The Brussels Post, 1893-7-21, Page 5Jci.x 21, 1.311;) THE SHREWD BUYER'S OP ?ORTUNITy, 14 en, 'rill? 13 RU,SSELS Pi15'1' ACA SALE THIS WEEXI A MIG -HT `7 MONEY-SAV1NG CHANCE. We announce, commencing TO MORROW MORNING, a Sale of such Magnitude, of such Merit, so Surprising in Price, so generous in its offerings -that it cannot fait to crowd our store With eager buyers --to add another victory to our conquests ill Merchandising, Come one, come all, and reap the benefit of this harvest of Bargains. Hundreds of things not 0n. this List at Correspondin.gly LOW PRIG' -7 tSITY4X<M LOOK AT THE PRES. Lot 1. 200 yards 24 inch. Silly and Wool Plaids -the kind you have paid 85c. for -they go at 19c. Lot 2. 500 yards 42 inch all wool French. Serge, not half wool but all wool, good shades, at 25e., worth 35c. Lot 3. 340 yards 44 inch all wool English Tweed, note double width tweed all wool, worth 50c., our challenge Price 25c. Lot 4. 220 yards 44 inch all wool Plaids in Grey, Black and White only. Goocl value at 000., our Sale Price 27c. 4x4'• aSH Lot 5. 525 yards 46 inch all wool Henrietta Cloth -Note particularly the width, 10 inches -at 30c,, regular price 50c. Lot 6. 348 yards 46 inch all wool Henrietta Serge, 7 shades and black, at 35e., n• trip 011::. Lot 7. 249 yards very fine Bed- ford Cord, 5 shades, same cloth sold last season at 75c., going this week at 37c. Lot 8. 486 yards 47 inch Silk Fin- ish All Wool Henrietta, every desirable shade, at 50e., worth 70c. Lot 9. 220 yards Finest Quality Bedford Cord, desirable shades, worth 85c., going at 49e. Youths' Department. Youths' All Wool 2 Piece Suits - (rood Value at $2 25 our Sae 8 25 8 50 3 75 425 4 50 I'ric.• $1 '75 1 90 2 1:i 2 40 2 (i5 2n,7, Boys' Department. Boys' All Wool 3 Piet. Suits - Good Value at $8 75 4 25 '4 `t 75 gg 0 25 zaiNgza 2000 yards best 33 inch Prints, guaranteed Fast Colors, always sold at Challenge Price, 10 1-2c. 1000 yards best 30 inch Print at 8 1-2c., our regular 10c. goods. Mark these Facts : Pliglest in Quality, Lowest in Price, Comparison has proven it. Batter and eggs taken as :Jul OUT Sale Prue $2 75 8 00 3 50 4 75 12 t -2c. our DISTRICT NEWS. Crstal.l)roolc. Flex pulling is on deck. Rev. D. B. 111oRae was at Wingbam on Tuesday attending tho meeting of Maitland Presbytery. our football boys played a match with Wingbam nt Blyth on the 1211,. Wing - ham team won but they had a hard fight for the victory. There is talk of a return game et Brussels on Wednesday, Aug. 0th, in connection with games and sports a1)11ouu0ed to be held there. An aspiring youth and his adorable lady friend arose early the other morn• ing to tabs in the glorionr 12111. A short walk of three miles to Ethel to catch the excursion train was so happily beguiled with tender expressions of endearment that the couple did not take note of the swiftly passing moments and ere they arrived at the station the train was gone. But Watts the nee of so numb Gass about a trifle. 11 will probably be made all right before the next 121h. NV al tori. The hay orop is immense. Fall wheat harvest commences this week, Willie Smith has been on the sick list this week. Mise Jennie MoDongell, of Detroit, was visiting here this week. Mtn. George Candlers has been very sink this week but we are glad to say she is recovering very nicely again, A garden party will be held et John Hewitt'e on Wednesday evening, 26th inet,, under the auspices of the Womene' Guild of St. George's ohureh. The Brussels Brass Band will be in attend, ance. Mrs. aed the Miseee Sage, with their musical glasses and other lustre. menta, Prof. Hawkins, and others, are expected to attend. li'7tnra'I, Fall wheat will soon be ready for reaping, Miss Wallace has been the guest of Mise 0. Davies during the past week. Principal Dobson is developing his muscles at preeen6 and will be in good trhn for hie eohool work after vacation. Our congratulations are extended to David Dobeon, of Fairfax, Man., over the arrival of a son, That will mean the purohase of another 100 acres Dave. Our grist mill has been at a standstill during the week owing to a breek.dotvn. The two Georges have been hustling to get her in working order and expect to start up again on Theraday, Fred, Milne returned home on Satur- day night after spending three months ab b a Business College in Toronto, Ile looks wen and hi the possessor of a grand Ralegh bioyole which eolipees anything yet seen in our village. The Ethel civic. holiday will be hold on Wednesday, Aug. 2nd, All the stores and business places will be positively closed on that day.. A proclamation has been Waned by the Mayer that ell good eitizene observe the clay byltalling in the Foresters' Demonstration at Bluer. dine, A.11,woocl. The Baptist friends will hold b'ceir anniversary serviette o0 Sept. 4th and 5th. 83 tickets were sold Wednesday of last week for Stratford from this station. The 12th was oelebrabed in grand style in the Classic city, Rev. E. Bosworth, agent of the society, delivered an address on the Grande Ligne mission, Quebec, et) Thursday evening in the Baptist church. Wort -Chas been received from British Columbia to the effect that John Wilson, formerly of this town, bad been thrown from his horse, injuring one of his legs. He will be laid up for several weeks. M. Currie was in Galt last week, and while there he purchased a new Wheel. ock engine and some mill machinery from the well-known firm of Goldie &: 01oCulloch, of Galt. The eu;iue is one of the latest improved and is 00 horse power. The milt will be shut down about July 22nd and remain closed for the following six weeps, in order that an engine house may be built to receive the new engine. When completed, Mr. Cor. rie will have one of the finest engines and engine rooms in the county. [drink. Rev. T. E. Iingley preached in the English church, Exeter, on Sunday last. Rev. Mr. Brownlee, of Gorrio, offief- ated in Trinity ohureh on Sunday morn. ing last. Arthur Emigb, of Black Rock, U. S., has been visiting his parents at the Oom• menial for a few days. Several thunder and lightning storms have pa.•sed over this burg during the peat week without doing any damage. On Monday morning Livingston Bros. started o large number of flax pullers to make a raid on a field of flax on A. S'pan's farm, north cif this burg. On Monday a number of our citizens drove to Londeaboro to meet the remains of Thos. Comings, who met his death in Manitoba whilst btalreing on one of the railioeds in that province. The body was taken to the Union cemetery to be deposited in its taut resting plane, fol- lowed by a large number of vehicles and sympathizing friends. On Thursday afternoon of last week, Mr. and Mrs, Symonds loot with what might bane been a vary serious accident while out driving' The horse being e young animal got scared by a dog and ran up against a tree, throwing the oo• oupanbe one and relieving itself from the buggy. They both got off very safely with being shaken tip oohsiderab:y. The buggy was e, mewhat damaged, Prinz Wnegroie oft Bun 121',1. -The prizes et the Orango celebration were awarded as follows:-Wingbam Lodge for bringing brass band $10 ; lylanehesber Lodge for bringing brass band $10 ; Lodge opining furthest distance, Ethel, $10; largest Lodge Orange Young Britons, Blnevale, $10 ; prize for fife and drum band, Summerhill, $10 ; Wfngham and Oranbrook plsyed a game of football whioh resulted 2 to 1 in favor of Wing - ham, prize $7. In the bioyole race there were four entries :•-•Rmereon and May, of C inion, Ballantyne, of Brussels, and Oornpton, of Blyth. 11 was a two utile race, the best two out of three heats. Emerson won the drat heat, May tin second and la Il L e 0 the t • bud. I;me r• son was awarded first prize, a silver cup valued at $a and May saomul prize, it silver medal valued at et. L. 0. L. 028, Summerhill, Joseph Rapson, W. lf., presented a neat and attractive appear• ance, and with their splendid fife and drum band were award rd the palm in the procesni00. The 1Valtuu, L'elgrave and Wingham Lady True Blue Lodges took part in the proceedings and made a splendid impreseion. Wiritosltrtnn. The brickwork of Dr. bfaodonald'a new block is well under way. The Presbytery of Maitland met in the Wingbam Presbyterian church on Tuesclay. The congregations of the Episcopal and Methodist eh nukes of town aro both negotiating for pipe organs for their (thumb edifices. A gentleman from the Victoria Stained Glass Works, Toronto, has been patting the stained glass windows in the Episco• psi church here. J. J. MoRillop, who has been dondnot • ing a boot and shoe store in town for some time, closed up last week and in• tends moving the stock to sone other point. Arthur Simpson, aged 70 years, one of the most respected farmers in this sec- tion, was killed Tuesday by a train while hie team was running away across the track. Thos. Bell has just put in a heater and filter in his factory. For some time they have been bothered with sand getting into the boiler, and with this heater and filter this will not ocour again. The factory was shut down for over a week while the filter was being put in. Charles Albert Beckett, the 8 year-old eon of Jas. Benhett, Town Piot, passed away on Saturday last after about a week's iliness, from inflammation. The deceased was not a very rugged boy. The funeral was largely attended, four little fellows, members of hie Sabbath school class, acting as bearers. Rev. Mr. Wood oonduoted the service. Gras Me. Berry picking is now in fell swing. they are said to be plentiful A lawn social will be held at Thee, Calder's on Thursday evening of next woelc, Rev, Mr. McDougall and wife, of the Michigan Conferenoe, are visiting rela- Lives 0 Grey township for a few weeks. Farm hands are scarce and as a 001118. gnenc0 wages are high, $1.50 a day is being paid and $135 per month has been offered. Fall wheat is changing fast and will soon be ready for the binder. Some are complaining that rho joint worm is b td in tine whew fluids. Ail are busily engaged aecurin3 the hay Drop. The weather so far bee been rather eatohy but then it was such that the showers worn soon dried off and the bay is being got in in good cin ninon. Dam Straehnn won the silver medal offered by the editor of T„s foam to the candidate taking the highest member of marks at the recent Entrance exannin. anion at Brussels. Ito eeenred 1327 and was followed by Ella Lamont, also a pupil of this township, with 501. Morris & Grey cheese factory sold 230 boxes of uheuse to lir. Riley, of Inger. call at 1 cent , a et pun � pound. The cheese was shipped on per of this weak. John Perrie has gone to Sault Ste. .Marie where lie has taken ,t situation, Ole went via C. P. R. steamer from Owen Sound, J. T. Pepper, Brussels, ticketed bite. Wm. Brewer has purchased a new 10 h. p. Waterotts engine from N. 111. Richardson, Brussels, Agent for Water- ous Engine Works Co., Brantford. Mr, Brewer has had considerable experience in threshing, and appreciates a first-class engine. Wroxeter. IV, 1i. Thompson loaded five cars of !umber this week for Wingham furniture factories. We must compliment the Council on the eubetantial start they have made on the dam sidewalk. They are very busy in Smith's plating factory here and have work sellioieet to keep them going the remainder of the season. Thu Odd Fellows bad o "bun wrestle" on Monday night last, Brethren were present from Wingbam, Gorrio, and other neighboring towns. Jno. Hooey, chief among horse buyers in this section of the country, left for Winnipeg with another car Toad last week, taking also a car of sheep. We notioe the return of .a. H. Gibson from Toronto, where be has been em• played for some three months by the Government as it Sessional writer. Jno. Goftou is busy moving prepara- tory to the tearing down of the old hotel to make way for a substantial new one he will ergot this Summer. In the meantime lie will occupy the Grand Central bar, and for dining room and sleeping accommodation W. 0. Teazle- wood'e house across the street will be used. Aa the return of Spring brings back the birds so do the Summer holidays bring back their quota of schoolteachers to revisit the paternal domiciles, It eeome like old times to see the Moe of our old Principal, D. 141. Walker, who, with his fancily, are berg from Precoott. Among the rest is E. G. Brown, who for the past year has been teaching at Onm. ming'e Bridge, it suburb of Ottawa; but who will on the termination of the holi- days enter upon Ills duties as Principal of one of the city schools of Ottawa. Brent Haelewood and J. J. Gibson are to the fore aiso. The trout wilt suffer. On Saturday James Collin, of North Bentham, fell off a load of bay and lit on the barn floor in such a way ns to break bis right hip. Mr. Gatlin will be laid up for several weeks. J. A. Spence, formerly of Ottawa, now engaged in Ole tea business in Ceylon, has arranged with the Rathbun Lumber 0o's. &gent at Ottawa, to take a carload of basswood box shooks for tea °heats, Hitherto the Ceylon tea trade hos used ohesbs made of Japanese collar, but that material is getting expensive, and besides is said to give a tanto to lino ten, Bass- wood, while es light and sorvioeoble, is odorless. If the Canadian wood is a no - ems Mr. Spm100 says there is likely to be a big demand for it. Ceylon, lie says, exports 80,000,0'90 pounds of tea •yearly, and could take an enormous quantity of boxes. WI'QII��1 II'�ll R .iie C Oliij aiiy T J O Q --r' O. llfu ILII Loci , O'iranlo, Jule 19th, 1803. Wo regret 10 note the fact that the Superintendent and Salesmen of the Wrought Iron Range Oo„ of Toronto, Ont., who have been ossooiated with ria for the pact three months, are soon to depart to new fields of labor. These gentlemen came among us ae strangers, and we ate pleased to say that the business has been eonduot ed here in a manner worthy of the respect and patronage of any community, While ab this point they have done an extensive business, having sold several car loads of ranges, and so far as we can ascertain, have given entire satisfaction. While we regret their departure, the wish them success and can heartily re0om• mend them to any community in which they may cast their tot, R. C J, I'ox, Bankers ; W. R, Stanley, Hardware t W. ,1 C. Stanley, Merchants; W. Po, be P. 1L; IIoO.sh Ih ns 3' '.'rants; STONED- J. 11. McComb, Ilerdware ; Alex..lteFells, Central lintel ; II. Collins ee Son, Stoves and Tinware ; Wm, Read, Livery and Ex. change; R. S. Hodgin. ; Jas, Sadlier, G, T. B. Agent ; Hedging, Produce Dealer; Chris. Feigns. We, the undersigned, have purchased of the salesmen of the ll ron-ht Iron ]Lange Co„ a "Ilems Comfort" cooking ranee, unci are pioa.ed to soy it eiv;:s entire satisfaction. It bakes quicker and burns mob leas fuel than ac' ,;her ;dove 00 range wo ever used. Any one wishing can refer to us. ".rile eel:titiet • v. a n, ,y nett as you see proper. The following recommendations from Middlesex i . lien} James Hodgins, Liman ; Wm. Godgins, Inman ; Saui. I{elly, Clandeb'ye ; Wm, Simpson, Ctaudeboye ; Wm, Northgraves, Clandeboye ; Thos, Ilenseln, Wb-tlou ; Wm. MoSl •g, Lobo ; J. B, Petherann, Danorief ; Setas Rnvit•z. 1; tut O'iniama John Mc1i11,y, East \Vlilianns; I3. G. Taker, Mt, Cannel ; Wm. L•nvts, 13 nalaley Joint O'Hara, West McGillivary ; tVin..Lewie, Magniro ; Nevin Lo n, [,eit,ra ; WmYoung, Leinra 1 Richard Sellars, Leinra ; Andrew Paxton, Leh,,' ; Homed, Phil.,Arva ; Jas, Carmioicool, Arta,; Neil Stewart, Bonfield ; Cbos. It,nbeotn Ildertoo John Robson, Vanua, Also the following from Perth County c _John MuKneighs, Si, Marys 1 Riebard Wilson, St. Marys ; N. J, Vernon, St. Marys.