The Brussels Post, 1893-7-14, Page 88 THE BRUSSELS POST JULY 14, 1893 itelt_liateneepstessiermettsmiumenneautemettasectalaitameteammetitnnwsemeneetaweatesemuseerneeemenntra=immemozonereresoneagewlemeareneeeltentalermeemlietleannettagelemesterreermelazeinatMent,.• MO GALLON'S 0.••-•-•••••• OF••••-••••••• ViNgia TO WI AM, TUIsialnds are here—ceoumbers will 00011 POIIONV and pickling will be the order of the day. Even now, however, there are very few fainiliee who are not buying more or less vinegar for table tie. Now to introdlee our Honey Vinegar, which is made =elusively from our pure honey without the admixture of other tickle and Wiliab IS no &MIA) the healthiest thing of its kind, see propose giving to our 800 or more oustomers (one in a fain- ily) eullioient to try, say an imperial pint, or if you prefer buying a gallon will give this much extra with first order. We speak from experience with this vinegar •• ate we have used no other for some years and by permission I eefer you to Mrs. Thos. Ballantyne, Brussels, who knows what good vinegar is ane Low to use 11— auto me that her pickles rattan their oolor00 tieing this vinegar. I have taken 1st prize for it at the Torputo Industrial and feel eatiefied if once given a trial it will bo preferred to all others. Until further notice the price will be 30o. per imperial gallon. Bring a vessel of some kind and try some, / 1 • , -S. A. DEARMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &o. ET AM TRUNK RAILWAY. SDI:THERE EXTENSION W. G. di et. Trains leave Brussels Shation, North nd South, as follows: • GOING SOrTsr. GOING NORTH. Olahj 11.30 am. Mixed 9:40 0.1.1, ' t Express 0139 a.m, Man sae v t faxed 100 pan, Express 0:13 v, On page 0 may be baud au interesting letter from Rev, Dr, Howie. Tine new R. T, of T. centers for this quarter Were inStalled by P. C., J. 13, MuLtenehlin hist Teeeday evening. Da, Como, P. reoent gradnate of Queen's University, arrived in Brussels this week and purposes locating here. Hie cart! \,111 appoAr in the next 1(1330 01 Tito POST, SAYING FAREAVELL.—The Dundalk Her- ald of June allth Hayti a—.k large number of the friends of Rev. Me. Cobblediek and family were present on Tuesday morning at the railway station to see them off for their new home. In Mr. Cobblediek, tlie Methodist church here ie losing an able, eloquent and popular divine and the village one of ha most enterprising citizens. Although Mr. Cobblediok did very moll towards re- lieving this circuit ilnansially, still 10 10 in the spiritual part of the work whore lila influence has been most felt. Not only have his labors been abundantly blessed by a large increase of 01101010 membership but the E. L. of 0. E. in this county is 11 lasting monument 10 1110 better. and Mrs. CObbleilick's energy aud Christian usefulness. Mr. and Mrs. Cob• bledick may well be called the parents of the C. E. in thin district, Personally we thank MrS. Cobbledick for the very inter. aging 0.10, literature, &c„ contributed from week to week. Wo hope some one will be found to take her place as editor of the C. 33, column. Miss Eaeton and Mies Nellie Price also identified them. solvate with everything likely to pectinate the interests of church work. The for. mer especially will be missed in the choir and Sunday school. We wish them abundant suceess arid happiness in their new field and hope they may soon fill the same place in the hearts of the citizens of Brussels as they do in those of their friends in Dundalk. "WANDA" WINS AT TOBONT0,--Thursday of last meek "Wanda," the four-year-old rottime mare belonging to Beattie Bros. ook pert in the races on the Woodbine mile eeerse, Toronto. It was the 2.50 class s',e entered along with five others, but two in three. Wanda won handily going lie mile in 2,264, phenomenal chip e a green mare. The owners were c tiered a good price for the speedy more 1..1 declined to part with her. She will tret at Hamilton on a half mile track this week. The Toronto Env' of Friday speaks of this race as a follow, :- 1 850871' 2:trggiiiftscgstilretr.°"°" P"'" Cliffprd Pugh, of Bleevale, le spending hie vacation with hie grandpierente tit Vitoria Cottage, Mrs. (Dr.) Roue, of Clifford, and Mr. 1311iloy of Toronto, were visiti»g et 1 `r. AloKofvey's Ode week. 11. Leatherciale and wife and Alm. Grill spent a few days at Harriston thie weak 1i.1 14 Alm, T. Thompoon and 1114S Th om. paoo, of Seafortli, spent Sunday in Bens - sole with jno. Tait and wife. -.Ales. Geo, L. Balt and children, or Tu. rade, aro visiting relatives and old Maude 111 Druseels and locality. Rev. D. L. MoOrao, Bli. De of Colling. wood, and J. F. MuCrae, of Montreal, ere enjoying a holiday at their father's residence in Benseels. Loathordale and Iferble Dennis wore visiting at Clinton and Goderieh fur the past two weeks. They took the Worland write on their hiCyaleS. Wednesday night A.. Reici and wife anti A. 0. Oormitok arrived home. We hope, after a rest from the journey, that Kr. Cormack's health will take a turn Mr the \Vm. Ainley and family have removed from Brassels to Listowel where hlr. Ainley has a poeitioe in the piano faotory. Wo hope to see them back to town before long. 'font Xteths Items, A chiel's mime ye takin' notes, An' faith prent it. Brsixess is quiet these days. Flax pulling will commence in abont week. SCHOOL Board will meet on Fri evening of this week. Raw subscribers are being added cr. r week to THE Poer list. j. T. PEPPER, P. M., will attend ta Grand Lodge A. F. & 13. Ma at Ott...o next week. WHAT about S. meeting of Fall F Directors? Half of July gone nothing done yet. "%Yemen G." was distanced in the me he entered at Toronto last week. 2-27 was the best time made by the %Timm,. MART JAMES has been appointed Pound -keeper and straying cattle, horses pigs, geese, &o., will likely find a tem porary resting place there. Two hay presses started work ha Brus sels this week for Messrs. Graham Vanstone. They press about 20 tone per dny. Upwards of 800 tons are stored here for baling. A SPECIAL train of 0 coaches left Brus- sels On Wednesday at 7 a, 01, for the celebration at Blyth. The excursion was poorly patronized es the majority of those attending drove over. TEE Orangemen who went by train to Blyth on the 12th did nob get back nutil after midnight. Shortage of passenger oars is said to be the cause and RS 0 con- sequence one train had to do service for several celebrations. THE garden party at Thos. Kelly's xesidence on Thursday evening of last week passed by very pleasantly. The program consisted of musical and liter. ary selections. The Band was also in attendance, Refreshments in the shape of coffee, cake, ice cream, Strawberries, dem were provided. Proceeds 427.00. 13. LEATHERDALE'S span of blacks had a runaway on hand last Friday afternoon had energetic efforts not been put forth to stop them. A whifiletree breaking let the buggy tongue down and frightened the team. Mrs. Leatherdale, Mrs. Grills and. Robt. Leatherdede were in the eon. veyanoe at the time. The accident oc. curved at the iron bridge crossing the Maitland river. GENERAL AGENT.—Inspector Sander• son, of the Confederation Life Aesocia- Bon, Toronto, was in town this week. John Shaw, of this place, has been ap. pointed General Agent for the County of Huron and will begin work at once. The Confederation is a well established ocmpamy and is doing a large and in- creeeing business iu Life Assurance. Mr. Shaw should do well and we wish him success in his work. Accinzerr.—Thos. Curry and daughters, of Brussels, were attending the wedding of a telative at Woodstock last week, While going to the depot to take the train the team attached to the carriage ran away and threw the occupanta out, 11/r. Curry bad his left leg injured by re- ceiving a bad sprain, The accident was occaeioned by a whifiletree breaking and letting the tongue of the rig to the ground. 7 Wand lain„ by Ridgewood, Beattie 111 „ Wingham (Anderson) 1 1 Y Lein& , ban., by Hiram Woo(huff, T.D. Bur • Runt Montreal-- ,*..(Semard) n a Alum bran., by Ansonia;J.EMarsh, (O(1ner) 3 3 a Little L. r onto (00)84 £lleO, 1 5., by Aloazar, George Leroy, Meath) elle, In Time -2.20,0,200,o (Owner) die BETTIE. O. Lennity 'TOE! "It'd. Race. 1-2 6-5 3-5 Little Ida 6-1 0-1 5-1 ALIelxo0-1 dis, 0-1 A Wanda 8-1 4-1 3-1 Dorking 0-1 8-1 7-1 0-1 1-1 4-1 First heat—Lennity got away with the start and led until nearing the stretch, with Wanda second and Alma K. a close third, the other three trailing in the rear. Alma K. broke badly and spoiled any chance she might have for first place. Wanda down the stretch collared Len- nity and passed under the wire two lengths ahead, Alma K. being third, Ailed°, the 3-yearold stallion was dis- tanced. Second heat—Wanda was made favorite in the books on amount of her good race. At the start the commenced to take the lead, with the Frenchman second and Alma H. third. It was a steady, well -trotted race all the way with positions unchanged. Coming around the turn into the stretch it looked as if Alma II. or Lennity might get there and they closed up slightly, but Wanda drew away from them on the way home and won pulled up. Tieeror.—Itobt. Armstrong, mill. Wright, received a letter from Jas, Menzies, Derriclale, this weak, in which be states that the new shingle mill built by than for Kennedy Bros. works tip. top.. Ile says ',It started off like new aewing machine, one machine turning out 86,000 shingles 110 a dity." The two gentlemen above mentioned had the con. tract and there is teo small eatisfaction in the fact that everything went 0. la This mill will be a good recommendation for future aontracte. It pays to employ capable workmen. Vaeleamene Matemo.—The Wingham Times says'meeting of the Huron Veterinary Association was held in the Council Chamber, Witgleam, on Wed- neaday !net, There ova a a good attend. once, among whom were :—D. MeIntosh, Bencefleld, President; J. Willson, Wing. hem, Vice -President ; J. E. Blacked', Clinton, Treasurer ;3. P, Walker, Londeehoro', Searetary, and MOSSrd. BeaOtie, Seaforbh ; Shilling, Steele ; Fortune, Wroxeter; Gecldea, Luoknow ; Clarke, Goderich. After considerable .thetine business had been transacted papers were read by 3. P. Walker on `..Cubereulosis, and by J. Wilson on re- moval of 0101000. Both were excellent papers and elicited considerable discus- sion. It was decided that the next meeting be held in Seafoeth, On the 5th OE Catcher nett, PERSONAL PA.RAGRAPUS. Miss Myrtle Hunter is on the sick list. Ben. Davies is away on a holiday out- ing. Miss GeorgieRoss is visiting atLis• towel. Bliss Roddick was visiting at Walker- ton this week. Sam. Beattie took in the tames at To- ronto last week. Misses Florence and Clara, Hunter are visiting at Exeter. Wm. James and Wm. Hetubly are borne from Detroit. Mise Mary Sample was visiting in Wingham last weelc. W.13. Willis, wife ad sou, of Mitchell, 1 0810 111 town this week. Miss Rena Bawtinheineer has returned to Brussels from Goderich. Miss Ethel Creighton is home from her millinery eituation at Sarnia. James Molmohlin, of Winghain, was in town on Thursday of lash week. Miss Hattie Rogers arrived home this week from Exeter for her holidaye. Miss Mary Ellie was home on a vieit for a couple of weeks from Ingersoll, Mrs, D. Ferguson and children, of Teeswater, aro visiting relatives here, Mrs. Wm. Norton and Thos. of Lido. Wel, are visiting in Brussels thio week. Mien Myrtle Hommit, of Seafoeth, is visiting the Mistime Hewitt in Brussels. Chris. Zilliax, wife and daughter, were visiting at Lietowel and Elmira this week. The Misses Milne, of Huntsville, ware viaiting Miss Sample in Brussels this week. Norman Meetly, of Toronto, is ateend. ing his Summer vacation 101011 Merton Howe. Chas. Wake spen6a few daye in Owen Sound title week at the home of his p aren fa. Thyme Patton, of Port Huron, Mioh., is visiting his grandmother, MrS. S. Pearsoe, Ildes. Brownlee and daughter, ot Glen- coe, aro the guests of Postmaster Farrow and Wife. Miss Dolly Shaw left Brussels on Tues. day for a holiday visit with relatives in Michigan. Miss May Shaw is epending a portion of her remotion with Mee Lizzie Zilliax at Listowel, Miss KateWileen is home from Guelph where the be been attending the Ool. legiate Institute. J. Anderson, of Sutton, 10 visiting his brother.in-law, Sas, Walker, in Merle, 111r. Andaman is a public eohool teacher by profession. Business Locals, A EEO of busks for 5o. at Ballantyne & Wiltou'o. WE are prepared to make piotures, any size required, at reasonable prices. Give us 0 call. II, 3, Strong. WALKER0 Eweet, Brussels are the local agents for the Chatham wagon, also the Bain wagon. Prices right. TEE Rotary Spray Pump for Pale by Ballantyue & Wilton. Every fruit grow. er should have one. Call and eee it. Now is the time for viewing. Public buildings, residences, pio-nio parties, eke can be photographed on shortest notice. H. 3. Strong. ITCH on human and horses and all animals owed in 30 minutes by Wool - ford's sanitary lotion. This never fails. Warranted by G. A. Deedruan, To THE Puindo,—Having puroliased en- tire stock of 0.00, Perry's negatives, any photos, can be had from them by leaving order at my studio. EL J. Strong, IF your druggist says he does not know anything about the cures Membray's Kidney and Liver Core have affeeted, write to Peterboro Medicine Co. Limit- ed, Peterboro, Ont. D. Wareue, Canmbellford, Ont., says that the Peterboro Medicine Co., (Limit- ed), are at liberty to use his name in the interest of all who may be suffering as he was before he used Membray's Kidney and Liver Cure. ATER'S Pills promptly remove the causes of sick and nervous headaches. These Pills speedily ()erred irregularities of the stomaoh, liver and bowels, and are the mildest and most reliable cathartic in use. No one should be without] them. MOST REilAREABLE ON EMIL—So Says Professor Gresham, New York, of St. Leon Mineral Water, to invigorate, build up and preserve strength and happiness life long. It is impossible to speak too highly of St. Leon. A fresh supply to hand at Goo. Thomson's. ' 13a sure you get Ayer's" is an 1110- p0000131 °notion to all in search of a thoroughly reliable blood -purifier, Ayer's Sarsaparilla being the one on which there oan 138 110 manner of doubt. It has stood the test of nearly half a century, and has long been considered the standard. A WORKSHOP ON WHEELS. --E. Taylor, cutler and grinder, is here for rt short time to do all kinds of grinding and re. pairing. Razors, shears, aoissors, &o. ground ; saws sharpened; umbrellas and parasols neatly repaired; pen and pocket knives re -bladed ; lawn mowers sharpen- ed and repaired. Sband next Central Brussele. WELL-DrOGING AND DRILLINC.—George Met has all the necessary machinery for digging and drilling wells and is peeper. ed M attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper thane. Terms reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west aide of Turnborry et., Brussels. 84.01 Ton LOCEE Can.—Jordan Bay, N. Se July 10.—Sitheuel Locke, whose wonder- ful discovery of a rich gold mine of pure health was mentioned in a despatch from here last week, has been doing good missionary work among the sick and afflicted of this neighborhood. Ea has found many cases of kidney trouble, diabetes &a., and has always recommend- ed Dodd's kidney pine, wilmh worked such a grand cure in his own case, The virtues of this remedy are becoming widely known in this section and it hes grown very popular. Mr. Locke inform- ed your correspondent that he Wile constantly receiving inquiries concern. ing his illness and the benefioial resulte of his use of Docid's kidney pine. Hie invariable reply is, that the pine "are everything that ie good," Enquiry shows that the mem/tante find it diffieult to keep a simply ot the pills in skek, so great ie the demand for them. Perth County. The death occurred lad week at St. Malls of Patrick Iliekey, the oldest resi• dent of the stone town, at the age of 108 years, 7 months. Miss Helen Currie has been appointed 0, 32. R. ticket and telegraph agent for St. BIarys, in succession to the late M. J. Beam. On Sunday, July 101h, the new Catho- lic) °hutch, St. Marya, will be opened for divine worebip, The solemn ceremony of dedication will bo performed by ditch - bishop Weigh, of Toronto, and Bishop O'COnnor, of London, assieted by the pastor, Rev. P. Brennan, and a large number of visiting. olergy. An ortheetra Will amid the choir iu rendering a, pro - grain of choice music. Blanshard has lost another of its old and respected residents in the death of E. R. Gooding, which moneyed last week at hie late residence, Road. The Messenger Death emus suddenly. to the cleHem eeaged gentleinan. had en as usual at an aaely hoot and was engaged in milking the cows when ha fell forward and expired. Mr. Gooding had been Reeve of RIonshard and was for several years a member of the township council and was held in the highest esteem 11 is announecal that the Governmenit'e reference of the Manitoba school MOO to the Supreme Court will wine up for heating before the October term of the eolith S.711.71ral RD Bill.Y.E.' 011' CdArd 0,1 , HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO. ASSETS, • • (Seven Million Dollars) 47,000,000 CAPITAL (Authorized) • 48,000,000 ' RHHORIZIRCRIZACHAFFOTHI PARIS GREEN I IS ONLY .. ' /4.11)11 14+ ail ia .n 4E61, Q beo, 31 d)oj, St«it Enyiand. 25c. per lb. And when you are spending 211o. to got a lama uf Paris Crean, yon might jest as well got the Very Bost for your inane 1 cm can get the Very 33est Paris Green, guaranteed to be Pure, and inverted air - eat from England, at ONO ffe1024` RAINP11, A General Banking Dueinese Transacted, Farmers' Notes Dieoonnted. Deana Lamed and Oolleotione made on all 'Mute SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of 41.00 and upwards from date of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly. SPECIAL ATTENTION OWEN TO THE C011.03070e:1 or leAMIElee SALE NOTES. Every facility afforded Customers living at a clistanoo. W. D, HART, Mangan. arpintalt11.C.SYMIACIIICIMNITRIVXZEISMAIll 1.0.1=LEVEir..1 GIT.,iLLES 84 SMITE3 73111NTICERS Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and 'Sold on all points iu Canada, United States and Groat Britain. FARMERS' NOTES DISCOUNTED. SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY. &MAW Hamar ON,PaVVIFINT. Interest Allowed on Ono Dollar and Upwards at Current Hates, Interest Com- pounded 'Twice a rear, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits. We effect to write Insurance in old BugHslir or Canadian Companies, or In 111171. 71411 C01111111711C8 as may be desired. ADENTS FOR CANADA AND 'UNITED STATZS TIM CANADIAN BANE or COMMERCE. eammaxee. Ewax.—In Bruseels, on the 0011 inet., the wife of Mr. Dan. Ewan of a daughter, Surret.—In Grey, on June 2411i, the wife of Mr. Amos Smith of a son. Bumsx.—In Grey, on June 25112, the wife of Mr. John Ridley of a son. Donsox.—At Fairfax, Man., on July Ord, the wife of Mr. David Dobson of a son. Z.C.A.IreRIDEZD. lIODIETTL—STARLING.--At the Methodist church, Wingham, on Jnly 6th, by Bev. S. Sallery, At A., B. D., assise- ed by Rev. 0. Pierson, of Klinbnrg, Mr. Wm. T. 3. Hoinuth, to Miss FiorilIa O., eldest daughter of Mr. F. G. Sperling, and grand -daughter of the late Lieut. -Col. Young. XmX1E1M.. COREETT.—In Belgrave, on July 2nd, Christopher Corbett, aged 82 years and 7 months. LAwRENCE.—I11 Elmo, on July 4th, Martha Lawrence, aged 78 years, 11 months and 17 days. blArNDERS,—In Legburn, England, on June 13th, Robert Blaunders, brother to Thos. Maunders, of Morris town- ship, aged 68 years. emen-e-reseees.,s zeer.A.x.c'xris, Fall Wheat 58 60 Spring Wheat 53 00 Barley 30 85 Peas 64 00 Oats 32 84 Butter, tubs and rolls10 14 Eggs per dozen 0 00 Flour per barrel 8 00 9 50 Potatoes ... 40 50 Ilay per ton ... ., 6 00 7 00 )halt per bbl., retail..,... 1 00 00 Hideo trimmed 84 Hides rough Sheep skins, oaohGO J. 00 Lamb skins each.. 05 00 Apples per bag 50 00 Wool 17 18 Pork 7 00 7 60 13Earmvnam, Ont., July 11.—There wore boarded to -day 18 factories; offering, 1,- 185 boxes white and 145 colored ; total 1,280 boxes. The following sale was made :—Iloclgeon Bros., 140 white, at 9c. Iteansome Ont., July 11,—Offerings to.clay, 2,180 boxes of Junemake. Sales, 168 boxes at 8 38.14c, 477 boxes at 9,3985 boxes at 94o. Small market of June cheese ; about all gone in this section and July'a not ready. EAST BI7PSALO, N. Y., July 11.—Oat. t le—Two cars averaging 1,170 lbs. on rale ; 44.40 to 44.45 bid, bat owners shipped them oub rather than accept the cffer. Sheep and lambs—Six care on solo a few good yearlings sold P34020 a few western sheep sold al 45 to 46,15, and medium to fair quality sheep, 44.25 to 0375; culla and common lots dull and easy ; prices with Monday ; only a few Iambs on the market that were sold; these generally went to butchers at 46.50 for the best ones. Hoge—Only 8 oars of sale hogs Caine in during.the day and 1 load of yesterday's reempte held over. There was not enough on sale to test the market. York and order buyers wanted a few decks to fill ordere, and paid 40.00 to 46.60 for tinge kind, while the packers took the heavier weights at 46.40 to 46.- 50, while the pigs on sale went in with the Yorkers ; roughs and stags un- changed. TOlioNTO, July 12.—The receipts of cattle at the local market today were moderate, but enffloient for the demand, which was poor. Prices in consequence are weak, owing to the depressed coridi. thin of British maeket. The best shippeve, which went alowly, sold at 4(0o to 44o per pound. Grass stockers are quoted at 34o to 40 per lb. The demand for butcher& cattle continues to rule slow, and the best eel' at 8.90 per lb. ; mediums tere:qnoted ab Bite to 84o, and inferior at 24e to 80. Mi/o1 cows are quoted at 480 to 445 each and calves at 44 to 410 oaob. Sheep in limited supply .to dull at 84e to 8(0o per lb. Butchers' sheep, 44 to 40 each. X.dunlas, 48.50 to 44,50 emelt. Hogs are in moderate eupply, and priori about 'steady ; the best sell at alo to 84o, the latter off care; rough and medium sell at 540 to Oo per pouud. Lognou, July 10.—The Mseek Lame Ex, press in its weekly review of the British grain trade earl ;—The Lamed began on Thursday on the Southern elope and is now in progress in Stile= It will ooiri- mono on the 17011 inot 111 pearl Of Kerit, Essex and Hampshire. On the beet IMMIIIM101.1.0••••••10=1 !ands a orop of good quality, condition and weight is expeoted, but the plant is too thin in the ground for a big yield, It is expected that (the yield generally will be 15 per cent. tinder the average. The average price of English wheat is still a king way on the wrong side of 30e. There is a prospeot of a short crop in the north, bat this has not exerted any ap- preciable influence on the market. The U.S. Government report received on Monday gives the condition of ethane at 77.7 per cent. for winter and 74.1 for spring, 2.2 points higher on winter and 12.3 lower on Spring than one month ago. Report considered bullish. Conditions were as follows in July of years named : 1081 1801 1800 1889 1885 Winter wheat— 89.0 00.2 70.2 92 75,5 Spring wheat._ 00.9 HA 01.4 02 — Guesses on 'Change as to what the Gov- ernment report would show, ranged at 74 to 76.5 per cent. on winter and 80 to 86 per cent en spring wheat, making average conditions of 75.36 and 88.58 per cent., respectively. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. MENDERS WANTED.—TEN- ...L. inns wanted for outbing about 18 sores of high land hay and the hay mop ou a Be aver Meadow. The job will be let on shares or sold out entirely, For further particulars apply 00 0000 to ADAM SO OTT, South Half Lot ate eon. 4, Morris. Farm for Salo :—The Farm, containing 100 acres, is also offered for sale, Possession could be (10(1511next Fall, Morris, June 23(13, 3018. REAL ESTATE. FARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN- inntsiatan) has several good Farms f or sale 1300 10 rent, easy terms, in Townshipe of Morris and Grey. la S. SO OTT,BrussolS. 37.01, (^1HOIOE FARM FOR SALE,— Being South 11011 Lot 27, con. 0, Morrie, 100 acres, nearly all cleared. Good buildings, line young bearing orchard. Immediate pos- session. Easy Torres, Apply to W. M. SIN ()LAIR, tf Solicitor, 40., Brussels. 2 nn ACRE FARM FOR SALE, NJ N.! ne 200 acre farm, being 1008 10 and 12, 003.1. 10, Grey, is offered for sale. 120 acres are cleared ond the balanee well tim- bered. Buildings lirst-ol ass. Orobard, well, 4.0, School house within de rads. Posses- sion given at once if desired, For further Particulars as to price, terms, &O, apply to AIRS. WALRER, 8-11 Roseville P. 0. or NELSON BRIORER, on farm, F AR111 FOR SALE.—THE UN - , Mantua= offers his splendid 125 more farm being Lot 8 30(00 10001 part Lot 0,0 on, 0, Grey, for solo. There are 100 acres cleared, balance timbered. Two dwelling houses bank barns, good orehard, well fenced, A.' never failing spring on the plane. P OROS - 0000 0(0011 may time. The subscriber also offors for 0010 03 dwelling house, stable and 5 acres of laud in the corporation of Bruesels. The Mule and garden would be rented for a Mimi; time if not sold, Hard and soft water. Pot nrioes, terms and further particulars apply to JOHN SMITE, Proprietor, '34-02 Brussels P, O. QPLENDID FARM FOR SALE, A, BEING lots 11 and12, eon. 13, Ulownablu of Grey, County of Huron, containing 200 nons, the property of the ate Iolin Robert. son, 100 acres Gloated and free from ob- structlone, 10 acres Mash, mixed timber, balance partly cleared. Soil clay loam, meetly Faoed with straight rail fences and watered by two Wells and a spring privilege, Commodious dwelling house, With large Woodshed attached and an one/lent cellar under Louse, Two large barns, stone stab/lug and other outbuild- ings. Two good nearing ea:hazels, orna• mental trees and small fruite. 4', miles from Brussels, a lively town on the t*, T. 11,, convenient to school, churehes and poet °dice, This property Boa Well, is a east - class grain and stook farm and should bo seen by intending purehasers to it is offer. oil Ota bargain. 000 further particulars apply to MRS. 1100, 01000100310013, or DANIEL ROBERTSON, on the ormilecte, or by letter to Oranbrooa P, o. 89.4 JERSEY BULL.—IN BBEED- um Mock fox the dairy it is toisentiol that you have goad nol100o,g strains. TOO da m of my regiSIOra a areey 131111 is 3(115)30 wi noes' at the Toronto rudystrial. Cosh of Service for gradeS reduced to 81.60 Whon earth. 01,4, DEADMAN,Druggist, &e. TMPROVED LARGE WHITE YORK- SHIRE BOAR, The tinder/rived Will keep for Hewett this prearmt season tho Improved large 'white yorkshire pig ''lloarly'r on lot 20, 0001, 9, Morris, 00 10)1100 a limited number of MOWS will be taken, Tonne 61,00 to be paid at time Of sorVioo. With the privilege of return' Mg 11 01060000007, Pedigree may be seen up» on appliciation, ROBRUT NiCHOL, 1601 Preprieter. • .. • • ... Pepper's Drug Store, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. RL. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, . Solicitor and Conveyancer. Collet). Mane made, 001100—Vauetoinee Moak, fires - sets IF M. SINCLAIR, y • Solicitor, Conveyancer , No tary 0111o0—Vanstono's Blook, (11101. nortb of Central Hotel, Private Funds to Loan, CIAMERON, HOLT & HOLMES, V Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, flocleziela, Ont. AL 1, 101033000, ca. cr., 110111, DUDLEY unmans, Or.F. BLAIRRI , BARSTER, • solicitor, Isa. (litto of Garrote & Proudfoot's 00110 0, (Oorlorich.) Wilco oyer GO li es 11 Smith's Rank, 13 russels. Money to Loan. .17 AUCTIONEERS. A RAYMANN, • Auctioneer, le always ready to at- tend sales of farms, farm stock, 40. Terms cheerfully given. 0raabroj P . 0. Sales may be arranged at Tun Pews Publishing House, Brussels, GEORGE KIRKBY, Lieeneed Auctioneer. Sales condttot ed on reasonable terms. Parma and laron stook a speeialby. Orders left at Tan Pow Publishing House,Brussels, or senbto Walton P. 0.1(1111 receive prompt attention, HAVING TAKEN OUT LICEN- en as an Auctioneer, I am prepared to conduct sales of farm stook at reasonable prices. 'Snowing the standing of nearly every memo I am in a position to sell to EOM Marks and get good security when Sold on credit. Satisfaotion guaranteed. Give 2)103 oall. 82- 10 3. SOOTT, BUSINESS CARDS. 01 01 H. MoCRAOKEN, /sourer of alarriageLioenses. Mee Gr000ry, Turnberry street, Brussels. 11Q N. BARRETT, _L. Mar TO2250rita Artist. Shop—Next door south of A, 01. McKay As Co's hardware store. Ladies' and childrens hair cutting It specialty frIoNAIR, ..4A- • IFIBUTOT of Marriage Licenses, by appointment of LieuVioverner, Commis. stoner, 40., Q. B. Conveyancer and Agent Flo Insuramo 00. (Moe at the Oranbrook Post °Moe. ROBERT OUNINiNGHAM= INSTMANGE, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. HUNTER, moot of the Fourth Division Court Co, Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds invested and to loan. Oolleetions made. 01000 111 Graham's Block, Brussels. OIL PAINTING, IL Miss Mertes, of Viringbam, is prepared to give instruction 10 oil nainting. Terms maybe aseertaised at Wes Nellie Ross' store where samples of work may be seen. Miss Morios would also take a few Inoro (10(1310 10 1010010, m A. HAWKINS, . Organist in St, johnei Church, Brus- sels, and pupil, in the Art of :Teaohing, of A. W, Thayer, Sans. Dom, New Yorlr, will give lessons to pupils either at 3,00, Halliday's, oor. Bing and Jelin Sts., or if preferred, at their own homes. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at Walton. Terms moderate. VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, 2) • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated animals in a com- petent manner. Particular attention paid to veterinary dentist% Cells promptly at- tended to. °Moe and firmary—Two doors\ north of britlgo 'numb erry 05,, Brussels, MEDICAL CARDS. A. MoNAIIGHTON, M, D. • 0, AL, R. 0,P., Edinburgh, kr, 0, P 8, Ont. Residence and oilloo in Wilson' Bloolt, corner DS Moll and Turnberry :eta DENTAL. 10)1311 IN rie M. CAVANAGH, D. S., D. D. Se Graduate of the Royal. College of Dental Sergoons, Ontario, and of ',reroute Uni- versity. Orman—Over A. It, Sith'S Store Brussels, INfoLEOD'S Byvtem lionovatov —ARO 0011010— TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness Palpata- tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Nour• algia, Loos of Memory, Bronehitio, Con- sumption, Gall Stones', Jaundice, Kidney and Ueinary Ditionsee, St. Vitt& Dance, Female Irregularities and Geoatal De- bility, LABORATORY GODERICH, ONT. J. U. Itc1A0D, Peep. and Manufacterer. Sold by 3,7, rivrint, Druggist, Btheeele,