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The Brussels Post, 1893-8-25, Page 6
rr .e r:assets Vzst --IS rnln,teh1000_ EVERY FRIDAY MORNING On time for the early mails) at "Tito Nest" Steam Publishing; Rouse, Tunbssanx ST., 131Weekls, OoT, TEn108 al Srnscnlrrmn,—011e dollar end a half n year, in avenue. Tile date towhich every subseriptiuu is twee is denoted by the date on the address label. Anvrn'rrelnn Eno s.—Tho following rates will be Merged to those who advertise by Me year eracls, t 80. C mo, I e mo One Column...,,000.00 :0,00 -$110.00 Ralf 010,00 10,00 1'd,00 Quarter " 00.00 10.00 8.00 .1 th 19 ' ( ,00 8,00 en J* h 'Eight °outs per line for tint insertion, and throe cents per lIn0 for each subset/not1 to. sertiou. All advertisements measured as Nonpareil-121110es to the inch, Business Carus, eight hues cud under, $6 per annum. Advertisements without sp0ei0c three. Mous, will be inserted until forbid, and charged accordingly. Instructions to chane or fiscoutiuue an advertisement must bo lett at the counting room of Tore PORT not later thou Tuesday of each week, This Is imperative, W. Jilt. lee RE, &liter and Proprietor. lStrlCt ! th's, Geode viols. T. MoGillieuddy, wife and children, of Toronto, are in town visiting old aoeuee and seeiug old friends. There has been a large number of visitors to the bathing.hoese lately. It ie a very popular institution. Dr. and Mrs. M. Nicholson have been at Chicago. The doctor was atteudiug the World's Dental 000510ss and of course inspected the great Fair. On Monday morning of laet week while Mies Nellie MaoOormao was assisting her mother and sister at housework a needle ran into her hand. Two physi- cians succeeded in removing it on Mon- day afternoon. Exeter, The Advocate is holidaying this week. D.Spicer is putting a new coat of paint on the woodwork of James 81. Methodist church. W. T. Hawkshaw is hewing 42 feet of artificial granite sidewalk put down in front of the Commercial House. • Three tramps (one adult and two juveniles) called at the residence of A. Holland recently and did not leave the place until Mee. Ilolland had treated them to seine of her best wine wafers and cake. One of John Gillespie's dray horses mot its death by drowning. The animal was pastured in a field adjoining the river and when last seen was lying in the water dead. It was pulled out Saturday night. Samuel Gilley met with an accident that laid him up for several days. While in the act of going up the front steps iota the house his foot tripped against the mad -scraper attached to the step, which threw him forward and caused him a very severely sprained ankle. W. Bawden, of Exeter, has bought of W. Romford the two lots on the Huron Road, Tnekersmith, containing 100 acres. It is a most eligibly situated farm, being immediately adjoining the corporation, and the price, which we understand was $12,000, was a reasonable one. There are no buildings on the plane, and it is said that Ur. Bawden will at 0008 pro• oeod with the erection of a house. i00 C 0iortll. The Presbyterian and Methodist churches of Seaforth held an excursion to the St. Clair Submarine Tunnel and Sarnia on Tuesday. The rate of taxation for 1803 was fixed at 14e mills on the dollar for municipal purposes, and 10e 0 1 schools, making the entire rate 25 mills on the duller. The annual Pall Show, under the aus- pices of the Tuokersmith Branch Agri• cultural Society, will be held on the Society's grounds, in Seaforth, on Thurs- day and Friday, Sept. 28th and 20th. The numerous friends in this part of the country of Joseph A. Laird, reeve of Hamburg, will be pleased to learn that by a vote of the County Council of Water- loo, be has received the appointment of keeper of the Industrial Elome in Ber1In, ell. Itter, the former keeper, having re- eigoed. E. Liviugstoue took part in the bioycle races at London but was particularly nn• fortunate. In the first heat of the 2.60 race, on the fleet lap, he wee fouled by McCarthy, of Stratford, and his wheel badly smashed. Ile was given a plaoe in the final heat, in oonsequenoe of the foul, but could not get another wheel ani so had to drop out for the day and play spectator. Jas. Beattie and wife have returned from the World's Pair after a 10 days' sojourn in Chicago. Mr. Beattie is in- tensely delighted with all he saw. In speaking of the Centenial he said it was as far behind the World's Pair tut' the Zurich agricultural show was behind tbe great fair fn Toronto. He thinks every- body, who can at all, should go and see the World's Fair. 031n. ton. Miss Ida Boles has been re-engaged as organist of Rattenbury Street church at a salary of $100 per year. The trustees of Rattenbury street church have decided to seat a portion of the gallery with upholstered assembly chairs. The trustees of the Collegiate Institute have engaged Mise O'Oonnor, of 0e11e, was, its it, 800008801 to 18088 Hume, at a salary of $500 a year. The trustees of Cntatio street eletho• dist 'Much aro censiderin the propel- ety of removing the present pews and seating the ahnroh with aseembly chairs. Mies Mona Freer, stenographer for the Salt Aasootation, had a narrow escape from drowning, She Wes one of a party pio•nicing at eyileld, end had gone in bathing, when oho was carried beyond her depth. She sank ie couple of times and felt that she wee almost lost, when, providentially; a wave struolt her and lifted her over into shallow water, and she was rescued. She was completely exhaneted when she reached the shore. THE BRUSSELS POST AUG. 25, 1893 At a special meeting of the town Council the Automatic Telephone Cont. (iany wee granted the privilege of enacte ing poles, in order to proceed with the oonebruotion of their line ; t110 privilege to hold good for ben years. The executive committee of 1120 County Christian Endeavor Sooiety mob in the lecture room of Rattenbury street Mothodi80 church, to 81reug0 a progeem for the annual oonveutiou, which is to bo held in Carmel Church, Hensel!, some time in September 0r early in Ootober. Pew people have any idea of the amount of water Jake Miller epriuklee daily on the streets with hie watering cart, He hauls on en average 25 loads. Hie cart holds tie much as 10 ooal oil barrels, or about 450 gallons, that multi- plied by 25 gives 11,200 gallons a day. James Fortune hos a couple of pretty little Pets be is raisin • which have the i e p h, merit of being of seine value, even if they are a Little dangerous to handle. Tbey are a couple of young mink (bee ones that a oat belonging to Levi Trick took under her Dare) and seem to enjoy their captivity all right. One of them will allow him to handle it, without biting, but the other will not. Curious Facts In Sociology. Is Europe there are 518,400 insane ; in the United States, 108,000. The death rate from apoplexy is high- est at Turin, Italy -010 in 10,000. The Chinese, according to statistics, are loner lived than any other nation. Can08118 most common in Brussels, 420 deaths per 10,000. It 1887 there were 30,080 inquests held in England and Wales. Russia has 180,000 blind persons with. in the limits of the empire. Shanghai has the highest death rate front heart disease, 1,610 per 10,000. India has131,600 lepers. In every oouutry consumption kills more victims than any other one disease. Distinguished dootore say the seat of dyspepsia is not in the etomaob, but in the head. There are more deaths annually from hydrophobia in Sweden than in any other country, Nelson nye that for every death dur- ing the year two persons are constantly sick. During the war of the Rebellion the Unfoo sick averaged 9 per Dent. of the army. More suicides occur in June than in any other month and fewer iu Deeeni. ber, The population of Italy is 270 per square mile ; of Germany, 210 ; of France, 100. BITS 01INFORMATIOY. Astronomers say there are 500,000,000 80(08. The Greenland whale has a heart a yard in diameter. A single tobacco plant will produce 860,000 seeds. Mecca never sees a year that does not bring cholera. One third of the human race speak the Chinese language, Paper has been made of almost every- thing, not excepting iron. Potatoes were introduced into Massa. chneetts from England 011 1629. During the most violent gales the sea is disturbed to the depth of 500 feet. The first American ship was the Rest - less,lauuohed at New York in 1616. The occupants of a balloon a mile high command a rediae of ninety-six miles. During the late Civil War, Vermont furnished to tbe National Army 85,256 troops. The smallest tree in the world is the dwarf willow of Great Britain—two inches high. In the United States there are about 8,000,000 men over thirty year's of age who are unmarried. LI 1874 old London hooses were com- pelled for the first time to be couoeoted with servers. The first king to whole the title of "majesty" was applied was Louis $I, in Prance, in 1403. The lust cavalry regiment raised in England was the Horse Guards of Ld. ward VI, 1550. The total number of colored troops in the United Slates Army during the Civil War was 180,017. The average weight of an Iinglish,uan thirty years old is 156 pounds ; of an American at the same age 150. More children are born in Greece and in Spain, in proportion to population, than in any other Caucasian nation, The greatest monument in the world is the Weebiugton Monument at Washing. ton, D. 0. Its height is 555 feet. 01 1,000 men who marry, 532 marry younger women, 579 marry women of the same age, and 89 marry older women. Among the oelebrities buried in West. minster Abbey is John Broughton, once the champion prize fighter of England. The four countries in the world which po88es8 the smallest telegraph feailities are Peru, Paraguay, Uraguay and Persia. The first eailing ve8881 in Lake Superior was launched in 1670 by a Jesuit missionary. The first steam vessel was launched in 1818. Tbs tag•etaff upon which the firse secession tag wee hoisted in South Carolina, when that State seceded in 1860, is still standing. J. II, Mitohnier, writing in the Our. rent Knowledge, says that the Bible ie not the oldest book in the world, as the "Papyrus Prieto" was written at least prior to 2500 B. 0, Less than fifty years ago there was no postal system in this country. Previous to 1847 the mails were carried by private firms, and rates varied aaoordiug to die. twice. The marriage rate of Germany rose 10 per Dent. in the year following the Franco-Prussian War. The same phenomenon was observed after the French war wheel' ended in 1815. Virginia Dare was the first white child born in the U. S., so far as known. The site was Raleigh's Fort, where, on account of its historic aesooiatione, an effort is being made to reserve 250 antes of iend. The Gothenburg system is that under which the Government of Sweden buys and sells all liquor in use in that King- dom. The South Carolina hew, now be- ing tried, it of the some charaoler as that of Sweden. The route from England to India is strewn with treaeute,owing 10 the many shipping ditastere. An industrious stat- istioian reckoue that fully $800,000,000 worth cf gold and jewels Lice at the bet - tom of the Bea MI that frequented was. Open (lar windows. Mre. Woodbie—Condootor, ratite this window, pleme. The air in this oar is stilling. DMrs.Ilaebiu—Conductor, don't raise that window, please, I am 0 110mely sus0aptibie to draught's. Mrs, Woodbie—Conduotor, I insist on your raising this window instantly. I am not going to be poisoned with foul air for anybody. Mrs. Ilasbin—Ccuduotor, if you raise that window and I get pneumonia I shall proseoute this company. Mrs. Woodbie (gasping)—Raise the window, conductor t I• am going to Maine 1 (Condootor raiees elle window.) Mrs. Woodbie (reviving)—There i I knew all I needed was a little fresh air, Mrs. Harbin (shivering) —U• I that awful draught! Ooud•diootor, you will have to ehe.a•nge my so -at. Concluder (politely)—I 'namely think it will he necessary, Madam. The win- dow is a double ono. I've only raised 008. The Creat Cities or The World, The ninth volume of 'Die Bevolksning dee Brae', which is wholly devoted to statistics of population, contains a list of 270 allies known tohave a population of 100,000. Of these the principal are ; London Paris New York•Brooklyo Berlin Canton 4,415,068 2,712,608 2,352,160 1,703,543 1,600,000 Vienna 1,804,548 Wu-ollan Han.Yan•IIan Kan , 1,200,000 Tokio 1,156,290 Philadelphia 1,106,277 Chicago 1,090,850 Liangtan 1,009,000 Si-rgan 1,000,000 There are23 oities numbering between 500,000 and 1,000,000. li'iil I Be Like You, L'npa. Papa had Dome home and the children were glad to see him ; for he played de- lightful games with them, and told them wonderful stories. He loved this family, end though he had learned to look upon the wine when 0 was red, yet he was 0 tender father to his children. The family were in the eittiug•ronm, and six-year•old Freddie climbed oil his father's knee and asked him all sorts of questions, and talked of what he would do when he was a big man, and asked 0 he would be like papa then ; and finally, after looking long and seriously lute his father's faoe, the boy inquired : "Papa, when I grow up to be a man, will my nose be red like yours, and my face all swelled ?" The reddened fare flushed yeb redder, the tears alerted from the father's eyes, as lie drew his little boy to ills bosom, and said in tones that thrilled the heart of the wife and mother with a strange new joy : "No, Freddie, please God, you won't be like me when you get to be n men ; and neither will your father, my boy, for from this hour he will lead a sober life." A new light had dawned upon the father's mind. Lie had not thought of his little boy being like him, end that thought stirred his heart as it had not been stirred by sermon or oration, sn• treaty or exhortation. Would that other fond fathers meld have the swine question brought home to them with equal force i What intemperate father would have a child like himself ? Who among all the host that tread the dreadful road down to a drunkard's grave would wish that an innocent child ebonld be ensnared and charmed, and led down the same dark and dangerous path ? And yet w'bose example should a child follow if not his father's ? Let fathers take heed to their ways, and walk in petits where their children may safely follow them. MONEY. The Spartans had an iron coinage, no other being allowed. The English Mint was established by Atbeletane about 028. Juliae Cosner was the Rest man to put his own image on a coin. Aristotle says that "money exists not by nature, bat by law. Homer mentions brass money as in use B. C. 1184, among the Greeks. The Lydian° were the first to coin money, about' 13. 0. 1600. The most anoient coins are of electrum, font parts of gold to one of silver. Brass money was coined in Rome by Service Tullius as early as 573 B. 0. flerodotus says that Orcesus was the first sovereign to make coins of gold. In the fifth century before Christ re- fined Dopper was deemed se precious as gold. The first English gold coins were mint- ed in 1257, in the forty-second year of Henry III. Silver was first coined in Rome iu B. 0.260, when Fabius Pieter set up a mint. At tbe beginning of the Christian era the relative values of gold and silver were as 1 to 9. English ooia watt lust trade a legal tender in 1210. Before this rents had been paid in produen. Tobacco and warehouse receipts issued after it was stored were both used in Vir- ginia ae money. In the early years of this century there were thirty-three tons td silver to one of gold in circulation. The purchasing power of money in the days of the Roman Emperors was about ten times what it 18 et present. Duriogthe reign of Victoria the In. dian Governmett has coined 12,000,000 gold and 1206,000,000 of silver. In the world's mints from 1850 to 1800 there were coined 0,194 tons of gold and 81,236 tone of sliver, Paper money was lint issued by the notorious John Laty. Hie issues exceed- ed £120,000,000. The eorronoy of the Argentine Repub- lic oonsfets altogether of paper notes, ranging in value from lo up to $100. The first mention of money to the Scripture's was Abraham's purohase of a sepaloher, for 400 shekels of silver, 13. 0. 1860, Germany had hast year 1122,000,000 gold, 148,000,000 silver, 171,000,000 pa- per, a total of 12388000,000, or 15 to each inhabitant. The amount of paper money lowed by the revolutionary Government of France between 1790 and 1796 ie estimated at $0,000,000,000. The paper money issued by the first Peanut' Republic fell to lose thea 1 per Dent. A pair of boote cost 7,400 francs ; a pound of butter 750. Jeans sold his master for thirty pieces of silver ; that is, thirty Roman pennies, about 34,14 One Roman penny wa8 good day's wagee for en agricultural la- borer. A Jewish mall was equal to 2,760 ; a bekah was 27.37o ; a silver ebek01 was 54,740 ; a 111ancll was $27,87 ' a kidder, or talent of silver was 01,642.20 ; a gold shekel was $8,70 ; a gold talent, 1,20,280, Primo°, Belgium, Greece, Italy and Switzerland constitute the "Latin Union," Their coins are alike in weight and fineness, differing only in name. The eame system hes been partly adopted by Spain, Servia, Bulgaria, Russia and Roumania. According to the best estimates, Great Blitnin has at proee111 :0102,000,000 gold, 122,000,000 silver, 130,000,000 paper, a total of 1103,000,000. C..4 eneral Ne't'Pfr. Several oases of obolera Have boon dis- covered et Antwerp, BelgInm, The Bank of England has advanced its rate of discount from 8 to 1 per oent. Stockholm, has the highest death rate from drink of any city in the world, 90 in 10,000. Tho population of Italy is 270 per equate mile ; of Germany, 240 ; of Frames, 190. Alfred Butler Storey, editor of Intr. per's Young People, died recently in New York of typhoid fever. Several of the Aztec pyramids exceed 200 feet in height. They are generally composed of a mound of earth faced with. °bone. Reorder Smyth, of New York, hoe sentenced Dr. Buchanan to be electro- cuted during the week beginning Monday, Oct. 17th, India has perhaps a greater variety of plants than any other country in the world, having 15,000 native species, while the lime of the entire f]oneinent of Europe only embraces about 10,000. The telegraph and telephone lines of Switzerland are owned and operated by the government. There are 1,411 tele- graph olliuee and 12,595 telephone offices. The prophets derived from them amount to more than 3250,000 yearly. AN ENTIRELY NEW SYSTEM Of treating Rupture, adapted to all Forme, Agee aril Condi. tions let. he Hernia is held peauvoly and with comfort duldng the hardest work or severest strain, under all reasonable ciron10186an008 (even lun'eoback filing). EZazaination and Advice FREE. My last and greatest invention in hernial Appliances, is the result of meant study oontinuod through a professional career extending over a period of twenty.five years, twenty of which have been devoted exolusivsly to Rupture treatment in Toronto. This instrument responds to every motion of the body, coughing, sneezing or lifting, AND NEVER SLIP'S from its position (either up or down) as all others do, 1300' STAYS WHIRL' P050119. Knowing the true cense of Rupture and having dis- covered a plinoi to of treatment, which is found only in my appliances, instantan- eous Relief is worded, eafeby assured and n complete cure is effected with little ex- pense—No pain, labor or lose of time, without incurring the doubtful hazardous and Even 00080,9 expedient of an operation. Mothers Look to your Children Now. Be advised, or you may have cause to regret this negligence when too late to remedy, Children Cured 111 from (i to 8 Weeks. Adults in from 10 to 14 weeks according to the severity of the ease, Aso or Penson or Denim,' or RUM= making no difference with 001 treatment. Evidence that proves every case a success. This is positive, as I have CONVINC- ING TESTIIIIONY from Physicians, Parente and those belated by so-called sur- gical machinists to be hopeless, among whom may be found some of your neighbors. Do not abandon hope, because of the severity of your caro, without aoneniting tT_ Y• NIGAN, Hernia Specialist, 266 West Queen St., Toronto, Ont. SPECIAara NOTICE. RUPTURE - SPECIALIST i'HECO©K'S BEST FRIEND I.AgGEST SALE 110 CANADA. White Star Line ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. Between Now York and Liverpool, via Queenstown, every Wednesday. As the steamers of this flue carry only a etl'lctly lhnite(1 number in the 0m0T and EE0081) CABIN aeoommedatiale, intending passengers are remiutietl that an early ap- plication for bertha is necessary at this sea- son. For plans, rates, oto., apply to W. H. Kerr, Agent, Brussels. McLEO D)'S System Renovator tarn OMER— TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate. lion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur- algia, Lose of Memory, Brouohitis, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St, Vitus' Dance, ,Female Irregularities and General De. bility. LABORATORY OIOOERICH, ONT. T. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Mauufaoturer. Sold by J. T. PEPPER, Druggist, Brussels. F r rgr 1f 3chitis "I never realized the good of a medicine so mutat as 1 Imam in the lest few months, during which time I have suffered intensely from pneumonia, followed by bronchitis. After trying rations remedies without benefit, I began the use of Ayers Cherry Pectoral, and the effect has been nmrvolene a single dose relieving me of choking/,, mol scouring n good lrk's rest," —T A. 1lig o,,(,ethem, Gun. Store, Long Muuntnln, Na. La ro pe "Last Spring I was taken Clown with la grippe. At times 1 was completely proslrat. cd, and so difficult was my bre/11111v that my breath seamed es 11 cantina! in ru, iron cage I procured a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner had I began taking itthan relief followed. I. could not believe that ole effect would he so rapid."—W, 11, Williams, Cook City, S. Dnir. L1 nig Tr mobile ":Por more than twenty-five years, I was n sulterar from hong trouble, attended with coughing so severe 85 times ee to 05080 hemorrhage, the poroxysms frequently last, ing three or four hours. I wns induced to try lyer's Cherry Pectoral, and after taking four bottles, was thoroughly cued, I can con(Woolly recommend ,hianotaulu-trmtaIef'aen, Clay Centre,. l{ens, t•YEWS Cherry Pectoral i'reenrod 1 y Dr. J. C. Ayer A., Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. Price $11 110 toted., $S, Prolmtat to act, sure tri cure — —WILL BE AT THE Uuiou Rotel, CLINTON, For the week bealiliIiig Tuesday, .lig. 20, And. Ending Saturda3 9 Eepte 11110NEI TO LOIN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Thum or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 6-'i Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Divisions Court Clerk, Brussels. THOS. FLETCHER, :Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler. Thanking the public for past favore and support and wishing still to secure your patronage, we are opening cub full Linea in GOLD AND SiLVER WATCHES. Silver Piated Ware from Eetabliehed and Reliable Makers felly warranted by no. Clocks ofthe Latest Designs JEWELRY I Weanose R1805, Labrne Gear Ream, BoL000nEm, Ilnnn1Nes, 0. t 'A1ao a Pull Line of V/OLIIIS and Violin Strings, em., in stook. N. Tt.—Tssu1'or of Marriage IICCIIeCe. T. Fletcher, - Brussels. Confederation Life Association.. Rend Office : TORONTO_ Capitaland Assets, $5,000,000 New Insurauco, 1892, $5,670,000 Insurance at Risk, $,22,565,000 Policies Non -Forfeitable and In- disputable after two years. Gains for 1892 over 1891 in In- surance, Written, $755,000, Or over 25 per cent. Insurance at Risk, $1,978,000 01 Needy 10 per cent. Assurance Income, $.18,678 In Assets, $439,878 KERRR, AGENT, BRUSSELS. erree ' 1�.° s.. , ;mowe tee „Ii 0 A Pre `pparati9n of Herb5a Ro9t ss the Mellita) Properties ofwhich are universall known. dS,ttvr fiis 511050 v319A81f lee MEbe ro, PVRIrYiNG THE BLOOD' --�C05fiveness,intiigeotlan,Dyspepsla,59urS ouae�9 l5ma56 HEADADIE AHD DIZ st.S. Sot» 1110 J'. T. PEPPER, b1110018r, Bltalssnns.