HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-8-18, Page 3AUG. 18, 1893 THE LITTLE MAID'S AMEN, .A retitle of robes OA the anthern to Seared gently away on the air— The Sabbath morn's service was Oyer, And briskly I stepped down the elate ; When Moth 1»h ban Ifshted °other, Where the tall pulpit stairway one down, Asleep °roughed a tender, wee maiden, With hale like o ahadowy crown. Quite punted wee I by the viaion, But gently to wake hie I spoke ; ViThen, at the first word, the small damsel With one little gasp, straight awoke. 'What broughb you here fair little angel?' She answered with voice like a boll : "I tam, toe I've aot a sick mamma, And \Mut '00 to please pray her well," "Who told you ?" began I—she stopped me ; "Don't nobody told me at all ; . And papa oan't see 108 he'S eryin', And 'sides, sir, I isn't so smell ; I've been here before with my Inanint. We ttunmed when you ringed the big bell ; And ev'ry titne Om heard you prayin' For lots of sink folks to dot well." Together we knelt on the stairway, As humbly I asked the Great Power To give hack health to the inother, And banish bereavement's dark hour. I finished the simple petition, And pulsed for a moment—and then A sweet little voice at my elbow .Lisped softly and gently "Amon." Hand in band we turned our steps home. ward, The little maid's tongue knew no real ; She prattled and mimicked and carolled— The shadow was gone from her breast ; And lo when we reached tho fair dwelling— The nest of my golden•haired waif— We fond that the dearly loved mother Was putt the dread criaie—and sae. They listened, amazed at my story, Ana wept o'er their darling's strange quest, While the mins of the pale, loving mother Drew the brave little head to her breast; With eyes that were hemming and grate. ful, They thanked me again and again— Yet I knew in my heart that the hleeeing Was won by that gentle "Amen." Silas At The Fair. (Ellett Tun 01011i9) Den SirenaltY,—Won ov the things that I cant git yust to here is the way the peepul go a regain and tearin along the streets ez tho the last bell had jest ben a ringin fur brelcohnst. On the day I got here the carpets/volt was ranked out ov my heed three or four times, and I was Wean upsot myself it time or so be. fore Braila]: Javlun and me got to the plane whine we got on the street oars tbat was to take ue to kis paesanidge. No matter which way we turned fokes knot it pushin along by the drove, and I was naked fest wun way and thou an• abhor ontil my bones tilted, mud nay Sun- day kloze looked ez tho I had ben a Leonia um rite strata along fur a week. I tell you what it ie, old woman, they anent hire me to stay in this town six muntlas if they was to giv me a house and lot, fur I feel jest about smuthered eves, time I go out on the stleet and find myself crowded to deth. I dont spoze 1 kin ever git you to bleeve it, but its ez true ez preeohin that the crowds wevo seen n, Cideryille et a althea wudent be a patchin to the fokes to be thee hero, no matter which way yon look. You kno what a hundred steers look like? Well, the crowds here are a hundred times bigger site than that. Theres thousand times more peevel here than I epozed had ever ben born, and the world meet be rite smart bigger than I thaws 11 was, to mu feed muff to keep um from starvin to della. If I only had two cents a head fur the fokes Ive seen already Doe jest about sure that I mad set down and whittle all the rest ov my life and yet not be in any danger at all ov havin to go to the poor house, even if 1 was to live to be a hundred years old. Imo still Bruther Jevlue's houee, and Mats ez good 09 it weeks board saved at a tavern. Theyre rite mart crowded at the passunidge, the, and ez I notise that the bread is a bein sot furder and feeder Iran, me evry time 1 go to the table, rant bleeve Ile stay here more than anther week before I look around to see if I cant and me it boerdin house. The But clay I was at Bruther javlens the bread wozzent more than a foot from my plate, but this evenin I had to stand up to reaoh it with my fork. Besides me there is it kuzzin ov Sieber Javlun, by the name of Hicks, who has his wife and chile with him, and lows to stay a munth. They hadent heeled frum him fur nine yeer, ontil last spring he found out where they was, and take to ritin them the nicest kind ov it lethal; moat evry week. Ile finally kunkluded that he wud kill two birds with wun stone by kummiu to eee the World's Vara and at the same time pay Bruther Javluns fates a visit. Next to me at the table is a winder by the name ov Winter, who wears the hyest back kerne I ever seen in mwomuns head, and tawks ez tho she had tettea hard hold which had settled on bee °hist. She was won ov Bruther Javluns leadiu members wheu he was on the Brash. town sirltut, and wrote a pont with leven verses in it, evry wun ov which ended with Gabor Inv or abuy, and was printed in the nezepaper there when he left. She has her dawter Snowy with her, and the is it rite britt gal who goons peens to tie most eery mornin and nem. Theyvo ben here two weeks, mad I ha,int ben able to git no kind ov a hint out ov the widder when she expects to go bolt. She goes out to the fare evry day, and rites down a lot ov things about it in a, big red bilk° at nite. I asked Brattier Sevin if he lowed guide Lathy ontil she filled her btike. Ile looked up terrible skeert and sed he (Bacot lam, but reckoned not. The next icapple is two old maids by the name ov Denis, who ynet to go to the Beene simieary with Slater Javlun when oho was s gel. They are Marra Smoke Hill, and evry time we kum to. gethee won or tether be sure to, tell ns about Wen ov the wundeeful tillage that takes Ono out West. They Item the next day after I did, tint so Inc neether Wen ov nna has dropped it hint about What their Intim is as to When dactyl go bask. Sister JavItin sod today that she was it lookin fur two or throe ahem, but she dident lino jest When they Wed turn up. Its it good.thing that thither Jay. len has got to pesticunidge about tax Soleil ex big se the wun he had at Glanville, and that his wages be also about four times ez meta. It must be a good deal ov kueofort to hirn and hie wife to find out that they hay got so many Lamb who like to visit with um, Sut I must tell you thout how ny I Rum to bein stnutherea the fest nits I was here by blowle oat the Los, never Seen the beet ov their lamps. They hey um all serewed fast to the well; and you cant (Larry utn around 'a bit. Anther Icarus thing sheath um is that they dont pear to need no wick. I was dredful bired the nite 1 got here, and Reber rich my letter to you I didenb waste no time in hlowin out the lite and gotta to bed, but altho I was terrible drowsy it was quite a bit before 1 cud go to eleep. There was Seal a dredful bad smell an the room that I was afeerail mebbe a mb had clied behind the ward- robe and badent never bed got out. At last Mao, I dropped to sleep, and begun to dream that I was it bele choked almost to debh, and bit peered ez tho seinthin as big as m tree was a tayin akrose my Waist. Jest then there wee a great poundin itt the door, and I jumped out of bed a shakin in evry Pet, fur 1 didont kno bet what the house was on lire and the pump handle broke. "Open the door quick!" Brother Javlun yelled, and you better blow) I dun it, but the next Intuit I grabbed all my things and was ready to break fee the middle ov the street. Tbe preeuber throde open all the win- ders quicker than I oud boll it, and then in a manner that peered to me to be a good deal excited, he asked me if I had blode out the gas. I told him 1 'leant blode out within but the lite, and asked him what alae he expeakted me to do with it. At that he broke into a hal, anil sed he mite a hnode that I wudeut kno nuthin about bow to monniage gas, and it was his fault that I had ben lowed to go to bad without bein showed about it. Ile fardermore sea that blowin out the gas was about the want thing anybody cud do, and that it mite not only hav smothered me to death, but killed eery - body else in the house. After waitin quite a epell Inc the air to bekum safe snuff to strike a match in, he lit the end ov the pipe agin and showed me how to inguneer the thing. Its dun by turnip on a fussit the same ez you wnd draw vinegar out ov o hart, and it peers that the gas, which they yuee in- elbA ov kole oil, ie nuthin more ner less than a bad smell without no more body to it than the things you see in it lookin glass. It keoches fire tho, the minit you skratch it match, and they say it will burn Inc weeks without cancan, if you dont stop it. I dont kno whet they make it out ov, but Iva got nay suspishuns that they dont let anything ded in this town go to waste. I dont kno what they laav to pay a gallon far the stuff, ner bow many times a week they hay to change blas pipes. It must be mity cheap tho, or nobody wua be fool anuff to ran sech great make. I wudent keep a quart ov it in at house ov mine fur no munny. I bought me a pound ov candles the next day, and white I stay bare I dont intend to run any more resits by hustle anything to do with their gas. I hay tied man ov my new brown muslin haukerohntrs over the end ov the pipe so tire that I dont see bow snuff ov tbe stuff kin git out to do any hurt. Out in the streets and in sum ov the groceries, they hay a lite that makes thing. look ez bribe ez a lot ov yunguns at a ploknick. It butte moonlite alt bol. ler, and anybody but it cross eyed person cud see 110 plow eorn with it, if the rows had been planted skate. I inquired ov wan man about it, but I eakspeekt he sumhow or ether mistrusted that I was from the country and sea it wai dun by leaktricity. It beats all how many things they try to matte us farnaersbloove theyve got to dein by leolctrioity. A boob quint told mo wont that the dock. tars cud take a fab man and make a lean pun ov bin, in ten minits, by jest wrap - pin a wire round him a few times and then turnin on the lecktrioity, but I didenh altogether bleeve ib bekoz ha oudent answer me it word when I asked him what belcum ov the grease. Bo I say me rite smart joobus about the belts Ines a bein made by lecktrioity. I lino tbeyve got to dein ever so Lanny queer things with lightnin, but Ire not quite reddy to bleeve that they kin make at take the place ov taller in furnishin lite Inc a town like Shelcawgo, without jumpin out ov the traces and kiokin down a bildin avry whipstitob. Menu what kin find out tho, there dont peer to be no bad smell about it, and it dont seem to need mach smiffin. What kind of miselauff wud be harried loose if it was to be blade out I dont lino, bat 1 oak. speokt sumthin awful wed he sure to feller. hov not yit ben to the fare, bekoz Ive ben a nein so many big sites fur nuthin that it looked like foolishness to go out there and pay it half a dollar. reckon tho, mebbe Ile take et start be. fors .1 rite you anther letter. Ims terrible tired tonight with trampiu around so watch, and sal bleeve Ile bite this letter a little short and quit. So farewell fur this time. No mere at pros. at. Fr um your huebtin, Smte GANDiniroOT, 1. 0. 0. F. (RAND LODI3E. Grand Lodge opened at Niagara Falls at 0 a. tn. on Friday of last wook, Grand Master Joliffe presiding, Votes of thanks to various persons and corporations were passed. It was resolved not to ohmage the method of selecting Ramberg of the Grand Locige. It was resolved to csoom. mend that the Grand Lodge's representa- tives in the Sovereign Grand Lodge be directed to request that the Grand Lodge be extborized to recognize the servioes of Bro. Ormiston. of Gananoque, and thab tho title of Past Grand Master be given him for the year in which he served as Grand Mester. It was decided not to appoint a medial examiner to examine and pass on all melted papers, tho same as life insurance companies. Moved by Rep. Sargent and seconded by Rep. Bunt, that when this Grand Lodge adjourns it doss so to meet in the city of Eitigston in Aug., 1801. Atnend. events were offered for London and Ham. ilton, It was almost unanimously de. oided to meet in Kingston in 1801, Gloved by tire. Thus WoOdwatt and seconded by Bro. J. Montego that the inoolning Gran Master, BrO, Joseph Oliver, bo an accredited repethentetive to the gathering in Chimp) in September in conjunotinh with the pethont Grand Mator, Bro. Joliffe, no- additiontd ex. taanse to be inerred by the appointenent. Carried, TUE BRUSSELS POST The installation 11 officers wee pro- ceeded with As r01,10W0 :—G. his Joe; Oliver, Toronto; W. H. Hoyle, Oalloinft. ton, Dep. Grand Mader ; Tbioit. Wood, .yatt, Brantford, Grand Warden ; J. /3, King, of Toronto, Grand Seeretery ; Wm. Beaman, Toronto, Sound Trona urer. The following brothers were ap. pointed and installed by Grand Warden Oliver to the reapeotivo °Owes :—C rand Marshal, Dr. MoLurge, of Wuociatods ; Grand Concluder L, Pascoe of Bel ca elite ; Grand Geordie'', 11, L. Webber, Elmira ; Grand Herald, 13ro. Patterson, Waubitualmne ; Grand Chaplain, Rev. F. W. Armstrong, Trenton ; Junior Past Grand Muter, Bev. T. W. Joliffe, This closed the business of the Grand Lodge for this session, The Oultamblan Meese Tont —Wise Bust Milk Producer. The Department of Agriculture, at the World's Fair, have &nuanced the de - Melon in the Columbian cheese test. This test was one of the most (template, the most carefully conducted, and most thorough that has ever been made. The jetheys, Guernseys, and Shorthorns coin- peted, each with 25 oows. The result is as follows :—Milk in fifteen days by Jersey, 13,200 pounds ; Guernsey, 10,- 938 pounds; Shortlioned,12,180 pounds. Cheese made in fifteen days, jeesey, 1,- 451 pounds ; Guernsey, 1,130 pounds; Shorthorned, 1,077 pounds. Wine of cheese, Jersey, 6193.08 ; Guernsey, 0135.- 02 ; Shorthorn, 4140.14, The award for the best bred cow was given to the Jemmy. Out of the cows, Ida 1VIerigold, owned by 0. Sweet, of Buffalo, N. Y., received the first prize. WIteiN 4.1.101le Siem. Han state pays tribute to Bangkok, A rich man will often bequeath a limb bo the birds and banal. Libraries are often kept in tanks to es - Cape the ant's ravages. The king is absolute but claims no absolute rights over the land. The bodies of the poor are given to the vultures and wild beast. Even the cutting of the king's hair is made the occasion for rejoicing. The position of women is good, ',al- though girls can be sold as wives. The people have great festivals at the beginning and end of the rainy season. The negleot of the heir to perform fu- neral rites renders his clean to the property invalid. When a crime is committed the family and even the neighbors ars held responsi- ble for the criminal's appearance. The yearly rainfall at Bangkok on an average of 10 years is 57 4.10 inches, of whin 50 58.100 fall from May to October. Elephants are very numerous in the South and. East. They are as intelligent its the India elephant, but usually less highly trained. During the web season travelling through a largo eeation of Siam would hardly be possible without elephants, of whin some are kept in every village. :Struck Gas in Manitoulin. Manitoulin is exalted by the opening of a gas well at Little Current. W. 11. Backe in the Inky owner of the property on which the web exists. The discovery eame about in this wet, as told by the Expositor — Lamb summer Mr. Becks undertook, to bore for water on his lot. Digging ab int eight feet oE soil the men employ- ed came to the rook and had lo start the drill. They worhett away steadily until at the depth of about GO feet when some gas was noticed. The boring was non- tinued and a rumbling sound could be heard, at the same time as escaped freely at the top. They worked away until they got to the depth of GO feet and water was streak. The water came into the well very rapidly, and in a short time it was within two fest of the top. It was thought by everybody that it was going to hem genuine artesian well. Tbie state of affairs existed for a short time, when to their surprise the water went down until the well was nearly dry. Since only about two pails of water could be got a day, This summer Mr. Becks determined to sink his well deeper, and after boring about twelve feet more a tremendous rumbling was heard. The well was per- fectly dry, and in order to drill the rook it wits necessary to pour water .down. 'Upon quitting work Thursday night a strong smell of gas was noticed and a light was applied to the mouth of the web. Immediately there was a tremen. dons llama. A pipe was inserted into the hole and a light applied; the gas continued to burn with a flame two feet long, This fire was kept going for two or three hours, no decrease in the flow being per. ceptible. Word was sent down, and an immense concourse of people gathered to witness the great discovery. The well woe left open, the float of gas continued all night, and in the morning when lighted the flow was as strong as ever. The supply coming out of the well would be sufficient bo light a large town. Mr. Beaks intends sinking the well still far. thee, and it is expeoted that an increased quantity of gas will be obtained. In this region, when any greet depth is attained, quite a pressure of gas is found, and if properly handled would provide fuel and light for a city us large as Toronto. LEI! US 411,11/ 1.1113(01. You ottn't toll by the blossoms which of the apples will be wortny. Anything that would be considered rude at home is oonaidered a bugs joke at a piomic. "What thole shall I nee?" said the laborer bo bis foreman. "Oh, take your pick," was the easy reply, Why express surprise that a young man should get giddy when a pretty girl violently turns his heed. Our idea, of a Christian is a Men woo dooen't !Aug!' when it rains On 0 pia Me party to which he was not invited. "What's the name of your new boat ?" "I named it Bridget aftee the cook, be- cause it melee such heavy rolls," "raiser sings beautifully, they tell mo Ito can't tell the tenth." "That's right. He is the most tutieful lyre' iu the County." An awful responsibility edge upon the 111011 who lute deanitely made up his mind at IDA that it is time for him to paint his hone. Upstreet—"Hullo I 'I didn't ltneev you were a bioyeliat. How long have yeti been riding ?". 33. Oinner--" 'Bent two Weeks off and on." sq was onetime al churn and pub 01 in the box when I Jotondeil to glvajonly a Uwe," base of coutrilantere negli. gone, ao to speak." She—"Idow many times have you been in love before you met me ?" He— "Once." She—"And why didn't you natter' tier 2" 110—"She was married &tree y.' "Brim was feeling pretty gay when he went to the °tub Witt eight. How did be make out ?" didn't make 001 51 ell, they bad to pub Min out." Clara—"Why are you so bitter against him, just beeaufse he proposed and you reamed him ?" Mande—"The wretch I Ile said ha would never ask me again." Anne—Do you know, Mabel, I had two offers of marriage last week ? Mabel —My darling Anne 1 1 ma so delighted 1 Theo it is really true that your uncle has left you all bis money 7 "Were you introduced to the Count last night, Marie ?" "Yes, we talked together for an hour," "What did you tent about ?" "1 haven't the remotest idea. We spoke French." They were speaking of superstitious and Mrs. Dix said, "What is at the sign ofjto have the family eat howl outside at night 1" "Of a death in the family if a good shot," replied Dlr. Dix, emphati• amity. CE READ1 'MO sex School Bool.s, Slates, Pens and Ink, Lead and Slate Pencils, Scrib- blers, Drawing Books, Copy Books, Exercise Books, Leather and Cotton School Bags, Chalk Crayons, &c., in stock at The Post Bookstore. Mourning Notepaper and Envelopes. Grand Trunk Worit EXCURSION —TO— Chicago - anti - Return —A — SINGLE FARE ii,up.$t 13 84 10, Good to Return August 28th. Choice of Ten Routes. J. N KENDALL, G. T. It. Agent, Brussels. For Constipation Ayer's Fite For Dyspepsia Ayer's For Biliousness Ayer's NHS For Sick Headache Ayer's Ms For Liver Complaint Ayer's Pins For Jaundice Ayer's Pills For Loss of Appetite Ayer's Pails For Rheumatism Ayer's Pills For Colds Ayer's Pills For Fevers Ayer's Pills Prepared by Dr, S. 0, Ayer St Co. Lowell, Maas Sold by all Druggists, Every Dose Effective BARGAINS IN BOOtS at Shoes FOR 30 DAYS. A. Grand Chance to get Big I3argains in Boots aucl Sitocs itt Good Brothers New Cheap Store, Great efforts to dispose of all classes of Boots and Shoes in order to make room for Fall stock. The stock on band comprises everything that is new and fashionable, and will be offered during the next 30 Days at VERY LOW PRICES. ElliSTECTION' LV VITT,/ A Nice Stock of Crockery, China and Glassware al at Rc,,Ine• ed Prices. Butter and Eggs Wanted. Imo 1.0 1 -,AW - 08 -.RAP Sr1101ZM,,- BRUSSELS - AND - SEAFORTH. PHOTOG S HER9 _ t(. sueteseamiaceasonzeo.asulni—, Ulm Dver Sloluil Mot r3,==.1110.000, .10 ot 5OEiNJ P Al\TTS UN e ts, MILL 8 OF WOOL FOE C A. H Or in Exchange for Goods. The Highest Market Pi GB will be Allowei oesomonnoonazona. Wo lave a rine .A.ssortment of Tweeds, Cotton.s, Flannels, Cash- meres, Blankets, Sheet- ing, Knitted Goods, Yarns, &c. A.11 Wool left with us for manufacturing, whether rJlls or otherwise, will have our prompt attention. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. HOWE aa Co.,