the
Congregational church vestry on Monday
G. A. Newton, wife and family are
attending 'a weolc or more camping on
Lake Huron's shore in the vicinity of
The Independent Order of Fereotore'
excursion to Sothis was well patronized,
upwards of 800 persona availing them-
selves of the cheap trip. Over 100 of the
number wont from Wingham.,
T. O. Sperling, of Meaford, formerly
of this town, and Mies Louisa Coventry,
Of Wingham, were Ittihad in the bonds of
matrimony, at Mrs. Coventry'sreeidenoe,
on Wednesday, Aug,, 26rd, by Rev. S.
Sollory, B, D. The happy couple left on
the aftornoon 0. P. IL. train for their
future toms in Meaford.
J. N. Dopp, of South Superior, Wit.
cousin, who formerly carried on a butch-
ering business in Wingham, was in town
last week renewing accauaintances. Lilts
ell others who are home from the States
he reports times very doll there.
The Agricultural Hall, which is being
erected for the Tnrnberry Agricultural
Society, is nearing completion. It is not
it very pretentious building, bob will, no
doubt, answer the purpose for which it
is intended, for a few years, when it can
be added to.
Jas. Wilson, V. S., left town last week
fur Omaha, Nob., where he has secured
a splendid practice. Ile was accom-
panied as far as Chicago by John Wit.
son, V. S., and A. 13. Carr, who went
there to see the contents of the great
White Oity.
Fall wheat sowing is going ahead with
a rush.
A number from this locality will at•
tend the Toronto and London Fairs.
Mfrs. Matthew Gibson, let con., is away
visiting relatives and friends ab Luoan.
Monday's rain greatly delayed
those who intended finishing harvest
this week.
Mies Walker, who has been home on a
visit, returned to Buffalo on Wednesday
of this week.
Look out fora couple of weddings on
the 1st con. in the near future, but never
mind boys it's all right.
Itis Peter Ritchie 1106 H. Burkholder
who has leased Win. Cameron's farm.
The lease is for 10 years.
Miss Mira Ramsay is. away visiting
friends around Belmore and Mildmay.
She purposes staying a couple of weeks.
Wm. Moore and wife loft here on Tues.
day for Winnipeg where Mr. Moore has
scoured a situation as traveller. We wish
them sntooss.
Jno. Young, wife and two sons, now in
Scotland, purpose coming to this country
this Fall. They have a son living in this
township now.
Robb. Shaw, lst son.. has been serious-
ly ill with an attack of inflammation of
the bowels. We are pleased to say he is
somewhat better.
Wm. Brown, the veteran horse trader,
of this township, Bays be has got a horse
that can rival the famous Barnum circus
boraces for ability in performing forte
that require reason and cuteness. The
other day he rode his trader over to a
neighborstt d him side and o s u to the e c e of
the barn. The horse, not liking tbo
idea of standing in the .tot sun without
feed, broke his moorings and started on
a tour of inspection. He first visited the
adjoining pasture, but finding that the
grasshoppers had loft nothingfor bis
worship, Ito returned to the itrn and
atoning bhe good hay within game to rho
confusion that be must have some,
He forthwith started to investi•
gat° the siding of the barn and
finding a small door, throe foot square,
that lead to the threshing floor he im•
mndiatelymronohed Bice a same' going
through the eye of a needle and without
delay entered and was soon on) tying a
bounteous repaeb. This horse weighs
about 1400 and left the clear improasion
of his fore shoes on the floor where lie
Services will hatrisld in the shed at
Johueton's Church next Sabbath on ao•
count of the church being undergoing
James Robinson, of Toronto, was visit-
ing at his brother-in-law's, Alex. Eaket's,
this week. His wife and laughter have
been there for some time.
We are happy to state that Mrs, Goo.
Henderson, who has been confined to her
room for some weeks, Is able to be
around again although far from well yet.
Jas. Id. Martin moved his barn, pub
atone stabling under it and beak a straw
house, giving him a building 66x92 feet
now that it is completed, Mr. Martin is
a progressive farmer.
One day last week Thomas Bone, sr.,
set fire to a sbutnp and in less than half
an hour the lire hod run over four mores
of oat stubble and was within a few feet
of the barn when noticed.
1.a rte tm
The Standard is taking a holiday this
G. Williams, who has been supplying
the pulpit of the Baptist ohnrob, preach.
ed his farewell sermon last Sunday.
The stonework of the Bank front has
been completed and the vault bricked in.
The new premises will be commodious,
elegant and convenient.
Councillors J. I1. MoDonald and J. S.
Bowman, with their wives, left town on
Friday of list week on a ten days' trip
bo Chicago and the World's Fair.
Rev. G. B. Davis, B. D., late of Wind•
sor, has received and accepted a nnani•
mous gall to the Baptist church hare,
and will begin his pastorate in Septem-
ber. 11Ir. Davis is a graduate of Wood-
stock and of Morgan Park Baptist Uni-
versity, Chicago.
Knowing that the water supply in town
was limited, citizens were not a little
startled by the sounding of the fire alarm
about 10:80 o'olook on Wednesday nighb
of last week, followed by the bursting out
of large Volumes of smoke and flames in
the central portion of the town. The
vaoaut Royal hobol, on Wallace street,
was the seat of the fire, the wooden part
in the rear being found hurtling fiercely
when tbo fire brigade arrived. The fears
of those who were under the impression
that there was no water with which to
pot out a firs were not long in being
allayed as the waterworks were quickly
of intoplay,throwing two streas ton
the fasmn fast
burning building. There
engine was also gob out nod supplemented
the waterworks, and their combined
forges soon bad the fire under control,.
not however, before it had reached the
upper part of the main building, from
which it was with difficulty dislodged
owing to the iron roof. The night was a
calm one, otherwise Woo fire might not
have been' so soon controlled. It was in
n dangerous part of the town and every-
thing about as dry as tinder. The water
supply proved sutlioient for the etnergen-
oy. The fire wag undoubtedly the work
of an incendiary, tits building not being
ocoupied. Geo, Killing, the owner, had
started only the day before to pull down
the old kitchen in the rear, where the
lire Was first disoovered. The hotel
proporty`was insured for 32,000.
Wra3 tont.
Dr. Williams is at present the guest of
Dr. Armstrong.
Mts. A. Willis, of Ethel, is visiting her
sister. Mrs. Fraser.
Masons and painters Will work at the
Methodist parsonage this week.
Willie Smith was taken with a serious
relapse on Sunday last but is around
once more.
There will be no service in St, George's
church next Sunday owing to the absenoe
of tbo incumbent.
Miss Annie Ferguson is at presont un-
lined bo her room but the ductor autf0i-
pates no seeking illness,
Willie Murray, of Murray Grange, is
down with typhoid fever. We hope to
hear of his speedy recovery.
All were pleased to listen to Rev. W.
T. (Ziff last Sunday. He occupied hie
old phtoe in St. George's church here.
The regular eemi•mouthly meetings of
the R. T. of T. will commence on Wed-
nesday eventng, Sept. 6111. Members
please take notice.
Quite a number of children from this
vicinity wore confirmed in the R. C.
eharoh, Brussels, hest Monday, by his
Lordship Blehep O'Connor.
A championship baseball match will
take place in the Recreation Grounds
here on Saturday between a number of
local sports and a team from the North.
Miss Maggie Morrison and Miss Maud
Ferguson returned on Tuesday frotn a
delightful visit with friends in Mullett.
Maud says the boating is exollent there
only it little moist.
Colic Met rbhur left for a 2 months
trip to the land of the Rose, Thistle mrd
Shamrock. He took two oars of cattle
along. His many friends here wish him
a pleasant journey and safe return.
James Smillie and wife, who, for the
past nine years have been sojourning in
Australia, have returned to Cannda and
are now staying at Mr. Smillie's father's
iu the township of Grey, near Walton.
They are welcome visitors.
An amusing "set -bo" was witnessed by
a number of the villagers, who are only
too glad of any excitement for the sake
of variety. One of the combatants noted
purely on the defensive and when smitten
on the right cheek calmly turned the 1r'
oheek also. No. serious result follo• vt3d
but both roamed satisfied at the or'
alien of the fracas. tmfn-
A daring burglary was ootntr ittod last
Friday night in the store of Iv. Neal.
The thieves entered throe
window and by way of a t'.aplidoor made
neeee9 bo Cho shore. It iv, not aourately
known blow much they appropriated bo
themeslvse, but ib fq r,ttimated at $60,00.
Othar houses in the neighborhood were
ransacked also by the. midnight maraud-
ers bat no serious 1,oss sustained.
lieu. Wilfred Laurier will speak in
Aylmeron the afternoon of Saturday,
Sept. Obh, and in St, Thomas on Monday
evening, Sept, ilth.
,T, B. MoLoan, who has had charge of
the oommoroial news for the Toronto,
Empire, has left that paper to devote his
entire time to the Canadian Groot, the
Hardware Merchant and the Dry Goods
Review, Mr, Mo.Leau is one of tion best
writers on financial and commercial mat.
tore on the Cans dfau press.
Grand Opening
. .411
t tis4tl
Every la dy Cordially.
ii vit',,j; to 7JiSZt Oar
Afaarttte 0 eri.iug..