HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-7-7, Page 6THE BRUSSELS POST
JuLI 7, 1893
Means Impoverished Blood, Disordered Liver and Stomach, Clogged Kidneys. Your Remedy is
LI "kl E
Makes the Blood Pure and the Nerves Strong, Rouses the Sluggish Liver and Stimulates the Kidneys.
TT IS ADMITTED that everybody should take a Spring Medicine, The question then is ; "What is the proper Medicine to take ?" If nature is not in error—and we
believe it is not --then the proper medicine- for a thorough purification of the• system must be such a one as will combine Cleaning, Regulating, Toning and Stimulating properties
—snore especially after a long and trying winter like the one just passed.
11IEI:Bl AY'S KIDNEY AND LIVER CURE is especially compounded for a perfect Spring Medicine, and there is no preparation before the public as skilfully combined aucl so well fitted for
a searching renovation and a powerful invigorating of the system. Where other remedies fail, 11E1r1BItAk S KIDNEY ASD LIVER CUBE goes "right to the spot" and brings relief.
READ THE FOLLOWING NEW TESTIMONIALS :—A11 manner of people have sent testimonials to the virtues of this compound, many well-known, very many unknown,
men and women, old and young, it has made them well :—
Bad shoots,
;'pick Headache,
Disordered Liver,
Pains in the Back,
Robes hronl indigestion.
TORONTO, April 10th, 1898.
I hereby certify that the Peter-
borough Medicine Company(lim-
itecl) are at liberty to use my
name iu testimony of the bene-
ficial results I have obtained from
using Membray's Kidney and
Liver Cure, as I havo used it for
a bad attack of indigestion, and
got relief after using half a
bottle. 1\I. M. VARDON.
One Bottle Cured.
OTONABFie, Nov. Brd, 1892.
I feel so grateful for the
prompt relief which I have ex-
perienced from the use of Mem-
bray's Kidney and Liver Cure,
that I wish to give public expres-
sion to my thankfulness, I suf-
fered intensely from pain in the
back, caused by kidney derange-
ment, so much so that I was - un-
able to attend to my duties.
After using one bottle I was
cured, and able to attend to my
work as well as ever.
Davin EssoN.
the rich and the poor,
Cured After Doctoring Three Years.
PBTBRDORouGF1, Aug. 19, '92.
This is to certify that the Peter-
borough Medicine'Co. can publish
my name as a testimony to Mem-
bray's Kidney and Liver Cure,
which cured me of Dyspepsia
after using one bottle. Was
troubled throe years and doctor•
ed most of the time for it.
111 For a Long Time.
No one has better reason to be
grateful for Membray's Kidney
and Liver Cure than I have. I
was ill for a long time under the
doctor's care. I was tortured
with Muscular Rheumatism, Dis-
ordered Kidneys and General De-
bility. I was losing flesh. rapid-
ly—had gone clown from 180 to
180 lbs—ants was bedfast for
months. If you have been there
before, you know how little there
was in life for mo, and when I
was asked to try Membray's Cure,
how hopeless I was. I used two
bottles only, ($2,) and at the end
of that timo had risen from a sick
bets, regained my appetite, was
relieved from all pain, put on now
flesh, and am now attending to
business as well as ever. Write
mo if you want further particulars
about Membray's Kidney and
Liver Cure. D. WATDn8,
Merchant, Campbellford.
Another Yofcc Flout Smith.
SMITH, July 7th, 1892.
I was troubled with a nasty pain
in the back and shoulders for a
long time, and tried several reme-
dies without getting any relief.
I thought at first it might be my
lungs, as the cloctor's say such
pains are symptoms of lung
trouble coming on, but I was in-
duced to try a bottle. of Ifni -
bray's Kidney and Livor Cure,
and after taking the second • dose
I was surprised to find the pains
all leaving me. It acted like
magic. 1 never know anything
that acted so quick on man or
beast before.
S. NienoLns, Lot 27, Con. 15.
A Well Known Man Fpeeh.s.
SMITH, April 80th,1892.
This is to certify that Mem-
bray's KicIuoy and Liver Cure has
given me great reliof for Ileacl-
ache, Kidney and Stomach
troubles. I thought I was get-
ting incurable, as I had doctored
a groat deal, and was becoming
very discouraged. After I had
used part of a bottle of Membray's
Kidney and Liver Cure, I began
to experience improvement, and
took fresh courage, Tho relief
was prompt and permanent, and
I am very great grateful for tlio
good it has done. So thankful
I am that now I want to let my
neighbors know about it, that
others may be cured as well as
Kidney, Bladder and Indige5Ltou.
HAMILTON, Feb. 8th, 1898.
I hereby certify that you can
use my name in testimony of the
beneficial results obtained from
using Membray's Kidney and
Liver Cure. J. II. W LLouGn3Y. I
'WILL cu:a
Diseased Kidneys,
Bladder Troubles,
Sallow Complexion,
General Debility,
Loss of Appetite,
Sour Stomach,
Be happy l Don't let yourself run down—Purify the System—Enrich the Blood—Tone up the Nerves—Improve the Appetite—and keep the Stomach and Liver iu good order by the ;judicious
Membray's Kidney and Liver Cure—and you may defy Cholera, LaGrippe, Malaria, and all other ills that flesh is Heir to.
Sold by all Druggists and Medicine Dealers Price $,1.00 Per Bottle. Accept no substitute. This Remedy has no Equal.
Manufactured by Membray Medicine Company of Peterborough (Limited)
ISIS S alvlsh IV's .tndrom—The State or Y1µ:
The Synod of Huron met in the new
chapter house, London, Tuesday after-
noon, June 20th. His Lordship's ad.
dress was one. of tho=o eloquent and
inspiring utterances for which he is
noted. He dwelt chiefly on the scenes
be had lately visited, stating that they
all tended to strengthen his faith in the
scriptures. Ho was thankful that in all
his travels he and his wife and family
bad been blessed and protected. The
greater part of the address was on the
subject of divine guidance in darkness
and light.
The Finance committee'sreport was
considered at the evening session. The
total collections for the year amounted
to 021,448.88. The Parochial association
collections were 05,105.00. Colleotious
for the clergy maintenance and mission
fund aggregated 03,680.54. The dis-
bursements for the year amounted to
010,851.90, leaving the large overdraft of
The discussion on the report was taken
part in by Rev. 81c. Wililains, who moved
that the four points following referred to
in his Lordship's ohargs be given as in.
otruotioes to the committee for consider.
ation : (1) That the adoption of a system
of allotment or asseasinent for raising
funds ; (2) the division of the Clergy
Maiutenanoe and Mission Fund into two
distbnob funds ; (8) the grants to parishes
to be made with the understanding that
they be diminished annually or other.
wise ; (4) the desirability of urging upon
the oongregations to increase their eon.
tributione. The report was finally
adopted with the understanding that
reoommeudatione could be made to the
committee when appointed.
At Wednesday's sitting the report of
the committee on temperance was adopt.
ed without disonesion. The committee
Was pleased to be able to report that
temperance matters were occupying a
large share of public attention. There
was a growing recognition of the im-
portance) of this subject, The work was
not now wholly relegated to paid agente
and agencies. It was the ditty of the
church to rosette the perishing, and this
ehe was striving to do in many ways,
notably by means of the "Claaroh of
lingiand Temporanoe Society." The
committee then went On to suggeet that
the bishop be reepeotfully requested to
set apart one Sunday as "Temperance
Sunday," on which the clergy of the
Diocese should be asked to give special
prominence hs the sermons and sorviees
to the evils of intemperance.
Resolutions of eympatby for the l'3ishop
of Montreal and for the "Very Rev, Dean
Innes Were passed,
For Sale by J. T. PEPPER,
IA resolution was passed directing tba
the widow of any commuted olergyme,os
o u
of the Diocese
Huron who shall bar
been married to each clergyman at th
time of the said settlement shall be en
titled over and above her allowance fro
the widows' and orphans' fund, to an al
lowanoe for life of 5100 per annum fro
the general purpose fund. Under thee
provisions the widow of l$sv. Cane
Patterson, of Stratford, would receiv
0100. Some of the members though
that in slim. Patterson's case, owing to
the distinguished services of her husban
to the olurah, the amu should be increas-
ed bo 5000. On a vote being taken ibis
view was not approved.
The Synod re affirmed its conviction
that the consolidation of the several
dioceses of the Anglican Church in the
Dominion of Canada and Newfoundland
was in aeoordance with the highest in-
terests of the Church, and that it is ex-
pedient that there should be a general
Synod consisting of the bishops of the
several dioceses and repreeontabiveo
chosen from the clergy and laity by the.
Diocesan Synods. It also decided that
the plan of consolidation agreed to by
the oonferenoe hold in Winnipeg in
August, 180D, afforded a just and coo•
prehensive basis for the constitution of
the General Synod.
Elections were in order ab the Synod
on Thursday. The eight delegates to the
General Synod, with substitutes, were
elected. The delegates are :—Very Rev.
Dean Innes, Revs. Canon Davis, Princi.
pal Miller and Archdeacon Marsh,
Messrs. Jenkins, Bayly, Q. 0., Milson, Q.
C., and Judge Ermatinger.
R. Shaw -Wool moved "That a nom.
mittee consisting of the following be ap•
pointed :—Rev. Alfred Brown, Rev.
Canon Mocks, and Messrs, Imlach,
Mechlin and SbmWWood, to investigate
the various causes whish hinder the
growth of the Church of England in this
Diocese from being ao rapid as we could
wish. Also that the parish offtoials be
enjoined to afford the oommittee all the
aid end asooaiation possible."
At the suggestion of Rev, lir. Wil•
Yams, the following verde wore added to
the resolution ;—"And to suggest some
means of furthering the aggressive work
of the church in this diocese."
The oommittee were empowered to add
to their number, and the motion was a•
dopbed after a good deal of comment and
Charles Jenkins moved "That a coin•
mittee be appointed, composed of an
equal number of representatives of the
and laity, to consider the eipedi.
y o a division of the diocese and to
report, His Lordship the Bishop to be
chairman," It Was carried unanimous-
ly. The Bishop then named the cern•
mittee, es well ae one on finance and on
Druggist, 8cc ,
use of
Sole Proprietors.
1 education. The committees on Sunday
1 schools, on bemperanoe, and on prison
B aid reform were reappointed.
e After a few worsts from the Bishop the
- Synod closed.
the work. While standing with a obi
fled expression of connbonauce, the end-
clan squall of a oat in the yard abtraoted
her attention, and also that of a pet ter•
rier in the next room, and there W
.where the fun began. The dog had
shown no desire to !oil itis paws with the
paint up to that time, and the good lady
bad nob taken the proeoution to put him
out of doors. There WAS a scurry of
oauine feet in the dining room, and a
lady in the kitchen whose feoe took on
au alarmed esinressiou. "Lie down sir,
lie down 1" stud Mrs. Blank, but the
terrier for once disobeyed orders. Cub
came the dog in spire of all protests, and
the floor Was clotted with foot prints.
"Ge back you wretch 1" but the dog
heeded not. The lady made a rush for
the canine, and though she got her hand
on him, it was only with sufdaient
security to roll bine over and ooyer one of
his sides with paint, while a good look•
ing woman measured her length; also on
tbo newly painted flooring. The dog got
away from the lady and isle cab gob sway
from the dog. Mrs. Blank admits that
she made use of several expressions which
would not look well in print. However,
the floor was repainted and the dog will
be forgiven when it1.
off 6� gate the paint Washed
Eugenio, es Empress of Emma,
godmother of 8,834 French
were born on Starch 16th, 1950,
of bbe birth of her son, who w.ts
the Zulus in South Africa.
The largest pie ever made
at Donley ]hole, England, for
jubilee. It spoiled, however,
when it was opened the stench
The next week another was made
lbs, of dour, 1,800 lbs. of pnbabaoe,
heifer, two oalvee and bwo sheep.
The famous Blarney stone
ney Cantle, Ireland, has arrived
World's Pair and will be ,staged
imitation Blarney Castle in
village, where all who !Moose
erect head downward may hiss
Abordeeu shipped the atone from
is the
children who
the day
killed byi
was baked
the Quota's
so that
was awful.
of 072
from Blar.
at the
in the
the Irish
to be low.
it. Lady
Ca. are cio.
and c
to take
, tbr
'!!` s
'k •}r 7yy 41
3? kk ? f"
'o ,,, ss
j• 1py p'
a �r09®`i d1
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®® ee�a
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JP .141%
' ie fi r.
' .:r:?y
! [ 1AIGlViJ
0:1 uOLdt1LIL N o W M.
, At 1lerriolcville tticbml MoDonald
jumped off a 0, P. R. fast express not
timed to stop there and received shall iu•
juries that he died.
0. H. Maokinbasb, M. P. for Ottawa,
who returned from England Sunday,
says that it has been arranged that he is
to succeed Ur. Royal as Lieut.•Governor.
of the N. W.' T.
51. Catharines got tbe•tail end of an.
other oyolone Sunday night. Advices
from Beamsvills and vicinity state the
faun and hail descended with terrific
forgo and did some damage to the crops,
The 8.year.old daughter of Jelin A,
Lang, of Berlin, fell out of bbe seaond•
story Window the other forenoon and
broke bath her arms, the right one to
two places.
W. Trace, of London East, had the
first local new potatoes in the market on
Satuedtry, June 24th. The potatoes were
planted on the 18th of April. This Ieavos
07 days for the potatoes to mature as
large ss hon's eggs—a remarkably rapid
The nongrogation of Knox church at
epAey,iai oolleolion of 62,527 s bo
a call from the pastor, Rev. John nense Tbom•
son, M. A„ to wipe out a debt of 52,500.
The 025,000 abureh is now clear of debt.
Naughty Mt. Anoyer, of the tl3erlin
News, hoe introduced a new game. He
eays : As green onions are now on the
market we give hero a new game,—.six
girls stand in a row, While one bites a
chunk out of an onion, and a young man
pays 10 eents for a guess as to whieb ono
it Was. If he guesses right ha kiesee the
other live ladies. If he does not he is
only entitled to kiss the girl with the
onion'soentod breath. The tariff is
extremely reasonable, and we predict
that bile will bo a popular game, as !nosh
of the boys will bo disposed togo it Duca
even if they lose,
A lady reeiding on McCaul street, To.
ranto, who ie known as the essence of
good nature, and as a most exemplary
housekeeper, had a little ex erienoe the
other day which is Worth recording.
During the absenoe of hoe husband she
conceived the idea of paiutingthe kitchen
floor, and having eeanred the ne0eslary
paint and brushes, got up very early in
the morning, removed to the dining room
enough ppbovisione for the day, donned
some old clothing and went to work. In
the course of a few hours. the floor was
mealy coated and the good lady arose
trom her reoumbent positio0 to survey
.i, qy [3
Sta W 1$ 1(1;
ROTA leMAIL 8111 bMSll (FS.
New Fora and Liverpool, via
Queenstown, every Wodnelclay.
The Automatic Telephone
a large bus/nese in Mitchell
now getting the moneyed mon
stook in the company.
the steamers of this line carry only a
limited number in the ixnsr and
°.rmlr acoommodaticns, intending
for rye reminded to that an early ap
ne,tha Is n ta, pn ,l b this lea
For plane, rates, eta, app] to
W . H. Kerr,
Agent, Brussels,
o�', '� � a �
ii t to , ' i
f ,,
J ...s `••+ 1
That it is not
with cheap eompouncts
be blood -purifiers,
do real medicinal
tiro of aria otllex'
'` 1 1t t' :.3'S
porion Hood-ptulfier—is
invite loss of time,
I0 you aro afflicted
Catarrh, Rheumatism,
:Eczema, Running
or any obher blood
�� , Papds
ATER'S Sarsaparilla,
only. A.Y111'S
ways bo clepondeduiion.
vary. It is always
uality, uantity,
0 �
superior an combination,
appearance, and
build up the eystom
dieoase andpain.
all impurities in
pals them by the
roroarodb5 Dr.J,la.
CUr'ee Others5Wiii
all that
It searohee
To make
Old Stan-
M >.
t Y
General. .IST ow':.
N axst
to visit
r -- t
' i W
e were 80. per box in Buff•
ale on Tuesday.
In Mecca oSunday there were 455
deaths from cholera.
Mary Wales, an ancient Boston spin.
!ter, who died lately, left her entire for.
tune amounting to about 08,000, to her
pet Tom•eat, called Otto.
The Columbian Liberty. Bell was oast
at the McNoally foundry in Troy, N. Y.
It weighs 13,000 pounds, and will give its
first peal in Chicago July. 4.
E. IL Todd, a wealbby resident of
Quincy, 111. blew out his brains on S011.
clay while sitting in kis chair. Ho was
a baoholor, aged 45, and no clause is
Eitzhun, the murderer, was successful.
1 electrocute d last after vooi on Mon.
day at Auburn prison. He met his fate
with great nerve and maintained that he
anted in eelf,defeneo.
Aceorclmg to the last °ensue reports
there are over 8,000,000 baaoltelor in the
United States—by which is meant there
have never, been married.
ate 8,000,000 mon over 80 years old whoAYER
Governor Altgeld, of Illinois, ba!
pardoned Samuel Eielden, Oscar Neebe
and Michael Schwab,throe of file Chi-
sago anarchists who have boon confined
in Joliet penitentiary for eompitofty in_8'or
the Haymarket riots of May 4, 1886.
Tho governor tastes the ground that therm
men had nota fair trial.
f dY! R S 1 jI
Rates from
atw •
l ALhaltT }
25 -Return Until
JUNE l0_Ibeturn
Mat II—Return
going on lith pe
the 'Winnipeg
be bold from 15th
further particulars
J. N. Kendall
� x ft u q9 it p ¢,q s
dt h h 8➢ kl 1 !1
Brussels to
$~d e 00
r� /-�
$ l.7 5 . 0 0
tfit 4, O , 0 iL
J.ctly sense.
until Aug. 8111
until Aug. 20t11.
Exhsll to inti e
I:xhtp4t!°n width
to 22nd at July,
apply to
Agent, Druseele.