The Brussels Post, 1893-8-25, Page 44
New Advertisements,
Local J. Y. Egan,
L• coal D, Deniercl
Excursions—G, T. R.
Locale --Dr, J. O, Ayer
Say l Boys—A. Straohan.
Looal—W H. MoOraoken.
Apology—Alexander Nichol.
Bicycle for Sale—A. Ooesley,
Locals—Parker's Dye Works.
Wore here to Stay --H, E. Maddock di
ret est,
FRIDAY, .1 r?G.17, 1893.
Tea Royal Templars are holding a ten -
days' meeting at Center Island Park, To.
ronto. The Royal Templars are the
most militant of the temperauoe oehorts,
apart from the Women's Christian Tem-
perance Union, This ten•daya' meetiug
will be an appetizer for the prohibition
plebiscite in January.
Tun great Pease Cougrees at Chicago
has wired Queen Victoria and to Presi-
dent Cleveland, congratulating each on
the Behring Sea business being settled by
arbitration instead of war. What is
needed now le the anion of the Englieh-
epca.king peoples of the world. This
continent will not bo found cuready, after
a little more discussion.
Tee postal card system in France is
about to be improved by the introduction
of a new invention. The cards will be is-
sued in the form of a check book with
stubs. The sender of the card can make
memoranda of its contents on the stub,
and can have this stamped at the post-
offioe before it is detached, so that a veri-
fied record of the correspondence can be
Fnorf the report of the loan and mort-
gage companies doing business in the Do-
minion it appears that the amount loan-
ed during the year was $3,744,802 greater
than in 1891 ; that the amount of princi-
pal and interest overdue and in default
on mortgages shows an iaoreaee of 8380,-
380;953, the total aggregating $2,519,452, and
that compulsory proceedings were taken
last year upon mortgages aggregating
A Urlrox Paonmlrroa CoxvzNTroa of all
the Temperance workers in the Province
of Ontario is called to meet in the Tem.
perance Hall, Temperance street, Toren•
to, on Tuesday, Cot. Sad, commencing at
10 a. m. Every ohuroh and society is
entitled to two representatives and each
church or society having more, than 50
members to an additional delegate for
eaob 50 or fractional part after the first
full 50 members. Single fare tickets will
be issued to all delegates. A first-class
ticket must be bought at starting point
and a certificate obtained from Agent
which will entitle persona to return
home free.
Teta Inland Revenue Department, hay
rug last fall Bemired convictions against
manufacturers of threshing machines for
sending out with the machines measures
which were uninspooted and stamped, it
may be expected that weights and
measures officers will now be keeping te
sharp lookout for the measures need by
the grain threshers. It will be remem•
bared that iu the test casae made by the
Department, the courts held that what
the manufacturers called boxes were
measures within the Weights and
Measures Aot, and that the grain thresh.
era were "traders" and therefore' subjeot
to the provisions of the not.
Tae French elections prove thab if
the French people are not altogether
satisfied with Republican governments
which their representatives change
pretty ()Pen, they are satisfied that there
is nothing else in sight that they would
like better than the Republic. The
Monarchists nave been wiped almost of.
together out of existence, and the Int.
perialiete have virtually disappeared.
The verdict of the people is in favor of a
protongrtion for abother four years of
the present Republican Opportunist aye.
tem of moderate administrations of ever-
changing personnel, It seems probable
that Carnot will be re•eleoted Preeident
by the newly.olooted Chamber, which in
the National Assetnbly will predominate
over the Senate.
Tne Dominion Government suggests
that the Imperial Government send out
a commission of veterinary surgeons to
Canada to examine Canadian cattle in
this 00051)y in order to determine
whether contagious pleuro -pneumonia
exists anyvhere in the Dominos. It
would pay the cattle dealersandabippere,
ehip•owners and farmers, to raise a fund
with which to pay the expense of the
British commission, and if the lin,
penial Government still refuses to send
one, the Dominion Government might
itself appoint a commission composed of
the British veterinary surgeons to hi-
vestigato and report. Their report
Weald not be as effective as if they were
appointed by the British Goverment,
but it would have a great effect for all
that, and world etreogthen the hands of
the Scottieb representatives in Parlia•
meet who are fighting for the admission
of Canadian cattle.
1L' el f; rays.
EAST WAwtgoen Oouw016,—T31s Coun•
oil met 01 Aug, 10111, pursuant to ad.
jourumeet • members all present.
Minutes of last meeting read and eon.
firmed, Communication received from
county clerk, stating that the amoun
required this year from the township fo
general county purposes and Legielativ
school equivalent was $2570.85. Filed
It was oleo resolved that a further eu
of $1800 in addition to county rate be
levied this year for township improve-
ments, salaries and contingencies, and
special aobool rate, in all 84870.85. A
rate of .97 tenth mills per dollar was
streak to raise this amount, and by•taw
No. 0, 1893, ooefirming the same, along
with the amounts required from the
trustees of the various school eeotione
tnroughout the township, read and pee.
sed. Application of Jobn Taylor and
Finlay Anderson, Belgrave, also Chas,
Campbell, Marnooh, for the offoe of col•
lector of taxes for the onrrent year, re•
oeived, when it was resolved that John
Taylor (being the Drat applicant) be ap-
pointed collector at a salary of 800, and
that he furnish good and suifioient
aecnrity for the fulfilment of the same,
Bylaw No. 7, 1803, ratifying this ap-
pointment, react and passed.
Curr.—Yet another of the pioneers of
this district has passed away in the
person of James Wilson, of East- Wawa.
nosh, who expired on Thursday after.
noon, 15th inst. Deceased was _titillated
with e. tumor in the region of the
stomach, which first troubled him over a
year ago. For some weeks past, more
partioufarly towards the end, he suffered
untold agony, and lead it not been for his
strong constitution 11e would have been
called away much sooner. Throughout
all his sufferings 11e never complained,
being borne up in the )lope of experienc-
ing brighter and better things in the
great hereafter. He was a leading mem-
ber of the Congregational ohuroh and a
Reformer in polities. Almost thirty•two
years ago Mr. Wilson Dame into the
township in which he hos ever since
resided from the neighborhood of Whitby,
where he had located on his arrival from
Scotland a few years previoneiy. The
land he took up was solid bush, as was
all the country around, save where a
settler had arrived before him. The
very large funeral was an excellent
criterion of the respect in which he was
held by those who knew him best. He
leaves a widow, six sons and two daugh-
ters, grown up, and all well provided for
in this world's goods. The two daugh-
ters and two youngest sons, Andrew and
George, reside at the old homestead ;
Gavin and Win, have farms of their own
in the near vicinity ; John is a V. S. in
Wingham, and James, also a V. S., has
held a responsible governmental position
at Omaha, Neb.,until the new govern•
ment and all its changes name into force.
Harding Stevens, of St. Marys, receiv-
ed a telegram last week from 3, 80.
Sanders, msrohant, Merida, informing
him that he had been left a fortune by a
deceased nepbew, consisting of an orange
grove and other property.
t Stratford 13erald :—Col. Knight, of the
r 2811 Batt„ etas been given to nnderetand
a that all the battalions in Military Dis.
triet No. 1 will go into camp next year.
ns It is underetoud that the companies are
to be kept down to about twenty man
along with the officers and non.00mtnis•
sioned officers.
Under the anaphors of the London and
St. Mary's cavils of the Salvation Army,
harvest home thanksgiving eervioes will
be held at Thorodale on the 201th, 27t11
and 28th lasts. There will be a public
meeting Saturday night, followed by
special servioes on Sunday, On Monday
a bnrvest home entertainment will be
held in Me. Garner's orchard, where a
fowl supper will be served. The London
S. A. brass band will be on the grounds,
and addressee will be given by a number
of the chief officials of the district,
The Ontario Gazette contains notice of
the cancellation of the registry of the
Dominion Provident Benevolent and En•
dowmentAssociation, of Stratford. This
oompany has been fu existence four or
live years but in view of the action of the
Ontario Government in refusing registra•
tion the oompany will now be wound up.
The insurance inspector claimed that the
oompany hail not sufficient funds in
sight to meet sudden heavy demands,
though those interested in the eouoern
claim that it was financially strong. The
oompany did a life insurance of a peculiar
sort. Policy holders had to live to win,
only a certain sum for funeral expenses
being paid out at death. Policy holders
in the company will receive about 800 on
the dollar,
Huron County.
S. Stahl, late proprietor of the Hensall
Observer, is now on the Mitohell Advo•
sate staff.
J. B. Weir and John Avery leave Olin•
ton this week with a oar load of choice
horses for Manitoba.
A gentleman in Clinton, it is said,
recently returned from a visit to the
United States. He interviewed his dead
father and other departed members and
chatted with them, through the aid of a
The Clinton New Era says 1—An
amusing, yet annoying, circumstance oc-
curred in town the other day. A certain
married man, who was keeping bash,
was engaged in preparing his dinner,
and put a lot of shavings in the stove to
hasten the fire. A (neighbor's wife who
noticed the large amount of smoke
coming out of the ahimoey, concluded
that it was on fire, and, with pardonable
zeal, she parried over n small ladder and
pail of water, and going np to the top of
the chimney she poured the water down.
In aseoond the man below was smother-
ed with a cloud of ashes, and he felt
alightly annoyed at the lady who thought
she was performing a good act.
Perth County.
John Whyte sr., of Mitohell, has begun
a suit to recover a subscription paid to
the Reoorder years ago.
The G. T, R. employees and their
friends at Stratford will go to Wiarton
on Sathrday, Ang. 28th.
L. J. Cornwall, of Ingersoll, has left to
accept the position of mathematical mas-
ter of Stratford Collegiate Institute,
Joseph Beavers and Stephen Knight
are indulging in a lively contest for the
vacant seat at the St. Mary's School
The Seaforth and St. Marys lacroeae
teams played oil at Stratford last week
for the championship of the Western
Junior District, Seaforth winning by 4
goals to 2.
We never remember seeing the river as
low as it ie at present. The mill pond
has been dry for weeks and the bed of
the river is almost . empty, resulting in
the death of thousands of fish,-Vlitoheli
The estate of W. Watson, of Mitchell,
has panned out very poorly, The Iiabili•
ties were $2,390, and the dividend de.
oared 511. cents on the dollar. Receipts
amounted to 8208.52; expense of winding
up the estate, $123,
The annual fall rano meeting of the
Mitchell Sporting Assooiation will be
held on Friday, Sept. 1st. The program
will comprise a free•far-all trot or pace,
purse $200 ; 2.50 de., purse $1.50 ; 2.29
do., purse 81.60 ; open run, half mile
heats, beet 2 in 3, catch eights, purse
$100. Entries close Aug. 28th. Horse
eligible July 4th, 1898.
The will of the lata Mre. Knelt], of
Stratford, mattes the following public be-
quests :—To the hospital, 81,1.00 ; to-
wards the erection of e. house of refuge,
$1,000, conditional to the building being
erected within a certain time ; to the St.
Vincent tie Paul Society of St. Joseph's
church, 8200, and to the oemetery Qom•
mittee of the ohurah, 8200. In case ad-
vantage le not taken of the gift towarde
the erection of a house of refuge, the
amount is to go to the hospital.
At a union pie•nic of the Royal Good
Templars held in Qneea's Park, Stmt.
ford, last Friday, Thos. F, Mar,lotta, One
of the participants, was engaged in a
game of football, when he ceased playing
and lying down on the ground asked for
a substitute as he Was not able to eon.
Snub, Shortly after he rose to walk
away from the field but had proceeded
only half a dozen stops when he felt dead,
Heart failure is assigned as the cause,
Deceased was 28 years of age and leaves
a wife and ohitd.
General .NQ.
The New York police broke np a meet-
ing of anarchists Tuesday.
The steamer Ems brought to New
York 82,000,000 gold Tuesday.
The grain crop of the state of Washing.
ton is placed at 2,000,000 bushels.
The ruins of a house buiit entirely of
shells have been fonnd in Arizona.
The two Detroit evening papers have
been reduced from eight to four pages.
Dr. Carl Peters, the African explorer
has arrived in New York. He does not
believe Emin Pastia is dead.
Hereafter all men employed by the Cel.
umet and Hecla Mining Company, bilob„
must be able to speak English.
The coal strike in Wales is assuming a
grave aspect, as the strikers aro forcibly
preventing other miners from working.
A farmer at St. Louie, Mich., who bad
no faith in banks, drew out his 8800. He
was paid in silver and parried it away in
a grain eaok.
Forest fires are doing great damage in
Alpena county, Mich., and the people of
Alpena have had to fight to keep the
flames from reaching that oily.
The big diamond exhibited by the
Tiffany's of New York at the World's
Fair is said to have been bought by Mrs,
Yerkee, of Cbioago,for 8100,000.
The United States army is being filled
up at a rapid rate by men out of employ
went, and there are now only about 150
men less than the limit of 25,000.
More than 40,000,000 young trees, it is
officially reported, have been planted in
Switzerland in the last seven years in
the effort to "reforest" that country.
Aur, 25, 1893
Il'Us uhderelgcod will Soap for sarrlee this
nresout 550sou the Improved large white
l'arhehire pig ' lieadv' an lot 50, 000, 0,
8torris, to which a limped muneer of Howe
will bo falcon. farms $1.00 to be gMd at
time of service, with the privilege of return.
Mg if necessary, Pedigree may he seen up•
oa applieution, B011P13T MOROL,
151f Proprietor,
1, Alexander Nichol, of the Township of
luorris,in the County of Huron, farmer,
hereby publicity apologize to Doctor Me.
Itelvey, of Breoesls, for any statemenbstltat
I have made with reference to his treat.
mane Of my late dooeased ecu, Thomas, I
hod uo reason to say or think that the
Doctor's treatment of my eon was otherwise
than proper and skilful. Ivey sole manse for
having made the statements and used the
verde 1 did is theta spolro aerometer and in-
considerately. I now desire to remedy as
far as passible ibe wrong I have done the
Doctor by my defamatory statoment8 and
so make this apology and direct that it bo
published in 'Tun 1 30355ELe POET for four
sueoes5tye issues.
Dated at Brussels this 10th liar of Aagast,
1800, A7 TnXAN111r11 NI01001,
0-4 Witness, ti, p', BLAI1t, Solicitor.
Notice to Creditors.
IN 0110 D[ATTa10 Or JAa1Re Inwxn, or Buns.
sons, nt Tan Cowry or %IUIlON,
GoNosAL MnuonANT,
The said James Irwle bits made as assign-
ment of all bis estate to Jo1u McClung surd
George H, May se Trustees for the general
benefit of Creditors, A meeting of the
said Creditors will be held at the office of
the said Tiustees, No, 50,33'ront Street East,
Toronto, on Tuesday,leth day of August,
1808, ab the hour of three o'clock, p. m„ for
111e appointment of inspectors and the or-
dering of the affairs of the estate enorally,
Ore ditore aro requested to file the r claims
with the Trustees duly verified by affidavit
with the vouchers upon which they aro
based on or 1efore the said dabs, The
Trustees will after the 10111 day of Noptem-
bar,18118,prooeectto distribute the proaeode
of the said estate nmonget those entitled
thereto having reference only to claims of
wli0h they may then have notice.
Dated at Toronto this 511,1 day of August,
3808, It000LDNG d• MAY,
00 Front et, East, Toronto, Trustees.
solicitors for Trustees,
Pursuant to Sea. 80 of Chapter 110 of the
Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1887, notice is
hereby given that all creditors and others
having claims against the estate of Alexan-
der Cameron, late of the township of Morris
iu the County of Huron, Yoeman, who died
on the 15th day of July A, D. 1888, are, on or
before the 2nd day of September A. D. 1808.
to send by poet, prepaid, to W. M. Sinclair,
Brussels, Solioitor for Sarah Cameron,the
Executrix, of the said deceased, their hria.
thin names and surnames, addressee and
descriptions, the lull particulars of their
claims, a Statement of their accounts and
the nature of the securities (if any) held by
them, and that atter the day last aforesaid
the said executrix will proceed to distribute
the assets of the said deceased among the
parties entitled thereto, having regard only
to such Claims of which 001000 shall have
been given as above required, and the said
executrix will not be liable for the said as-
sets or any part thereof, to any person or
persons of whose claim or Claims notice
shall not have been received by them at the
time of distribution.
Dated at Brussels this 8th day of August
A.D. 1898.
Solicitor for 18xeoutrix,
The i:.T.00
RSFr cni��rrr�Nv
Don'i you want a Nice, Good Sty-
lish suit of Clothes ? We can give you one Cheap
either Readymade or got up in the latest style
by your own choice of Tailor.
no you want a Pais, of Boots,
A Hat or Necktie P We Cali Fit
you out from head to foot, Please you veil and give
you extra value fbr your motley,
Don't buy till you see what we
Can do for you.
rm�aaz �suru-vacsrmuc-mvcxnage•.-anecrximsz,+ssv-�.-�,�raa --zmmts+zw.�aa..e.
Not simply lido bare walls. As discordant strains of music are to
the ear, so is the eye tortured by out -of -harmony paper on the walls.
If you look to cheapness alone you might as well cover your
plaster with penny -a -dozen newspapers. But if you appreciate real
beauty you should consider many things in purchasing papers—the
location, light and woodwork of the room, etc.
Our stock includes something especially adapted to every room
—more colors and patterns than any other wall paper store in
the toan. Our Good Papers cost you no more than the poor ones
others sell.
Call and see our thousand -anti -one stylus. Persons thoroughly
versed in Wall Paper will wait upon you and aid you in making
We hang paper in a first-class manner and are prepared to ex-
ecute the best kind of decorations.
WINDOW BLINDS.—I have an elegant stock of Window
Blinds, well assorted, that will only need to bo seen to be appreci-
ated. They may be had either trimmed or plain by the yard.
House, Sign, Carriage and Ornamental Painter.
MODERN MEROIIANDIS1NG has almost become a new trade -mark for ns.
This store is molt looked upon as the business barometer of the community.
It is constantly doing something that raieos the average quality of methods. When
we commenced selling Dry Goods five years ago we fixed a policy. Is leas—reliable
goods, a perfect understanding with each customer and lowest notch prime. We've
hammered away at those three things and we're not through yet. We'll keep it up
if it takes a jubilee. Most of you have found oat this store and its methods of
shopping experience. Your position and ours is a mutual ore—each of us works
for the other. And we've gone hand in hand to-gether so long and have always been
in suoh perfeot harmony that we seem to understand molt other thoroughly. Our
customers know that book of our goods is responsibility, and bank of responsibility
is ambition. These two do the business of trade building. And the prices ; you'll
always Miss one thing here, and that is high and fancy prices. But if styles and
low pricer out auy figure, the Silk, Black Dress Goods, Colored Dress Goode and
Fanoy Goods Trade of Brussels belongs largely to us. Fairly alive with attraolions
of the most interesting character is 111e entire stook.
Reaching out for More Business
We Continue our
Challenge List in Dress Goods
15 Pieces Fine All Wool French Serge, 40 inches wide and
sold no where less than 35ti.
Challenge Price 250. Yard.
10 Pieces All Wool Henrietta, 46 inches wide, the regular
50c, Line.
Challenge 86c. Yard.
10 Pieces Newest American Cotton Challies, guaranteed
Fast Colors, usuallly sold at 12ic.
Out Challenge Price, 62c. Yard.
400 Yards Fine Flannelette worth 7c,
Challenge 5c.. Yard.
Please Pay Attention. to this Challenge List,
Cut this out and bring to Store and see that everything
is just as represented.
25 doz. Ladies' Pure Silk Handkerchiefs generally sold
at 25c. •
Challenge Price 12 c. each.
15 doz, extra Fine Ladies' Silk Handkerchiefs worth 30c.
Challenge Price I5c.
White Cambric Bundler-
Challenge, 5c. each,
15 Pieces Fast Color Check Ginghalns always 8e. yd.
Challenge, 17 Yds. for $100.
25 doz. Gentlemens' very large
chiefs worth 10c.
the cheapest
FERGUSON & HAI,LIDAY. tek n°&se:a,b.