HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-7-14, Page 3JuLY 14, 1893
.std".Cts �CI�ll
••. .. ...111116:1t.>u,tr W.
E. Bower got three of his Angora badly
out by the shingle maobine at the sale
mill on the 12th oou. of Ashfield,
The Luoknow Orangemen attended
the Methodist obnroh on Sunday morn-
ing at 11 o'oloolc, when the pastor of the
thumb, Rev. John Mills, preaohed to
TliO joint committee of the several
sooietiee of Luoknow, have appointed
Friday, July 21st, a day to be net apart
for dpooration of the graves of members
of societies or their families buried in the
cemetery e. Luoknow.
Thee. Nash, er., picked in his garden
a ripe strawberry which measured 41i
inches in circumference.
Wm. Oliphant, the veteran painter
of this village, wee engaged to paint
deooratione for tho Mt, Forest celebration
on July 12th.
James Leech, who has been ooniined to
the house with illness for the past few
weeks, has so far recovered as to be able
to be on the etreete again.
A song service and entertainment will
be given on friday evening, July 14th, in
the Methodist ahnroh, Gerrie, under the
auspices of the Epworth League.
John Renwick, of the 18th con., How.
iok, raised a barn on hie premises which
will eclipse anything previously erected.
The size of the barn lo 70x186 feet, with
stone stables underneath.
Rev. J. II. Moorhouee ie conducting a
aeries of evangelistic services in St.
Stephen's ohuroh, They began last
Sunday and will oontinue for two weeks,
service each day at 7:45 p. m., also a
Bible rending and short 'address on the
New Birth and Christian life each day
at 3 o'clock p. m.
For the half-year ending June 80th,
there were registered with the town olerk
24 births, 10 marriages and 20 deaths.
W. Robinson, of the Huron road, had
10 acres of hay out that was likely to
spoil if not attended to, and on Tuesday
about 20 of the farmers near by kindly
turned in and saved it for him.
At Victoria, B. 0., W. Grigg, a former
member of the Clinton Gun Club, cover.
ed himself with glory and honor by
winning the highest prize of the list,
"The Globe trophy." This is deeoribed
by a Victoria paper as a "gold trophy,
with diamond setting, presented by the
Morning Globe, Tacoma, and valued at
The pipe organ for Rattenbnry street
Methodist ohuroh arrived here and has
been put in place; the choir Loft has
been extended out into the ohuroh five
feet more to accommodate it. The
manufacturer claims that it is a superb
instrument in every respeot and it will
be ready for use by the 16th inst., on
whiolt occasion it will be used in the
thumb eervioes.
Gr o d e raoh.
It is reported that there will be a large
bi0yole tournament held here in August.
Contractor Kidd completed the bathing
house on the beaoh in time for use on lst
of July.
His Honor Judge Johnston, of Sault
Ste. Marie, is visiting old friends in
Godorioh and vicinity.
Eureka Council Royal Templare of
Temperance, Goderioh, will hold their
annual pia-nie on Friday afternoon, 14th
July, at Swaffteld's grove.
During the months of July and August
the law offices in town will be olosod at
1 o'olook p. m. on Saturdays and at 6 p.
m. the remaining days of the week,
St. George's ohuroh has recently under-
gone very marked improvements, whioh
refleot great credit on the congregation
and add to the comfort and beauty of the
snored edifice.
Gardener Wells is raising lettuoe this
season, single heads of which measure 18
to 20 inches in diameter and 0 inches
high and they are ascender and oriep as
they are large.
A cow belonging to Ise. Watson fell
down a well in rear of Yates' hardware
store last week, taking the pump with
her. She was badly jammed and it took
a dozen rnen nearly an hour to get her
up, a good deal the worse for her novel
The town authorities have engaged a
man to look after lawn sprinklers which
are running irregularly and contrary to
rules and as soon as a sufficient number
of names are obtained the owners will be
summoned before the mayor for violation
of the by.law.
The Grand Lodge of A. F c4 A M.,
which opens at Ottawa on the 19th inst.,
will be attended from hero by D. D. G.
M. Beek and W. M. Robert Park. Tright
Ex -Comp. 0. A. Humber, Grand Supt.
of the R. A. M. in this Dietriot, and 17m.
Preceptor Dr. Nioholson, will also attohd
the meetinge of the Grand Chapter and
the Great Priory.
Mies Esther Robertson, a member of
the S. A., while driving out on the Huron
Road, oolleoting for the banquet, met
with a serious aoeident by being thrown
from the vehiole, on account of the horse
booking into the ditch at the aide of the
road. Her collar bone wag fractured, but
she is in a fair way to recovery now.
Miss Macdougall was with her at the
time and was also thrown out, lint for-
tunately escaped with a few slight
GGoneral News.
Mining in Conr d' Aiene, Washington,
le practically suspended.
President Cleveland has called Con-
gress to meet in extra session on August
Twelve different kinds of theology are
preached in four languages in the eight
aburcbot at Wnhoo, Neb.
One.fifth of the total resident popula.,
tion of Denver is oomposed of people who
went therefor their health's sake.
In Manchuria dogs are reload for their
skins. A fairly prosperous Manchurian
farmer will own 1,000 or morn dogs.
Ex•Presidont Harrison says one 00050
OE the financial depreseion is that the
people who are making money are hoard-
ing it.
There ie an old gentleman living at
Amhoret Shore, N. S., who has 25 ohild•
ren, The eldest is 55 years of age and
the youngest 5 months,
Wm. Pinkey and Dau Barber, both
colored, •were hanged ab Marlboro, Md.,
oh Friday, for the murder on Palm Sao -
day last of Freddie M, 13owio.
Mr. Gladden° sprained his ankle on
Sunday while dosoeuding n etairoase,
Mre. Cleveland's St. ,liornard dog Kuy
is dead, An autopsy developed the fact
that death was duo to heart failure.
Arnold Scott, of Dornardstan, Mase.,
is a blind letter carrier, He lost hie
eight 46 years ego, He rarely makes a
mistake In the delivering of lettere.
Min. Osborne, landlady of the Gros-
venor house, at Jonesville, was trying the
other day to kill carpet bugs with gage.
line aftd turpentine, which ignited from
a lamp in the room and set the place on
Are, Mrs. Osborne lost some of her
bangs and the other damage amounted to
Rev. Dr. Barratt, of Bands county,
Ga„ who had charge of three Baptist
churches, has been arrested obarged with
"moonehitting." When the officers went
to arrest him they found him at hie re.
lfgfone work and oonsiderately waited for
him to get through hie devotions. Three
gallons of fresh "budge" were found in
his house and hie still was found secreted
into. cornfield,
A miloti cow race will start from the
public square in the town of Tyler, in
Eastern Texas, the home of Governor
]Nogg, and the abiding plaoe of numerous
other Texas statesmen, on July 26th, ab
7 O'clock. Clyde Seaberg offers a purse
of $6,000 for the winner and $1,000 for
s000nd place. Allherds will be allowed
to enter provided they are four years old
or over. Each person on entering a sow
for the race will be furnished a two.
wheeled gig, set of oow harness, one
churn, one hundred pounds of meal, fifty
pounds of bacon, ton pounds of ooffee and
cooking utensils, with which to prepare
their food. Drivers will be allowed to
consume all the milk and butter they
desire for their own personal wants
en route, Tho cows are to bo driven 12
hours a day, allowing one hour for din-
ner, and churning is to be permitted
while travelling or at stops. The oow
arriving at the World's Fair first, with
not less than fifty pounds of butter to
her credit, made en route, will receive
first money. The cow having the largest
amount of butter to her credit and ar-
riving within one week or less of the
winner will receive second money.
Drivers are not allowed to walk, but
must ride in the gig provided for them.
So far six entries have been made.
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 6 Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Cleric, Brussels.
Practical Watc72,7aaaker
and Jeweler.
Thanking the public for past favors and
support and wishing still to secure
your patronage, we are opening
ant Full Lines in
Silver Plated Ware
from Established and Reliable Makers
fully warranted by us.
Clocks of the
Latest Designs
tErAleo a Full Line of 'Promise and
Violin Strings, 40., in stock.
N. N.—Usurer ernarringo Licenses.
T. -Fletcher, - Brussels.
For Ser', t fula
"After suffering for twenty 1Iva years
from scrofulous sores an the lap and arms,
trying various medical courses w,dtout benefit,
I began to use Ayer's Sets/Teri/la, and n
wonderful cure wnstbo result Vivo bottles
sufficed to restore me to hcnith—Sonifacia
Lopez, gaff Lr. Cammcrce at., Sun Antonio,
Cat :'. rrh
"My daughter was afflicted for nearly n year
with catarrh. The plrysicituts being =this to
help her, my pastor recommended A;cr's
Sarsaparilla. I followed his advice, 'I11Ne
months of regular treatment with Ayers
Sarsaparilla and Ayers Pills completely
restored my daughter s balth."•—lira, Louise
Riollc, Little Canada, Ware, Mass,
h um tism
"Por several years, I mons troubled with
inflammatory rheumatism, being so bad nt
butes an to be entirely Itclploss Pin the Inst
two years, whenever I felt the effectsnl• the
disease. l begun to take Aye a S usaparilla,
and hope not hitch a npcll for a long tura."—
E. T. kfansbroegh, tilt Run, Vit.
For all blood diseases, the
best remedy is
Prepared h D,. J. C Aycr C Co Lowell, Maes.
Sold by all 1)ruggbtc, Price $s , ah bottles, $5.
Cures others, will cure you
House, Sign, Carriage and Ornamental Painter.
1 yac
Not simply hide bare walls, As discordant strains of music aro to
the oar, 6n is OM aye bri'wed by cut-of-liarinony paper on the walls.
If you look to cheapness alone you might as well cover your
plaster with penny-a-clozon newspapers. But if you appreciate real
beauty you should consider many things in purchasing papers—the
location, light and woodwork of the room, etc,
Our stook includes something especially adapted to every room
—more colors and patterns than any other wall paper store in
the tonin. Our Good Papers cost you no more than the poor ones
others sell..
Call and see our thousand -and -one styles. Persons thoroughly
versed in Wall Paper will wait upon you and aid you in making
We hang paper in a first-class manner and are prepared to ex-
ecute the best kind of decorations.
WINDOW BLINDS.—I have an elegant stock of Window
Blinds, well assorted, that will only need to bo soon to be appreci-
ated. They may be had either trimmed or plain by the yard.
S� 1-411_,S.
Grand Opening Sale on Friday and Saturday
and Following Days.
We have been for several days opening up the finestastock of
New Goods ever displayed in Brussels. We invite you to visit our More and we will
offer you such bargains as will make our Opening Salo memorable and the New
Cheap Store famous in Brussels.
The Now Goods at the New cheap Store consist of Ladies', Misses' and Child-
ren's Fine Boots, Shoes and Slippers in all the new colors and materials Gentle-
men'e Fine Lased Balmorals, Congress, Gaiters and Oxfords in Dongola Kid, Con
doyen and Calf. Working Shoes for Farmers and Mechanics—Strong, neat, durable
and cheap. Boys' and Girls' School Boots very Cheap. Our Boot and Shoe etook
is well worth the attention of all intending purchasers.
Chinaware, Crockery and Glassware in Tea Sete, Dinner Sets, Toilet Sete,
Water Sets, Lemonade Sets, Fancy China Plates, Cups and Saucers. Fanny
Cheesers, Goblets, Lamps, 40. Don't fail to see our Handsome Goblets at 50. each,
in fact don't fail to inepeet this elegant stock of China, Crockery and Glassware.
MRS. TUFTS, Manager.
ron CASH
Or in Exchange for Goods.
The Highest Market Price will be Allowed.
We have a Fine A.ssortmei t of
Tweeds, Cottons, Flannels, Cash-
meres, Blan.ets, Sheet-
ing, Knitted Goods,
, Yarns, 8&c.
All Wool left with ns for manufacturing, whether rolls or
otherwise, will have our prompt attention,
HOWE 8 Co.
Highest Price Paid
Cash or Trade
.,.....AT r.111-11711
List1"h i ,��yi �;
��ll t y,l lir:
U. "_LOW0.144 iP
Wish .to remind the public that they still want more Wool and
that they have on hand for this season's trade the
Biggest Stook of Woolen U'ooc1,5
Ever shown by any other Factory in Ontario, which they will ev-
change for wool at prices which will Astonish Everybody.
It will pay you to come and see our Tremendous Stock which is
Opened For Inspection,
Come and Satisfy yourself before disposing of your Wool elsewhere.
.Do not t0rget to secure for your wife one of OUT'
Fine Wool Scotch Skirts.
(NOTICE. --Do not be led away by shoddy pedcllars and
others travelling through the country. We clo not employ any such
men. But come direct to our factory and by Fair Dealing we Nape'.;
to gain your support and confidence.
We Guarantee First-class Work in Roll Caroling,
Spinning and Manufacturing.
P. S.—Parties from a distance can rely on getting their Toll;'
Carding back with them the same day and they will find us ready
to give the most prompt and careful attention to all.
m aFx,':4' a Wig, Lei] �
y' a a
Gallery 0ve11 Siamlaril Bain.
Salesmen are wanted to represent us in the stile of as
Choice line of
Hardy Canadian Grown Stock.
Experience not necessary. We want real workers and to all sucb
we offer a permanent situation at a good income with chance of ad-
vancement. As we now have over 700 acres under cultivation we
eau give our salesmen many superior advantages. We also 'desire
to secure a good man in your district to sell the
For which we have the General Agency. This is something, new
and indispensable to the farmer or fruit grower. Send for terms
and testimonial circular.
48.8 TORONTO, OfiTAIixO,