HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-6-23, Page 8k,R
Very recently a gentles= in Berlin
had the misfortune to have two flue °owe
poieoned by chewingoleths that eome
painters had been using with paint that
oontained Paris Greeu. It would be well
to remember this when asing Perin Green
for killing the potato bugs. Of course
the better the Paris Gree the lees 111
takes to kill so that in using our Pure
Pavia Green that docs not take ninon to
kill potato bugs or anything else that
may eat it, you should use it with cam
Hon. We toll it by the pound for
OT+:1iT 017'4 ,
Tbe Travelling Dairy which Ilan just
visited Brussels will no doubt result in
better and easier made butter. I have
been fortunate enough to secure a num-
ber of Dairy Thermometers at less then
usual prices so ifvyou have not one al-
ready you would be wise in getting one,
Druggist, Bookseller, &e,
Trains (cava Brunets Station, North
and South, as follows:
Mail 6:54 a.m. Mixed 0:45 a.m.
Express 11:16 a.m. I Mail ............ 5:18 pan.
Mixed9:00 p.m. Express 9:10 p.m.
.r CZ -i1 XjCilIS items,
.A. chiel's amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll Arent it.
R. T. or T. next Tuesday evening,
Swaminse parties are becoming fasts! in.
SATDRDAY of next week will be Don:tn-
fon Day.
Bennis Orangemen will go to Bath
on July 12th, '
OLD Sol is working a full 10 boors a
day this week.
FOURTH Division Court on Tuesday of
next week, 27th inst.
ENTRANCE Examination will begin on
Wednesday of next week.
SEND us along the news, that's what
Tan PosT is after every week.
0s. CURTAIN, of Centralia, shipp6 I a
car of cattle from here on Tuesday.
Tae Revere House, Brussels, will be
offered for sale by public' auction, on
July 18th.
MESSES. SCOTT & JONES intend obi :ming
10 oars of fat cattle from Brusse., on
Saturday of this week.
"WALTEa G." is now in traininti on
Brussels track for the forthcoming race
on Thursday, 29th inst.
TICE residences of Nell Richardson and
R. G. Wilson have been brightened up
by a new dress of paint.
Taos. TaoAlpsoN, of Seaforth, sent in
Isis omnibus last Monday to have Wes.
Smith paint and adorn it.
A COMIONIOATION was reoeived this
week minus the signature of the writer
oonsequently we withhold its publication,
Tns grass got so long on Victoria Park
last week that a mowing maobine and
span of horses were palled into requisi-
ODx thanks are due to a number of
subscribers who have "straightened up"
••--- during the past week. Will others kind-
ly take the hint ?
MOUNT FOREST and Brussels were to
hare played a foot -batt match at Listo-
wel on Thursday of this week. The
former club forfeited the game by refus-
ing to Dome to Listowel.
TEE Pon is in receipt of "Onward and
Upward" and "Wee Willie Winkie,"
monthly journals edited by the Count.
en of Aberdeen, who is shortly to grace
the Government House at Ottawa.
W. 0. BLAaxuosE, Divisional Superin-
tendent, and five agents came to Brass
sale this week to canvass this section for
the Wrought Iron Range Oompany, of
Toronto. They have six double rigs at
work in this locality at present and on
Tuesday reoeived a car load of ranges.
Lose week J. Foston, of Clinton, drove
over to Brussels and took bank a young
Jersey cow, purchased from G. A. Dead.
man, Mr. Brown, of Oranbrook, takes
a Jersey bull calf and a half bred heifer
001f. These make 16 bead that have been
disposed of within the last six months,
Mr. Deadmau believes in advertising and
says it pays to do it in Tau POST.
Bunsen RACES.—The races on the
fine half mile track at Brussels take
place on. Thursday of next week, 29th
met. In the forenoon two football
matches are expected to be played, one
between Blyth and Brussels and the
other Wingham vs. Brussels. The races
will be as follows :—Purse 6100, 3 minute
trot or pace ; purse, 3130, 2:40 Claes, trot
or pace ; purse, 0300, matched race be.
tween Swartzs' "Walter G." and :Beat.
ties' "Wanda." Some of the best
horses in the Province will take part.
The Swartz—Beattie rime will be one of
the moat exulting events of the afternoon,
A. named race is also on the program,
The towns will be represented from Lake
Huron to Stratford, Drayton, Harristou,
tec. Cheap rates on railway.
HYArENEAL,—A,ioyoue oompany of rela•
lives and near friends assembled 00 the
home of the bride, Goderieh, on Wednee.
day afternoon to witness the marriage
ceremony between A. M, Kay, of Strat-
ford, formerly of Brussels, and Mies Liz•
zie, eldest daughter of the late Archi-
bald Dickson, and geosd•daughter of
Registrar Dickson, The bridal party
took their planes at 2:30 o'ulook under a
large floral bell in the spaoioua parlor, to
the accompaniment of the wedding
march, when Rev. Dr. Ure, the venerable
Presbyterian divine, assisted by Rev. J.
A. Anderson, spoke the magic words.
Little Miss frame Dickson, sister to the
Wide, and Leslie Kerr, •If Brussels, nsph•
ow of the groom, were the attendants.
Beautiful and valuable wedding. gifts be.
spoke the popularity of the contracting
parties, After luncheon the bride and
groom took train for London and De•
trait for a short wedding trip followed by
the heartiest congratulations of all and
the .usual supply of rine, orange blossoms,
&c. Mr, and Mrs. Kay will take up
111011 residence in Stratford in whioh
city Mr. Kay is the Deputy Postmaster,
The many old friends of the oontrn0ting
poetises in Bruesols and locality wish
them a long and proaperons married life,
o all of which Ton Post says "Amen."
Realise aro i11 swagreoe at the Brussels
Flex Mill.
JAMES WILSON out his hay on Monday
of this week.
TaoDT fishing is one of the favorite
pastimes these days.
Tanen ie talk of two hay presses being
operated in town fora few months,
SEN the foot ball motcheo nest Thum -
day morning os" Victoria Park, Brunets.
R.zrolho says that plum trees are elif.
fering is many places from the sting of
a fly. Spraying is being used ae a
"NANDA," Beattie Bros, trotting mare,
10 expooted here on Monday to receive
thefiniehing touches preparatory to the
race on the 29th.
1IAxaY JAD1a0 is having a number of
necessary improvements made in eon -
'motion with the Revers House and the
stable oouneoted therewith.
1 YNAns.—fay Gibson's cage came up
for hearing before Judge Toms, at Gods"
rioh,laet Saturday. She was sentenned
,to 13 years ab the Mesmer Reformatory,
Owrao to a fluke the townspeople were
cheated out of their mail matter last
Friday afternoon. Tha mail bag oame
down on the Saturday a. m. train. It
should not oaone again.
L, 0. L.—The semi.amhual meeting of
the Loyal Orange Lodge of North Heron
will be held at Wingham on Tuesday,
June 27th, oemmenoing at 2 o'olocik,
when arrangements will be completed fur
the celebration at Blyth on July 12th.
QUITE A GENm3,—Tho Atwood Bee
gays :—Georgie Anderson, of Brussels,
made the other day a handsome hanging
lamp out of bronzed tin and stained glass
and presented it to his father, Robert
Anderson, of this town. The lamp die.
playa considerable ingenuity and good
War. DENIOW got the contract for
gravelling North of Brunets at 31 cents
a yard and Win, Oarter South of Brue•
eels at 50 cents per yard. Jno. Lott was
giver, the job of clearing the brush wood
along: 1Praliok's swamp. His offer Was
10 cc nts per rod. The jobs were lot on
LA: -r Monday evening "Tile Gospel by
St, J..tiu" Was the subject discussed at
the 1',sworth League. Brace Wilson,
Rev. K. Paul and Rev, G. F. Salton gave
into t..ting sketcbee concerning the topic.
Ther:' was a large attendanas. Next
Mon:; .y evening J. T. Pepper Will Eire a
talk , n "Ohemietry," which will no
doul.r be both preotical and interesting.
ON.: day last week Robt. Deubow met
with sn nooidenb that came nearly finish-
ing 1. •n. He was working in a gravel
pit v. lien a elide 0100rred, throwing him
egai:.•1 the wagon and covering him
completely with gravel, earth, &o. He
was sl:' edily rescued by hie fellow labor.
ers a, 'i a pbysioian was summoned.
Bob. cane through the trying ordeal all
right ant was very sore for days.
'•I'rs better far to 611 the day
With happiness and son„
And struggle gladly to be gay,
Till trouble Domes along.
If fame and fortune do nob smile
Don't feel put out and vexed,
Just drop an "ad" in TEE BRUSSELS
And your turn will nine next,
DIED.—On Thursday of lest week
Celestia E., beloved wife of J. T. Cook, of
Wingham, formerly of Brussels, died at
the residence of her father, H. H. Ben-
nett, Kincardine, aged 35 years, 9 months
and 9 days. Deceased had bean ill for
several months but her friends always
hoped to see a change for the better.
The four motherless children and the
sorrowing husbaud are deeply sympath
ised with. The funeral took place on
Saturday afternoon, interment being
made at the Kincardine cemetery.
Cossnmo400E difficulty wits experiene.
ed by Capt. Hays iu getting No. 5 Vol.
unteer Company out to drill this year,
owing largely to the absence of the red
Coate of former years. It is said that
out of 34 men who attended the Met drill
only 3 are now residents of this locality,
the majority having gone to the U. S.
Capt. Hays and Lieut. Shaw united
Brussels and Exeter companiee, the let.
ter being without officers thie season.
The "troops" left on Monday afternoon
train for London and twill be absent 12
days, returning on the 30th inn. A re.
arrangement of the Militia Department
will have to be made before large num-
bers of suitable men will be found will-
ing to shoulder arms and drill under a
scorching sun or eamp in a drenohing
Tuu Toronto Globo spoke of a former
resident of Brussels—Mrs, G. A. Powell—
as follows :—A successful . concert and
recital Was given by the oboir of the
Trinity Methodist church on Thursday
evening, rosined by the choir of Broad-
way Methodist tabernacle and Mise
Jessie Alexander, the talented elocution.
ist. The organ Bolo by Mrs. G. A.
Powell, Trinity's .organist, was exceed-
ingly well rendered, as Wa0 also the organ
solo by Mr. Hewlett, both receiving well.
merited applause. The duett by Misses
Denton and McWhinney and a quartette
by Misses Rothwell and Bridgland and
Messrs. Preston and Tilley were beauti-
fully rendered, W. Preston sang
two 8o1oe, to the delight of the audience,
and Miss Jessie Alexander molted several
pieces, as only oan bo rendered by Toren.
to'e leading elocutionist. Several encores
were called for and at the close ei vote of
thanks was tendered the friends who as.
elated in the program. Mrs. Powell, the
organist, and Mr. Tilley, the conductor,
deserve credit for bringing the concerti to
so successful an issue.
WARNING,—B, F. Brook & Son, 01 LiE-
towol Woolen Mills, with to warn the
public and their customers of a certain
man by the name of Henry Armstrong,
who hoe been going through the country
selling packages of Toronto geode and we
are told he used Our name to induce the
farmer to buy his goods and is leaving
the impression with them that he is sell.
ing our goods and stating that he would
be at otic faotory to take wool from the
farmers and allow them the extra trade
price on wool in payment of the note they
gave him for his goods, Wo wish it to
be known that we do not employ Mr,
Armstrong or any other peddler to sell
goods for us nor door he handle one yard
of our geode and we do not intend to give
employment to him ire any way. Any
person hearing our name used by Mr.
Armstrong or any other peddler we would
be thankful to them if they would inform
us of the same. We give this warning
hoping that our enamors and others
wanting honed goods will not be taken
in, but that they will come direct to the
faotory and we will try our best t0 give
satisfaction to all. Yours truly,
B, F. Bnoohc & Soli.
131111SS11aLS POST JUNE 23, 1893
ON pogo 8 of this issue may be read
reports of the Presbyterial) Assembly at
Brantford, and the 0. 0, F. High Court
pro0eedinge at Ottawa.
Tun Duni would like to see a lino firm
get hold of elle planing shill se it is a
great loss to Brussels to have this fico
plant standing idle, to say nothing of the
inconvenience to persons requiring build•
ing material,—A drinking fountain on
the corner of Temberry end Sing streets
by diverting the water from the fine
spring near the Il:ix mill.—Constable
Broadfoot pull the teamster who trots
over the iron bridge,—A row of small
stables at the Fair ground and it fenced
9510105010 for oattle,—People giving up
the silly habit of tying Horses to shade
trees,—A, rousing good oelebration in
tows" un Melo holiday.
Business Locals,
MANILLA binder twine, 0}a, at 13,
A EEe of molts for 5o. ut Ballantyne &
Goon bieyole for sale. Apply to Jas,
Welker, Brussels,
Sign Williams' new buggies. Their
prices will surprise you.
DID you en Williams & Sons new bug-
u;gies ? The diseat line of the season.
Jae. W n iresi eel's road carts from 617
to 350. Call and see him at Brussels.
YOUNG cow for sale, supposed in calf.
Apply at the THE POST Publishing House,
BINDER TWINE.—A oar load of binder
twine to be void from 7o, to 9>is. at B.
INGE WILLIAMS & SoN handle the
molest riding road onrt in bbs market.
Oull and see it.
Rmissown no baggage clinked through
to Manitoba uulesu tickets are bought at
G. T. R. depot.
WE are prepared to make pictures, any
size required, at reasonable prices. Give
us a pall. H. J. Strong.
THE G. T. 11. depot is the only plane in
town where you can get tiokete Brussels
to Manitoba and return.
You cannot get full particulars on ex-
clusion tickets to Manitoba unless you
buy at the G. T. 11. depot.
Losx.—Boy's black rubber coat lost on
9th con. Grey. Finder will please leave
at A. 11. Smith's store, Brussels.
THE Rotary Spray Pump for sale by
Ballantyne st Wilton. Every fruit grow-
er should have one. Call and Elea it.
Now iejthe time for viewing. Public.
buildings, residences, pio-nio parties, eto.
can be photographed on shortest notioe.
If. J. Strong.
I tarn soft 12 new buggies and 13 road
carts already this season. Most people
know where to go to get the best rigs.
Jae. Walker, Brunets
To TUE Punnro.—Having purchased en-
tire stook of 0. E. Perry's negatives, any
photos. oan be bad from them by leaving
order at my studio. H. J. Strong.
Dame your old buggy wheels for re-
pair, we aro ready for them. Prices
away down as I have a large stook of
wheel timber on hand. Jas. Walker,
PHEYNnL,—To distroy noxious odors,
purify cellars, outhouses, sink, case
pools and all places of this class ; drives
away all insects, ants, &o. 25 cents a
lb. at B. Gerry's.
LOST.—Gentleman's brown rubber eoat
and cape lost last week, somewhere be-
tween the 1 tarn south on the gravel
road and tat sideroad, 14th con.. Grey.
Finder will kindly leave it at Tun POST
Publishing House.
Professor Gresham, New York, of St.
Leon Mineral Water, to invigorate, build
up and preserve strength and happiness
11e long. It is impossible to speak too
bighly of St. Leon. A fresh supply to
hand at Geo. Thomson's.
AS a blood.purifier, the most eminent
physicians prescribe Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
It is the most powerful combination of
vegetable alteratives ever offered to the
public. As a spring and family medi-
eine, it may be freely used by old and
young alike.
ABBOLUTSLr pure Manilla binder twine,
equal in price per hundred feet and bet-
ter in evenness and quality than any
Canadian twine on the market. Every
foot of it guaranteed. To secure this
twine call and get it at onto or hand in
your order. A. M. MoKay '& Co,
"Ir has cured othere and will were yea"
is true only of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. The
motto suits the medicine and the medi-
Oi05 the motto. What better assaranise
oould you have that a remedy will cure
you, than the fact that it has oured such
multitudes of others ?"
ROAD OAnxs,—Of all the carts that you
have ever seen or heard of the "Mineola"
beats anything that ever struck Brus-
sels. The most stylish, the best finished,
the easiest riding, free from horse
motion and throws all other Darts in the
shade. I sold three in one week.
Jas. Walker, Brussels.
American Rheumatio Cure for Rhsuma-
tfem and Near&lgia radically cures in 1
to 3 days. Its action upon the system
is remarkable and mysterious. 11 re-
moves at once the cause and the disease
immediately disappears. The first dose
greatly benefits, 76 cents. Warranted
by G. A, Deadman.
Birt bas all the ne00seary machinery for
digging and drilling svelte and is prepar-
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaotion.
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
shape. Terme reasonable. Residence
emend door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnbsrry st„ Brussels. 81-tf
A CHANCES Or Noun.—Toronto, Ont.,
June 19.—The anuounoement hasjust
been made of an important business
change in this city, which will be noted
with interest throughout the Dominion.
The baldness Of Dr. L. A. Smith & Co,,
manufaoturere of Dodd'e Kidney Pills,
Anti -Dandruff and other preparations,
will in future be concluded by &oompany
to be known as The Dodds Medicine
Company, Ltd. There 15 no change in
the management, but the formation of
the oompany was deemed ne0095ary and
advisable because of the enormous in.
armee of business, and the new name
Was ohosen to identify the oompany with
its most popular remedy, Dodd's Kidney
Pills. The oompany has found it neces-
sary to enlarge its promisee and to build
a large shipping warehouse, to a0oomO.
date the additions to its working staff
and to give increased facilities for ship.
ping. Orders for Dodd'e Kidney Pills
are pouring in daily from all parts of
Canada and the United States and the
company finds it difficult to keep up the
supply equal to the demand.
STA.N':D, RD B4XE OJi1 C,4X1D0'1,
'u-.",S'x'•El- zZSSx0az 2.073,
ASSETS, •- (Seven Million Dollars) •
CAPITAL (Authorized) -•- •
4Igesctes-is" all principal voiutain Ontario, Quebec, tanfioLrt, T'iltted StatesoOEEnt/lalnd,
2 JET L' F bJd,CAS iJI4ed G-'ta.
A Gsueral Banking Bueinets Transuded. Farmers' Notes Discounted,
Drafts reseed and Collections made on s41 points.
Interest allowed on deposits of 31.00 and npwarde from date of deposit to date of
withdrawal and oompoanded half yearly.
SPECIAL ATTENTION 010EN TO THE GOLLL+aTION or 9'40611:85' 1041.0 NaTEs.
Every facility afforded Customers living at a distance.
114 IrfaifS 6 Mcs'zf�ale y ktrpr,ntrJkNtdytanyyse$ a"
R± IT 8 8,_ha aC 1 8
Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on
all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain.
Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Currant Bailee. Interest Oom-
pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the A2ontlls of
October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposita.
We effect to write Yrisuranee in old English or Canadian Cosiij a les, or la !tial.
nail Companies as may be desired.
NURSERY SToue.—T. Curry, Brussels,
is prepared to take aiders for all kinds
of nursery stook and as he is a thorough-
ly practical man he is able to give 05e-
ful and necessary information as to
stook, cultivation, do. He represents
the Port Elgin nursery, hardy Northern
24.A112,MX 177,
K4T—Dio0eoN.—I0 Goderieb, on June
21st, by Bev. Dr. Ure, aesisted by
Rev. J. A. Anderson, Mr. A. M.
Kay, of Stratford, to Mise Lizzie,
oldest daughter of the late Aroh.
Dickson, of Goderioh.
Honor.—In Howiok, on Jeno 13th,
Adam Hislop, aged 77 yeah.
Su.sneus.--In Howiok, on June 13th,
Fraek Sharpie, aged 10 years.
LAMD.—Is" Brnssele, on June 15th,
James Laird, aged 66 years, 4months
and 15 days.
ARIIOTRONG.—In Wallace, on Jana 12111,
J. Maynell Armstrong, son of Joseph
Armstrong, aged 27 years and 11
Coos,—In Kinnardine, on June 15th,
Celestia E„ beloved wife of J. T.
Coot, of Wingham, formerly of
Brussels, aged 85 years, 9 months
and 0 clays.
031R.VWS3x17 S Ttr.A.sZSi 'S'S,
Fall Wheat GO 62
Spring Wheat 58 60
Barley 30 85
Peas 54 00
Oats .,., 82 32
Butter, tubs and rolls.... 18 00
ltIggs per dozen 9 00
Flour per barrel 3 00 8 50
Potatoes 60 00
Hay per ton .. 7 50 00
Salt per bbl., retail...... 1 00 00
Hides trimmed 33
Hides rough 3
Sheep skins,eaoh 00 1 CO
Lamb skins each 65 00
Apples per bag 50 00
Wool 17 18
Pork 7 00 7 50
EAST BDNDALo, N. Y„ June 20.—Oat•
tle—Twelve ears on sale. About half
were Bold at values below yesterday, and
equal to bo per owt. below last week's
values, and market weak. Sheep and
lambs—Twelve oars on sale. Little or
nothing doing. Prime wethere, 34.75 ;
lambs some ; best yearlings, $4,65 to
35 ; spring, $4,75 to 06.50. Hogs -20
oars on sale ; best of the York weights
sold at 06.70 to 36.75, and three decks of
pigs sold at $6.80, A liberal supply
would break these prices.
TORONTO, June 28.—Flour, straight
roller, 32.95 to 33.10 ; extra, $2.65 to
32.70, Wheat—white, 620 to 68a ; No. 2
spring, 131c to 02o ; red winter, 62o to
680 ; goose, 60c to 610 ; No.1 Man. hard,
85o to 86o ; No. 2, 85o to 84e ' No. 8, 76o
to 770 ; frosted No. 1, 85o to (i6o. Peas,
No. 2, 56o to 57o. Barley, No. 1, 410 to
42o ; No. 2, 370 to 873o ; No. 8 extra,
84o to 35o ; No. 8, 30o to 32o. Oats, No.
2, 880. Market dull. Sales—No. 1Man.
bard outside at 820 to 83o. Oats outside
at 35o.
Loiwoo , June 19.—The Mark Lane
Express, in its weekly review of the
Britieh grain trade, says 1—In the south
of England wheat is thin and the plant
ie abort. In the eastern countries a large
area gives promise of excellent produo.
tion. In the middle and western coup -
trims a full orop will be impossible, In
Scotland wheat is forward, and promise
well. The price of English wheat is un-
changed. Foreign wheat has declined
66 per quarter in thirty-eight out of sixty
markets, The imports during the week
were 287,517 quarters of wheat and 89,-
282 quarters of dour. The quantity of
wheat on the passage to Great 13ribajn on
June 17 was 8,050,•000 quarters.
Tonormo, June 20,—This market was
depressed today in all departments,
There was no desire on the part of ex.
portere to purobaeo, owing to large ar.
rivals and weaker markote in Britain.
The best oattle that were offered today
were not as good as previous receipts, and
the bidding was light in oousequonoe,
A few pinked lots sold at 5o, bat the
majority of shlppere only bought 43o to
400 per pound. Butchers' cattle aro also
lower, the best selling at 300 to 8$0, and
inferior at 230 to 80. Mitch cows Steady
at 385 to 345 each, according to quality.
Oaten are unchanged, to 34 to 37 eaoh.
Sbeep dull and easy, at 4c to 43o par
polled for the beet, and at 34 to 35 for
butohere. Lambe unchanged, at 32,50
to 34 per toad. Hoge are 5toady, with
receipts of 600 ; the best sold ab 610 and
Tough to medium at 63o to 630 per pound.
Beiam ILLS, Ont„ June 20.—At Belle-
ville cheese market today 1,000 boxes of
white and 1,400 of colored were offered.
All Bold at 90 to 93o.
INOens000, ON2., Jane 20.-06rings
at the oheose market to -day :-2,200
boxes ; balance first half Juno make ; no
sales ; 0 1.16c to 90o freely bid but refused.
BDDFALo, N.Y., June 20.—Spring wheat
quiet; the financial stringency keeps
millers from nothing up ab the present
Mw prices ; No. 1 northern spot closed at
67o ; do., o. i. 0., 65t3o ; No. 1 hard do.,
7033o ; No. 2 northern do., 6230 ; sales
were 5,000 bushels No. 1 northern, in car
loads, 67o ; 5,000 bushels No. 1 hard, 0, I.
f., 70$o, Winter wheat dull ; No. 2 red
and No. 1 white, 72o. Corn closed ao to
3o lower and dull ; No. 2 yellow, 453o ;
No. 8 yellow, 440 ; No. 2 cora, 443o.
Oats dull and weak ; offerings fairly lib-
eral ; setae, 2 cars No, 2 white, 07e ; 1
oar No. 3 white, 800 ; 8 oars No. mixed,
840 to 34x0. Dye—Dull ; No. 2 quoted
55o to 56o. Flour, good demand ; local
oard prices were reduced 250 but there ie
no change in car load lots. Millfeed,
strong; canal freights, steady; wheat,
50 ; corn 43o ; rye, 43o ; 0000068, 50, to
New 'Feels.
DADS will be received by the under-
signed, et Brussels, for the lob of digging a
drain, as per Enginoel'e Award, on Lot 4,
Cun.IB, Grey, Tenders to be reoeived up
to June 28th at 8 p. m, For further partio-
ulare apply to
48.2 Egg Emporium, Brussels.
The purahasernmay have from 4 to 0 a900ros0OS
they wish. Keane comfortable, good cellar,
orchard, stable, &c. For Particulars as to
price, terms, &o„ apptpo0 the promises to
61$0, MCINTOSH, sr.,
Oraubrook P. O.
FridayJuly will
bfor they ereetion7of a ane w
0huren,Roe's Appointment, Con. 8, town -
stone fof oundation. same enders barebrick,
both mason work and aarppenter work, sep-
arately or both in one. Uoutraotnr to fur-
nish all material exeunpt stone, brick and
sand. Plane and sueoilications may be seen
by applying to S. Amos Cr Joseph Raynard,
The lowest of any tender not neeoeearify
accepted. S. AMES,
eai DEDBIG ant has to sss good forme ipe
sato and to rent, easy terms, in Townships
of al57•tf.orrie and Grey, F S. SOOTT,Brusaels,
NJ Being South half Lot 27, eon, 9, Mortis,
100 aeras, nearly all cleared. Goodbuildinge,
fine young bearing orchard, Immediate pee -
session, Easy Terme, Apply to
tf- Solroitot•, &o„Brussele,
TDO 200 sore farm, being lots 11
and 12, eon. Mn. Grey, le oiTored for sale, 120
acres are cleared and the balance well tim-
bored, Butldinge iirst-ol ass. orchard, well,
80, School house within 40 rode, Poesee-
eion given at once if desired, For further
nortunters us bo price, terms &a, apply to
or NELSON BRICKER, on fasRT.ville B. 0.
a tdtrtotb0farm, being Loafters
6, Grey, for solo, Thorn 018 100 &ores steered,
balance timbered. Two dwelling houses,
bank balm,
neerai ing opting enhe place. Poeseo-
eon given any time. The subscriber also
offers for sale a dwelling house, stable and 6
acres of land in the corporation of Brussels.
The house and garden would be ranted for a
short time if not sold, Hard and soft water.
For urinae, terms and further particulars
apply to .101351 SMSTH,
Ottrr prietor.
Bruesels P. 0.
met stook for Elio dairy it is mantillathat you have good milking Strains, The
dam of lay reglnteracl Jersey 5,111 IS a prize
winner at the Toronto Industrial, Ooet of
Service for gratlo' twinned 10 01.50 W/1011
G.A. DEADMAN, Druggist, &e.
Tho t seas ignod wili keep for aoryioo bhie
meant season the 'improved largo white
YOrltle, to pig "Beady” 05 lob 26, oou,e,
Mottle, to which a limited pincherto of nowt
willbe talion. Terme 31.00 to be paid at
time 'of oorviea,with the privilege of return.
ing it aocosnary, Padigroe 010 bo Soon
00 i51tlf0aidon. ROBERT 0110801.,
' ...t��.
Pepper's Drag g Sere
And get to Sample Pack-
age of
IL It • Solicitor and Cony o auoor, 000ies-
tlous made. 01300—Vaustouo'o Blook, Bras.
sale, 21.8m
/7/07 •
cta1ArIle, '&a, O00-atoeeBloko
north of Central Hotel, Private Feuds to
Barristers, Solicitors, Notarial/ Pubne,
>a• 0, tlAuxnox, Q. O.,
1010I8 nom,
Solloitm', ,Co, (sate of Carrow &
Prondfoot'a 011loe, Godeich.l Ofiloo oyes.
Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels.
Money to Loan. - 47
tend sales Auctioneer,
,farmistook,l&s.iy Toting
cheerfully given, 0raubrook P. 0. Sales
may be arranged at TECH Poem Publiehing
House, Brussels.
on reasonable Farrmsaum
Is,tubiie11ug$ vee,Bru same r sent to Walton
P. 0., will receive prompt attention,
to conduct
salon of faros stooklat reasonable
prices. 'Knowing the Obancling of nearly
every person I am Ina po eltion to sell to
good marks and got good security when sold
on credit. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give
mea call. 82_ F S. SOOTT.
ab his Grocery, Jrusol.
Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door
south of A. M. McKay & no's hardware Store,
Ladlee'and (Matrons hair cutting a specialty
appoIutmovt of Liouh Governor, Commis-
sioner, Bio., Q. B. Conveyancer and Agent
Fire Insurance Co, Ofifoe at the Oranbrook
Post 0Mioe.
(Berk of the Fourth Division Court
Co. Enron, Conveyancer, Notary Public
oentead an. Collections ma
(Moe in Graham's B look, Brussels.
ilfiea Mortes, of Wingbatn, is prepared
to give instruction in oil painting. Terme
maybe ascertained at Mies Nellie Roee' store
whore samples of work may be seen, Miss
Mortes would also take a few more pupils in
• Organist in St. 30110'11 Ohuroh, Brea.
eels and pupil, in the Art of .Teaching,of A.
W.lhayet, Mus. Doc„New York, wilgive
lessons to pupils either at 3. O.Balliday'e,
nor, King and John Ste„ or if preferred, at
their pwn homes. Monday, Tuesday and .
Wednesday at Walton. Terms moderato,
t • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all
diseases of domesticated auimalein a com-
petent manner, Particular attention paid
to veterinary dentistry. Calle promptly at-
tended to. Ofiloe and Infirmary—Two doore
north of bridge 'I'urnberry st„ Blueeels,
a crdaeInS. Ont. R neanEdinburgh,
Wi son
Block, wiener of Mill and Turnberry'Ste,
M. OAVANAGH, L• D. S•, D. D. S.,
Graduate of the Royal polloge of ,Dental
Burgeons, Ontario, and of Poronto Uni-
versity. ()pewit—Over 4, R, 8mith'g Store.
ortgage Salo
Hotel Property
In the Village of Brussels.
Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale
contained in a certain mortgage, whish w.ilf
be produoed at the sale, and Subject ;to ear,
tarn oonditione which will bo then read,
there will be sold by Publics Auotlon, on
At 10 o'clock a. m„ on the promises, the Yel-
lowing property in the Village of BYuoasiei
In the County of 73uron, eentniniug- ono
fourth of au sore more or lane, and composed
of Village Lot No. $20, on the Ween side of
T0ruberry 814 stretteu'e eilry5y, Bross els.
On the property there 10 a two story frame
Hotel and Stables. The hetet is near t he G.
fi, Railway station, 'Phone to a prior mort-
gage on the premisoe for 31,100,
Matte 01 6ALrll.—Ten pot east, each on
day of Salo, 5n1r11d balance in 00 Jaya, Further
partioulexs Rivas onHapplioatien to
49.5 Solioitor tANDREWS,
rtIIlloltg gees
Berlin, June 14, 1890, tier lin.
4 4{A=