HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-7-28, Page 5Jul,sf 28, 1893 TICE BRUSSELS POST ;.ra*-<s^.ye•wT'ryc"^atirtn'r.E�r.�,'nF"tier"�'^•rr..^.rs.:.a'srz�=_rczv�.�.a�;.�^�s.�^.' THE SHREWD BUY'ER'S OPPORTUNITY. B SALE T EEK. A 1!11.1 r -FI' MONEY -SAVING CHANC , We announce, commencing iTO-MORROW MORNING, a Sale of such Magnitude, of such i'. Teri surprising in Price, so generous iu its offerings -that it cannot fail to crowd our store with eager buyers -to add another victory to our conquests in Merchandising. Come one, come all, and reap the benefit of this -harvest of Bargains. Hundreds of things not 0n this List at Correspotndi ly- L LOOK AT THE PROOFS. Lot 1. 200 yards 24 inch Silk and Wool Plaids -the kind you have paid 35e. for -they go at 19e. Lot 2. 500 yards 42 inch all wool French Serge, not half wool but all wool, good shades, at 25e., worth 35e. Lot 3. 340 yards 44 inch all wool English Tweed, note double width tweed all wool, worth 50e., our challenge Price 25c. Lot 4. 220 yards 44 inch all wool Plaids in Grey, Black and White only. Good value at 60c., our Sale Price 27c. Lot 5. 525 yards 46 inch all wool Ilenrietta Cloth -Note particularly the width, 46 inches -at 36c., regular price 50c. Lot 6. 348 yards 46 inch all wool Henrietta Serge, 7 shade, a .u1 black, at 35e., worth 60c. Lot 7. 249 yards very fine Bed- ford Cord, 5 shades, same cloth sold last seasou at 75c., going this week at 87c. Lot 8. 486 yards 47 inch Silk Fin- ish All Wool Henrietta, every desirable shade, at 60c., worth 70c. Lot 9. 220 yards Finest Quality Bedford Cord, desirable shades, worth SSe., going at 40e. 0020 RI Youths' Department. Youths' All Wool 2 Piece Suits - Good Value at $2 25 our Salo 75 3 25 3 50 8 75 4 25 4 50 SO Pricy 81 75 1 90 2 15 2 40 2 65 2 90 3 25 Boys' Department. Boys' All Wool 3 Piece Suits- Goocl Value at 88 75 our if 4 25 4 75 6 25 ci u 21:4I Sale Price $2 75 8 00 3 50 4 75 ,f fi ff 2000 yards best 33 inch Prints, guaranteed Fast Colors, always sold at 12 1-2c., our a Challenge Price, 10 1-2c. 1000 yards best 30 inch Print at 8 1-2c,, our regular 10c. goods. Mark these Facts o Eighest Qi .ality, Lowest in Price, Comparison has proven it. Batter alld eggs taken as Uasi, DISTRIICT NEWS. Cseitatibl.•oolc. The flax gang is working near Brussels this week. Tmproeetnents are contemplated iu the postofftce. A couple of our young people spent last Sunday in Walton. Court Woodbine, 0. 0. F„ will bo represented at Kincardine next Wodnes• day. .rime tetow u. Miss M. Livingston was visiting at J. J. Vincent's last week. Wednesday, Aug. 2nd, will be observed in this village as a public holiday. Mise Lida Hall, of Grey, was visiting her Bieber, Mrs. G. Balmier, for a couple of days this week. Farmers about here had good weather for their haying and a lob of good b•ty has been taken in. A great many are nutting their fall wheat. It is a good Drop, iu fact all the orops look well. 131ucsvule. Mrs, Ira Barkley is visiting her parents. R. L. Stewart was visiting his sister at Bellmore, Mies M. Scott is visiting friends in Seaforbh. Mre. (Rev.) J. W. Pring arrived home last Monday. John Gardiner, jr., is home on a visit from Chicago. J. S. Huston, of Stratford, visited A. Bruoe this week. W. H. Stewart has been engaged to teach at Pembroke, The Misses Boys, of Hamilton, are visiting at W. Messer'e. Mrs. Craig and children were visiting at Walkerton last week. Miss E. 0. Corbitt, of Fergus, is visit- ing her Runt at J. Leech's. Mrs. Brownlee and daughter, of Glen- coe, are visiting friends here. Rev. R. Thyns and sister, of New- market, are visiting their mother. Mies Dowry, of Hamilton, and4 Mies Sanderson, of Gerrie, are visiting at Mr. Leathern's, 131vt ls. Mrs, H. A. Scarlett left on a visit among friends in Hensall. A. V. Brown is having his residence on Queen street renovated with a fresh coat of paint. The English ohuroh Sunday school held their pianie at Manchoster on Thursday. On Monday W. Kelly, H. A. Scarlett and S. II. Gidley left here for a trip up the 'shoe. Dr, Wm. Sloan, en old time resident, bot now of Toronto, fa visiting here for a short time. Rev. '2. B. Higley oliioiated in the English ehitrah, Wingharo, on Snnday, Rev. Mr. Woods, of that town, supplying here. Hay harvesting is !Welled in this sec: - Hon. It is a very heavy crop. Some of the farmers have commenced nutting their fall wheat. A garden party, tinder the at/apiece of the Epworth League of the Methodist church, Was !told at the residence of T. Ashbury on Wednesday evening. 23elgrr;ave. Miss Mary Halliday was seriously in- jured in to runaway acoidenb on Satur- day. Rev. A. Y. Hartley, of Bluevale, is to preach in Knox church next Sunday at 2:80 p. m. W, LI. Hole, of Bellefoutaine, Ohio, and formerly of this place, was in town last weep. this vicinity ni v Farmers to h on ty are Duey with their fall wheat harvest, and haying is practically over. Rev. A. McLean, of Blyth, preached in Knox oburoh on Sunday, in the absence of the pastor, Rev. Geo. Law. 1 tioi. Mrs. 3. Heffernan left for Muskoka this weep. Mrs. Wm. Spence bas returned from visiting friends in Toronto. Mrs. Woodman, of Boston, is visiting her parents at the parsonage. Reeve Milne had an immense crop of hay this season, about Nacres altogether. It is said the sparrows are making havoc of Reeve Milne's fall wheat, There is a clump of bushes near the field where they make their headquarters. This is a now role for these "English- men." S. or T. --The following are the officers of Ethel Division, S. of T., for the cur- rent quarter :-W. P., Alrita bfilne ; W. A., M. A. Mammon ; R. S., P. Molay A. R. S., M. A. Elliott ; Chap., J. Faulkner ; C., D. Lamont ; A. C., Sarah Willis; I. S., D. Evans; 0. S., John Lamont. The wind blew the rafters off Thomas Voddo n's new barn, breaking all but four of them at the same time. Pant of the east wall gave way, throwing the building out of places and wrecking it very badly. It is said the building will have to be taken down and raised again before it can be of any use. Gerrie,. Mise Leslie, of Toronto, is visiting with lire. Carson. Jas. McLaughlin and wife are visiting friends in Beamsville. Miss Edna Bean is spending her vaoation with friends in Toronto. Mrs. T. 1T. and R. G. M0Gaughlin are Visiting friends near Bownianvilie. Eire. J.12. Campbell and ohildren are spending a few weeks with her parents near. Seaforth. Mr. and Mre. Stevens have returned home from a nimtth's visit with their daughter in Toronto. Mre. T. McLaughlin and family, of Mioitigan, are renewing old aoquaintauces here and in Wm:totor. W. H. Tate has opened ou.t tun itnple• meet emporium in the plttoe formerly oe. oupied by the "Gazabte." W. Haette has boughtthe building south of Mr. Taman s tailor shop and will fit it up for a carriage shop. The Salvatio:t Army openel tiro on our village on Sabbath last, holding meetings, morning, afternoon and even Mies M. Watil who hold.; the position of head milliner in one of the eading estebliehmenbs in Shelburne, is home for vacation. Dr. Armstrong, V. S., was at Ottawa last week as a delegate to Grand Lodge, A. F. ,e A. 11 , representing Forest Lodge, No. 102. Legere are beim:n•eg a nuisance at some of the principal uorners, many who onkht to know better. It is a great pity they ooald not be Ladaoel to have more respect for themselves. Miss Kenzie, who has filled the positios of milliner with W. S. Beau for the pest two years, has returned to her home at Uxbridge. Miss K. made many friends while in Gorrie and will be vary mualt missed among the young people. Atwood. Miss Maud Hawkshaw left last weak for a visit among friends in Luoan and Sarnia. Rev. Mr. Webb, of. Palmerston, preaohed in the Baptist ohuroh last Sun. day afternoon. Tho anniversary services in connection with the Presbyterian church will be held on September 17th or 24th. Mr. Williams, a student of Woodstock College, hue been put temporarily in charge of the Baptist cause here. Mrs. Walter Richardson and family, of Swift Current, N. W. T., are visiting among friends in this focality after an ab.enee of three years. Walton. Farm help is scarce. Some farmers complain of rust on the Fall wheat. Postmaster Neal, we learn with deep regret, is under the care of the doctor. A child of Mr. Dennison jr. died this week and was buried on Thurelay fore• noon. A shipment of oheese was made on Tuesday from our factory. It wee load• ed at Brussels. Willie Smith, after a severe attack of illness, is now, we aro pleased to state, rapidly recovering. Some of the members of the Foresters' Court will likely attend the annual demonstration at Kincardine on Wed- nesday of next week. A good deal is said about the speed of Beattie Bros. "Wanda" but that is noth- ing eompared to an animal owned 1, miles North of Walton. It goes to Ham- ilton and back between sunset and sun- rise. A box social will be held at the resi- dence of Andrew Turnbull, lot 10, con. 10, Grey, on Friday evening of next week, Aug. 4th, ander the auspices of the Womens Missionary Sooieby of Duff's ohuroh in this village. A good program will be presented. LAWN Soaaaa.-•The lawn social given under the auspices of the Ladies' Guild of St. George's oburoh here, on Weduss- day evening, was a gran:1 euooesa in every way. Mr. Hewitt's spacious grounds wore most tastefully decorated and every thing was done to iuorease the pleaenro of bhe largo concourse of people assem. bled. Ice cream, lemonade and sweet: - mode were to be had h1 abundanec and coffee and cake were served to all at the close, Breesele Brass Band wlw in a0• tendanoe and, tinder the able leadership of Jae. Jones, discoursed several choice eeleotious in their usual pleasing style. The Sages, of widespread fame, were al•o present to the delight of all. Mrs, Stage played a number of lovely airs on the useeleal !cobbles; Miss Annie deftly shook MICAscanTNANA the sleighbells with wonderful skill, Miss I given the vi l nn accompaniment on 1110llijill the organ ; some choice phases were Niven on the vi"lies by the two sisters, Misses Annie and Alice, with ,Mfrs Secede its pianist. This talented family were greeted with app'anse loud and pro ion;; •d. .Messs. Neal, Bird and Smith oontributed selections on the month or. gan, Prof. Fisher cleverly shaking the bones. "Huntingtower" was given by Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, of Mortis. Mr, Jones, of Brussels, gave an excellent rendering of "Hearts;by 10. K. Harris, and Prof. Hawkins sang Franz Abte. masterpiece "Whou the Swallows home• ward fay." Inc. Bulget acted in the capacity of ohairmau in his usual happy manner. Proceeds amounted to 080.00. 19Ir, and Mrs. IIewitb are to be congratu- lated on the success of their lawn sooial. to, ayol. T. Ballantyne ,10 Sons shipped three ears of oheese from Listowel station last week. Lisio,vel will make holiday on Aeg. 2nd, the date of the Foresters' dem , ,tiou in Kincardine. Dna t•u Rev. Arch. Stevenson and family; have removed to town from Molesworth, and taken up their residence on Wallace street. Geo. Bray has retttrued from the St. Catharines High school. He has passed his matriculation at Toronto tluiversity where he will take a course with honors in sciatica. Lewis Bolton hes received word from the Crown Lands Department that a township has been assigned to him for the Sumner for surveying. The loos, Mon is not yet known. He will be joined by T. E. I1ay aced assisted by his eon Ellsworth, who returned home from Montreal. The ru-opening servioes of the Matho• dist ohuroh took plaoe on Sunday, 28rd inst. Rev. Dr. Griffin, - of Toronto, preached al 11 It. 01. and at 7 p. an., and Rev. J. N. Morison, of Knox ohuroh, in the afternoon at 8 o'oloek. Ou Monday evening, 24011 inst., a festival and enter- tainment was given. G. B, Roe, Wit ham, has his trotter, Mies Garfield, 2.24, here training on our traok. He expecte to bo able to show a nide under 20 before long. Jim Ander- son has a string of fast ones in charge which are coming along in good style. The Het includes Beattie Boos., Wind ham, Wanda, 2,20. She is tt 4.year.old by Ridgewood and is very promising. He has also J. H. Dulmago's, Wingham, 8 - year old Saranac, and R. J. Weli's, Har• riston, Nimrod, 9,8n , showing good fm'm, Lord Ferguson will go well down into the list before many weeks, He has Iso a string of Oliver Wilkes' young• eters Doming on fast. On Tuoeday of last week the 10.year- o1d daughter of Gordon Wm. Britton, of this place, woe brutally assaulted while out berrypicking with some oomrades, from whom, however, she became serer. aced. Prom the statement made by the girl Ooneiable James Osborne arrested Alexander Watson aged 28, on the charge of having committed the offence. Watson was taken to rho lookup, but was alto,ved to remain over night at the hotel, ander Ooboree's care, Osborne N11101000 and was awakened by rho breakfast bell in the mottling. Watson Was gone and leas not since been heard of. fit n J1INT 0,,, 10 a 1. LUCAS, °STAaro, June 10th, 1808. Wn regret bo note the fact that the Superintendent and Salesmen of the Wrought Iron Range Co., of Toronto, Ont„ who have been associated with us for the past three months, are soon to depart to new fields of labor. These gentlemen carne among vs as strangers, and we are pleased to say that the baeiness has been conduct• ed here in a manner worthy of the respect and patronage of any eaumunity. While at this point they have done an extensive bueinoee, having sold several oar loads of ranges, and so far as we can ascertain, have given entire satiefeetion. While we regret their departure, we wish them enooess and oars h artily reeonv mend them to any community in which they may oast their lob. R. it J, Fox, Bankers ; W. R. Stanley, hardware : W. ah C. Stanley, Merchants; W. Porte, P. M,; MoCesh Bros . Merohauts; Stem-• J. R. MoOomb, Hardware ; Alex. McFalls, Central Hotel : Ii. Collins ffc Son, Stoves and Tinware ; Wm, Road, Livery and Ex- change ; R. S. Hodgins ; Jae, Badlier, G. T. It Agent ; T. J. Hodgins, Produce Dealer ; Chris. Felgons. lvn, the undersigned, have purobased of the salesmen of the \Veen,,;.t Iron Range Co., a "Home Comfort" cooking range, end are plea -ed to say it cis entire satisfaction. It bakes quicker and burns mesh less fuel than any n.'t- • tore or range we ever used. Any one wishing can refer to no. This oertidrt • t , :,y use oe you see proper. The following recommendations from Middlesex Couaty ;- James Hodgins, Luean ; Wm. Hodgins, human ; Sarni. Kelly, Claudeboye ; Wm. Simpson, Clandebdye ; Wm. Norbbgreves, Clandoboye • Thos. Kensela, Whalen ; Wm. lOeOlurg, Lobo ; J. B. Petberam, Dunarief ; Silas Ravitz, Hist tvilliaine ; John Irfoltay, East Williams ; 11. G. Taker, Mt, Carmel ; Wm. Lewis, 13,,itrdsley ; John O'Hara, West McGillivary ; Wm. Lewis, Maguire ; Nevin Lo r, Leinre, ; Wm ' Young, Leinra ; Richard Sellars, Leinra ; Andrew Paxton, Leivra ; N n m:tu b'isl., Arve,; Jas.Oarmiohael, Arva ; Neil Siewert, Denfield ; Ohne. Robson, Ilderton; John Robson, Vannock. Also the following from Perth County; --John Maltneight, St. Marys ; Richard Wilson, St. Marys ; N. J. Vernon, Bt. Marys. 4