HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-8-25, Page 8ereemseiamaratementsee
Sending Away for
Drugs or Book v
No need of your sending to the city for
the latest Drugs or Household Remedies.
If we have not got them in stook Wo can
quickly prooure any preparation requir-
ed. Prides have advanced in all alcoholic
preparations but we keep up the strength
of our goods believing our customers want
the best, even though it oost a little more.
Purity and full strength is the first im-
portance in drugs. In Patent Remedies
some we eels on a guarantee of benefit or
money refunded.
In tete book line we parry a select as.
eortment and will be pleased to order for
you when not in stock (no extra charge in
doing so.) Sabbath Scheele supplied at a
liberal dieoount. In Bibles we bare or-
dered acme speoial values for Fall deliv-
ery. Albums have been ordered for im•
port some months ago and will soon ar-
rive. Anything in our line we will gladly
procure if not in stook.
Druggist, Bookseller, &c.
50UT8EEN EST10 S10N W. G. & E.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
nd South, as follows:
Mali 0:84 a.m. Mixed 0:48 a.m.
13xnress 11:50 a.m. Mail 8.10 p.m.
Mixed ?:00 p,01. Express 0148 p.m,
A ohiel's antang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prone it.
Money's scaroe.
Benssoos Public school re opens On
Monday next.
lows KELLY has a quantity of fire
briok, furnace doors and frames for sale.
Netox church Harvest Home festival
was held on Thursday: Particulars
next week.
Tim annual Saottieb games will be
held in Lucknow on Wednesday, 6th
Geeing f'uuean shipped 8 oars of
export cattle from Brussels on
Wednesday of thls week.
MDsens. CLEGo & DAUIEM shipped a oar
of cattle and a oar of hogs from Brus-
sels on Thursday of this week.
This large maple trees shading the
Methodist Parsonage have been trimmed
as they were interfering with the roof.
Tan editor of the Exeter Advocate re-
turns thanks for a "mess" of frog's lege.
The poor editor is thankful for anything.
Brumes merobants are preparing for
a rushing Fall trade. Read every ad-
vertisment in TBD Posr and then go and
test them.
BUILDINe stone is being shipped from
Brussels to Grand Bend for bridge build-
ing. No better budding stone can be
found anywhere.
Miss McPunesoo, milliner, is combin-
ing business and pleasare in a trip to
Toronto. She will purchase her Fall
stook of millinery while away.
Nononr should grumble at paying 50
for the use of a letter box in the post -
office for one year as that is really half
price compared with the usual charge in
other towns.
Fool BALL.—A meeting of Brussels
Foot Ball club will be held at the Queen's
Hotel, on Tuesday evening of next week
at 8 o'olack to wind up the business of
the pas6 9511500 and probably organize
for the Fall Campaign,
Tim following persons were tioketed by
J. T. Pepper, 0, P. R. Agent, Brussels :
Wm. Wilson, Gretna, Man. ; Samuel
Ceidbiok and wife, Boissevain, Man. ;
J. D. Ronald, Moncton, N. B. ; Robert
Mowbray, Nepinka, Man.
.A. 0000'aroeriow has arisen between the
Howe Oo. and W. M. Sinclair over the
question of furnishing power for the
eleotrio ligbt plant. Mr. Howe stated
that he would not furnish the necoseary
power and Mr. Sinclair is seeking an
injunction to compel him bo do so until
matters now in Oourt are decided.
GARDEN leeme.—On Thursday evening
of next week, Aug 31st, the Epworth
Longue of the Methodist church will hold
a garden party on the spacious lawn nt
John Mooney's residence. The Brussels
Band will be in attendance. Refresh-
ments will be served during the everting.
Conveyances will be provided to take
people from town. Dont forget it.
BIoS000Ess.—The garden party held
on the commodious grounds of W. F.
Vanetone on Tharsday evening of last
week was a very successful one. The at-
tendance was large and the program,
which consisted of selections from the
Band ; violin and piano duett by 1.1. L.
and Mrs. eaokeon ; instrumental Wee.
tions on the sleigh bells by Miss Sage,
Walton ; solo by Miee Lida Crooks ;
reading by T. A. Hawkins ; harmonica
and piano, T. Bird and Mr. Hawkins ;
solo, Jae, Jones, was a very enjoyable
one. Ise cream, lemonade, bananas,
watermelons, peaches, coffee, &o,, were
served. The proceeds fignred up to $50.
Fame Pnosete rs.-Will & Jones, Buf-
fele, le, Y., furnish us with the prospects
of the British apple crop, Beason 1893, in
Which they say :—The early prospect of
an abundant apple Drop has, up to the
preeent, been realized, and should the
weather continue favorable within the
nest two menthe, the quantity will be the
largest for many years, Out of 270 re•
ports we have bad this year 79 are over
average, 184 are averages and prospects
are best in the most important dietricts,
I6 will be remembered that the depree•
Sion in trade spoiled the market nom-
pletely last season and i; must be admit-
ted that things are not ''y any means as
bright as they might b,, a strike of most
serious import being now imminent
among Colliers. At any rate prospects
do not favor extreme prides and 16 is to
be hoped dealers will not be induced to
pay too much in the orchards as was the
case last season. The prospects of the
crop throughout the United Statee front
sections thea far heard from ie n light
supply. With the report given of the
foreign apple Drop furnished by the blab
hcueee iu Liverpool which we submit to
you it appears to its that Canadian
apples will find a better market in the
United States than in Liverpool, Glee. I
gow and other foreign poria,
littreen,s Council did not meet last
Monday livening hot will convene next
Monday lit 8 p. m.
'Utas Herne B05E318 and Mise Mary
M)Lauchlin are attending the millinery
openings at London,
Scree of the medicos say there 19 a pros.
peat of a good many cases of typhoid
fever this Fall nnlese people are more
than ordinarily careful.
LAST Saturday night the town was in
darkness as far as the electric light was
concerned owing to the breaking of all
armature in the dynamo.
Tim prize lista for feat Huron Fall
Show are in the hands of the Secretary,
D. Stewart, who will mail one to every
member. Persons who are not 'newborn
but purpose attending the Fair as exhi-
bitors may secure a copy of the list by
applying to Me. Stewart, His postolbioe
is Brussels 1f you are writing.
.A co:vMxelox of the young people of
the Methodist church, Wingham Dis-
trict, will be held at Brnssele, Rev. S.
Seliery, B. D., Rev. G. H. Oobblediok,
13. D., and Rev. J. A. MoLechlan, pf. A.,
with a Nyman from Wingham, Brussels
and Teeswater were appointed a
committee to arrange date, program, &o.
tease Csun.—A metal' betweeu Bons -
seta and Seaforth Gun Olubs was held on
the grounds of the latter last Wednesday
forenoon. There were seven Ilton on a
side and the snore was as follows l-
0mas ±0e. 1EAr010011.
S.T. Rose, 30 Dodds, 0
Sinclair, 18 Taruer, 0
Hewitt, 8 11'1'g:1/1%y,
Irwin, 13 Beattie, 19
D. 0. Ross, 10 Stark, 0
Jonas, 10 Steveue, 14
nsllanty no, 10 Grieve, 9
Total, 74 Total l'w
Brussels won by 9 shots.
WxDDIxO BELLS.—A very pretty wed-
ding took place in our town on Tuesday,
22nd inst., at the residence of Mrs, John
Livingston, when her daughter, Mise
Maggie Helen, was united in marriage to
Rev. J. F. Scott, of Rodney, Seldom is
a wedding party favored with so bright
a day as was this. All afternoon the
home was the scene of activity and by
the time the hour of the ceremony had
arrived a large number of friends and
relatives of the family had assembled.
The ceremony was performed by the Rev.
John Ross, B. A., of Melville °Mirth,
Brussels, assisted by Rev. W. Black, B.
A., of Elora, a college trate of Mr.
Scott's, Rev. H. R. Horne, B. A., L. L.
B., lately inducted into the pastoral
charge of Chalmer's church, Elora, also
a classmate of Mr. Scott's, anted as
groomsman. The bride, who was charm-
ingly attired in Bream, trimmed with
surah and lace, was supported by her
sister, Mise Ivy, very prettily dressed in
white, ea':ln carrying a rioh bognet of
roses. After the ceremony the gueets
sat down to a sumptuous repast which
all thoroughly enjoyed. The handsome
wedding cake having been distributed to
all, speeches were the order of the even.
ing. A number of brief, pithy addresses
were listened to, each speaker warmly
congratulating the happy couple and
wishing them all joy and prosperity. To
abtempt to enumerate blc presents re-
ceived by the bride would be irepoesible
for seldom is it one's privilege to Bee
such a flue collection of presents es were
to be seen here. Friends near and far
vied with one another in eending tokens
of remembrance and good will. If the
good wishes and love of friends can in-
sure a happy future no couple ever start-
ed in life under brighter auspices, After
an evening spent in music, during which
a number of solos and choruses were
renderers, the newly married pair left on
Ilse evening train fur Wingham, intend-
ing to visit London, Toronto and other
places before settling in Rodney. The
warm?st good wishes of all accompany
Business Locals.
Txtmrnx seed at McCracken's.
B.tse viol for sale at a bargain. Apply
to H. L. Jackson.
Beer 200 yard oaten spools at 2a.
Ferguson & Halliday.
Two acres of oats for Bale ou park lob
9, Brussels. Apply to T. Rally.
We are prepared 60 make pictures, any
sine required, at reasonable prices. Give
us a call. H, J. Strong.
WALEEl & EwAN, Brussels, are the
local agents for the Chatham wagon, also
the Bain wagon. Prioes right.
15 only Eoru Laos Ourtaine 8} yards
long worth $2.00 challenge pries 91.80.
Ferguson & Halliday.
Ss' crAM,Es found. Owner may have
the some by proving property and pay-
ing for this notice by calling at
E. Dunford's, Brussels.
Now is the time for viewing. Public
buildings, residences, pio-nio parties, etc.
can bephotographed on shortest notice.
H. J. Strong.
To ems Pumeo.—Having purchased en-
tire stook of 0. E. Perry's negatives, any
pbolos. can be bad front them by leaving
order at my studio. 11. J. Strong.
D0N'T forget to have all your garmeute
Cleaned and Dyed to look lilte new, at
Parker's Dye Works, of Toronto. Reprs•
sentrttives will he here this week.
Agency at J. G. Skene's General Store.
zona sluggish and torpid liver, nothing
can surpass Ayer's Pills. They contain
no calomel, nor any mineral drag, bub
are oonnposed of the aative principles of
the beet vegetable oathartios, and their
use always results in marked benefit to
the patient.
MALAmAL and other atmoepberio in-
fluences are beet counteracted by keeping
the blood pure and vigorous with Ayer's
Sarsaparilla. A little caution in this re.
epeot may prevent serious ilhnese at this
season. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the best
all the•yca0-roond medicine in oxisteuce.
Fa00 Titre To Tins Wonrn's It1AIa,—
Everybody should go to the World's
Fair. What you can see and learn there
Will be of imin0tn50 value to every young
man starting out in life. It will not cost
you anything if you would only save up
your loose change that is spent foolishly.
Here is a pointer :—',Che polos you can
save between getting your faded suit
dyed and a new one, will carry you to the
World's Fair. We have, during the past
few weeks, cleaned and dyed a groat
many suits for men to go to the Ohmage,
Fair and the work baa boon greatly ad-
mired. No person should mise this Fair,
or the representetivee of patker'e dye
worke, of toronto, as we expeot them to
be in this town on Saturday and you will
be able to give them all your garments,
or they will be glad to give you any M.
formation yon may wish to know regard.
ing their work.
THE BRUSSELS POST Atro. 25, 1893
Motown shingles at 50 dente per
bunch at J, & P, Ament's, Brussels.
25 pairs beantiful Lae) Curtains always
sold 91.00 they go at our Challenge Bale
for 75c. Ferguson & Halliday,
Henan Spavin Liniment removes all
bard, soft or calloused lumps and bletn-
ishee from 1100508, blood spavins, qurbs,
splints, sweeney, ring bone, stifles,
sprains, all swollen throats, eto. Save
950 by Ilse of one bottle. Warranted by
G. A. Deadman.
WELn.1) oetxa este 1JIt39 mee...G00rge
Birt hae all the necessary machinery for
digging and drilling wells and is prepar-
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaotiou,
Welle )leaned out and put in proper
shape. Terme reasonable. Residence
second door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnborry se, Brnesels. SIM
SuMMEn ReaureenoN0.—Fruit in Sum-
mer is of great value. Green vegetables
ere also good in moderation. But any
food eaten and undigested is, to a very
large extent, as pernicious as poison, and
very bad results are sure to follow. It is
here that the ooeasionol use of Mem•
bray's Kidney and Liver Cure has
proven so useful, in relieving the irri-
tated stomach and liver, and preventing
Summer sioitness in many varied forme.
It is reeamtnended to be kept in the
SErnoaes.—A oar of British conium•
bian shingles for sale by Bassler & Van -
stone. See them before you buy.
Britisb Columbian shingles will lay more
per square titan any other shingles in
Canaria. They are safely laid 51 maims
to the weather, one thousand covering
nearly 158 square feet, Pine shingles
cannot be safely laid over 4i inches to
the weather, one thousand covering 136
square feet. Therefore sufficient pine
t0 cover the same amount of roof, at the
same pride per thousand, cost about nine
per cent. more then B. 0. shingle., and
at the same time our shingles will last
fatly three times longer than pine
TIM DON'T Exaw WNAT'e Wnoxo—
Brampton, Aug. 21—A good many peo-
ple in these days are evidently ignorant
of what ails them. They use remedies
for dropsy, rheumatism, sciatica or some
such disease, and after a time find out
that disordered kidneys caused all the
trouble. Here are some instances.
James crisp, a telegraph operator of this
plaoe, suffered from dyspepsia for a long
time and could not ffnd a remedy that
would relieve him until he found Dodd's
kidney pills. They cured hem, Ile the
prim', NV oanee of bis dyspepsia lay, un-
doubtedly, Si, his kidneys. A well-known
lady wrote to the Toronto papers a short
time ago stating that she had been cured
of a womb disorder by means of Dodd's
kidney pills. She did not think, until
she was cured, that disordered kidneys
was the seat of the trouble. Valentine
Fisher, of Oollingwood last year, was
cured of sciatica of thirteen years' stand-
ing by the same remedy. He too, found
out at a late day that his kidneys had all
along been the cause of his suffering.
These are only some of many like ex-
periences that are daily met with.
AWE You RuPTan sn 7—The most eon
vinoing evidenoo it the testimony of
your own neighbor. The following letter
le from a gentleman well known to many
of our readers, written some thirteen
years ago, and speaks for itself :—"Brus-
sels, June 2O611, 1880—Deer Sir,—With
the truss I received from you I am well
satisfied. I have recommended it to a
neighbor of mine who wants a double one
se soon as you can send it. Send me a
Blank Form and I will get it filled np
and return the order and the money.
Write soon and oblige, SAMUEL WAINER,
Brussels P. 0., Ont." The above letter
was written to 3. Y. Egan, the celebrated
Hernia Speoialist, of Toronto, who an -
000008e, by advertisement iu another
column, that he will visit Clinton, Grand
Union Hotel, next Tuesday, 29th inse.,
and remain balances of the week. Siooe
that letter was penned the Specialist has
been constantly improving his appliances
until now he hos produced what he
claims as the crowning effort of his life,
in an instrument that will cure rupture
without resorting to an operation, thus
revoltttioniziog the treatment of Kornis.
WIIITINe.—In Grey, on Aug. 4th, the wife
of Mr. David Whiting of a daughter.
TYEnlu.w,—In McKillop, on the 1.0% inst.,
the wife of Mr. David Tyerman of a
ScoTT.—In MoKillop, on the 15th inst.,
the wife of isle. Wm. Scott of a
SCOTT—LIYINOeTON.—Ab the residence of
the bride's mother, Fair View, Grey,
on the 22nd inst., by Rev. Jno. Ross,
B. A., assisted by Rev. W. Blank, B.
A. of Elora, Miss Margaret Helen,
eldest daughter of the late Mr. John
Livingston, to Rev, John F. Soott,
of Rodney.
O0ITTIon—MANSBB. At the residence of
• Mr. T. Phair, Wiugbam, by Rev. S.
Seliery, on Aug. and, M. A. W.
dhitticbe, of Wingham, to Mise Ellen
'Veneer, cf Gerrie.
MAar.AT.—In Seaforth, on Sunday, Aug,
15th, Catherine K., relict of the late
Hugh Mackay, of Grey township,
aged 80 years and 24 days.
SnINs,—Ili Grey, on Aug. 21st, Isabella,
youngest daughter of Mrs. William
Shine, aged 20 years, 8 montbs and
18 days.
Anteers.—In Wingbam, on Aug. 10th,
Walter Murray, eon of Robt. Athena,
aged 7 years, 0 menthe and 10 days.
WILsoo,-Ili East Wawanoeh, on Aug.
10th, Jamet Wilson, aged 07 years,
7 months and 12 days.
Hansell, Sept. 7.8.
Toronto Industrial, Sept. 4.16.
Western at London, Sept. 14.21.
Central at Guelph, Sept. 19.21.
Greet Northwestern at Goderiob, Sept.
20 22.
South Huron at Exeter, Sept. 25.26.
Mitchell at Mitchell, Sept. 26.27.
Turnborry at Wingham, Sept. 2647.
Mornington &Dille° at Milverton, Sept,
North Oxford at Woodstock, Sept, 26-
Centre Huron itt Clinton, Sept. 25.27.
Southern et Brantford, Sept. 2648,
North Waterloo at Bertin, Sept. 28.27.
West Wellington at Ilarrbeton, Sept.
Morris Branch at Myth, Oct. 11.12,
$Tkg Nag RD B,4,71rE or
$srres-m- m,SE23em= 3,673.
ASSETS, • (Seven Million Dollars)
CAPITAL (Authorized) - . -
Apencfes in all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba,
T 0.
United States ct" England
Vaamga!diJ4s Potaaram.
A General Banking Business Transaobed. Farmers' Notes Discounted.
Drafts lamed and Cellectione made on all points.
Merest allowed on deposits of $1,00 and upwards from date of deposit to date of
withdrawal and compounded half yearly.
SPECIAL ATTlexTtOi OMEN TO THE 0000E0TI0N 00' FAaMene' 51011 NOTES,
Every facility 'afforded Customers living ab a dietanco,
W. D. HART, 1051x00130,
MM IMS ez SNIFF', c.sA'aa rs37 d1i33:ifmgei A
Transact a General Banlling Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on
all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain.
Lnterest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com-
pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of
October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits.
We effect 10 301110 Insure -ore in. old Bngiieii or Canadian Coupanies, or In Mat
nus t'onlpliniee 09 may be desired.
Aro 000 CANADA AND UNITED STATES : Tun CANonxooe Bann Or OOMtrosoE.
East Wawauosh, at Belgravo, Septem-
ber 28.29.
Tulkeramith Branch, at Seaforth,
Sept. 28-20.
North Perth at Stratford, Sept. 2829.
Blanebard at Kirkton, Oct. 5-6.
East Enron at Brussels, Oot. 5.6.
M_^v'0 S0=13 Ter A,R=FEZ'S,
Fall Wheat 58 00
Spring, Wheat 58 60
Barley 30 35
Peas 54 00
Oats 82 34
Butter, tube and rolls16 16
Eggs per dozen 10 00
Flour per barrel., 3 00 8 50
Potatoes 40 60
Hay per ton 6 00 7 00
Salt per bbl., retail,,..,, 1 00 00
Hides trimmed 3e
Hides rough 3
Sheep skius, 00013., 60 1 00
Lamb skins each 65 00
AppleWoos per bag50 00
17 18
Pork 7 00 7 60
Linen FALLS. N. Y., Angust 21.—The
sales of cheese to day were ; Tbree
hundred and twenty boxes at 6 c ; 2,490
boxes at 8ea ; 2,090 boxes at 83o ; 883
boxes at flee ; 1,172 boxes at 90 ; 116
boxes at 99n 580 boxes on commission ;
315 boxes d airy at Bic to Sao. Butter —
Eighty packages of oreamery butter et
25o ; 23 packages of dairy butter at 24c
to 25o.
them, N. Y., Aug. 2L.—The cheese
market today was steady at strong. The
ruling price on the board was 8no, at
which figure 8,300 boxes were sold.
Twenty lots, aggregating 1,860 boxes,
sold at 9o, and 250 boxes brought the
top prise, Oen ; 40 boxes sold at tlee, and
1,540 boxes at 85c ; 1,000 boxes on com-
mission. Better—Strong, 75 packages of
creamery scud at 25o to 25ec,
Messrs. Hart & Ftiokwell, of Montreal,
have issued an interesting trade °bender
dealing with the apple trade, giving
atatistios of the total shipments from
Anueriot for the past thirteen years,dur-
ing which time the shipments of Cana-
dian apples have risen from 169,526
barrels to 795,605 barrels last years.
1883 84 was a short year, when the ship-
ments from Canada only amounted to
11,208 barrels, the shipments from the
United States the same year amounting
to only 60,001 barrels. Last year there
were shipped from the Uoibed States
647,570 barrels, whilst there was 795,495
barrels of Canadian apples shipped—an
excess over the shipment of the United
States of 148,125 bbls.
LIveneooa Pnov>aloo M,turee.—Cheese
—The market ruled firth this week, with
it steady country eonentnptive demand,
and last week's quotations have been well
maintained for aboiee factories. We
quote today—Finest colored, 47e to 48s
per owl., and and do., white, 46e 6d to
46e W. Grades from 80s to 40s haus
been in moderate demand, but low
qualities from 5s to 200 continue neg-
lected. Butter is without any notable
alteration, • Choice parcels of fresh
Amerioan dreamer are in fair requesb, at
98e to 103 per owe, and grades just
ander this class are rather quiet, and of-
fered ab 80s to 88e. We quote—Irish
butter—Cork firsts, 97e per an; seconds,
01s ; thirds, 945,
MONTREAL, Que., Aug. 21.e -There wile
about 8,003 head of butchers' calves, 100
calves and 250 sheep and Iambs offered ab
the Peet End Abattoir to -day. There
were no really prime cattle on the mnr-
ket today, and the best animals sold
about 4,,1c per Ib. or a trifle more than
similar cattle brought on lash Thursday,
Pretty good Stook generally sold rather
better than on lase week ; but ball fat-
ted and leanish young cattle and dry
COWS were dull of sale, and prices .eon.
tinge bow, or from 2ic to 8}o par lb.
Calves wale in good demand, 02.50 to $8
each ; mutton critters were rather scarce
to day, and sold better than for some
time past, gond lambe bringing from 250
to 50,3 more than they did last week.
Sheep sold at from 98 to 94,50 mob, and
Iambs at from 92.25 to nearly 94 each,
Fat bogs sell at from little over 6)o to
a little over 0$e per lb.
EAST Buonmr,o, N. Y., Aug. 21.—
Cattle—TLB reoeipte were 150 oars ; the
market ruled with good demand for
good, handy butchers and meditate
weight steers of 1,160 up to 1,850 pounds ;
steers fully 10e to 20o higher, and some
sales early to country buyere were at
mote, heavy shipping and export grades
ruled dull and shade lower, and up to a
tate hour several loads were uneold,
There was only one buyer, and the best
load taken at 95,10 ; Philadelphia ship,
pere took 1,850 pound steers at 94,45 to
$4.90, and fair to good 1,200 ib. steers
ranged frons 94 to 94.20 ; other grades at
98.75 ; common and green also sold at
better ptioes, but old thin cows and stags
no better ; good bulla sold a trifle better ;
mileh cows and springers, good stook,
steady ; tnedioms and common, $2 to $3
per head lower ; stook and feeders, 10
oars, draggy ; good stockers, 92.25 to
92.50 ; yearlings, $2 ; feeders, $2.50 to
92.75 ; calves, 08 per bead ; ohoioe to
extra, $5.25 to 95.50. Sheep and lambe—
Forty.three oars, very largely common ;
weak and lower. The best lambs sold at
95 ; good fat lambs sold at 94,60 to 94.75 ;
good light lots and culls at 93 to $3.60
a few of export wether sheep at 05 but
good sold at 94 to 94,25. Hoge --Sixty
cars choice corn.fed Yorkers ; 10 pm
cent. higher ; other only steady. Corn
Yorkers sold at 96 to 96.15 ; green and
partly of graee order sold at $5.65 to 55.90
medium and packers' grades sold at 95.70
to 45.85; grassy lots, $5.50, as to quality ;
eastern heavy hogs, $5.50 ; roughs and
stage, unchanged.
for sale at a bargain. call and goo it.
A, 000SLEY,
L., mums for sale in Brussels. Prices
low and terms easy. Apply at
THE POST Publishing House.
Sons. Just calved. Apply to
JAB. 8P111IR,
Lot 00, Oou, 0, Morrie.
World's Fair ;the Jerseys gave more
milk and made more oheose tvllan any herd
in the test. The value of the choose wee
Door 3 more than the next bigheet—viz,
Shorthorns. cost of service of my Jersey
Bull reduced,
G.A. DDADM800,
Drugglob, Boo keeller, 8e.
The Goderich Horticultural Society have
completed arrangements to make an ex-
hibition from the Comity of Huron of plums,
pears and apples at the World's Colombian
Exposition, All exhibits packed and ex-
pressed direct to Oblongo from here.
Parties will receive full email; for any ex-
hibit they may make. All express or other
charges for sending from any part of the
county here will be paid at this end. Cor-
respondence regarding nnmbor of specimens
time for sending So., cheerfully answered
by tbo undersigned.
e-4 Secretary. President.
Godorioh, July 20,'98•
DMIS0ONED has several good Farms for
Salo aad to rout, easy terms in Townshipsof Morrieand Grey. 1P 8. SO 0T'1',13russels.
The subscriber offal%his 100 acres
of laud, being lot 21, oou, 7, -0rey, Par sale.
There are 00 acres cleared and uudsr 0009,
balance bush. There is a eomfortabie booth,
large bank barn, good orchard, wolfs, So, ou
the premises which are joining the villa
of T3thol, where are eb111%11es, Stores, po0t-
otlioe, railway, &o, ko0satsion given any
time to suit purehasor. For further partic-
ulars as to prion, terms, 80181101y to/
5-65 Proprietor, Tltitej P.0,
1J The 200 acrefarm being 100511
and12, oon.10, Grey, is offered for sale. 120
puree aro Cleared end the balanoo well tim-
bered. Buildings itret-0l rias. Orchard, well,
&o. School house within 40 rods. Poem -
;don given at once if desired, For further
particular's as to price, terms, 8c, apply t0
3•tf Roseville P. 0,
or NELSON BRICKER, on farm,
The subscriber biters his excellent 1211
acre farm for sale. It is located on Col, 8,
Grey, and le in first-class condition. Fine
roomy house, largo bank barn, good Orchard
Wells, 80, Farm is well drained and well Only 2 miles from Eruseele,
sell outright or would take a emallor farm as
part pay. Passeseien 0011113e given.iu the
Fall. Fox partioulara as to pries, term a, &o.,
apply to
Proprietor, Brussels,
DEnailNEn afore bie a tlontiicl125 ao o
farm, home Lot 8 au d west part Lot 0, Con,
6, Grey, for sale. There are 100 soros cleared,
balance timbered. Two dwelling houoes,
barer barns, good orchard, w611 fenced. A
Hever falling spring on rho place. Posses-
sion given any time, The subseribor also
offers for sale a dwelling house, amble and 5
00055 of land in the corporation of Brussels.
he heath and garden would be rented for a
o114rt tinno if not sold. Hard and soft water.
Pot Mines, urine and further Plulti0ulare
VW y to J01111 82fITH,
41.61 131110061s 1', 0,
The ,Best Goods
at 17ce Best Prices.
%%est Ocxy •Sour
Pepper's Brug Store,
ki ILler.Yee li d li'1.
J. 114 • Solloitor and Conveyancer. Oolles•
Mons made, 0illee—Vanetone'e Block, Brus-
sels, 21.8m
• Solicitor Oonvoyiutcor,otaryPub-
Ile,. &o, Office—Vanden N
Vanetone'e Block 1 door
north of Oentr'at Hotel, Private Funds to
NJ Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Codextch, Ont.
M, 0, 000IEnoN, q, 0,, Timor nNGT,
n1DLET 000,0315,
• Solicitor, 80. (late of Garrow S
Proud/oath; Oufoe, Goderioln.) Oinoo over
Gillies & Smith's Barak, B reseets,
Money to Loan. 47
to ud saleAuctioneer, e,farm stook, dm. y Terms
cheerfully given, Cranbrook P.O. Salve
may be arranged at Tse Pon Publishing
House, Brussels.
Licensed Auctioneer, Bales conduct
ed on reasonable terms. Farms and farm
stoolnt speoialty. Orders loft at Tint PosT
Pnblishiug House,Brnaoelo,or seutto Walton
P. O., will receive prompt attention,
aD as an Auctioneer, I am prepared
to conduct sales of farm stock at reasonable
prices. Knowing the standing of nearly
every person I am in a pc salon to sell to
good marks and got good eoourity when gold
on credit. Satisfaction guaranteed, Give
mea call. 32. F S. SCOTT.
/sourer ofMarriage Licenses. Office
at his Grocery, Taruborry street: Brussels,
Tonsorial Artist' Shop—Next door
eolith of A. M. McKay & Oo's hardware store,
Ladies' and ehildrone bait cutting a specialty
• Issuror of Marriage Licenses, by
appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Oommis-
sioner, So., Q. B. Conveyancer and Agent
Fire Insurauoe 00. O@ce at the Oraobrook
Post Moe.
t9 clerk of the Ponrbh Division court
00, Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public
nvsdadtoton Insurance npilons made,
0111eo in Graham's Block, Brussels,
Mise Merles, of Wiugb nal, is mortared
60 give instruction in oil painting, %arms
maybe ascertained at Miss Nellie floss' store
whore samples of work may be seen. Miss
/dories would also take a foto more pupils in
Organist in St. john's church, Brus-
sels, and pupil, in the Art of 'Teaobing of A.
W. Thayer, Mus, Doe., New York, will give
lessons to pupils either at J. O.IIalllday's,
oor. Ring and John Ste., or if prof erred, a6
tboie awn homes. Monday, Tuesday and
Wednoeclay at Walton. Terms moderato,
•• Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all
disoases of domestieatod animals in a com-
petent manner, Particular attention paid
to veterinary dentistry. Galls promptly at-
tended to. 63105 and Infirmary—Two doors
north of bridge 'rnrnberry et„ Brussels.
• 0. M„ L,11, O,P„ Edinburgh, M. 0. P.
8, Ont, Beoidenes and Woe fu Wilson's
B100lt,.corner of Mill and Turnborry Ste,
O. M., M, 0, P. 8, Out., Graduate
Queen's University Kingston, OPProu—
Smale'e 1100k, one floor South of Standard
B auk, Brussels, blight bell answorod nt the
same place.
M. CAVANAGH, L• D. S., D. D. D.O.S.
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons, Ontario and of Toronto tint -
'vanity. Ormois—aver A. le, Smith's Store,
Voters' List, 1893.
Mumone LITY or THE VILO,too Or BRDee1 Ile,
Notice fa boreby given that I have trans•
witted or delivered to the persons mention-
ed in :motions 5 and 0 of the Ontario voters'
List Aot,1808, the oopioe re ;mired by }laid
Bedlam 6o be .transmitted or delivered of
the flab, made pursuant to said Act, of ell
persons appearing by the last revised As.
seesfnent Boll of the said Municipality to be
entitled to vote in the sold Muniehutlity at
Elootions for Members of the Legislative Ass
8embly and at Municipal Medians ; and
that said Net wee first posted up Ming 00100
atBruseels, on the 7th day of August, 18 03,
and romaine thorn for inapootion.
Electors ore called upon 615 examine the
Said list, and if any ommissione or any athor
errors aro fouud therein, to telco irnmediab o
processions to have the said arm oor ,
rooted aeooxding to Saw,
r, 3, SCOTT,.
Dated at/truseols76h claylOfAugusrt 1838