HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-6-30, Page 88 COWS POI801\1D. Very recently a gentleman fin .Beriiu had the misfortune to bays two fine owe poisoned by, chewing cloths that some painters had been' using with paint that contained Perla Green. It would be well to remember title when using Peril) Green for killing the potato bugs. Of course the better the Paris Green the less it takes to kill so that in using our Pure Paris Green that does not take much to kill potato bugs or anything else that may eat it, you should use it with out. tion. We sell it by the pound for 4".l) CTi+.1 . The Travelling Dairy which has just visited Brussels will no doubt result in better and easier made butter. I have been fortunate enough to asoure a num- ber of Dairy Thermometers at lege then usual prices so if you have not one al- ready you would be wise iu getting the. G. A. DEADMAi3, Druggist, Bookseller, &o, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. souTarns EXTENSION W. O. & D. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows : Gorse. Sorra, Gorse Noland, A'Iail Mal a.m. Mixed 9:45 a,m, Express 11:59 a.m. Mail 8:18 p.m. Maxed 9.50 ppm. Express ...... 9:43 p.m. VD tat caltivs kerns. A chiefs among ye told' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. STRAWBERRIES lead the market this week. FOUBTII Division Court on Tuesday ,.1 this week. GREY township voters' list is in the hands of the printer. SATURDAY will not be observed as a public holiday in town but Monday will. Tru regular meeting of Brussels Conn. oil will beheld next Monday evening. at 8 o'clock. A. NEW ret of scales for parcels end another for letters have been placed in the postofce. Monnar of this week Jno. Ballantr.e, of Tam POST staff, received a new 1-..ett- math tyred bicycle. Tau waterproof coat advertised in the last issue of Tun POST was found enc.: e turned to the owner. THERE were three funeral prooee •ens at Brussels cemetery last Sunday a..er- noon after 8 o'ciook. BRussELs Public school closed on Toes• day owing to the Entrance examination beginning on Wednesday. MESSRS. BEEER &VANsroNE have 16,- 000 bushels of wheat in stock awaiting a favorable turn of the market. JAS. Wile= cut between 12 and 14 tons of hay from 5i• acres of land. The crop was housed by Saturday night. TEE bi.montbly meeting of Brussels Mechanic Institute Directors will be held in the library on Tuesday of next week at 4 p. m. Every Director is asked to be present. PASSENGERS this week ticketed by J. T. Pepper, C. P. R. Ticket `Agent, Brus. eels :-Miss Braden, Calgary, Alb. ; Mrs. Henry Mooney, Indian Head, Assa. ; Mrs. Geo. Cardiff, Minnedose, Man. AT the Royal Templare Connell last Tuesday evening the question of the Plebiscite vs. the Harter Bill was dis- cussed by D. Hogg and J. Moore. At the next meeting, in addition to installation of officers, The Rules and Regulations of East Heron License Commissioners will be considered. Miss Dolly Broker was appointed organist for the Doming quar- ter. ENTRANCE Exam/NATIO/Z.-The Entrance and Leaving examination commenced in Brussels Pablie .school on Wednesday morning, Principal Campbell, of Gorrie, assisted by Principal Cameron, are the presiding examiners. There are 62 can- didates writing for the .Entrance and 8 fOr Leaving, making 70 in all. Brussels Public school has 11 Entrance pupils and G Leaving. The papers are considerably harder than last year and some of them, particularly the Geography, are not based en the work presented in the curriculum. Tho result will be known in a couple of weeks. QUIETLY WELDED. -The Lowell nelvs• paper says :-A quiet but joyous wedding occurred at the residence of R. W. Bacon last Saturday at 12 o'clock, the contracting parties being Prof. G. A. Hawkins, of the Metropolitan Business College, Chicago, and Miss Ruth Bacon, of this place. It was an informal mac. riage, only a number of most intimate friends being preesnt, Miss Ruby Bacon, sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid, and a brother of Mr. Hawkins from Canada was best man. The knot was tied by Rev. Chas. Cheney, D. D„ of Chicago. Presents were few but sub• dental and useful. Prof. Hawkins is well known here having been suporin• tended of the school far two years, and he has many friends and well-wishers in this community. Miss Bacon was one of the many young ladies of whom Lowell is juetly . proud. Mr, and Mrs. Hawkins will live in Ohioago. They have our heartiest congratulations and best wishes. TROTTING Mans KILLED. -Monday af• fernoon A, Konig was on the Brussels Driving Park speeding his trotting mare "Lottie." Gus, Gcsbel and R. Lang were also on with their paters, "Gusteer" and "Jennie Everett," the two first mentioned going, the wrong way on the track, While driving at a high rate of speed a collision occurred on the West stretch between Kceuig's and Lang's horses, the latter being nn the inside of the course. The r'aft of "Jennie Everett's" sulkey etre ,,k Mr, licenig'e mare about the 8th rib on the right side, went through the abdurninal cavity to the left side, bsiog stopped by the hip bone, about 10 indite of the broken shaft remaining in the body, The mare ran a short piece before dropping dead. She was N flus speedy animal, valued at 6600. In losing her Mr, Kp nis's span of sorrels is irreparably broken. Mr. Lang's mare suffered by the collision, beim/lamed in the kneok down. Both drMere were thrown from the sulkey's but were not injured, A11 the horses were entered for the races on Thursday afternoon, Pos'roeklae hours on Mondey will be front 4to5p.m, TEB town Backe will haven holiday on Saturday (Demiuion Day.) A /,Anon sign hes been painted on the front of D, Ewan's blacksmith shop this week. JAS, BaL7 ANTaNE Bold a NOV Rapid bicycle last week to Aaron Keller, Of Grey township. SINGLE fare tickets will be issued on. the G. T. R. on Friday, good to return on Tuesday of neat week. Tna races drew It big crowd of sports to town on Thursday, A report will be given in next week's issue, Tne Dry goods stores were °loath for a few hours on Thureclay afternoon in order to permit persons interested to at. tend the races if they wished. QUITE a number of Bruesolitee will go to Wroxeter ou Monday next to the oele- brabtou there. We hope the Northern burg will return the compliment on our holiday. CouNTr Cotrurseioscn AINeLEv was in town on Saturday. The iron bridge will be painted this Summer and new signs warning the public in reference to trot- ting over bridge will be put up. IurnovEucNTs.-Robert Menzies has put new siding on his dwelling, William street, and otherwise improved it. - Thos. Pierce has wrought quite a trans- formation on his lately acquired property, Queen street, having built a good sized addition, put up a verandah, &o. -P. McKenna is having a new dwelling ereob- ed on his lob, corner of Albert and Cy- press ypress streets. RECEPTION Socrar.,-On Tuesday even. ing the Epworth League intend holding a reception social in the school room of the Methodist ohurolr for the new pastor and his good lady. Strawberries and oream will be served and a musical and literary program will be presented. Councillor A<•eCr,tcken will give a short sketch of the World's Fair and Rev. Mr. Cobble. dick a 111 also address the gathering. .Refre,.hments served at 7:30 o'clock. Admix. -ion 15 cents. CarlJARr,-On Friday afternoon of last wrelc Archie, fifth son of Walter Jacks('., was summoned from time and passed peacefully away. His death was a surp lee to many as his sickness was of such a',rid character. He had gone to Toren:,a short time ago on a visit and while t ere was taken ill with inflamma- tory rli, umatism. On bis return home he app.). ,red to improve a little but a heart 1 ouble of long standing asserted itself .d one of his lungs gave way so that di -solution soon took place. Archie was a :;eueral favorite and his early de. mise I• deeply regretted by all but we believe he is safe in the arms of Jesus, Ile relied on the promises of the Saviour and had no fear of death. The funera' took place on Sunday afternoon, Rev. A. Y. Hartley, of Bluevale, taking the se:vice in the absence of Rev. Mr, Ross. The floral wreaths were beautiful especially thoee sent from relatives in Toronto. • Mr, and Mrs. Jackson and other relatives are sympathised with in their bereavement. Foornsxn.-A hotly contested game of football was played on Victoria Park, Brussels, on Thursday forenoon, between Wingbam and the home team. The visitors scored 1 goal, the only one taken. During the first half hour the play was on Brussels goal but after that the strong play of Wingham's defence was the only thing that prevented Brussels veering more than oda. The players were as follows WINeoAnr, BnussELs. W. Allenby! Goal Lsatherdale O. Stuart iBaeka f Thompson a f l sle A. Sample a Din inguy A. Sample A. Stuart d Backs, (( ., Ballantyne Es4evin (.., P. Ferguson Eacrett Centro. Oleunau Ha rtisy }Bight wing { gollars. G. Stuaat......1. Left wing. 1,.. R, Ferguson Henderson f T. Ross W. Plenty,.... Umpire. ...Dr. Cavanagh f. Williams, Referee, Wantuse.-B. F. Brook & Son, of Lis- towel Woolen Mills, wish to warn the public and their onstomers of a oertain man by the name of Henry Armstrong, who has been going through the country selling packages of Toronto goods and we are told he used our name to induce the farmer to buy his goods and is leaving the impression with them that he is sell. ing our goods and stating that he would be at our factory to take wool from the farmers and allow them the extra trade price on wool in payment of the note they gave him for his goods. .We wish it to be known that we do not employ Mr. Armstrong or any other peddler to sell goods for us nor does he handle one yard of our goods and we do nob Intend to give employment to him in any way. Any person hearing our name used by Mr. Armstrong or any other peddler we would be thankful to them if they would inform us of the same. We give this warning hoping that our customers and others wanting honest goods will not he taken iu, but that they will come direct to the factory and we will try our best to give satiefaotiou to all. Yours truly, B. F. Bawls & Sose. BIG SnrrorENT on EXPORT CATTLE, -Leet Satnrday morning a speoial train of ten oars of well fed and good weight export cattle left Brussels station, the property of Groff Bros., the well known stockman, of Elmira. There were 169 head in all, 46 of the number being fed by W. J. Dickson, of McKillop, who reoeivad, it is said, nearly 64,000 for them, Duncan McDonald, of Grey, had 20 vory fine ani- mals. Owing to the drop in the British market this lot may be fed at Montreal for a week or eo in the hope of a rise. If not, the purchaser will lose very heavily. Thos. Bloomfield e000mpanied the stook and will likely go on to the Old Country with them. Following is a list of weights, &o., as taken from the weigh. master's book ;- 11.0In. NO, CATTLE. Wit0513T. Wm. Work, Grey, 2 2,970 Joe. Lawson, Morris, 8 3,720 Duuc. McDonald, Grey, 20 26,710 Henry Mooney, Morris, 4 5,120 Arch. Hislop, Grey, 9 12,870 Andrew Ifig 0p, Grey, 7 11,060 P. Robertson, Grey, 8 8,980 Alex. Forrest, Morrie, 8 4,100 W. J. Dickson, MoKiliop, 46 67,940 1'. Barr, Morris, 1 1,760 J. Currie, Morris, 1 2,000 Wm. Milne, Gray, 15 18,440 J. Bowman, Morris, P. Watson, Gray, 8 8,940 Jno, Hislop, Grey, 1 2,280 Andrew Hidlop, jr„ Grey, 8 11,810 3. Stewart, 16 son., Grey, 2 2,900 J. & A. Buchanan, Grey, 16 22,260 S- Dickson, Grey, 10 14,420 It is said as high ne 65 cents per pound was paid for a portlon of the shipment. TILE B,USSELS POST R.tm'Ja1aa Co,893l !6.%✓.Yt,Cnie7i.9.a.76�ARgIlia88 .7r�'�a _.. Lli dareerdearetweeteaerTpui Gtarn Thursday ° -of next, wtei n garden party and strawA712AD.��R.D B4dyr! OF PARIS GREEN berry' festival will bo held at the reel• dz:wm.4.50.Z.Za xxoa n.ewa. dense of Thos. Kelly, Brussels, under the H E AO OFFICE, - TORONTO, auspices of the \Vomen'e Guild of Fit, • John's °lauroh, to commence at 7 ololosk, ASSETS, • (Seven Million Dollars) • 97,000,000 �-p CAPI'PAL (Authorized) - - • 92,000,000 13 UST n es s Locals. Agencies in all principal points to Ontario, Quellco, Alan tlobrt, United Slates cO England. Maxir.LA binder twine, 050., at B. x ATEy S' /Mamma,. GSrry'S. A NEP of tacks for 5o, at, Ballantyne & Wilton's. Tr'A General Banking Business ansaatsd, Farmers' Notes Dleoountod. Drafts Issued and Col1eotions made on all pointe. G ioe bicycle for sale, Apply to Jas, Walker, Brussels. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Sons Williams' new buggies. Their Interest allowed on deposits of 81.00 and u wards from data of deposit to date of prices will surprise you, 1? p PARCEL with print found. Apply ab withdrawal and compounded half yearly, TEE Pear Publiebi Ho Ouse. SrjCIAL ATriNT1ooe GIVEN TO Tnn Cormterron or l'ARMnns' SALE No'rna, Din you see 'interne & Sons new bug. gies 7 The fittest line of the season. Every facility afforded Customers living at a dietanoe. AS. \\',mann sells road carts from 917 to 950. Call and see Ilial at Brussels. W. D. HART, MANAGER. BINDER TwINe.-A car load of binder .....,„e;V1.113.,, L. ' ' IS ONLY 26c. per ib And when you are spending 25e, bo get A pound of Paris Green, you might just as well get the Very Best for your money. You oan get the Very Best Paris Green, guaranteed to be Pura, and imported dir. cot from England, ab Pepper's Drug RRome, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. twine to be sold from 7o, to 95o, at B. ty °��y H fin )aroC �fa1n�a�ww°f ��1 L TAYLOR TiARRTSTER Gmrry's, fs¢fxs5 die tAe Xb+ Vsr9 SMITE da rtordr, ,drelh dlo 9 a8mll E5 sols, e Solicitor and ausbCono e's M . Oollao• Boon WILL/Ails & Son handle the 9 tionsmada, Oulao-4auetouo'anlaac, Brns• 21-3m easiest riding road cart in the market. �-, q� L7 ..L.V lJ S E3 To.4 Ii ,SJ' , Call and see ib. BBeats:Bona no baggage checked through Co lT. It. ppo Irtdeuta unless tickets are bought at Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on WR ars prepared bo make pictures, any all points in Canada, United Status and Great Britain. size required, et reasonable prices. Give us a call. H. J. Strong. FARMEIIS' NOTES DISOOUNTED. Tim G. T. R. depot is the only plane in SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY. town where you °angst tickets Brussels • to Manitoba and return. You cannot get full privileges on ex- ;-r�'".'� Ta',ave Dams ON pz RZIVErypTe 000eion tickets to Manitoba unless you RInterest Allowsd on One Dollar and U wards at Current Rates. Interest Com - buy at the G. T. . depot. p Cae load of binding twine at 95o. and Pounded Twice a Ysar,,Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of 1050. Cardiff & Kirkby, Warerooma October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits. opposite Queen's Hotel stables. \0'e effect to write Insurance In old English or Canadian Companies, or in Mut- Tun Rotary Spray Pninp for sale by cal Companies Os may be desired. Ballantyne & Wilton, Every fruit grow. er should have one. Call and see it, AGENTS Fon CANADA AND UNITED STATES : TUE OANAnrtN BANE or Ccuoalnnan, Now is the time for viewing. Public buildings, residences, pin -nim parties, sto. oan be photographed on shortest notice. R. J. Strong. I rave sold 12 new buggies and 13 road carts already this season. Most people know whore to go to get the best rigs. Jas. Walker, Brussels To TEE Ponnio.-Having purchased on the stook of 0. E. Perry's negatives, any photos. oan be had from them by leaving order at my studio. H. J. Strong, BnING your old buggy wheels for ra• pair, we are ready for thorn. Prices away down as I have a Large stook of wheel timber on hand. Jas. Walker, Brussels, Pam-sm.-To distroy noxious odors, purify cellars, outhouses, sink, cess pools and all planes of this class ; drives away all iuseats, ants, de. 25 cents a Ib, at B. Gerry's. TEE WonrosaN.-D. Myna has the agency for the celebrated Whitman Pea Harvester, It bas no equal and every machine is warranted to do good work. It may be seen at Mr. Ewan's black. smith chop, Brussels. Inoouns blood is the cause of innumer- able maladies, Hence, one of the great- est benefactions to humanity was the discovery of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which, more than any other medioiue, has saved America from becoming a nation of invalids. 1VIOST RnacaREABLE ON EARTa,-So says Professor Gresham, New York, of St. Leon Mineral Water, to invigorate, build up and preserve strength and happine,s life long. It is impossible to speak too highly of St. Leon. A fresh supply to hand at Geo. Thomnson's. lamer), languidness, and the appear. nee of ill -health being no longer fashion• ble among ladies, Ayer's Sarsaparilla is more largely resorted to as a tonic -altera- tive, nervine, stomachic, and builder up of the system generally. This is as it should be. Ayer's is the best. ROAD Cams. -Of all the carts that yon have ever seen or heard of the "Mi-neola" beats anything that ever struck Brus- sels. The most stylish, the best finished, the easiest riding, free from horse motion and throws all other carts in the shade. I sold three in one week, Jas. Walker, Brussels. Rreuntirrsar CURED IN A Dir. -South American Rbaumatfo Cure for Rheuma. sham and Neuralgia radically oures in 1 to 8 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It re. moves at once the manse and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits, 75 oents. Warranted by G. A. Deadman. WELL-DIGGONe AND Dnn:r,nea,-George Birt has all the necessary maohinery for digging and drilling wells and is prepar• ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper shape. Terms reasonable. Residence s000nd door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry et., Brussels. 84-tf ABsonurr9Lr pure Manilla binder twine, equal in price per hundred feet and bet. ter in evenness and quality than any Canadian twice on the market. Every foot of ib guaranteed. To secure this twine pall and get ib at once or hand in your order. A. M. McKay & Co. To INVADE THi UNITED STATES. -To- ronto, Oot., June 26. -Another announce- ment of interesb is made by the Dodd's Medicine Company Ltd„ of this city, to the effect that they have decided td establish a factory and warehouse at Buffalo, N. Y,, in order to supply the growing demand for Dodd'e Kidney Pills in the United Staten. This remedy has never been advertised or planed on sale in the United States, but the popularity of the remedy and the newe of its successes in Canada quickly reached the people of the neighboring republio, and orders have poured in, unsolicited, from every State in the Union. The capacity of the To. ronto factory is taxed to supply the Can• adieu market nod the management feel that they oan only do justice to both foreign and home demands by invading the United States and establishing a depot and factory there. 24.AR+xvxsa. PEPPER-Fonsrro.-Ab the residence of the bride's father, No. 6 Alice street, Toronto, lay Rev. N. E. Scott, Miss Annetta Forsyth, to Mr. Wm, L. Pepper, formerly of Grey. Loiawonrrt-Wonmcv,-On the 220c1 inst„ et the residence of the bride's mother, 15th cont of Grey, by the Bev. D. B. Matte, Mr. Wm, Leng• worth, of Algoma, to Mies Jentlae, eldest daughter of Aire. Wortley. Kgso.o-MoiaY,-On the 20th inst„ ed the residence of the bride's father, 15th con., by the Rev, D, B. McRae, Mr,. W. Kelly, to Mint Catharine 1. Macey, daughter of Mr. George McKay, all of Grey. HER liELL-WYNnr,-In Newry, on June 21st, ab the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. A. Henderson, M. A., Chas. W. Herrell, of Neepawe, Man., tobiise Nina, only daughter of Mr. A. H. Wynn. 3tei eoi.-In Brussels, on Friday, June 28rd, Arebie, fifth eon of Walter and Emma, Jackson, aged 10 years and 9 months. Wzre0.-In Grey, on Friday, June 23rd, Ann Jauo, eldest daughter of A. G. and S. A. Weleb, aged 18 years and 3 month s. NIOHOL.-In Morris, on Saturday,. June 24th, Thomas Webster, youngest son of Alexander and Margaret Nichol, aged 11 years, 11 months and 12 days. STnunnmann.-In Maryborough, on June 19th, Christian Steurnagel, aged 65 years, 5 months and 15 days. ABRAHAM. -In Stratford, on June 11th, John Ston Abraham, aged 55 years. The deceased was the father of the Miss se Abraham, formerly of Brus- sels. �BsV'ms mZS IvS 9.Sv'K>:7TS. Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Barley-........ Peas Oats Butter, tubs and rolls.... Eggs per dozen Floor per barrel Potatoes Hay per toil.......,.... Salt per bbl., retail,..... Hides trimmed Hides rough Sheep skins, oath Lamb skins each Apples per beg Wool Pork 60 58 30 54 32 13 9 800 40 6 OD 1 00 35 3 00 05 50 17 7 00 62 60 85 00 32 14 00 3 60 60 7 00 00 3. 00 00 00 18 7 50 INGnnsoLL, Ont., June 27. -Offerings to -day :-1,687 boxes, June make ; sales 260 boxes at 050 ; 9 6.10o bid for several lots, but refused. BELLEVILLE, Ont., June 27. -There was small attendance at the cheese board held here today, only fifteen factories being boarded. Two thousand eight hundred and sixty boxes of white and 1,- 050 boxes of colored were offered, with the following sales :-Ko dyer, 100 boxes of white and 100 boxes of colored at Oko ; Graham, 2,760 boxes of white sold at Oso. Board adjourned for two weolts, TORONTO, 30100 27. -Flour, straight roller, 92,05 to 93.10; extra, 92.65 to 52.70. Wheat, white, 62o to 63o ; No. 2 spring, 610 to 62o ; red winter, 62o to 830 ; goose, 000 to 630 ; No. 1 Man. hard, 85c to 800 ; No. 2, 88o to 840 ; No. 3, 76e to 77o ; frosted No. 1, 85o to 66o. Peas, No. 2, 5750 to 680. Barley, No. 1, 410 to 42o ; No. 2, 37o to 375s ; No. 3 extra, 34o to 35c ; No. 8, 30o to 82e, Oats, No. 2, 38o to 39o. Market showed no improve. mont, Sales -No. 2 Man. hard wheat outside at 800 to 82o, and No. 1 frosted outside at 680, Oats on track at 3550. LoNnoO, June 26. -The Mark Lane Express, in its weekly review of the British ggrain-trade, says :-Thursday's and Friday's rainfall benefitted England, France sad Germany. The rains were exooeeivo in Hungary and Roumania and flooded Dorn lands. English wheat iu London has advanped to 27e 2d per quarter. The total quantity shill in farmers' hands he 1,509,000 qrs. Crop reports in Francs vary in their estimates of the yield of wheat, placing it from 28,. 600,000 to 40,000,000 quarters, The prospects in Southern Rnseia have great- ly improved. In New Zealand the wheat yield will be 200,000 quarters less than last ,year. Large importabione of Ameri- can flour in sacks have made flour in London dull. TORONTO, June 27. -There wag a fair market to.day for cattle, notwithstand•. ing unsatisfactory reports from Liver- pool. Freights are too high and shippers are toeing about 11 per head. The ocean rate this week on regular lines is from 50s to 58s, The best exports being Se per Ib., and. good 45o to 45o per lb. Lean etoakore are worth 85s to 4o per lb. Milo) °owe, 936' to 950 a head, and calves 93 to 910 each, the latter of course for choice quality. Good butchers' cattle are worth do to 45o per pound ; medium, 89o, and inferior, 3o to 850. Sheep in. moderato supply, selling at 54 to 96.50. wit, or 35o to 89a per pound ; spring lambs bring 98.75 to 94.50 oaoh ; hogs dull, with the fooling easier ; the beet sold at G5s per pound, and rough to medium at 6o to 61o. EAST BurrtLo, N. Y., June 27. -Gat• tle-Eight oars on sale ; nothing doing. Sheep and lambs -Only a few lots of oull stook offered ; market nominally nn• changed. Hogs -Four cars on sale ; all the good stook sold at 90.80 ; roughs, 95.- 50 ; stags, 94.50 to 95. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE or to rent in the village of Oranbrook. The purchaser may have from I to 5 acres as they ay1Bh. House comfortable good cellar, orchard, stable, Jes. For particulars as to Pries, terms, &0„ apply on the premises to 0010, MOINTOSH, sr., Proprietor. 47.4 Oranbrook P. O. TENDERS WANTED. -TEN• 1 arms wanted for cutting about 18 acres of high land hay and the hay Drop on a Beaver Meadow. The job will be lot on shares or sold out entirely. For further particulars apply at once to ADAM SO OTT, South Half Lot 15, 005.4, Morris. Farm for Sale Tho Farm, containing 100 acre!, is also offered for sale. Possession oo uld be given next Fall.. Morrie, June 25th, 1808. TENDERS WANTED. -TEN- DERS will be received up to 7 p. m., on Friday, July 7011, for the erection of a now ohuroh,Roo's Appointment, Oou, 8 town- ship of Grey, the Sarno to be brick, with stone foundation. Tenders aro asked fox both mason work and carpenter work, sep- arately or both in one. Contractor to fur- nieh all material except atone, brick and sand, Plans and speeinsatione may be seen by appiyiug to 8. Ames or Joseph Raynerd. The lowesb of any tender not neoessnrlly accepted. S. AMES, 49.2 - Secretary. REAL ESTATE. FARMS FOR SA.LE.-THE UN• 0EnsIGNHo has several good Farms for sale aadto rent, easy terms, in Townships of Morrie and Groy. F 5, SCOTT, Brussels. 87•tf. /^IHOICE FARM FOR SALE, - Being South half Lot 27, conA, Morris, 100 acres, nearly all cleared. Good buildings, One young bearing orchard. Immediate Doe - session, Busy Terms. Apply to W. M, SIN CLAIR, tf- , Solicitor, ,he., Brussels. 20ro AGRE FARM FOR SALE. The 200 sorefarm being lots 11 and 12, eon, 10. Grey, is offered for sale. 120 acres are cleaned and the balance welltim- bered. Buildings flrsbolass. Orchard, well, do. School house within 40 rods. Posses- sion given at ouoo if desired. For 'further particulars as to price, to rine, Co, apply to MRS. 1WALI0E1i, 8-tf Roseville P. 0, or NELSON BRICKKER, on farm. , • rARM FOR SALE. --THE UN- DnnerONlen offers his splendid 125 acre farm, being Lot 8 and west part Lot 0,Con. 0, Grey, for sale, There are 100 acres cleared, balance timbered. Two dwellinghouses, bank barns, good orchard, well fnned. A never failing spring on the plaom, Posses- sion given any bimo. The subscriber also offers for sale a dwelling house, stable and acres of laud in the corporation of Brussels, The house and garden would be routed for a short Lime if not Bold. Hard and soft water, Por briess, terms and further particulars apply to JOHN SMITH, Proprietor, t-tf Brussels P. 0. 1 PLEN.UID FARM FOR SALE. li.," BEING lots 11 and 12, sou, 18 Township of Grey,-Ooanty, of Huron, eontainin 200 sores, the property of the late John Stobart• eon, 100 none cleared and free from ob- struobions, 10 ,ores bush, mixed blmber, balance partly cleared, Soil Olay loam, mostly roiling. Faded with straight rail foneme and watered by two wells and a Spring privilege, Oommodione dwelling house, with large woodshed attacked and an excellent cellar under ,hoose. Two largo barna,atone stabling and otheroutbuild- ings. Two good bearing orchards, 'orna- mental trees and small fruits. 4} miles from Brussel% a iivoly town on the O. T. B„ oonvenieut t0 school, elmrobee and poeqt esios, This property lies well 10 a firer elms grain and stink farm and should be seen by intending pnrohasors.at it in offer- ed at it bargain. For further particulars appiyto MRS. 3NO. ROBERTSON, or DANIEL ROBERTSON, on the premiaos, or by letter to Craubraok P. 0, - 80.4 JERSEY BULL. --IN BREI3D— LN0 steak for the hair it it essential that you have good milking aiming. Tito dam of my registered Jolley 131211 is a prigs winner at the Toronto Industrial, Cost of serwico for grad00 reduced to 81,50when oath; G.d. Dt;An>lseN,nrnggitt, hoop IMPROVED LARGE W LATE YORK• SH/RE BOAR. The nndoreigued will Beep for sm'viee oris 1resent season the Improved large white orkehire pig "Ready" en lot 20, con, 0, Mauls, to wlel/ a limited number of Bowe will be taken. Tonne 83.00 to bo paid at time of sorvioe, with the privilege of return. ing if teeeeeary, seat see may be goon Up- on appppiloatioa. BGBIa107' 1.1101401, 15tf Proprietor, '\ AT M, SINOLAIR, • Solicitor Conveyancer, NotnryPab• tic, '85o, OIBee-'Vnnston Ws Block,3 door north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to Loan. CAMERON, HOLT & HOLMES, Barrlstors, 8olioitors, Notaries PubIlo, Goilerich, Ont.• sr, o. 0Anrr.R005, 5, 0., 0100005 0OLT, DUDLEr 110Lnnee, G• F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Co. (In to of Carrow le Proud/opt'e OOlao, Codorioh.) Oihce over Gillies & Smith's Book,Brueaels, Money to Loan. 47 AUCTIONEERS. A • RAYMANN, Auctioneer, is alwaye ready to at. te ncl elves of farms, farm stock, &c. Terms cheerfully given. 0ranbroolc P. 0. Sales may bo arranged at Toon POST Publishing House, Brussels, GEQRGE 3IRKI331, Licensed Auctioneer, Sales conduct ed on reaeouable terms. Farms and farm stook a epeoiaity. Orders left at Tap' Poem Publishing House ,lru Beets, or:mutt° Walton P. 0„ will receive prompt attention, HAVING TAKEN OUT LIOEN- to conduct as of Auctioneer, stook fat reasonable prioes. Knowing the standing of nearly every person I am in a position to sell to good marks and get good security when sold ou credit. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give mea call. 82- F S. SCOTT. BUSINESS CARDS. IAT H. MoORAOKEN, • Iesurer of Marriage Licenses. Oates atble Grocery, Turnberry street, Brussels. W. BARRETT, • Tonsorial Artist: Shop -Next door south of A. M, McKay& Co's hardware store. Ladies'and ohlldrons hair butting a speolalty MoNAIR, • Iseurer of ferriage Licenses, by appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Commis - Fire Insu ace B. Conveyance).aatand Agent Post Gigue, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM: INRURANOE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. ALEX. HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Division Oourt Oo, Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Publio Land, Loan and Ineuranee Agent. Funds invested and to loan. Collections made. Office in Graham's Block, Brussels, OIL PAINTING Miss Morins, of Wingbam, is prepared. to give instruction in oil painting, %arms may be asoerteiaed at Miss Nellie Roes' store where samples of work may be seen.. Mee Merles would also take a few more pupils in music, rri A. HAWKINS, • Organist in St. John's Ohara, Erns. eels, and pupil, in the Art of :Teaching of A. W. Thayer, nfue.11oo, New York, will give lessons to pupils either at J. O. Iinlliday's, not, Icing and John Ste., or if proferred, at their own bonne. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at Walton. Texans moderate, VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, tJ • Honor Graduate of 0115 Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all diseases of domoetioatod annuals in a oom- petent manner, Portroular attention paid to veterinary denbietr Calle promptly at- tended to, Oilloe and Infirmary-T�tppe doors .uortb of bridge 'i'urnberry et., Bruslele, MEDICAL CARIDS. J- A. MaNAUGHTON, M. D. • 0. M„ L. R, 0.7„ Edinburgh, M. 0. P S. Out. Residence and oilloe in Wilson' Black, ooruer of Mill and Turnberry 'Sts, DENTAL. 31.)301 NUC'Xisi"J[?f M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S., D. D. S,, Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario and of onto Uni- versity. Ourroll-ChToronto A. It, 8).1311,11's Stein.iirussors, Mortgage Sale t� t7 —OF -- Hotel Property_ In the Village of Brussels. Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale contained in a oertain mortgage, which. will bo produced at thesale, and subject ;tocer- tain conditions w11ioh will be than read, thorn will be gold by Public Auction,' on TIIURSIIAY, JULY 13th, 1893,, At '1.0 o'clock a.m„ onthepremised, the' ol. lowing property in the Village of 13th lowing in the bounty of Huron, containing rt., fourth of an nova more or lee t, and comp oiled of Village Lot No, 020, ob the west side of Turnberry 8b., Strotton'o survey, Brussels. On the property there is a two story frame Hotel and Sbableg, The hotel le near the G, T. Railway station. Thorn is a prior wort gage on the premises for 81,106, 'lnntts Or' SALE. --Ten per dent. °ash on. day of Salo, and balance in 80 days, Portlier particulars giVon On application to H. 14I, ANDREWS, 40-8 'Solicitor for MOrtga eon Boylan, Juno 14, 1000. Berlin,