HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-8-11, Page 66 THE BRUSSELS POST AUG. 11, 189$ Gem -vice. W. Dane has decided to build an over- flow dam. John Crookshauks has retnened from a trip to Manitoba. Rev. 1), Wright, of Lindsay, preached in the Gerrie Baptist ahnrch loot Sunday at 8 p. m. Dr. Tusk, who has been putting in a •course at the New York hospitals, re. turned home last week. L. Campbell, of Teeswaber, was in town last week having the front of hie busiuess block painted by a couple of workmen, whom be brought with him, C oclea•ielle. TLie Y. P. S. C. E., of Knox ohurcht held a lemon social ou rho Mango grounds, on Inst Thursday evening. Cen. Sheppard, J. E. Tom and son, Jas. Dickson, Geo, and Burk Cox and Win. Sharman left last week for Chicago to visit the World's Fair. To accommodate his inoreesing busi- ness G. el. Elliott is having the two stores in the Horton block ou Hamilton street overhauled and refitted. The one formerly occupied as a low office will be directly connected with his present store, and plate glass fronts, new floors and shelving, at, to the extent of 51,000, will give him one o£ the largest and hand - sternest stores in the county. Clinton. The other day a son of 'Sire. Cranthan fell out of a tree and broke both arms above the wrists. W. Mitchell, driver for Messrs. Mc. Murchie et Co., had the misfortune to get his leg broken by the teem running away. The appeal of the Bell Telephone Co. against their personal property asse8s- meut, has been decided by Judge Toms against the company. Beholds also that the plants and poles of the company are assessable. The Now Era says :—Seaforth papers boast because about 60 pee cent. of the pupils sant up for tbeEntranoe examina- tion passed. The Goderioh papers sap this by showing that 71 per omit. of those from Goderiah passed. Bub Clinton gets away ahead of both of them as 86 per cent of those writing from Clinton school passed. About 10 years ago a young fellow gave an exhibitiou of kis wonderful strength, on the market square here, by lifting, with his teeth, a barrel of water on which were seated two men. Last week the same fellow repeated Me performance here, but held four men instead of two on the barrel, The total weight of the water and men was 1162 lbs., and it did not seem to cause him much trouble to lift it. LuelauoYw•. Rev. W. Walker, of Teeswater, preach. ed in the Baptist olhurob last Sunday. The Travelling Dairy of the Guelph Agricultural College visited Lneknow on Thursday of this week. In compliance with a largely signed petition the Reeve has proclaimed Thurs- day, Aug. 17111, a civic holiday for the village. Caretaker Yule has been busy the past few weeks renovating the school building and the whole inside has been neatly painted, the floors scrubbed, the walls whitened and the place now preseuts a Olean and cheerful appearance. His honor Judge Barrett has rendered judgment in the appeal ease of the Bell Telephone and Great Northwestern Tele. graph Companies, against the assessment of their plants in the village, sustaining the motion of the 0ese8+or in taxing the property, and confirmed the assessment us fixed by the village Court of Revision. When a large load of young people was returning from the picnic at Port Albert one of the hind wheels of the waggon suddeuly collapsed on the road in front of 11, Corrigan's grocery store, and Miss Mills, one of the party, had a narrow escape from serious if not fatal accident. The rig contained soma 16 persons in all and when the wheel broke Hiss Mills was thrown out underneath the waggon. Fortunately a couple of bystanders caught hold of the horses and held diem until the young lady could be gotten out. C. F. Demonstration. The officers and members of Oourt Lakeview, C. 0. F., Kincardine, as well as every Forester in- the district, have every reason to feel gratified at the sue. oess et the demonstration held in Kincar- dine on Wednesday, 2nd of August. The weather was perfect in every respect, the Committee of rnanngement had every- thing well in hand, and now that the celebration is over there is ample cause for oongratulotions on every hand. Business houses and residences were more or less decorated with tbage and bunting and everything betokened joyous festivities. In the morning the local courts pared• ed to the station to welcome the visitors. Two heavily laden epeoial trains from the south reached there about noon. In the meantime the oalitlhumpians caused much amusement on the streets, while the Kincardine Band, a really excellent musical organization, discoursed music galore. The peooessiou formed at two o'clock in the following order : Bros. henry Bennett, Dan. Norman, Murdoch Mc- Lennan,John Peireon and Wm. Ogden, marshals on horsebeek ; Foresters on bicycles ; Mayor Barker and ladies, the high court officials, and the counofilore of the corporation in 0arriagee ; Flower of the Forest court, of Seaforth, with beaubi. ful silken banner, and headed by the 88rd Battalion band ; the Ethel court ; Brute, eels court and band ; lVingham court and band ; Ripley eonr0 ; Amberly court ; Cargill court ; Pinkerton court and bund }- Paisley courb . iiinoardino court and band. The following distinguished officials were present :—High Chief Ranger 0. E. Britton, of Gananoque ; Tt. Elliott, P, H. C. 13,., High Chaplain D. M. Gordon. and high Treasurer lobe Emilaucle, of Wingham ; R. Dowling, of Haeristoh, and H. ). Iiendereon, of Whiteefeurnh, members of the executive; Jas, DUE win g, D. D, H. 0. lee of Priem- ereton ; H. P. Chapman, D, D. 1i. 0. R., of Ripley. After the main streets; had been par- aded, the several cmurte and thousands of visitors assembled in Delteside Park. Bre. Walter be. Dank in a row words of oongtatulatfon 10 the Foresters called up. 00 Mayor Barker for an address, The Meyer made a brief bub 0xeellen0 address on fraternal organizations, and on behalf of the corporation read the following ad. dross of welcome :— To the numbers of the visiting Courbs of the Canadian Order of Foresters: : Gunonxalsw,—On behalf of the corpor- ation of 0195 town of Kincardine allow me to extend to yen a cordial wilootn° to our midst end to assure yon of the ap- preciation whish our eitizene feel in be. ing honored by your decision to hold your annual demonstration here. The local branch of your organization already occupies a prominent place among the fraternal societies in this vicinity, and, if tiro eharaeter of its membership may be taken as an index of that feature of the entire order, you may well bo con- gratulated upon including in your ranks a fair share of the roepectebiliby and intelligence of the Canadian people. As an institution, Canadian in its' compost - time and omposi•tioeatid designed not only to improve. the moral and social attributes of those who become oonneoted with it, hob more especially bo benefit financially those de- pendent on them, you deserve, in cum• loon with other orders of a like nature, all proper oneouragement, and wo are pleased to learn, from the oiilolaf reports from time to time, of the very satisfao• tory pregrest you are making in point of membership and financial standing, and our beet nope fa that such progress may continue in liberal measure. You are to be complimented upon the numbers who have taken advactage of the special oc- casiou offered by you to join in your celebration,j and we trust that your pro. oeedings during the day may be liar• monious and thoroughly eejOyablw, and that you will all carry away with you pleasant recollections of your visit and a desire to renew bhe same at uo distant date, when you niay be assured of a similar welcome to that now rendered you. Cu behalf of the oorpor• anon. Joeern Bunten, Mayor. Kincardine, August 2, '03. In the absence of the High Chief Ranger, who did not arrive till half -past four o'olook, Bro. James eleLewing, D. D. H. 0. R„ made an effective reply. The games and sports were then pro• weeded with, including performances on the trapeze, horizatitel bar and slack wird by the DoAIva family. TRITE 1.05T. Best uniformed court --Flower of the Forest Court of Seaforeh. Lacrosse match between Mitchell and Kincardine—Kincardine wou by 3 goals to 1. Tug of war—let Reeve Blend's Kin- cardine township team, 2ud a pinked team captained by Bro. Walter M. Daok. Single scull race -1st Thos. MoGaw, 2nd R. Barnett. Swimming race—lst Cliff Sellery, 2nd Robb, Anderson, Kinloss, 8rd Harry Sellery. Tug of war on the water between Oliff Ruettol and Mao. eioPhereon in one boat, and Wm. Williams and J. Quantz in another. Williams and Quantz won, with frank Sellery as captain. Colin. cillor Henry captained the losing team. ea Saw -log race—let Wm. Anderson, 2nd Robb, Anderson. Tub raoe—lse Robt. Anderson, 2ad Harry Sellery, 8rd W. Anderson. Double scuff rase—let Thos. MuGaw and Bobt. Barnett, 2nd W. Williams and J. Quantz, Sal Cliff Ruettel and Mao. McPherson. In the evening the DeAlva family gave an entertainment in the Town Hall to a packed audience. H. 0. R. Britton gave a short address which was listened to with much interest. Ole was admired for his pleasing manner and manly utter• 011009. NO1110 01 TILE DAY. Owing to some hitch or misunder. standing, Reeve Thompson, of Huron, did not have a Mane to try conclusions with Reeve Bland's Kincardine township stalwarts. At the requesb of the oom• mitten, Bro. Meek selected a team from diose present on the ground, and on authority of Wm. Beane, the team captained by the latter although defeated two draws to one, gave Mr. Bland's heroes cue of the strongest pulls they may ever expect to have in a lifetime. Barrister Morrison, of Lucknow, made a satisfactory referee. At the conclusion of the match Mr. Dark's meu gave three cheers for the victors, and on Mr. Bland proposing three cheers for the vanquish- ed, they were given with a hearty good will. The names follow :—Reeve Bland's team—Wm. BMW, Abe Bevans, R. John- ston, Dan. Cameron, Kenneth McKenzie, B. Moulton, Jos. Young, Dan. Kehoe, Arch. Robinson, Wm. McKenzie. Mr, Daok's team—John Hayes, John Walker, Angus MoDonald, Mike Stroud, Wm, Stewart, Jns, McCullough, W. J. Mc- Cullough, John Malieuzie, A. J. Oainer. on, Mal. McDougall. In the latter team there was one from Huron, one from Ashfield and one from Greenook ; all the others were from Kincardine township. The lacrosse match was a splendid exhibition considering everything. The immense crowd did not leave the boys mush room for play. The Monarch ran an excursion whish was largely patronized. Mr. Wylde occupied a prominenb posi- tion at the head, of the procession carry- ing a deer's head as a bremetplate. GEMMS OP '1'11000111`. Hypocrisy y is the readyhomage that vice pays to virtue. Sin is like a river whish begins in a quiet spring, but ends in a tumultuous sea. Happiness is at the fingers' end of all, but how many miss the bloused treasure by their own unworthiness ? To become an able man in any pro. feseion whatever, three things are 919008. easy, whish are nature, study and practice, Do that which you judge to be right, Whatever the vulgar may (effete of you ; if you despise their praise, disregard also their censure. The indolent are not wholly indolent. Though the body may ehlet( label-, the brain is not idle. If it does not grow corn it will grow thietioe. It le melee to pretend to be what you are nob, than to hide what you really are; bat he that can accomplish both, leas little to learn in hypoerisyy, A man should be virtuous for hie own sake, though nobody were to know it ; a0 he would be clean for his own sake, though nobody were to toe him. Till we have refloated on it, we are scarcely aware hots mush the Mine of human 'happiness in the world le indebt. ed to this one feeling—sympatley, I1 will afford sweeter happiness in the boric of (loath to leave wiped one tear from the cheep of sorrow, than to have ruled an umpire, to have oontluered mil- lione, or to have onehtvsd the world. While in all things that we sou or do we are to desire perfection and strive for it, we are nevertheless not to set the meaner thing in its narrow accomplish. meat above the nobler -thing in its Mighty progress. A love of good nlay be cultivated to al• most any extent where the original foundation of an unselfish 091000e exists, A, passionate ideal of ex0811en00 can so Jill the mind that no pleasnrs is felt in anything but in strong persistent offorbe to realize lb. What aa r you waiting for v ' f ? Some un- seen event which is to lift yon osb of your deathly abate and strained position? That indefinite undefined "soiehleiug," which "sOlneleow" is to pet tlhiuge all right. Ale, don't be deeoivsd ; tidal waves don't sweep woes abagnaut pools, What The t$rogshops Cost. A0 a crowded meeting in Exeter hail, London, I heard one of the great 5m• p:oyers of labor say that he was a partner in ir0u works employing 6,000 men ; that the works tver0 never run on Mon- day bootee* the men Were nob reooverod from thole debauch of Saturday night and Sunday ; that many of the men did not return to work until Tuesday, Wed. nosday and some of thein until Thurs- day ; that by this stopping of the works the company loses $176,000 a year. But this was not all of it. I do not know what the average wages were, lint with skilled and unsltillea labor it meat bo at least 91 a day. This would males the annual loss of wages to the mon more than 0270,000, because many of them lost more than one day in the week. The country lost the value of the 270,000 days' worst of the men. The loss in that one establishment was more than 9445,000 a year through the grogehope, not reckoning the loss to the country. This is not an exceptional ease, but may be taken as a fair sample of what is going on through many of the industrial ee- tablishments in the country. A CILEBi'L' SOLILOquY. I was handed a little slip of paper by one of the leading stationers on which was printed "Credit Man's Soliloquy," which I thought was one of the best things in its way that I have seen. It reads as follows :— "To sell or not to sell that is the ques- tion, Whether ie is better to send the goods And take the risk of doubtful payment, Or to make sure of what is in possession And, by declining, hold them. To sell ; to ship ; perebanoe to lose— Aye, there's the rub, For when the goods are gone, What charms eau win them back From slippery debtors ? Will the bills be paid when due ? • Or will the time stretch out till the creole of doom ? Whet of assignment? What of rela- tives ? What of uncles, aunts and mother -fn - law, With claims for borrowed money 2 What of exemptions, bills of sole and compromise, That cooly offers a shilling a pound ? And of lawyer's fees That even eat up this poor pittance. Yes, sell we must And some we'll trust, We seek the just, For wealth we lust ; By 909110 we're cussed ; And stooks will rust ; But we skin the west, Or we'd surely bust." 1 e16' To Have A Pleasant Visit. Avoid controversy and argument. Do not monopolize any good thing. Do not overdo the matter of entertain. mint. Do not make a hobble of personal in. firmities. Go directly when the call or the visit is ended. Do not forget bathing facilities for the traveler. Make yourself at home, but nob too numb so. In ministering to the guest do not ne. gleet the family. Conform bo the customs of the house, especially as to meals. Let no member of the family intrude in the guest •chamber, Do nob make unnecessary work for others, even servants. Be courteous, but not to the extent of surrendering principles. Do not gossip ; there are better things in life to talk about. When several guests are present, give a share of attention to all. Introduce games and diversions, hub only such as will be agreeable. Better simple food with pleasure than luxuries with annoyance and worry. Have a oolnforbable room in readiness adapted to the needs and tastes of the gaeet. A guest need nob aooept every proposed entertainment ; lie should be considerate of himself and of his host. Learn the likes and dislikes of those who are to be entertained, but not through the medium of au imperative naten hiam. AGi 113.8 RA18'8 DRINKING 11081 6001). "No, boys, I'hn going to quit—this time for good," said a melancholy young man to a orowd of cronies as they stop. ped him hi front of a saloon and asked him to "take something." "Yon know I have been with you for years and the 'painting' we have done has given this town a vermillion hue. Bub I must quit now. It may be a little hard with me at first, but in a short time I guess I will be able to rid myself of all desire for those jolly rants and revels that we have bad together, "Yes, the resolution is a sudden one, but it is none the lees firm. You see, after I was married I quit you fellows for a loud time and thee gravitated back to you. It was nob that I loved my wife arty the less. r just got careless and thoughtless. Somehow I seemed to think that singe I was providing her with all the material luxurlse of life that she ought to be satisfied. I didn't intend to neglect her, yen know, and thought she Woticle't mare if I did oome dOWr9 town occasionally et night. "Since these nocturnal absences from home have become so frequent 1 notioe that a change has appeared Whet nature. Her sparkling vivacity that need 00 charm and olootrify me oonnueneed to wane, Still she strives to appear happy. Dub she is not the woman she used to be. Iler facto has growl) wan, her 01105198 have sunken and the merry gleam has left her eye. When I orate in the morning with redden eyes and uo eppebits the loolts ab the pltyiogiy and hugs the baby oMMeer to her bosom than I ever noticed her to de borers. "Ne, she has never spoken to me about it. If she would jest pitch in and give men tongue throttling her sorrowing look wouldn't make one feel so iike a dog. She'just looks, that's all. Oh, no, 8119 doesn't ±oar for herself except as I ane offeobed. Thab look tells MO plainer than words bluff she feels I am killing myself and will woe be lost to liar. "This morning the told baby to kiss papa good•bys. There was a strange pathos in bee voice when she spoke the words thea I never honed before. And thou she turned away and broke into low subs that she tried to hide from nee. I didn't think those things over existed out of the novels or off the stage. That's the reason I tell you that 1 have quit. I like you all, know you are splendid fel• fowl and that you are my friends. But— but—or—she's the best friend I ever had or expect to have, and—and—well I'm going to bo—be—her friend, boo." The crowd dispersed. No •body took tuny- tihing. A steamer with an excursion party left Pourt05n.Mile Island, Lake George, for Pearl Point; At Pearl Point landing the steamer sank and 12 lives were lost. Some of the loading 0ftizens of Aber - dm gave a banquet last week to the Earl of Aberdeen, the new Governor- General of Canada. The Earl in a ep000h dilated upou the energy with whish the Canadians had built up their ioabitutiono. This energy was all the more oreditable he said, seeing that 000108a's nearesb neighbor was her powerful bub friendly sister nation, the United States, a nation whiob had great wealth and a vast popu- lation, and whiob enjoyed special MOM - ties lot rapid progress. Canada, he added, understood and would prove the advantage of a steady and safe if gradual advance. She also understood and ap- preciated the benefits arising from ample autonomy, combined with a vital but abeolutely unhampered connection with the British Empire. NONE/ 110 LOAN. tiny Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro• po1'ty at 6 & 61 Per Cunt., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to 4. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. - T108, Fillill115111, Practical W''atohn,2•cdlcer and Jeweler. Thanking the public for past favors and support and wishing still to secure your patronage, we are opening out Full Lines in GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. Silver Plated Ware from Established and Reliable Makers fully warranted by ue. Clocks of -the Latest Designs JEWELRY 1 WEnoINo RINe9, LADIES Gott RINes, Bnocenxs, EAnnmes, o. l 'Also a Full Line of VIor,INs and Violin Strings, &o., in stook. N. B.—Isanrcr oMarriage Licenses. T. Fletcher, - Brussels. Confederation Life r Association. Read Office : TORONTO. Capital and Assets, $5,000,000 New Insurance, 1892, $8,670,000 , Insurance at Risk, - $22,565,000 Policies Non -Forfeitable and In- disputable after two years. Gains for 1802 over 1891 in In - 81.1r0,11009 Written, .$755,000,. Or over 25 per tient. Insurance at Risk, $1,978,000 Or Nearly 10 per cent. Assurance Income, $48,678 In Assets, W. AGENT, BRUSSELS. $439,878 COOK1SBESTFRIEND ,.1 1G19ST SAI. ' IM CANADA. White Star Line. ROYAL MAIL STEA.MSIIIPS. Between Now Yoric and Liverpool, via Queenstown, every Wednesday, As the steamers of this line carry only a strictly limited number fu the Pram and e5eo0n CABIN accommodations, intending paeeongers are reenacted that an early ap- plication for berths is necessary at this sea- son. Por adans, rates, etc., apply to 'W. H. Kerr, Agent, Brussels. M'eLEOD'S System Renovator --.AND OTIIEn— TESTED REIMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate, Hon of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur• algia, Loss of Memory, Br000hitia, Oon. sunaption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De. biliby, LABORATORY OODERiCH, ONT. ,J. 141'. I4IoLEOD, Prop. and Manufaotursr. Sold by. J. T, PEPPIER, Druggist, Brussels. ' After ,,Rna g fir shout twenty -live years from ,,,,,footts 0,x908 on the 'cps land arms, rvieg various mediad courses w alkout benefit, 1'hegan to use A; era Ft..mm:1 ills, and a *materiel cure was the result, I'lve Entrees •mfpiwd to restore me to health.'—l-+mtia:lent Lepel), er I:. Connnerce 01., Sun Antonio, Texas. e ..r Ca���� iP rh tt My daughter ter was afflicted formerly a veer with catarri 'rho physicians ,,s being. unable to help her. . my pastor recommended Avurs Sarsaparilla. I followed his advice, 'Arco months of resuhtr treatment with Ayers Sarsaparilla and Ares fills completely restored 91),} daughter s hn dtit "-7lro. Louisa Breus, Little Canndn Ware, Moss. Rheumatism tt Per sevcmlyears, I was troubled with t being i bad at limes as 00 e entirely 'un m ,, 1900 rteto 1lnblthe fetthe Lea lnu,ea s whenever cr I felt the effects nl the disease, I began to torte Avers Sarsapnrilln, and have c net had n spell Fur a 10ns tune— 1.1. 1.1. T. Ilnusbrough, Elle. RRun, Va. 'F'or all blood disOaGOS, the best remedy is . AYES Sarsal.par'i0Off, Vrcphied by Dr, J. C, Ayer Ac Co., Lowellbines. Sold by all Druggists, Price $8 1 six bottles. $S• Cure% Othersr will cure you A Preparation of HerbsaRoots the Medical Properties ofwhich are universal! known . ff iv, MOST vRWeSte REMbby f6 PVRIFYINGTHE BLOOD' 5 CDsiiveness,Indlgestlon.Dyspep5la,5our 51001 HEADAIHE AILD DIZZ5NE55, SOLD IlY J. T. PEPPER, DRUGGIST, BRUSSELS. UTPFY Not simply hide bare walls. As discordant strains of music are to the ear, so is the eye tortured by out -of -harmony paper on the walls. If you look to cheapness alone you might as well cover your plaster with iDenny-a-dozen newspapers. But if you appreciate real beauty yon should consider many things in purchasing papers—the location, Light and woodwork of the room, etc. Our stock includes something especially adapted to every room —more colors and patterns than any other well paper store in the tovtu. Our Good Papers cost you no more than the poor ones others sell, Call and see our thousand -and -one styles. Persons thoroughly versed in Wall Papar will wait upon you and aid you in flanking selections. We slang pauper in a first-class manner and are prepared to ex scute the best kind of decorations. WINDOW BLINDS: I have an elegant stock of Window Blinds, well assorted, that will only need to be seen to be appreci- ated. They may be had either trimmed or plain by the yard. 7". RODDICK, House, Sign, Carriage and Ornamental Painter. Big Bargains IN All Lines ol Simmer Goofl Profits iven Awa Free e Do not fail to call and price any- thing you want to purchase. ALEXI STRAOHANI. . BRUSSELS.. ,. AI hn t m b ci f0 w of P 1 0 0 I a Jr m a a a e r x r a 1