HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-7-14, Page 5JULY 14, 1893
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We announce, commencing TO -MORROW MORNING, a Sale of such Magnitude, of such Merit, so •
surprising in Price, so generous in its offerings -that it cannot fail to crowd our store with eager buyers -to add another victory to our conquests in
Merchandising. Conte one, conte all, and reap the benefit of this Harvest of Bargains.
Hundreds of things not on this List at Correspondingly LOW PRICES.
Lot 1. 200 yards 24 inch Silk and
Wool Plaids -the kind you have paid 35c. for -they go
at 19c.
Lot• 2. 500 yards 42 inch all wool
French Serge, not hall wool but all wool, good shades,
at 25c., worth 35c.
Lot 3. 340 yards 44 inch all wool
English Tweed, note double width tweed all wool, worth
50c., our challenge Price 25c.
Lot 4. 220 yards 44 inch all wool
Plaids in Grey, Black and White only. Gooch value at
60c., our Sale Price 27c.
Lot 5. 525 yards 46 inch all wool
Henrietta Cloth -Note particularly the width, 46 inches
-at 36c., regular price 50c.
Lot 6. 348 yards 46 inch all wool
Henrietta Serge, 7 shades and black, at 35c., worth 600.
Lot' 7. 249 yards very fine Bed-
ford Corcl, 5 shades, same cloth sold last season at 75c.,
going this week at 87e.
Lot 8. 486 yards 47 inch Silk Fin-
ish All Wool Henrietta, every desirable shade, at 50c.,
worth 70e.
Lot 9. 220 yards Finest Quality
Bedford Cord, desirable shades, worth 85e,, going at 49c.
Youths' Department.
Youths' All Wool 2 Piece Suits -
Good Value at $2 25 our
2 75
3 25
3 50
8 75
4 50
Price $1 75
1 90
2 15
2 40
2 65
2 90
i`3 25
Boys' Department.
Boys' All Wool 3 Piece Suits -
Good Value at $8 75 our
4 25
4 75
6 25
Price $2 75
3 00
3 50
4 75
2000 yards best 33 inch Prints, guaranteed Fast Colors, always sold at 12 1-2c., our
Challenge Price, 10 1-20.
1000 yards best 30 inch Print at 8 1-2c., our regular 10c. goods.
Mark these Facts : ilighest in Quality, Lowest in Prioe, Comparison has proven it.
Butter and eggs taken as Cash,
The fat
last weal
Rev. T.
Mrs. A
to visit 0e
Wm. R
West this
dull out t
Ethel yet
W. P.
& McOul1
written 1
New b
$10,000 t
of Court
James H
ray ; F.
Roar ; S
Smith ;
Wm. Be
in Sarnia
Last `3
and Oran
out in fill
The ra'
eels, was
said to bE
. into life i
and Oran
The ne
John a
&lying a
Mrs. S
are visits
is home F
visiting e
Mrs, W
visiting a
A num
Oxange tv
The pi
grove on
decided e
Mrs. S
this weel
where to
Geo. McElroy, of 4voodstoak, is visit.
ing tinder the parental roof these days.
On Sunday evening the members of L.
0 L No. 003, to the number of forty,
marched from their hall bo Trinity
church whore they took possession of
seats reserved for them to heara special
Berman preached to them by their Bro.
Rev. T. L. Higley. After the usual
prayers the rev. gentleman book for his
subject let epistle St, Peter,•2 chap., 17
verse, from which he preached a power-
ful and thoughtful discourse, vividly
showing them their duties towards God
and man. The church was crowded to
the doors.
7R1LLovsLi oe.
Bismarck Timmins is bo n
bif holidays.
W. Stewart, from Peal, is
unole, A. Bruce.
puss Aggie Herbert is visit
Garter in Brussels.
Dir. Farrow, sr. is visiting
Guelph and at Brussels.
I.1 ing, school teacher, is s
vacation with his parents,
Mrs. R. W. Bosnian and
Pring have been on the sick
DI. Y. Farrow, of winnip
newing old aoquaintanoes he
The lawn social at Mr. Le
week was quite a Buccae
Eddie Bailey and Walk
home from Listowel High
their holidays.
Win. Lithgov, late Libra
FVingham Mechanics' Inst
taken up his residence in BM
Timmins and wife left
day morning of last week for
Ohio, where they will attend
anon convention, and will of
Cleveland and then take in l t
Fair at Chicago.
niers are busy haying.
nue returned from Muskoka
Thompson, wife and child are
ab Mrs. Jae. Spencers, Mrs.
n's mother,
Paterson and A. Paterson, of
th, left for Manitoba Tuesday
'olives and friends.
outlet' returned from the far
weak. He reports times very
here. There is no place like
Mr. and airs. Stevens are visiting in
Rev. and Dire. Moorhouse Etre renewing
old acquaintances in Gerrie.
Mrs. J. Armstrong and Master ,Vernon
are visiting relatives in Luaknow•
Dr. Thompson, of St. Diary's, is a
guest at the Methodist parsonage.
Pathmaster Greer has been renovating
the sidewalks and improving our streets.
Tenders are asked for the laying of
sidewalk and fencing around the Mahe,
dist church.
Burgh's tinole Tom's Cabin troupe
visited our town this week and gave
some excellent music.
Revival services are being concludes}
in the E tBoc al church this week b
p p y
Rev. Mr. Moorehouse.Jas•
The Ladies' Aid of the German Luther-
an ohuroh will hold a fair on the 20th
B. F. Brootchas let the contract for
heating his residence by hot water to
Bonnet & Bowyer.
Galt, champions of Ontario, vs. Listo.
Wel, champions of Maitland District,
will play a match on the Rink Park, Fri-
day, July 14th, at 2:30 p. m.
John Ballard has a couple of Duchess
of Oldenburg apple trees for early apples
both bearing the same year and the year
following he would have no early fruit.
Last Spring ho thought be would try an
experiment and out all the blossoms off
one tree. This tree this year is loaded
with fruit while the other one has practi-
Dally none.
Messrs. Breibhaupb are busy putting
the vats and working department of
their tannery in shape. They have placed
in position a new 23 h. p. boiler made by
Goldie & MoOullooh, Galt. They have
nob yet let the oontraot for the dry house
but the work will be pushed forward at
ones, either contract or day work, so as
to be ready by Sept. lst. They are
stocking up with tanbark to be ready for
the future.
.A .tweed.
Forrest has sub a fins new Goldie
ooh safe into his mill office,
pupils from our school have
or entrance to the High school.
estimated to Dost from
o $12,000 are under way at
ng are the newly elected officers
Atwood, No. 782, I. O. F. :-0.
R., 'J. L. Mader ; O. R., W.
1'. 0. R., S. Holmes ; Chap.,
tuna ; Treas., W. R. Humph•
1 A. Di. Sweeten ; R. S„ H. Y.
W., Wm. Morrison ; J. W., H.
B., Jno. Outhbertson ; J. B„
J. L. Mader was elected
the High Court, which meets
on the 20th August next.
Hay is a great orop in Morris.
Raspberries are coming to the front.
Miss Lily Mooney is visiting friends
near Seaforth,
Brussels sports pay close attention to
our trout creeks.
Several new bridges are being built this
Summer. They are badly needed.
frank DicOhteheon is having his barn
enlarged this Summer. It will be a corn.
medicine structure when completed.
There was a general turn out of
Orangemen and their families to Blyth
on Wednesday, the ever memorable 12th.
Drnn.-On June 13th Robb. Maunders,
only brother of Thomas Maunders, of
this township, passed away to his re-
ward, at his home in Legburn, England,
aged 58 years. He had only been ill for
a abort time bub during his sickness he
comforted his wife and children in the
faot tbab by and bye there would boa re.
union of loved ones on the golden shore.
The deceased was never in Canada and
it is upwards of 80 years since Mr.
Maunders saw him. He was a sterling
man beloved by all who knew him.
Howard Snell left for the
with another oar load of hors
part of the week.
Mrs. Thos. Gibson, jr„ ha
Toronto to Spend a tow week
sister, Mre. T. W. Gibson.
W. R. Thompson, of Tees'
here on Saturday last shippin
hardwood lumber to one of tb
furniture factories.
Bread famines are not u
Wroxeter in spite of the fag
has four sources of supply,
express from Harriston ;
visitation of the Garvie ba
made, and the town bake
could not be had for love nor
clay this week.
Two years ago this Summer
rived ou a visit to an tulle
the fair daughters of "Auld S
soon the pleasing and engagi
of this "maid o' the heather'
tell on the hearts of our
chivalrous young men. The
preaches were not displeasing
been attested by the recent
to the "old sod" of the luoki
them all -Jack Sanderso
purpose of bringing her back
ocean, May the union be a
though in the meantime it
demoralizing play for the "II
Sad indeed was the ac
resulted in the death of lit
Muir on .1.'uesday evening 15e
into all the nooks and corn
house, as every child will do,
thing gob hold of n bean and i
put it iu it's mouth, Lodg
windpipe, choking ensued, f
death, before the mother,
hili fright, could get amigo,
Muir has the sympathy of
community ab this pooulia
W til ton.
aid Bros. are making large
�s of lumber from Brussels
'ednesday the Lady True Blues
gemen of this locality turned
1 force to the celebration ab
moue that Ino. Shaw, of Bros.
likely to take Walton sohool, is
i incorrect as he intends going
nsuranoe business it is said.
afternoon Rev, W. G. Reilly
an excellent sermon, in Bt.
church, to the Lady True Blues
gemen. There was a large at.
A number of visitors from
and other places wore also
Grew*. v.
A great many of the farmers are busy
Mrs, Wm. Campbell, 8rd con„ con,
binues quite poorly,
Between haying and hoed grope the
farmer is kept hustling.
Miss Bertha Ball is hone for a few
weeks holidays from Toronto.
Miss Rebecoa McNair has returned
home from Seaforth Collegiate Instituto.
Hay is a splendid crop this year and
will run three tons to the acre in many
J. L. Hogg, a former teacher in S. S.
No. 8, was renewing old aoquaintanoes
last week. He's 5 clever young man and
[should make his mark in the profession.
airs, Bow, Brown has been suffering
for some weeks with her right hand up-
on which was an abscess, She had it
!snood three or four Gimes and it is hoped
ib will soon be better now,
A large barn was rais08 on the farm
of James McNair, 14th con„ on Friday of
last week. It has stone stabling under•
Heath, When the barn is completed the
owner will find ib both comfortable and
' convenient.
The Steel Range agents are making a
complete canvas of this township nod
are disposing of a large number of these
ltonsehold artiotee. They aro shrewd
bilerness 11150, thoroughly understanding
their work,
Miss Annie Hamilton returned from
Toronto on Monday.
Charles Shane returned to town froin
Petrolia on Saturday,
Miss Annie Walker returned hom0
from Petrone. on Saturday.'
The Salvation Army gave a dinner to
the hungry ones on the twelfth,
Rev. T.11, and Mrs. Higley returned
on Friday from their visit among friends
in Hanover.
Will Sims, who has been on the sick
list for sometime past, is nab improving
as rapidly as his many friends wish.
On Monday poet Sellars oonatruoted a
booth at the end of MoRinuou 8 clo.'s
store, for the purpose of making a few
"bamboos" en the twelfth, he having got
permission from Councillor MoGee anti
Reeve Yonag. Constable Davis, under
the bylaw, tore it down. In the evening
a meeting was hold in Industry hall by
the Council Mottle the gaestion as to
whether he was justified in tieing his
authority in molt a manner. After the
members had talked tine matter over
they came to the eonclnsien that there
was no obstruction end that Constable
Davis exceeded his duty,
w bridge will soon be completed.
id Miss Lizzie MORae are holt-
mitt and children, of. Stratford,
ng friends here.
of Galt High School,
or his holidays.
Blair, of Grand Bond, is
t Mrs. Ritehie's.
m, Malty and Lizzie were
t Godsriob last week.
Use of our villagers attended the
alk at Blyth this week.
McNair is home for
Eroin Godorioll Collegiate Lt-
omio hold in Mrs. Brown's
Thursday of lash week wag a
and Miss Annie loft
on a trip to the Northwest,
will visit among friends for a
David Owens Elliott, son
',Elliott, formerly of Goderloh
was killed in Michigan the
lie worked in the limber wo.
lob of logs rolled over him aY
man, killing both instantly,
aged about 40,
m0 enjoying
visiting his
ing Miss S.
friends near
pending his
Rev. J. W.
,g, was ra-
re last week.
Lea thorn's last
5. Proceeds
Walk, • Ard are
school for
rfan of the
itute, has
on liatnr-
a temper -
friends in
115 World's
s the early
e gone to
s with her
eater, was
g a oar of
5 Wingbem
ncommon in
t that she
namely, by
tri -weekly
kor ; home.
bake] Bread
money one
r there n-
em one of
ootia" and
ng manner
began to
gallant and
at their ap•
to her has
eat one of
u -for the
ae•055 the
happy one,
is rather a
oident that
lit' Georgie
b. Prying
erg of the
the little
ing in the
ollowed by
now frantic
Ice. Mrs.
the entire
sly trying
of Robert
to wnship,
other day,
Ids and a
td another
He was
!bou111 II'OII Ens Comm
TiOrekvaiNSTO. ON'
Luasi, ONxb010, Jnne 10th, 1808.
we regret to note the fact that the Superintendent and Salesmen of the Wrought
Iion Range Co., of Toronto, Ont., who have been associated with us for the past
three months, are soon to depart to new Heide of labor, These gentlemen came
among us as strangers, and we are pleased to say that the business has been conduct,
ed here in a manner worthy of the respect and patronage of any community. Whilo
at this point they have clone an extensive business, having sold several car loads of
ranges, and so far as we eau ascertain, have given entire satiefaoticn.q ,.
while we regret their departure, we wish thein suooess and clan heartily recon•
mead them to any community in which they may oast their lot.
R. C J. Fox, Bankers ; W. R. Stanley, Hardware 1 W, d O.
Stanley, Merchants; W. Porte, P.M.; MoOash Bros., lfercliants;
Suwon- 3. R. Macomb, Hardware ; Alex, MoFalls, Central Hotel ; IL
Collins & Son, Sbovee and Tinware ; 1Vm. Read, Livery and Ex.
change ; R. S, Hodgins ; Jae, Sadlisr, G.'.t, Ti. Agent ; T. J.
Hodgins, Produce Dealer ; Chris, Folgens,
Wu, the undersigned, have purchased of the salesmen of the Wrought Iron
Range Co., a "Hums Comfort" cooking range, and are pleased to say it gives entire
satisfaction. It bakes quiche and burns much less fuel than any other stove or
range we ever med. Any one wishing eau refer to ns, This certificate you may use
as you see proper. The following recommendations from Middlesex Comity :--
Jamee Hodgins, Liman ; Wm. Hedging, Luoaii ;Sarni. Sicily, Olandeboye ; Wm
Simpson, Olandsboyo ; win, Northgraves, Olandeboys ; Thos, Ilenssla, Whalen;
Win. NeOlurg, Lobo ; J. B. Pethsram, Dunorief ; Silas Ravitz, East Williatns;
John Matey, East Williams ; H. G. Taker, Mt. Carmel ; Wm. Lewis, Brindeloy;
John O'Hara, West MoGillivary ; Wm, Lewis, Maguire ; Nevin Loa, Leiara ; Wm
Young, Heim ; Richard Ssllare, 101110a ; Andrew Paxton, Leinra ; Norman FisL,
Arca ; Jas. Oarmtohael, Arm • Nail Stewart, Denfield ; Chas, Robson, Ilderton
Jelin Robson, Vannecic. Also the following from Perth County :--John Mellueight,
St. Marys ; Richard Wilson, St. Marys ; N. J, Vernon, St. Marys. ,,