HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-7-28, Page 46 TIIE BRUSSELS POST ;.w'^rCi114'LtL�e�"9.TS- '-,i".T_ .cx.!.� _ 'Y'"""' . _ �k!, n>:Ct!t-T?k"r'tR:•tYZC•.r"-.EI.3:�Lv'ivarw'l.7%SIIALC}iF'7Eti.}.[lt,'"�iYc^.Re�"•'fsi5!f31W� rT;: 40~4 .6141.1404141r**03110614 New Advertisements. Hies—G, A., Deadman. World's Nair—G. T. 1l.. I,00ale Dr, J. 0. Ayer, Voters List—Wm. Spice. Dry Gods ---13• L. Maddock & Co, Notice to Creditors --1•:. J. Beaumont. .rte ; ►rids.5c.(5 FILED:1Y, tui;x' 25, 1898. FRANCE is going t0 Monkey with Siam until Englaud will have to box her ears and teach her to mind her own business, nv.LAw will be sabeni3te- to the eleotols of the township of Fundy, county of fasting., on A.eg. 12311, to prohibit the sale by retaI! of spirituous or fermented or other liquors i11 that township. TnR Western Sta:ea have been ✓=truck with a blizzard this Summer which has swept nearly all before it. Not wind, hail, rain and snow, but failure upon failure of bauks and banking institutions. Thousands and thousands of people have lost ell they possessed end widespread disappointment and disaster is the result. THE total exports of Canada for the fiscal year ending Juue 30tb, 1893, are given by the Government organs at 6115,- 187,605. The total exports in 1874, nine- teen years ago, were 080,351,928, or abont 25,000,000 less than at the present time. The total imports this year seem to have been 0121,463,617. Nineteen years ago they were 6138,213,582. The total trade last year was 0230,601,282, against 0217,565,510 in 1874, or a gain of nineteen millions in nineteen years. THE engaging in sport for the love of it appears to be a thing of the past and to -day not only the promoters but coon' petitors lend themselves to actions that are of a very shady character. Hardly a boot race takes plane but there is foaling; scarcely a speeding oontest. but the horse thab should win is pulled and so all the way through. The chief cause for this as far as we have observed is the heavy betting and pool selling engaged in at ahnost all these contests. It is said that at the Woodbine, Toronto, young men depending on their salary have been known to stake hundreds of dollars on their favorite and in more than one case where the bet was lost their employer paid it—bat without his knowledge or consent. A Torontoniau stated that if betting were prohibited at the Wood• bine the raoes would 0000 cease, If other species of gambling and practice of black art are prohibited we see no reason why guy •g0veromeut should license it on a race course, Why do jockeys sell races ? Why do the fastest horses take the last plane in the race ? All because of the betting and pout sell- ing. If sport is to receive the coonten• acme of fair minded people there will have to be alopping off of all that breeds trickery, misrepresentation and dis- honesty. The present state of affairs is a very bad training school for the youth of this country. jird Ot•4•ii Township Connell will meet on August 731,. Mies Lizzie Maunders is home from her millinery situmbled at Berlin, Marshall Haggles is home from De- troit and is assisting Thomas Newsome in barn building. Dr. Waldreo, wife and daughter, of Berlin, were visiting with Thos. Maun• dere and family this week. Mrs. John Hanna baa gone to the hospital at Toronto for treatment. Mr. Hanna accompanied her to the Queen city. Capt. Stretton and wife, of Brussels, have moved down to the farm near the Township Hall where they will live until after terve-t, COLLAR 130910 Bnoxea.--Last Wednes• day Mrs. George Kerr was assisting her husband in hauling in hay. In going to the barn a portion of the load on which Mrs. Kerr was standing fell off carrying her along with it. One of the wagon wheels rah over her breaking her Dollar bone and causing other bruises. It was it close call for had there been a full load the consequenoes might have been much more serious if not fatal, MoRRi8 Towasnrp WON,—In the appeal of Huron County vs. Morris Township in reference to the reoent arbitration over the question of the Township's claim on the.County for maintenance of brid• ges Judge Ferguson has dismieeed the appeal with oasts. Morris has won twice now and the County should accept this as final, 40% of cost of construction was the decision of the Arbitrators, Judge Toms dissenting. I-I*1,►i•i•yn.. Silver Corners cheese factory sold the last half of J11oe make ab 91c. Flax pulling will commence this week. The crop is good in thio vicinity. The Quarterly service of the Ifenfryn mission will be conducted at the Bethel church on Aug. 6th. Robert Colette has just finished a line barn which improves the appearance and adds convenience to his farm. J. H, Thompson ie putting a faunae. - tion under his barn. It is hie intention to ao more enteneively into hog raising. R. J. Whitfield, NI. D., D, .0, S., left last week for Fort Scott, Kansas, where be intends practicing 1116 profession. He purposes spending a couple of weeks et the World's Fair before taking pp his profession. In last week's POST thete appeared 811 stem from the pen of eorne newly !n. s4lgurated correspondent, but whether on aooaqut of leek of news or mental in• ,4apaeity t9 handle hie subject, very little WAR said, ami that which did appear tsar so badly mntilatt'd that it tem1,1 hardly be reeoguized, We ,will not attempt to cancer a 1111eta108 made by a mean ap patently so weak le mental eapatoity, more than t0 say that it was false. We would advise him in the Intone not t0 exhaust AO much gas and show hi c gad atiiiotion in his next appearance as he has done in his debut. W i n; •la it tn. L. Swans is now running a bus to meet the railway treble. !Geo, B. Roe has taken "Lady Gar- . field" to Listowel to train her on the track in Chat town. J. S. Jerome has let the contract for the erection of a brink residence on Centre street, nest to the Manse. J. A. Morton, D. D. G. 110. for i40asonio Distriet No. 5,was in Ottawa lost week at- tending the meeting of the Masonic Grand Lodge. George Hugites left for Liverpool, Eng• land, with a cargo of cattle for Joseph Clegg, of Mortis. This is Mr, Hughes' second trip this year. Halsey Park, formerly of this town a e of the oil ofBrantford has bat lately y decided to open up business in the jewelry line in town again. A. G. McGregor has purchased a couple of lots on the corner of John and Francis streets, near the Public school, and will erect a brisk residence thereon this Summer. The following Wingham pupils passed the Leaving examination:—Wm. Bray, 725 ; Edwin Bradwin, 653 ; Celina Cowden, 501 ; Catharine lltoTevieh, 528 ; Charles Ross, 671. Walter Green, proprietor of the Wing - ham Electric Light Works, is erecting a brick dynamo house in Lower Windham, and will remove the works there shortly, where they will be run by waterpower. He is making extensive improvements on the water privilege also. Anse Eliz! AfoCutcheou has gone to St. Mary's. Miss Haight, of Toronto, is visiting Miss Bertha Ball. Fail wheat harvesting commenced generally this week, Wm. Holt's new brick residence, on the let eon., will soon be completed. The "Model" is the objective point for all the berrypickers along the let con. Mrs. Smith, of Alpena, Mich., is re. Hewing old acquaintances on the let con. Grey township Council will meet on Friday of next week, Aug. 4th, at Ethel. Geo. McDonald sold a team of sorrels to Howard Snell, They were a noted team. Samuel Dickson, 11111 non„ has en. larged and improved the dwelling on hie farm on Brie line. Miss 1?sggie Ure, of Toronto, and Miss Emma Hillier, of Goderich, were visiting at R. 11. C033'8 last weelr. Mrs. J. Horncastle, of Toronto, and daughter, Mise Edna, are visiting at James McNair's, 16th con. George Hislop, who was hurt some time ago by being thrown from a road Dart, is getting around again. J. E. Ooombes, wife and ,losie, of Wingliam, spent a few days Last week with friends on the 1st concession. Dame rumor is whispering that theirs will be an annexation between the 12tH and 14331 concessions in the near fntnre, Thomas Smart, of Port Huron, Mich., formerly of Grey, paid a flying visit to his friends on the 12311 and 16th eons. last week. Mrs. Robert McNaughton has been dangerously ill during the past week but we hope to soon be able to report a change for the better. A young son of Richard Mitchell had his right hand badly mutilated in the oogs of a machine. A portion of the forefinger was amputated. Tenders are being asked by the Town- ship ()mantel for the erection of a bridge at lot 4, eons. 11 and 12. Tenders will be received up to noon on- Friday, Aug. 4th, by Wm, Speeoe, Clerk, Ethel, P. 0. The Grey township voters' lint for 1893 was first posted up on Wednesday of this week. There aro 1066 names en- rolled, 40 of this number being women. 680 persons are qualified to serve as jurors, James Burns, formerly fireman on the G. T. R., now by profession an artistic painter, is spending is few days at his aunt's, Mrs. D. McNair's, 1401 con,, where he will undoubtedly have n very enjoyable time. Geo. Hislop is building a new house. A. McDonald has the briok work end T. Smith the carpenter work.—J. Grainger is putting up a new 11ouae, Messrs. Pugh and Smith have the brick and car. pouter work reepectivoly.—R. McDonald has had his house repainted. In the report of the marks taken by D. Strachan at the reoent Entrance ex. amination he should. have been credited with 547 instead of 527. Miss Jennie Mitchell received 606 at the Leaving ex. amination. She was credited with 676 in the printed report. Mrs. H. M. Shooley, of Smith's Valley, Nevada, is visiting her eietere, Mrs. Dun, can Livingston and Mrs. James Strachan, of this township, Mrs, John G. Mitchell, of Moleswortb, and other old friends. It is over 22 years slnoe Mrs, Schooley left this locality. Hornig Oouuty. Clinton's civic holiday is on Aug. 2nd, Measles are atilt prevalent at Londes. born', A braes band has been organized in Clinton. Dr, Coleman, of Seotortb, has been dangerously 111. Fishermen continue to make good heels of Ash et Port Albert. The boiler for heating the Court House building Goderioh has arrived. A. Bell, of East Wawanosh, departed this life Saturday, Jnly 22nd, He suf. fered oonsiderable, being ill over throe years. SINCIF AR01.11108 Bros. intend to rebuild their saw mill eb Auburn, 13118 5130 of the new mill will be nearer the village which will Ami lesson the risk of fire on the grist mill and their other property, The other :lay Mrs. Lee, of the wales Hotel, Clinton, had occaei0n to use some eggs. One of them, nd ordinary too kteg egg, had two hard shelle, the inner one being quite perfect and hard, R. Holmes, of the Clinton New Era, has nailed for tenders for the erection of a new oMoe. The building will be about 80 or 90 feet long and about Id wide, ono storey, with plate glass front, It will cost from 1)1,200 to 42,000. The 1nlvatinl Artny will visit Landes. 1 bgrse1;e1 sorn', The wnrls nt fort Albert harbor ie pro. lowly. S. C. Faluoner, late Principal of the High suhool in Sault Ste. llforie, has secured a eilnillrr position at Luoknow, Dat, Mr. Morrow, it former move of Ilullett 1 and now living in North Daknta, was I renewing old aognaiobanoes at Londes• born' Last week. 1 T. AL White, of Toronto, formerly of the Wlndeoe Review, has been compelled Exeter, owing to il1.healbh, 1 The boy Drysdale, of the 1luron Road, setae 3058 80 seriously injured while lead - 1 lug a horse some few weeks since, is re - 00000109 rapidly, after being 00110onseiolls for over two weeks, John Crozier, of the 12th con., Mail - lop, east of Leedbmy, had an unplea8ant experience one any recently. He was working B.11103001', nod had a3taolled to it a span of spirited young horses. A neighbor's bees took a notion to swarm, and a colony carne Mr. Crozier's way and some of 3hetn lighted on the •horses making them almost frantic and causing these to run away. Mr. 0rozier stunk to the seat until the tongue of the machine broke, when it was twi,led around and he was thrown off, brit he amok to the lines and, after being dragged some distance, he got the horses stopped. No serious damage was done, and, further than a severe shaking rip, Mr. Crozier was not injured. Two Tisnovios TRAPPED.—Last Sunday morning at an unseemly hour—about 1 o'olock—a light and two mem were die• covered in the store of Wm. Swath, goner. al merchant, Bruoefleld, 'Lbe alarm was quietly given to the owner and by the time the bold robbers had made their selections and concealed on their persons a liberal supply of goods, there were eon. gregated outside a good number of Brno - field citizens ready to receive the thieves with open arms. The fleet desperado captured is said to be one Charles Prince, a low set man, dark features and whisk- ers, disfigured left eye, hump.baolced, and generally speaking a hard looking oharaoter. He is probably 40 years of age and 5 feet 4 in height. He offered some resistance mud the shooting iron proved to be a large solid iron chisel. Andrew Scott, son of the complainant, captured Prinoe'e pal, whose name is given as Joseph Green. He is a doter. mined looking character, aged about 30 —low set and dark complexion. Both of uourse were loaded down with goods consisting of shoes, socks, watches, knives, vests, handkerchiefs, tide, to. becco, oa»dy, and various other articles of clothing. A rig was procured and early Sunday morning both birds secure. ly placed behind the bars in Clinton, They are said to hail from Toronto. The information was laid by. Mr. Scott, of Bruoefleld, and the case was heard before Mayor McTaggart and J. Mo. Garen, J. P.'s. Monday morning, Mr. Scott testifield to the particulars as above and identified a vest taken off one of the prisoners in Clinton. The prison. ers did sot eater any plea and were sent up to Goderi011'to await 1riah Their bit of burglars tools consisted of files, chisels, a broken table knife, look pick, a double key flied to fib store door lock, &c. to remove to his father's resic enoe, Mrs. Orr, wife of Anthony Orr, a farmer living about two miles from Galt, and Henry Mulholland, the hired man, have eloped. Mrs. Orr took her two yo nog children with her, Wednesday morning about 7 o'elook George Stratford, a teamster on the corporation, was driving to West Brant- ford, when in front of Mr. Otte' tannery the Canadian Paoifio call.bell wire fell across the trolley wire. Mr. Stratford did not notice this wire down across the trolley and drove his team against the bell wire, and immediately they touched the wire the two horses fell dead, caused by the current from the trolley wire pas. Bing over the Canadian Pacific call -bell wire to the horses. The contract for the building of the sleigh to be presented by bhe ladies of Canada as a wedding gift to the Princess May has been given to B. Lodonx & Co., of Montreal, The sleigh is to be thoroughly Canadian in shape and make and isbeingbuilt after the model of one constructed some twenty years ago by the same firm for 111e government house at Ottawa, whore it is still in use. It will be a three seated family sleigh, The runners are to be of steel, the body of Canadian white ash, with carved panels, and the mountings of pure silver. The runners will be painted a bright red with a thin blank stripe, the body to be in darlc blue, with a border strip in red. The trimmings are to be of dark blue Comedian cloth set off by ornamental edges and borders. The sleigh will be fitted with a pole for two horses. Grand Trunk orId' Fair GRIM DRY GOODS E��PfdC. Mlrlillla SEE N FIXT WEEK'S ISSUE. Salespeople Wanted, �i }: laddock & 00,, Garfield. goose, Brussels. JULY 28, 1.893 •-• eevirrmemi4;t r etev.....enreturatensmietemzenrammewe>;,^.aentier:a :; is e', este THE BEST IN THE WORLD 1t'or' he frollowiN•,1 I30fcsofc8 1. It is built of the best mailable, wrought iron and steel ; 2. 13 requires no holes to be drilled in cutter bar ; 8. It has no rod at the back to hold obstructions and cause cUlan g; 1. The outsid1 divider can bo raised or lowered at back ur front, independent of lifters ; 5. It has no springs to got out of order ; G. Each lifter has guard stay' and breaking mower guard is impossible ; 7. It ha moveable clips and canbe s oloab o o a c a set ill line with u 1 tongue of machine if cutter bar drags back ; g S. Each lifter is independent of tate others and can be raised or lowered at the back so as to lino in front should mower guards be out of line ; 9. The number of machines sold daring the Last season en- ables a large number of leading farmers of Ontario to testify to its merits. Every machine is warranted and given on test. Call and see sample machine at 17. EW, °'A , Agent, Brussels. IN All L!iies oi Siiner Goods f Profits Give i. . y ;. tee Do not fail to call and price any- thing you want to purchase. ALEXO 8 RACHAN. LAUGH, and the world laughs with you ; WEEP, and you weep alone. DRESS WELL, and hundreds greet you ; LOOK SE.A.BBY, and your credit's gone. Everybody who buys our goods is pleased. If people weep over bad purchases it is be- cause they failed to lieecl the advice of our advertisement. CL ilI]G SASE 30R 30 DAYS Fall Goods arearriving and we want to hustle of the balance of our Summer stock. Consequently we have special bargains for you in Stylish Tweeds, Handsome Straw and Felt hats, Waterproofs, White and Colored Shirts! Underwear, Socks, Neat Neckwear, &c., while this sale continues. Satitifaotion Guaranteed in all our Work. Cloth Cut Free of Charge if Purchas- ed from us. The Value of a Dollar is generally put down at 100 Cents but those who patronize our Clearing Sale may secure Bargains and feel assured they are getting the value of 200- GENTS FOR $1. EXCURSION -everything a Gent requires in the Clothing —T°— kept by us except Boots. Remember the next 30 days for Genuine Bar- gains in all the lines carried by Chicago - and - Return —Ar— August ma. Good to Return August 14th, Choice of Ten Routes. J. N ICEN.DALL, a. T. 11. Agent, Brussels, Line 9 Fashionable Tailor and Outfitter, BRUSSELS. It won't cost you a cent to call and get our prices and see the goods,