The Brussels Post, 1893-8-25, Page 2SIS INTIAN 3RID ,
A R )MANUE .1.1 l'/ LANADI1NN Nt'1tTll-WE4T
CHAPTER 1, (rirgo 1 His teeth elinehod on hie Ogee, its
T[Y6 010000 III0T-101:. face 611111ed willto, tyle paper fell from hie that, Lewapk0 he know they were ahxl0100
le appeared that Armour had. made the fingers. He gimped, his hands spread out that he should marry "aoeeptabiy," lie had
great inanlr0 of 1110 life, When people nervously, then caught 1110 table and marled into the 01181oernuy, the o1,1 ob
' eaane to know, they said that to have done it as though to steady hlmeelf. nrnstoernuy, of America ; and because he
it when sober had shown him pos0eesed of a The trader rose. " You et'0 ill," he said, also know they wished. him to marry wealth,
kind of meliolousnees and eynici0nh 0110081 "Have you had =we?" He glanced towards ho neat them a wife rich in virtues -native,
pardonable, but to do it when tipey proved the pipe, unspoiled virtues. He hoped that they
11iu1 marely weak and foolish, But the fact Slowly Armour folded the paper alb and heoul,lHe knewtake her theirtheir !firms niinci )los of
is, he WAS less tipsy nt the time then then rose unatearlily. " Gordon," ire said, P p
woe imegine(1; aid he could have an• " give me a glans of brandy," Ile turned honor, and that he could trash theta to bo
ewered to more null=and meted= t towards the cupboard in the room. The kind to nue wife until he retuned to share
than was er0,1)164 to him. To those who trader opened it, took out a bottle, and put the affection which he 140.9 00140 would b0
know the world it is net singular, that of it on the table bes)de Armour, together giver to 11er. It we' nob his intootion to
the two, Armour was thought to have made with a glass and some •Nater, Arlvonr pour. return to England for soap time
the mistake and lend the Misfortune, or that ed out a stiff draught, added a very little yet. He had work to do in connection
people wasted their pity and their einemwater, and drank it. Ho drew a great sigh, with hia proposed colony? ; and a wife -
upon !lint alone. Appparout(y the!•,11,1 not and stood looking at the paper, even n cativo wife -could not wet.
see that the woman was to be pitted, He is there anything I can do for you, Air, b0 it compauioin in the 01r000801a0000,
had married her ; and she was only an In• Armour's" nrgod to trader.Ilasides Lnli-his wife's mumu We.
Man girl front Fort Charles of the Hudson's " Nothing, thank you,nething at all, Just Leif -would be better (templed in learning
Bay (".o opauy, with a little honest white leave thebratdyhere, will you? 1feel knock. the leenliarit(oe of the life in which her
blood in her veins. Nobody, not even her ed about, I have to go through the rest of fatttrc would be oast. It was possible they
own people, fele that site had nuythuhg at deo totters." would tinct her an apt pupil. Of this they
onuld not complain, that she was 1108101.
stake, or was in danger of mihappmeso, or He ran hie fingers through the pile, tura
was other than apemen who had ludicrously Ing over hastily, as if scarce/11g for some. od ; for she had ridden n horse, barebaok,
come to Lear the name of Mrs. Francis Atha,thing. The trader understood.. He was n half Heroes 0>e continent, They could nl C
our. If :any one lint said in justification cool-headed nS'ooteman ; he knew that til' re cavil at 1101' education for elle knew several
thatsihe loved the may the answer would were some thicgs best not inquire.! otgtlageo-lldlmerely toinal llearn ti° dialed
have been that plenty ot Intltnn women 110,1 into, and that Den must have their b.. l
loved white men, but had not married them, hours alone, He glanced nt the b1'a0rly de. of English 500)013', and how to (terry with
and yetthe population of half-breeds wont batingly, but presently, turned and acceptable form the costumes of the ince to
on increasing, left the room to silence:. In his own which she was gniog. Her own ooetnme
Fran:lt Armour had been apopnlar man in mind,however, he wished he might was picturesque, but itlough tappear tmn§n-
Louden. His club plight be found in the have taken the brandy without being al in London society. Stili, they ronld use
vicin:ry of fall Mall, his father's name was discourteous. Armour had discovered Miss 811011 own judgment about that
high met honored in the Army List, one of Sherwood'. letter. Before he opened it ho Thou, when she was gone boyeul emit,
his brothers had served with Wolseley in took a little more brandy, Then ilo sat he chanced ono day to pat on the coat he
Africa, and himself, having no profesoioo, down and read it deiibere,ely, The liquor wore when the letters 0114 paper declaring
but with a taste for business and investment had steadied him. The fingers of one hand his misfortune came to him, kis Found his
had gore to Canada with some such inten- even drummed on the table. But the face brothels tetra' : he opened it and read it.
tion as Lord Selkirk's in the early part of was drawn, the ON ea were hard, and the It was the iettor of a man who know how
the century. He owned large shares look of him was altogether pinched. After to appreciate at their proper value the mix•
ha the Hadeon'e Bay Company, and he lied fittlshed this, he looked for others fortunes, as the fortunes, of life. While
when he travelled through the North. from the same !Sane. He found none. Frank Armour read ho came to Feel for
'West cot:retry, prospeotiug, he 0100 received Then he picked ,cit those from his mother the first time that his brother Richard had
most hoepi10hly. Of an inquiring and gre. and father. He heat them grittily. Once suffered, mayie, from some such nilsery as
garioua sura of mind, he went as much he paused as he 101.0 his mother's letter, 110'1 to 001110 to him through Julie Sherwood.
roller -
moms( the Ialf•breeds-or mods, as they and took a great gulp of plain brandy, ed It 0 dispassionate, manly letter, r0ldev
are called -and Indians as among the There was somethiu_ very like 0 sneer or by g and hinting with careful
oIB ot'o of the Hudson's Bay Company and his face when he feniohed it. He mad the kirduea0 that a sudden blow was better for
the whine settlers, He had over been crud• hollewnesa ot the sympathy extended to a luta than a llfe•loug thorn in his aide. OF
iced with having a philosophical turn ; and hitt!; he undcratood tie far from adroit Julia Sherwood he lad nothing particularly
this was accompanied by a certain strain of references to lady Agnes efartlin", He bitter tosay. Hedelieotelysuggested thntshe
impu1$1001es8 or daring. He had been ao. 0100 very bitter. He read no more letters, acted according to her nature, and that in
0(1000lzte1.1 all Ins life to make up his mind but took up the eforoing Poet again, and the seesaw of We Frank had hada sore
quickly, and, because he was well enough read it slowly through. Tho look of his blow ;bat this was to ho barns. The latter
off to hear the cansegnences of momentary face wa0 not pleasant, There was a shall diet not say too much ; it dol not magnify 8)10
rashness in oonmercial investments, he was looking•ejtss opposite him. He caught difficulty, it Ofd not depreciate it. It dd4 not
not counted among the transgressors. He sight of himself in it. He drew his hand 0000 directly cnnusal; it was wholesomely,
had (lis own fortune; he was not drawing 0cress his eyes and forehead, as though he tenderly judicial. Indirectly it dwelt upon
upon a ,•,:mm0» puree. It was a different was 111 a !Miserable dream. He looked the steadiness and manliness of Frank's
matter when he trafficked rashly in the aga1n ; he could not reeogniz0 himself, character ; directly,-]ight'y, and witLout
fatt:ddy carte, se faras to merry the daughter He then bundled the Letters and paper's rhetoric:, itenlarge3 upon tleirow u comrade -
of k}a."f•1he•Sionn, the Iudiun chief.into his despatch box. His attention was ship. It ran over pleasantly the days of tied'
He was laterality happy when he went to draw» to one letter. He picked it up. I1 boyhood when they were hardly ever mew -
the Hudson's Bay country ; for Miss Julia 1 was from Richard. He started to break ated. It made distinct, yet with no
Sherwood was his premised wife, and she, the weal, but paused. The strain of the obvious purpose, how good were friendship
if poor, v •s nut0)1y beautiful and of good I event was too n,u0h. He winced, He de. and confidence --whish might bo the most
faptily. HIS people had not looked quite termined not to read it then ; to wait until unselfish thing in the world -between two
kindly en this engagement ; they had, hi. be load recovered himself. Ho laughed now neon. \\'ith the letter before him Frank
deed, tried in Horny ways to prevent it ; , painfully. It had been better for him -it Armour 00010' ifs act in a 1i0n- light.
partly because of Miss Sherwood's poverty, had, maybe, averted what people were used As we said, it is possible if he had read it
and also because they knew that Lady to terns his he real his on (he 4ay whoa ifs trouble came to him,
Agnes Martling had Tung cared for hint and brother's letter at that moment. For Rich• he had not married La11, nor sant her to
s meet happily calmed with and Armour was a sensible man, notw'ith. England 00 tide -to her mi0•
and goo.' looks tooalso. When lie lett for standing his peculiarities ; and perhaps the mon of revenge. It is possible, also, that
Cauaie they were Inwardly glad (they ima- most sensible words he ever wrote were in ; there cane to him the fleet vague conception
gfne::.het annet11ing might nceur to endthat letter thrust unceremoniously into of the %vroug he had done this Indian girl,
the enuago1n ut),-all except Railerd, the prank Armour's pocket. who nhdoubtediy married him because she
wiseacre 11 the family, the book man, the Armour hadreceived a terrible blow. He cared for him after her heathen fashion,
drone, who preferred living at Greyhope, read his life backward. He had no future. while he had married her for nothing that
their Hertfordshire home, the year through The liquor ho bad druuk had not fevered was commendable ; not even for passion,
to spending half the time in Cavendish him, it had not wildly excited )tiro; it mere. which may bo parclo1,ed, nor for vanity,
Square. Richard was very fond of Frank, ly drew him up to a point where he could which has dna virtues. $e totalled hia hour
' ' with circumstance ; circumstance would
have its hour with hint in due time. Yet
there was no extraordinary revulsion. 13e
We§ stili angry, cynical, and very sore. He
would see the play out with a Consistent
firmness. He almost managed a smile
when a letter was handed to him some weeks
later, bearing his imitator's assurance that
Mrs. Frank Armour and her maid had been
safely bestowed on the Aphrodite for Eng-
land. This was the first act in his tragte
(00 BE Oo N TI10ED. )
Victory of a Groeneen Ship.
The great einem race from San Francisco
to Queenabon-a distance of 13,000 miles-
bebween five large British ships has been
decided, and has been won by the four•
masted barque Penmote, of '2353 tons, Ca_p•
tain Maxwell, belonging to Mr. J, D.
Clink, of Greenock, which vessel was towed
into (?neelaton Harbour on Monday night
at nine o'clock. The I'enmoro left San
Francisco on the 24th March last, thus malt-
ing the passage in 11.1 days. She sailed
with the Lowden, of Liverpool; the Loohee,
of Dundee; the Lord Templemore, of Bel.
fast; and the City of Athens, of Glasgow -
the captains of the competing vessels stek.
ing fe50 each, making a sum of £250 for the
winter, the second vessel saving her Make,
Thus Captain Maxwell, of the Penmen!,
wins 1_`00. The passage, although a good
one, is not exceptional, as the voyage has
been frequently aeaonhpliohed by other
vessels under 100 days, There was a fresh
breeze prevailing all clay from the not'th•
;vest, reith ale ,1 sve0ther, but there was no
sign of any of the other competing ships all
the coast up to .'tlonday night, Captain
Maxwell states that he had an excellent
ran of 40 clays frotn San Fraeiooeo to Cape
Horn, and 34 clays from there to the Equa•
tot; lint had a protracted passage from the
Equator to (4lueenston, having experienced
light winds and mem%, He further reports
having seen some doe in the South Atlantic,
but was not in close proximity to it and it
loo 1101 0107 impeded his progrees. After the
firot day out he lost sight of the other cam•
petiug emote, and did not the then after•
17o1'0T 25, j,,qO$
Presently he eat down and mote to his )' �' S r)S !1 NO
and mother, turd asked thein to meet } ��� ��1' #' 1([ ��ii0o1i
tourney (Anti It .:"3J. To !•ring alma, 7`bts STARVATION A tt+TOtt� A TTiI 1!t('rllnLte
is the only meitrnn in the Aote of the 1]j11111 f19i 11 t1.1VL MURDER
his wife and her maid when they arrived by contribution eo often referred to in the
the mtamei Aphrodite. He did not explain International Setae Au net 20• epistles, Tail had taken among rho (;t•u• "
to thong in preadee detail his Feelings on g the Christiana a collection for the prom
A F)lseon3ln Partner amid by foo
Slips Julia Sherwood's )marriage, nor did he digalples in Judea, and one of Ile errands to OrOpe,
go into full parttouters es to the per0onality ,Iaruealom had poen to p16060t 1t to the tlrlruers filo Were uru11'und1y-/'alt Thele
of Afrs, FrrutJt At•muur; but be did stay ohueoh. Anc) offerings. the sacrifices to 1+leres With no n.xe,
per the brat time foal stench' in olnnins which he ollorod in rho tem lett full'Inlet
before a Run= tribunal, aoou0od by his of n Atazarlte's Vow, 3 P I tt An Auden, ' fa„ eruinlnags ; •\\' mlloa
own people, The trial is held in the Nmulmuolher, a farmer living nine milia
alcor hall at Caooren, and Num the bcnoh 15, JO. Certain Jews from Asia, Thos- t atlimeet of ti oho , murdered his wife and
sits as judge the careless, tutlnat, nod gull• were Jews from proconsular' Asda, the die- three children about ten o'olo0nt Tuesday
seal Felix, a slave lifted to a throne. Pam's trot around Ephesus, wdm had oneeeetee. night, and then made an unsucceaofel at -
accusers are hoard, Lett their charges are cal 1'aul in the sync oguoo of that city, tempt to take his own life. Tho deed was
scattered to the wild by hie manly dignified 1''onnd me purified, Not incitinga tumult, not discovered until yesterday, afle'neon at
defense, He emote, what no witnesses can nor violating the law, but fulfilling rho fire o'etcak, and the (lows reached hero this
dioproyo, his orderly, law-abiding conduct, ceremonial 0 )survencesof purification, Who morning, At the ifgltest Nonmacher made
yet boldly owns himself to be n disciple of ought, The sentence in the original ie a full cont nslnn. Ire sold crepe were poor
thet1 rse ureotionnough fro01 lhelom he dea 1 The Jogai) "They foetid me purifieken In 0001 a d i the temr as to po not wifa's parents werend he wen re in lii(ebee, ing vltetottley
sees plainly that tho prisoner is innocent, these who make the charge, but oortain had conic all the way from Germany, anti
but, with (Mahe to win putnilerity from Jews from Aain, who ought to have heen wanted money, and be had none to send.
the Jews, remands 11101 to prison until other here in portion, oto. Here before then. It He had Intended to kill his family Frirley
witnesses can be summoned. here the wen the R1M00,as itis the modern, usage for night, and he changed 1110 mind and fixed
groat apostle languishes for two years, the 00ansed and the excusers to bo brolgllt on .l'ueaday night. Afler tho family was
cheered by tho companionship of tried Moe to fano ; but those Asiatio .Tows, who aoleop he went out and got on axe and re -
friends and by the visitors front the Cesar• were l'aul's real accusers, had not shown thrust to the deed. He said he !tilled his
eau ohnroh, On0 scone of that time stands themselves in his trial, (7) Observe !tow wife brat by three swinging blows on the loft
pietwred by Luko's pan, It is that 1u which in the hour of need Christ mattes his fol. temple. He hien went to the next room
Pant the prisoner stands in one of the lower more than a match for his adver• and trilled Joseph, six years old, and Willie,
chambers of the palace to give an teoemunt curies. four yolrs old. He streak both boys an the
of the Compel to Felix and his gaiety one, '-)0, 21. Let those same hero. Tho repro. head twice. Returning to the room where
',anion, Drusilha, He does 110t rebuke ; he sontativ0.: of the moulted, who were present, his wife lay be picked up his year-old baby,
'camels, setting before his hearers, not their not the Aided() Jews. Any evil-dniug, held her 111 ono arm and strn°k her on. the
0011000, hot tho et014014 of God's haw, by Paul calla upon them to testify, not to hear- lop of the head, Ho then went to the barn,
which they might as in a glues behold any reports, but to their own knowledge, climbed up the roof end jumped twenty feet
themsolvet,guilty. To an ungodly man he and refers to the only time whoa he had inlet to the floor of the pigsty, xuotai4$ig iujur-
discoursed of righteenenesa ; to apair steal• these men, in the monied! a few days before, les to the spine and paralyzing his lower ox -
lowed up in lust he showed 601E-0nntrol ; to except it be. The only enlarge that could trorities• Two neighbor's little children
worldlings be presooted the jndgmene 'to be sustained wa0, that before the cohooil be went over and saw the boys on the bea`--U
come, until the ruler grew pale under Ids had avowed Ids belief in the rc911rreotdon of bloody alai ran Lone and told their fathor, .
prisoner's eye, and bade him await a eon• the dead ; and that this had been followed who munitioned the coroner and with him 110
Venfent 00a8011-whlmh never came, by a riot, not of his friends, but among enrolled for the husband, Today the jury.
Verso 10, Then Paul, Tertulluo, the thetnoolvee. As Mayor says, there was "a returned a verdict that Woo wife and chit -
advocate of Penl'a accneers, had made his holy irony" in this declaration. drew came to Weir deaths by an axe in the
plea, and the apostle rose to answer it. Having more perfect knowledge, hnnd0 of William Nonemacher in accord.
The governor. This lean had been a slave, From his desire to hoar Paul "concerning aloe with his confession. A visit to the
but had been freed by the emperor Claudius, the faiLJb in Christ," it is evident cunt Felix scene of the murders disclosed the horrible
and made ruler over the Ronan part of know more than moat Roman riders about sight. The mother lay on her loft side with
Palestiuo, embracing Galileo, efonsein, Ohristienity. Ho was living at 01000rea, a gaping wound in the temple. The baby
Judea, and Peres, the district east of the where a (lontile church had been founded was in the °radia beside the bed in a sleep -
boa of Galileo being governed by " King DenoilsRoans the s(Acts 10), and the lug posture. The boys were in the bed
Agrippa." A000rding to Taeituo, polis 1 growthGospel was nowvmaking in the next room in n pool of blood. Tho
wielded the power of a Ming with the it 'imminent in the empire. Deferred them. father, as he ley on the flour of the kitchen,
ch0reotor of a slave," and disgraced Mende 'Ydyourned the ease until the chief captain, paralyzed but censefous, without the least
by cruelty and lust, He was recalled 60 Lysies,who heal arrested Paul in the temple, sign of sorrow or regret, talked as calmly
A.D,.by the Emperor Nero. His Ronan could bring more information. This may about the murders as he would about kill -
title was "procurator," and he was ember- have been only a pretext, for he could easily ing an animal.
Climate to the proconsul Quadratus,
who see that the charges against Paul had not
ruled as the oto )eror'sre reoontativeoverall b°en sustained,
Syria, Laving his capital et Antioch. Ileak• 23• Col -monocled a centurion. Probably
onod unto him, Literally, "nodded to the one who had brought him from Jeru•
him," The haughty ruler gave a noel to Salem, To keep Paul, Ile wasreoponaible --
the chained prisoner, little th'eeming that fur his safety, aid probably kept him chain. Stclnx nr Interco to 8(8'ts'hether in or Out
only through that sante prisoner he would od to a soldier, bat not confined to a nett, or itusmego.
over be known to coming ages. Forasmuch Let him have liberty. Such favor as The linen industry in Ir •ls r
as I know. The opee0h of Tettttllus is teal• would be consistent with safe keeping, to •anent to upwards oft 100,009 i'vas =-
od with hypocritical flatteries ; Peed oomple Forbidof onone on visits h of Lis unt twin . We m perhaps and has an estimated cannelinvlcotodnlof
meats the governor only on the duration of p , P P 0-.3,gU0t)(0.
lis rale, which has given flim opportml• this tbne wrote his gospel, or made tre-
to become acquainted with the snbjoc(a
paration for it; of Arlsbarchus, who was , In round numbers the total 00100(11 0f
in dispute. Of many years a J edge. Six or with the apostle both before end after this life insurance written by the different in.
seven years, much longer Ilan most rulers time; and of Philip and hie family, who sara11 0s of the world is 12,0U0,0e0,00U,
of Palestine in those turbulent times. lAn-
evo lived in Camaro. and considerably more than three qu0rtero
ewer for myself. Paul now in its reply an- 74• With 110 wife Drusil!a, She of this is held be, Jenglish speaking people.
swots to the charge of sedition, of leresy, of was the sister of the "King Agrippa" The Amokeag Mille at ela0he8ter, N.
sacrilege. (1) The Christian can be both ot the next chapter, and, like all IL, recently announced to close for' the
courteous and sine= to all men, the Herod)an women, handsome, but month of Aunts! employ; 1,01:11100,18 ; has
11. There are yet but twelve days. As wicked. She is celled the wife of Fe fix a pay roll of ; _'23,nnp p,10e ruonth, and us00
f11)0 departure
return thitherom ,rasraa rt onerlwere husband trim by o liveewir th him. he bad tS1 a perishe!eft hor tin ul 6 tAaenet04 ,me OA of cotinn per week.
I ne I as business men are to the
but 0100 days 0)0(06, it behooved his Jas• the eruption of Vesuvius, 70 AD„ A sudden and erratic tumbling of stoops a
mics to prove flat all the crimes with Jewess. By birth, education, and belief, drop of from; $S to .et) in a barrel of poria lin
which they charged ilial could have been but far below the morals of honest Judaism, one pday,ashenomenal
happened in mago,isaulfioiont-
committed iu so snort a time. I went up, He soot tor Paul. From idle curiosity to ly phenomenal to attract s lecinl re
From that verycit of Camaro, in which lie learn concerning the Gospel from ttaleadiu , I attention.
Y s The cause of the fall was the failure of some
now stood on trial. To worship. One who advocate, mingled, perhaps, with a slight large operators. The Canadian market is
had gone up to worship would not wish to quickening of conscience. The faith in sure to be disturbed.
profane the temple. Christ. Here meanicg the truths which were
L). Neithorfooed oto in 880 temple. He
held by beliete10 in Christ. (5) Inguiry United
statisticianstatesthat the
had gone to the temple as a worshiper and may lead to salve:teen, or it may only load rade toStatea produces .0111 pnuuds of
in fnlfllment of the laznrite's vow, and the hngwiree with greater guilt, g,Paint inhabitant ; Denmark, 3,0013;
not to stir up Strife, Raising up the pee. 1i He reasoned. In pnblio Paul treated Canada, 1,500 ;Russia, 1,200 ; Spain,1,100;
pie, It was they who had excited the taut.
Felix as a judge; in private he preaohod R90tnranda, l,li)U ;','noes, 39U ; Sweden,
ult, not the apostle. Neither in the syn0• to him as a sinner. Righteousness. 330; Argentine RepeblBelgium,111; Awatra61,.
gogues, Those were the local meetings for '1'111x -refers to all Dernl duties loth to- 00)0 ;Germany, 7UD ; 110;Stion Porto•
reading the Jaw and exhortation, which ward God and man, in wllioh Felix o 500; Ireland, 50U; Scotland, .100;
Paul could not have visited during his brief was utterly wanting. Temperance. !tern nglnud, 360.
stay, for he was most of the time in the moaning self-control, or the mastery over The total number of vessels which pasaod
temple. passion, appetite, and lust; a bold message through the Suer. Canal for the first half of
t0 the guilty pad' whom he nddroased, this year was 1,537, of 4,053,606 net tons,
]3, Neither can they prove. Here W00 Judgment to come. He warned the nnjnat paying ental charges to the amount of 37,-
thepith of the case. They !hadmade vague, governor, whose hands were stained with 305,335 frames, or about 37,477,065. Brit.
wild as8ertiona about Paul, hoping that the lood, of a trial when Felix himself would 1x11 tonnage alone amounted to 3,137,617 net
governor might be influenced to 00n4emn stand before a Judge tvhosesentence should tons, numbering 1,333 vessels, nearly all
Linn without trial, as doubtless Ile. would Uo for eternity, Paul's sermon was bold, steamers. The proportion of of nal dates
haus done but for his Roman citizenship. practical, and adapted to the character of paid by Britiahalips was 20,743,3-3 franca,
They very well knew that their charges his hearers. (3) He who preaches the Cos.
uenrly $6,000,000.
mouth Butot e proven
enundeCthe They Boman aw. Pelneedsthe 0001•age that comes from on Considerable attention has been already
ed that he was " a ringleader of the soot of th gg ' (10) Tloo law should bo proclaimed drawn by financial end odor papers to. the
the Nazarenes." This he WAS not ashamed before the Gospel. Felix trembled. It was abundant hay prop of this year, and the inn
to own, fur it it he was but following the an inward trembling, rather than an oat• provedprospects of exportation 00000001180
religion of his fathers and the commands of hard, yet Felix may have haat
ids fent upon the shortage in Europe. Apart from (vhoab
his own conscience, After the Way. "Tho witiface.
Paul for hie faithfulnesslow was
bndhe °gran there are not many agrieultural staples that
Way" seems to have been the current termw' exceed hay a importance ; but notwith-
for the fellowship of the Gospel before the A convenient seasoonce n. Al conveneent oason standing the enormous amount of its pro -
word "Christian' was generally accepted. hearing, not for Re cutanea, for there
duction, it has hitherto occupied an exceed-
forWhieh they pall heresy. The word In the was no sign of true penitence in Ms condnot, country. For ansmall space n reasons lthe ou• trade of the
is not lite.
rived,nand is theom nethich " translatedheresy"
l00 sect" in (11) There are still many refixes in the ly to prove a leading article of export, el•
verse5. They had called the believers " a
congregation listening to sermons. though for the present season at lease the
sect," and Paul does not disown the name, condition of affairs in the olcl world seems
for it meant simply a eclhool of religious CHOLERA. to warrant the expectation of a profitable
opinion. So worship L A word including __ market for our entire surplus production.
worship, but wider in meaning. The God The Inagua lru;reaoin0 in Itosela-Its The coat of freight, an account of the ship
of my fathers. He was not a Schismatic, Ravages in Nantes, room ie requires, moat always interfere
nor an apostate. He served the God that ASe. Petersburg special mays: -Official re. with the exportation of hay. It cannot be
Abraham and Moses and Daviri had served, turns show a !narked increase in the ravages compressedggtoo mach without grently tnyur-
and believed in the Messiah for whatn they of cholera in the parts of the empire where and hettae value as
caro forfood horses
be es and %%Ol
had hoped. Believing all things. Ho de• the disease is epidemic. The figures altowpack.
olarecl himself to be a true Jow, and denied that from July 0 tq. July 22 there were in ing it for 'foreign markets. Another inn•
that in aoceptingJesus as the attest he had the Government of Podolia 1,165 pages and loorinan consideration tithe eb exportation
croon of hey
forsaken the faith of his fathers. To him 350 deaths, as against 430 oases and 123 p which,
the Old Testament Scriptures 00010 not less, deaths during the wook preceding. In t1° oas a d on the can farm. be most profitably oousntn•
but greater, than they had been. (3) Let Government of Orel, from July 1G to July thougha apparently t Altogether this matter,
us 0000 be ready to own Christ as our Mas.
23, there were 2,14 casco and 01 deathsas pp n )y eimplo1 in surrounded by
ter. (3) All God's people, in every age and against 1.6;1 cases ani! 52 deaths duringth0 many complications, and is worthy of very
land, hem] been members of one tree previous week. In the Government of o0reful consideration by shippers and. their
Church, (4) The germs of 011 religious Toole. there worn 77 oases and 10 deaths bankers.
truth aro to be found in the Old Testa,nent. from July 10 to July 22, In the preceding The Boston Journal very greph)oally pro.
15, Have hope toward God. That is, a week there wore only 31 caoe and S deaths: diets the troublesome money question of the
hope founded on God's promise, and ex- In Moscow, from July 16 to July 22, there United States. Money, \ahioh is a measure
pooling realization through God's power. were 72 00080 and 21 deaths, The epidemic of value at welt as a mediutn of exchange, is
They themselves also allow. The hope of exiote, though in less severe form, 10 the compared to a yard•stiolt or the pound
the resurrection, to which Paul refers, wait Governments of Viatka, Kazan, Rlaoatl, weight. It is evident that if the former
0110ri0hecl not only by the Pharisees, but Oofa, and Simbeersit. were 00m081m2818, sometimes 30, and other
by the m so Of
the e Jewish people.
A res. 28 LONDON, JulyrOI.-From July 20 to July times 36 or 35 Moho long, toe the pound
there Were 202 cholera oases roaieterod Weight sometimes represented 14, 16 or 10
ll118 that
a the to Testament gives no in Naples and 157 dentis, The dairy aver• ounces, the result would be very confusing
thoughtresume. age was 37 oases and 17 deaths. On July as oven' as unfair to someone on 00oasin
MOT!, Rat 11010 was all ane1elt 011140110, 22, -tri fresh cases and 24 deaths wore re- These confusions are multiplied manyfold
and with him a whole people, who found in ported. The number of eases and (loathe when ib fa money, the measure of el°on,
the Old Testament thou warrant for a firm has doelined. 0=0 iron, meraiel values, when variable andunoerbain,.
belief in immortality. Just and unjust, A measuring one thing today and another to
hint, which '1`pitx mdglat well consider that Reports from western °Marie indioate a rnorroty, or one thing in one 800010nn of
the unjust judge of earth shall stand bo- 8erott0 shorteme in tee apple for this the menthe, and 0nothet' in another amnion,
fern a supreme tribunal, year, and the pro0p0010 aro that apples will Tho oonfusion i0 110'000011 by tine foot that
16, Herein, In view of this hope of a be bout seam and dear, (ho vein, which is a measure of vahe is 01st
rosntrreotion, Do I exercise Myself. 1
a medium of exchange, and passes from one
endeavor, To have always, "Itis always The NowYork Isn't Sbatnmant was not b0 01101101' a9 the equivalent of eonnlodi•
term Onto in the court of conscience," A 00 unfavorable on Sotnrday no expected. thee if Jouoe buys a 0ommoetty with
conscience void of offense, The conscience Iio1withstanding th0 shipment of • '3,030,• dollar's, meth of winch! ham one ltn;nldrorl cents
does net tell es whet loright,btrburges usto 000 tointnriorpoints on Friday, and con- worth of purchasing power, anrlselne it for
do what we know to be right, and rebukes siderable shipments earlier in the weak, the dollars, eaoh of whit* has flftyfour oeots
us for doing what WO know to be wrong. anrplu9 re0erv0 only shows a Wait of $3,- worth of p01011n0htt4 poWe; ho is olorl 0
Toward Cod and toward men, Many who 015,1 25 against a deficit last, week of 31,• loser on the trannaotion 11011080 he gets 'rove
are faithful to Fluty tie betweml man and ' 40 u10. The total deficit now alnelnt0 to dollen. than ho paid, it is no morn oonsi9t-
man are strangely neglectful of their duties 34,20 1,675, teeniest a defied, last week of oat with onncl business principles to have
teens(' God, which are fur more important, 31,246,550. This welt last year there was two ynrnl•0ticlt0 of different lengths or two
(5) Our beliefs should nob Only enter into a surplus of 324,331,270, and for the our. unequal pound weights to trade gwith, Yet
the mind, ~hilt also ha wrought out fn the responding weep iu ISM there wan a our- there are people who would rcolton it din -
life. (6) Every man elanuld follow his own plus of $19,481,330. Thos
onoience, not other men's opinions, this week wore' 32 ether ; Riming
honest 3801) " from a 1) weights, or still
17, After maty years, Four year!! hod $1,221,400; to 33, ,,300, mid
pone; thtb v, a to rix from a basin l wither f !for
3 YlaCiret% 3,8n8,500, ase deposits bottom, doll do 11e. sample ed Planer for
30(90'] 0(100 Paul's last brief visit to ,lora• 00,200,100, CJrculoLiou ln0re0a0d 61,110,' "cheap dollars," far lhoavoverl pnrpn00 of
salern, at the clone of his wooed 01000)011017 0(1), urtng thein to pay back better 401018,
trans 1Inn immense/3, for his buxom put a sudden impulse into praotice,tvitholt
0treugth and cleveruess, and not a little, flinching. He was hitter against his
too, for that very rashness which had people ; be credited them with more
brought him aoch havoc at last. Richard interference than was actual. He felt that
was not, as Frank used to sey, "perfectly happiness had gone out of hia life and
sounder. his pins," -that i,, he was slight- lett him hopeless. As we said, be leas a
ly lade, -but be was r!SS'lit at heart. than of quick decisions. He would have
He was an immense roarier, but made made a dashing but teeklesssoldier ; he was
little tae of what he read, Ho had an not without the elements of the gamester.
abundant humour, and remembered every It is possible that there wee in hum also a
anecdote he ever heard. He was kind to strain of cruelty, endeveloped•but radical,
the poor, walked much, talked to himself as Life 0e far had developed the best in hitt! ;
. he walked, and was known by the humble he had been cheery and candid. Now he
seams "a'centrio." But he had a W100 head, travelled back intonew 0.10111109 ut his mind
and he foresaw danger to Frank's happiness and found strange aboriginal passions, fully
when he wont away. While others hie adopted to the present situation. Vulgar
gossiped and nn0nceuvred and were busily anger and reproaches were not after his
idle, he had watched things. He saw that nature. He suddenly found sources of re -
Frank was dear to Julia in proportion to fined retaliation. He drew upon them. He
the distonoe between her and young Lord would do something to humiliate hia people
Held wall, whose father had done something and the girl who had spoiled his life. Some
' remarkable iu gins or torpedoes and was one thing ! It would be absolute end last•
rewarded with a lordship and an uneem• ing, it would show holy low had fallen hia
monly large fortune. He also saw that, opinion of whom Julia Sherwood had once
after Frank left, the distance between Lord been ohiefest to him. In that he would
Heldwell andJolia became distinctly less- show his scorn of her. He would bring
they were both staying at fereyhope. Julia down the pride of his family, who, he hellos.
Sherwood was a remarkably clever girl, ed, had helper!, out of mere selfishness
Though he felt it hia duty to speak to her to tumble bis happiness into the shambles
for his brother, -a difficult and de'ioate He was older by years than an hour ago.
matter, -he thought ft would come better But he was not without the faculty of hum -
from hia mother. or. That was why he did not become very
But when he took action it was too late, excited; it was oleo why he determined
Miss Sherwood naively declared that she upon a comedy which should have all the
had not known her own heart, and that site elements of tragedy. Perhaps, however, he
did not care for Frank any more. She wept had not carried his purposes to immediate
a little, and was soothed by motherly Mrs. oonolucions, were it not that the very gods
Armour, who was inwardly glad, though seemed to play his game with hire, For,
she new the matter would cause Frank while he stood there, looking out into the
pain ; and even Ooneral Armor could yard of the fort, a Protestant missionary
not belep showing slight satiefaotion, passed the window. The Protestant mei.
{lough he was innocent of eny delib• 51on0ry, en he is found at such planes as
!rate action to separate the two. Straight- J port Charles, is not a strictly superior per.
way Miss Sherwood deepatahed a letter to 1 Don, A Jesuit might have been of adven-
tha wilds of Canada, and for a week was 1 tago to Frank Armour at that moment. The
an unongaged young person. But she was Protestant missionary is not above comfort.
no doubt consoled by the fact that for some' able assurances of gold, So that when Ar -
time past she hart had oemplote control of 11nonr ounlenonod this One in, and told 11110
Lord Haldwell's emotions. At the end of what WAS required of him, and slipped a
the week her perceptions were justified by generous gift of the queen's coin tato ifs
Lord Haldwell's proposal ; which, with ad. !hand, he Smiled vaguely and was willing to
mimeo's taut and obvious demureness, was I do what he was gingen. Had he been a
Demented. ,Jesuit who is sworn to poverty, and more
Now, Frank was wanderinmuch in the I often than ot a man of birth and education,
wilds, so that his letters and -papers wont he might have toluenoed Frank Armour
careering about after him, airsome that and prevented the notable mlahep and scan -
came first were last to roaoh him. That 40). As it was, Armour took more brandy. Haman Hair the Lo1g01t,
was how the received a newspaper announe. The he went down to )bye-of-the•Moon'a The atud of t
ing the marline° of Lord 1 aldtvell and lodge. A few beers afterwards the mission- Y the hair upon human epoand
Julia Sherwood at the same dine that ler ary met him there. The next morning Lali, offers hi px re s nt field for inquiry, and
letter, written in estimable English and the danehter of lsyreof•the• b1on, and the one whop presents many un001004 prey
with admirable feeling, came, begging for ohieftaiuess of a portion of ler father's tribe lenge of the bests, order l importance, h Why
a h'eloOso from their engagement, 00rt to whose grandfather has been to white titan, mate as a species, should present the kms
wards its cloth, assuming, with a charming was introducer) to the Hudson's Bay ootm• vaid the amount of !hair d the ho does is
► regret, that all was over and that the last try as Mrs. Frank Armour, But that was betweenytl explained, varies ofrltheebaleen oratio
word had been said between them, not all. Indeed, 0s it stood, it was very aro so great in this raven that one of the
Gott Charieso wits tting whinrn thooarriercamewiththhe sie traden room at bleeaslye!;trnowythoriple ayicelfnwesto 'neat popular' subdivisions of 1011 0s is
Nails. He had had mune su000aelul clays conte. He bad carried his Scheme through founder! upon it, halo
the humph family
;miltin buffalo with E o•ofetlne•81oon and hohd''s0 far. Ile wouldlet flinch hn carr have the longest halt of any species of
a little band of meths, had had a long pow• ing it out to the last letter. He brought his animal is a well known foot, btta why they
Wow, in leyo'of-tbe-Moot's ledge had chat. wife down to the Orem Lakes immerlifrtol , 10st it over most of the body is a subject
ted gayly with La11 the daughter, and was scarcely resting night or day, There he or much curets annjoeturn and spoerlla•
blOW prepared to enjoy heartily the arrears engaged an ard[nory but reliable woman,tion'
of eorresponrlanoe and news before him, He to whom he gave instructions, and sent thn The fine wheat will insure the farmer
ran his hand through the letters and ppepe0s pale to th0 coast. He inst•uoted his soliol- and oho 11 halt a arrow full oro s,
intending to classify thorn immediately, AO. tor at Montreal to procure )aesages l0r Sire. Pow !r g n p p
cording to such lmndwriting as lie reoogniz. I'ranois Armour and maid far Liverpool,p sc s have any idea of the magni+
.ed and the dates on the envelopes. Rut, as a.hen, by letters, ho instruet oil his solicitor 071:10 01 the investments of lengli011 and
lie did an, he saw a newspaper from which fn London to inset Mrs. 1h'tohes) Ar mune `eeteb capitalists in the United States,
the wrapper was partly torn. He also saw end amid at Liverpool and take teen to Thc3- 11nld railway bonus to tho extent of
a note in the margin directing hint to a eon Greylropo in Hertfordshire, ---that fit, if in 311,000,00', yielding, at the tworsge rate
Cain page. The note wets (0) Richard's hand. General Armour and Mrs. Armour, or some , 0 41 per cont.., an 011101al 1neomo of 10,
evriting, He opened the paper at the prge representative of the family, did nue moot 730,100, Ordinary railway shares aro geld
indicated, and saw the ar ;mint of tbo mar. them when they landed from the steamship. to tilt' a'rount 01 about ;1'1601001),001)
E'l0&N\TnitY AND 1'1;A('TIl'AL 8ntTe,