HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-7-21, Page 63 TIIE BRUSSELS POST tjaasasalesisassmamestassestutagmss9atuattnamagoammatisturameamoreaskeemerazgamtazerraisecommtessaa The .Te7:usia1ean Port, after sunrise after a rough drive of f0 lith the Golgotha of the gospels. In at miles, for over 18 hours, there is it rook tomb, in feet any monitor t of tombs are to he found there and part .tl Autnv. ix .ii'f us-tre3.x by on. r.o.:ux r•. n.,tety" I 1 strived in Jm ngttletrt on the 20th of of this property is used now as It Moheun- June, 18111, after tut abeen0e of ten pave tueda0 cemetery. Appeal le made there, i itbu the ltlthof June, and ten mouths. The cit • Le lam ara• faro Ci, member's e of the Churuln of Lug• I arrived in Jo k ! y 1 I land to snbacrkbe the stall of L'0,000 to 1R91, It is a busy an4 thrxrult city, tively quirt chums the Summer time, foe parttime 111 Iieidheini eh font mime of The lilnazaie, who deehtres tat the top of most pilgrims and lrnvellere arrtvo 111 1110cuch,Y hand) and another iritic of, eltp, his voice from the tap of teeny a tower- ; ;.spring purl Automs„ 1 di'l nut txoed ee L'2,000 to defray legal expenses in eau• 100 minaret, "There iu no deity but God, interpreter, but a gnktle was a neuee$tty, nection with the purchase, and fix tip the and Mohammed is his apostle," shows at mid having secured a young man for the plane in a suihible way, the Grano, the once that llahommedmian is in the as. purpose 1 began my visits to lamiliar archbishop of Canterbury and their cendaut. It is in fact the state Minton, planus in and near Jerusalem, lily un- supported and protected by the state, pression it that I had no aequaintanoes but nho"t its relations to the Protestant in Jertteatelo, end therefore I was a little 131111 110 I will speak later. The honey more than surprised to find a gentleman of Simon, the Mauer, where Peter lodged, filling on my neck and kissing me first and the tomb of Gazelle, who was re• on cue cheek and then on the other, with staled to life by Peter, are the first ob• j his axing affoetionately entwined about jecte of iutertst, lost we think of the ; ane. After he bad gotta though the prophet Jonah, ltis ee»bal'katio0 at Ode j performance to his own satisfaction and port, misadvevtnre at sea and the hos- ; the amazement of an English clergymen vitality of the whale to 11110. I who witnessed the scene, lie paused a It is safe to say that Joppa is the place second and asked who I was, and then to see the world in transit ; people from answered his own question, "Are you every kindred, every tribe, are on their not (Sheen ?" Tho brother in question way iuto or out of the Holy Laud. ' is a native of Lebanon and a companion There aro convenient Enrupeanized ' of my youth, a convert from the Greek hotels, where the better oft will find Catholic church to Presbyterianism, and ample nett 001'Iatinn, lint the poorer ; had taught in mission schools in Beyreut, clessee tike to the eonvenle and pones- ! Lebanon, Tyre, and in '01 I found him terns toil at least find shelter and safety employed in Bishop Gobst's Zion school, under the roof of Oiieutal church ee• an Episcopalian institution. I most clesiasties. 1 am a convert from the ! sought end found Rev. A. 11, Kelk, min• most ancient of these churches to Presby- ; ister of Christ church, Jerusalem, and te1•ia1ietn, and notwithstanding the con- euperintendeut of the work of the Lon- vert's zeal I thick the remarks of my don society for the propagation of eeteenteo friend, the ltev. Abraham IienI Christianity among the Jews. Ho was Oliel, formerly of Joppa, now of Senn- courteous and hied and requested one of salcm, are hardly called for ; he in a the staff, Rev. Mr, Ilananer, to attend condemnatory tone, in hie last letter in me and explain to me the work of their The Presbyterian, spoke of the luxurious• society as I passed from one department nese of the clergy of the Oriental church- to another. The house of industry is an es, and yet Bro. Ben Oliel, in the same institution where converts are employed letter, tells ns that a fellow missionary, in manufacturing articles of oliva wood, Rev. H. Balk, drawee, salary of ft2 300 a t&o., for export to Europe or sale to pil- year'. Now, has any eastern church grime. The inquirers' home is a place clergyman an income as huge as this, for Jewish oatahumen. A school fur the including all the perquisites or marriages, girla, smother for the boys and a hospital deaths and baptisms, prayers for the are the main divisions or the work. Rev. dead, or from any other dead worsts that Y. Yamak, a native clergyman, itiner- they perform ? Mr. field's salary is not ates among Jewish families. The the largest missionary salary, and I am society spends iu Jerusalem over 4:8,000 not saying it is too much or is it un- a year. Mr. field said that the Presby deserved, for ell this is beside the terian aburoh in Canada !lay of course question, but I am saying that the please themselves, but he thought it Protestant clergy have larger incomes would be undesireable for them to work than the natives and, therefore, the lat• in Jerusalem, for although the mission. ter can hardly afford to live as do the arias may not clash the converts most former ; in any case it is now manifest probably would and create much friction. that the cause of evangelical religion It would be absurd, however, to imagine gains absolutely nothing and loses much that peace is dwelling within her walls by sore fliuge nt Eastern orders. I hope, note. The Greek and Latin churches however, Mr, Ben Oliel's work will yet unchnrch each other vehemently, and receive more generous recognition, for to both refuse to recognize the Anglican say the least of it, Mr, Ben 011el and his episoopate, while Plymouth brethrenism family have the means of communicating stands afar and pityingly mourns the theta are many Christian people who are with the people among whom they labor, apostttcy of each 0214 of all, A Bapti.t bythere means stfig •,but would rather re and are not dependent upon translators brother wisely secretes hinlse'1 in the nothing mains r the Jows, and o think t simply and gases worst which may or may not valley of Sheehan, between Ebel and because they see in the secular Hess the tarry. Miss Arnot has a girl's echool in Gerizem, and Rev. Abraham Ben Oliel Y L Joppa, and, by means of the Christian is alone in his glory with the additional enormously large bill incurred and the benevolence 01 Britain, she ie able to disadvantage that he has no 01100011 or apparently meagre results iu the way of nlaiutein and educate scores of native society on which to lean. Supposing we Jewish canversioea to these. I wo0'd girls. The church missionary society try to lean on the Lord Jesus Christ. ]aka to say that it the ball were dissected, have a missionary, a native preacher, and "All other ground is sinking scud." On they would in all probability see that, a day school in which a former pupil of my way to visit a sewing oluss conducted properly speaking, not all of it was in- miue is engaged as a teacher, and which by Miss Blyth, sister of the Anglican carred on evangelizing the Jews. I was permitted to address during my bishop, my guide advised me with fear (Te Bs coST1:wen.) atay iu Joppa. and trembling, that I was to be very lordships the bishops of Ripon, Salto - buy, Cashel and other prelates kava al- ready subscribed to the fund and eti• dorsad the scheme and I have no doubt the 11101103 1v111 he fortbooming and jest as little doubt the average Englishman will consider even money spent in thie way' as money spent in Christianizing the Jewe, for there are 110111s of oxpenee which have 110 more oo neetiol with evangelizing the Jews than has the purchase of El Ileidhemiysh, and aro regarded aa Money spent on the Jows, otherwise, how could a statement go the round 0f the journals that each Itebrew 0ouver0100 in Jerusalem posts 350,000, and even the Danny, economical Beaten aro said to average 39,000 a conversion among the Jews. I have no intention at present of even hinting at anything approaohlug fraud, in the peopet' sense of the word, but I not only object to regard money spent in purchasing Mohammedan graveyards as spent in Jewish evangelization, but also to money spent en salaries to num preaching the gospel in the English language, chiefly Anglo•Amerieax people in foreign lands, being regarded as such. Some missionary sooieties would be the better of a little more of business princi- ples and of separate accounts for mani- festly distinct departnl0uts of worst. One clergyman takes a trip from Jere,• ealetn to Galilee, another from Beyront to Sidon and Damascus with horses and melee, baggage and so forth without knowledge of the language of the people, stopping here and there its convenience and safety may demand, and the cost or all this is reekonod as cost of missions to the Jews. I know two missionaries to the Jews, who put up in a hotel in rift, Lebanon nearly one-half yew, without a single word of Arabio and not a single Jew wit1310 twelve miles and yet they watched anxiously for the British mails, received and replied to totters as if they were working among the Jews and their expenses were, of course, money spent in Christianizing the Hebrews. The result of all this must be to prejudice e0011 Christian generosity against raising any- thing for the benefit of the Jews, for IorrA T. ,ttttcs-u.E>t. particular, for "they are very high 0:tsaoteU e.lt — church."' however, the arrived, and Miss For a score of years pest, the western Blyth and her assistants received me world has hada hazy impression that a courteously. The reading of a chapter railway existed in Palestina. The truth and the reoilal of the Lord's Prayer in is that the first attempt to 000810nct a Arabic formed all the religious part of railroad was made in Joppa iu :larch, the service, It lyes explained to we pri. 1;811, and before leaving Canada I was vately that some of the Jewesses attend• assured by intelligent people h' Toronto lug the class were intolerant of Christian• that passenger care were 0000208 by ity, and it was undesirable to do morn steam betw-ect Joppa and Jerusalem. Iu than had been done by way of religious Jane, 18111, I neither found such ears nor instruction. There are in Jerusalem fonntl anyone who bad found them, bet Imlay earnest Christians, and if harmony the work of oous,rnotion was going; on of opetatiun could be seeeeed 81101 friction '1 rlti<111y plot too quick:. Bases, how- avoided mmol good might be done, but ever, were running, drawn by horses, this remark applies to Canada as well, and it was 1101 loug before a broker and for this reason I long for the time when all Christ's people shall be one as He and the Father are one. A B1021 11010 SEI•OLC»RE• While ecclesiastics and theologians the world over were anticipating and prepar• ing for the c00n011 of Nioe, which was held in the yam A. D. 825, under the pa- tronage or the then lately converted Con- stantine, the another of the emperor, IIelena, was meditating a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, and before some of tine mem. hers of the great synod could return to their dioceses the empress had ar- rived in the Holy City, once the neons• sat•y inqeiry, and identified the sepulchre where less than 300 years before the body of our blessed Lord bad been laid by Joseph and Nicodemis in the presence of the Marys and other Christians. The identification of the sacred Lomb was celebrated with oriental pomp and kingly display by the queen and the Christians, Euseblus, one of the most uign influence exercised by Britain upon learned, laborious andiacote eoclesiastios, the world and e•pocially in the East, and father of ehur09 history, and an intimate yet some of the natives, and thoughtful friend of the imperial family, was then natives too, appear to think and say that minister of the church ab Censarea. the goat which Britain has done in the This same Ensebius narrates the story of East is more than Widened bygtbe evil Helena's visit to Jerusalem, and the re - of the drinking customs introduced by eovery of the sacred tomb, as a piece of English speaking people. Justice, how• contemporary history tvhioh ocanrred in ever, demands that all the natives of his day and not far from his parish. western Bud northern Europe should bo Since the beginning of the second quarter considered 00 helpers to England and 91 the fourth century, therefore, pilgrims America in propagating the thrice cursed innumerable from ell funds and from both nd cursing customs of drinking. In sexes have visited the ehrine and the end Jerusalem itself they say there are over is not yet, About a century ago a Ger- 130 places where imported drink is sold, man.bookeeller visited Jerusalem and of hunted me up and sold me a 50111 to Jerusalem for five francs (Due dollar.) There were Fix of ns in the vehicle and before we had gone far, one of the com- pauy gave abundant and horrible evidence of the fent that the influence and effect of the liquor traffic were ex feuding eastward. Tho max was a par• ter and it seems he had b- en handling baggage for some American who treated him to rum and consequently treated us to a fiend. True he dig not use his hands, but the language he used would have touted hardly even upon the ears of Rental, Ingersoll or Voltaire. Moat of us know that intoxicants tell more readily or more injuriously on the aboriginal inhabitants of this continent than on Europeans, and, benne, it should not be dilliotlt to understand that liquor affects the Syrians sooner and to a great. er extent than it does English or Amer. lean peop'e. Only the very blindest and inveterately blgotted can deny the bo - and this eupply is created certainly not by native, but by foreign demand, I was seddet ed, nay horrified On one 000agion to hear that within half a mile of where I was, half a dozen boys under fourteen had somehow secured drink, were drink - ink and were partia'ly drunk nand had, therefore, to be taken into custody by the authoritiee. In Scotland and in Canada I have hoard it said of some people as being "beastly drunk." I am sorry to say that the Arabic equivalent of this un- camplimentary statement if literally translated, would read "drank like an Englishman." "The English dieoaee" ie also a street name for drunkenness in IJamasoas. With my own 0005, while I still had the use of them, 1 saw two Englishmen rolling themselves on the hard, rough, stony road in I3eyrout and under the in - t1 lento of drink, imploring me end othore who happened to be near, for some "mote cognac." '2h90 state of things moot grieve the heart of every lover of Britain and 13ritieh institutions. Thus it is demonstrable that the evil of the liquor traflc extends tar beyond the tangs in which it has its seat, and in referenc0 to thie particular, the ory of the east to Europe and America is not, "Orme over and help tie," but "Stay at home and gave es." O',r vel it:de halted four times on the Inks return hone published 0 pamphlet raising the first doubts as to the identity of the sepulchre of the Lord. The Mitts which this man threw out have been taken up and developed by many a writer of piety and learning and re•eohoed by an innumerable race of scribblers, whose arrogant positiveness and total lack of modesty stamp Them et once as mi re parrots and totally without weight, never- theless there area number of honored names on the negative side of the con- troversy. Tho Oriental churches, how- ever, still hold firmly to the identification of IIelena and in this they are seconded by their hereditary opponents,thoLatins, The holy eepuluhre and the -church of that name, are situated in the nortlt- wtelern quarter of Jerusalem, inside the present wall, and while the main pota Mons of the buildings over and above the eepnfllre are controlled by the Greek 0hnrch, another pre.Proteetanb deuom• lmti"us have nooks, uhap-•Is, altars, walla or holes which they call their own. It would app. -4o now that there are certain influential persons belonging to the poo• mullion of the Motored Church of leug land, who are getting impatient of Greoo- Latin rnon000 y of the - Holy Sepulchre, and are about to start, indeed have start- ed, a rival eoptilohre. El Iieidliemiyoli, a rocky hill some 50 feet high and about 800 yards north of the Damascus gate of road, for half en ]four's rest each time, Jerusalem, 1811 covering about four acme and landed es at the Hebron gate a little of land, appeals to them to be the skull Novo. The Masonic grand lodge of Canada will meet at Ottawa on Wednesday, July 190. The Canadian distillers are said to be closing down in order to work off surplus stook. Robt. Patterson was (tilled by a cave in of clay upon him Tuesday at the tile yards in Drayton. - Sir 3olu1 Thompson and the IIon. C. H, Tupper expect to return to Canada by the first week iu August, Thos. Arnold, of Tilsonbnrg, paid 050 and costs for violating the liquor law by selling beer on the race track on the days of the races. The Pacific Junction Railway up the north shore of the Ottawa, which for some years has stopped at Fort Coulonge, will now be carried on to Pembroke, 85 miles further. Some Parkhill people are circulating a petition b., the Do,ninionGovernment for the removal of Mr. Noble, postmaster there. A number of irregularities in the office are alleged as the ground of the petition. The Belleville lutalligencer is printing a list of persons iu that neighborhood who are over 80 years of age, Forty- four names were in Saturday's list, those of Irish extraetion leading, English next and Scotch third. Death oame suddenly to Joseph Edgar, of Waldemar. Ho arose et the usual hour, dressed himself and then lay down on the bad again to smoke, whore one of the members of the family found him afterwards oold in death. Ile was 79 years of ago and a pioneer of Dufferin. A party of surveyors commenced work at North Bay on Judy 6911 to looate the first seobion of the Nipissing and James Bay railway. Another party began aper. alione at Lake Temiscamingue, fifty miles north, and will work towards North Bay. They expeot to be about three months ab the work. A man named J. Henry Black, who lived at 07, Cauuon street east, Hamil- ton, committed suicide oil Monday morn• ing by jumping from 0. rowboat into the bay. Black had disappeared from his horde about 10 days before and had not been heard from until that morning, when he hired a boat at 'SVhittaker's boathouse and rowed out on the bay. He 500.8 seen to jump deliberately from the boat into the water end sank im- mediately. Several partiee who witness- ed the deed rowed hurriedly to the sone, but were too late to render any aid. No reason earl be assigned for Black's rash deodand it i0 thought his mind has been unbalanoed for 00010 time past, The body was recovered. Hanlon is astonishing even his most devoted admirers by his remarkable work in his shell. Ile believes himself that he is rowing faster than he over did before Etna ho in most sanguine of suc- cess in his 0010108 moo with Gaudette. Should the water be rough on the day of the rase Huila» will certainly start a favorite in the betting, 'ft I heat Gaudaur," he remarked, "1 will row Stanbnoy for 92,1901 a side and the World's 0l0 Lt11piOtlehip. I am willing to row him in smooth or rough water, any - whet o and anyhow, though, of Emerge. I prefer rowing with it turn. Still," echie,1 Om ex -chem' -ion with n laugh, "1'11 meet his terms. I'll row him over Niagara Falls if be likes, aid Rive him it start." "I son wi-ling to row Teemet fox 91,000 a aide, but Ode race with Gendenr n1t181 be nettled first. Wltiohovor of us wins that will be juebly 021111led to row Stansbury for the World's championship." The Toronto World says that the single fare rate for return tickets to the World's fair will bogie about July 90. 1''airville, the suburb of Si, Joh», N. I3., W11 1(111 a'as nearly wiped nor by lire a few'numlhs ago, was main the semen of a eoltllagratiuu on 'Monday. Some ovally buildings wore destroyed. seewasweramaxamstaarseesiesster _sr MONEY '1'0 LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on harm or Village Pro- porty at 6 6' 6.; Per Cent., Pearly. Straight Looms with lnrivilogtt of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clap, Brussels. I'HECOOKSI3ES FRIEND1./lIRGET SALE IN i THUS, T'10.l1,U: ii !b, White Star Ll7.rle. ILOYAL 11.111. S'I'13.111SI111'S, Between Now York and Liverpool, via Queenstown, every Wednesday. Ae the steamers of this lino Barry only 0 strictly limited number in the rots! and secoxn CABIN accommodations, intending passengers aro reaallule 1 that nu early ap- plication for berths 10 necessary at this sea. Sen. Por plans, rates, ole., apply to W, H. Kerr, Agent, Brussels, OLE I wish to intimate to the ladies of Brussels and surrounding country that I am selling my large stock of millinery goods, consisting of hats, Bonnets, Flowers, 710,, REGARDLESS OF COST. Call at once and leave your order if you wish to secure a bargain. Miss IoPherson, Fashionable Milliner. .t'ra0/ica6 Ji"ct.tch,ttt(rker can.cZ JeiveZer. Thanking the public for past ravos and support and wishing still to secure your patronage, we are opening out Pull Lines in SOLO AND SILVER WATCHES. Silver Plated Ware from Established and Reliable Makers fully warranted by us. Clocks of the Latest Designs JEWELRY! Weonllto R1xas, LADIES GED R0Nae, BitooeiEo, EArto001`00, o. t 'Also a full Line of VIOLINS and Violin Strings, do., in stook. N. 11.-1searer 0 r Marriage Licenses. T. Fletcher, - Brussels. ,rum' 21, 1803 Confederation Life yk Association. 1100(1 Office : TORONTO_ Capital and Assets, ;x5,000,000 New Insurance, 1892, $3,670,000 Insurance at Risk, $22,565,000 Policies Non -Forfeitable and In- disputable after two years. Gains for 18()2 over 1891 in In- stlrallce, Written, $705,000, Or Dyer 35 per oent. Insurance at Risk, $1,978,000 Or Nearly 10 per cent. Assurance Income, $48,678 In Assets, $439,878 W . 1-1. AGENT, BRUSSELS. wessowsanspwwwwwwwwwwwwwass t„ 6sL R cu A Preparation of Herbs& Roots the Medical Properties ofwhIEh are universal! known. n151I4051 VALUABLE ILE1.IEOv fOR aS' = PURIFYING THE BLOOD 'l ii0 e C05livenesS.IndlgeStlonAypeppla,Sour Stomach NEADAE4E AHD DIZZINESS SOLD BY 7. T. PEPPEI., DRUGGIST, BnvsstL3. 66 MEE ours" "Illaokinaw Folder" "St. Lawrence River Folder's "Seasonable Hints" May be had FREE on Application to TORONTO '1'ICICIt l' OCFItll , 1 Zing Street E., C7or, Ti'oual h41. Or any Agent of the Company J. T. PEPPER, Agent, Brussels. For Constipation Ayer's Pulls For Dyspepsia Ayer's Pills For Biliousness Ayer's Pills For Sick Headache Ayer's Pills For Liver Complaint Ayer's Pills For Jaundice Ayer's Pills For Loss of Appetite Ayer's Pills For Rheumatism Ayer's Pills For Colds Ayers Pills For Fevers Ayer's Pills 'Prepared by Dr, 7, C. Ayer df Co. Lowell, Mass Solt by nil Druggists. Every Dose Effective -113 H 01,1 OR Not simply hide bare walls. As discordant strains of music are to the ear, Be is the eye tortured by out-of-llarnlony paper on the walls. If you look to cheapness alone you night as• well cover your plaster with penny -a -dozen newspapers. But if you appreciate real beauty you should consider many things in purchasing papers—the location, light and woodwork of the room, etc. Our stock includes something especially adapted to every room —more colors and patterns than luny other wall paper store in the town. Our Good Papers cost you no more than the poor ones others sell. Call and see our thousand -and -ono styles. Persons thoroughly versed in Wall Paper Will wait upon you and aid you in making selections. We slang paper in a first-class manner and are prepared to ex- ecute the best kind of decorations. WINDOW BLINDS.—I have an elegant stock of Window Blinds, well assorted, that only need to 1/0 100001 to be appreci- ated. They may bo had Dither trimmed or plain by the yard. W. RODDIGK House, Sign, Carriage and Ornamental Painter. THE NEW CHEAP STORE, H TJ SS ►-+(LS_ G -EO. GOOD'S OLD STAND. Grand Opening Sale on Friday and Saturday and Following Days. We have been for several clays opening up the iiueststook of New Goode ever displayed in Brussels, We invite you to mit our store and we will offer you nuoh bargains as will matte our Opening Sale memorable and the New Cheap Store famous in Brussels. The New Goods at the New Cheap Store consist of Ladies', Misse9' and Child- ren's Fide Boole, Shoes and Slippers in all the Hary uolore and materials Gentle- men's Fine Laced Balinora10, Congress, Gaiters and Oxfords in Dongola Kid, Con dovan and Calf. Working Shoes for Farmers and Meclianies—Strong, neat, durable and cheap. Boys' and Girls' Solroot Boots very Cheap. Onr Boot and Sloe stock is well worth the attoition of all intending purchasers. TRUNK.3 AND VALISES—NEWEST AND BEST. Olinaware, Crockery and Glassware in Tea Sete, Dinner Sete, Toilet Sets, Water Sets, Lemonade Bets, Pa»oy Mine. Plates, Cups and Senors. F eney 0heesors, Goblets, Lamps, MI. Don't fail to see one 11001110100 Goblets at lo. each, in Net don't fail to inspect this elegant stock of China, Crockery and Glassware. GOOD BROS. NEW CHEAP STORE, MRS. TUFTS, Manager. 1, A al 1'. U. 11 11 II ec IS w' ac m an to tl er 0121 111 CC tt in e. n cc 0 11 t1 W fu pt Li et nn cl, to of T m t M Al .9 a oc w R1 T p' et 0 e ti ai e,1 et of et e w 11 v t,. fc it h It tl Ill nt 11