HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-7-28, Page 3JULY 28, 1893
Onward, Christian soldiers 1
k, Inotthen lands i
Prayer Woke in your pookate,
Rifles in your hand.
Take the happy tidings
Where trade can be done ;
Spread the poaoeful gospel
With a Getting gun,
T&. the wretched natives
Sinful are their hsarte ;
Turn their 1loathuu temples
Into spirit mart;,
Aud if to your preaching
They will not suconmb,
Substibate for sermons
Adulterated rum,
Tell them they are pagane
In black error souk,
Make of them gond Christiane,
That is—make them drank,
And if on the bible
They still clare to frown.
You meet do your duty—
Take and shoot them down.
When the Tan Oommandmonts
They quite understand,
You, their abler, must boons
And annex their land.
And if they, misguided,
Call you to acoouot,
Read thein—in their language—
The Sermon on the Mount.
If, spite all your teaohing,
Trouble still they give ;
If, spite rum or meeelee,
Some of them still live ;
Then with purpose moral,
Spread false tales about;
Instigate a quarrel
And let then tight it out.
Timothy Grey is a bachelor,
A bnobelor is be •
Little and thin, and cranky end arose,.
And owning to sixtythree.
121e says he'd have married long ago,
Married like any other,
If he could have found a girl,
Any way like his mother.
His mother was never sick at all,
She hadn't gay nerves to aohe,
Sho was always up, and hard at work,
Before the birds were awake.
She cooked fora dozen every meal,
She had all the wool to spin,
She baked and brewed and kept her house
As clean as a new -made pin.
She wove the cloth, she made the clothes,
She taught the children to read,
She was always neat,ebewas always there
Ready for any one's need.
"And if I could find a wife like her,"
He said, "I'd marry to•day."
Then scornfully answered a lovely girl :
"Ridiculous 1 Timothy Grey.
"There never was the woman yet
But had many it pain and ache ;
There never was one could cook for tivelve
Could nurse and olean and bake,
And spin, and weave, and sew, and teach,
And work in the garden too ;
And yet be pretty and neat ;
it's"whttt no woman can do 1
"Good and sweet was your mother, no
But 1 think it may he said
The living mothers who love and boil
Are as good as the mothers dead.
I mean to do as my mother does—
My mother is good and sweet—
And so are ten out of every ten
Of the mothers that we meet."
She turned to her love with beaming faoe,
"Now, what do you thiuir,dear Hurry ?"
"Tis 0 very fortunate thing," I said,
"For some poor girl that Mr. Grey
Is not inclined to marry."
!�k TIBC .Cts,
L. II. Dickson and E. Mill were ap-
pointed delegates to attend the high
court I. 0.1'. which will be held in Sarnia
on August 21st.
At a meeting of the Masonic Excursion
Committee held ou Tuesday evening of
lest week it wee deoided to run an exam.
sion to Sarnia on the 8th day of Aug.
The total amount of the contributions
reoeived from those who visited the
Trivitt Memorial Church, on July 12th,
was 027.78. Nearly 1,009 people viewed
the village and surrounding country from
the tower.
The Exsler cricket team drove to St.
Marys on Tuesday of last week and play-
ed a friendly game with the team or that
place, resulting in a victory fur Exeter
by one wioket and four runs. The first
innings St. Marys went to bat and soured
41 sans ; Exeter 48. Second innings Bt.
Marys 82 and Exeter 83 with one wicket
to spare.
W. II. Day shipped a carload of horses
to Montreal last week.
Berry picking is the order of the day
just now end the crop is an immense one.
Major Raine, aodompanied by his
daughter, Miss 'Martha Baine, left last
Wednesday for Manitoba.
M. Hectic has purchased the building
opposite the Vtdette office and will eon.
vert it into a carriage factory.
Geo. W. Perkins, son of our esteemed
postmaster, left last week for Bothwell,
where he has scoured a good situation.
Jas. Sutherland, tinsmith of this vil-
lage, has reoeived a fine large Copp
fttrnnoe, which he intends to plats on
position in the new Orange Hill school.
Mies Lily Doig, oho has resided with
her brother here for several years past,
returned to her parents near Montreal,
with whom she inteeds to reside here-
Mies Williams, the evangelist, who has
roe -only been holding meetings at Bel.
more, was the guest of her brother, Dr.
Williams, here for a short time last
Messrs, Gilchrist do Eort have opened
out to bubaber shop and are giving good
eatisfaotiou. Last week, while returning
from a trip to the vicinity of Molesworth,
Mr. Kort had the misfortune to lose his
pooket book, oohteinisg several hundred
dollars's Worth of notes and a small
amount of cash, He retraced his stepe
in the evening and found some of the
papers from his pocketbook lying on the
road ebeittlialf Way between the 4th and
6th sone.
The Sabbath schools or Wroxeter have
arranged for an oxuurolon to rho Forks
of the Credit to take place on Aug, 2nd,
A ear will be rssorvo t for those who Malt
to go from Gerrie. Cheap rntee.
lo two.yoar-old child of ''rhos. Mos'
grove, lith non„ aeoidentelly swallowed
some Perin Croon and it requital 4ew't•al
hours' loud w"rk on the Nei nl the
doctor to sewn its 1if,,, during whish time
itswere intense.
Yon r1ci1 u'sv.
Friday was Soulsty decoration day in
the village end the Bend accompanied
the brethren to the oemetery.
M. Campbell jr. left last weak for De.
trait where he purposes completing his
course at the Stenographer Aoademy of
that city.
A raspberry sooial, under the auspices
of the LadiesAid Society, was held at
the residence of G. W. Berry, Ross
street, on Tuesday evening.
Owing to the nation of the United
States Government in cancelling pen-
sions to peewee living in Canada, several
porsous in this section have been de-
prived of their income from that source.
Miss Irina A. Lens hos reiurncd home
from Oshawa, where she has been attend-
ing the Ladies' College for the past year,
and has boon successful in passing all the
exnminatious. She also carried off a
diploma in Fine Arts.
The farmers of this neighborhood will
be glad to learn that the travelling dairy,
sent out by the Agricultural College,
Guelph, is about to visit this pert of the
County of Bruce. They will be ab Lusk -
now on Thursday, Aug. 10th, at 2 p. m.
Gocicaviols .
The bathing arrangements at the
beach are growing in favor.
The organist of St. George's oh'u'ch
has tendered her retiguation.
The arrangements for the bioyole
tournament to be hold in Godorioh on
Thursday, Aug. 17t11, aro progressing
most favorably.
The prize Bets for the Great North-
western Exhibition bo be held in Gode•
rich, Sept. 20th to 22nd, are now ready
for distribution.
Geo. M. Elliott, Hamilton street, dur-
ing the present season has handled about
10,200 dozen of eggs, 4330 lbs. of butter
and has disposed of over 800 baskets of
Judge Toms represented Huron En-
cnmpment at the grand Damp meeting in
Toronto on July 20111, and Geo. II. Nairn
and Geo. Porter will attend Grand Loclge
I. 0. 0. T., at Niagara Falls, on August
Dr. M. Nicholson visited Toronto this
week to attend the annual meeting of bbd
Canadian Dental Sooiety, which met on
July 25th and 20th, and he will also at-
tend the American Dental Congress at
Chicago, Aug. 14th to 10th. This latter
will be the •largest dental gathering in
the world. Dr. Nicholson is a member
of both the Canadian and American As-
St. Paul's Sunday school helot their
annual pia nio at Goderich on Thurs-
d Over 300 tiolcets were sold for the Rat•
tenbury street Sabbath sohool pianio to
Gnderioh last week,
Rev. J. W. 'Holmes expects shortly to
spend three weeks in visiting the World's
''air. Ile hes a son residing in Chicago.
The other evening Mts. T. Fair fell
headfirst into the open cellar door,
alighting on her shoulder and face. She
is a heavy person end sustained a very
severe shook, bub no bones were broken.
The New Era says :—On Saturday
night Jos. Cools, who had deserted his
wife o few weeks ago, returned to town.
Some of the people thought he was a
little too bold and lacked the modesty
that one who has been in dicgraee should
show, and made up their minds to either
tar and feather him or treat him to a
dose of stale eggs, and About 100 etrong
they went to his house and tried to se•
aura him, but on pretence that he was
not ab biome, they failed. Next morning
he took the train for London. If he is
wise he will remain away from town.
Mob law cannot be justified, but no one
can dispute the fact that there is a strong
feeling against him here, justly or un•
justly. 8
''rite Unreasonable Neighbor.
A saloon•keeper,who had a very pleas-
ant Garden attached to his residenoe,was
much annoyed on Aoeount of the con-
stant Depredations therein of a number
of Hogs belonging to a Prohibitionist
who lived near by. One day he Dame to
this neighbor with an angry Scowl upon
his Face and said : "Seo bare, air 1 those
Pigs of yours are in my Garden again
destroying Everything, and I want to
give you Warning that I'm going to
Shoot the whole Outfit of 'am if yon--"
"But, my good sir," Dried the Prohibit.
ioniet, "this is very Un -neighborly on
your Part. My flogs may be in your
Garden, but, I assure you, sir, they can.
not do any Harm. I've got 'em all
thoroughly Regulated. Give yourself no
anxiety, I pray you 1" "What do you
Mean ? I tell you they are Rooting up
Everything I" roared the Saloon -man,
madder than ever. "It can't be Possible,
my good sir," calmly replied the Pro•
hibitionisb. "Come till I allow you.'
Together they went to the Garden and
there the Owner of the Hogs pointed out
that each of the Animals bad been brand-
ed with the municipal Coat of arms.
"But what's that gob to Do with it ?"
demanded the Other. "Does that Brand
prevent 'em from destroying my Fruit
and Flower's ?" "Well," replied the Hog
owner, "It ought to, at beast its Much as
the Municipal License you hold prevents
your Saloon froln destroying my Boys 1"
Monsx,.—License-as a Means of Re•
streint is one of those things no ]Fellow
can understand.
"I got my start in a queer way," re-
marked a roan of evident Wealth as the
drummer finished In story.
"How was that ?" inquired the drum'
"Twenty-five years ago," continued the
euooeeeful citizen, "I was travelling with
a sideshow, and the business went to
pieces, leaving me its creditor for wages
to rho amount of 0110, and no assets but
the stook in trade. This was divided and
my share was an anaconda about 18 feet
long end as big sound as my body It
wasn't fat, though, I think, for air was
abonb the only thing it bail to live on for
several melte before the failure. Be
that as it may, 1 took the snake at1,l
started for St, Louie, whore 1 proposed
to exhibit it. I had him in a box in the
baggage oar, and somehow 11e got out and
alerted through the trate ou au oxptor.
ing expedition,
"Just as he was orossing the platforms
of the second and third coaches the
couplings sato loose and there's 00 toll•
ing what would have happened, for ws
were going up a heavy uoountaie ,",ore,
iC bks snake hadn't twiatoil lunotll
around the brake rods and ralieg aid
hong ou, It wee it big attain ou him,
but he stuck to it, end I'm a lawyer if he
didn't hold that train together two mile;
and no doubt saved the lis;; of all the
passengereIn the rear coaches. They
thought so anyhow and made me up a
purse of 0800."
The drummer aoughed.
"What became Sf the anaconda ?" he
inquired casually.
"Ile gave me my start," replied the
narrator. "You ere, the 9800 wasn't a
drop in the bucket, but whey we got the
snake loose the strain on him had stretch-
ed him out 20 feet longer, and I went in-
to St. Louis wiGb a snake that no other
exhibitor could hold it dandle to, and if
you don't believe me I can show you that
snake stuffed and haus up in my hall at
The drummer gob up with the air of
a men who was uneasy.
"You ought to sell it for a telegraph
pole," he said reproachfully and went
011018 00 'I'IIUUGIIT.
Going gently about a thing wont hinder
its being clone.
I am always content with what hap-
pens, for Gocl chooses better than I do.
We have nothing to do with our past
but to get a future out of it.
Sofeuce ever has been and ever must
be the safeguard of religion.
A sound discretion is not so much in-
dicated by never making a mistake as by
never repeating it.
There ie transcendent power in ex•
ample. We reform others unconsciously
when we walk uprightly.
The way to wealth is as plain as the
way to market ; it depends obiefiy on two
words—industry and frugality.
There is no such thing as chance, and
what to us seems accident springs frotn
the deepest sources of destiny.
There is no action of man in this life
which is not the beginning of so long a
chain of consequences as that no human
providsooeie high enough to give us a
prospect to the end.
There is only one greater folly than
that of the fool who says in his heart
there is no God ; and that is the folly of
those whe say with the heart that they
do not know whether there is a God or
Let us with caution indulge the sup-
position that morality can be maintained
without religion. Reason and experience
both forbid us to expect that national
morality can prevail in exclusion of reli-
gious principle.
Hold fast to the Bible as the anchor of
your liberties ; write its precepts on
your hearts, and practice them in your
lives. To the influence of this book wa
are indebted for the progress made in
true civilization, and to this we must
look me our guide in the future.
Grand Trunk
If you are going to the
®fL;[' s
Be dire and go via the
St. Clair Tunnel
For Lowest Rates Apply to
G. T. 11. Agent, Brussels.
SKJJ^s i
t. 65
... ae wino to oxperimeut
rtith itlee.• compounds purporting to
La 1::. , • ; iri'iers, lout which havo
ea reel encdieinal value. To make
use o.i' t.o.y other than the old stan-
dard AYER'S Sarsaparilla—the Su-
perior Blood-purifier—is simply to
io ,ibo loss of time, money and health.
If you aro afflicted with Scrofula,
Catarrh, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia,
Eczema, Running Soros, Tumors,
cr any other blood disease, be assured
it Pays t1; Use
AYER'S Sarsaparilla, and AYER'S
only. AYER'S Sarsaparilla San al-
ways be depended upon. It does not
vary. It is always the same in
quality, quantity, and effect. It is
superior in combination, proportion,
appearance, and in all that goes to
build up the system weakened by
disease and pain. It searches out
all impurities in the blood and ex.
pets them by the natural channels.*
Prepared by Dr• J. o. Ayer dc oo.,Lowell, Mom
sola byallDruggists. Price 81; air bottles, 35.
Cures others,will cure you
Or in Exchange for Goods.
The Highest Market Price will be allowed,
We have a Ph® Assortment of
Tweeds, Cottons, Flannels, Cash-
meres, Blankets, Sheet-
ing, Knitted Goods,
Yarns, &o.
All Wool left ipith ns for manufacturing, whether rolls or
otherwise, will have our prompt attention.
HOWE & Co.,
A r
'L) U
Price Paid
IT,T• •... .
Ate' T I
v. Ete,acxow SLIM
wish to remind the public that they still want more Wool anal
that they have on bland for this season's trade tbo
Biggest Stook of Woolen (loth
Ever shown by any other Factory in Ontario, which they will ex •
change for wool at prices which will Astonish Everybody.
It will pay you to come and see our Tremendous Stock which is
Opened For Inspection,
Come and Satisfy yourself before disposing of your Wool elsewhere.
Do not forget to .secure for yozur wife orze of our
.Fuze Tool &;etch Shirts,
ti– 'NOTICE.—Do not be led away by shoddy peildlars and
others travelling through the country. Wo do not employ any such.
mon. But comp direct to our factory and by Fair Dealing we hope
to gain your support and confidence.
We Guarantee First-class Work in Roll Carding,
Spinning and Manufacturing.
P. S.—Parties from a distance can rely on getting their Roll
Carding back with thein the same day anti they will filet us ready
to give the most prompt and careful attention to a11,
Ga11iry ON StauUar:
Ac, r TED t10
Salesmen are wanted to represent us in the sale of a
Choice line of
Hardy Canadian Grown Stock.
Experience not necessary. We want real workers and to all such
we offer a permanent situation at a good income with Chance of ad-
vancement. As we now have over 700 acres under cultivation we
can give our salesmen many superior advantages. We also desire
to secure a goo(' man in your district to sell the
For which we have the General Agency. This is something new
and indispensable to the fanner of fruit grower. Send for terms
and testimonial circular.