The Brussels Post, 1893-8-4, Page 6• CREEPING UP THE STAIRS. In the softly falling twilight Of a weary, weary day, With a quiet atop 1 entered Where the ehildren were M play ; vas breeding o'or some trouble When a little voice name ringing, "Me is ereepin' up i1io stain." Ah I It touched the tenderest heart- striuga With a breath and force And tenth melodies awakened A0 no wording can define, Alia I tuned to see our (Buffing, All forgetful of my outs, When 1 saw the little creature Slowly creeping up the stairs. Step by step she bravely clambered On her little hands and knees, Reaping up a constant chattering ' Like a magpie in the trees, TiII at last she reached the topmost, When o'er all hor world's titlarks She delighted stood a victor, After °reaping up the stairs. Fainting heart behold an image Of mane brief and struggling life, Whose best prizes may be captured With a noble, earnest strife; Onward, upward, resetting ever, Bending to the weight of cares, Hoping, fearing, still expecting, We go creeping up the stairs. On their steps may be no carpet, By their side may be no rail ; Hands ani knees may often pain us, And the heart may almost fail ; Still above there is the glory Which no sinfulness impairs, With its rest and joy forever, After creeping up life's stairs. GOOD MANNERS. At home and in society We try and do our duty, And make our lives as maids and wives The better for their beauty. We study art with all our heart, We flaunt our silken banners; And yet, of all the graces small, There's nothing like good manners, The pleasant smile, the gentle tone, The eyes that glow and glisten When others tell a story well, And we in deference listen 1 To grant each day the "right Of way," That elders may precede us ; Give soft replies, e'en sacrifice Our wills, should others need us. To spare the tender hearts at home ; To make their pathway brighter ; To cheer and bless in tenderness, That burdens may be lighter. EllOW thie one thiug ; good manners spring Op from the heart, tny neighbor ; They thrive and blow, as lilies grow, By dint of loving labor. Oh, womankind, though you may dress In satins and in laces. Or only wear the garments fair That would become the Graces, When you would shine inscribe this line Upon your silken banners ; TIIE BRUSSELS POST Christian 01 the best kind ; and what is stranger still, be he hottest or dishonest, rich or poor, drunk or sober, indastrions or lazy, he always Manila up to his bust - :tees. Qistritt LsthL Rev. Croon had his foot sprained in a slight runaway accident. Rev. and Mrs. Moorehonse are away taking a trip up lake Huron. J. D. Dickson, formerly, a. teacher in Belleville High school, and well known here, has been appointed Principal of the new High sobool at Niagara, Falls, at a salary of 81200 per year. At a late meeting of the Orange 11111 E. L. of 0. 15. the following officers were elected :—President, Mrs. Hobt. Millen ; Vice.President, W. J. Strong ; 2nd Vios. Pres., Miss M. Padfield ; Treasurer, Miss Lily Edgar ; Sooretaary, Miss Emily Spotton. Clin ton, The next stook fair will be held on the Oth of August. A new band, under the leadership of A. Holloway, luta been organized. A heifer belonging to W. Robinson, Huron road, was killed by the late train one night recently. It is altogether likely that the trustees of the Public school will pat suitable furnaces In the school to replace the stoves in use. A big excursion to the Tunnel will be run from Einoardine aud intermediate points, on the 12111 of Augast, under the auspices of the Independent Order of Foresters. A personally conducted exaursion will leave Clinton at 7:45 a, m., on Friday, August 4th, for the World's Fair ; if a sufficient number of passengers ONE be secured, a car will be provided and run through without change. A. great bicycle tournament will be held in Goderich on the civic •holiday, Aug. 17th. The offices in the Court House are all torn up by the work of putting in the new heating apparatus. William Lambkins, of the township of Usborne, was Committed to the county jail as an insane man. Hs has been of unsound mind for years, but lately be- came dangerons. A branoh of the People's Loan and In- vestment Association, of London, recent• ly established here, is meeting with good auecess, and bids fair to rival older organizations in popularity. The Presbytery of Hilton held a tmecial meetiog in Knox oltureh here on Tuesday, Ang. lab, for the ordination and induction of Murdock McKay into the paetoral charge of Leeburn and Union church, Goderioh township. Measrs. Colborne and Burrows have let the oontract to Buchanan ct Son Inc the erection of their new grain warehouse on the old Agricultural Park ; it will have a capacity of 80,000 bushels, and must be ready by September lst. , For sweethearts, too, as well as you, A case has been reported to the There's no charm like good manners. 1 Humane Society, in which a cow with a broken leg was driven out of town and along the Huron Roacb one evening recently under circumstances which deserve the severest condemnation. The poor brute was in charge of a boy, and although 11 could but limp along on three legs, falling down at intervals of a few yards, it was beaten with a whip each lime until it managed to rise up and bobble along again. The groans of the suffering beast are said to have been moat distressing, and the work of driving it lasted for several hours. The Old Han In Tho Pattbies. Maggie Symington tells in the Dublin Warden the following pretty fancies about the pansy ; I have found him, and you can do so if you follow the direc- tions. Have you ever heard the pansy story ? Listen. Every pansy that grows repre- sent a whole family, father, jmother, two daughters and stepdaughters. So they say in France. and for this reason the pansy is ealled the stepmother. When I tell you how to find the different mens• bars of this interesting fainily you will, I know, all be seeking for pansies that you may prove the truth of my words. First of all you must know that the petals are the colored leaves of the flower and the sepals leaves of the calyx; the calyx is the green outward covering or leaf like envelope of a flower. The pansy has two colored leaves, these are the step children. By looking at the back you will find that they have only one sepal between them. These are the step -daughters, who have only one chair, Or sepal, to sib down upon. Tbe two marked side petals have a sepal each ; these are the two own daughters and each has a chair to herself. The fifth leaf, the largest and brightest of all, is the step-mother,and she has two chairs or sepals. She cannot sit on two chairs at °nue, so one mush be for her old mau, but where is he 2 Ab, where I Now do just what I tell you and you will discover him. Carefully pull away the step- daughters, the real daughters and the step -mother, and then you will see him– a funny little old man, with a comforter round hie nook, eating huddled up with his feet in a hath.tub. PRINTISISS AND PARADOX'S& A printer is a most curious being. He may have a bank and colas, and not worth a omit ; have small caps, and have neither wife nor children. Others may run feat, but he gets along ewifter by setting fast. Re may be making impree. stone without eloquence ; may use the lye, without offending, and be telling the truth ; while others menet stand while they set, he can set standing and do both at the same time ; have to use furniture and yet have no dwelling ; may make and put away pi, and never see a pie, much less eat it during his whole life be a human being and a rat at the ammo time ; may press it great deal and not ask a favor ; may handle a shooting iron and know nothing about a cannon, gun or pistol ; he may move the lever that moves the world and yet be as far from moving the globe as a hog under a tnole• hill ; spread sheets without being a 38.1.xaters house•wlfe• ha may lay his form on a Ttiesday, Aug. tith, is Exeter's civic bed and yet'be obliged to sleep on the holiday. floor ; he may ties the dagger without The machinery in the new grist mill is shedding blood ; and from the earth he nearly all placed and will be completed may handle stars ; he may be of a roam, about the latter part of this week. ing disposition and yet never desire to Mrs. John Southoott, 11. former Natant travel ; he may have a sheep's foot and of Exeter, died at her residence in the not be deformed ; never without a case, township of Stephen after a lingering ill. and know nothing of law or physic ; be nese. Deceased was 00 years of age. always correcting his errors and be grow- Her remelt% were interred in the Exeter ing worse every day ; have embraces aemetery. without ever having the arms of a lass One day recently a heifer belonging to thrown around hint ; have hie form leek. Wni. Noutley, Stephen, while pasturing ed up and at the sante time be free from in the field received a shot in the leg watch•hottao or any other tontine- from a rifle. It ie not thought that the trent ; hie offiat may haws a hell in ib animal was shot intentionally, but per - 'and not be s bad place after all ; he sons tieing firearms of this kind , should might be plagued by the devil and be it be more careful. rettels.flow. Wnt. McDonald, of the and con. of Kinloss, fell off a load of hay and was badly injured. The Oddienows have appointed a cam. mittee to smite suitable grounds for a new cemetery. Mrs. Jas. Bryan has been elected dele- gate to the County Oonvention of W. 0. T. U. at Chesley, on Aug. 15th. John Berry, who has been in Daisy, Dakota, for some time, has arrived hotne, He spent a week at the World's Fair in Chicago and says the Fair is something immense. Not long ago two buyers of horses for the English market came to Luoknow and purchased a 4.year-old colt from one of our farmers. After the purchase they led the colt to one of the back streets and having procured a pair of pinchers from a blacksmith shop they extracted some teeth, then slit the gums and made a 5 - year -old out of a 4. Walter Stewart, of Luoknow planing mill, has secured the contract of °rooting a block of three large brick stores for Mrs. A. Murray, at the corner of Oamp. bell and Inglis streets in the village. The old frame hotel building which is now on the property is to be moved away and the new buildings erected in its stead. The new stores ars to be fitted up in modern style, with plate glass windows and will make a decided provement in the appearance of our main street. The Northern Caledonian Gathering, under the anspicea of the Sons of Soot. land, will be held in Luoknow on Sept. 61.11. An active committee of Albyn Clamp are busily engaged in securing at, tractions and making the necessary rail- way and other arrangements. Owing to the attractions of the World's Fair games a large number of Old Country athletes, pipers and dancers are expected to be present this year, presenting a field of competitors unequalled for physical prowess and skill in the history of Scot. HO games in Luoknow, Among charac- teristic attraotions to be secured may he mentioned the 48th Batt. Piper's Band, N. S. Bowman, of Waterloo, who hits mads a reputation all through the Northern eouutiett with his latest im, proved ben spring, has (handed to locate in Exeter about Sept. 30th. On Thursday of last week a serious accident happened to the 11.year.old son of Jos. Reetle, of the tith con. of Stephen. It appears that while driving the horse, whish WES attached to the hayfork, the rope became twisted around hie left leg above the ankle. The horse at the Kum time took fright and ran away, the rope nearly severing the leg—craehing both bones and leaving only about half of the flesh conneoting the parte, and Presented a pitiful sight, Medical aid was entn• molted and the injured limb attended to, Fears were entertained that the foot would have to be amputated but there is hope now of saving the limb. What might have proved a serious and fatal amoident happened on the premises of Ibioh, Gould. It appears Olive, his 7. yea.r.old daughter, and Willie, the 4.year- old son of Wm. Creech, were playing be. side a pile of lumber and by some means the whole thing, which WAS very shaky, toppled on them. The screams and piteous cries of little 011ie attracted the attention of Miss Emily Gould who rendered timely assistance and extricated them from their periloue predicament. No doubt if the unfortunate little ern. tures had not been released immediately they would have perished. Little 011ie was covered to her wivist Bud Willie was completely out of sight with two or three heavy boards resting heavily on his face. When taken out he was unconscious. Last Thursday evening about 7 o'olook Dougald McKenzie met with a• serious accident while out shooting blackbirds on the bay shore at Sarnia. While In an attempt to shoot the birds bis gun being too heavily loaded with powder, exploded and shattered his left hand so badly that three angora had to be amputated. He is about 16 years of age and was iu the employ of Crocker dr. Parks, spice and baking powder manufacturers, of Sarnia, Ayer's Pills Aro compounded with tho view to general usefulnew and adaptability. They are compoSed of the purest vegetable aperients, Their delicate glum- coating, which roadily ale- wives la tho stomach, preserves their full medicinal value and realms them easy. to take, either by old or young. lint, constipation, dyspep. sia, biliousness, sick headache, and the common derangements of the Stomach, Liver, and Bowels also to cheek colds and fevers, Ayer's Pills Ar the 'i•iest Unlike other cathartics, the effect of Ayer's Pills is to strengthen the excretory organs and restore to them their regular and natural ao. tion. Doctors everywhere proscribe them. In spite of immense compe- tition, they have always maintained their popularity as a family medi- cine, being in greater demand now than over before. They aro put up both in vials and boxes, and whether for home use or travel, Ayer's Pills are preferable to any other. Have you over tried them?. Ayers Pills Prepared by Dr.J. O. Ayer de 00„Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. Every Dose Effective ill • 0 rs" IHE COOK'S BEST FRIEND "Mackinaw Folder" I.ARGEST SALE IN CANADA. "St. Lawrence River Folder" ----• VIlite Star Line. ttoyAr. MAIL STEAMS!" IPS. Between New Tock and LiverpooL via Queenstown, every Wednesday, As the steamers of this line carry only a strictly limited number in the FIRST and EGOOND CAIIIN accommodations, intending passengers are reminded that an early ap- plication for bertha is necessary at this sea- son. For plans, rates, eta., apply to 'W. H. Kerr, Agent, Brussels. "Seasonable Hints" May be bad FREE on Application to TOKOSTO TICKET MICE, 1 Xing Street E., Coy. I:Totting tib. Or any Agent of the Company. J. T. PEPPER, Agent, Brussels. THE WHITEMAN ea rvest THE BEST IN THE WORLD 1701' the Following Reasons : 1. It is built of the best mailable, wrought iron and steel ; 2. It requires no holes to be drilled in cutter bar ; 3. It has no rod at the back to hold obstructions and cause choking; 4. The outside divider can be raised or lowered at back or front, independent of lifters ; 5. It has no springs to get out of order ; 6. Each lifter has guard stay and breaking mower guard is impossible • 7. It has moveable clips and can be set in line with tongue of machine if cutter bar drags back ; 8. Each lifter is independent of the others and can Do raised or lowered at the back so as to lino in front should mower guards be out of line ; 9. The number of machines sold during the last season en- ables a large number of leading farmers of Ontario to testify to its merits. Every machine is warranted and given on test. Call and see sample machine at D.EWAN'S, Agent, Brussels. Big Bargains IN All Lim 01 Summer Got Profits Given Away Free Do not fail to call and price any- thing you want to purchase. ALEX. STRACHAN. AuG, 4, 1893 ,.......aixamemomtgurot!aispg, eseiralnug. MONEY TO LOAN. Uollfeclaration Life Any Amount of Mulley to Loan on Farm or Village Pro. party at 6 & 6-1; Per Cen1,, Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply. to A. Hunter, Division court Clam*, Brussels. THOS, FLETNIE11,1 Practical Watchinaher and jelVeleP. Thanking the publio for past favors and support and %visiting still to secure your patronage, we are opening out Fall Lines in GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. Silver Plated Ware from Eatabliehed and Reliable Makers fully warranted by es. C700768 of the Latest D687'4724 JEWELRY! WEDDING RINGS, LADIES GMI Nmos, Bn000ues, EAnamos, o. za`"Also a Full Line of Vromus and Violin Strings, ito., in stock. N. B.—Usurer of Illarringc Licenses. T. Fletcher, - Brussels. footwear 00111.121710111 at Association. Ilead Offiee : TORONTO_ Capital and Assets, $5,000,000 New Insurance, 1892, $3,670,000 Insurance at Risk, $22,565,000 Policies Non -Forfeitable and In- disputable after two years. Gains for 1892 over 1891 in In- surance, Written, $755,000, Or over 25 per cent. Insurance at Risk, $1,978,000 Or Nearly 10 per cont. Assurance Income, $48,678 te In Assets, $439,878 ; to W. I. 11=2,12), AGENT, BRT.JSSELS. g„e t, el 11 al SOLD BY J. T. W .1111,21011M41110111MATO ; of oaini R S1" A Preparation of HerbsaRoors the Medical Properties ofwhIch WC 17:4 Pe It are universal' known. ia LE thi csi Cosliveness.IndigestDyspepsia.5our'Slomach dii 0.15 Amps' 051. 1(MEDy ro, PURIFYING THE BLOODI+ '1 hi. WO KAU ERE AND 012ZIIMS5 e 1 PEPPER, DRUGGIST, BRIISSELS. bra 11 u Not simply hide bare walls. As discordant strains of music are to the ear, so is the eye tortured by out -of -harmony paper on the walls. 11 yon look to cheapness alone yon might as well cover your plaster with nenny-a-dozen newspapers. But if you appreciate real beauty you should consider many things in purchasing papers—the location, light and woodwork of the room, etc. Our stock inclndes something especially adapted to every room —more colors and patterns thau any other wall paper store in the tmln. Our Good Papers cost you no MOM than the poor ()ties others sell. Call and see our thonsand-amd-one styles. Persons thoroughly versed in Wall Paper will wait upon you and aid you in making selections. We hang paper in a first-class manner and are prepared to ex: - mite the best kind of decorations. WINDOW BLINDS.—I have an elegant stock of Window Blinds, well assorted, that will only need to be seen to bo appreci- ated. They may bo had either trimmed or plain by the yard. W. RODDICK House, Sign, Carriage and Ornamental Painter. THE NEW CHEAP STORE, H E TT 88 HI L 8. GEO. GOOD'S OLD STAND. Grarid Opening Sale on Friday and Saturday and Following Days. We have been for several days opening up the finest:stockof New Goode ever displayed in Brussels. We invite you to visit our store and we will offer you such bargains as will make our Opening Sale memorable and the New Cheap Store famous in Brussels. The New Goods at the New Cheap Store oonslst of Ladiee', Mia.,esand Child- ren's Fine Boots, Shoes and Slippers In all the new onlore and materials Gentle- men's Fine Laced Balmorals, Congress, Gaiters and Oxlorde itt Dongola Cot. - down and Calf. Working Shoes for Farmers and Meohanics—Strong, neat, durable and cheap. Boys' and Girls' Soltool Boots very Cheap. Our Boat and Shoe stock is well worth the attention of all intending purchasers. TRUNKS AND VALISES—NEWEST AND BEST. ' Chinaware, Crockery and Glassware in Tee, Sets, Dinner Sets, 'hilet Sets, Water Sets, Lemonade Sets, Panay China Plates, Cups and Sanctus, Fancy Clhoesers, Goblets'Lamm do. Don't fail to see our Handsome Goblets at 50, each, in fact don't fail to inspeob this elegant stock of China, Crockery and Glassware. GOOD BROS., NEW CHEAP STORE, MRS. TUPTS, Manager. ba er, Inc Trt 0011 wo aro ha' the 1 Igo her par Pea eit3 a met tun edu way wit T mils beet eevr • hors they snot by t and troy barn the to In _by_l near this dige Of ' this dont post will feed ter f, spew Pr, is us, hanblrsld all hi the 1, More tho, go th hay hay. and Th ting the t, britt from weatl drew olaim the is gin Ilus v he do must when can 1 wreath If t it is r Stat'b suubil let sly put in falls. .1' r.;