HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-8-11, Page 8S LIESy 00 Dna oxoula3on8 6o Manitoba and the FLIES!riti 1 Northwest commoner next 'J:uee Partners the "Unions" would now favor us with a return baseball metals, just for Auld aoquaiatance sake. Gaunt and Wroxeter aro Worked by the o;Tcees o3 the Salvation Arnry, Bros. sale, in eonnootioe with the circle oorpa. OR7'T.-Last Saturday morning Annie, beloved wife of ])avid Frain, died sud- denly and unexpectedly at her home in Brussels, She had boon poorly end was In bed, A alight coughing spell ottme 00 and after it she turned over and passed away without speaking a word. Mr. Frain was absent after a second dootor at the time of her decease, Death was earned by heat t failure, it is said. Five young children are left to remember the kindness of a good mother. The funeral took plane on Tuesday morning, it hav- ing been postponed from Monday after- noon t0 allow relatives to reach Brussels in time. Rev. Samuel Jones conducted the service. Mr. Frain and family are deeply sympathised with in their un - looked for bereavement. What a nulemus0 tiieso flies are and how shall I get rid of them you say 7 There are at leaeb three ways of doing dile. Due is by the use of tly )tapers, We have Wilson's Fly Felts, Davis' Fly Felts and Shoo Fly Potent. The former seems to give good satiefaation. Then you can, for 5o., buy two sheets of Tan- glefoot or better known as Sticky Fly Paper which keeps theft right there. L+et he not least we have the Insect Powder whish will quiukly kill every fly in a room if kept olosed for a short time. It is much cheaper now, 2 oz. for 10e,, and when used with one of our 10e. Bellows is easily managed. We will be pleased to supply you. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &o. BRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN ExTENSION W. a. & R. Trainer leave Brussels Station, North nd South, as follows: Gorse SopxH, Sento NoRTH. Mall 0:53 atm. Mixed 0:45 a.m. Express. 11:50 a.m. Mali 0:18 pm, Mixed........ 9.05 pan. Express .,9:40 p.m. o tat Peths Pins. A cbiel'e among ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Now wheat is offering on the maree•r. A wEnDING is billed for September 1 , Brussels, Seneca, Board on Friday evening , f this week. ANtREw'e shooting gallery did the town this week° WHAT about getting the Smith fact, ry and the Vanstone roller mill rusLi work ? THE wood work on Dr. Graham's b', el: has beau brightened up by the painte,'s brush. Bona, schools will reopen on Mon' v, 27.stinst., and village and town sol..,„Is one week later, Aug. 28th. NEW Fall goods are arriving. I. "k out for the announcenente of the 1a,9, chants each week in Tut PesT. TRANSIENT Traders license in Brnr:.eis has been placed at 440. The statute al. hews $50 to be imposed under a bylaw. A REPORT of the 0. 0. F. Demonstra- tion at Kineardioe, last week, as given in the Reporter, may be read on page 0 of this issue. D. FRAIN desires to express his sincere thanks to the many kind friends who sympathised with himself and family in the great lots they suffered. TKE R. T. of T. semimonthly meeting was not held last Tuesday evening owing to improvements being made in the Odd. fellows' Hall where the Template meet. RussELL FLRTeNEE had bis left eye put in deep mourning last Friday evening while playing lacrosse on Victoria Park by a blow from the stick of a companion. Jns. KELLY is getting the stone bauled for the water tack et the corner of Teen - berry and Church streets. The work is supposed to be completed by September 1st. BnpeeELo Driving Perk Association Directors talk of holding Fail rnoes about Sept, 12th. A stallion race open to horses owned in Huron County, is men- tioned as a probable event. Bsusezes -Voters' List for 1808 is out. There are 254 names in Part I ; 113 in Part I1 ; and 29 iu Part III. 03 are qualified • to serve Woven. The names of 47 Indies appear on this year's list. A. mace oo of the creditors of James Irwin, merchant, will be held in Toronto on Tuesday of next week. Mr. Christie is in charge of the store for the Trustees. We hope Mr. Irwin will be able to make a satisfactory settlement and thereby re0nme bnsfness. Tnn officers of the past quarter have bean re-elected in conneotton with Western Star Lodge, L 0. 0. F., Bras - sale. Wm. Martin is away this week a delegate to Grand Lodge, which meets at Niagara Falls. Mrs. Martin 00oonn- paaied him, LEON 3ecxsos should have been credit- ed with 575 marks instead of 555 as re- ported last week in 0o0neetipn with the relent Entrance examination. It was mot a mistake of Tut Poso ns all the pub- lished reports were alike as far as we noticed. Lase Tuesday evening about thirty Bruseelites went to a flax field D. Frain's children had the job of pulling and gave them abig lift toward completing the work. These little acts lead tie to believe that the milk of Unman kindness nae not dried up yet, Monne: PAoTY.-Under the auspices of the Guild of St. John's thumb, Brussels, a garden party will be held on the spacious grounds of W. F. Vanetoso on Tuesday evening of next week. Mre. and Mies Sage, of Walton, will be present, also the town Bend. Tete Allan Liue has made a great re - auction in cabin rates by all the steamers of the Montreal and Liverpool servioe, and a1.o by the steamers of the Allan State Line, sailing between New York, Londonderryand Glasgow. W. R. Kerr, of TDB POST is loan) agent. Awenoxv Seeress found a gent's open laced gold wat011 on Victoria Park ou Wednesday evening and promptly hand- ed it over to the Reeve who shortly atter• wards looated the owner, a gentleman from the Weat. It had eliRped out of his pocket not having a a hair attached. Ile was lucky to ever get it among so large a orowd, LAWN Paltry, -On Friday evening of this week a lawn party will be held on the beautiful grounds of R. Lsatherdale, corner of Turnberry and William streets, under. the 00551090 of the Bpwotth League of the Methodist chorale In ad. dition to refreshments in the shape of oofeo, bread and butter, cake, tee cream, lemonade, &o., a choice program of vocal end iuetrumentai Music will be provided. The S, S. Orchestra will taste part. The Meth will be illuminated by eleetrio tight. A good time ie aseeurod to all. People We Know. \lie I1ate Hembly is on the sink list. Mre. Neil McLai:Min 1105 been on the sic c list, W. Dutton, of Iugersoll, was in town last week. Harold Creighton may take a situation in Guelph. Mfiss Frank Pelton in holidaying at Innerkip. Mfrs. Morris, of Hespeler, is vieitiug at Geo, Howe'e. Miss Green, of Listowel, wee visiting Broasels this week. Dirs..Boberes and children, of Ripley, are visiting in town. Miss Ramsay, of Chesley, is visiting MI. a, 11. L. Jackson, G. A. hood is here on a visit of a few weeks loom Saginaw. Mrs. Smith, of Seaforth, is visiting Mrs. IV.tteon Ainley. Lexie Alexander, formerly of Brussels, was in town this week. J. S. Smith and family were vieitiug in Klnee dine last week, Mies ,l.ddie Vanstone is home from Tilsonl erg for her holidays, Miss !.aura Turnbull, of Atwood, was visitint n Brussels this week. Mfrs. Fitzpatrick, of Fort Gratiot, is visiting, 1,09 parents. in Brussels. S. L -;+pard, wife and son, of Toronto, are vie ;r,ng at Walter Jackson's. lis :;.lith Marlow, of Wingbam, is visitine; flies Jessie McAlpine. J. '1 Jook, formerly of Brussels, has remov,•. from Wingham to Clinton. Inc. Miolae, of Cranbrook, has taken a posit)• a in J. T. Pepper's drug store. Mist. Luella -Ross arrived home from a short tmit to Durham on Tuesday night. Tret,.urer Belly and wife spent a few days et Kincardine enjoying the lake breezes. D, A. McNay and wife, of Wingham were visiting Mre. J. S. Smith on Wed nesday. • Harry Crooks, of Gananoque, was home for a few days last week. He Likes the Eastern town. Mrs. J. G. Skene and daughter are away on a visit to relatives at London, Essex and other pointe. Principal Cameron was in town for a couple of daye this week, having just re- turned from the World's Fair. Mrs. Harry Bothwell and child and Miss Ames, of Bay City, are visiting rela• tives in Brussels and looality. Miss Cora Ferguson and her two brothers, George and Bert, of Teeewater, are visiting relatives in thin locality. J. D. ISlakley and family, of Montreal, brother to Mrs. T. Hall, Alexander street, will become residents of Brussels, Roht. McAlpine, of Toronto, is visiting his parents in town. Mr. MoAlpine has recently returned from a trip to Winni peg. Willie Loatherdale and Herbie Dennis aro visiting friends at Earrieton, Elora, Galt and Guelph. They went on their bicycles. M. Y. McLean, of the Seaforth Ex, positor, and Itev. Mr. Hunt, of the same town, were among the spectators at the sports on Wednesday. George McLaren, salesman in A. R. Smith's store, left on a visit to the World's Fair on Friday of last week. He will be away a couple of weeks. Harry Cormack, of Chicago, was home for a fete days. He accompanied the re• mains of his brother John to Braseels. The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon. Last MIonday we had a pleasant call from Editor MoLeod, of the St. Mary's Argus. Along with his neice and son a visit was being made to Dr. McNaugh- ton, of 13rnesels. Mrs. Smale, of Chicago ; Mrs. Douglas, of Woodstock, eieter of Mre. D. •Pereiu Mrs. Hetneworth, of Detroit, mother of deceased ; and Mrs, J. Kerney, of Wood - steak, attended the funeral of the late Mrs. D. Frain on Tuesday. Mfrs. George Cardiff, who was away to Manitoba on a holiday visit for several weeks, reached home last Monday. Their train was delayed by a washout and Mrs. Cardiff and Mfrs. Henry Mooney Sundayed at North Bay with a relative of the former. Rev. J. Boss, B. A., and wife were called to Elora owing to the illness and death of Mrs, Watt, Mr's. Bose' mother. The dereased was over 81 years of age. She died on Saturday and the funeral took pleats on Monday. Mr. Watt bag reached the patriarchal age of 00 years, Duncan Stewart, Stratford ; Peter Stewart, Miss Lizzie Crerar and Thee, Stewart, of North Basthope, Perth Co, ; D. M1cTavish and wife, of Stanley, Huron Co. ; hirs,'T, and Mrs. Rowan, of Giam- mis, Bruce Go. ; and Robb, Stewart, of Chicago, attended the funeral of the late Mre, Alex. Stewart last Friday afternoon. Business Locals. Boy wanted et Gillies & Smith's Batik, BASS viol for sale at a bargain. Apply to 1i. L. Jackson, Waxers 0131 for our advt. next week. Ferguson & Halliday. Two mos of oats for sale on park lot 0, Brttteele. Apply to T. Belly. Moseme ehinglee at 50 cents per bunch at J. &P. Amout'e, Bruesele, 11. 1's, Mencooe & Go, are opening out a mammoth etook of Dry Goods at the Garfield House, Brasoole, Everybody within 15 miles of Brunets is asked to sea oar geode and got the 'wonderful prloes We ate selling them at, TIIE BRUSSELS POST AUG, 11, 1893 We are prepared to mince pictures, 011y size required, et reeeonable prices. Give us a call, Id. J. Steemg. WVALKItn & Bw•AN, Brussels, are the Meal agents for the Cheer 1:tm wagon, 0100 the Bain 3vagou. Piioos right. ' Now is the time for viewing, Publio buildings, residences, pia.nie parties, eto. can be photographed on shortest notice, 13, 3. Strong. Bunsen 00opxmA red cedar shingles. A oar load of the hest shingles in the world, have been known to last from 80 to 40 years on a building, Tar sale 0.113. Gerry's, Bruesele. TO Tag Pcnnro.-Having purchased en- tire stook of 0. E. Perry's negatives, any photos. can be had from theta by leaving order at my studio. II, J. Strong. Wens FOioo.-A pair Of f1n0 shoes were places in a buggy in the American Hotel shed, last Saturday, in a mistake no doubt. The owner may have them by proving property and paying for thie notice. Dmleseemixa,-Mise Sample, dre=a. maker, has removed her shop from Dr. Graham's block to the apartments over 1. 0, Biolltu'd'e ebop where she wit be pleased to wait on her former 0u 15,0895 and as many new ones as desire nor services. One Sumner sale continues and large numbers of customers are taking ad• vantage of the genuine bargains offered by us. Have you inspected our goods yet ? Every lady within 20 miles of Brussels should see our display. Fergu• son & Halliday. Wnos you find that you cannot sleep, and get up in the morning as tired as when you went to bed, be assured your Kidneys or Liver are out of order. 1LTembray's Kidney and Liver Cure will remove the cause of all this trouble. Try it.. As a hair dressing and for the proven• Hon of baldness, Ayer's Hair Vigor has no aerial in merit and efficiency; It eradicates dandruff, keeps the scalp moist, clean, and healthy, and gives vitality and color to weak, faded, and gray hair. The most popular of toilet artiolee. Luxe a ship without a rudder is a man or a woman without health and the necessary strength to perform the ordin• ary duties of life. When the appetite fails, when debility, and a disordered condition of stomach, liver, Id dney, and bowels assail you, take Ayer's Sarsap- arflla, MoST RI:1IAmLAELE ON EAnTH.-So says Professor Gresham, New York, of St. Leon Mlincrai nater, to invigorate, build up and preserve strength and happine,e life long. It is impossible to speak too highly of St. Leon. A fresh supply to hand at Geo. Thomton's. WErm-Dreorel AND Damrrno. George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drilling wells and ie proper. ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wella cleaned out and put in proper shape. Terms reasonable, Residence emend door north of the bridge, west aide of Turnberry st., Brussels. 34-tf BHEOlIATis)r ODnsn IN A DAY. -South Amerieau Rheumatic Cure for Rheums. dem and Neuralgia radioaliy cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It re- moves at onoe the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first does greattly benefits, 75 cents. Warranted by G. A. Deadman. S101010LEs.-A oar of Ilritish Ooulum• bian shingles for sale by Backer & Van. stone. See them before you buy. British Columbian shingles will lay more per square than any other shingles in Canada. They are safely laid 59 inches to the weather, one thousand covering nearly 158 square feet. Pine shingles cannot be safely laid over 49 inches to the weather, one thousand covering 138 square feet. Therefore sufficient pine to cover the same amount of roof, at the same price per thousand, cost about nine per cent. more than B. 0, shingles, and at the same time our shingles will last fully three times longer than pine shingles. TEE 810x110 DASD. -Grantley, Ont., Aug. 7. --The interest in the came of Mr. Munro, of whish tnention was made in a despatch from here last week, rapidly increases as his improvement in health progresses. As a wise man should do, Mr. Afouro did not say anything about his trial of Dodd'e kidney pills for the dropsy which afflicted him, until he found that good would result from their use. Now that he has satisfied himself and others of this, beyond the shadow of a doubt, he is loud in his praises of the remedy. In answer to the enquiries that have poured in upon him about his health, MIr. Munro unevere : "I am bet- ter than I have been for three years, and the credit is due to Dodd'e kidney pills.” His case and others prove Mutt these pills are, by all odds, the most wonderful remedy of the age, A mud turtle weighing over 27 pollud5 was captured in the Seuble river by Bli Snell. 230RS7 STEwsiw.-In Atwood, on A ug. '2nd, the wife of Mr. W. Stewed of a daugh. ter. Dos unasN.-In Brussels, 011 Aug. 6t11, the wife of Mr. G. A. Deadman of a daughter. B11owNLEE,-Ab the Reotory, Gerrie, on July 81st, the wife of ]rev. W. F. Brownlee of a eon (still born.) ssAxaz„xemsee BLAooc-ENox,-At Edinburgh, Scotland, on July 20th, by the Bev, Armstrong Black, brother of the bridegroom, MIr, Ebenezer Oharltoe Blnok, yonngest son of the late Rev. John Bleak, of Liddisdale, Sootlaud, to Miss Agnes, youngeet daughter of the late A, W. Knox, of St. Marys, �x>rxo. Con)tnolc,---In Chicago, Ill., on Aug, 2nd, John F, Cormack, aged 29 years and 10 months. HAnp1Na,-71.1 Kamtoops, B. 0., on July 7.4th,Bev. Freeman Harding, former- ly of Howick, aged 50 years, 11. months and 5 daye. Sone se. -In Gerrie, on July 28th, Gil• beet Jardine, aged 91 yoare• SEkrts: Ig 9linton, on Friclay, 1 Aug, 4111, J. D., youngest bon of James and Beei0 Seale, aged 8 years and 8 mon is. Weer, -In Flora, on Saturday, August 511, 1898, Barbara Argo, wife of Alexander Watt and mother of hies. (Bev,) :,John hose, Brussels, aged 81 yeere, S214X.D„1J .D Baur 01+' �nT,A Z,mnmrtsca= 7.972. HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO, ASSETS, (Seven Million Dollars) 97,000,000 OAPITA.L (A861109i00d) . 92,000,000 r ,4Uenoiea in all principal notate is Ontario, Quebec, Afanitoba, United Stales ie• TnptaUrt. A General Banking Businese Traneacted, Farmers' Notes Discounted. Drafts Isened and -Collections made on all points. SAVINOS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed ou deposits of 41.00 and upwards from date of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly. SPECIAL ATTENTION a1n=N To 'run COLxenTION OF FAILM310e' SALO NOTI•se. Every facility afforded Onetomers living at a dietanoe. W. D. HART, MANAO0n. TELLIES & a IT I, 3A S, B J U SS:FZIS, Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts 13ougiat and Sold on All points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. FABMBItS' NOTES DISCOUNTED. SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPBOIALTY. Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Bates. Interest Com- pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Prinoipal at the end of the Months of Catcher and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits. 51•c effect to write Insurance 1n old English or Canadian Companies, or in Mut- 11111 C0n.1mnlee 05 may be desired. AonoNTs Pon CANADA. AND UNITED STATNe : TIM CANADIAN BANK OF OomlltnoE. :-t 1 i ns --In Brussels, on Aug. 511,, Annie, beloved wife of David Frain, aged 89 years. FA�T� FAxxes, Hensall, Sept. 7.8. Toronto Industrial, Sept. 4.16. Western at London, Sept. 1421. Central at Gueiply, Sept. 79.21. Greet Northwestern et Goderioh, Sept. 2092. South Huron at Exeter, Sept. 25.26. Mitohell at Mitoheil, Sept. 26.27. Turnberry at Wingham, Sept. 26.27. 28M27.orningtou & Ellice at Milverton, Sept. 2 7North Oxford at Woodstock, Sept. 26 Centre Huron at Clinton, Sept. 26.27. Southern at Brantford, Sept. 26 28. North Waterloo at Berlin, Sept. 26.27- 28, West Wellington at Harriston, Sept. 27.28. North Perth at Stratford, Sept. 28 29. Blanchard at Kirkton, Oct. 5.6. East Huron at Brussels, Oot. 5 6. Morris Branch at Blyth, Oct, 11.12. DESR JSSfmT�9 7t•TARSs^TS, Fall Wheat 58 Spring Wheat ... 58 Barley 30 Pees 54 Oats 32 Sutter, tube and rolls18 Eggs per dozen 9 Flour per barrel 8 00 Potatoes ... 40 Hay per tan 0 00 Salt per bbl., retail1 00 T-Iidee trimmed 39 Hides lough 8 Sheep skins, each 60 1 00 Lamb thine each 65 00 Apples per bag.... 50 00 Wool 17 18 Pork 7 00 7 50 60 60 86 00 84 14 00 8 50 50 7 00 00 Wool8To0K, Aug. Oth.-Twelve faotorfes offered 8,013 home, first half and last half July ; sales, 1 lot 250 boxes, Sret half July, no. Salesmen not eager to sell lest half July. Livsuroox,, Aug. 7. -The annomlas- ment made last weep that the adenines in the pride of cattle was only temporary has proved correct, its quotations are off fully a id today, the heavy suppiiss, weak demand, warm weather, all tending to depress the market. The receipts of Canadians were light. The range of prices were as follows :-Finest steers, 12e ; good to choice, 3.390 ; poor to median, 103c ; inferior and bulls, 79a to 9o. Tonoxno, Aug. NIL -Fleur, straight roller, $2.80 to 93,00 ; extra, 92.40 to 92.60. Wheat, white, 59 to 60c ; No. 2, spring, 57 to 68o ; red winter, 59 to 60a ; goose, 60o ; No. 1, Man., hard, 81 to 820 ; No. 2, 79 to 800 ; No. 8, 78 to 710 1 front- ed No. 1, 05 to 66o. Peas, No. 2, 58 to 60o, Barley, No. 1, 45a ; No. 2, 40o ; No. 8, extra, 80 to 40o ; No. 4, 82 to 380. Oats, No. 2, 86 to 410. Market seemed exceedingly dull. Sales -No. '2 Men. hard wheat outside ab 78 to 79o. Lennox, Angueb 8. -The Mark Lane Demos, in its weekly review of the British grain trade, nye :-The British wheat crop is now estimated at 7,00%000 quartere. This leaves 21,00%00 quartere to be imported. Deducting the etook left over from 1892, there will be needed 19,- 00%000 quarters. It is not easy to see whore this supply is to come from, It will absorb all the good Grope of Bessie, India and Southeastern Europe to fill the British requirements. In the mean- time foreign whsate are neglected. Manitoba is quoted at 28e Sid, and Colf- fornia at 29 3cl per quarte'. English wheat ie in quiet req.00st at unchanged values. Corn is cheap. Old Amerioan sella ab ale, and new American at 8d less. Oa7s are (1)111 and weak, Flour, barley, peas and beans are unchanged. EAST Btn'Fnto, N. Y., Aug. 9th. -Cat. tle-All bold there were half a dozen oars on sale ; one load of fairly good Texas goers brought 43.25, and some fat cows at $3 t0 98.25 ; the market was elronger. Sheep and lambs -Five oars on sale ; Blow ; good 85 to 00 lb, wethere sold hero at 41.20 to 164,80, and fanny lambs brought $5.25 to $5,30 ; select, out from full loads, cell and common light sheep ranged at 93.50 to $4 i about, all were sold in one wily or another by the close. Ilogx-Twenty earn on sale ; active and 85e to 40c per owt. higher sates ranged Yorkers, good to oboiae, 90.80 to $6.40 ; a few loads of good light. mixed and pigs bringing $6.45 to $6.50 ; medium and heavy grades, 95,75 to 05.80. a 9030 green and grassy selling down to $5.110.to $5.60 ; aosghe were slow at 94 to 94,50. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. QEVERAL ELIGIBLE PR0- iJ FEnrnte for sale i,, Brussels, Prices low and terms easy. Apply at TELE POST Publishing House. 0,00D lIt ILOFX COW FOi3 BALs. Just calved. Apply to JAIL SPGIB , Lot 80, Oos. 0, Morrie. Ii1LIES ON OATTLE.. - TO Prevenf flips from troubling your stock apply our Flora Fly Pre Veutative, which £e both cheap and eeleaainus. ' G.A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Boultsollor, &o, MENDERS WANTED—TEN- Dans will be received by tho under- signed for the repairing of the Presbyterian Church ;Ethel, up to Atenday, Aug. 7, '03. The following repairs to be done :-1. The foundation to be put in good repair. 2 Roof to be shingled and 'Par -papered. 8, Outside of building to be painted, 4. Gelling to be Calcimined. 11. Windows to be retreated and xepaieed, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further partiou- lrns apply to J. M. 3011310E188018, Chairman of Committee, Altliol P. 0. TXTORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPO- SITION. The Go/lariat Horticultural Society have completed arrangements to make an ex- hibition from the Oonntyof Huron orphans, pease and apples at the World's Columbian Exposition. All exhibits packed and ex preened direct to Chicago from here. Parties will receive full credit for any OE - 13114t they may make. A11 expr0Ee or other charges for sanding from any part of the county here will be paid at tbie end. Cor- respondence regarding number of specimens time for sending 00., cheerfully answered by the undersigned. W. LANE, J. T. DIGoSON, 8•d Soerotary, President. Goderieh, July 20,'03. REAL ESTATE. TARMis FOR SALE.—THE UN - 01010 oNEn has several good Farms for sale and to rani, they terms, in TownebiIns of Morris and Grey. F S. SCOTT.13ruseels. 87•tf.. CIII0I0E FARM FOR SALE.— ) Being South half Lot 27, eon, 0, 9170: Pie, 100 agree, nearly all cleared. 0000 buildings, One 30011 bearing orchard. Immediate pos- session, Easy Terme. Apply to W. Al. SIN GLAIR, Solicitor, ,Oe., Brussels. tf G)(Lt ACRE FARM .FOR SALE. v Tine 200 acre farms being lots 11 and 12, tam 10, Grey, Is offered for sale. lee acne clonred and tha bered,uro Buildings fret.Ola Bal Grohard,lwien, 00, School home, within 40 rods, Posses- sion given at once if desired, leer further poxtioulars 110 to price terms, Ra. apply to NES. WALREB, 0-11 Roseville P. 0, or NELSON BRIOTE18, on farm, ''f AR14i FOR SALE. --THE TUN- • Dtnerontn offers his Splendid 220 acre farm, beteg Lots audweet part Loh 0,00n, 0, Grey, for Sale, Than are 1C0 mores cleared, halftime timbered. Two dwelling houses, bank barna, gond orchard, well fenced. A never failing spring on the place. Posses- sion given any time, The eabeoriber also offers for sales. dwelling house, etabl0 muss 5 acres of land in the corporation 00 Brussels, The house and garden would be rented for it abort time if not sold, Hard and soft water, Pot uricoe, terms and further }})�artioulers apple to JOHN 8012TH, 47•te Proprietor, Brussels P. 0. IMPROVED LARGE WHITE YORK. SHIRE BOAR. The undersigned will keep for service) this present etas n the Improved Virgo white Yoreskiro pig ''Readyy on lot 20, eon, 0, Morrie, to whloh it limited number of sows w111 bo tartan. Terms 81.00 to bo paid et time Of service, with the privilege of return. Ong if 000000ary„. Pedigree May be Ewen up. on ap Plieatiou. 18013003817 BOOHOL,. 10t Proprietor, Voters' List, 1893. M unicir.tL8TY or T1ln El'O1vsssm or 'fleeing, COUNTY on' rlonoN. Notideis he•eb y given that I have trans- muted or deliverett to the persons Mention- ed in sections d and 0 of the Ontario Voters` List Aat,1808, the copies required by said 00ot4one to be h•auemittod Or delivered of the list, made pursuant to said Aot, of all Persons avveariu by the last revised As soeeuout .11.011 of tho said Alnniel valid' to be entitled to vote in the said 3tio oloipalt by at Bleu tions for Members 0!150 Log£slativo As. selnbly and at Municipal Election ; and that said I let wa1 first potted ltl, at my oleo' Moo is, on the lot day of Aug, 1993, and remains thorn for inspoution, Electors are. ailed upon to examine the said 01st, and if any militating err any other orrar5 an o found therm, to tope Immediate preaaaitngs to neve the said errors correct. ad ataurdiug to law. .WVM, OLAl3I;,. Doted et Morrie 306 dMak aoMorris80501,18808, SURE - CURE 0 Whoopma, Cough Pepper's Drug Story, 1i1:•TJi t'+]e;Lltlr. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. ip L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor and 0011voyaaoer, ColIso• 810118 made, 011loo-Vanetono's Brook, Brus- sels. 31.31n ViT• M. fiat &c. 8ltonoee llol,orSINCLAIR, OdooVauslo1b north of Central Hotel. Private Funds to Loan. CAMERON, HOLT & HOLMES, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Publio, Gado/Joh, Out. 01. a,OAttEn0N, 15 0., PHILIP HOLT, DIIDLE3 HOLWIE%, G, F. BLAIR, BARRISTER Solicitor, &o. (late of °arrow tk Prouelfoot'e Oilso, tioderioh.) 0llIce over Gilles & Smith's Bank, Brussels, Money to Loan. 47 AUCTIONEERS. ARAYMANN, • Auctioneer, is alwaye ready to Ot- to ud sales of forms, farm stool, &o. Terms cheerfully given. Oeaubrook P.O. Sales may lye arranged at THE POST Publiehin'g House, Brussels. - GEORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Auctioneer. Sales oonduot ed on reasonable terms. ])'arms and farm stooka specialty. Oedem left 01 !NTH POST P ubli eh tug House, Brussels, or sent to Walton P. 0„ wit receive prompt attention, I,TA'VING TAKEN OUT LICEN- to content as of Sarin stook atrreasonable prices. Knowing the etaudiog of uearly eVery person I am in a position to Bell to good narks and get good temerity erity when sold on oredit. Satisfaction guaranteed, Give mea 0911. 32- F S. BOOTT. BUSINESS CARDS. H. MoGRACKEN, • Ieeurer of Marriage Licenses. Oltlee stills Grocery, Turnberry street, Brussels, N. BARRETT, Tonsorial Artist' Shop -Next door south of A. 1H. AIo1Say& Oa's hardware atone. Ladles' and chlhirensbair cutting a specialty A 1ofoNAIR, • Iesurer of Alnrriage Licenses, by appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Commie- elra B. rbrFiroelaq Go. Conveyancer he Oauook Post Odloo. - ROBERT CUNNINGHAM- IN5URANOE, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. ALEX. HUNTER, 00. Huron of the veyancer, th Division Public invented and loan a�Oclleetione Pinadee Odioe in Graham's Bloo7, Brussels. OIL PAINTING, V Miss Merles, of Wingham, is prepared to give iustructfou i11 oll painting. Terme may be ascertained et Miss Nellie Ross' store when samples of work may be seen. 'Miss Mortes would also take a foto more pupils in music. rA. IIAWRINS, • Organist in St. Johne Oburab, Brus- sels, and pupil, iu the Art of ;Teaohiug of A. W. Thayer, Mus. Goo., New York, will give lessons to pupils either at J, 0,Halliday's, nor. Ring and Jelin Sts., or if preferred, at their own bomd os. Monday, Tuesday Aa Wednesday at Walton. Terms moderate. VETERINARY. T D. WAEIWIOK, • el • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veleoloary College, is prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated auimale In a oven - potent manner. Partioular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calls promstlyat- tonded.to. Odteo an c1 Infirmary -'Two doors worth o8 bridge •rurnberey et„ Brussels, MEDICAL CARDS. A. MoNAUGHTON, M. D. • O. AI., L, B. 0.P,, Edinburgh, M. 0, P S. Oat, Besidenoe and. Whoa in Wilson' Moak, corner of Mill and Mulberry Ste, L. GIPSON, Mi. D. J.GA f„ Al. It 1'.. o Oub., G 331015— binalee University, y JlSoutan. OFr1oE— Smaka'a brook, one duct Slats of creates )Sauk, Brusaole, Night Snit answered at the 90100 Diane. DENTAL. YDYvN7CIta'D: M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S., D. D. 5., Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, and of Porouto Uni- versity. Ox'19oi-Over A, It, 9mith's StOre Brnesae, Voters' List, 1893. MUNICIPALITY OF 010E VILLAGE OF 150585ns,- COUNTY OF 11010000. Notice is hereby given that 5 have trend- mitred or delivered to the parsons mention. oath Hatton tt 5 and 0 of the Ontario. Voters' List Aot,1800, the copies required by earl seetione to be transmitted Or delivered of the ltat, mads plummet to said Aot, of all pesolne appaariug by tbo last rovieed As. moment .Roll of the salol Mnnioiiyaiityq to be entitled to veto in the said Municipality at Eleatiooe for Members or the LoglslativeAs- semblly and at Municipal. 1+1leStionsl "and that oaiti Set was first posted up atmyelike° at llrttoselo, on the 00th day of Anguet, 1809, and re:eaten then tor 'weeder), 1floetoro are called upon to examine the said list, and if any ommiseions or any other errors ere tonna therm u, to take immediate prooeeeione to have Ma Said mere Cor- rected a00ordlugto law. F. S. 5G0T'r, Clls Dated at Pr,iesel4 8411 day ofnuctist,1603, 1