HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-7-7, Page 3JUDY 7, 1893 nitric .0Tettroortereeerinsoisimeinxege_ttleteRteser,viseennemeis The bathing house wbioh was to be built by the town 10 now under construe. Son and will aeon bo ready for into, Capt, Wm. Babb will have charge of it, A. now organization has boon started in town the (Mod being to establish a ihrsb-class band and anito the moot ex. perionced musioiane in t1i10 line of onr town, and their sympathizers, on a sbrong and lasting hole. Very oonvenlsnb rooms have been sawed in the old In. toreational hotel, which aro being neatly furnished so ae to secure the comfort of members end provide every arrangement for band practice. The aotivo members inoludo most of the old members of the Indopouclent band, with a nninber of excellent additions of now getout and new arrivals in town. The leader is Frank Smith, well known to be most efficient and popular for snoli a position. The, officers aro ;—President, W. 0. Goode ; Vice•Prosidentr, E. Belcher ; Seorobary, W. W. MaeVioar ; Treasurer, W. D. Tye. L''xeentine committee, the ofiloore, with Frank Smith, \V. T. Mur- ney and Jas, Thomas, There was a decided flutter about town on Wednesday of last week, and Si rash to St. George's church to wit000s the wedding of W. Oaylev Hamilton, bar- rister, of Region, and Mies Flora Morton, daughter of ox -Mayor Horton. Every foot of rootn in the building was orowd• sol, and ell declared ib a charming affair. The bridesmaids Wens Miss Edith Hor- ton and Miss Hamilton, sister of the groom, 9. L. Dickeuoon, barrister; of Winghanr, assisting his professional brother through the trying ordeal. The presence of i\Iissee Nelife Garrow, May Williams, Dot Horton, Clare Reynolds and Connie Holt as maids of honor, wan one of the prettiest features of the affair. There was a large attendance of invited guests, and the ceremony was followed by a wadding breakfast at the beautiful re0idsnee of the bride's parents, the happy couple leaving by the 2:15 train. Mr, and Mts. Hamilton have a host of friends who sincerely wish thein all happiness in their wedded life. At Amherstburg a lamp exploded in the parlor of ex -Mayor MoEvoy'e resi- dence on Saturday. The fire was con- fined to the one room, Loss on furni- ture about $1400 ; on building about 0800. Both covered by insurance. G•ei• lel. James Perkins shipped 10 cors of grain for export a week ago. W.1). kV 1, llanunand, of Atwood,have Purchased from Martin a Adair the Gorrie saw mill. Thos. Pomeroy bid thio earth adiml and passed over the river of death. 1)o- coaoed iras been a resident of this village about 20 years and was reepeoted by all. Ho was over 00 years of age, The /unmet! was largely attended. The regular monthly meeting of the ilowiok Farmers Mattel Fire 100000000 Co„ was hold in the C. O. F, hull w1 Juno 2419. 71 applioations were accepted covering insurance for $117,250, which amount i0 seenrea by premintn notos amounting to $5,852.50. The following changes in No, 8 com- pany, the 8prd Batt„ were gazetted, Gorrie,—To bo second lieutenants, pro. visionally, 0000119th Jure, 1898, Sorge, S. G. Laine, in succussion to Lieut. Christopher O. Baine, who retires re- taiuiug rank, and William Doig, vioe W. H. McDonald, resigned. 111; iy'tis. P. Belly C Son have had their large brick afore on Queen street freshened up with n coat of pont It has been leased to Jessop etc AfeElroy as a general store. On Monday of last week the regular siblingof the 121h Division Court was held'in Indtretry Hall before his Honor Judge Doyle, several oases having comp up for hearing, One night butcher Kelly met with a mishap by being thrown off his bicycle while going at a rapid speed, causing him •some eeliou0 injury which confined him to bed for some time, On Friday night of last week Mrs. Greenan, a very stout old lady, met with a misfortnne when in the act of retiring for the night by some means or other whereby she got one of her thigh bouee broken. On Sunday evening, Juoe 18th, a large congregation assembled in the Methodist chnrelo to hoar the pastor for the last time. Rev. Dr. Campbell took for his subject "Phil. 2, verses 14, 15, 10," from which he preaohed a powerful and thoughtful discourse which was attentive ly listened to by all present. Last Wedneeday evening the Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church gave an At Mo121e in thobesement of the chars]' to the members of the congregation, when the evening was spent in reviewing the work of the ohnrah in all its brannhes during the past. Some special music was rendered at Intervale by the choir, Rev. john Fisher, a farmer pastor, occupied the chair. Monday evening of last week a Olin- tonian and a Blythito bicyclist under- took a spin to Londesboro' to see which was tho best man on the wheel. A. large crowd was present on the market square to witness Meir departure, but unfortu. nately their career was only of abort duration for they had hardly get peat the Methodist ohnrah when they collided, upsetting each other into the road, which caused roars of laughter by the crowd that was watching them They both came off very safe except their machines getting a little out of order. Lneliuo-v. . Rea. Dr. Moffatt, of Toronto, preached in the Presbyterian church here last Sunday. The Dropsbots of Luoknow went to Goderieh on Saturday, July let, to play the Juniors of that town. Bev. Mr. Maliny has gone on a trip to the Maritime Provinces. He intends be- ing away four or five weeks. M. McQueen, of hiltless, brought two maple logs to the station here, that measured "00 feet. It crus a big load. About fifty left this station on Tuesday of last week on n trip to mho Model Farm, Guelph, under the anspioes of the Farm. ere' Institute. JnoksonBros., of Clinton, have receiv- ed nn order from the Luoknow Orange Lodge for 50 silly hats and over 100 white vests, to complete their outfit for the 12tH of July. The members of Luoknow Loyal Orange Lodge will attend the Methodist church in a body on Sunday morning, July 1)19, when the Rev. John Mills will preaob to them. The members of the Womens' Christi• an Temperance Union attended the English church on Sunday morning when a special sermon was preached by the rector, Rev. Mr. &fil ls. Another instance of the uncertainty of life was Forced upon the citizens of our village on Monday of last week when Free Ross, a boy of 18, was called to the great beyond. Ile hod only been ill a short time with inflammatory rheum,• tism, the resulbof a cold nontreated while bathing in the river about a week before. The remains were interred in the Iiia. loss cemetery. One afternoon last week as Wm. Geddes and Rev. Solon Mills were driving along the boundary east of the village, and when just past Torrance's hill the horse shied at a pile of weeds and erase on the road, and turned into the ditch, upsetting the buggy and throwing both o0cnpants out upon the ground. Mr, Geddes held on to the lines as long as he could but the aminal finally gob away and ran back to the village where 1t was captured near 111e postolfkoe, Both Mr, Geddes and Mr. Mills were badly shaken tip by mho fall but fortebately no bones were broken, The rig was slightly damaged, G oda riots, Lake trade is very dull. Fishing is very geed just now on the river and piers. The Salvation Army had two big days, July 1st and 20d. An egg from Mr. Carrot's 'poultry yard waS weighed by D. C. Straohaa and was just a good 31b. Joseph Williams is again seriously ill his condition regeirilig a, nodical eon• eultation but his Monde hope for his re- ee8ely once more. While doing some work on the roof of St. George's church, J. 13. Worsell, of the firm of Saunders & Co., slipped and fell a distance of over 20 feet. Luokily lie fell on a grass plot which saved him from s0V0reinjury. Dr. Bedfol d Richardson, who is well known to many in Godooiolr, purposes leaving next week for a year's sojourn in the old land, and will spend it part of his time in 1110 hospitals of Edinburgh, Lon. don and Vienna, HONE/ / TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 61 Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Cleric, Brussels. THOSt 1'L TCRER, .L I'actioaZ JVate7L/1'la1,(1r and Jeweler. Thanking the public, for past favors and support and wishing still to secure your patronage, we are opening out full Linos in GOLD MO SILVER 'WATCHES. Silver Plated Ware from Established and Reliable Makers fully warranted by no. Clocks of the Latest Desires JEWELRY I WEDDING RINes, LADIES Gnat limes, Bnoocilss, Mamas, 0.' r. -"Also a Full Line of Viomus and Violin Strings, its., in stook, N. Ia.—assurer o t .:marriage Licenses. T. Fletcher, - Brussels. Ayer's Pills Are compounded with the view to general usefulness and adaptability. They aro composed of the purest vegetable aperients. Their dolioate sugar - coating, which readily dne- scives in the stomach, preserves their full mscdioinal value and makes them easy to take, either by old or young. For constipation, dyspep. sle, biliousness, sick headache, and the common derangements of the Storiutcho Eimer, and Bowels ; also to cheek colds and fevers, Ayer's ].'ills Are the Best Unlike other cathartics, the effect of Ayer's Pills is to strengthen the excretory organs and restore to then] their regular and natural ac- tion. Doctors everywhere proscribe them. In spite of immense compe- tition, they have always maintained their popularity as a fantilig medi— cine, being in greater demand now than over before. They are put up both in vials and boxes, and whether for home use or travel, Ayer's Pills ave preferable to any other. Rave you over tried them? Ayer's Pills - Prepared by Dr.J. 0. Ayer 84 Lowell, Atom field by all brugglste. Every Dose Effective THE BRUSSELS POST 3 Not simply Hide bare walls. As discordant strains of music are to the ear, ::u i the eye tortured by out -of -harmony paper on the wane, If you look to cheapness alone you mtght as well cover your plaster with penny -a -dozen newspapers. But if you appreciate real beauty you should consider many timings in purchasing pallors—the location, light and woodwork of the room, ate, Our stook includes something especially adapted to every room —more color's and patterns than auy other wall paper store in the town, Our Good Papers cost you no more than the poor ogles others sell. Call and see onr thousand-and•one styles. Persons thoroughly versed in Wall Paper will wait upon you and aid you in leaking selectiohls, We hang paper 1n a fhret-clit8a manner and are prepared to ex- ecute the best kind of decorations. WINDOW BLINDS,—I have an elegant stock of Window Blinds, well assorted, that will only need to be seen to be appreci- ated. They may bo had either trimmed or plain by the yard. 0 IOK, House, Sign, Carriage and Ornamental Painter. cru G-EO. GOOD'S TTS S OLDE L S1 STAND. G -EO. G'OOD'S S.iA D. Grand Opening Sale on Friday and Saturday and Following Days. We have been for several days opening up the finest:stock of New Goode ever displayed in Brussels. We invite you to visit our store and wo will offer you such bargains as will make our Opening Bale memorable and the New Cheap Store famous in Brussels. The New Goods at the New Cheap Store oocsist of Ladies', Misses' and Child- ren's Pine Boots, Shoes and Slippers in all the new colors and materials Gentle- men's Fine Laced Balmorals, Congress, Gaiters and Oxfords in Dongola Hid, Cor- dovan and Calf. Working Shoes for Farriers and Mechanics—Strong, neat, durable and cheap. Boys' and Girls' School Boots very Cheap. Our Boob and Shoe stook is well worth the attention of all intending purchasers. m TRUNKS AND VALISES—NEWEST AND BEST. Chinaware, Crockery and Glassware in Tea Sets, Dinner Sots, Toilet Sets, Water Sete, Lemonade Sets, Fancy China Plates, Caps and Saucers. Fanny Oheesers, Goblets, Lamps, ,20. Don't fail to see onr Handsome Goblets at 5e. e0011, in fact don't fail to iuepeob this elegant stook of China, Crockery and Glassware. GOO , BROS., NEW CHEAP STORE MRS. TUFTS, Manager. • W A 1T'T S FOR, a S OF S Or in Exchange for Goods. The Highest Market Price will be Allowed. We have a Fine Assortment o Tweeds, Cottons, Flannels, Cash- meres, Blankets, Sheet- ing, Knitted Goods, Yarns, $Co. Ail Wool left with us for manufacturing:, whether rolls or otherwise, will have our prompt attention. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. • CO7"E & CO, 1..est Price . , ....-AZ' rri- rg H; aid easnenemecogramssosegest 1 '_ . aFt ek sow Wish -to remind the public that they still want Wool ailti• that they have on hand for this season's trade the • :t Btook of Woolen Geese Ever shtuiru by any other Factory in Ontario, \rhici. int', \till @X - change fur 10001 at prices which will Astonish Everybody. n..avasamaaamm .gym __..._ It will pay you to come and see our Tremendous Stock which is Opened Por Inspection Coale and Satisfy yourself before disposing of your Wool elsewhere. - Do mot to7jet to .secure for your wife 011e -of our Fine Wool Scotch Skirts. 1 "NOTICE.—Do not be loci away by shoddy peddlers and others travelling through the country. Wo do not employ any such men. But come direct to our factory and by Fair Dealing we hope to gain your. support and confidence. We Guarantee First-class Work in Roll Carding, Spinning and Manufacturing. P. S.—Parties from a distance can rely on getting their Roll Carding back with them the same day and they will fin,1 us ready to give the most prompt and careful attention to all. EL Fe, Et--iREMEE ao PHiTOORAPHERr B i1 ,ie a11er Dier SIaiiiIf 1111 'ditto s .gym Salesmen are wanted to represent us in the stele of a Choice lisle of Hardy Canadian Grown Stook. Experience not necessary. We want real workers and to all such we offer a permanent situation at a good income with chance of acl- vanceluent. As we now have over 700 acres under cultivation we can give our salesmen many superior advantages. We also desire to secure a good man in your district to sell the ROTARY SPRAY PU1V.CP, For which we have the General Agency. This is some,hing new and indispensable to the farmer or fruit grower. Scud for terms and testimonial circular.. STOKE 85 WEI,LINCIT 1 Nurserymen, 46.8 TORONTO, ONT 1I TO.