HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-8-18, Page 6THE 'BRUSSELS POST
AUG. 18, 1893
(tu time for the early mails) at
"The Post" Steam Pubtishing Bau$o,
Timm= ST., Bn000iLs, ONT.
Tnusfs or Sonsonlrmrm..—One dollar and
a half a year, lu advance. Tlhe date to which
every sueserlptio11 is paid Is denoted by the
date on the address label.
A1)0810210080 1tAros.—The following rates
will be charged to those who adyax ise by
Um year
One OolL1;mu
Quarter "
L'lguth "
1011. 0,010, s m0
100,00 031,00 030,00
00.00 00,00 33.00
20.00 12.00 8.00
Mee 8,00 0.00
Eight cants per line for drs6 insertion, and
three cants per line for each subsequent In.
serblou. AU advertisements measured as
Nonpareil -13 lines to the Lich.
Business Carus, 0ig 111 lines and under, 00
per annum.
Advertisements without specific direc-
tions, will bo inserted until forbid, and
Oharge0 accordingly.
Instructions to change or dlsoontivae nu
Oth'OlOiaolOOL' 00801 be 1831111 the counting
room 01.311E Peer not later than 'Tuesday
of each week, This is imperative,
W. 11. E3;EA41a.,
Editor and Proprietor.
9�.istI1.Ct Beiu ,
The Sentinel is holidaying this week.
Reeve Bryon and wife have gone on it
visit to friends in Michigan.
Six of the eight Luoknow pupils who
wrote succeeded in passing the Entrance
Thursday of this week was oleic holi-
day. The Goderich Bioyole Tournament
caught the crowd.
A. little son of John Graham, of Kin.
Joss, bad his foot badly out by jumping
on grain cradle. A doctor dressed the
wound and is in hopes of saving the foot
whiob was nearly severed.
Lieut. Col. Smith, of London, who was
in the village recently, inspecting the
military stores of No. 3 Co., transferred
the same over to the charge of Lieut.
Huish Morrison.
D. D. Yule, Principal of our public
sohool ; Wm. Allis, T. W. Hildred, Jae.
Williamson, W. S. Elolmue, W. J.
Treleaven and Dire. (Dr.) MoCrimmon
are away for a two week's trip to the
World's Fair at Chicago.
J. E. Tom and 600, Percy, are visiting
the World's Fair.
The sum of $75 was granted to the
Biay°le club for decoration, els., for Aug.
D. K. Strachan has been engaged for
some time in overhauling the machinery
of Jos. Williams tug.
About three hundred people took in
the R. T. of T. excursion to Brantford on
'Tuesday of last week.
The scow hauled up on the island in
the harbor bas been pulled to pieces and
a new one will be built in its place.
The Warden's committee of the County
Council will meet here friday to consider
the result of the appeal in the suit by
Morris township against the county.
C. Straubei has gone to Toronto to
have an operation performed for throat
trouble, from which be has been suffer.
ing for a long time. Mrs. Bastedo mud
children returned to their beams with
The bicycle tournament takes place on
Wednesday of next week.
What might Have been it very serious
and fatal accident occurred on Monday
afternoon of last week, about three miles
west of Seaforth, on the railway trach.
William Meredith, section foreman, and
Albert Worth were going west at a good
rate of speed on a band car, when a spec.
fat freight traiu, which they did not ex.
pent, suddenly overtook them. The wind
being from the some direction in which
they wore travelling, prevented them
from hearing the approach of the train
until it woe barely time to save their
lives and in jumping off 131r. Meredith
slipped and fell on the track, where, in
another instant, he would have been run
over by the engine, had not Mr. Worth
bad presence of mind to pull him from
the track into the ditch alongside. The
hand car was, of neural, smashed in the
collision, and Mr. Meredith was found to
have su0teined serious internal injuries.
He was brought to his home here and
when median' as018tan00 was secured, it
was found that he bad, in addition to his
severe bruises, sustained a rupture on
both sides of his body. For several days
he has been confined to bed with 0011.
siderable Buffering, but is now doing as
well as could be expected. He certainly
hada narrow escape, and Mr. Worth
deserves great credit for his presence of
mind in a moment of snob danger
The Board of Public School Trustees
have engaged Miss MOEwau, of Hensel),
as assistant, during the two months
model term, at a salary of $05.
Wednesday morning while Mrs. Robt.
Biggard was walking aboub the yard,
h stepped n an
she e pp d o upturned garden rake,
theteeth of whish entered her foot,
making a bad wound,
John Stephenson reoeutly hod a narrow
escape. Ile was engaged putting in a
pump at Col. JIoare's. The Well la over
50 feet deep and while he was in it Dome
workmen above were lowering a 10•foot
pump log, when the windlass broke and
the log Went down title a shot. Forto•
hatoly it missed alt. Stephenson.
The outer day Stewart the eldest eon
of F. Maopheeson, met with a, bad mud -
dent. The family wore Damping on the
lake shore, beyond Poetor'e Hill, and W.
Wheatley was engaged in taking a load
of trappings to the clamp, Stewart riding
thereon; lila bat blew off, tied Mr.
Wheatley pulled up in order that the boy
might secure it, but in getting off the
load he accidentally fell breaking the
large bone of the wrist.
The large thrce•etory building, owned
and Oaoupled by the Ulinton Organ Co,,
Wag oempletely deetroyed by fire Thum
day night of last Week, The alarm wee
given a letat 11 c'olnak, just a few min,
Wet atter the dameubroke through, but
the are department was eowerlee8 to
fleet the bailding, Whiall crag frame,
Beane few organs and keels were eaVed,
but neerly at of the oontoute wero burn.
ed.. A brick building used by the eloatrio
light company, in whioh five or six large
dynamos and a vera large engine, ad•
joining the organ factory lead a very
narrow ammo, Although notburued the,
contents are partly destroyed by water.
The $4,000 insnroems in the United Fire,
Waterloo & Economical Mutual will not
ball cover the looses of Mr. Graham and
his Company,
The mason -work of Elliott; new law
office is nearing ootnpletion.
)Richard Pickard & Son have purch26ed
from John Randle a piece of land on
Main street, adjacent to D. Spicier's resi-
dence, and will erect a large store there•
on with about 80 feet frontage shortly.
Tuesday of last week was Exeter's
oivic holiday and it wee pretty generally
observed, the town presenting a deserted
appearance. Some visited Grand Bend
while a great many took in the Masonic
excursion to Sarnia.
Owners of wove inside the corporation
will bear in mind that on and after the
111113 of this month all °awe arc liable to
be impounded if not confined from 8
o'cloek in the evening to 0 next morning,
a000rding to by-law.
While 11Irs. Dan Davie was making a
playhouse for her little girls she met
with a painful accidenb. She was stand•
ing on a abair and bad ,just completed
placing a few boards to serve as a roof
when in stepping off, her foot came in
contact with a rusty nail which passed
almost through her foot.
Geoa-vice. •
The Vidette tikes its Summer holiday
this week.
W. S. Been and wife were away on a
trip to Maokivaw.
Major Koine and daughter have re-
turned from Manitoba.
R. Ross was at Niagara Falls, attend-
ing the I. 0. 0. I'. Grand Lodge last
At the last meeting of L. 0. L. No.
707, it was decided 10 celebrate the 5111
of November next.
Henry Gilduer killed a milk snake
which measured 8i feet in length on his
farm the other day.
Rev. W. W. Leech, Joe. Leech and
Edward Leech were in town last week
visiting their brother Jas. Leeoh.
A new threshing machine belonging to
J. J, McLaughlin was badly wrecked in
a runaway accident on the 6th con.,
Howiek, near D4Fishel's.
Wm. Dane has traded the Albion
hotel in this village to Alex. Orr for the
Park house,.Wingbam. Mr. Orr will
take possession next month.
The People's Cheese Co. sold its July
make of cheese at Die. per lb. Their last
half of Zane was sold at this same figure
and the first half of June cheese brought
Peter Doig bas Bold to Mrs. Jas.
Gamble his farm of 100 sores, lot 7, oil
the 5th con., Howlett, for the sum of 04,•
500. Mr. Doig purchased this property
two years ago for $11,000.
Startling Historical Pacts.
The following examples of sohoolgirl
erudition are not from the recent great
examinations, but from some papers at
a girl's standing in the Eastern districts.
The funny thing about them is the nom.
pieta mastery of isolated facts, with the
ability to trate them properly. It re•
minds cue of the yokel who said he knew
hie letters all right, but 'never could put
them together.' (Here are the extracts:—
The mitten famine was when the grass
was so scarce the'obeep had no place to
go for food, and there was no wool for the
people to malts clothes with.
The Indian Mutiny was when all the
people had to be mutined, because the
Indians was very groes if one was left
The Alnerioan war was a very civil
war, the people had hardly anything to
eat. The war lasted for seven years,
there was searoely a shoe in the camp,
People were all starved to death, the
king went to England, then 'he escaped
to France.
[ifrench translation]—Sickness is a
strange thing in the interior of a peas.
The battle of Waterloo was fought be.
06005 the Americans did .not want the
tea and they threw itin the water. Then
they said they did not want to betaxioat.
ed so they fought the battle of Waterloo.
The Jacobites were people who lived in
huts and they took 800 men end those
who lapped like adog were taken.
Walpole was the man who fought the
battle of Waterloo. Having beaten the
French he died in the moment of
Harold Dubois was an hour late in
coming. Ever since 8 o'olook, local time,
Vivian Merriweatlier had been stalking
about the parlor of her father's residence
lute a caged tigress. A6 a quarter past
the hour whi010 usually brought him she
had kicked it leg off the tettea•teto. At
8180 she had slammed the emelt cloak
down on the floor with a scream of fury.
Fifteen minutes later she upeet three
ohairs and howled. She bad just ripped
the Gobelin tapestry from ite hangings
and wrenched off a doorknob when the
well known ring pealed through the
house, and Harold
stood before her.
With little oty of
joyshe few to em•
brace bhp, but he wavd her away. He
bad gone into the oold storage business.
"Herold—darling—what has happen.
ed ?" demanded Vivian as elle stood with
arms extended.
He was silent, but his breast )leaved as
if he had a oat tucked away in his bosom
and it was tryieg to get out.
"Harold, your birdie is speaking to
you 1 She ehirpo for information i Do
not keep me in this fearful suspense or' I
shall perish I"
"Mitac lylerriweabher," he replied, eon -
trolling himself with a great effort, "I
have palled to say that it is all over be.
tween us."
Oh, Harold P'
"Do not plead with in0 1 I am im.
pla0able I Base one, your perfidy is dis-
covered. Thie afternoon, by mere anti.
dont, I met old Jim Schemrnorhorn, woo
]mows your whole family like beeswax."
"Harold, let me male I" elle pleaded.
"Not a blamed nestle, Mise lvlerri•
weather," he answered. "It 13e6ms that
yon have basely deceived me from the
beginning. Old Jim soya you have been
engaged It about 20 different fellows,"
She drew herself np in a gtleebly way
but made no reply.
"You have also been married twioa,
and both hasbande are diverged „from
Her queenly loop inereased 22 per
cent, butsheuttered never a ward.
"No longe0 ago than last week," be
went on in a voice which seemed .made
of sheet iron, "you boasted to °ernalu
people Haat you were simply playing me
for a 8aphead and when I could no longer
lend the old man money and trot yon to
the theatre you would give,nee the shako,
Thus do I tear you from my heart."
And 1)e numbed into his breast pookot
and brought out a scarlet penwiper she
had presented him and threw it on the
Harold Dubois, have you finished ?"
she coldly asked as he stood panting be•
fore hor.
I have."
"And you no lodger love me ? You
wish to chop our engagement in twain ?"
"It ie ohopped," he sternly replied.
"Then we'll have a little circus, my
Saying which aha sprang forward and
caught him by hie manly thrush. He
Was powerless In her grasp. Sihe banged
him against a cabinet of cm'ioo, dad1011
him against inlaid doors, plopped hien
over Persian prayer ruga and slammed
him athwart the massive marble mantel.
He gur,;led for mercy but sho had 110
mercy in her heart. He shouted for
help, bat her mother had rheumatism
and her father was at the Fifth ward
caucus. At length, after the aims had
lasted two or three boars, she opened Ibe
front door, kicked with .both feet at ones
and Earoli Dubois ehob out into the
darkness of the evening. Not one word
had she uttered during the performance.
It was only after he had partly revived
and jumped a 12 foot fence and disap-
peared from her sight forever that she
drew a long breath, reaohad around and
grabbed her stately train and murtnured:
"Let this be a lesson to you, young
man, never to trifle with it young girl's
affeobion5 again." Hannah, bring a
light that I may see if any small ohange
was rattled out of his pockets."
Perth County.
Blythe annual Fall Exhibition will be
held on Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct.
11th and 12th.
A Downie farmer was driving -home
from Stratford a few evenings ago in
company with his daughter, when his
buggy was set on fire, evidently by a
spark from his pipe. When noticed the
daughter's dress was on fire and quite a
hole burned in the buggy.
Two little sons of Market Gardener W.
F. Wauzel, of Stratford, met with a pain.
ful accident the other afternoon. A
Hook of black birds flew over Mr. Wen.
zel's plaoe end he went out with a gun to
shoot them. The little boys followed
their father, carrying the powder flask.
Thinking 10 have some fon the little
fellows put a match to the powder. They
were both rather severely burned by the
explosion which followed, One of the
boys had the skin literally torn from one
of bis arms from the hand up.
Edward Bingham appeared at 111e
Stratford Police Court the other morning
according to the terms on which he was
allowed out e, week ago. 16 will be re-
membered that he was charged with
stealing a watch from Ammon Gerdes, of
Petrone, Ill., who at the time was visit-
ing at Kustnerville. Bingham said he
had worked for a farmer Ulnae days and
had then gob a oertileabe from the
Mayor admitting him to the bospital.
He had come over to have the matter
cleared up. The watch bee not yet been
found and the case was adjourned_ for
another week.
Canadian News'.
The Woodstock central school is to be
heated by steam.
It coat Leamington last month 070 foe
natural gas to run the waterworks,
The Lake of the Woods Milling Co.
are going to build one of the largest
mills in americe, at Winnipeg.
Rev. Dir. Leplante, formerly of Levfe,
Quebec, was devoured by ebarks, while
bathing at Santa Cruz, Trinidad.
An 8.year•old Kingston lad attacked
by a game rooster was cut so badly in the
face that he will be disfigured for life.
An apple buyer who has been over bile
country between Amheretburg and Blen•
heim says there etre not 100 barrels of
apples in all the or0hards between the
two places.
The peach crop in tient promises.to be
splendid this year. Ed. Smith, of Cedar
Springs, near Rondeau, will have, it is
said, over 8,000 baskets of fine Craw -
ford's to market.
Thos. Galliford, aged 28, a native of
Ingersoll, was drowned last week in the
Mississippi river in Iowa. The first in.
timation his relatives in Ingersoll had of
his death was the arrival of the body.
A corpse was found in the Montreal
reservoir last week, minus head and
arms. It had evidently been in the
water for a long time, and more than
likely Montreal was drinking off of it the
entire Winter.
Mr. Tygert, who has been represent•
lug a hay firm of New York, buying hay
in the oountie0 of Huron, Bruoe and
Middlesex, but (ihieily in Huron, has
finished his labors for this 0eaeon. He
has shipped 868 carloads' which mane
8,880 tons of baled hay,
Thomas McCann, a well.to.do farmer
of the line fourteenth •'
ue Laet Zorra was a
heavyloser b
firs lash week. His borne
caugt lire about ten o'clock, just after
the forme bad retired for the night, and
the buildings, with the contents, were
destroyed. It was a splendid bank barn,
built two years ego. The content's in-
cluded the season's crop of hay, twenty,
five hogs and a valuable mare. One
tenni of horses and one hog. were saved.
The origin of the fire is unknown. Mr.
Mo0anu'e loss was partia)ly covered by
insurance in the Tavistock Insurance
The Sherman avenue 01060155 of the
G. T. 11. all e,milton was the 00ene of a
fatal ao0ident last Friday afternoon.
Tho little 15 month old child of Mrs.
Himmel) was playing on the oroasing
about 33;40 p. m. when' the express No.
588 oamu bounding in from the East.
Mee. 13immou wire standing near the
track at the time, and geeing the danger
in which her little one was pieced, jump.
ed forward to seize the baby and save 210
life, but before oho could get clear of the
track the eapee00 wail upon her, and
mother and child were ohneet instantly
kilted. Mee. ilimmoh was the wife of
Andrew klimmon, a G. 1', R. track men,
Who lives on 5i18rnean avenue, near the
A gang of 20 telephone men are putting
up a metallic alma between Berlin and
Tho moulding shop of the Massey.
Heade works, at Brantford have oloeed
np for two months.
The Tilsonburg stove foundry was of•
fered for sale by public 110003on and was
pareha0ed by Messrs. Reston foe the
sum of $50 for buildinge and foo sante
amount for patterns, the town still bold.
Ing a mortgage of 58,000 on the fo0ndra.
A sad aooldaot happened at Sarnia
last week. Alex. Murdoch, tine engineer
of Smith Bros.' woollen m1110, was
caught in the driving belt of 1110 engine
and killed instantly. Hie body was bac.
ly mangled. H5 was about 50 years of
age and lived with his mother.
Mrs. Annie Purcell, a widow, aged 50,
who has been living alone at 8.12 Sparks
street, Ottawa, was found dead last Fri-
dley morning in her kitchen. The house
was in much dieordor. Her false tenth
were found on the floor in another room,
where some farnitnre was broken. Her
1)300111 was oovored with froth. No
marks et violena0 could be discovered
and 11 is thought likely 0330 died in a fit.
Riley Wilson, a farmer, about a mile
west of Kingsmill, formerly of St.
Thomas, was 110.01ing wetter Friday
morning. His eon Ernest, it. lad 7 or 8
years of age, was with hind on the wagon.
While crossing the M. C. R. nook the
wagon was struck by No. 5, 01. C. R, ex.
press, One horse was killed and the
other so severely injured that it will die.
Mr. WIloou escaped with bruises on the
hip Anel hand. Hie son, however, be-
sides being bruieed about the head, had
his left leg crushed. The train stopped
and the lad was taken to the Amass
Wood Hospital, where medioal mon am.
putated the leg below the knee. The lad
is doing as well as could be expected.
The other clay a yotutg girl named
Maggie Reye was out 1)10123013 borrlos with
800016) Woolen, and when they were about
coming home some young boys from
Orangeville, who were also pinking bor.
ries, canght a snake and killed it. In a
spirit of fun theyhe10 up the reptile and
ran after the women. Miss Keys hap-
pened to be last, and one of the young
rascals threw the snake around the
young lady's neck. She fainted away
and remained unconscious for some time.
A farmer bad to drive her home. It will
be some weeks before she will recover
from the shock.
White Star Li12,eo
Between New York and Liverpool, Via
Queenstown, every Wednesday,
As the 96,an1068 of this lino carry only a
strictly limited number in the 12x3180' and
0EGOND GAMIN a000n1m0dtttiOn8, intending
passengers are reminded that an eerlyhtp-
pn0a1ion for berths is necessary at 01110 Nam
son. For plans, rates, etc., apply to
W. H. Kerr,
Agent, Brussels.
System Ilenova,tor
AND ovum—
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleepleasness, Palpate,
tion of the heart, Liver Complaint, Nene.
algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitie, Con-
sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitae' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De-
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Sold by J. T. PEPPER.
Druggist, Brussels.
Y -our best remedy for
E-rysipelas, Catarrh
R-heumatism, and
S -c rafu la
Salt -Rheum, Sore Eyes
A-bscesses, Tumors
R-unning Sores
S -curvy, Humors, Itch
A-nemia, Indigestion
P-imples, Blotches
A-nd Carbuncles
R-ingworm, Rashes
1-mpure Blood
L-anguidness, Dropsy
L-iver Complaint
A -H cured by
Prepared by DO. C. Ayer & Co,, towel', Were
all Druggists, Price $r; abt bottles, $5.
cures othewty, win curd you
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
pony at
6 & 6i Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Cle?'k, E)•uassls.
.Practical TVato/yin aher
o'J Cl Jeweler.
Thanking the publio for poet favors and
supporb and wishing still to secure
your patronage, we are opening
out Full Lines in
Silver Plated Ware
from Established and Reliable Makers
fully warranted by us.
Clocks of the
Latest .Designs
WEDDING nines,
Eenoraee, 0.
1. Also a Full Line of VroazNs and
Violin Strings, &o., in stook.
N. Ii.—Issarer of Marriage Licenses.
T. Fletcher, - Brussels.
Confederation Life
Rend Office : TORONTO..
and Assets, x;5,000,000
New Insurance, 1892, $8,670,000
Insurance at Risk, $122,565,000
Policies Non -Forfeitable and In-
disputable after two years.
Gains for 1892 over 1891 in In-
sou'aneo, "Vritten, $755,000,
Or over 25 per neut.
Insurance at Risk, $1,978,000
Or Nearly 10 per tient.
Assurance Inoomo, $48,678
In Assets, - $489,878
111.17..110111.111.... ViliiIMMO111111201431=1110.
A Preparatianof Herbsa Roots
Me Medical Properties afwhlch
are universal) known,
435 a,4051 0811JA8131 REMEOV r R
�° CDlliveness.Indigestion,Oyspepsia,5uur-Sl5ma[h
SUMMAND Dl2353055,
Not simply hide bare walls. As discordant strains of music are to
the ear, so is the eye tortured by out -of -harmony papol' on the walls.
If you look to cheapness alone you might as well cover your
plaster with penny -a -dozen newspapers. But if you appreciate real
beauty yon should consider many things in purchasing papers—the
location, light and woodwork of the room, etc.
Our stock includes something especially adapted to every room
—more colors and patterns than any other wall paper store in
the town. Our Goocl Papers cost you no more than tho poor ones
others sell.
Call and see our thousand -and -one styles. Persons thoroughly
versed in Wall Paper will wait ilpon you and aid you in making
We hang paper in a first-class manner and are prepared to ei-
ecute the best kind of decorations.
WINDOW BLINDS.—I have an elegant stock of Window
Blinds, well assorted, that will only need to be seen to bo appreci-
ated. They may be hacl Dither trimmed or plain by the yard.
House, Sign, Carriage and Ornamental Painter.
Big Bargains
All Liuc o SllJller Coos I
Profits Given
Away Free
Do not fail to call and price any-
thing you want to purchase.