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The Brussels Post, 1893-7-7, Page 4
4 THE BRUSSELS POST New Advertisernents, ' Local—Fe Taylor. Local—Walker It Ewan. Locale—Dr. J. 0. Ayer. Special for Jul,w-Jud, Irwin, Membray's Kidney and Liver Once. Clearing Sale for ii0 [Jays ---D. 0. lions. Mid summer Bargain 8ale-••1''ergnscu 4 Halliday. (! bac bit uzur ;last, 1'RIDAAT', JULY 7, 1895• Wirn<„line t - T, J. Elliott lost a valuable tow last week from milk fever. Mrs. J, Diieley and Miss Patterson started for the World's Bair last week. The Wingham Orangemen will sole• brace the battle of the Boyne on July 12th at Blyth. Misses Jennie and Maggie Cargill, of Duluth, Minn„ arrived hong last week for their holidays. Dominion Day was observed in Wing - ham on Monday when all planes of bad- ness were olosed. • I. Irelaud, of this town, recently caught a black bass in the Maitland here, weigh- ing nearly 3 pounds. Roy. L. G. Wood and Messrs. Crowell, Willson and Clarke attended the meeting of Synod at Loudon. It is reported in town that Mrs. (Rev.) MoQuarrie, late of this town, has fallen heir to w 10,000 by the death of a brother. J. D. Long took the Citizens' band for a trip on 'The Maitland" ono evening last week. The musfo np the river sounded exoellent. W. F. Brookenshire ,vas in Efamilton last week attending the meeting of the Grand Lodge of L 0. G. T., as delegate from Anchor of Elope Lodge. The Times says :—Miss Maggie Me- Lauchlin, daughter of James MoLanch- lin, of thea town, is fit with typhoid fever in Mason, Georgia, U. S. Her brother Prank, of Detroit, is with her. The latest word received reported her to be on the mend. Morrie -le If yon want the news of Morris town- ship you will have to take TUB Poor. We are sorry to learn that Theme Russell sr. is serim:sly ill at present. Statute labor had its last innings this week and scored out a few mud holes. Miss Lizzie Irvine is home from Mas. sachusette to spend the holiday season. Wm. B. Ferrier, of Wawanosh, was visiting his undo, Robb. /lathers, on Sunday. Bobs. Treleaven and wife, of Dungan. non, were visiting at W. J. Johnston's this week. Wm. J. Johnston and wife. let eon., are away visiting relatives and friends at Stratford this week. The Misses Cowdeu, of Zobland, were visiting their aunt, Mrs. Seymour Thorn- ton, on Sunday Last. The little son of Peter Jackson bas been dangerously ill but we hope he will pull through ell right. Wm. Bryans raised his barn on lot 30, 4bh line, on Monday last. He is going to place a stone well ander it. The trustees of S. S. No. 5 have great. ly enlarged and improved the school grounds by new fences, Co. Charles Fraser, of the sat cpm, who has been attending Goderich High sobool for the past term, is at home for his vacation. Mrs. Geo, Henderson, Sed line, has been confined to her room for some time with heart trouble. We hope soon to see her around again. There is more than an average amount of re roofing, enlarging and re-nnodeliug of buildings going on among the farmers of this township this9Summer. Wm. Michie received 1,000 lbs. of binder twine from the Central Prison, Toronto for distribution 1 st ubutfon ninon„ his neighbor farmers. It is a No. 1 article. Next Sunday morning at 10:30 u'ulook a sermon will be preached in Johnston's church by Bev. J. W. Pring, of Bluevale, to the neighboring Oraugemen, All are invited, Robt. Smillie, elm has been attending Harris el /fell:. school for the last term, is home bI: his holidays. He purposes writing for a 1st class certificate this Summer. Wei Violet Bone, of Toronto, spent July tat with her parents ou the 9rd line. She was accompanied by Miss Annie Wylie, of the same city. They re. turned on Tuesday. The Sabbath school of S. S. No. 0 held a very sueoessfni garden party un the evening of July let at the residence of James Evan°, on the 8th non. The pre• needs arm -meted to over 988.00 aid will ° be applied to S,bbath school purposes. A garden party twee bold last Tuesday evening in F. Baines' orchard. There were about 30 persons present. Chinese lanterns and fire bricks furnished light after the sun had set. Swings and croguet, ice cream aed strawberries kept every one busy and good humored. A vote of thanks was tendered Mr, and Mrs. Baiues for their kindness. Proceeds :about 914.50. i{rur,iio,—Cit Tcesday night of this week Nelson, son of Samuel Love, all line Morris, was killed et Rat Portage. He was it brakeman on the C. P. R. having spent severe' years with this company. A wife end one son are left to mourn his sudden duperture, Mrs. Lore was is Miss Seal. The deceased was a worthy young man who enjoyed the esteem of all who knew him. The body may be brought here for interment. DEATH or A\ OLn EEsme.,r.--There died at his residence, near llolgenve, on Sue. day last, one of the oldest residents of this townsuip in the person of Christo. pher Corbett. Deceased was a native of Fermanagh County, Ireland, !tom whence he emigrated in 1828, settling first in Gwillfmbiry, Sirncoe County, afterward pining to Morris in 1851, taking up lot 3, con. 5, where he lune re. sifted continuously up to the tune of his (teath. Air. Corbett WAS a member of the first Council board of this township and was also a J. P. in the early days. He was always oharaeterieed as a man of iubelligence mud itabegrity and teas there. fore mush reseeded, Rev, J. H. Dyke preached is. funeral sermon from Job 7 and 6. The Orangemen attended In largo numbare to strew their regard for their departed brother. The interment Bas made le the 14fo0rae cemetery. De- p Beed Nee eplaarde of 82 years of age. Service at Balgrave Methodist church commences at 7 p. in. until farther fNioo, Wm. Coddle bind.) Ord line, had a barn raieing on Wednesday of this weak and a social hop iu the evening, Servieee were held in the Methodist elinrch, Sunshine, last Sabbath. The Piling is new and very white • tha walla have been beautifully papered and the seats painted to notch and when the carpets nes down the inside will be ag- ooptablo to the eye and pleasing to the. feelings, reflecting great credit on the bailee wbo have promoted the renovation and obeorfully worked for its aoeontplieh- menb. Itis also very creditable to 1Y. Roddick, of Brneeele, who did the work of papering and painting. Mr. ATeLeau phcsberod the oeiling. The stone founds,. time is to be finished this month and you Must not be surprised if in the near future the ohnrob gets a caee of brink, Scnooh RErnaT,—The following is a oorraot standing of pupile in No. 0, Morrie, for the months of May and June, bunt on profeieney, good conduct and regular attendance :—Jr- 4tll Class— Hanna Kelly, James McCall, Tillie 'Mennen, Goo. McCall ; Sr. 3rd—David MoOall, Jennie MoArter, Bella Bewley, Aline Kirkby ; Jr. Ord—Retie Searle, Sara Taylor, Ada Searle, Maggie Olen. nan ; Sr. 2nd—Milton MaArnor, John Evans, Herbert Kirkby,Sandio MaArter Jr. 2nd—Laura Fear, Ells Mulder, Maggie McCall, Roy Jackson ; Sr. Part 2nd—LizzieMUcCall, Willie Kelly, Maud Jackson ; Jr. Part 2nd—Emma, McCall, Lily Bewley, May Taylor. Rosy Searle ; Se. Part 1st—Joseph Bewley, Alex. Farquharson ; Jr. Part let—Roy Fear, Lyle Jackson, Florence Bunton, Menno Jackson. 1Y[. Sxuais, Teacher. Onrr.—John Speir, Mrs. Gilbert Speir and Mrs. Wm, Shedden were away this week at Oshawa attending the funeral of a cousin of Mr. Speir'e and nephew to the ladies. An Oebatva oorreepondent writes as follows :—"A loss bo Oshawa.— One of Oshawa's rising young business men passed away Friday in the person of Janiae P. Laughland at the early age of 24. Hie illness, brain foyer, was of but a few day's duratiou and the sad news of his demise hits caused a deep sensation of sadness throughout the en- tire community. Mr. Lauohland was a member of the firm of Lauchland ,4 Rob - eon, tanners. The remains of the de- ceased were laid to rest Tuesday after. noon, the funeral cortege being the largest seen here for many years and numbering upwards of 100 carriages. Every maul. feetatiou of affection and respect for the deceased was visible, the stores and places of business being olosed during the passing of the funeral. His employees sent a lovely anchor composed of roses and attended in a body as well as those of Warren's tannery. no Masonic Society, the Club and many friends con• tribnted floral deeigns. The following ministers took part in the funeral see - vice :—Revds. Eastman, Presbyterian ; Scott, Baptist; Joliffe, Methodist; Barnes, Disciple. Senora. Pro•aro.—Barrio's school pic- nicked in R. Niehol's grove on Friday afternoon of lest week. There was a program of amusements successfully osrried out. Mr. McGill and sister, of Blyth, delighted the audience with their musical selections, Misses Williams, Hunter and Sample, Milton Cur- rin and W. R. Mooney and several harmonieists else eoutributed to this part of the exercises. A bountiful supply of edibles was served and full justice done to the cookery of the ladies of the section. During the afternoon 5 innings of a base ball match were played between a team from Barrie's 8, S. aid the "Chippewas." The former won by two rues after it closely contested match. The score was as follows S AuRIE '5. On18PEwA'e. David Smith, 16 L. Ruston, 5 Wm, Smith. 5 W. Ooolt, 2 Wzn. Farsyth, 4 W. Euesell, 3 Rout. Smitb, 5 A. Halliday, 2 Jno.Fo'syth, 5 Wm. Hanna, It Lcthur Pybus, 2 Wm. Mollie, E J'as. Bichos, 3 Jas. Gook, 4 .Tea, Oatnoehan, 4 81d. Oautelon, Alex. Walker, 11 Chris. 'Mollie, 6 Total, 81 Total, 80 Mies Halliday, the papillae tesoher of the section, and the committee deserves great credit for the successful management of the pie.nie. Geo, go Pollock had a re- freshment stand. an. the grounds and sup. plied the wants of the beaux and the belles with eoufeotiouery, ice cream, ban annus, fie,' Iiuron County. Senor, GIANTS.—The following is the grant made by the Ontario Government to the vsrious townships, towns and vil- lages in this county, the apportionment being based upon the latest returns of populetiou for the year 1802, and average attendance of the separate and public schools : Townshipps—Aahfleld, 9490 ; Colborne, 9245 ; Goderich, 9922 ; Grey, 5466 ; Hawick, 5537 ; Hullett, 5368 ; 52 2 i; Step$ en, 19410 3Tiickeremith, 9945 ; Turuberry, 9284 ; Usborne, 9300 ; Wawanesb East, 923e ; Wawanosh West, 9 238 ; Hay, 9452 ; total, 90,032. Towns and viilages--Clinton, 5301 ; Goderich, 5403 ; Seaford:, 9815 ; Wingsm, 9255 Blyth, 9115 ; Brussels, 9147 ; Exeter, 9200. James Dean, of Aabfleld, aged 55, died on Thursday morning of last week by taltiug carbolic acid by mistake, He was et Goderich the day before and pro- cured some drugs, which he intended to compound and apply to his cattle to leap off the flies. He had the carbolic acid in it little flask labelled poison, also a little flask containing whiskey in his coat pocket. In the morning, not feeling very well, he concluded to take a little of the whiskey, not that he cored for it, as ho was a man of temperate habits, He unfortunately took the oarbolie acid in mistake for the whiskey. He at once I wish to intimate to the ladies of Brussels and surrounding country that I am selling my large stock of Millinery goods, consisting of Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, &o.i REGARDLESS OF DOST. Call at once and leave your order if you wish to Ramiro a bargain. Miss McPherson, Fashionable Milliner. Farmers' - Excursions Trow all Stations in Oittarlo,rotnrn rates to ESTEVAN DELOIIAINE M00S0MIN BINSCARTIf BOSTON REGINA M00SEJAW NOIt1STON CALGARY PRINCE ALBERT Edmonton $28..00 1 } $ 30.00 } $35.00 $40,00 To leave all points fu Ontario, au .311511 IS --Return until ;My 23rd. .511511 20-1i eturn until July 11081. ,NNS el—Return until Aug, Ult. .I ILL] 11—Return until Au0,5eth. Parties ticketing from other points should arrange to ,,.rive at Toronto in time to con. neat with the 10:15 p.m. train on above dates, The Winnipeg E°xhlhitbuu will be held from July 16 to 22. inclusive, and perilous leaving on July 11 will be in splendid time for this event, J. T. PEPPER, Agent, Brussels, I SAY! WVeie Dil You ? IGOT this hat at Strachan's and if you harry up you can get one like it. They are what they call the "Yeddo" hat and are made of Southern sea weed—are very light, 6sa:;v ou the head and durable. You can get them in straw color fol Sue. and fancy for $100. Summer Hats—Light weights and light prices—Ask for the "Yeddo" hat. A full range of black and colored Fedoras, also a full range of black and colored stiff hats for men and boys. Beadynlacle suits for men, very cheap, away clown in price. Beaclymade suits for boys and children extra value. Our reaclymade clothing has been offered and sold by us cheap, but we have given the prices a good "Goal" kick so you may expect and will be certain to secure a bargain when you comen,to be fitted. Svv.cies value for the balance of this month in ordered clothing of lvhic:r 'a'e have a good range and nice goods. In shirts, collars, ties, &c., our stock is complete and good value. A call solicited, v> � y,! l� C Cl Single Width ,f ff " Doable Width Best Llc rico. Dress Goods, f, Cashmeres Tweeds (4 ff CC Cashmeres and 'Whip 'Cords Quality Prints Parasols ff C that were " 10c. for 5a. and 7e. 12kc " 9e 18c 25c 30e 40a 50c Cf .4 1f " ff 11c 150 1.5e 20e 25e 38c 50e " 350 to 40c 12?c " 10c 50c " 40c $1.00 " 75e 2,00 t/ $1.85 Bargains in Lace allrtains, Hosiery and Gloves. IF YOU W.A. TT Iteadymue Clothing, Shoos ©x Sats, Get our Prices before you Buy. 13zatter and eggs taken at Highest ,Market Price. knew what lie had taken, and rushed to the bouse and drank 1001e milk. His daughter asked him what was the mat. ter. He was only able to say "'Phe carbolic acid,' and fell to the floor. He WAS parried to bed and died in about an hour in great agony. -lie leaves a wife nod six children to moturn his death. A gloom was past over the neighbor- hood of the 12th con. of West Wnwanoah on July let by the sad death of Alex. Woods. Mr. Woods had been in his usual health on Friday and followed the plow. Leaving off plowing about 4 p. m. intending going to Luoknow, he was in the act of taking iuneh before _going when be felt a pain in his shunted', it moved up to his tarok ; his neck swelled so fast that he had scarcely time to un- do his shire, It. is supposed that a blood vessel had broken, Although three doctors were there in a short time noth- ing could be done fur the unfortunate man. He died at I a. m. on Saturday. Isis remains were interred in Dingaunon cemetery on Sunday by the Orangemen. The bereaved wife and two children have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire u eigh borhood. ;:le°Tai3%� Grand Trunk if you are going to the r 01LD' s F Be sure and go via the Cr IR, MI AT' St. Clair Tunilel SOU TE. For Lowest Rates Apply to • 1`1 111rittOALer, G. T. R. Agent, Brussels, �U A Preparalionef HerbsaRoots 99 Medical Properties ofwhath are universal! known. 1 � .15 A must vn1UA81E 1E1i fey •,oS -6- 'e PURIFYING THE BLOOD 1 ogN Costiveness.Indlgestton,Dyspepsia,5nu15tomath HEADAHIE AND 012GItli,Sb, SOLD 113E S., T. P +' 1' 1'B, Diouoolsx, B1 vssr..Ls. LAUGH, and the world laughs with you ; WEEP, and you weep alone. DRESS WELL, and hundreds greet you LOOK SHABBY, and your credit's gone. Everybody who buys our goods is pleased. If people Weep over bad purchases it is be- cause they failed to heed the advice of our advertisement. CEERfiIIVG SALE FOR 30 DAYS! Fall Goods are arriving and we want to h-'zstle off the balance of our Summer stock. Const'ctutntly we have special bargains for you in Stylish Tweeds, Handsome Straw and Felt Hats, Waterproofs, White and Colored Shirts, Underwear, Socks, Neat Neckwear, &c., while this sale continues Satisfaction Guar, tee ii e,11 war Weil. Cloth Cut Free of Charge if Purchas- ed from us. The Value of a Dollar is generally put down at 100 Cents but those who patronize our Clearing Sale may secure Bargains and feel -assured they are getting the value of 200 CENTS FOR $1. Everything a Gent requires in the Clothing Line kept by us except Boots. Remember tb ^ next 30 days for Genuine Bar- gaits in all the lines carried by 0 r ifJ;y , • � � ,l .,, Fashionable Tailor and Outfitter, BRUSSELS. It won't coast you a cent to call and get our prices and see the goods.