The Brussels Post, 1893-8-11, Page 3AUG. 11, 1893
Mewled ? Well, yes, and you're eiegie,
my friend ; you have my sympathy, too ;
No wonder you're looking doWn•heartett
and talking of fooling so blue ;
And I'll wager right now your suspenders
aro both of 'am tied with a string,
And you envy the bluebirds and robins
now aeoking their mates in the Spring.
1014101 that a follow is eolfisb who "!looks
by himself" all alone,
And rents a baok room in an attic, or
lives in a palace of stone,
Whore the muaio of children's sweet void•
es noschoo5 awake on the etaire ;
Who shares not the burdens of others
knows naught of their burdens or ogres,
Why, I'd rather go borne in the twilight,
after my clay's work is done,
And play with my girl and her doltio9
than have all your bachelor fun ;
For the laugh of my wee little woman
still marries me back to the days
When 1 fished in the brook, and barefoot-
ed I treaded the forest's dim ways•
And I'd rather sit down in the gloaming,
when the angels are painting the skies,
And watch the largo light that grows ten-
der and burns in my clarlieg's blue eyes,
Than to go out alone to the theater and
sit through the grandoet of plays
That o'er Dante from the pen of the 8100•
ter that wrote in those far -away days.
There is trouble in life, that I grant yob,
bat the burdens are lighter to boar
When there's eomeone that's watching
and waiting and willing to carry her
And I tall you the love of a woman enr-
passetlh the knowledge of nlen,
And selfishness prompts the discomforts
bhat'a found in a bttohelors's den.
If womeu were selfish as you are, the
world would be cold as a stone ;
That sweet word would lose all its mean-
ing—that clearest of words they oall
And life would be scarce worth the living
if poor love had nothing to'give.
Asa bachelor you're bob existing ; get
married and you will live.
' Silas at the Fair.
Wirt expense Ide like to kno what they
gull it. I haint mutah wurried about it
tho, fur lilunun tied he had kum hero
express to ase the fibre, end I haint a bit
loobue but what when I see him there
hale make it all rite. IIe was each a
sooheble man, and bein a farmer and a
0110x011 member too, it paint to be sue-
piehunod for a minit that he peeved that
bill ml mea perpoe0.
When we 11na ly got t5 this dep l here,
and I sob out to look for .teas, t had the
hardest kind ov a time to get Oro a
crowd without Weill my oarpotseek.
There was a pa050l ov fellers a linin the
sidewalk, and sumtimes more than a
duzzin ov nm bad holt ov me at wunst.
They wed grtah my things and try their
best to pull thein away from mo by main
foroo, turd ab the same time yell ez tho
they wanted to see whether or no they
duct either me to death. If I luulnnt a,
never red no papers its more than Likely
that f alind a bon uktnuoct alive rite there
on the street. Therms no 1011111 what
Mico a happened the, if it Mutant a bun
that jest thou I happened to gib my eyes
on Bruther Javlun who happened bo bo
goin along on the ether side ov the street
and yam all the strength I had I torn
away from the otowd and run over to
bins, and take him so mutoh by sbpprize
net llu 0nden6 hardly speak. I asked
hint if they dident lav no law in this
town to keep a body from bein robbed
like that on the street, and he laffed and
sed that tiro men 01110 40106 Iia grabbin fur
me wnzzent the kind ov rboore at all
that I had tnko um to he. They was
only wagginers and bus drivers, and that
wee their way ov biddin fur a bodys
kuslim, to shawl hien and his belonging
wherever he wauted to go. It seems to
line they mite most oz well nock a feller
down, and then throw him in their bus
and drive off.
Not findin Jess there ab the depo to
meet me, ez I had expedited, I told
Brother 1avluth that I dident keer if I dict
go with him to the paesviuidge and stay
until I got rested, fur 1 was so bewilder-
ed by the crowds and the •uoiee all
around me that I nudent hardly tell
whether I was a foot or a hosebauk.
I dont bleeve I ever seen so many
peepul at Ivan Etna in, all my born days,
not even at the barboke v at Graeeburg,
as 1005 to be seen sveywhere, no matter
which way we turned, while we was on
our way ho Bruther Javluns passttnidgo.
I tell you what it is, old woman ; no
matter where you are in this town, it
looks evry minit ez Aho meetin bad jest
ben a lectin out. I never had no idea
that there ever had ben so many fokes
alive in this world at wan time ez I hav
already seen in Shekawgo. After this
Ile hav a better .dee ov what 0 milyun
means when I see it in print than I ever
had before in all my life.
Ib was mity lanky far me that Brnther
Javlun happened to kum along there jest
when he diel, or Ike epeckt Lie a ben lost
before I !mode myself. I dont bleeve I
was ever so glad to see a preacher in all
the days ov my life, onless it was when
I wee real had sick, or when you and me
stood tip in your paps house to be made
man olid. ifs.
It dun ine so mutoh good
to shake hands with Heather Javinn jest
then that I dont bleeve it wud a bather•
ed me hardly a bit to pay gnarteridge on
the spot.
Ime too tired now to rite very motels,
but I felt it my duty to git a letter start-
ed back ez quick ez I cud, for 'I Itnode
you wndent eat nor sleep well until you
knode fur yourself that I had gob tbru
safe. No more fur the present.
From your far away knmpunynn,
Points Worth Noting
some Interesting Clauses in the
Bew ('ode.
(FRO)u THE RA)r'e noes.)
Dean SRu0NTnr—You kin send word
to the Kaff Raizere Klub that I Max arovs
here safe and well, tho Imo tired most to
delh with ridin on the scare and bein
broke ov my rest. When I got on the
midnite train at Shakervillo it looked
dredfnl mutch ez tiro I wud hav to do
my travolin a standin up, fur the Isar
was fall of fokes who pact stretched their -
selves out in all kinds ov shapes to git a
nap, except a few who was a eettin up
etragbt, and pterin to hav all they cud
do to keep frum noddin their heads off.
Finally the, the oonduckter mannidged
to wake up a feller who was a sprawlin
hisaeli all over two seats, and 0000111 won
made a lass far
benches over he t
V the e V
o p
me. The man's head was a hangin out
in the ile when we kum to him, anal his
mouth was open wide anuff to hold a
bird's nest, and seoh snorin I never beered
before in all the days ov my 1110. It
sounded ez tho he had made his supper
on pine knots and was a doin his best to
spit ams up. He growled like a bear
with a sore head when the eonduckbor
shake him, but when he got woke kleer
up in the mornin he turned out to be a
rubber plezzunt chap..
I was most afeered to go to sleep my-
self, fur fear snmbody wud kmn along
and carry off my,umberel and carpet.
seek, but try ez I wad I evident keep my
eyes from goin abut, and the fust thing
I knodu I eekspookt I wad a noddin and
snorin ez hard ez the rest, rho it was
dredful little sabisfaekshun I got out ov
the sleep, fur abort evry time the inglne
whistled I wud most jump out ov my
akin 0.1,11 wake up, and then the dreams
I haat tired me a good deal 00005 than I
was ever tired by hard work.
1 cant toil you how glad I was when it
got to be daylite, so that I cud look at
the farms and see what kind ov a chance
there was fur crows. Even if Ioud git to
do it fur nethiu I don't bleeve I wucl ever
gib so that I wud like to ride on the kars
at cite. It made me trimble all over
evry time we crossed a bridge when I
thought ov whet wud happen if a wheel
thud break. I dont bleeve I ever wished
more times in wun day that I had ben a
better church member than I did last
nite. There was wun place where the
kers giv aeoh a jump that I thought sure
we was off the brick, and en I felt my
heart a hummin into my mouth I was
about raid}, to promise that if my life
was spared wud pay my quarteridge in
cash after this all the rest ov my life.
It due beat all how mutoh easier it is to
feel religyus when yore in places that
yore most sure haint safe, than itis when
you kno evrything is all rite. I dont
bleeve a preacher in a pullpit ever had
any stronger noshun ov talion to be a
good man than I had by spells last nits,
hub sum how nearly all my good inters.
shuns peered to ooze away after it kum
daylite and I cud begin to see things and
luno fur myself that I was safe.
I got into a chat with the feller the
oonduckter had walled up to giv ine a
seat, and found .out that lie has ben
trubbled with the 100111atlz most ez long
ez 1 hay. He told me his wifee 11a1110,
and how many ahildron he had ; how
match he pads au alcor fur hie laud, and
whet his tax was. He sed he lived in
Ohio. but had bon raised in Eaintuok,
It dident take me lung to find out that
we cudent agree in pollyticks, but in
religyun we was jest alike. We hadent
ben a tawkin ten minits before be sed it
was his noshan that we wud hay better
proechin if we dident pay our preech000
ny so match. He giv me sum pints on
how to make a bargain with a pre0elier
that Imo a goin to try not to fur'git.
4Vh811 1 asked the man what his name
;Hite be, he sed it woe Jakup" Iilumm,
and he fnrdermore bed be had ben a be.
longin to mootin all hie fife. He dident
kno fur euro whether he was any akin to
the Klummzes at Grnsebtirg, but he kind
thawt he wac. I3o got me to change a
ten dollar bili fee him so that he paid buy
1hi00elf an orange, and at three plane
where I tried to pass Rho bill I ,got 0v
shim, they told me it wee kountorlit. At
first ib made me feel almost ez the 1 was
about to be butte down sick, blit Imo it
hopes that it will turn- out all rite. It
seams to ine, tho, that if the hill is really
bogus, the Koff Raisers Binh ort to stand
the lose, bokoe Iva got their prounio in
blade and white that they are to pay my
expeu500 in 1(11111 11110 116re and goin back,
and if lain good munny on the trip
In the new edminal ood,, which came
into foros on July let, there aro several
alarms that will be new to most people,
and will be of interest to all. Some of
them have always been the law, while
others, each as that aimed at the didn't-
kuow-it-was•loaded fool, are new. Here
area few, whioh have been taken at
random from the statute :
0. No person shall be convicted of an
offence by reason of any aab or omission'
of such person when under the age of
601511 years.
20. Every one duly authorized to exe•
auto a warrant to arrest a person, be-
lieving in good faith and on reasonable
and probable grounds that he is the
person named fn the warrant, shall be
protected from criminal responsibility to
the same extent and subject to the same
provision as if the person arrested had
been the person named in the warrant.
65. It is lawful for every parent, or
person in the place of a parent, sohout-
maeter or master, to u=e force by way
of oorreotion towards any child, pupil
or apprentice under his acre, provided
that such force is reasonable under the
93. Every one is guilty of an offence
and liable to a •penalty not exceeding
$1,000 and not less than $10J, or to im•
prieonment for a Lorin not exceeding
six months, who Sends or publishes or
causes to be sent or published, any
challenge bo fight a prize fight, or ae-
eepts any suo11 challenge, or pauses the
same to be aooepted,'or goes into train
ing, or ants as trainer or 60001111 to any
portion who intimate to engage in a prize
95. Every one is guilty of an offence
and liable to a penalty not exceeding
$600 and not less than $59 or to impris-
onment for term not exoeoding twelve•
months, who is present at a prize fight
as an aid, mound, etrrgeon, umpire,
backer, assistant 00 reporter, or who
advisee, encourages or promotes such
100. Every one is guilty of an offence
and liable to a penalty not exceeding
$60, 01110 Bells or gums any pistol or air.
gun, or any ammltlhitioh therefore, to
a minor under the age of 10 yeare.
57. Every one ie protooted from Brim•
inal responsibility for performing with
reasonable care and skill guy surgical
operation upon any person for his bene-
fit, provided that performing the
operation was reasonable, laving re-
gard to the patient's stale at the limn,
and to all the circumstances of the ogee.
109. Every one who, without lawful
excuse, points at anothat person any
firearm or alt. -gun, whether loaded or
unloaded, is guilty of an offence, and
liable to a penalty nob exeeediug $100
and not less than $1:1, or to imprison•
merit for any term not exceeding thirty
120. Everyone i0 guilty of an indictable
offend, and liable to one year's impri0•
o anent who wilfully rand knowingly
publisiien any false neve or tale where-
by injury or mischief is Or Is liko'y to
b 00014etOtled to any public interest.
157. Every one is liable to a penalty
of $250 for eaolr offence, re0ovm'able
with costa by any person who sues for
the 0a1415 in any court of competent
jurisdiotion, who (a) pnblioly advortiaaa
a reward for the return of any property
which has been stolen or lost, nn 1 i
such advertisement uses any w 1' ( l
purporting that no gamble of w,ll ee
aelte1 ; 0r (el) priota oe pubb .los any
0(1011 advertisement.
222. No ono is criminally responsible
for the killing of another n01e00 the
death take place within a year moil a
day of Ilse cause of death,
201. Every one is guilty of an funic.
table offence and liable to cue year's
imprieonmenb, and to a find not 00060.1•
fig $1,000 who (a) uses or knowingly al-
lows any part of any premiee0 muter
hie control to bo used for the purpose
of recording or registering any bob or
wager, or selling any po 11 ; or (d) reoorda
or registers any bot or wager, or sella
any pool.
238. Every one wtto attempts to com-
mit eudcide is guilty of an indrotabl0 of.
fence and liable to two years' imprison-
2:63. Every one i0 guilty of an indict•
able offence and liable t0 two years' im.
prisonmont who, having the charge of
any earrlage lir vehicle, by wanton or
Rufous driving, or racing, or other wil-
ful misconduot, or by wilful neglect,
does or ean5ee to be done any bodily
harm to any person.
005. Every one is guilty of an indict-
able offence and liable to three years'
imprisonment 0110, with intent to dei
fraud any person, cheats in playing ab
any game, ox in holding the Makes, or
in betting on any event.
469. Every one is guilty of an indict-
able offend, and liable to one year's im-
prisonment who defaces any ourreooy,
gold, silver or copper Dein by stamping
thereon any names or words, whether
soo11 coin is or is not thereby diminish•
ed or lightened, and afterwards tenders
the same.
513. Every one is liable to a penalty
not exceeding $60 or to three mouths'
imprisonment who builds, makes, main-
tains or keeps a cockpit on premises
belonging to or 000npied by him, or al.
lows a 000kpit to be built, eto., on pre.
anises belonging to or occupied by him.
642. After the commencement of this
act no one shall be tried upon any cor-
oner's inquisition.
043. It shall not be necessary fur any
person to take an oath in open owlet in
order to qualify him to give evidence
before any grand jury.
002. Outlawry in criminal 01483 10
003. The punishment of solitary eOn-
finement or of the pillory shall not bo
awarded by any court.
C:s,u urlicLlt News.
(i else ul IN (1 wn:.
Egyptian farmers use exactly the ea1110
kind of plough that their an008tore used
5,000 years lige,
The pity of Ashland, Wis., is entirely
surrounded by forest fires, and 1nl650
heavy rain 001800 soon the city may
Norfolk county is going to have a 11011
Meth), office ab a post of $5,276, The
hlildin0 ii to be oornpleted by the 15111
Deo, next,
Jonathan Austin and wife, of Simcoe,
celebrated their golden wedding Monday,
They were visited during the day by
about 700 of their friends.
A young boy named Stiokloy, whose
father is an officer of a chair feetory at
Grand Rapids, got boll 00 a bottle of
whisky and drank half a pint. Brain
fever resulted and be died. The liquor
had been, obtained for some domestic
use and vette ple.0011 011 a dresser.
The value of farthing lauds in the U.
S. is greatest in New Jersey. Iu 1840.4 it
averaged ;—Now Jersey, 606 ; ihfawsa•
obusette, 560 ; Ohio, $4G ; New York,
$14 ; Vermont, $30 ; Maryland, 532
Wisconsin, 523, nod in some Western
States loss than 55 per acre,
tars. Marie L, Mitchell, of Milwaukee,
Wis., widow of Alex. Mitchell, has begun
a suit against her son, John Mitchell,
and the Wisconsin Marine and Fire In.
euran00 Bank. The bank owes her 5200,-
000 it is learned from good authority,
and her son, it is alleged, is bi-hind 006110
$50,000 on the 0115 alloWnnee which
be was required to pay her. The papers
have not yet been filed in court.
Ingersoll's rate of taxation is 12 mills.
Farmers in the Ottawa a district Dom•
plain of too much rain.,
Dealers in Hamilton are being fined
for selling rotten bananas.
Jane Richardson died in the jail at
Kingston on Sunday, aged 110 years.
Lord and Ludy Aberdeen have been
invited to attend the Woodstock fair.
John Blair, of West Zorra, has just
erected a barn that covers one-fifth of en
Harry Dell and Hubert Feekins, of
London, are walking .to the World's
Sirs. 'Manning, au elderly lady of L in-
tim), had the misfortune to break her leg
while stepping off the merry-go-round at
Port Stanley.
Seagram's horse Athol,, which took
second place to Martello far the Queen's
Plato this year, died at Waterloo on Fri-
day of last week.
Near Hyde Park, London Township,
James Graham fell from a stook of hay
and received injuri00 which will prob•
ably result in his death.
Archibald Gordon, of Teeewater, was
driving a mower on Friday of last week,
when the horses took fright, running
away. Mr. Gordon was thrown under
the machine and dangerously injured.
Edward Lovely, of Sarnia, has received
a patent for the manufacture of opaline
fibre, a enbetanoe used in the making of
harness and leather goods. Lovely will
establish factories in Port Huron and
A Woodstock jewellery store was rob-
bed of 24 gold watches in broad daylight
on Friday of last week. The proprietor
stepped out of the bank door for a
moment, and when he returned the
watches had disappeared.
The oorner-stone of St. James' Angli•
can Ohuroh, Morrisburg, was laid by
Hon. J. M. Gibson, Masonic Grand
Master, on Friday afternoon of last
week. In the evening a public reception
was tendered the Grand piaster and P.
G. M. Welkem.
The Blenheim News says that Jaime
Graham had a tooth pulled recently by
Dentist Gibb. He went to work but con-
tinued to lose blood from the cavity at
intervals. During the night following
the bleeding became so continuous that
he finally fainted from weakness.
Saturday afternoon an unfortunate 00•
dident betel, Wesley Bunting, of Adelaide,
while threshing at Wm. Neil's farm.
Bunting was feeding at the time Of the
accident and kis left hand 00me in con-
tact with the cylinder, which tore his
hand in shreds to the wrist. Drs. Hoar
and Thompson were summoned and
found it necessary to.ntuputate it at the
One of the worst storms witnessed in
North Western Manitoba for yeare took
place Thursday night of last week, doing.
considerable damage to props and
property. At Westbourne, Gladstone,
Arden and Shoal Lake almost all the
window glass was broken by the hail.
A windmill et Westbourne woe blown
down. The Presbyterian church at
Gladstone was destroyed and the Pres-
byterian (March at Golden Stream was
moved 12 feet from its foundation.
The Dominion Dredge is expected at
Road Eau harbor in a few days, when
the worst of dredging, enlarging and
otherwise improving the harbor will eon).
mance. Preparatory to the Erie ti's
Huron R. R. co. going on with the con-
struction of its dooks and etip for eteatn.
boat and veseel landing, it is proposed
that the dredge will make one wide out
along the line of the proposod (looks,
Along this lino the piling will be done,
and the earth meavat01 will be thrown
over and behind the sheet piling, thus
forming laud for wiarves and ware-
houee0 as trade may require.
-7 x
n a .
Pea t«, le
Hary ste !
For the .Following Reasons
1, It is built of tho best mailable, wrought iron and stool ;
2. It requires no holes to be drilled fn cutter bar ;
8. It has no rod at the back to hold obstructions and cause
4, The outside divider can be raised or lowered at'back of
front, independent of lifters ;
E;. It has no springs to get out of order ;
O. Each lifter has guard stay and breaking 111J,rur 111)11 1 is
impossible ;
7, 11 1,8F 1 11 tiVeablO 11clips 11.141 01111 li Sot in lint.ltli t'iitt; It• of i
machine if cnttcr bar drags back ;
14. Each liftr'r 58 independent '.11: the ntl.h=1':i and Nall be 1d144;'a1
or lowered at the back so 118 to line in front should mower.guards
be out of line ;
0. The number of machines sold during the last season en-
ables a largo number of leading farmers of Ontario to testify to its
merits. Every machine is warranted and given on test. Call and
see sample machine at
W0"S, Agent, Brussels.
means the kid-
neys are in
trouble, Dodd's
Kidney Pills gnus
prompt relief.
'76 per oent.
o disease is
est canoed by
disordered kid-
"Righters well
try to hale ca
healthy city
without sewer-
age, as 1o0d
health when the
kidneys are
clogged, they are
the scavengers
of the system.
"Delay is
dangerous, Neg-
lected kidney
.troubles result
in Bad Blood,
Dyspepsia, Lauer
Oohhplaint and
the most dan-
gerous of all,
Blights Disease,
Diabetes and
"7110 above
diseases 0a17110t
exist where
Dodd's Kidney d
Pills are used.'
Sold by all deniers o sent emilenr
eco. .
Y Y p
L.A. 5S cents. pe box or six Wfor to gor
boos called
SmithCo, Toronto. Write for
bock called Kidney Talcs,
Grand Trunk
Chicago - anC - Return
—A -12—
August 4 and 5,
Good to Return August 14th.
Choice of Ten Routes.
G. T. R. Agent, Brussels.
Makes the hair soft and glossy.
" I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for
nearly five years, and my hair is moist,
glossy, and in at excellent state of press
ervation. I am forty years old, and have
ridden the plains for twenty five years."
—Win, Henry Ott, alias " M ustong 13111,"
Newcastle, Wyo.
Ayer's H :r'sr Vigor
Prevents hair from falling out.
"A number of years ago, by recom•
mendation of a friend, I began to use
Ayer's Hair Vigor to stop the hair from
falling out and prevent its turning gray.
The first effects were most satisfactory.
Occasional applications since have kept
my hair thick and of a natural color."—
H. 1;, Basham, McKinney, Teves.
Ayer's HairVlgor
Restores hair after fevers.
" Over a year ago I had a severe fever,
and when 1 recovered my hair began
to full out, andwhat little remained
turned gray. 1 tried various remedies,
but without success, till at last I began
to use Ayer's Bair Vigor, and now my
hair is growing rapidly and is restored
to its original color.'—Mrs. A. Collins,
• Dighton, Mass.
Prevents hair from turning gray.
"My hair was rapidly turning gray and
falling out; one bottle of Ayer's Hair
Vigor has remedied the trouble, and my
hair is now its original color and full-
nessl'-1i, Onkrupa, Cleveland, 0, w
Prepared by Dr,1. 0, Ayer k do,, Lovroll, Mase.
Sold by 13r11gglets and Perfumers,
00 t3
.C1 S.7 INT 1s
Or in Exchange for Goods.
The Highest Market Price will be Allowed.,
We have a Fine Assortment of
Tweeds, Cottons, Flannels, Cash-
meres, Blankets, Sheet
ing, Knitted Goods,
Yarns, &o.
A.11 Wool left with us for .manuf'a,turing, whether r,Illty'd
otherwise, will have our prompt attention,
V r