HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-6-23, Page 63:)ievict Balm rielxoter. 200, per foot frontage will be levied for street watering, according to assessment of frontage laid down. The cottages et Grand Bend are being rented faster than they Can be got ready, although four men are constantly at work. Thos. Simpson, of Mooresville, le with- out doubt the ebampion sheep shearer 01 this section, having on Monday of lest week sheared no lees than 50 sheep. The members of the independent Or. der of Foresters attended divine cervine in the Trivitt Memorial church last Sun- day, when the Rev. F, H. Fats preached an appropriate sermon. The claim for damages by D. McInnes whose horse was killed some time ago at the Sanble bridge, was filed at Goder- ich and coneidered by the County Corm - oil. They awarded him 6100. Gorrice. Volunteer eompeny No, 8, left for camp on Monday. The old foundry, which bas been tum- bling to ruins for years past, is being re. moved. Main street bridge will be open for traffic in a week. The contractor, Mr. Jamieson, is pushing the work bard. Mrs. Wright has returned to her borne hi Woodstock, She was a000mpanied by her daughter, Mrs. N. MoLauchlin, and children, and her sous. At the meeting of Howlett District Lodge, held here lately, it was decided to join in the oelebration at Mount Forest on the 12th of July, Dr. J. A. Tuck started on Wednesday of last week to [alto a 00uree of study and practice in New York hospitals where he spent some months after grad. hating. While taking a general review he will give special attention to diseases of the chest and to diseases of women. During his abaenoe his practice hare will be in charge of Dr. Williams. Ltt.eklao w'. The Reeve got 550 from the county council last week to gravel Stauffer street in Lncknow. James Wilson, convicted of stealing from Moses McBrieu, of West Wawa - nosh, was sentenced by Judge Toms to seven months in the Central prison. The oonstable was instructed by the Council to strictly enforce the law against horses and geese running at large in the village and he intends to do it, Hearing that pertain fifers iu Bruce claim to be champions I hereby chal- lenge any of the said fifers, (young and strong) perferred. I will play any fifer that tastes up this challenge for from twenty-five to a thousand dollars a side. Each man to select cis pieces, the final Pieties to be selected from the stakehold- er. The pieces ohosen to be jigs, reels and hornpipes. All correspondence to be addressed to the stakeholder, Richmond Henrio Sands—Jowl MuLemetse. Many years ago, says the London Free Press, David Campbell, then a divinity student in Scotland, faithfully promised to marry Agnea Clark, who lives in Leith. Now he is a Presbyterian minis- ter up near Kinoardine, in Bruce county. He is a husband but Agnes is not his wife. Therefore there is a 85,000 breach of promise case in the air. For the per. pose of weakening her action, the reverend gentleman recently asked that she be made to put up security for coats ; but as this opened a ohauce for his examination by the wronged Miss Cleric, Fite hit back by demanding hie examin- ation. To this he objected, and asked the court to set aside the neceesity of be- ing examined, but this the Queen's Bench Court refuted. G ache rials. The new Chinese laundry in town is doing a rushing business. Wm. Marlton has Bettered the contract for building a government life boat, Hilton Holmes, who has been spending a few holidays in towu, left last week for Montreal. The defendant in Mitchell vs. Danny has given notice of appeal from the eon- viction to the December Sessions. A new iudepeudeut band with excellent prospects has hem organized, and has engaged rooms in the old International hotel for their use. The Sons of England, of Godorioh and Clinton, joined their brethren at Londee- bore' last Sunday afternoon to hear a special sermon from Rev. Jas. Ferguson, of Granton. Dr. Trudgeon has returned to Goder• itch after a six months' trip through various watering places and Southern climes. Ho is considerably improved iu health and hopes to be fully restored in a short time. The prisoners Waisb and Bernigoe who appropriated Nixon Sturdy's clothes three weeks ago were before his Honor Judge Toms. Walsh was seutenoed to nine menthe and Bernique to six in the Central Prison. Ax Ourszum OPINION.—The London Ad• vertieer says :—The large county of Huron could ah01 up its jail and give the officials a prolonged holiday but for the fact that the municipalities insist on using the structure ae a place of ooefloe- inentfor aged and infirm paupers. At present there are no prisoners iu tLe jail at Goderiob, but it costs the taxpayers 56 a clay to pay Tanning expenses and maintain the three paupers confined in the building,. It would certainly pay the people of Huron, as it has paid those of Middlesex, Elgin, Waterloo and other Ontario counties, to establish a House of Industry, and the method of main- otainieg indigents would be far more Bamttne than that which now prevails in tbo neighboring county. A lodge of I. 0. 0. F. has been formed at Keene, Ont. In Ottawa 6561 has been subscribed for the Princess 'lay's wedding gift. The Patrons of Industry had a great pio•nic and games at Ingorsoli last Fri. clay. In Brome county, Que., last Friday, the Scott Act was sustained by a large majority. Samuel Dawson, of Belleville, who fought in the Amerioan Civil vier, has been granted a pension of 512 a month. Burglars ethics 5100 from the residence of Thomas Ferguson, a farmer near Shel' bourne, Ont., last Thursday night. Jake Gaudanr on his arrival home in Orillia last Friday night was tendered an enthusiastic reception and presented with a gold watch, 'Why Settle I'oe1110 LUG/ JAIN Ids, Because it's ono (holiday more a year anyhow. Beoanse one may get dizzy and be for- given. Beoauee it's so much nearer to the next public holiday. Because it gives them a change to go fishing and lie abort it. Because the dear girls at home put extras on the dinner table. Because their love of noise is aeoond only t0 their love of permute. Because the troublesome small boys have a chance to kill themselves, Because they may show off the latest thing in taunts blazers and yachting suite. Because it gives them a whole day for lovemaking and love's ineffable ineffable. 11550. Because roasting peanuts in a batlike is a pleasure not experienoed every day in the year. Because they may snake the sante patriotic epeeohes they made last year and the year before. APPALLING 1?IGIUGES. Mrs. Ma$wat—Billiger, how often do you get shaved ? Mr. MoSwat—About four times a week, on an average. "How =oh time does it usually re- quire 2" 'About half an hour." "Half an hour four times a week ? That's two hours a week, four and one- third days in a year, and nearly a month and a half in ten years. 'Think of it Billiger 1 If you should let your beard grow you would save time enough in tee yearn---" "Bat look here, Lobelia 1 Great Scott 1 I don't want t0 let it grow. Did you ever see me with a fall set of whiskers ?" "No, but—" "Well, let it be the cause of the most heartfelt joy and gratitude you ever ex- perienced, Lobelia, that you never did! With a full beard, madam, I look like a 0000anat in a fit of delirium tremens. I tried it once, years ago. Dogs barked at me on the street, children fled from me in terror, footpads who naught a glimpse of me by moonlight or the pale, flicker- ing rays of a street lamp, dropped bbeir sandbags and slunk tremblingly up the alloys, and I was offered .500 a week and all expenses by a dime museum man for a year's engagement. My portrait was hawked all over the country as the most hideous—" "I don't believe any of that stuff, Billi- ger, and I'm sore—" "Don't interrupt me, madam. My beard grows straight out, up, down, side- ways, every bristle for itself, like the spines on the fretful chestnut burr, and ib grows in every shade and color, from brindle to vermillion and back again. If you could see me once with a hedge fence all over my face you would —" "Bat thins[ of the time you lose in—" "The time I lose 1 Look here ! How often do you fix your hair ?" "Every day of my life, of course ; but that's different." "That's different, is it, bey 1 How long does it take you to fix it 2" "I think you're just as—" "You needn't answer. I know how long it takes. I've seen you do it often enough. It takes you half an hour every blessed day of your life to look after your frizzes, if that's what you call them. Think of 111 Half an hour a day, three hours and a half a week, nearly eight days in a year, au entire month in four years, a whole year iu forty-eight years, and over two years in a century 1 Lobelia, you'd better go and look after the baby." Generotl Newt's. The first colored man admitted to practice law in New Jersey successfully passed hie examination, on Friday. The People's Guarantee Savings Bank of 'Kansas City, has asaigued. Liabilities up bo be about 570,000, assets between 65,000 and 6605,000. ' Sam. Jones was preaohing at Owens. burg, Ky., where the folks built a special tabernacle for him. After paying all ex- penses they gave him 62,000 for his week's work. Mies Sne Webb, of Clinton, I11., wee fatally wounded Monday by Geo. Nixon, a young farmer, whose advances she had repelled. He attacked her with a razor and nearly severed herjugular vein. Domestic trouble causing temporary insanity Sunday, induced Mrs. J. 0. Weaver, residing near Fulbonbam, Ohio, to drown her ohildren, one aged 6 years and the' other 6 mouths, and herself in Buelteye Creels. Rev. Dr. Wm. Salter, rentor of the First Congregational Church, Burling. ton, Ia., and his wife were driving along the carriage way its Aspen Grove Come. tery, Monday, when a tree fell morose the vehicle, instantly crushing Mrs. Salter to death, and fatally injuring Mr. Satter. The mangled body of Gustane Konig a well known young business man of St. Joseph, Mo., was found beside bile Han- nibal Ry, track, Monday morning. Flo had been murdered and robbed, after which the body was laid on the track. Zweig wee to have been married next weep. James Hickey, a diver, living in De• troit, found ineboad of his dinner when he wont home the other day ab noon, a note from his wife, saying ebe loved an• other man and had gone off with him never to return. Hickey suapeote a purser on one of the lake boats as the allurer of his handsome blonde wife and has 'started after the couple with two re- volvers. 11, B Ford, a newspaper correspondent living at Dundee, three miles south of Northfield, Minn., narrowly escaped lynching on Tuesday night. He is the correspondent for several newspapers, which he has critioised the Mille revival meetings gang on at Northfield. He also made a hoe[ of enemies in Dundee by publishing scandalous ebatemeots about a minister there, on moon= of whioh the congregation openly threaten. ed him. Ford rooeived a letter warning him to leave the country if be wished to escape trouble. IIe laughed at the threat, however, and Tuesday night ten mon, clothed in white gowns and masks, went to his hone and pulled him out of bed, They had him already hanging up- on a tree when his brother appeared with a rifle and shot at the armed. Another shot was fired and the White Caps die. parted, one at least being wounded. Ford bad fainted, bet soon t°ecovorod. He claims to know 001110 of the men who attempted to lynch him, and will swear out warrants for them. THE BRUSSELS POST A prize fight tool[ place between ttvo boys named Fagot and Edwards near Alba Tuesday, Faucet hit his antason. let's oar's. A man teamed 13urltitt tries( to stop the brutal affair, and was fatally stabbed by another boy named Tow. Tow wanted the fight to ooatinue, and WAS angry et Burrett far trying to stop it. The wounds inflicted by Tow will likely oauee Burkitt's death, ae hie inter• tines are exposed, also one of hie lunge, Tow fled, as did also faucet, A firth in Minneapolis is now manu- facturing eleotrie cooking utensils ou an extensive settle. A large olnb in that oily does its cooking by eleotrioity exclusive- ly, 11 le olaimed by the company that the Dost of cooking by eleotrioity is less than by gas. I1) cooking by the former medium bbs heat is applied to the utensil directly and nob by means of a stove. This necessitates a current to each utensil and a special Boating apparatus in couueotion with ib. A complete untfit of these utensils is sold at about 575, If all that is said about electric 000121ng be true it is destined soon to supplant gee and coal too for this purpose. Canadian. Nowa,. Berlin and Waterloo may haven joint hospitah The temperature at Winnipeg is up among the nineties. The telephone line front Allenford to Wiartou is completed. Twenty-six weddings are "booked" in Belleville for [hie month. The reoent outbreak of smallpox at Winnipeg coat the city 516,000. Hugh 1. Wilson, aged 11 years, was drowned while bashing at Galt Tuesday. A council of Royal Templars of Tem- perance waa organized at Flesherton station recently. Courtland Bridgeman has been found guilty of shooting with intent to murder his wife in Montreal. The net debb of Canada on June 3was 5237,443,000, an increase during May of nearly half a million. Sir William Dawson, principal of Mc- Gill Oollege, has handed in his resigna- tion, owing to ill health. Oomtroller Wallace is antlonnoed to speak on July 12 at Sbubenaoadie, N. S., where there will be a great Orange de- monstration. Willie Wells, the 10 -year-old son of John L. Wells, a prominent citizen of Winnipeg, was drowned in the Red river last Thursday night. Bishop and Mrs. Baldwin, of London, have returned from the old country. They were welcomed at the station by a large number of friends. The steamer Hope has arrived at St. John's Nfld., from Labrador with 800 seal -skins. Labrador had plenty of snow last winter, but not very severe frosts. The tallest man iu West Zorra is Jas. Gibb who resides on the 9111 concession, north of Braemar. He is only 21 years of age, and is 6 feet 6 inches in height. Thomas MoVey, a Gloucester farmer, owns a handsome mare that gave birth to three colts the other day. They are all in fine condition, and the mare is also in splendid health. Dairy'Oommissioner Robertson sug- gests that the dairymaids of Ontario should make a cheese for presentation to the Princess May. This proposal, if carried out, would amongst the many presents the princess will doubtless re- ceive, be a trite towards housekeeping. The most disastrous fire that has ever visited Mouo Mills tools plane about 10,- 45 o'clock on Thursday night of last week, and before it burned itself out the business portion of the town was laid in ashes. The fire is thought to be the work of an incendiary, and a tramp who had been in the village that evening 1010 at once suspected, but a searoh failed to find him. Mr. Crockett ejected him from the hotel early in the evening and it is thought that he took this way in having his revenge. The flames were first noticed in a hay loft. So quick did the fire burn that lilr.fOrookebt's family had the greatest difficulty in getting out of the house, and several little children who were sleeping in their cots bad to be hurriedly picked up and carried out in their night dresses. An old man named Kidd was asleep in his residence, about 100 yards front where the fire started, and it was with no little exertion that he was taken out in safety. As soon as he was bhoronghly awakened he rushed back into the house for a keg of old rye and suooeeded iu saving it. A heavydraught stallion, "Freedom," belonging to a'reaa named Little, and a horse owned by Henry Allen were burned. "Freedom" was worth about 61,500. The total lose will be in the neighborhood of 510,000. JANE 23, 1893 1HE COOK'S BEST FRIEND 1 F•RGEST SALE IN CANADA, NONE/ TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 62 Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Cleric, Brussels. School Books, Slates, Pencils, Pens, And B all other • Supplies at .144 Post OKSTIRE Large stock of Foolscap Paper, Note Paper and Envelopes, Special Value in ALS>UMS. Ayer's HairVigor Makes the hair soft and glossy. "I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for nearly five years, and my hair is moist, glossy, and in an excellent state of pres- ervation. I am forty years old, and have ridden the plains for twenty five years." —Win. Henry Ott, altos "Mustang Bill," Newcastle, Wyo. Ayer's Hair Vigor Prevents hair from falling out. "A number of years ago, by recom- mendation of a friend, I began to use Ayer's Hair Vigor to stop the hair from falling out and prevent its turning gray. The first effects were most satisfactory. Occasional applications since have inept my hair thick and of a natural colon"— H. E. Basham, McKinney, Texas. Ayers Hairringor Restores hair after fevers. " Over a year ago I had a severe fever, and when I recovered my hair began to fall out, and what little remained turned gray. I tried various remedies, but without success, till at last I began to use Ayer's Hair Vigor, and now my hair is growing rapidly and is restored to its original color,"—Mrs. A. Collins, Dighton, Mass. yer's HairVior Prevents hair from turning gray. "My hair was rapidly turning gray and falling out; one bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor has remedied the trouble, and my hair is now its original color and full- ness."—B. Onkrupa, Cleveland, 0, * Propated by Dr. XX. Ayer eeOo., Lowell, Mines, Sold by Druggists and Perfumers. THE ¶FiRTNRN 86 WARD POUF' Ur 00.'S The Best Pulverizer. pa •eFs LOAj AaoatTg G CD I71 Ib has no equal for pulverizing hard Olay lumps. It is beyond question the been machine for malting a eeecl bed or inverted sod. For preparing fall plowing -for spring seeding, especially in heavy clay sail, where the land is baked 00beoome hard and difficult to move. For cutting up and pulverizing any kind of stubble land, either for the purpose of starting foul eeeds or fitting for seeding, It is unquestionably far superior to anything in the market for cultivating any kind of land that is vary difficult to subdue. Where every other tool lias failed the Spade Harrow will be found to be just the machine needed. Ae will be seen by the out, it ie oonstruoted with two revolving cylinders, corn• posed of 50 spadee, 0 inches wide and 8 inches long, set 2 !lushes apart, and when in motion turn the ground up as completely as can be done by hand. The machine has 168 sharp cutting edges, and in working the ground it does not drag or trail, but turns the soil up and Iota it drop loose behind the machine, leaving the subsoil on top and level surface, It.tvorke in any kind of land ; and in mucky, clammy soil, where the Disci and Spring Tooth idarrowe clog up and become useless, the Spade Harrows does first.olass work, ALSO AGENT FOR THE SOLID DISC HARROW. ek,LnFH'il AGENT, B11t1I3813LS, HORD 1M}uJ,i !t,<,m t ; EAUT W Y Not simply hide baro walls, As discordant strains of music are to the oar, so is the eye tortured by out -of -harmony paper on the walls. If you look to cheapness 1110110 yotl might as well cover your plaster with penny -.a -dozen newspapers. But if yotl appreoiate real beauty you should consider many things ill purchasing papers—the location, light and woodwork of the room, etc. Out' stock includes something especially adapted to every room —more colors incl patterns than any other wall paper store in the tonin. Our Good Papers cost you no more than the poor ones others sell, Call aucl see our thousand -and -ono styles. Persons thoroughly versed in Wall Paper will wait upon you and aicl yon in making selections. We hang paper in a first-class manner and are prepared to ex- ecute the best kind of decorations. WINDOW BLINDS.—I have an elegant stock of Window Blinds, well assorted, that will only need to bo seen to be appreci- ated. They may bo had either trimmed or plain by the yard. RODDICK House, Sign, Carriage and Ornamental Painter. GEO. GOOD'S OLD STAND. Grand Opening Sale on Frida•j and Saturday • and Following Days. We have been for several days opening up the finest:stook of New Goods ever displayed in Brussels. We invite you to visit our store and we will offer you such bargains as will make our Opening Sale memorable and the New Cheap Store famous in Brussels. The New Goode et the New Cheap Store consist of Ladies', Misses' and Child- ren's Fine Boots, Shoes and Slippers in all the new onlors and materials Gentle- men's Fine Laced Balmorals, Congress, Gaiters and Oxfords in Dongola Xid, Oor. doyen and Calf, Working Shoes for Farmers and Mechanics—Strong, neat, durable and cheap, Boys' and Girls' School Boots very Cheap. Our Boot and Shoe stook is well worth the attention of all intending purchasers. TRUNKS AND VALISES—NEWEST AND BEST. Chinaware, Crookery and Glassware in Tea Sele, Dinner Sets, Toilet Sets, Water Sets, Lemonade Sete, Fauoy China Plates, Cups and Saucers. Fauoy Cheese's, Goblets, Lamps, tee. Don't fail to see our B.auclsome Goblets at 8o, each, in fact don't fail to inspect this elegant stook of China, Crockery and Glassware. GOOD BROS., NEW CHEAP STORE. MRS. TUFTS, Manager. V V A1\T-11S a 5l 4 0 P't r HS i K F FOR Or in Exchange for Goods. .xm.sncsemaai.>anaw ta1Lmsmrssmu The Highest iIarN Price will JO Allowed, . _r1^ma-.rm We have a Pine Aezortment of Tweeds, Cottons, Flannels, Cash.- meres, Blankets, Sheet- ing, Knitted Goods, Yarns, 8cc. All Wool left with us for manufacturing, whether rolls or otherwise, will have our prompt itttelitioll, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. HOWE d Co.: s 0 tui 5 11 I 7 5 f, 0 n 1' n ft b h p fl 0 i, d t a a n 1, b 11 ti n a h t, fe 01 lr W ft fn 21 t! fl