HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-7-21, Page 44
New Advertisements,
Local. --B, Clete y.
Lmuala_-]Jt 1.1.. St(r.
Corti -Dr. .1. L, Gibson.
Pea 11i eve •rete 1 -1). l 01111,
Local .-11 11. 1L•t' e Rett.
13ig Bergson:- Ali t, Snaeleim.
Flies "n incite Li. A. 1)rx,luau.
Su1'vuttt wanted. .I. -Mrs. W. M. Stohur.
:.4114A.71+'llst9TM= r=...,m,.-,.a.. G ,n'T wlrucar vSCHHF:u'3V'.t' t.^..EAMI@*n PHT,, sir.�a.,.. ,i ^ ^r.;r�... •... .,.� S:. 1:.4=11423Zk; :...a •
Connolly, of Linens, was Mao present anti
took part. 1'11e not deal pert of the
aLit •1tan arts teerll+ot ntd 11.. collections
were very liberal. 1 et1b,t lineman, the
parish pricer, esp11seed thank., t, rho
visiting olo113men for their presence, and
to all other- who aotht).d, 'Olt bonding
is an immense one of Kt. Mary's; s'•1 no,
with Ohio fteestoee /twinge, .lie tower
,and spire aro 120 feet high mad the
atchiteetaral dvai n of the church is
- --- very bewail). 11 is lighted with 00 50
e. p. incandement lights, and ooet fully
The udieiuls of the 1'netotliee Depart.
cheat at Uttewtt are greatly surprised at
the action of the po'iue magistrate at
Stratford in allowing a Man proven to
il`ll55cl"a Vort
1'1iI11.i 1', .11I.1 21, 11393,
-`� have stolen a uunlbur of letters t0 go on
lir suspended sentence, Itis believed there
that the magiatrxto has exceeded hie
A btwsuit which involved ,onelderable
interest was tried before lifagistrato
13uoltanan recently at H0,18,01, between
John Horton, George Fairburn and Jas.
Trtuluier, complainants', and Timothy
Pepper, defendant. It appears while de.
lid fendant and his son were raking hay, the
ed father became so enraged at the atenit 01
of the boy, who was driving the horse oil
or- horse back, and aeoidentally breaking n
r- tooth (ren the rake, lie us -d it as a won,
ily you for severely punishing the boy. Not
s'0, satisfied, the enraged father repeatedly
puuisbed the boy. When the inh0tn11
he treatment was seen by the neighbors, and
they could not endure it any longer, they
realised his arrest for assault and battery
on his own son. An examination of the
boy's back preesuted a sickening ap•
pearauoo from the result of the cruel
as blows dealt 8o unmercifully by his father,
A fine of $20 and costa, $35.90 f11 all, was
le imposed on the defendant,
is Shortly after midnight Tuesday night
the barns in rear of the Wilson House,
9, Stratford, on Huron Road just over the
a- river, were discovered on fire. The Gee
department was promptly on hand and
1• 111 a few minutes had four streams play.
Tata Earl of Aberdeen waited 111)011I
Majesty the Queen at Windsor Castle
Monday and trent through the ceremony
of kiesing the Queen's hand on his ap-
pointment as Governmr•General of Cana
da. The Allan Line summer Sardinian,
in which the .Earl of herby, the Countess
of Derby and party will reach Engle,
the first of nest week, has been select
to bring out Canada's nest Govern
General. On September 7111 Lard Abe
deon and Lady Abrr.leen, their (am
and their suite, will sail for Qneb
which place they will 1.06111 about t
Middle of the month,
TAO 6'1•1e
Duncan McMillan is os' the sick list.
hire. G. L. Ball, of Toronto, w
visiting old friends in this township.
Wm, Bevan will have tiptop stab
accommodation when his impr0vouleu
are 0001910ton.
Fall wheat harvesting is o0mme11in
It will be general next weep. The pro
pacts are good.
Wm. Brydon went to Morden, Man
toha, taking his tiokot from J, T. Beppe
Brussels, 11181 weak.
Mies Carrie Soueh is home from th
Senlorth Collegiate where she wrote to
a Third class certificate.
Jno. Rob jr. lost a valuable 3 year old
heavy draught colt last week from
gles, It took 181prize at Brussels Fall
Fair last year in a class of IL Mr, Robb
valued it at $110.
How would it do to have the base ball
club at Barrie's and the "Chippewa'."
play it base ball match at Brussels on
the forenoon of Wednesday, Aug. 0111, to
decide the supremacy now its dispute 7
Daowsrn.-WO regret to hear that
Louis Abbey, n former resident of Morris
township, 19.63 drown,,) at Moose Jaw,
Assinaboia, on Tuesday of this weds
He was all engineer on the 0, P. R. fur a
number of years having gone to the
West when that railway was in coarse
of construction. A. wife (the eldest
daughter of Richard Armstrong, 3r11 line
Morris) and sfx 011 then are thus sudden•
1y bereft of husband and father.
01311.. -Last Saturday morning the
spirit of Mee. Wm, Oh"Idice, Oth liue,
was beckoned away to the rest that re•
mains for the people of God. She bad
been ill for some time and her demise
was not unexpected. Her husband, five
daughters and two sons are left to hold
in fond remembrance a loving wife and
affectionate mother. The 181101al took
place on Monday. Rev, Mr. Reilly, of
Brussels, look the service. The deceased
lady was a resident of llo•t•ie fir the
past 8 or 10 y ars coming here front
Tuokersmith and 01118 very highly esteem-
ed by all who knew her.
ENTERED 1.11r0 RrsT.__The debt of _\`at•
ore was paid by Alexander Cameron, 6th
line, last Saturday, when the Master
came and called for him. The deceased
11118 an estimable y0uug man in his 35111
year, who enjoyed the respect of all who
knew him. He was born in the township
of Grey where he resided until itis father
sold out to Tr,Onlau Smith and removed
to this township. The deceased w8.8
united in marriage nearly 10 years ago
to 1liee Sarah Ilutchiusou,who with cue
son and two daughters, survive him.
Cameron was '
a 111 with h infix
umnfm 1
I 1
of the lungs and pleurisy laet Fall and in
the Spring rheanatiam and other cone.
plioatfous set it, heart failure hastening
his death. The funeral on Monday after-
noon 01116 largely attended, Service was
conducted by Meagre. Major anti V,
Knechtel, Interment toots piece at
Brussels cemetery,
THAT Baca 13.11.r. MATcn,-In 1118
Morris items of July 7th Barrie's S. S.
was credited as winning in 11 game of
base ball at the pia nic in R. Nichol's
grove. The item says after a closely
contested match Barrie's erection won.
Now, in justice to all concerned, it was
the "Chippewas" who won and the time
it was close 11118 when the "Cbippowas"
overtook and passed their opponents.
They shouldn't be in such a hurry in fut.
lire in rnshing anything into print they
know 00 little about. Following is the
OnneeniVe n O i3Aa018'8, 0.•li 0.
S. Russell, a 1 13, Smith, 3 1
W. Doak, 3 2 W. Smith, s
A Halliday, 2 0 R. S all, lx' a 1
W. Hanna, 3 4 J,Poreyth, 4 1
J Ono hie, 0 n A, Pybua, 2 g
2 J. Nichol, x
E. oaotelon, 6 1 J, 0arnooban, 3 2
0. Miohle, a 0 A, Walker, 3 3
An anknowu infant wan found in I3er-
liu on Saturday evening and was sent to
the poor house.
Hon, J. A. Chapleau, Lt, -Governor, of
Quebec', sails from Southampton to New
York July 20th, on American line steam-
er New York.
The assignment was reported on Tues-
day of Owen S Go. (J. T. Owen), bank.
ers, of Ailsa Craig, to Duncan Gray.
George G. Ewart, general dealer, Walker-
ton, has assigned to W. II. T. Perdue.
3111688 Briggs, a native of Sweaborg,
Oxford County, was killed in Oak Park,
Chicago, a few days ago. The accident
was the result of a collision o') the street
railway. Briggs, WOO was a conductor
1166 0110 of the victims. His remains
were brought lane for burial.
Jets, Johnston, formerly editor of the
Ottawa Citizen, writing from Belfast
says that although there was no truth in
Mr. Blake's rumored intention to retire
from the Home Rule party, it is known
to be his intention not to remain iu the
the Imperial Parliament after the Houle
Mule question ie settled,
On May 31st a number of tenders were
received for the pn cbaae of Grip news-
paper. Either one of the two highest
tenders would have been accepted, but
that the security turned out tc be un-
satisfactory. Owing to the delay in natter.
taining the bona fides of the security,
other offers have been withdrawn, and,
under these e c ti•
etauoes the comport.),have decided to suepmtd the paper tem-
porarily, while prep8.retions are made for
bringing it out in a new and improved
A citizen of Mabel street, London,
went to torn out a nest of weeps under
the eaves of his house on Sunday, first
wrapping it veil around his head and
providing himself with a loug•handled
torch. An excitable neighbor who saw
him at the job mistook him for a dis-
guised fuoendiary,and telephoned for the
police to corse up and catch the lire bug.
The patrol wag m was sent up and the
police enjoyed the joke as well as all the
neighbors, The wasps' nest was cleaned
out, too.
During 8. heavy thunderstorm] which
acme 119 about 4 o'clock Monday, Thos,
Griffith, a highly respected farmer who
lives In Drummond township, three
miles from Perth, while receiving hay in
his barn from the load alongside, was
struck by lightning and apparently fell
dead. The barn immediately took fire
and was consumed, together with Mr.
Griffin's body, which could not be saved.
The daughter of the unfortunate ma]
me the only person present when her
ather fell and witnessed the horrible
remotion in he'pless despair,
Lorrette Valentine, the ll-year•old
aughter of Ohae, Valentine, Hamilton,
ted on Saturday under circumetanees
f a peculiar and sad nature, On Thurs•
ay last the child, while playing with a
arasol, tripped and fell and one of the
bs entered her nose, penetrating several
robes and drawing blood. Medical aid
as immediately summoned and it was
and the rib of the parasol had gone in -
the brain, Phy8iciaus mild do noth•
g to sive her and oho lingered in a
mi•oonsoious state until Saturday,
hen death ended her sufferings.
A terrible abate of affairs is reported
om some of the agricultural districts of
asps, Que., where for nearly a month
t e drop of rain has fallen. In the
eantime the heat averages not less than
om 800 to 00'x, and the grain and hay
well as the grass in pastures, ie bnrnt
In shaded spots, where up to the
esent the orops have escaped thfs fate,
E -y are being devoured by armies of
asshoppers. To make matters worse,
t a single codfish has yet beat caught,
el, judging by the present hndioati0ue,
e unlikely there will be, Buell fires
another element of dietreee, and the
untaina, in the words of the gentle -
n who tells this horrible tale, "are
e volcanoes," Same persons living at
ince named Gras Morrie, aro said to
o no other nanrfehment then herbi.
p no fish having been talc
Totals tie 10 Totals 33 16
Perth County.
While pielting' cherries in his own
garden Monday afternoon, Francis Ir-
win, Stratford, fell, owing to the breakage
of a limb, and, striking on his head,
broke his neck and died almost im-
mediately. Mr. Irwin had 000upied the
po0itioe of storekeeper at the G, T, 1t.
roundhouse since 1871, and was well
t known to railroad employees in that sop
tion. IIs 1v&a a prommeet Orangeman
and ryas chairman of the committee
which arranged the late celebration
I Monday was time artnivereary of the
feast of Om Lady of Mount Carmel, and
this opportato occasion was chosen for
the opening of the new Boman 08.1110li0
I choral in 131. Mary's, Bishop O'Connor,
of London, conduced the Waning end
dedicatory 0arvitiv, and preached in the
Morning. Doan Murphy, of Irislltown,
• celebrated mase, and 1v118 oxidated by
' Ite0, Father Walsh, of Toronto, as deo.
con ; Rev. Father Ferguson, of Aseump•
tion Collette, Sandwich, a0 sub deaaol,
l and Rev, Father Kennedy, of Soa(ortb,
,roaster ofeerem8ni80, Rev, Dt. Kilroy,
Of Stratford, aleo officiated. In the even•
ing musical vespers was held, and Rev,
Father Ferguson preached. Rev, Father
ing with great pressure, lint as the build•
ing6 formed p,rt of a very old frame
block, a light wind from the North•East
soon communicated the Oames to the
hotel, which, together with the grocery
stores of John Swinburne and J. A,
Humphrey, were
quickly Y consumed.
The readenee
of John Diuwuodie, adjoin•
tug, was damaged by fire and water.
The Wilson House was insured for $1,-
600 in the Royal, Swinburoe's building
for $500 in Huron di Middlesex, Humph.
ray's stook for $500 in the Waterloo
Mutual, and Diuwoodie's building for
$400 in the Norwich Union. The origin
of the fire is unmown.
C ete1aelect ex Pei arev s.
1 a en.
Itfssaid the Everett svne10nt0 are (4eit<•u-sr1 .N<•tr
aft '0 a reutre'll11g tntere..t in the uttawa
elec4•n• .11 1,1 r,tilwuy. < 0 11, -r <I,.u,•t ,l 11'),1011 1 of tuba,
110)1'. -Pilon, 1,14 oblaimd a .110m•c'e i dont,
from Choles Ila'oz, the fugitive editor' The G,rmite Army hill lets passed the •
of The Revile dee 1)eux Jloudr0, Petrie. Reft'hsteg,
Dunce') (', ))tela, of i'•u•is, las /08)10)) The , 111)0"It hi Nicaragua 18 crud to be
a writ. 11131111et (hales Byanl and 11'm, very ;hinny,
Ramsay', of ilullfonntnin, fur' 010,0110 six persons 55' lie 1,) lel by 1110 hunt in 1
tlellrlagee, 110 alleges libel 1111)) slander. ) hiesge on Friday of hot wee!
An (x)1(11 W10aun0111 (1.0)11 1'ormltu 58 Kansn8' ecru erne prouriaes to he the
going over 1.411031 1,1n11ty ex•1 r0atture1'
fright's 110eotiut8 in the hope of nutting
an error that will account for Mr,
'lVrightee shortage,
'l'he Burlin Nowa understands that a 1)r. Diger, the alleged wholesale poi -
proposition front 0. it, Seagram to (11x10 sono', lute been taken from Detroit to
a fron gift of hie 13 aurae at the Gr00,1. New Yarlt,
bush for the new hospital is to be laid A 110311 hundred miles bicycle record, 4
before the provisional directors, hours 4;3 minutes 58 seconds, is reported
3, W. I11)1e, retiring -United Statee frmn 1`
Consul at Amheestburg, was tendered a
reception at that plane Tuesday night,
and was presented with a solid silver
stationery stand by the business mon of
Amherst burg.
At a meeting of prominent members
and adherents of St, Audrew'e church,
Berlin, on Monday ev0uiug, John Piing,
Q. C„ who is leaving Berlin to reside in
Toronto, 010 h was presented as' ed
with n
t cm li•
1 0
mentary address and a beautiful Moxionu
onyx eloule and handsome aloult area•
meat, ns tostimoni,ds of regard Pepin the
The Department of Interior has been
notified that Immigration Agent Crow
thwaite left the Sault Tuesday morning
with n party of 36 faro] delegates who
have beau selected from different pointe
in Michigan to visit Manitoba and the
Northwest and report their observations,
Agent Williams, of the Interior Depart.
merit, left the Sault 1londay by boot for
Port Arthur, with a party of 45 settlers
from Miohlgan for tiauituba and 111e
Territories, which shows that previous
visits of delegate+ from that State to the
Northwest is beginning to tell. The new
party of delegates will d.ubtless be the
means of inducing immigration from die.
trios in Michigan in which the agents
so far have done very little work.
A probably fatal accident 000urred
Monday on the farts of Stephen P.ateliff,
Adelaide township. A young man named
James James, 1V110 has been
working for
Mr. IiatclifF
R OOlt with an
inch rope attached ached to his carnet and riding
another horse at the same time. The
colt became frightened and ran away,
jerking young James off the horse and
dragging him over the field. It headed
for the barn, and running against a straw
crib threw him ag.itlst it, breaking the
rope. when picked up he was insensible.
Nearly ail his alotbing had been torn off
and he was frightfully out lip. At last
accounts he leas still living, but little
hopes are entertained of his renovory,
James Dame from England abnut 2 years
age, from Dr, Bernardo's home, and 118.5
no relatives in this country.
A very sad drowning aceidentoecnrred
on Hamilton bay Sunday afternoon, near
the water worlts pumping station. E.
Harrison, cabman, was out in a boat
gathering water lilies with his young eon
and Arlie and Edith Atkins, daughters
of Samuel Atkins, While passing under
the N. and N. W. trestle bridge, which
spans an inlet near the reservoir, the
boat collided with one of the piers or
lar.1131 ht 1110 history of the ;tato,
The Glen Hoeg) at Monet Washing•
ton was burned 011 Monday. Loss 3100,-
0 10
nestles and capsized. In a moment the
party were struggling in the water.
Harris could not swim but he did hie
best to help the two girls, and nearly lost
his own life in the effort. His sol could
shim and immediately steno): out for 1110
chore, which be remelted in safety. His
cries for help attracted the attention of
people driving past on the road and they
came to the assistance of the parties, but
Arlie and Edith Adkins had sank for the
last time. The bodies were recovered.
Wednesday afternoon, when an ex•
eursion train from Brantford got about
three miles south of Simcoe, 11 man
named Martin Fore was seen walking on
the tracts, The engineer blew the
whistle, and as the man did not notice
it, the train was 0109)1ed, but not till he
was structs and knocked off the track.
He was only slightly hurt, and put ou
Wald the train and tarsen to Port Dover,
During the afternoon he started to walk
back to Simcoe, and when the train was
returning he was overtaken at almost the
same plane. Every effort wise made to
stop the train, but he was again strnelt
and killed. The only wounds to be seen
were a slight bruise on the bend and a
flesh wound on the arm, He was 00
years of age, a 000pe1• by trade, and was
very herd of hearing. Ile lead lived 61
Simcoe for a number of years, and was
highly respected. He leaves a son in
Simoos, one in Rochester, and a dough -
ter in Syracuse.
The Maisons Bank, which, having
opened business in 1Vinnipog, has become
directly identified with Manitoba and
the North•weet, has just collected from
oorrespondellts at every leading point
reports as to crop proepe018. The re.
ports are all of a most satisfaotory
character. Seldom in the experience of
the oldest settlers have the prospects
been ea good at this poroid of the year,
end the prediction is freely and nonfi•
dently made that the farmers there are
about to reap the largest Drops in the
history of the Province, the yield peomis.
ing to rival that of the phenomenal• crop
of 1887, A gratifying feature of the re.
port is that the quantity of stook is
steadily on the increase, cattle and! hogs
especially. There ie no doubt now of the
season's crop, The growth 18 assured
beyond pel•adventure, and everything
promises early and satisfactory maturity.
Every day's experience is confirming the
high hopes of the farmers and all who
desire their prosperity,
Miss Willa Frith, of Princeton, was
stung by a honey bee last .Friday and 16
minutes after elle was &corpse. She had
only returned a few days previous tom
writing for a meond class certificate at
Woodstock. The cad event occurred
about 11 o'clock. Jamee Prith, who is a
bee fancier of more than local reputation,
was extracting some honey from one of
the hives, while his daughter, Willa, was
picking berries in the garden near by.
All the bees were on the wing and more
or lees angered, when one of therm flew
into the girl's fade. Willa was fighting
11 off with hon hand when het. father
°ailed her 10 roll into the house, In a
moment the bee had sating heron the
right temple near the eye, and -Villa,
terribly frightotted and 80r0)181ing, ran
into time room. A0 elle paned her mother
she said r "Oh, ma, I'm stung, and I
cannot live." These were the last words
the poor child uttered. Throwing her-
self on a sofa elle was seized with con-
vulsions and in 16 minutes was dead, It
was the Opinion of the dootore that elle
15th the el10ok, Mise Frith woo in
Cambridge defeated Oxford by 200
rule in the auntie) cricket anthill be-
tween the aln1vefelties.
The steamer Bremen, wino]) sails))
from Southampton for Now York, had on
board $210,000 In gold.
A now evened by a fa0)1101• in Audrial
county, Missouri, lately lost her calf and
has adopted a pig 1011iuh she nares for 111
the tenderest manlier possible.
The statue of P. T. Barnum at Seaside
Park, Bridgeport, Conn., ops disfigured
on Monday night by being ooverod with
red paint. The granite steps of the
pedestal were ooverod with inscriptions
derogatory to the character of the de-
ceased showman, Thera is no eine to
the perpetrators of the deed.
Clarence Dingman, of Buffalo, N, Y.,
IVO, until Tuesday of last week, utterly
unknown to fame. Ile became 25 years
old a short time ago, and decided that it
was about time for hint to make e, name
for himself. He consulted a friend of
his who runs a concert hall in Canal
street, the bowery of Buffalo, and the
friend told Klin that if he would dive
from the top of the Watson elevator into
Buffalo harbor he would become fatuous
and be able to make lots of money be.
sides. Young Dingman straightway
begat to practice for the great dive,
The Watson elevator stands on the bank
of Buffalo creels. Itis tbo largest and
highest of the dozens of elevators that
line the shores of the harbor. )arbor
To its
extreme top measures it s fres considerably
over 200 feet. He stole into the elevator
and reached the roof of one of the winks
about 160 feet above the water. He
doubtless intended to go to the peals but
his nerve may have failed him. He had
a handkerchief tied about his bead over
his ears and was dressed in his ordinary
street clothes. Poising himself he dived
head first. He turned over once in the
air and struck on his side. The water at
this point ie but twenty feet deep.
Dingman went straight to the bottom
and did not rise. As soon as the dock
loungers recovered from their astonish-
ment they notified the lifesaving station
and aha crew went over. The spot
where Dingman disappeared was intuited
with a pole and one of the men of the
crew recovered the body. Dingman was
lying face downwards in the mud. Ho
struck the bottom on his bead and the
shook broke his neck, His body woe
tarsen to the morgue. Hie fame lasted
for twelve somas only.
;Inv 21, 181)3
'b3 AHP- R i'','lAN
TH.133 BEST IN f 1 '::1E WOR LID
For /11(1 1%011ou'1Iiy' .L1c(csults
1. ft is built of the bust mailable, wrought iron and steel ;
2. It requires no holes to be drilled in Butter bar ;
3. It has no roil at the back to hold obstructions and cause
i choking;
4. The outsillt: divider can be rinsed or lowered at Ltt'al1 or
I front, independent of lifters ;
5. It has no springs to got out of order ;
G. '
l.ach lifter has guard stay and breaking mower guard is
impossible ;
7. It Las moveable clips and can be set in lino with tongue of
machine if cutter bar drags back ;
8. Each lifter -is independent of the others and can be raised
of lowered at the back so as to line in front should mower guards
beout ofline ; •
9. The number of machines sold during the last season en-
ables a large number of leading farmers of Ontario to testify to its
merits. Every machine is warranted and given on test. Call and
see sample machine at
D. EWALT'S, y .gent, Brussels.
All LRCS OI SIlllh1ur Goofls 1
Profits , iven
ay Free
Do not fail to call and price any-
thing you want to purchase.
LAUGTT, and the world laughs with you ;
WEEP, and you weep alone.
DRESS WELL, and hundreds greet you ;
LOOK SHABBY, and your credit's gone.
Everybody who buys our goods is pleased. If people weep over bad purchases it is be-
cause they failed to heed the advice of our advertisement.
Fall Goods are arriving and we want to hustle
oft' the balance of our Summer stock. Consequently we have special bargains for you in
Stylish Tweeds, IIandsome Straw and Felt Bats, Waterproofs, White and Colored Shirts,
Underwear, Socks, Neat Neckwear, &e., while this sale Continues.
Satisfaction, Guaranteed in all our Work.
Cloth Cut Free of Charge if Purchas-
ed from us.
The Value of a Dollar is generally put down at 100
Cents but those who patronize our Clearing Sale may secure Bargains and
feel assured they are getting the value of
200 CENTS FOR $1.
Everything a Gent requires in the ClothingLine
kept by us except Boots,
Remember the next 30 days for Genuine Bar-
gains in all the lines carried by
D. C.
Fashionable Tailor and Outfitter,
It won't cost you a cent to call and BRUSSELS,
get our prices and see the goods.,