HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-7-28, Page 8THE BRUSSELS POST JULT 28, 1893 1,ffi9'"laP'r7"A-'1.7Mih:^kE ... : ........._.' .',..:.., _' 3,T""^-'11lRRRrT"'k7',u'F�Sr'1:-'1F'.`T:tN19f+C7'"::.ha.^5l"R.�,ggt'+YSC. i4AiGt7RRWnait ,t+..a S$eA ......_-_ F;17bM>RMG'B�YM• L'13FETE7ag7Y�1FL[SinIS .,—.... .. . -. - . - _ • Yb7�,YeCaq!+Cl1T�.T.;"`3#drt'4Y 11. e r changes In bra moo, in licitsmds Mary, daeghlee of d, :1', nos„, is atm are on the tapir in the 11enr futaro. Shat R nuisance these flies are and how shall I „et t'icl of diem you soy 7 There are at lo',st three ways of dodug tide, One is by the use of fly paper0, We have Wilson's Ely Pelts, Davie' Fly Felts and Shoo Ply Poison. The former seems to give good 08,1100 cticn, Then you can, for u3,„ bus' two &hoots of Tan. glefoot or bettor known its Sticky Fly Paper which keeps theta right there. I,+st but not bast we have the Insect Powder which will quickly kdll every fly in a room if kept olosed for a short time. It is much cheaper now, 2 oz, for 10:,,, and when used with one of our 10e. 13ellotve is easily managed. We will bo pleased to supply you, G. A. DEAD.IIAN, Druggist, Bookseller, i1o, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 8001nr31N EXTENSION W. G. & 13. 18 Trains 7, aye Brussels Station, North I nal South, as follows; 1 Gmxa Sorra, ((else NOR7n. Mall 3114 a.m. Mixed 01.1) 0.111. 11 Express 11750 a.m. Mull 9318 p.m. 1111xed ......... 111100 p.m, n Express OEM nail, polled to use a crutch owing to au injury s:t,1,N.D(-z .D BANE O]i' al Xwelt ': ` I S rii ° I Bergsma Send attencle�l the garden t„ her 11111 some timee ago, We hope shu z:tr'z'azaz.x� zxyu= u,£.,-•. arty at J, Hew itt'a, Wnitnn, 00 SVednea• will soon be able to throw the etinik HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO. mtulg on mu children, (Sown Mllliclt Dollars) $7,000,000 nterly of Brussels, tnny be read 1 b it' t CAPI'PAL (Authorized) 52,000,000 6 of this issue of Tnm POST llrv. \!n C u(I I'1 ct wee at liehuoro to their Lou, iu Habnillun 011 '1'hurelay 1' t L I ~ �"1 s• day' e •eniug of Oda week. aw• ty. • A 101TPll from llev Dr,Howie, for Afro,B' t l twhoASSETS, at on page have been visiting for a few woolko with B. Driver and family, Brussole, returned last Tumidity evening asstating Rev. P. A, Shaw in organizing an Epworth League of Chrieti'tn Endeavor. A.lrlrl,lsu 010or, the property 00 13, Driver, had one of its hind legs broken one day last week. The at11111tt1 le ex. posted to come round all right. SMALL fruits are it file crop this sensou in this looality, Walter Richardson sent us a sample bratl0h off a gooseberry bush flint wile a tvonclet' for prolific bearing. Bnt•ss1La Rand will accompany Court Princes Alexandria. C. 0. 1'., to the demonstration at Kincar the on Wading. day of next week, The retnen faro is 01 00. If, J. il'i'uuNu, brothel' to Ifarrie J. Strong, of Brussels, rode from To•otlto to Grimsby, on a bicycle, Et distance of 20 milds, in 01(8 hour and five minutes. That is lively travelling, C%e1trLA1NT is made etbont a midnight racket Kicked up during the past week in which somebody was going to be shot. It would be well to understand whether this is the last of scud) performaaaes or ll ot? .1I,EASANT time was enjoyed at the piO•uic held by Rev. R. Paul's Sunday elmol class in D. Stewart's grove last friday afternoon. 13ceebnll, football, emotlule, edibles, sec, constituted the B:Ac1IF0L.-1lrs, Wm. Ross, William treat, 111(0 a maguilioent Ilydralago, There are twelve bunches of flowers on it, A 0amp18 one left on our sanctum table measured about 2 feet, 6 inches in onr- f 3"n0e. It is a beautiful flower. NEW 13TORE.-.-As will be seen by advt, n aunt oer column, H. E. Maddock C Co. urpos opening a dry goods atore in the arliel I Block, 13rnasels, on Saturday of est 130813. New stook throughout. itch for their advertisement next week, J,ts, 'roses assisted the Kincardine Band n Listowel on Thursday of this week. It was Kincardine's oivio holiday nu(1 th.'v turned out in full farce to wicnee.• the lacrosse match between their team a 1 Walkerton, Tho play tuok place et Listowel. Caen.:' PRINTINo,—A "oheap•jaok" rtnte, +aid to hall from Wiugham, was Ker., last week soliciting orders for job Huth; t. He 03118 worsting the oheap jack rt' ket, but we have not heard of any of our Ir,lsiness men being foolish enough to bite, 11 does not matter whether they are in the printing or any other line, these a .:o would sot spend a dollar in town i., ren years—bot they will take all the m nay out of the town they can get e, hold of. Go o SHooTIN9,-0o Thursday after. noon of last week ten members of Sea. forth Gun Club came to Brussels Rua shot a match with our team on the Agricultural Perk. Splendid shooting was done for the first match of the season and Brunets Gun Club proved itself able to defend its good name for slaying olay pigeons. The following is the score DRn8eELe, 0EAFORTn. Jt Buss, 12 Stark. 6 7. Hewitt, 10 Dodds, 12 J, Irwin 34 Bright, 12 W. ill Sinclair, 10 Turner, 0 D, CS hiss, 10 Beattie, A. C. Dames, 13 Roach, 10 llr. McNunghton, 12 Wilson, ab10 J. Ballantyne, 15 HIDley, 6 0 Grieve, - 1t u cat j`lctu5 itcm5, i A chiel's among ye taken' notes, i' An' faith he'll prent it. CIVIC holiday on Aug. 2110. THE Maitlaud river is very low. NExo Tuesday will be the let . f August. GET a program of the games n sports in Brussels on Wednesday, A.,;I. Oth. A MOOT shower of rain would do g-..1 just now. Abs. /so. SINCLAIR lost a VailleI.Ie p young cow last Tuesday. POSTMASTER FARROW expects to m '3e P Into the yew office next Creek. FLAX pulling claims all the unetnply' ••1 labor in Brussels and locality just Woo. AMIEnT 131108. Will complete their •' n• son's work In the course of about ano;:.ar week. Tam honey season is over for this y ••., r. It has only been a m_dium mace .. in this locality. Urw•enns of $110 has been subsari'ted toward the funds of the celebration on Wednesday, Aug. 0th. Tam program at Brui-sels on Aug. 0th promises more fun to the spectator than you could shape a stick 116. SCI -son GRINDER TAYLOR moved north- ward on Thursday morning, talkhlg his "workshop on wheels" with him. A Loan of Presbyterians drove over to Seaforth last Friday evening to hear an address by the returned missionary, Dr. Paton. A COIIMI7TEE WUS appointed at the R. T. of T's. Council on Tuesday evening to arrange for a public entertainment in the near future. • J J BusrXEss must be booming at the Ross Flooring Mill as a new miller arrived on Tuesday. Ole will make his home for the present with Councillor Roderick Ross. Mils. R. LEATRERDALE had the mi8for- tune to fall from a step ladder while en- gaged pioking cherries on Monday at bet• home and received quite a shaking Up as a result. TWE Listowel Standard soya :—Rev. Mr. Reilly, of Brussel+, aonducted the services hi ChrIst Churoh on Sunday last. The congregations were pleased with his excellent discourses at both services. Lass Monday evening Rev. G. Ht Cob- blediok gave 111 address to the Epworth League. His topic was "Bailees from the Christian Endeavor Convention," On Monday evening of next week a Temperance program will be presented, to consist of musical 80188lions, roc dings and short addresses. Ix is rather amusing to hear the Blyth Review Editor talking about their Junior foot ball club. That 6 foot goal keeper will bare to be sawed off, 11r. Review, or you will have to haul down your sign "Junior Foot Ball Team," Brussels has not a senior as big as goal keeper Boggis, Tos POST would like to see a reading room opened in connection with the Meohauics' Institute. --Some men get hold of onr non -working industries who would make them hum.. -•-A big turn out in to our games on Aug. 11th.-1Mail carried M on the noon train,—The Maitland river her stocked with base and a few areeke with 11011 t, Toe P1.1, is pleased to notice that Peter Thompson, a former well known resident of Brussels, has been appointed Chief Ranger in connection with the new Provincial Park, known as the Algongeln National Park. 5000 per Reagin is the eatery attached to the office. The Perk is looated in the Nipissing District, Mr. Thompson is away on duty now. We will give an extended 8119101) of the Park next week. "IOow to visit the World's Fair," is the title of a hendeome folder just received from D. 0, Pease, Dletriot Passenger Agent of the G. T. R, at !Montreal. It is Rill of information on this now important subject, besides containing a large amount of interesting and valuable matter re- garding othme points reashecl by the old and reliable G. T. Il., and being most charmingly illustrated and well printed, it is worth perusing ,ind preserving. Send for copy of ask the local agent here. Bins have various w lye of carrying !1 tn0ney, Butchers, batters and grocers a pi carry it in a crumpled wad. 13aukes in visit nice olean bills laid fail length in a mor. seen 0000 pocket book, Brokers all fold their AI bills once, doubling their money as it day were I The young business man carries hush it in hie vest pocket, while the averting the NV 0n M Lilly reeid with 8008 Wait, ones, 0 S tephous, 18 Total, 101 Total, 00 It will be observed that Joe Ballantyne took a straight le' and J. Irwin was only one behind. After the regular match was completed there was a sweepstake shoot, six birds each. Ballantyne, Dodds and Stephens broke their full quota. A return match will take place shortly at Seaforth. It was hinted some time ago that Brussels Gun Club was dead, but it turns out a very lively corpse. PERSONAL PA RAO RAPIIS. Miss Mabel Smith is M. Reggie Fletcher is holidaying at Look - note. Miss B. Roberton is visiting at Sea. forth. Alias May Turnbull is visiting at Listowel. Miss Bertha McCullough is gnome from Goderiah. W. D. hart andT.Fletclor spent San. day in Luoknow. Miss Jennie Green has gone to her hone at Listowel. Miss Graham, of Atwood, ie visiting Mrs, R, 0. Nilson, Miss Maggie Stewart is home 013 a Visit from Mount'Purest. The (Susses Hewitt are visiting at Welton and Seaforth. R. S. Pelton, of the Atwood Bee, was Bres.els last Saturday. re. D. Kenney, of Detroit, is visiting mother, Airs. W. T. Hunter• Alias Thurso Gerry is visiting her sis. ter, AIrs. W. H. Willis, at Mitchell. Harry Finn was on the sick list this week but is able t0 resume work again. E. E. 11341110, B. A., and wife, of Elora, are the guests of R. and Mre. Leatherdale. Mr's, Wm, Aldridge has gone to vi.it relatives et Platteville and other points. Ida, Chortle and Willie Zilliax have returned from a visit with relatives near Belmore. Miss Minnie Shaw is home for her vacation from Port Elgin where she holds a millinery situation, Rev. D. Portia and wife, of Cheeky, were visiting in 13r089ele and looality during the past week. Addle Corma013 has improved con- siderably 0ina0 coming home and ie able to oacneloonlly get down town. 'Miss Martin and Frank MuLauohlin, of Winghon acrd Detroit respectively, were visiting tit A. Co0Oloy'0 on Tuescley, Geo. II. Cliff and family are removing thio week from Brussels to Sankt whore Mr, Cliff has scoured a 'iterative position. r0. Wm, McCullough purposes taking easura trip to Muskoka next wools to her brothers whom elm has not for a number of years. t's. Jas. Stratton jr, left on Wednoo• of this week for 13chriober whore her and is working. Mite. Stratton took steamer Monorail at Kincardine. Shannon, of London, was in town onday, en route to Tara on his ole. Air. Shannon wen a former ant of Brt100018 hoving lived stere his parents, Door of London also, ral yours. man dermas it '0 his trousers pocket. harmers and drovers carry their's in their inside pocket, whether it happens to be fifteen dollars or fifteen ciente. Editor's carry thtfr's its other people's po0kets, of this weelk. James Deweoa, u cousin of lire. AI, A. rl'urubuh'e, of lirtissele, tvtt8 killed at 1118 farm, near Teterboro', hist u'Oolc, by being run over by is mllower. His elkatll was °mRelocl in. '1'llo deceased Wee 35 years of ago nod Wei to have been married in the (toln',* of a few 8Veelk8, 13usiness Locals. A Ere of teaks for 5u. at Ballantyne (C Wilton's, WE aro prepared to 11134118 piotnres, any size requlire1, at reasonable prides. Give us a call, II, .1. Strong. WALSER & EW'AN, 13rmase10, are the 1o01(1 agents for the Chatham wagon, also the 13ain wagon, Prices right. Ton Notary Spray Pump for rale by Ballantyne (fk Wilton, (;very fruit grow- er should have ono. Call and see it, Now is the time for viewing. Peblio buildings, residences, pio•nio parties, oto. can be photographed on shortest notice, H. J. Strong. To TIDE Pnnme.—.Having purehasod en- tire stock of 0, 30. Perry's negatives, any photos, can be had from them by leaving order at my studio. II. J. Strong. LADDERS.—A very 0onvenioo1 ladder, Can be extended from 6 to 24 feet, or turned into n good step ladder, for pick - Mg fruit Co, at 13, Gerry's Brussels, 03111)19 sAY's Kidney and Liver Cure ie a preparlltion of herbs and Roots, tho Medical properties of which are Uni- versally known. Try it for Purifying the blood. MOST RnNIAIINAeLE ON EARTu.—So says Professor Gresham, New Fork, of St. Leon Mineral Water, to invigorate, /mild up and preserve strength and happiness life long. It is impossible to speak too highly of St. Leon. A fresh supply to hand at goo. Thomson's. RE11E119E5 Membray's Kidney and Liver Cure is the latest triumph in Pharmacy, for the onr0 of Kidney and Livor Trouble, and a positive cure for Book Ache, Sour Stomach, Dizziness, Constipation, dm. A LADY, whose hair come out with every combing, was induced to give ,' re,"s IIn!r Vigor a faithful trial. She did so, and not only was the loss of hair Checked, but a new and vigorous growth soon succeeded that which had gone. The valne of a good name was well exemplified the other day, when a Tuan asked one of our druggists for a bottle of Sarsaparilla, "Whose ?" inquired the clerk, "Whose 1" why Ayer's, of course. Ye don't suppose I'm going to run any risks with Hannah, do ye 1" Werm.DIao,eo AND DRILLING. --George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drilling wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to bim in a way that will insure satisfaction. Was cleaned out and put in proper shape. Terms reasonable, Residence seooud door north of the bridge, west side of Tnrnborry st., Brussels. 34.10 BEIIECCA SVilkinsoi�, of Brownsvalley, Ind., says :—"I had been in a distressed ooudition for three years from 00)70us- nese, weakness of the stomach, dyspepsia and indigestion until my health was gone. I had been doctoring constantly with no relief. I bought one bottle of South Amer10a11 Nervine, widen did me more good than any 500 worth of doctoring I ever did in my life. I would advise every weakly person to use this valuable and lovely remedy ; a few bot- tles of it has cured me completely. I consider it the grandest medicine in the world." A trial bottle will 00/301009 yon. Warranted by G. A. Deadamau. Ton SPlen.00 CASE.—Remptville, July 24.—Nuel) interest is felt by the rest. dents of this place in the case of SV. F. Sparbam, of Ottawa, to whom reform:0e was made in an Ottawa's despatch a few days ago, as a sufferer delivered from llidney disease by the use of Dodd's kidney pills. 110. Sparham was born and brought up here, and is well • known aur( universally popular. His friends here had heard of his illness and his failure to obtain relief from all the medi- cines he tried before taking the pills. Their wonderful effort in his case will make the remedy more popular in this vicinity, for all now are fully aware of its good properties, R. !I. Charlton, of Charlton (x Son, auctioneers, has located in St. Marys. SV. R. Carr, V. S., Kirktoe, has a curiosity in the shape of a pet coon, It will follow him around the street the same as a dog• Norman Buckingham, formerly of Stratford, who has for the past two years been practicing law in Boiesevaiu, Manitoba, will locate in Berlin. He will succeed John King, Q. C., who has been appointed a lecturer in Toronto 'Gni. versify, On July 0th, the third annual Sunday School Convention in commotion with the Deanery of Perth, was held in Trin• ity church, Mitchell, A large number of delegates attended from Soratford, St. MIary's, Sebringville and Mitchell, Revs, Messrs. Deacon, Hodgins and Dewdney were also present, AIIss Keen, St. Marys, read an excellent paper on "Personal 1)ealing wish Scholars," Mrs. Mason, Sebriugville, also read a capital one on "How to Instil the Missionary Spirit," and Miss Davis, Mitchell, read a paper on the topic of "The Teacher's Diseouragements and Enoouragetnonte." All were very creditable and provoked most interesting discussions. In the evening questions Were answered, and farewell addresses delivered by the visit- ing olergymon. Rev. Mr. Dewdney oo. aupied the chair. The next meeting will be held In St. Marys. oaomme Kenn.—At the Methodist parsonage, Thamosford, on July 21st, tho wife of Rev, W. E. Kerr of a sou, IewIN.—In Morris, on the 11th inst., the wife of Mr. Samuel Irwin of adaugh- ter. MCDONALn.—At Moleowoi th, on Juiy 10th, the wife of Mr, Thoe, Mo. Donald of a daughter. Rose.--Iu Brussele, on July 251h, the wife of Mr, Roderick Roes of a eon, DIDs1m. MoDoNALn,—In Listowel, 00 July 17111, infant ohild of J, it. McDonald, aged 6 days. dpr,artraftl tilt 200110ilu111,nini9in ()Marto, Quebec, Manitoba (.':;11111 Stu 1,,30Gsubmit ails Pre$0.4t5. A General Banking Business Transacted. li'(wmors' Notes Discounted, Drafts leaned and Collections 1119310 un 1111 points. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, ln101901 allowed on deposits of 51.00 and upwards from date of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly. SPECIAL ATTENTION OWEN TO Tett COLLECTION OP O'.ut)nOue' S.111at 3871,8. Every facility afforded Onetomero living at a distance. W. D. HART, MANAGER. .ma.•,aa..arm,o�ce��,..,.,•...m..,n,,.w.m:sms„adrraeea,Y, x..raAsmmoam cu. GILLIES & 3IT, WT9r33r.R1P5FEiS:.t9L'V1WS Transact a General Bantling Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. FARMERS' NOTES DISCOUNTED, SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY, Interest Allowed on Ono Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates, Interest Com - Pounded Twioe a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the 11Ionths of October and April. Special Arrangements mado for Time Deposits. tt'o sleet to 11•rile lnsuranre In 0117 1111311411 or Cnnndlnn 4'ucllpaahlrs, or In 30,0. nal Companies as luny be desired. AGENTS 7OR CANADA AND UNITED STATES : THE CANADIAN BANK OP 00.1IMen0m, JOHNSTON.— In Stratford, on Daly 16th, W. II. Wesley Johnston, aged 22 years and 8 months, a cousin of Mrs. A. Bruce, of Bluevale. _ 21)33-8,.338,33)13T10. Pull Wheat Spring*, Wheat Barley Peas Oats Butter, tubs and rolls Eggs per dozen Flour per barrel Potatoes 58 60 30 35 54 00 82 84 13 14 0 PO 3 00 3 50 40 50 Hay per ton..... . .... 6 00 7 00 Salt per bbl., retail...... 1 00 00 Hides trimmed 8) Hides rough 3 Sheep skine,each 60 1 PO Lamb skins each 65 00 Apples per bag 50 00 Wool 17 18 Pork 7 00 7 50 I3OEm0LL, July 25. At the cheese market today 24 factories boarded 4,680 boxes ; July make sales at 0;}o ; 0}a free• ly bid, and in some oases 6 8 8o, but re- fused ; salesmen holding for 6)c, sales- men all claiming that the dry weather is greatly rednoing the make; large at- tendance of both salesmen and buyers. BELLEVILLE, Ont„ July 25. At cheese board held to -day there were boarded 26 factories olfelm„0 1,715 hoses white and 45 oalored. Following sales :-3. F. Warrington, 225 white at O,ko and 60 white at O 3•30c ; J. R. Brewer, 205 white at Ola and W. W. Knapp 835 white Dud 20 colored at 1)3o. EAST Bt'3'EAL°, N. Y., July 25. --Oat. tie—Not enough offering to make a market. Sheep and lambs—five oars on sale ; sold mostly to city butchers ; few light to fair lambs, 54.50 to 05 ; onus and common sheep, 52,50 to 1)3.50. Hogs—Ten cars ; steady ; 10o stronger • light Yorkers, 50.70 to 5x0.75 ; heavy, 00.- 00 to 50.65 ; mediums, 50.10 ; heavy, 50. Tono)To, only 25.—Reaeiptt of live stock aro small end the feeling soma better in sympathy with Montreal, where there Was a bettor demand. British markets are unchanged with light receipts from America. The finest steers bring ilo in Liverpool and good to choice 10)3o. Freights from ATontreal, 35c to 40o. The best shipping steers are quoted hero at 43o per Ib. and good to choice at 4j_c to :tie per lb, Half fed steers, no to 4o per lb. Good butchers' cattle, 83.0 'to 4o per lb. ; medium, 3,fo to Bic, and in- ferior, no to 30. Calves sell at 54 to 58 each and miloh cows at e30 to 545 each. Sheep, steady, at 3 3.80 to 8ho. Lambs, firmer, at e8 to 54.25 each. Hogs in fair demand and firm, the best bringing Rs and good to medium at 6}o to 60. L0Nn033, July 24,—The Mark Lane Express, in its weekly review of the British grain trade, says :—Tho prices of English red wheat are stationary at from 23s to 30o, and white at front 28s to 32s. Devon, Somerset and Cornwall are the cheapest markets, the old oral) there °leering from 2B0 to 27e. These prices are telling very prejudicially on the general average. There has been little change in foreign wheats, The markets are resting upon the harvest reports. These are conflicting. Beerbohm's and Dornbush's circulars differ in regard to the French orop The former soya the yield will be 84,000,000 quarters, while thglatter states flint it will be 36,000,000. The yield at either figure will be better than was expected. The yield of Rue. Man wheat cannot yet be estimated, Rye and barley will yield heavily. Corn promises a good yield. The wheat yield in Austria.lI1ugary is estimated at 20,- 800,000 quarters, against 23,614,000 Tauten last year. The Mark Lane Ex- press thinks tinct this estimate is too low, and expects that the yield will reach 22,000,000 (porters. The yield in Italy will be 1,850,000 quarters above 1802. The estimates hitherto made in regard to the mope in Germany, Belgium and Holland are valueless. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. SERVANT 'WAN Tji1D.—APPLY mus. W. M. SINCLAIR, TENDERS WANTED.—TEN• EVES wanted for matting about 1000000. of high land hay and the hay orop on a Potwar Mleadaw. The job will be let 09 shares or sold out entirely, For further parti0ulars apply at 0100 to A1o1f slln.7 South Half Lottfn, O on. 4,, Morris. Farm for Salo :-Tho Farm,000111113105 100 aore8, is also offered for sae. Possession manta be given next Pall, Morris, Jtlno 2011), 1609, Immeirsrammiaqammeol FiLIES ON CATTLE. — TO Prevent dies from troubling your stock apply our Born Fly Preventative, which is both °heap and elltoacioue. G . A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &o. REAL ESTATE. 'AR14S FOR SALE. -'THE UN• sale ane torpent, easy termer good Farmsoitns Of Morris and Grey. P S. S0U1'T,Brussole. 87-0f. t-1FIOI0E FARM FOR SALE.— Being South half Lnt 27, con. 0, Morris, 100 acres, nearly all °bared. Good buildings, duo young bearing orchard. Immediate pos- se0s3on. Easy Terms. Apply to W. Df, SINChAIR, 11- Solicitor, 8:o., Brussels. �0(' ACRE FARM FOR SALE. The 200 acre farm, being lots 11 and 12, 001). 18, Grey, is offered for sole. 120 bered.aBuUdiogo lrst-ellassul aOrchard, well, (2c. S0hn0l house within 40 rode. Posses- sion given at once if desired. Per further particulars as t0' pries, terms, tho. apply to ]alts, WALBr1t, 94f Roseville P. 0, or NELSON BRIOE19I2, on farm. ��3lARlI FOR SALE. --THE DN- mtntl8Nmn 011418 h3S splendid 100 acro farm, being Lot 8 50(1170st part Lot 0, Oon, 0, Grey, for sale. There (wolf() 00109 Cleared, balance thubored. Two dwelling houses, bank barbs, good orchard, well fenced. A never failing spring on the place. Posses- sion given any time. The subscriber also offers for sale a dwelling house, stable 09,15 acres of land in the corporation of Brussels. The 'tense and garden would be rented for a short time 1f notsohl, Hard end soft water. Fot prices, terms and further particularsapply to JOHN SMI1'1f, Prop rioter. 41.1f Brussels P. 0. DENTAL. 1)1137.4 'Y' X foo 00 M. CAVANAGH, L. D• S., D. D. S., Graduate of the Royal college of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, and of ro'onte Uni- vorelty. OPP1oo—Over A.B. Smith's Store Brussels, TMPROVED LARGE MUTE YORK. JL SHIRE BOAR. The nudersigoed will keep for service this Present season the 1 mprove(1 large white Yorkshire pig "Read on lot 20, eou,0, Morris, to which a limited number of sows w311 bo taken. Tents $11.00 to be paid at time of service, with the privilege of return- ing if necessary, Pedigree may be seen up. on application, 13011101tT 14LOHOL, 1500 Proprietor. NOTICE TO CREDITONS. Pursuant to Hee, 00 of Obaptor 110 of the Revised atatutos of Outaelo, 1887, notice is hereby given that all creditors and others having ol(ti1Gs against the estate of RobertHemlitou, late of the Township of Beverly, h1 the. County of Wentworth, Yeoman, who died o0 or atioot the 90th day of April A. D. 1808, are, on or before the 1011, day of August, A. D. 1808, to send by post, pre -paid, to IS, J. 13eannlout, Gait, Solioltor for Sydney Sipes Rachel Rivers and Joeoph Sipes, Administrators of rho said deceased, their Christina names and surnames, ad- dresses and doeoriptious, rho 0)111 p0rt100. litre of their claims, a statement of thou: noeopnte and the nature of the securities Of any) hold by them, and that after the clay lust aforesaid the said adminiktoro win pro0oed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to such alaims of Which notice shall have been given as above regllred, and the said administrators will not bo liablo for the said snots or any part thereof, to any person or persona of whose olaim or 0101111s notice shall not have been reoe,wod by them at tho time o1 dtetribtL Won. Dated at Galt this Olaf day of July, A. D, 1809, E. 7. BEAUM0NT 2.5 Solicitor for Administrate re. Voters' List, 1893. MUNICI01L1'I''Y OP THE TOWNSHIP 01? 01197, OosNT'Y OP Hn110N. NOLteo is hereby given that I have trace. witted or delivered to the parsons mention. oa iu socti0ns 5 and 0 of the Ontario Voters' List Act, 1800, the copies required by said sections to be transmitted or delivered of tho list, Waite pursuant to said Act, of e11 parsons appearing by the last revised As - easement Boll of the Said Munioipality to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Elections for Members of the Legislative As. 88m)1y and at Municipal Elections; and that said list wee first posted up alloy olfloo at Ethel, on the 20111 day of July, 1800, and remains thorn for iuspoetsn. Bloaters aro called upon to oxami0o the told 1180, and if any mn10i0(io00 or any Other error8 000 found therein, to take immediate ,n•o000ei0lle to 111138 the said errors dor. rooted it000rding to law. WMf, SPENCE, Dated at Ethel 00th day of Gray Township. flip, IS ONLY 26o. per lb. And w11ou von are epollling 211o. to got a pon113 of Psrie Green, you m)3413juin; as well get rho Very Bost for your money, Yon 11111 313,1 tho Very Best Paris Green, winnowed to bo.1?tiro, and. imported (lir• eut from lengland, a6 Popper's DruE Stare, LEGAL AND CONVEYAfdcING• vp lK L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, .1�. L-0 sclieitot•and Convsyanc8l•. ooueo, Woe 01000, O11cc—Vanstoue'e Block, Urns. sols. .__ __ 21•sm T M. SINOLAIIZ, 1 y • OOlioitor, Conveyancer, Notary Pub. Ito, &e. 011ico-3anstorn'e 1110e13 1 door north 0f Ooutral HOtol, Private Linuds to Lotto, Ct0. 1EIT,ON, HOLT (4l:IOLMES, \�J 11311,10)0115,RelltBtoys, 050181)08 Pubito, GOdel i0h, UD1, M. C. OA11IlllON, 39. C, 3R0LIY BOLT, DUDLEY ROLt180. lI P. BLAIR, BARRISTER LV7f�• soldier, &o. (late of Garrott, C Prondfoot's OOloo, Godorich.) 01)lco over Gillies to Smith's Ba08,1300090110. Money to Loan, 47 AUCTIONEERS. A R.AY1lANN, • Auotioneer, ,s always ready to at- tend sales of farms, farm stoc lc, dm. Terms cheerfully given. Oran brook P. 0. Sales may be arrouged at Tan Perm Publishing House, Brussels. GEORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Auctioneer. Sales conduct od on reasonable terms. Farms and farm 00001111 sneeialty, Orders 1e11 at THE POST P ubli shine House, Bru ssol s, or sent to Walton P 0., will receive prompt attention, HAVING v G TA I{I;N OUT LICI•;N- to conduct sales Auctioneer1 rm k l00oousouablo prices, (mowing the standing of nearly every pel•8cu I am in a position to sell to good marks and got good security when cold oucredit. Satisfaction guar8uteed. Give mea can. 82- 1f 5. 800TT. BUSINESS CARDS. MfoORAOKEN, MIAs GroceryYurnb rrygStreet,, Biueselloe t• N. l3ARRETT, Tonsorial Artist, 8hop—Noxi door south of A. M. Mcliay,9 Co's hardware store. Ladles'aud abildrone hair cutting a specialty MONAIR la.• Issurer of Marriage Licenses, by appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Commis- FireoInsuranoWe Oo. Office at the r Oranbroott Post 011oe. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM• FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. ALEX. .HUNTER 00, lauron, of Conveyancer,the Notary Publio Land, Loan and Inanranoe Agent, Funds invested and to loan. 0011e06i8ne made. O111oe in Graham's D lock, Brussels. OIL PAINTING, Miss Holies, of Wiugbam, is prepared to give instruction lu oil painting. Terms maybe at Miss w11808 sa mp1081of (work may Nellie 130011. Mies Mortes would also take a few more pupils in music, m A. HAWRJNS, !� • Organist 111 St, John's Church, Brue- sets, and pupil, in the Art of '1'eaohia of A. W. Thayer, Mus. Doe., Now 'York, will give lessons to pupils either at 7.0. nu111day'e, cos Ring and John Ste., or if preferred, at their own hems. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at Walton. Terms moderate. VETERINARY. D. WARWICK, VeteHonor Graduate of the Ontario tfnary ()tillage. is prepared to treat alt diseases of domesticated animals In a com- petent manner, Particular attention paid to vntorinary dentistry. Calls prompt at- tended to. Office andInfirmary—Two doors north of bridge •l'urnb orry s6., Brooms, NIEDICAL CARDS. A. MoNAUGIITON, 1'I. D. • O. ML, tali, O.P., Edinburgh, M. 0. P 8, Out, Boeiclouoo and office In Wilson' Blook, corner of 131111 and Turhberry 81s. L. GIBSON, lI. D. . 0. MI., M. 0, P. 8. Out„ Graduate Queen's University Kingston. 01•P1alt- 8mt118'9 blook, one door South of Standard Baule,l3russols, Night boll answered at the some place. M•cLEOD'S System Renovator 3190 OTHER TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC ANIS ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita. tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur• algia, Loee of Memory, Brouohitio, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundioe, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De• bildty, LABORATORY GODERICH, ONT. J. PVI. MoLEOD, Prop, and Manufacturer. Sold by J, T. PEPPER, Druggist, Bruesols, 3` it s