HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-8-18, Page 8;f THE BRUSSELS POST Se11d.1llg Away for Drugs or BookzI No need of your sending to the oily for the /sleet .?ruga or Honsellold Remedies. If we have not got them in stook we can quickly prooure any preparation requir- ed. Prices have advanced in all aboohobio preparations but we keep up the strength of our goods believing our customers want the best, even though it cost a little more. Parity and full strength is the first im- portanoe in drugs. In Patent Remedies acme we sell on a guarantee of benefit or money refunded. In the book line we carry a seleot as. eorbment and will be pleased to order for n do ng so.) ou when nSabbath Scot in stook hioola suo pplied pliedatharge la liberal discount. In Bibles wephave or- dered some spooled values for Fall deliv ery. Albums have been ordered for im- port some months ago and will soon ar- rive. Anything in our line we will gladly procure if not in stook. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &o, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. 8, & R. Trains leave Brussels Station, North nd South, as follows: GOING SolTa, Go:Ne NORTE, Mail...,......,• 6:34 a.m.Mixed 0:46 a.m. lexere85 11159 are.I Mall 3:13p.m, Mixed 0:00 pan. Fspress 9:43 p.m. Pat z .etvs Jtczno. A ohiel's amang ye Lakin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Bees are up to 10 dents again. R. T. or T. next Tuesday evening. Bnpssois Fall races on Tuesday, Sept. 12th. SPECIAL meeting of Brussels Council next Monday evening. A. Kmetro has disposed of his covered phreton to R. Leatherdale. A GREAT many in Brussels and locality have been laid up with cramps and dysen. try. Constable should keep his eye on the furious drivers, especially co the Sabbath. Quiex a number of Brusselites will at- tend the Seafortb Bicycle Tournament next Wednesday afternoon. Two hay presses are at work baling the balance of the bay stored in Brussels. It is being shipped Fast for export. Orin thanks are' due to the Bicycle Tournament Committee, Godericb, for complimentary ticket to Thursday's sport. Mies KLT0 WmeoN, Elizabeth street, was among the successful candidates at Guelph who obtained 3rd class certifi- cates. She will attend the Model school Host Fall. Losmownu is giving $1100 in purees on Sept, 5011 and 6th next. Raoes 5011, 2.45, 2,35 and 2.22 classes ; 6th, 2.29 and 2.10 °lessee, Entries close Sept. 1st. Horace eligible Aug. 25511. There will be two great day's sport. MESSRS. SeoTT & • JONES shipped' two cars of prime cattle from Brussels last Wednesday. 20 head were purchased from Wm, Robb, Morris, which averaged 1,363 pounds, netting him about 91150. A number of fine animals were also brought in by Messrs. Bryan. They were not weighed. Bates Tuesday morning fire broke out in G. W. Green & Son's saw mill, Kings- ville, and burned it to the ground, to- getber with about 150 cords of wood. The lumber was mostly saved. Lose over 92,000 ; insurance 9400. The cause of the fire is a mystery. Mr. Green was a former resident of Brussels. LAST Wednesday morning D. McMil- Ian had A. Coate and wife, of Hallett, before A. Hunter, J. P., charged with enticing his children away from home, The plaintiff pave his evidence after which bis solicitor, R. L. Taylor, asked for an adjournment to have the children in Court. This was greeted and Court adjourned until Saturday at 10 a. m. Womees' Aseoc:ATloE.-Last Tuesday afternoon an organization was set on foot to be known as The Woolens' Association of the Methodist church. The following officers were elected :-President, Mre, Thos. Maunders ; Vioe'Pree., Mrs. E. MelsomSecretary, Mrs. Watson Ainley ; iireasurer, Mrs, R. Leatherdale. It is expected that a large majority of the ladies of the congregation will unite with this new Aseooiation which is in. tended to prosecute a lino of work that ham been largely neglected for a number of years. The Association purpose hold- ing a Thanksgiving Supper shortly, of whioh due notice will be given. Tens Postotice Department has issued a notice stating that the inolosing of a letter or any writing serving the purpose of a letter in a newspaper, or in any other article of mail matter passing at less than letter rate, is an offense at law punishable by s fine of not less than 010. Several convictions have lately been had finder this section of the Postoiiiee Ant, and postmasters are requested to exer- cise the utmost vigilance to prevent frauds of this character. A question having been raised several times lately ae to the postage rate ou one flowers, peatmastel•s have been informed that out flowers are clued as fifth °lase matter, rate 1 Cent per min00. Nth 18 EEP,T.-Last Saturday night a traveller stopped at the I6evere Hones and asked lodgings for the night. His request was granted and in dos course the Avenger and regular inmates of the hoase retired to rest. Shortly after 1 a, ne. a ora»il of glass was heard and the proprietor, Harry Janes, felt far his dissolver' and was relieved to give a warm reception to the intruder. The said, 111r. Intruder, not showing up en investigation was in order when it was found that the stranger had risen from his bed and without waiting to these had walked through the window and (ellen to the ground. Not only this but had i. t�'ghted ill ,the open cellar way. The ft1l woke hint up with considerable empbasle althongli he was entirely ignorant of how be got there. The. wortdet was hew he escaped. being ;tilled but a8 ft wive his iujurlos conflated of a few bruises on /tie hands and he woe elle 50 resume his travels on Sunday, GEC, Rogers, jr., has taken tt position. in G. A. Deadnlan's store where he will remain until A. I. ItloOoll's return tram the College of l:'barmaoy, Toronto. AN exopreion will he run to Niagara Falls and Grimsby Park on Saturday of this week, Train leaves Brussels 0,0 6154 a, m. Return tickets 92,00, good to re. turn on Tuesday. A 1,8011080E motel; MS annonnoed to bo played here on Monday last between Luoknow and Winghain Juniors but the teams did not materialize, Eaoh club had won a matoh'hence the desire for neutral ground. Fon the past few months It Bender. son has had to work industriously with the watering dart to keep the dust down on Turnberry street. He attended to it well, however, as he does to all work in- trusted to him. TEE building of the water tank has been re -let to Alfred Lowry, • by the Council. Mr. Lowry purchased the stone already on the ground from Jae. Kelly. The latter was unable to go on with the work Owing to poor health. NEW STA1I5.-A new postage stamp of the value of eight cents ;e uow being put into circulation. Thie stamp will be available for the prepayment either of registration tee and postage combined, or of postage only. The five cent registra- tion stamp will be withdrawn when the present supply ie exhaueted. THE following passengers were ticket- ed by J. T. Pepper, 0, P. R. agent, Brussels :-J. M. Parsons, Victoria, B. C. ; Jae. Turnbull, Lauder, Man. ; Robt. MoDole, Cypress River, Man. ; Nelson Gerry, India» Head, N. W. T. ; George Beirnes, Binsearbh, Man. ; Wm. Short - reed, Hartney, Man. ; Charles MoQuar- rie, Crystal City, Man. E1Tus1EAL.-On Wednesday morning of this week Rev. D. Perris, of Maley, brother-in-law to the groom, tied the matrimonial knot between Thomas Kneohtel, teacher, and Mise Lizzie, youngest daughter of A. Reid, Brussels. The oeremomy wee performed at the residence of the bride's father, Elizabeth street. Mr. Kneohtel and bride have the best wishes of all for their future happi. Dose and prosperity. DOCTOR'S Dreema.-In speaking of Brussels celebration last week the Wing. ham Times says :-There was a good attendance at the Brussels sports on Wednesday and the different games were keenly contested. Brosaels people are noted for tbe vim and push they put into anything they undertake in the shape of sport and Wednesday's games were no exception to the rule. -The Atwood Bee is not so well pleased and remarks :- There was quite a crowd at the sports on Wednesday, bat very few farmers were present. Craubrook football team won the 925 purse, defeating Wingbam by 2 to 0. Listowel baseball team beat Wing. ham for the $80 purse. Brussels foot. ball teem got away with the Seaforth team (nor the Hurons) by 3 goals to 0, The other sports were not hotly contest. ed, consequently little interest was taken in them. New POSTOSTICE.-Monday morning the new postoffioe in Brussels was thrown open to the public who are not slow in expressing their pleasure at the con. venienee, comfort and general appear• ante of the new structure. The building is a 2 story brick, 22x40 feet, the lot story being 12 feet high and the 2nd 1.0 fest. The downstairs is all finished in ash and looks tiptop. The first 16 feet of the building is devoted to the use of the public giving them ample aocommo• dation. 300 new letter boxes have been put in and with the 70 lock boxes will supply the needs of the people of this 1o' oalfty. The boxes are arranged after the shape of en expanded V, the wicket be- ing. in theoentre. At the North side is a door with folding counter whioh will be need for registered matter, postoffioe orders, &e.The general delivery boxes have been relegated to obscurity and every family, or hearty so, will have a new box which will add to the conveni- ence of both Postmaster and petrone. The new building is airy, well lighted and conveniently arranged for the Post- master and hie assistant, A. W. Rose, who have 14x22 feet of space for assort• ing tables, safe, &o. Mr. Farrow has saved neither labor nor expense in per footing the arrangements and we feel safe in saying Brussels poetofiioe is one of the finest iu Western Ontario. The stone work in the foundation was the handiwork of James Kelly ; D. Lowry did the brickwork and plastering ; Wet. Ainley put on the gravelroof ; Robert Armstrong bad the wood work and all fittings to attend to ; and W. Roddick'e staff wielded the brush. No part of the work was Blighted and the building is a oredit to all who bad to do with its arae. tion and completion. An inside poroh has been arranged t0 be utilized in the Winter. A glass partition will likely run from the letter boxes to the ceiling. Mr. Farrow has had a few sholvee and a counter arranged in the front o8loo and will open a news stand and stationery counter. Tine upstairs is finished as one room and has a nioe balcony at the front door. Anrmr1OoAL L00AL ON Plann PAGE. Business Locals, BASS viol for sale at a bargain. Apply to H. L. Jackson. BEST 200 yard cotton spools at 2o, Ferguson & Halliday. Two acres of oats for gale on park lot 9, Brussels. Apply to T. Kelly. WE are prepared to make pictures, any size required, at reasonable prices. Give us a gall. H. J. Strong. Wittx=n & EwAN, Brussels, are the local agent» for the Chatham wagon, also the Bain wagon. Prices right. Ono store will be open on Saturday of this week, Will be pleased to see all old au8tomer8 bank, Jenne lawn!. 16 only Eon Lace Curtains Be. garde long worth $2.00 challenge pries 91,89, Ferguson & Halliday. Now is the time for viewing. Public buildings, residences, pio-nio parties, etc, den be photographed on shortest notion. H. 3. Strong. • To mom PaoDid,-Having purchased en• Sire stook of 0, E. ferry's negatives, any photos. can be had from them by leaving order at my studio. H. 3. Strong. .!conn, -On Turnberry St., Brueselo, 0bog of good wheat with the letter D on the bag. Owner can have the Same by paying for this notice, (Sall at 296, Turnberry street, Bressele. To Cure Kidney Complaint, you must trent the Liver, ttlelnbray's Kidney and Liver Cure acts direct on the Kidneys, 00mbined with a tecatment for the Liver. Try it, one bottle will con711100 you, 1t0nexosA shingles at 60cents per bunch at 3, &P. Ament's, Brueeels. 26 pairs beautiful Looe Curtains always sold 91,00 they go at our Challenge sale for 750. Ferguson & Halliday. "THE Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating," Membray'e Kidney and Liver Cure has been pronounced the best remedy ever put in a bottle, for the Cure 00411 symptoms indicating Kidney or Liver complaint. Mon RENARxABLE ON EAiTn.-So eaye Professor Gresham, Now York, of St. Leon Mineral Water, to invigorate, build up and preserve strength and happiness life long. It ie impossible to epeak too highly of St. Leon. A fresh supply to hand at Geo. Thomson's. BE sure and put a box of Ayer'e Pills in your set:di01 before travelliug,eitbor by land or sea. You will find them eon - umlaut, edioaoioue and safe. The best remedy for costiveness, indigeetion, and sink headache, and adapted to any climate. Tire Chinese pay their doctor only so long as he keeps them in health. They believe in preventing rather than curing disease. Thie is round sense, and one of the strongest recommendations of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, a medicine which not only oures diseases bub prevents them. WELD-Dreonos AND Dnronewo.-George Birt has all the necessary machinery for diggiug and drilling wells and le prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in .proper shape. Terms reasonable, Residence second door north of the bridge, west aide of Turnberry at., Brussels. 34-tf RELIEF le the Hones. -Distressing Kidney and Bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "Great South American Kidney Cure." Thie new remedy is a greateurprise and delight to physicians on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary pas- sages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in paseiog it almost immediately. If you want quiok relief and mare this iayour remedy. Sold by G. A. Deadman, druggist. Sn ergines. -A oar of British Conlum- bian shingles for sale by Balker R Van. stone. See them before you buy. British Columbian ehinglee will lay more per square than any other shingles in Canada. They are safely laid 54 inches to the weather, one thousand covering nearly 153 square feet. Pine shingles cannot be safely laid over 44 inches to the weather, ons *matted covering 186 equero feet. Therefore eufioient pine to cover the seine amount of roof, at the same price per thoosand,.oast about nine per cent. more than B. 0. shingles, and at the same time our shingles will last fully three times longer than pine shingles. Fnou TORONTO, -The attention of our Ruptured readers is palled to the adver- tisement iu another column of the re- nowned specialist, J. Y. Egan, who has been in business in Toronto over 20 years, wherein he announoes a week's stay a0 the Grand Union Hotel, Clinton, on Tuesday, 29th inst., and balanoe of that week. The affiioted should not mins this opportunity to get relief ae this gentleman's time is fully occupied at home and he rarely gets away from the city, but at the solicitation of several physicians who cannot conveniently go to Toronto, be makes this special visit. Read his announcement. Goo» Orion AND Ma SALES. -Toronto, August ie. -Frank Brown, a prominent druggist of Shelbourne, Ont., MS in the city last week, and talked with your cor- respondent about the crops and business in the vioinity of bis home. "The crops aro first.class," he said, so the farmers are busy in the fields and merchants eon - sequently find things a little dull: But there is one article on the market just now that Bells more rapidly than any preparation I ever handled, and I have put a good many through my hands. That One is Dodd's kidney pills. Their sales never fall off. I get them in five. gross lots, and it tithes no time to get rid of that quantity. The best of it is, every one who has taken the pills has been benefitted by them. Nearly every map, woran and child in and around Shel- bourne bas used them, so I know what I am talking about. BOR.S7 - TnonNTON.-In Bluevale, on the 4511 last„ the wife of Mr. Nelson Thornton of a daughter. SeoTT.-In Brueeels, on August 10911, the wife of Mr. Peter Scott of a son. b.6Arnemaf79. Youteo-HAAIacosD.-At the residence of the bride's father, on Thursday, 3rd inst., by Rev. A. Henderson, M. A., assisted by Rev. G. E. Williams, Mr. Robert 3. Young, of Elma, to Mise Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr. George Hammond, of Atwood. SANDERBON-MITCHELL: A4 Baokmarob, Inverkeithing, Fifoehire, Scotland, on July 25th, by Rev. John G. Rob- ertson, 13, D., Mr. John W. 'Sander- son, Wroxeter, to Mies Leta Kate Gilchrist, fourth daughter of Mr. Miohtel Mitchell, Resou EL-PbnID.-At the residence of the bride's father, Elizabeth street, Brussels, on Aug. nth, by Rev. D. Perrie, of (Mosley, Mr. Thomas Kneohtel, to Mies Lizzie, youngest daughter of Mr, A. Reid, both of Brussels, ax>Ip_ $ELDER. -In Turnberry, on Aug. 11th, Rodney St. Clair, eldest son of Walter Belden, aged 0 years 1 month and 1 week. Hensall, Sept. 7.8. Toronto Industrial, Sept. 4.16. Weetern at Loudon, Sept. 14.21. Central at Guelph, Sept. 19.21. Great Northwestern at Goderioh, Sept. 20 22. • South Huron at Exeter, Sept. 25.26, IGitohell at Mitchell, Sept. 20.27. Turnberry ab Wingham, Sept. 20.27. Mornington & Ellice at Milverton, Sept. 26.27. North Oxford at Woodetook, Sept, 26• 27. Centre Huron at Clinton, Sept. 20.27. Southern at Brantford, Sept. 20 28, North Waterloo at Berlin, Sept. 26.27. 28. Weise Wallington at Havrieton, Sept. 27.28, • Nottb Perth et Stratford, Sept, 2B 29, Blau ha 8 r6 at Kirkton° r 0 t. 5.0. ]last Huron at Bru05els, Clot. 5.6. Morrie Branch at Blyth, Oot. 11.12. AUG. 18, 1893 ST�NL>�1 .D BAX.0 0. C1,1V�27� , 7els .'$9ss.'GSp1TF729 1872, HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO. ASSETS, (Seven Million Dollars) 97,000,000 CAPITAL (Authorized) - • - • 92,000,000 Agencies in nil prineipal•points in Ontario, Quebec,dlfanit0ba, United States 35 Finland. Vagfessza Romeo. A General Banking Business Traneaoted. Farmers' Notes Discounted.l Drafts Issued and Collections made on all pointe. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits of 91.00 and upwards from date of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly, BPECTAL ATTENTION OIVEN TO Via 0o5LEorION Or FAIESEae' SALE NoTEa. Every facility afforded Cnstomere living at a distance. W. D, HART, 1 348Acn3. G ILLIES 84 SMITE, BANICE1131 B1-LUssE]i.s, Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on all points in Canada, United, States and Great Britain. FARMEAOS' NOTES DISCOUNTED. SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY. Samaris ,fititAir Prp.sas°r. mr. Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com. pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at tbe end of the Months of October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits. 'We effect to write Insurance In old English or Canadian Companies, or in lint. nal Companies as may be desired. AGENTS FOR CANADA AND UNITED STATES : Tau CANADIAN BANE OP COMMON. 73R-r7ssmx.,s i52A'-�, >✓TS• Full Wheat Spring wheat Barley Peas Oats Butter, tube and rolls.... Eggs per dozen Flour per barrel Potatoes Hay per ton Salt per bbl., retail...... Hideo trimmed Hides rough Sheep eking, each Lamb skins each Apples per bag Wool Pork 58 60 .. 08' 60 80 35 54 00 32 84 15 16 10 00 3 00 3 60 .40 50 6 00 7 00 1 00 00 34 8 60 1 10 65 00 50 00 17 18 7 00 7 50 BELLsVILuE, ONT., Aug. 15. -There were boarded to day 20 cheese factories, offering 1,525 boxes white and 3,110 boxes. Total 1,880 boxes. No !Wee. INGERSOLL, ONT., Aug. 15. -Offerings today, 4,110 boxes of cheese ; no sales ; small attendanoe ; market dull ; 990 of. fared. Tonoavo, Aug. 15. Flour - straight roller, 92 80 to 93 ; extra, 32.50 to 92.75. Wheat -white, 590 to 60e ; No. 2 spring, 575 to 58o, red winter, 590 to 600 ; goose, 60o ; No. 1 Man. hard, 810 to 82o ; No. 2, 790 to 800 ; No. 3, 70o to 720 ; frosted No. 1, 65o to 660. Peas -No 2, 65c to 87o, Barley -No 1, 48o ; No 2, 40o ; No 3 extra, 36o to 40o ; No 3, 82c to 930. Oate-No 2, 88o to 40e. Market increas- ingly dull. Sales -Red and white wheat outside at 610 and No 2 Man. bard ontoide at 700. Oats on spot at 39o. Peas out. side at 55o. EAST B0PPALo, N. Y., Ang. 15, -Cattle -Thirty oars on sale ; active ; shade higher ; choice 1,400 to 1,600 pound ex- port cattle brought $4,90 to 95 ; good heavy weights, 94.60 -to 94.90 ; fair 1,850 pound steers Bold at 94,85, and down to 93.80 for light butchers ; about all sold. Sheep and lambs -Fifteen cars on sale ; very slow ; balk of offerings common to fair, with little good sheep or Iambs. Sales of good to choice Iambs at 95,00 to 35.40, and it took fairly good stook to bring 94.50 to $4.75 ; no good sheep were on offer, and choice would not bring aver $4 to $4.95, but some extra export stook would probably sell higher. Hogs -Re. oeipte were about 7 oars ; the market ruled strong and higher for light grades by 80o to 500, and steady to easy for mediums and heavy grades ; good light Yorkers and pigs brought $6,25 to $6.30, and heavy weight Yorkers, 96.35 to 96.40 ; mediums and heavy were dull, and choice heavy sold at 95.60 to 95,65 ; that were too heavy for trade. LONDON, Aug. 14. -The Mark Lane Ex. press, in its weekly review of the British grain trade, Saye: -Now English wheat is offered in provincial markets at 239 per qr. Besides the serious dafioit in the general yield of bome.grown wheat, the yield of grain of milling quality is almost everywhere deolarod to be disappointing. Foreign wheat has deolined 6d. At the close of the market in Loudon today all breadstufs were firmer. New English red wheat sold at from 26s to 80s, and white at from 27e to 34s. American wbeate were sold for 6d advance, Oats wore firm, Corn wee Steady. Fine flour was held for au advanoe. The prices of rye, linseed and rapeseed favored buyers. The Agricultural Gazette published cob bated reports from 500 distriola of the United Kingdom, showing that the cereal harvest this year is too worst since 1879. The bay Drop is the worst ever recorded. Potatoes alone are above the average. Ton0Neo, Aug. 10.-(speoial.)-The cattle market today was dull, with receipts of thirty oarloads, but there were about twenty loads from yesterday, the demand for exporter is still Black, there being no inoentive to buy, owing to the bad condition of British marlsete, Exports from Montreal this season, 52,- 800, ae against 62,400 during the same time last year. Last week's abipreenle 4,300, ae against 8,600 the previous week, Prices ruled at 4o to deo, per lb., the latter for ohoice. Grasp -fad stalkers are quos. ed at 84o to 8eo. Butobers' rattle aro also dull with quotations ruling at 84o t0 590 per Ib„ the latter for choice. Infer. for animals ere quoted at 24o to 3. Oalvee dull, at 92 to 97 per head, and mileh cows at 980 to 940 eaob, Sheep are dull, with little demand ; this best are quoted at 25e to 8o per lb. Lambe are quoted et 92 to 98.50 oath. Hogs iu moderato amend, at 590 to Go for the beat ; other grades dull and not wanted. John Swan et Sons, Edinburgh, in their weekly report of Augeet 14, say Fat math, have boon shown in fair numbers, and the boat qualities baVe met a good trade at 108 a head more Money. Seoondary also rather dearer. Fat oowe dear. There were only 168 Canadian cattle at Sbieldhall, and 500 States cattle at Yorkhill, which have met a better trade. S11eep in fair /supply and trade equal to last week. Beet iambs quite as dear, secondary the turn cheaper. Values made lower prices, while pigs maintained previous rates. Best des. captions of store cattle and sheep aro easily sold, but secondary are diffionit to quit. ;Pinch oowe, a small show, and met a bad trade. Beat Beef, 8e 65 ; Canadian, 5s 9d to 80 ; secondary, 7e per stone ; best mutton, 745. to Sd per lb. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. SEED WHEAT FOR SALE.— Early sled Clawson. DONALD On0BA13, 6.1 Lot 9, Oon. 9, Grey SEVERAL ELIGIBLE PRO - maxims for sale in Bowels. Prices low and terms easy. Apply at THE POST Publishing House. GOOD MILOH COW FOR SALE. Just calved. Apply to JAS. SP C'IB, Lot B0, COs. 6, Morrie. JERSEYS AHEAD.—AT THE World's Pair !the Jerseys gave more milk and made more einem than any herd in the teat, The value of the choose was 'over 3 more than the next highest -vis.: Shorthorns. Cost of Berviee of my Jersey Bull reduced. G.A. DAADISIAN, Druggist, Bookseller, de. WORLD'S COLUMBIAN E'%PO- SITION. The Godorielr Horticultural Society have emulated arrangements to mho an EX. hibition from the County of Huron of plums, pears and appt the sorld's Columbian Exposition.All exhibitspacked and ex- pressed direct to Chicago from here, Parties will receive full credit for any ex. habit they may make. All express or other charges for sending from any part of the county bons will be paid at this end. Cor- respondencs regarding numberof spectraene time dor sendigng S.o., cheerfully answered by the`uV L6Ngned. S. T. DICKSON, 3.4 Secretary. President, Goderieh, July 20, '98, REAL ESTATE. ARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN- maner8xnn has several good Farms for sale and to rent, easy terms in Townships of Morrie and Grey. 15 8. 8(OTT,Brueeele. 87-tf. ion ACRE FARM FOR SALE. x_rThe subscriber offers9rie 100 acres of land, bong lot 21, eon, 7, Grey, for sale. There are 90 acres cleated and uuder crop, balance bush. There is a eomlortable house, large bank barn, good orchard, wells, &o., on the premises which are joining the village 00 105loal,whers 070 churches, stores, post - 05000, railway, do, Possession given any time to suit purchaser. For further partic- ularsae to peke, termer, &e., amply 001 LAWREN01e 4.013 sox, 6 -Id Proprietor, Ethel P.O. ' 0(1 ACRE FARM FOR SALE. V The 200 acre farm being 100811 end 12, eon, Hi, Grey, is offered for sale. 120 neves are cleared end the balance well tim- bered. Bulidiuge first-class, Orchard, well, dc, School house within 40 rods, Polees- Bion given et Ouse if desired, 170r farther per tioulare as to price, terms, &e. apply to 9 -ti R MB8o . WAsevil, oseville P. O. Or 0510313005SMOKER, on farm, GOOD PARM FOR SALE.— The subscriber offers his exeelleut 166 aero farm for sale. It is located ou Oou.8, Grey, and is in Plrst•das8 oonditlon. Fine roomy house, largo bank barn, good orchard, Wells, &e. Farm Is Well drained and well fenced. Only 8 miles frau Brussels, Will Bell outright or would take a smaller farm to Part . pay. Possession 00810 be given' in the Pall. Per particulars as to price, terms, do„ apply to 010011830 01100113, 43russele. FARM FOR SALE. --THE UN• man5YONISDoffershie splendid lila acre hum, being Lot 8 end west part Lot 0,00n, 6, Grey, for nate. There are 190 norms cleared, holmium timbered. Two dwellih houses, banit barns. good orchard, well fenced.. A never failing spring ou tho .placePestles- Mon0s- on given any time. The subscriber also offers for sale a dwelling bouso, otable and it soros of land in the corporation of Brussels. Tho house and garden would be routed for a short time if not sold, Hard and soft water, Pot prices, terms and further particulars apple to JOHN SMITH, 974.E Proprietor, Brussels I'.0, MPROVED LARGE WHITE Y0191K. SHIRE BOAR„ The undersigned will keep for service this 171505130600700 1990 lni)0rovad large white orrie1ito pig ' JleaeIy 0u lot 20, moa• 6, Morrie, to aken11 a rmit0,,1 number of sows wi ho taken, Taros 81;00 60 ;30 paid at Mine 0tsaevloe,With .the eiVilego05 return - in g f1 neaaesary, Pedigree Ina4bo soon up, on a plioatlOti, 1103310891011951700, 1011 Proprietor, ' ."OD WAIN The Lest Goods at The Best Prices' Thou i31X'Y 'Your WRITING TABLETS, .VOTE PAPER AND ENVELOPES Pepper's Drug Store, I11►,L7 o,LL.hi. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, adae Conveyancer. ati me. 0MaV3olBros- sale, si-8m M. SINOLAIR, • Solioibor, Conveyancer, Notary pub• lie, dee, Odioe--'Vauetone'e Block 1 door north of Coutral Hotel, Private Funds to Loan, CAMERON, .HOLT & HOLMES, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, 00(1811511, Out. X. 0, OAMEDON, Q. 0., PHILIP 710LT, DIIDLET 110LnIns. F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, . Solicitor, do. (lata of Garrow d Proudtoot'e O1Dce Godorloh,) Otnee oyer Gillies & Smith's Sauk, Brussels. Money to Loam 47 AUCTIONEERS. ARAYMANN, • Auctioneer, ,e always ready to at- tend sales of farms, farm stool,, .$e. Terme oheertully given. Cranbrook P. 0. Sales may be arranged at Tan Pon Publishing House, Brussels, GEORGE KIRKBY, LioeneedA;uctioneer, Sales conduct ed on reasonable terms. Parma and Yarm stook a apeoialby. Orders left at Tan Poem Publishing Eouse,Bruseals ,or eentto Walton P. 0., will receive prompt at10ntion, HAVING TAKEN OUT LICEN- to oonduot sales of farm stooklat roc prepared pt3aae. Rnowig the standing of .nearly every per8oa I am in a position to sell to good marks and got good easurity when Bold on credit. Satisfaction guaranteed. Glee mea call. 83- F S. 80OTT, BUSINESS CARDS. WH. MoORACKEN, • Mee at his Grocery; urnborrygstreet,IBruoeello. R N. BARRETT, Tsouth of d PJ Mslil aytdc Oo's door Ladies'e.nd ohildreos hair eutbing a specialty AMoNAIR, • Sourer of Marriage Licenses, by appointment of Lieub,-Governor, Oommia. Fire Insurance Co. Conveyancer at th pranbrook Post Office. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM- INe0EANae, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. ALEX. HUNTER, Werk of the Fourth Division Court 00, Enron. Conveyancer, Notary Public Land, Loon and Insurance Agent. Funds invested and to loan, collections made. OBlea in Graham's Block, Breaeele, OIL PAINTING, Miss Stories, o! Winghem, is prepared to give inetruction in oil painting, derma maybe aeoertaiaed at Miss/011ie Bose' store where samples of work may be seen. M;ee Morin would also take a tew more pupils in music, (Ti A. HAWKINS, Brus- sels, and pippPil in the Art ofnist In St. p.Te chi ' of A. W. Thayer, Mas. Doo., Now York, will give leesnns to pupils either at J. 0. Halliday's, cox. Ring and John Ste„ or if preferred, at their own homes. .Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at Welton. Terms moderate. VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, 01 • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated animals 00 a Dom. potent manner. Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calle prompt; at- tended to. Office and Infirmary -Two doors uortb of bridge 9'4rnberry et., Brunets, MEDICAL CARDS. T A. McNAUGHTON, M. D. 0.M., L. B. 0, P„ 17dtnbnrgh, M. O. P 8, Out, Beeidenoe and aloe In Wilson' Block, corner of M111 and Turnberry Ste. eiM L. GIBSON, D. • 0. M„ M. 0, P. S. Ont., 19raduat5 Qneeu's University Eing0ton. 0rv1oE- Sma1e's block, one door South of Standard Bank, Brussels. Night bell answered at the same place. DENTAL. 71SEIN'XItee T: M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S., D. D. S., Graduate of the Bayo; delleda of Dental Surgeone, Ontario, and of Toronto 'Uni- versity. Orman -Over A.B. Smith's Store Brttaeoto, Voters' List, 1893. MONIOIrALITE OP THE VILLAGE Or Bis» est e, 00IINTr oe BuaoN. Notice is hereby given that I have trona - witted or delivered to the poroonsmention- ed in sections 6 and 0 of too Ontario Votore' Liat•Aot,1808,thecoitus remand by said 0e08ous 90 be transmitted or delivered of the flet, made pursuant to said Aet, 134 all persona appearing by the last revised 40 - seamen* Boli 01 the said Muuioi;olity to be entitled' 5 Voto in the f t Municipality a- eombly It [ort Municipal a of the eetioso ' A d t that and at dratos Blip at i and that said list was drat posted lip at my om5a at Brussels, on the 7th day of August, 1899, dad remains there for inepeetion, gloaters ere called upon to examine the Said list, and if any ommis5fona or any other errors are found b11005in, to take immediate p0eee5eiono to have the Raid errors ear - tooted according to favi. • F. 8. 5001T, Dated at Broads 7th day ofAugBros 1998,