HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-7-21, Page 3JULY 21, 1803 ....tu-..wW+:.....�,. rc:ue+7.0":,ca-,4-`wuaray' erebbe°r. .. .ainettr B:F \V11Y S1I11 CHANGED lulls ,1iIN1), hear John, 1 an glad you have come, for I feared That you might not come again. I was Lintel to speak as I did when you left ; I have ehauged my mind since then. Yes, John, I moan it. Pan ready to be font• WIN as soon ns yon pina8o ; You can ash my father at once, and I thick Ili'( answer will put yell at naso, What hits made me change nay mhnL duo yon ask ? Look out of the window there Where the leaven of the maple gently stir In the breath of the balmy air. Do you 8330 those binds, one soberly plumed, The other with bright red breast ? DO yoti see how loving and happy they nem, As together they build their nest ? Well, after you left, I thought of the look That came in your oyes when I said We most have a hone and a bank ac. count Before we decide to wed, Yet I loved you, John, when I spoke those words And I only meant to say We ought not to marry till we hail mads Some store for a rainy day. And when you departed, 1 wa:oiled your form Till it faded from my eight ; When 1 heard those birds iu the tree• tops there Twittering with delight. I saw how happy they were As bit by bit they budded their nest, And I. learned, what all should know, that work Which is cheered by love is bloat. I saw how the birds, in their labor of love, Enoonraged eaoh other ; and then I said to myself their example should be A lesson to woolen and men, That is why I have changed my mind, and I feel That I ought to be by your side. Our home will be made the sooner, John, If your work is cheered by your bride, HOLDING THE RI3INS. The night was clear, the sleighing good, The mutter seat not nide, She snuggled close beneath the robe To her fond lover's side, The horse was spirited, and jumped With frequent tugs and strains, Until she innocently said, "Do let Isle hold the reins 1" 11. They're married now, perhaps because She was so helpful then ; She loves hint well, and lie loves her— Well, in the way of men ; And yet in ell their sweet delight One sad thought mattes him wince ; She held the reins that winter's night, She's hold them ever since, IIOC4SiIOLil 11I N'I'S. It Js said Ihet n teaspoonful of salt put into it kerosene lamp will improve the anality of the IJgh6, One teaspoonful of Ammonia to n tea• cupful of water applied with a 1.1(14 will clean silver or gold jewelry. Plaster of poria is an excellent mater- ial for sealing 0at0np and fruit bottles and 3811101'0 elsily applied than sealing. wax. Craekery that has become soaked with grease may bo cleansed by slow boiling in Moak lye. One ounce emelt of cloves, cedar and rhubarb pulverized together, mattes a good perfume for oloaets and drawers and helps to prevent moths. Ripe tomatoes will remove ink ' and other stains from white cloth, also from the kande. Wash out common oil stains in cold water, Hang a small bag of charcoal in the rainnvater barrel to purify the water. Damp salt will remove the discolora- tion of cups and saucer's muted by tea 0,04 careless wa81)11133. To purify the air in a newly painted room pub several tubs of water in it and the water will absorb n great deal of the smell. Milk will absorb more thrill water. Inn basin of water, salt, of Gouge, falls to the bottom, so never soak Bah with the skin side down, as the salt will fall to the skin and remain there. Wash all marble daily with ammonia and water in plane of soapsuds. Apple cameo is 1110013 improved by the addition of a tablespoonful of butter, and requires less sugar. By adding vinegar and a little sugar to the stove blacking a high polish is easily produced. Now iron ohotld be gradually hoatecl at first. After it has become meed to heat it is not likely to crack. "I1Iy friend," said the fakir, as he grew very solemn, "110 yen reea11 the words blown into the glens ?" "No, 1 dont remember," Then lot m1,o,l your 1'e1QlJeotion, It 5058 on every bottle, 'Not warranted in the case of an old bald.hoacled own) look. Jug for a third wife.' Now then, you were 1.0)1411w, '3'"''''3 } "u 1' "Yams, I w ,d Lada"' n.; t I taut bur, ton, and yeti kin g" to pot with your old tv11Jt,iwash 4 "My friend, 1 "And I got a hundred Isere farm with her and she's oxpoetiu' a thousand dol. ; lure back p01101011, and 11 I was (18 years younger I'd liolt yen puler 500 butes for It deceives'." "Aly friend, "Growth of new liter be blamed 3" shouted the old roan Ise he Incited elk "Didn't need no new ha'r, nor any ba'r at a11. She'd bin lovfu' mo fur 20 yo(tl•0 and jumped at the chance to hest tee. Co to hollyhock with yor old Pattygo• 1111411 didhwalor, and dont never speak to (110 Agin," 3115tl`1tt Jcb , ! orric1. Tho Orangemen of this district oelo- brated the 1'1.)311 of July this year with their brethren in Mount Forest. G. Kort and W. D. Gilohrio+t, from Atwood, have opened out in the butcher business in the shop just north of Mr. Sharpie's tailor shop. Robs. Toombs anti wife, of Denver, Colorado, are at present visiting friends in and around Gerrie. IIe is an old Gerrie boy and with his 3031(3 left bore Omni 10 500080go. \V, Tuuug, sou of hobs. Touug of this village, who i0 holding a poeitio)1 a8 book- keeper for a firm in New York city at a handsome salary, is at present in town visiting lde parents. Loa eh sic> Iv, Allan 1110000nel, of the London Asy- lum staff, spent a few clays with old friends in tins village, Robert MoCarrol has arrived home from his trip to Algona. He purposes returuing there shortly. Rev, J. II. Hext, the fam0ns colored premoher, has been seenre(1 by Iho W. 0. T. 1,1. to give a leetar0 in Lucknow at an early date. James Falconer brought to the Septi• eel office three bon's eggs that averaged a quarter of a pound each and measured respectively 82c0(1, 8x0 , A}s(lj inches. Dr. 3, S. Tonnant one day Met week while in Ole second story of the Medical Hall building, accidentally stepped into a stove pipe foie in the floor and had his foot and leg badly hurt, Tho members of Old Light Lodge, A. F. & A. 11I., atteuded divine 80rvi00 in St. Peter's Episcopal church in this vil- lage last Sunday at 2:30 p. m., when a special sermon woe proachocl to them by Rev. John T. iiorrin, of Bayfield, from the subject "What mean von by this service ?" E71iutou. Miss Carrie Coats, of town, was an eye -witness of the horrible Lira at the World's Fair, jThe old skating rink hoe been convert• ecu into a hay pressing establishment. The hay is being exported to England. Mrs, Whitt is attending the Sumner school of music for teachers in Grand Rapids, Mich., Charles \V. Laydon, Philadelphia, director. The cricketers west to Henson on Wednesday of last week where a match Na0 1,11tny0t1 0,11111110 snub of that pease, 000111tipg ill 0via. cry for Uliute 1 by 00 runs in One innings. While digging a well on his lot the other clay D. Cantelon remelt a large stone at a depth of 18 feet and as it was impossible to remove it there Mae no alternative but to till np the holo and make another. The Clinton oyole 1rsulc is now in good order and the boys lire getting down no practice. I6 is the intention of the club to have 0race meet in a couple of lveelte when good prizes will be offered and a good day's sport given. The other day a gold hunting -case watch (minus the works) leas atolou from Rumblell , Co's store. The supposition Is that some one entered the store while the employees were engaged and took it from the workbench. J. A.. Orel', 13. A., late commercial master of the Perth Collegiate Instituto, spent rt few days with his parents in town He leaves for the States, where he will assist iu opening lip 01i111108eta arid Wisuonsiu for the Canada Life Assooia- lieu, Previous to his resignation he was presented with an address and a heavy gold chain and locket by the pupils and tea01101.0 of the Perth Collegiate. 1310 IIAIII 1! Is1SI)t?If. "Now, gentlemen," began the fakir, as lie arranged half a 11 ulldrod bottles on a temporary table at the street corner, "I nm here to sell the original and only Patagonian Ilair Renewer. It has been in use for 112 yeare, and hoe been tried by trillions of people and yet I have never heard of 0.1 instance where it failed to sot as warranted. If it fang to prodnoe a growth of new hair on the head within six weelt0 I agree to forfeit $500. I have deposited the money in the Second National Batik end shall be here about three montlte. Who buys the first bob, 110 1" "Look (0118re, mister p' said an old elan me he pi eeooil forward, "wasn't you down to Skinnorvilie last Spring ?" "Sl,innervllle 7 I believe Iwas," "wasn't you selling this same stuff down there 1" "Stuff I I ivas selling my Patagonian Bole Renewer, sir." "Waal, I want you to look at my Head," continued the old ehnp 00 be un• covered a poll 0e smooth and Shiny AS a new dinner plate, "I bought a bottle of that stuff." "Sluff 1 Du yell mean my hair re- newer?" "Exactly, You warranted it to foray n. growth of new ha'r inside of six weep+. I used it, What's the 6ro,vt11 7 Whar'o the new bait 5" Godes-WI'. The Monarch, on her up trip laid week parried 10 carloads of binder twine for Manitoba points. Hou. Mr. Patterson, dliuister of 13111i- tia, wife and two daughters, will arrive in town shortly to spend a oonple of week+ in Goderieh and at the Point Farm. Rev. John MoGillivrtty, a Goderich boy, was chosen by the Montreal minis. tars to deliver the address of welcome on their behalf to the great Ohrletlan En. deavor convention. The Bell Telephone Company make the only appeal this year against mesons. menta in town, They complain first that the town has no right to tax them, and second that they are assessed too high — $1,000 on personal, and $500 for income. Judge Tools will hear the case on 25311 inet. Returns to G wer0111006 by crowd at. torney Lewis for the first six months' of 1803 show only five prisoners tried at the County Judges' Criminal Ccnrt during that period ; one for embezzlement, three for larceny and one for false preteno00. Four were committed out of the five. 1'he three for larceny were all sant to the Central Prison, the one for false pre. knees to the Mercer Reformatory. The Nafbel li1•operty at the juneticn of Arthur and St, Pmtriek'e streets hag been sold —the pr0000t brick house and one lot to Mre. Win. Mormon, and the remaining lots to Samuel fear. Mee. McLean will shortly move into the house and rebuild next year. but Mr. Pear will begin the erection of a dwelling at once. The foundation of G. A. Fear's new house in the oppooite block is completed, and the ()Repenters are at work en the ringer structure, 'Blase changes will make a doeided improvement in that Nation of St. George's ward. 'THE BRUSSELS POST k4aY6x.16110b1) e1)OAFe0e0W"3" "g8: Zttlt=bA47,o''113( T.z0.: x VI/X(3tc+r, The Exeter ,,ricket oluh whioll On/fight to be dead leas revived (tea . Ltd. 13idsett was awarded the c utraet of watering Main street at the last "lent• ing of the council at the rate of $1.25 per day. Phe oroatnory opened Isere 1 1414 1444. alt. Owing to 1110 1ns3111ciollt 8npply of senior they have been unable to run it r, i,• 101(081 extent, Geo. L, Money, 'd 1iirktu0, w ,s in town hurt week to got 10w for 0 NOurru living ' Jn Kirlttou, who m0,110100015 and without just mune throw a dipporful of boiling water on him. 11s was badly scalded about the head and facie and presented a very pitiful appearance. Jas. Woetoott, of Douglas, Manitoba, formerly of this place, Who luta for some time boon malting a collection of wild animate, 00u13400Lng 0111, moose, deer and several other prairie ape0188, will exhibit them at the Toronto exhibition lhie Fall in the shuns of it travelling menagerie, A Ma800ie sermon was preaohod to the fraternity of Exeter and sister lodges in I the Main street Methodist church last Sunday, by Rev. James Livingstone, of Kincardine. lion, Thos. Greenway, Premier of Manitoba, spelt a few clays irk town la8t week after which he went to Chicago where he will remain on business for e0m0 time, 1Ie reports props and things in general 111 a flourishing 0ouditiol in the Northwest. The A.dvooato Faye 1—In the absence of Rev. F. Ii, 1''att and family, who are pumping at Grand Bend Park, Captain Romp has been sleeping nights at the rectory. Monday night he entered by the kitchen door as usual about 10 0'• clock, but did not notice the cellar door was open. Now he has an ugly gash over the right eye, a sore elbow and a sore knee, besides two fingers 0f his right hand were pat oat of joint, which were 00 -sat later on. The captain will no doubt keep himself furnished with a light when entering the rectory from tills out. John Gillard, of Norwich, has a rose bush with over 500 mese cm it. Lowie Guay, of Levis, Quo., aged fid, danced at his grandson's wedding on Ivtonday. EGeo, Stewart, at Simcoe,from the 10th of an acre of strawberry plants 110.0 pick- ed this year over 000 baskets of fine strawberries. A. Mieoampbell, M. P. P., has been re -nominated by the Conservatives to contest Nast Simcoe for the Ontario Legislature. A tramp who Fact been put off a train at Deux Rivieres, near Brockville, placed his neck across the traelt before an in. coming train and was deoapitated, The Brown Manufaotnring Company, Walker's Foundry and the St. Charles Omnibus Co., of Belleville, have beets so pushed with orders that the mos had to work 12 hour8 a day. In the Methodist obarob, Wogram, on Sunday afternoon, a funny thing hap- pened. While the congregation was waiting for the Sunday school to close in the basement, an old sheep wanted into the church and 11p the aisle, and seeing no one in the pulpit made its way thither. It stood there bleating for a few minutes before the people had sufficiently got over their laughter to put it out. 1\\ Grand Trunk If you are going to the W oaLD's Bo sure and go vitt the Cr- R, 1 A T St. Clair '.'ani el i- ,OUT Hi, For Lowest Rates Apply to .l KENDALL, G T, 13. Agent, Brussels, . VER'S Sarsaparilla ¥-our best remedy for E-rysipelas, Catarrh R-heumatism, and S-crofula Salt -Rheum, Sore Eyes A-bscesses, Tumors R-unning Sores S -curvy, Humors, Itch A-nemia, indigestion P-imples, Blotches A-nd Carbuncles R-ingworm, Rashes 1-mpure Blood L-anguidness, Dropsy L-iver Complaint A -II cured by AYER'S S,s rtsapari0 a Prepared by Dr, J. C. Ayer & Co„ Lowell, Mass. Sold by ell Druggists. Price ee ; six bottles, $g. Cures others, Will cure you H g' cat Maliffeelfa Price Paid, IN 3 , w,or Tr A ' rr p HJ x3.2. EaFt.pion eft Sabi' wish to remind the In 1(113 t hat they still want 1-. 5,' 31 nut] that they have on band for this season's trade the Bigge at Stock: of Woo1e ioba3 Ever shown by tiny other Factory iu Ontario, whicL t:ick' will ex. change for wool at prices which will Astnliiilt Lura, ;r. 11111111111.011•11M masomesimnsarii It will pay you to Lottie and sec. our Tremendous Sts^_: which is Opened For Inspeotiors, Come and Satisfy yourself before disllosiu; of your Aseallere. Do not toilet to seotcre for' your' wife one of'Oar Fine Wool Scotch Shirts. 'NOTICE.—Do not be led away by shoddy l;e•ddlars and others travelling through the country. We do not e1i.'.4oy any such teen. But co1110 direct to our factory and by Fair Dealing we hope to gain your support and confidence. We Guarantee First-class Work in Roll Carding, Spinning and Manufacturing. P. S.—Paltiea from a distance e;ul rely ,n1 gntt.li:; their Ron Cardin back with them the same day and they will tinct as ready to give the most prompt and careful attention to all. lay -.xianogaw SAN% t1'S 50, 00 POWIDS OF WO° Fula CASH Or in Exchange for Goods. knewookkokmakomormktabreskomseksks The Highest larket Pride will be Allowed, We have a Fine .6osor^tment of Tweeds, Cottons, Flannels, Cash- meres, Blankets, Sheet- ing, Knitted Goods, Yarns, Soo, A11 Wool left With us for manufacturing., whether ro111) or otherwise, will have our prompt attention. SATISFACTION G UA RA NTEED, HOST Ji & Co,, PH TOCRAPHER ca g Gallei'y SIF11i 1l' B SALESMEN ANS ! Salesmen are wanted to represent us in the x,1.10 of a Choice line of Hardy Canadian Grown Stook, Experience not necessary. Wo want real worker',. and to all such we offer a permanent situation at a good income with chance of ad- vancement. As we now have over 700 acres under cllltiratio,l W,+ can give our salesmen many superior advantages. We also desire to secure a good loan in your district to sell the ROTARY SPRAY PUMP, For which we have the General Agency. This is something now and indispensable to the farmer or fruit grower. Send for terms and testimonial circular. STONE 86 WELLINGTON, Nucaerimen, 46-8 TORONTO, ONT111IO.