HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-6-30, Page 3JuNn 30, 1893
"Yes, stranger, things baa ohaugod out
here ; 'tain't very long ago
Sinoo this big town was nothin' but the
ranoh of old 13111 Coe ;
We oiled 11 Freedom Camp, and ev'ry
Sunday all the boys
Would meet in front of old B111's tont and
make a precious noise,
There's nothin' maim, our sort of men as
happy as a din,
And ao with sheet and creak o£ gone we
need to sail right in ;
We'd fight and rams and try our strength
till half the night was spent,
And then we'd go with ouree and laugh
to drink in ofd Bill's tent.
The only one that didn't drink, or carry
on, or swear,
Was sickly, and they'd sent him bore for
Colorado air :
He was a youngster only, bub he made us
ranolimen mad
Bemuse he looked so solemn when we
anted extra bad,
One Sunday night the noise eased up and
Boon the Damp was still
As each one on us stood and watched the
moon rico o'er the hill ;
I don't know how 11 happened, but it
looked so pure and oaten,
That ev'ry ranohman dropped hie voice
and stayed his arm.
And then before a move was made, that
youngster, there by mo,
Began to sing so eat and olear, "My
faith looks up to Thee,"
And in a minute hats were off and ev'ry
head was bowed
As them old words rang true and sweet
and softened up that crowd.
I hadn't heard that solemn tune since I
was young as him,
And something swelled up in my throat
and then my eyes got dim ;
As he sung on I thought how brave he
was that crowd to fame,
Anil so I took a mighty breath and joined
him with the bass.,
Then Denver Diok began to sing, and
soon the whole rough crowd
Was shoutin' out that good old tune in
voices deep and loud ;
We hadn't pretty voices and some didn't
know to word,
But stranger 'twee the grandest thing
that mortal ever heard.
And when the hymu.was done we said
good-nightandwent our way,
And old Bill's tent was pretty well desert-
ed from that day ;
For ev'ry Sunday night we'd meet and
sing a hymn or two,
And mixin' hymns and rum, yon see, of
course would never do.
Yes, stranger, things has changed out
here ; we've got our churches now,
And you could live here all your life and
never see a IOW ;
Tho good has drove the bad away and alt
this change, you see,
Is owin' to the ohnp that sung, "My
faith lochs up to Thee."
Actions speak loader than words ever do ;
You cant eat your cake and hold on telt
When the cat is away, then the little
mice play ;
Where there's it will there's always a way.
One's deep in the mud as the other in
mire ;
Don't jump from the frying pan into the
There's no use crying o'er milk that is
spilt ;
No aaouaeris needed by ooneeionoe of
Thera must be some fire oherever is
smoke ;
The pitcher goes oft to the well till it's
By rogues falling out honest men get
their due ;
Whoever it fits, he must put on the shoe.
All work and no play will make Jack a
dull boy ;
A. thing of much beauty is ever a joy.
A half •loaf is better than no bread at all
And pride always goeth before a sad fall.
Fast find aid fast bind, have two strings
to your bow ;
Contentment is better than riches, you
The devil Dude work for hands idle to do;
A miss is as good as a mile is to you.
Yon specie of the devil, he's sure to ap•
pear ;
Yon omit make a silk purse from out of
sow's ear.
A man by his company always is known;
Who lives in a glass house shouldnot
throw a stone.
When the blind leads the blind both will
fall in the ditch ;
Its butter born lucky than being born
Little pitchers have big ears ; burnt
child dreads the fire;
Through speaking the truth, lie one
credits it liar.
Speeob may be silver, bub eilouoe is gold ;
Tltore'e navor a fool like the foul who is
The weak may be joked out of any.
thing but their wenkuess.
Every new word acquired is a feather
added to the wing of thought.
When the beat things are not possible,
the beat may made of those that are.
Most of our misfortunes are more stip•
portable than the comments of our
friends upon them.
A. pre0ioue thing i0 ail the more peed.
oi0 to us if it has been won by work or
ideate which oily float in the mind
and are- not realized in the life will
,evaporate and disappear,
Ouatoma and incidents which are nom•
mon place to most men are the oppot'tuee
Meet of great man.
Trite independence ie to be found
where a parson contracts lois deeiree
within the linsite of hie fortunes.
To secure a contented spirit measure
your desires by your fortuhee, and not
year fortunes by your desires.
]:t le a great virtue to be able to act
one's own part in the comedy of the
world and leave others to play theirs.
Uso what talent you poseoee, The
woods would be very silent if uo birds
sang thorn but those whiolt sang beet.
It le not the greatness of a man's
means that makes him independent, ea
muolt as the etnallueea of his wants.
"The beet of all amide ie assiduity," use
this wonderful ohomiaal, It will oat ite
way through every difficulty.
Let 'fortune do her worst, whatever elle
makes us lose, so long as she never makoe
us lose our honesty and our indepen-
If you have builtoaettes in the air that
is whore they belong ; if you would nob
tose your labor go to work and pat
foundations under them.
It may bo beautiful to say nothing but
good of the dead but how much bettor to
say of a man while living only what you
Will fool at liberty to say after his death.
epei:Ii14 A113'uiteella1ietENrS,
Babies taken and finished in ten ntin•
Utes by a country photographer.
Wanted—A female who has a know,
ledge of fitting boots of a good moral
For Sale—A handsome piano, the
property of a young lady who is leaving
Scotland in a walnut ease with turned
To be sold—A splendid grey horse,
oalonlatecl for a charger. or would carry
a lady with a switch tail.
A lady advertises her desire fora hue.
hand "with a roman nose having religious
A. newspaper gives an account of a man
"who was driving an old ox when
he became angry and kicked him, hitting
his jawbone with such force as to break
his leg."
The Eollowiug appeared ht a down
south weekly. "If John Jones who 20
years ago deserted his wife and babe will
return said babe will lick the atuflin' out
of him."
A London paper awarded a two -guinea
prize for the best definition of a baby.
The Indy who won the prize gave the fol-
lowing answer :
A tiny feather from a wing of love
dropped into the sacred lap of mother-
The following are some of the defini-
tions given :
The bachelor's horror, the mother's
treasure and the despotic tyrant of the
most repnblioan household.
The morning caller, the noonday drawl.
er, the midnighb bawler.
The duly precious poaseasioll that ex-
cites envy.
The latest edition of humanity, of
which every couple think they possess the
thick Dopy,
A native of all countries who speaks
the language of none.
About twenty-two inches or oma and
wiggle, writhe and scream, filled with sue.
tion and testing apparatus for milk, and
automatic alarm to regulate supply.
A quaint littte craft (called Innocence,
laden with simplicity and love.
A think we are to kiss and look as if
we enjoyed it.
A little stranger with a free pass to the
heart's best affections:
That which melee home happier, love
stronger, patieeco greater, hands busier,
nights longer, days shorter, purses light-
er, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten,
future brighter.
Ii1)1'1'011.4 At,L KNOW.
Ila dosn't subscribe for the paper
He has more papers now than be can
Ile has no time to read except at nights
and his eyes are so poor that he oan'b sea
Ile can't afford to take thein all, so he
tapes none.
He dosn't like your paper, anyhow.
"It never has no news, nor nuthiu' else
Ile eau get the city weekly font times
as big as yours for the same prise, and
"it's got lots of readin' in it, too."
lie dosn't like the politics of the paper.
Hie neighbor takes it, and be takes the
other, and they "kinder change off, you
Ile got mad at the editor seven or eight
years ago, and wouldn't take the paper if
it was the last one on earth.
Ile litres to see a paper that has sand
enough to be on one side or the other,
and not on the fence all the time. "Elf
I wuz running a peeper, By pokey, I'd,
Ontario oontaius a population of 2,•
The area of the Province is 219,950
square miles, or 140,670,000 acres.
There were last year 8,080,206 acres in
staple field crops, 2,562,0•]:0 acme in pas.
tura, 1,152,082 en fallow land, email orops,
lanes, building sites, etc., and 194,098 in
orchard and garden,
The acreage devoted to staple field
orops was divided as follows
wheat, 966,522 ; Spring wheat, 061,802 ;
barley, 490,225 oats, 1,801,469 ; rye,
73,073 ; peas, 774,762 corn (in the ear,)
181,463 ; corn (tone for 0110,) 01,408 ;
buckwheat, 125,104 ; beans, 83,210: pe.
tatoee, 145,703 ; niaugel-\unreels, 22,026 ;
carrots, 0,041 ; burnips, 129,627 ; hay
and olovor, 2,516,867.
Of the population, 1,105,471 is in town.
&hips, 422,425 in villages and towns and
886,979 iu cities.
The assessed value of townships last
year was $102,088,163, of towns and vil.
Iowa; 4125,597,688, and of cities 3217,794,•
The etolo taxes inipoaed amounted to
$4,599,618 in townships, 39,452,170 in
towns and villages and 34,757,838 in
There are 088,814 horses in the Prov.
ince Valued at $65,812,920.
Of cattle there are 2,090,110, of which
787,866 are milob oowe, valued at 345,.
There aro 1,850,473 sheep and the
value of the same is 38,660,557.
There aro 628,501 turkeys worth 3415,-
848 ; 446,154 goose valued at $254,896,
and 6,005,815 other fowls, the value of
which is $1,421,700.
During the year ending 80th of June
last there were sold or killed 46,055 horses
worth $4,280,182 ' 430,852 cattle worth
315,070,185 ; 675,0184 sheep valued at39,-
840,190 ; 978,791 pigs 4 a value of $8,.
775,852, and 1,050,400 poultry worth
The total value of farm lands is $017,.
828,471, of betiding,' $1011,841,95e, 01100.
piotnonts 061,003,020, of live etoak $117,•
601,405, making a total of $079,077,214,
inn ten years farm lands have decreased
in value by nearly $17,000,000 ; buiidi;ge
have increased by over $15,000,000 ; im•
plemsnte by nearly $8,000,000, and livo
stack by eonoiderahly over 814,000,000,
the net result alt round beteg an addition
of $10,000,000 in the value of farm prop.
erty during the ctecuttu.
The average far a wages paict last year
was 4160 for the twelve monthe with
board, and 8268 without; for the .werk-
Ing season $10,52 was the average per
month with board and $25.02 without
board ; domestic aervante averaging 40.-
21 per month.
The foregoing figures have been Dulled
from a report issued by the Ontario
Bureau of Inclusbrles.
Miss Ida Newton held the Iuolcy ticket
which drew the gold watch at the Ball
Carnival entertainment in Drew's Opera
At the recent meeting of Diabriob No.
15, I. 0. 0.I'., at Olinbon, Bros. Samuel
Popplestono, of Exeter, was recommend.
od to the Grand Ledge as D. D. G. 111,,
and Bro. Bert. Tulse, of Exeter, was
sleeted See.
A large number of the members of
Lebanon Forest Lodge, No. 133, A. P. cl
A. 311., Exeter, went to elinton on Sunday
last for the purpose of attending divine
service in the English church the. a. The
Rev. Mr. Fairlie oorepied the pulpit and
delivered an appropriate sermon.
On Friday evening of last week a large
number of the James Street Methodist
Church oongregation assembled in the
church basement for the purpose of doing
honor to whom honor was due. The Do.
melon being the presentation of an ad-
dress and a well-filled purse, to their pee.
tor, Rev. A. L. Russell and wife, also a
book to each member of the family.
$..ucliuo v r.
Mise Susie Walker left last week for
British Columbia.
J. and A. Stewart, of the Hamilton
Collegiate Institute, are home for their
Joseph Little, of this village, fell from
a scaffold while painting one day last
week and had one of his legs badly hurt,
and whisk has since confined him to the
The Independent Order of Foresters
attended divine service at the Presbyter.
ian °berth last Sunday. Rev. A. Me -
Kay, pastor of the church, preached an
appropriate sermon.
A spirit of improvement prevails to an
unusual extent in Lucltuow this spring.
Besides the now buildings in course of
erection we note innovations and renova-
tions on all sides. The oarpouters, plan•
terers and painters are busy.
Several complaints have been made
against the unusual disturbances created
on the main streets at nights by a gang
of young men who ought to know better,
and the constable should see that they
behave themselves in the future.
J. McGarry, in building the new ad.
dition to his hotel, has had the fore-
thought to have au opening left in the
gable so that in case of fire, the firemen
will be enabled to more readily reach the
seat of the conflagration without the
trouble and danger they are usually put
to in prying off the aideing. It world be
well for intending builders to copy his
A Draggist Experiences 14 Years' piea0y
Increase In Ilse Otto of Royal
Crown ltensedy.
ST. MAars, hag. 14th, 1879.
Some three years ago Isaac Williams'
Royal Crown Remedy was introduced to
me for sale ; since then ib has had a
steadily increasing Bale. It; 000ms to
give the best of satisfaotion wherever
used. S. Fiox,stau, Chemist.
General Nowt.:.
Cholera is decreasing rapidly through-
out Russia.
Of pigs there are 986,074 and these aro
valued at 45,479,093,
Heavy rain has fallen in northern Wis-
consin, extinguishing the forest tires.
By the election of it Unionist in Lin.
lithgow by a majority of 100 Mr. Glad•
stone has lost a supporter.
Sanborn, a lumbering town in Minns.
seta, has been wiped out by fire and two
children were burned to death.
The late Senator Stanford's property
is valued at $35,000,000, of whioli there
is an income of about 38,000,000.
The Marohionees of Lorne has been
elected an honorary menthol: of the
Revel Art Aoadsmy of San Luca, Italy.
The town of Uteermatlan, Mexico, has
been visited by a terrible water spoilt,
which resulted in loss of life and groat
Cholera reportsl received from Moms,
show that from Jane 10 to June 20 there
were 830 deaths from the disevso in that
At the Coney Island Athletic Club,
Thursday night, Jim Daly, of Buffalo,
was kttooked out iu six rotttuis by Joe
Butler, ordered, of Philadelphia.
Jndgo Wilkin, of the Supremo Const of
Illinois, has eaetained the oedivanee. of
1889 stopping pool scoffing outside in.
gnlar race tracks,, This means that the
mby pool rooms most close.
Ib is reported that revolution has
broken out in Salvador against President
Errata. All the banks in San Salvador
have suspended businese and will remain
closed until pease has been restored.
14Ira, Robert Hogan, of Sandusky, Ohio,
swallowed an 0111300 oe laudanum in the
presentee of her husband the other night.
The man made no effort in liar behalf,
and said be was willing site shanid die.
They had been married Invo weeks.
It is estimated that 20,000 to 25,000
persons witnessed the illumination of H.
M. S. Blake in the Halifax harbor haat
Thursday night, Thousande na00mblocl
on Citadel hill and in the park on the
Dartmouth aide. The dock yard was
Orwell open to Oho public, and 4,000 er
5,000 gathered there. Myriads of boats,
steam turd sail, yachts, steamers and
crafts of all kinds passed to and fro on
the water. The street car service Was
simply dsmortcliz.d in trying to (mom•
modate the people. The ittaminatioi
oommenoed at 9 o'uloak, and continued
till 11;30. The epectaolo was entirely an
eleobrioal one, end not as grand as the
one in New York, There worn no fire.
worlca and no decoration of the ship, but
a fine illumination was given, 815 lights
being used• The S'rench warship Meld,
lying off the dooicyard, was also ill uMtn.
atod to som0 extent,
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Fibrin or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 6k Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when rognired.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
AYE 9 iii
Your best remedy for
E-rysipelas, Catarrh
R-heumatism, and
$alt -Rheum, Sore Eyes
A-bscesses, Tumors
R-unning Sores
S -curvy, Humors, Itch
A-nemia, Indigestion
P-imples, Blotches
A-nd Carbuncles
R-ingworm, Rashes
I-mpure Blood
L-anguidness, Dropsy
L-iver Complaint
A -II cured by
Prepared by Dr. 3, C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, rine&
Saldby 11 Druggists. Price $I; six bottles, $S.
Cures others, Will cure you
:Practical Watchmaker
and Jezveler-.
Thanking the public) for past favors and
support and wishing still to secure
your patronage, we are opening
out Full Linos in
Silver Platen Ware
from Established and Iluliadtle Makers
fully warranted by no.
Clocks of the
Latest Designs
EAI,RINes, 0.
l 'Also a Pull Line of Yxowve and
Violin Strings, &o., in stook.
N. u.•—Issiarer of Hurries% Licenses.
T. Fletcher, - Brussels.
Confederation Life
Read l)drlli'C : TORONTO,
Capitalanti Assets, $5,000,000
New Insur2100, 1892, $8,670,000
Insurance at Risk, $22,555,000
Policies Non-Porfeitablo and In-
disputable after two years.
Gains for 1892 over 1891 in In-
surance, Written, $755,000,
Or over 25 per: cent.
Insurance at llisll•, $1,978,000
Or Nearly 10 per cent,
Assurance Income, $48,678
I In Assets, - $489,878
V�7 I3. IR,
high est Price Paid
Cash or Tr. ,k
......AT fs'�3 E,l•.....
a. .w . lacto —Zit'
Wish to remind the public that they still want more Wool and
that they Have on. liantl for this season's trade the
Biggest tool of 'Woolen Gose o
Ever shown by any other Factory in Ontario, which. the,: will ex-
change for wool tl.t prices which will Astonish Everybody.
It will pay you to conte and see our Tremendous Stock whish is
Opened For Inspection.
Come and Satisfy yourself before disposing of your Wool EIse;where.
Do not forget to seeur°e for' yozbr wife one of our
Fine Wool Scotch Skirts.
It -NOTICE. --Do not be led away by shoddy peddlers and
others travelling through the country. We do not employ any suer •
men. But come direct to our factory and by Pair Dealing we hope
to gain your support and confidence.
We Guarantee First-class Work 111 Roll Carding,
Spinning and Manufacturing.
P. S.—Parties from a distance can rely on getting their Boll
Cardio, back with themthe same clay and they will f1111 us ready
to give the most prompt and careful attention to all.
.Qr���...��,.. �•itrb,�1 3 r
Galiery Or StauUart B aiik0
Salesmen art: wanted to represent us in the stile of it
Choice line of
Hardy Canadian Grown Stook.
Experience not necessary. Wo want real workers and to all such
we offer a permanent situation at a good income with chance' -of acl'
vaneemelnt. As ave now have over 700 acres under cultivation we
can give our salesmen many superior advantages. We also desire
to secure a good man in your districtto sell the
For which we have the General Agency. This is something new
and indispensable to tlto farmer or fruit grower. Send for terms
and 'testimonial circular,
L N -T r
STONE & �.� Lf G dN, Nurserymen,