HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-7-7, Page 5r! 4 JUi(F 7, 1593 ,•2.y }F1 THE SHREWD BUYER'S OPPORTUNITY. fi Eli T:EiE BRUSSELS POST L-SUMNdkR AtWA SALT THIS WEEK. A MIGHTY ell MONEY -SAWING CHANCE. We announce, commencing TO -MORROW MORNING, a Sale of such Magnitude, of such Merit, so surprising in Price, so generous in its offerings -that it cannot fail to crowd our store with eager buyers- to add another victory to our conquests in Merchandising. Come one, come all, and reap the benefit of this harvest of Bargains. Hundreds of things not on this List at Correspondingly LOW PRICES, LOOK AT THE PR R E . Lot 1. 200 yards 24 inch Silly and Wool Plaids -the kind you have paid 35e. for -they go at 19c. Lot 2. 500 yards 42 inch all wool French Serge, not half wool but all wool, good shades, at 25c., worth 35c, Lot 3. 340 yards 44 inch all wool English Tweed, note double width tweed all wool, worth 60c., our challenge Price 25e. Lot 4. 220 yards 44 inch all wool Plaids in Grey, Black and White only, Good valve at 600., our Sale Price 270. G Lot 5. 525 yards 46 inch all wool Henrietta Cloth -Note particularly the width, 46 inches -at 36c., regular price 50c. Lot 6. 348 yards 46 inch all wool Henrietta Serge, 7 shades and black, at 35c., worth 600. Lot 7. 249 yards very fine Bed- ford Cord, 5 shades, same cloth sold last season at 75c., going this week at 37c. Lot 8. 486 yards 47 inch Silk Fin- ish All Wool Henrietta, every desirable shade, at 50c., worth 700. Lot 9. 220 yards Finest Quality Bedford Cord, desirable shades, worth 85e., going at 49c. Youths' TEt , Youths' Department. All Wool 2 Piece Suits. - Good Value at $2 25 2 75 3 25 3 50 8 75 4 25 4 50 our ;Sale Price $1 75 1 90 2 15 2 40 2;t35 2 90 3 25, ti 1( (t Boys' Department. Boys' All Wool 3 Piece Suits- Goocl Value at $3 75 it 4 25 " 4 75 6 25 our Sale Pric; $2 75 8 00' 3 50 4 75 2000 yards best 33 inch Prints, guaranteed Fast Colons, always sold at 12 1-2c., our Challenge Price, 10 1-2c. 1000 yards best 30 inch Print at 8 1-2c., our regular 10c. goods. Mark these Facts : Iighest in Quality, Lowest in Price, Comparison. :AM proven. it. Butter and eggs taken as Cash. DISTRICT NEWS. !aeaforrtlr. • "Florence G" was not auooessful at the Hamilton races last weak. A large number of our sports attended the Brussels races on Thursday of last week. A large Sax barn, belonging to J. Se J. Livingston, of Baden, was burned to the ground here Monday afternoon, together with about 4 tons of tow. Tho value of the barn was 51,000 and of contents 0120 ; insurance uoknown. The fire was caused by two small boys who were smoking and dropped a match. I onf-ryet. .8. number of the farmers are busy hay- ing. Jas. Gael is writing for a 2nd Class certificate at Listowel this week. Edward Campbell saw a bear close to the village on Sunday evening last. W. 0. Stevenson boasts of a tame strawberry which measures 55. inches in circumference. Geo. Beirnes, wife and family, of Gold. stone, were renewing aognaintances here during the early part of the week. J. Ef. Tbomsnu and J. P. Fraser took a run down to Stratford on Tuesday of this week. They report having a good time. wrest, ter. Burtoh's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" Co. are to exhibit here on Monday, the 101h. The "Union" baseball team defeated Owen Sound on Saturday last at Port Elgin and made some brilliant playing. The bridge over the Maitland isunder- going repairs in a temporary way. A good iron structure le roplaoe the present wooden one would moire a oubetantial job, but there is the extra west to contend ngainet in spiio of the fact that our iron ore deposits are ac) inexhaustible as our timber supplies are. Something wrong, Another of the ancient landmarks of. Wroxeter is being removed. We refer to the old building on the "gats," first used as a flax mill and operated by Wm. Mil. ler, now of Prince Albert, and Geo. Gib- son, of Alma, Michigan. In later years it was ulnde to do service as a planing factory, but afterwards fell into disuse, Wroxeter has from time immemorial been noted for her legality. Neighbor- ing towed may Bold their "games" on any other day of the year, but the proud little burg on the North branch of the iMaitland bolds evenly on in ben amine of observing the natal day, either of Her Majesty or that of the Dominion and Confederation's birth. The latter was right'royally celebrated on Monday last. A salute of 21 guns opened the day's pro- oeedings and .00n came pouring forth With tompoetOOas speedtoo top•buggies, aarriauao and lumber wagons of the sur• rounding aonnety, /lied with the sturdy sons and daughters of toil_ettgeely bent ori a day's sport, which 16 is needless to say they had to their heart's content. The 1 and 8 o'oloolr traits unloaded a groat aonoourso of visitors fpotn neigh. boring towne and the gate re0eipts proved without a (mention that never in the en• Ws of our village was there etch a crowded park as that of July 8rd, 1898. The woathtr wa.a merit propitious throughout, giving those engaged' in the games every chance to exhibit their skill and alertness, while it enabled the on- lookers to enjoy the sport without fatigue. Away at the farther side of the field, in a shady retreat, was the Walkerton band discoursing strains of music that appeal. ed to the feetiugi in it way peculiarly strange, while ever and anon was to be heard the "chanter" of the pibroch ming- ling with the shouts of the players. At 4 o'clock in the afternoon the scene was one of animation and the effect exbiler. uting and lively. While not specializing on the different features of the day we cannot but commend the manner in which the Gerrie Football club and "Union" Baseball club acquitted them- selves, competing a0 successfully with those from planes much larger and more important. A tweed. Business is dull and money 15 very mane, Dominion Day passed off very quietly in town. The Orangemen hereabout will go to Stratford ou the 12th. The Elmo comma at their last meeting granted 515 to the Atwood Meohanios' Institute. A large number of.our citizens took in the Patrons of Indusbry pio•nie and re. port a good time. A lawn social wile held at henry Wil- son's on Tuesday evening under the suspioos of the Ladies' Aid of St. Alban's church. Atwood brass band was in at- tendance and a pleasant evening was spent by all, Mies Lang spent Sunday in Listowel. W. Newoumbe spent Sunday in Tiver- ton. Miss A. Newcombe is visiting friends in Tiverton. Dr, Ferguson, was visiting in Harris - ton this week. W. Milne, from Oleveland, Is renewing old acquaintances. Miss Stephenson left for her home in Clinton, friday afternoon. Mrs. J. M. Davies is visiting her brother, C. Stubbs, in London. R. Lang traded his pacing mare, "Jennie Everett," to J. Swartz, of Wingham, getting a Large gray paoor in exchange. The new steed is a fine driver. .i'he bolt social was quite a encase fin. ancially, the sum of 022 being handed The Guitar and Mouth Organ music ren. dared by J. Voight and 0. Retip was highly appreoiatod bya11. The Presbyterian ohurah was filled to its utmost capacity Sunday afternoon to listen to hiss Welsh's funeral sermon preached by Rev. D.13, LMa teo. His sub. jest wart "Death." The following item was overlooked last week, le was sent by a friend of Miss Welsh's t --- 'Tin hard to break bhp tender cord When love has bound tite heart, Tie hard, so hard, to speak the words Must we forever part ? Denreat Annie, we have laid thee Xu the peaceful grave',s embrace, But thy memory will be cherished Till lye see toy heavenly time. VZO3X2tn.,,.esta•• e - -- a '4'Y al ton. Our sports tools in the races at Brus- sels last week, The Methodist parson sod his help. mate aro getting nicely settled in the pareotittue. The Orangemen and Lady True Blanes of this looality will join the celebration at Blyth next Wednesday. Next Sunday afternoon the Lady True Blues and Orangemen will attend service ab 51. George's church, when the in- cumbent will preach a speoial discourse. Ibis stated here that Jobn Shaw, of Brussels, will likely take the Principal- ship of our Public school after vacation. Walton should have a good school and to secure bhie they must have a good teach- er. It is bo be hoped the report is nor• real as Mr. Shaw Is ;veil and favorably known in this locality, having taught here for several years before going to B reseals. Pitseneeerton.-On the ooeasioo of Wm, Colette severing his connection with the leading of the praise infDuff's church, Walton, he was presented with a purse of money, over +tin' above bis eatery, in recognition of etioient services rendered by him in the Sabbath sohool and at 'illusionary and other meetings connected with the congregation, services always so ob igingly given. Durr', Onuuou.-At the closing services of bb s communion on Monday, Juue 12th, at meeting of the oougregation Was held and after the traneaotion of business 11 was moved by Jae, McDonald and coo• ended by James Smillie that a vote of thanks be tendered to Wm. Coutts, who has been loading the praise in the oon- gregation for the past fourteen months, for the regular and faithful perfortnanoo of his duty. Tbs ohairman then nd• dreseed Mt. Coutts in complimentary terms, among outer things referring to his exemplary life and ohrietian deport. mora during hie connection with Walton congregation. The chairman then put the motion to the meeting which was responded to with hearty goodwill, the congregation in that way showing their appreciation of his services. Signed, 't Rnv. D. Fonnesr, Chairman. `J.tarns Suttees, Secretary, Myth'. Ilay harvesting has commenced in this section. T. W. Scott, merohant,spent Saturd•ty end Sunday tinder the parental roof at Birr. Our publics wohool was atoned on Thursday of last week for a two mouths vaantion. Bev, and Mrs. Higley left here on Monday Int a few days visit• among friends in Hanofer. A large number 01onr sporting Baton. ity tool; in the sports at Brussels on Thnroday of lent week. Mrs, E, Watson fa indisposed at present. Her many 1rionde wish to hoar of her speedy reu000t'y. Me, and Mrs. Weiker returned home Nom a lengthy visit to Chicago and World's Feir la't week. A large number of the mnmbere of the 0.0. F., No. 80, attended the fume al of a deoaased brother in Oliuton on Sunday afternoon. of On Suindey evening next, the niemitcre L.O No. 9133, twill assemble in a body in Trinity (lurch and he.tr to Vernal sermon to be pteeeloed to ;item by the iuean'bent, Rev. T. L. Higley, Two aro lights have been placed in Kolly'a briok store which is to be shortly ocoupied by Jessop tC McElroy as a general store. Oa Saturday our junior football team drove over to Brussels to play a match with their team which resulted in favor of the Brussels boyo. Saturday last being observed bore as Dominion Day, the town was almost deesrted, the mond the natives taking in other the where there were more attractions. il..tsttoNvCIL Last Sunday morning Rev. Dr. Moore, of Ottawa, occupied the pulpit of Knox church. A lawn social and strawberry festival was held at the residence of D. D. Camp - boll on Tuesday evening. If. Leslie shipped a oar of live hogs to Ingersoll last Wednesday. Mr. Leslie's shipments average about a oar it week. Wm. Elliott has purchased a fifty acre farm, together with crops, iia., in How. iok, near the Wallace boundary, from Micheal Daunt, and moved out to it lest wrok. T, I1. Rolls bas re -let the contract for a block of stores on the site of the Grand Central Hotel to Bamford Bros. The work will be proceeded with immediate- IyA football match between the married and single men of the Morris, Feild & Booers piano faotory was played on the park gronnde on Saturday afternoon of last week. The single men proved too many for the benediote, sooting 2 goals to none. Wilkinson Hargreaves, one of the old Bottlers of Elma, who had retired from farming and moved into town some months ago, died oy Sunday morning of last week. Deooaeed had not been in good health for some time pest being troubled ;with chronic) bronahibis. Mr. Hargreaves wee by birth an Englishman. During his residence in this country through his industry he became fairly well off and left hie family in comfort. able circumstances, On Tuesday evening of last week a 'ergo number of the members 6f the Methodist congregation assembled at the church and presented the retiring and very popular pastor, Rev. Jas. Living. stone, with a handsome gold watoh and an address. Mr. Livingebono made a oharaateristio reply in the course of which he spoke in wannest tame of the friendly feelings which he entertained for the people of Listowel, and deeply no gretted his departure. Dr. Philp, B. Rothwell, J. E. (Jerson and Rents. Amy and Hamilton, (Rarriston) mode short addresses, all of whom paid a high trihnte to Rev. Livingstono's itbflitp, geniality and other exoellent qualities of head and bear;. In Rev. Livingstmte's remove! the Methodist arterials in this town loses one or the moat popular preachers it has yob had the privilege of being presided over by. On F'riaay the Canatiiaa Express Co. handled avec 4800 lbs. of strawberries and on Monday 0700 lbs., or a ton more than the same date lad year. At Renfrew, on Wednesday of last week, Isabella Early, aged 20, tried to gave her foer•yeanold niece, Nellie Henderson, front being run over by a C, P. R. train, but both were instantly hilted. rogill Rag Com zr 4?j .11 .'.,._; 0, N'- LII005, ONTARIO, June 19th, 1890. Wn regret to note the faot that the Superintendent and Salesmen of the Wrought Iron Reuge Co., of Toronto, Ont., who have been associated with tis for the past three months, nre soon to depart to new 9elde of labor, These gentlemen carne among ns as strangers, and we are pleased to say that the business has been conduct• ed bete in a manner worthy of the reaped and patronage of ally aomuntnity, While. ab this point they have done an extensive business, having sold several env loads.0f ranges, and so far as we can ascertain, have given entire satlsfnetion. While we regret their departure, we wish them Bootless and oan heartily reootn' mend them to any commtinity in which they may cast their lot. R. ce J. Fox, Bankers ; W. IL, Stanley. i-larclware 1 W. re 0. Stanley, Merchants; W. Porte, P.M.; Meieloeh Tiros., Merchants; STONED- J. IL. btoWomb, Hardware ; Alex. MuFalls, Central Hotel H. Coiling ee Son, Stoves and Tinware ; Wm. Read, Livery and Ex. change ; R S. Ilodgins ; Jae. Sadlier, G. T. IL. Agent ; T. J. Hedging, Produce Dealer ; Chris. P olgens. Wn, the uadoreignod,1,-tve purchased of the salesmen of the Wrnnght iron Range Go., a "Horne comfort" cooking range, and are pleased to say 11 l,ivus 0nti10 satisfaction. 01 bakes quiolter and burns molt less fuel ;batt nn;l rale t stove 01.• outgo we ever used, Any ono wishing nett refer to tis. This oertilioa o you 1119v nae as yon see proper. The following r000mmondabioue from Middlesex beauty ;-- Jenne Bodging, Luoau ; Wtn. Hodgiee, Tamen ; Sand. Kelly, Clandeboye Wm. Simpson, Clandeboye ; Wm. Northgraves, Clandeboye ; Thos. Kouaele, WVlralen Wm, McClurg, Lobo i 3. B. Petheratn, Dtinoried ; Sites Ravitz. fust. Williams ; John ilfoRay, Emit R?ttltnme ; H, G. Taker, Ma. Carmel ; Wm. Lewis, Brindaley John O'Hara, Weet MoGillivnry ; Wni. Lewis, Ma;tuirs; Nevin LO.v, Leiura ; Wm, Young, 14111111,; Rickard Sellars, Leinra ; Andrew Paxton, Lein)* ; Norrtiau Ti ish Alva; Jas. Oarmial vel, Arva ; Neil Stewert, Denfteld ; Ohms. Robson, llderton ' John Heinen,,Venneok, Also the following item Petth County t--JahnllesKneigbt, Si. Marys ; Richard Wilton, St. Marys ; N. J. Vernon, St. Marys.