HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-6-23, Page 511o 1t JUNE 23, 1893 u«`a,rF ::^^^d:t a�2^.o:.ice^•-rirx; r:.frrarac tmr_rotantr•.e ,,,votmoNiKi.ozwomr,am DISTRICT NEW Unsafe• van. R. Biggs, of Hamilton, shipped a oar load of fat cattle from this station last week. ALTs. W. P, Fraser, who hag been visit ing her father, John Whitfield,' for a month or more, returned to ben home in Stratford on Saturday of last week. John Little and Jas. Mortison had the misfortune tofoee cattle by poisoning, the former two head and the latter one. There was no euepioions until the last one died when veterinary surgeon Roe, of Atwood, wag called. He found add in the stomach of one of the animate and an empty bottle in the pasture field. Mr, Little offers $100 reward for information that will lead to the aonviotion of the parties who did the deed. W alto n. Obas. Sage keeps very poorly. Mies Gauley, of Clinton, was visiting Mrs. W. Neal this week. The Hay make of cheese was sold for 9 ciente per pound to Mr, Hodgine. H. Hamilton and wife and Wm. M. Smith and wife attended the wedding of Mies Nina F. Wynn, at Henfryn, Wed- nesday last. There will be a change lu the PrinoI- palship of our poblie school. It is said Mt', Karney intends studying for the Episcopalian ministry. Next Sunday afternoon Rev. W. Otte. well will proaoh the closing sermon of his pastorate. Bev. J. W. Coeene, hie suooessor, will he here the following Sab' bath. Next Tuesday the Presbyterian Sab• bath school pio•nic will be hold in Jae. Murray's grove. The proceeds will be applied in repairing the church sheds. A good time ie expected. Y. roxetese. Hamilton do Sanderson shipped six oars of cattle last week. The travelling dairy, from the Ontario ,Agricultural College, Guelph, will be in this village on the 27th inet. Alex. L. Gibson, who has been in Toronto for some months past is spend- ing a few days at his home in Wroxeter. Adam Sanders, son of our esteemed reeve, T. B. Sanders, has passed his final examination very creditably and is now a full fledged druggist. DOmoxoN DAY.—Tho following is the program of sports to be held in Wroxeter on July 3rd :—Prof. Cromwell, of Galt, Canada's greatest rope walker, in daring feats in mid air, 2 performances -11 a. m. and 0 p.m. Baseball, matched gams at 9 a. m., for $26.00, between Harristoa and Wingham. Lacrosse, puree $26,00, to commence at 1 p. m., between Tees. water and Harriston. Football, Howlett "Rangers" vs. Brussels, for $26 00, at 2:30 o'clock. Baseball, Listowel vs. "Unions," $60.00 a side, at 4 o'clock. The Walkerton Fite and Drum Band has been engaged for the day. Highland dancing and piping on the ground during the day. A concert will be held in the evening under the auspices of the B. B. Club. vr0�inf;•ftLI, All . The Brunswick House has boon In]. proved by a froth coat of paint. itev, 1I. MeQuarrie and family loft for Toronto on Wednesday morning oE last week. Geo, McKenzie has oommeneed ox• eavating for his now block of stores on hie property next to the town hall. J. E. Sit/arts has placed a foroe pump in his well at the Exchange. He oau water the street in front of his house by its aid. Jas, Johnston, who has been ill too some time, was taken to the London Hospital on Tuesday of last week by Chief Bullard. On Tuesday evening of last week a number of the young people met at the residence of Alex. Roes and presented Mise MoQuarrie with a dressing ease, bible and puree. D. M. Gordon, J. A. McLean, John Neelancls and R. Elliott were at Ottawa last week attending the High Court meeting of the Canadian Order of For• esters, which was held in that place. s .19.twoott. Miss Warner loft last week for her home, Guilds, Kent Oo., after a long and pleasant visit with her sister, Mrs. M. E. Geade. Dire. Heade and daughter Loy returned with Miss Warner, and will re• main in that vicinity eomo weeks before returning home via Detroitaud Chatham. GtIODUATED WITH Horton.—After four years hard study J. H. MuBain, of this town, has succeeded in taking out his Bachelor of Arts degree, securing honors in philosophy. In the '98 graduating olaso of Victoria University friend Mo - Bain stands high and leaves college with the respect and esteem of his profeseers and fellow•studeuts. In elobution and oratory J. H. dfbtinguished himself both at Albert College and Victoria, having captured several prizes. A good physi- que, a commanding presence, a deep, logical thinker, a fluent speaker, besides possessing other admirable qualities of head and heart, which bespeak for Mr. Mal3ain, in this age of progressive thought, a bright, useful and eminent career. lie will be the junior minister on the Alma circuit this year, Rev. T. Lee being the Superintendent, Bdtor Lis. The growth of Drops, espooially hay, is something wonderful, Publio schools will oleo next week for the Summer holidays. Nathaniel Flats and daughter are visit. ing relatives and friends at Tottenham. On Tuesday, 27th inet., there will be a union pia-nio in John Wheeler's bush, 4th con. Robert Armstrong and wife left on Tuesday of this week on a trip to Dalt. ota and Manitoba. They will be absent six or eight weeks and will visit relatives and old friends. The open air service ab Sunshine last Sabbath was lin enjoyable one. The pastor preached from John 10th chapter and 10th worse—"I came that they might have life." Open air service next Sun. day will be held in front of Geo. Parker's, at2:80p.m. The improvements to Sunshine Mebh• enlist church will make it a very attract. tive and oomfortable place of worship. The ceiling has been newly plastered, the walls papered and the wood work freshly painted. A good stone foundation has also been placed under the building. On the arrival at St. Thomas of I. W. Eingewood and bride nee Mies Sharp, they were entertained at the groom's mother's residence. The young people of the Methodist ohnroh presented Mr. Kingswood with a purse containing 026.- 00 as a proof of their gratitude for faith- ful services rendered, and an easy their apiece was also donated to the young housekeepers. Mr. K. responded in suitable terms fn aoknowledging the valuable gifts for himself and bride. ]Ethel. Base ball is the game of the evening. Wo are sorry to hear that Miss A. Welsh is on the saok list. Mrs. Green, Mrs. Warner and Mrs. Routloy are vieibing friends at Wood• stook and vicinity. John Cober'e shop bad a narrow ea - cape this week. The roof accidentally caught fire and but for. the immediate discovery of the blaze a serious confla- gration might have been the result. Jas. Lindsay raised the largo addition to hie barn last week. Messrs. Bishop and Pawson had the contracts for the stonework and framing respectively. Mr. Lindsay is putting bis farm to first. class shape. Sacrament of the Lord's :nipper will be dispensed in the Presbyterian church next Sunday morning. Service on Sat- urday morning at 10 o'clock when Rev. Mx. Aull, of Palmerston, will preach. A merry party drove trona it neighbor. ing town last week for a day's fishing and camped on the banks of the Malt. land. Whether it wag the number of dogs following them, or the style of their carriage wo know not but the news quickly mime to our village that our yearly visitors, the gypsies, bad arrived. Bex Soares.—A box social, under the anepioes of the Sons of Temperance, of Ethel, will be held on Mr. Simpson's lawn on Friday evening, June 80th, Dom. ramming at 6:30 o'oleek. A program eon: sisting of voted and instrumental music, readings, recitations, 00., Will be given and Rev. D. B. McRae, of Cranbrook, and others will deliver short addressee. Each lady is requested to furnish a box containing provisions for two persons and also a email piece of the dress alto weans. Tho boxes are to con- tain no name. Grey:. Mrs. Chas. Bozell is visiting at Luck. now for a week. Last lvlonday Mrs. John Hill left for a holiday trip to the West. She took the 0. P. R. at Wingham. The brick work of Duncan MuLauoh- lin's new residence was completed last Friday mud the carpenter work will be pushed along now.' Salesman Stewart sold the May make of cheese in connection with the Morrie & Grey factory, at the Listowel Fair. He got 9 cents per pound. Instead of repairing and improving the old church the Methodists of Roe's rp- pointmeut are asking for tenders for a new brick structure. This is a good mows. By notice elsewhere it will be observed that J. Mayuell Armstrong, of Wallace, formerly of eon. 1, Grey township, died on June 12th, aged nearly 28 years. The cause of his decease was Bright's disease, with which he had been effooteil for several yeure. His young widow, who was a Miss Stewart, is steeply sympath- ised with in her bereavement. Mr. Armstrong was a fine young man and enjoyed the esteem of all who knew him. The funeral, which was a large one, took place on Wednesday of Inst weep, the interment being made at Molesworth cemetery. Rev. Wm. 3300912 took charge of the service. rl'll 13RTJSSELS POST igvmoE.°"3- yTQ1a0 0 s.-. t0 n.nJ a4uctaae,.a.4'Kx;!w 5o nfl9l78f1S J. Walker, of Napanae, be epondlug a few daes nmol friends • r this ut . Ther wne na aervioe in Belgr.tve Methodist ehntoh last Sabbath evening owing to the energy of the ladies In hay. lug the Weide freshened by a whitened oiling, colored walls and matters gener- ally brightened up, just as it ought to be. 1.frtC<>vvt�l. Thu Broithan pt Leather 0o. has been exempted front taxation by the town cit oonditton that they rebuilt tannery. Jae. Sugrue, of Mt. Forest, late of Durham, bas purchased from Charles Wilson the lease of the Mennen House at the depot and has taken possession. John Hamilton, of the Gravel Road, has a goose that of out a baboh of goselings of ten two weeks ago, and is now laying again. Miss Lizzie Davidson, daughter of Jas. Davidson, on the boundary east of the town, died last weals after an illness of a little over a week. Deceased was in bar 21st year and woe a member of Knox church, We are pleased to notice in the list of honor for this year at the Toronto Uni- versity the names of our young townsmen John AI. Martin and Roy Nichol. The former, who was a first year student, takes first class honors in natura1so1enoe. In the third year list Roy Nichol parries off first plass honors is live different stab• jute, being at the head of the list in ohemistvy, Miss Vivian Clayton, who has just completed her second year course, takes honors in moderns, Co. L. 0. L.—Thele was a large repos. sentation present at the setui•anuual meeting of the North Perth County L. 0. L., held here last week. The cele• bration of the 12th July was one of the principal matters of business dealt with. It wits deatded that each district be left free to celebrate where they choose. This did not altogether satisfy the Mit verton nontingent, who wished to secure a county demonstration. It ie under- stood that Mornington and Wallace Die. triats will celebrate in Milverbon, and that Elmo. District will probably join the brethren of South Perth at Stratford. The Breithaupt Leather Co. are having plane prepared and will call for tenders at once for the erection of a dry house on the grist mill site. The building will be a substantial frame structure 84x40 ft., four and a half stories high, including basement, and will be constructed on the latest and most approved plan, with power hoist, steam heat and a proper system of ventilation. The rolling mill will be placed in tbis building, with power supplied by small engine. Steam for this and heating purposes will be oonveyed from the new boiler to be placed its old building. The firm have a gang of men at present engaged in clear. ing ;away the debris occasioned by the late fire, and purpose roofing over the vats, which were fortunately not dam- aged to any extent. They intend next year to eruct a new boiler and leech house, and when all is completed their work here will be greatly improved and will compare very favorably with any other establishment of the kind in the Province. Ci•ituAUa Aoli. The flax crop is doing well. John Knight and wife are visiting friends at Exeter. Mrs, Drone, of St. Thomas, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jas. Bann. Some of our villagers took in the pia. nio at Logan last Saturday. The Misses Gravil, of Mitchell, were visiting at Adam Kreseler's this weak. Geo. Hudson and Geo. Raymann, of this plane, are attending camp at Lon- don. Presbyterian Sabbath school pic-nio will be held on July 4th in Mrs. Brown's grove. There ie material for a tiptop foot ball club in this looality if properly organized. There will be no service in Knox ohureh neat Sabbath. Sacrament will be dispensed at Ethel. A. Raymann represented the Foresters' Court of this village at Ottawa last week; in connection with the High Court. Simon Dow, who has beau working with E. S. Williams, left last Monday for Wingham, where he has a good situation. R. T. or, T.—At the last meeting of Orttnbroolc Council, No. 887, Royal Template of Temperance, the following officers were elected for the current term :—S. 0., Mise Jennie Mohair ; V. 0., Simon Dow ; R. S., Miss Annie Mammon ; F. S., B. J. Williams ; Treas., Jos. Cameron ; Herald, Allan Cameron ; Chaplain, Miss M. Baying= ; Guard, Maas Lizzie MoIntoeh , Sentinel, John McIntosh. 1301 Lav'O. D. Livingston spent Sunday in Mild' may, FVtia. Wightman returned from Ottawa on Monday. John Coultas, sr,, had a largo barn raised on Monday afternoon. W. Robertson, of Blyth, spent 8tantiay at hie old home in Wawanosh. Some of our young men went with the "Bowled Sogore" last Monday. Rumor says one of oar young boobs. 1008 is about tojoin the army of bone. Motel. The Presbyterian congregation has ohosen a site for their now ohuroh, whioh is to be created next year, on the street herding to the station. Large quantities of saw loge are being drawn to Livingstone mill from the 8th ooneession of Wawa:Roll. Three logs which were taken from Mr. Wa1ah's bush are said -to have made six large loads of lumber. The epode of the town are talking of building a rage course. It would be a good idea as there are no attraobions of any deaoription. We have sono speedy stook in and around the town but have no chance 10 develop it on account of being go far away Prem any course, invite the Brethren of your Lodge and e.us' t alk' 1 air friend to bin with in 3 t their J ti this deutnnatraticn n pound BROW R. Complete arrangernents will'be made to ensure the cmnfert ani convenience of visiting brethren and others, and the ut• moat efforts will be used to make the day thoroughly eejoyable to all. First•olass hotel arrangements. Admission to the grounds free. Special railway fare front all points. In all reepseta the Committee intend to make the demonstration ono which will be remembered for many years to dome, and it is earnestly desired that the brethren 0f your lodge will be present and tape part in thio Grand County Celebration. All Lady True Blue Lodges in the County aro especially in. vited to join fie in the celebration. Oom• plate arrangements have been made for their aoeommodation. Prizes will be awarded:—Each lodge headed by a braes band with not lees than fourteen instru. meats, $10 ; Loyal Orange Lodge doming farthest distance, $10 ; largest lodge of 0. Y. B., $10, Trusting that your lodge will attend and that you will notify our Secretary to that effect at an early date. We aro yours fraternally, J. WILFORD, W. M. Tilos. MoNono; Reo.•Seo. Lal vtla. Sid. Croll, of the hub, was in town on Monday. Rev• A. McLean is visiting the Chi- cago World's Fair. P. Kelly & Son shipped a carload of cattle to the old country last week. The union 5, S. pie -nm of this village is to be held on Friday, the 30th inet. Thos. Jones, of Leadbury, a former Blythite, was visiting in town Friday. The Home Chole held their regular meeting in the temperance hall on ition- daD. B. McKinnon & Co. have had their large mammoth store re -shingled the past week. Owing to a heavy shower on Friday evening the attractions and band bad to be dispensed with in the park. Rev. T. E. Higley and F. Motoalf, lay delegate, are attending the,Huron Synod which is being held in London this week. On Sunday morning there was no ser- vice in St. Andrew's Presbyterian church. In the evening Rev. Mr. Law, of Belgrave, officiated. Rev. Mr. Campbell, pastor of the Methodist church, after a three years pastorate will preach his farewell sermon on Sunday evening next. A. McKellar is having the foundation dug out for a fine brick residenoe to be erected this Summer on the lots he reoently purchased on Dinsloy Sb. The members of the L. 0. L., No, 963, are very busy making the necessary ar- rangements for the coming twelfth. It is expected that there will be the largest gathering ever seen in this burg on that day. JULY TwNLar'rn—W. Sir and Brethren, —At the last County Meeting of North Huron it was decided to hold the 803rd Anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne, in the Village of Blytb. The tnsnabere of L. 0. Lodge, No. 963, have been malt- ing all necessary preparations for a mon. afar celebration, and do hereby cordially Perth (Jounty. T. Jones, of Markel], and Isaac Oroff, of Elmira, Cut., shipped Monday nine oar loads of primo oatttefor the English market, paying to the farmers eleven thousand dollars for their animals. Tho Stratford Veterans' Association has berm re organized as the County of Perth Veterans' Association. This was done e0 ri to enable veterans residing outside of Stratford t0 join. The officers elected were :—Gieut.•Col. Smith, Presi- dent ; Seegt.-Afejnr Maguire, Vioe•Preei• dent; Sergeant Berritt, Secretary and Treasurer ; Oapt. Cooke, Drill Iaetrno• tor. Veterans front the volunteer force or the regular army will be eligible as members. JOnNsoN's FAat MILtt.—The breaking of the Canadian pacing record by Johnson on the Stratford track is thus described by the Herald :—The track was scraped twice and then the famous paoer John- son was brought out. He is a bay geld. ing by Joe. Bassett, dam by Ned Forrest. He is owned by 0. F. Dunbar, of Buffalo, and was purchased by his present owner near Welland. He is about thirteen years of age and got hie present mark. (2.161) in Chicago in 1887. It stood ion. beaten until 1891. His appearance here was only his second in Canada. Before starting Starter McElroy announced that the track was forty-two feet over the mile and in justice to the horse the start was made forty.two feet below the wire. Tho horse scored four times and went off. M. Dunbar drove him. With a watch held in his left hand be watched how the quarters were going. To the spec- tators the noble beast seemed to be going a oomparatively easy pace, but when the mile was finished the Judges announced that the mile had been made in 2,15. Then from a thousand throats three rousing cheers went up for the speedy pacer and three more were given for the driver. 111r. Dunbar cheered his horse along with the rest of the people and then received the congratulations of the crowd. It was the fastest mile ever made in Canada and the fastest made in the United States or Canada this year. The first quarter was made in 32, the half in 108, the three iu 1.89 and the mile in 2.- 16. The horse was not urged and it is believed that two or three seconds more could have been clipped off, with a little effort. Ge "IMERSI EXCURSIONS —TO— MANITOBA Return Rates from Brussels to ESTEVAN D10LORAINE tt0080a1IN BINSOARTH RESTON REGINA M008➢JAW Y0R&TUN CALGASY PStINO17 ALl30RT Eclmioutoaa } $28,00 } $30.00 } $35.00 . O.Oo JUNE 20—Return. until July SOth. .11010 27—Return until Aug. 0th, JULY al—Return until Aug. 2001, Portia going on lith July will be in time to visit the Winnipeg Exhibition. which will bo hold from 15th to 22u0 of July, For further particulars apply to J. N. Kendall, Agent, Brussels. \Vlien Di You ffol lilat ? ruuhI Ra11e Coupauy TICX5Ettarirrie. 0. rr�'. :AS. c nitry pp� Ib11N 1110 1 1 IGOT this hat at Straehan's and if you hurry up you can get one like it. They are what they call the "Yecldo" hat and are made of Southern sea weed—aro very light, easy on the head and durable, Yon can get them in straw color for S5o. and fancy for $100. Summer Eats—Light weights and light prices—Ask for the "Yeddot" hat. A full range of black and colored Podoras, also a full range of black and colored stiff hats for mon and boys. Readymacle suits for mon,very cheap, away down in price. Reaclymaclo suits for boys and children extra value. Our readymado clothing has been offered and sold by us cheap, but wo have given the prices a good "Goal" kick so you may expect and will be certain to secure a bargain when you 001118 to be fitted. " Special value for the balance of this month in ordered clothing of which we have a good range and nice goods. In shirts, collars, ties, &o., our stook is complete and good value. A call solicited, 'ALEX. SIVIRALCUAlif. LUOAN, ONTARIO, June 19th, 1893. We regret to note the fact that the Superintendent and Salesmen of the Wrought Iron Range Co., of Toronto, Ont., who have been associated with us for the past three menthe, are soon to depart to new fields of labor. These gentlemen came among ua as strangers, and we are pleased to say that the business hasbeen conduct- ed here in a manner worthy of the respect and patronage of any community. While at this point they have done an extensive business, having sold several oar loads of ranges, and so far as we can ascertain, have given entire satisfaction. While we regret their departure, we wish them success and can heartily recon• mend them to any community in which they may cast their lot. R. & J. Fox, Bankers ; W. R. Stanley, Hardware : W. & C. Stanley, Merchants ; W. Porte, P.M.; Mo0osh Bros., Merchants ; STONED— J. R. McComb, Hardware ; Alex. MoFalls, Central Hotel ; H. Collins & Son, Stoves and Tinware ; Wm. Read, Livery and Ex- change ; R. S. Hodgins ; Jas. Sadlier, G. T. R. Agent ; T. J. Hodgins, Prodaee Dealer ; Chris. Folgena. WE, the undersigned, have purchased of the salesmen of the Wrought Iron Range Go., a "Home Comfort cooking range, and are pleased to say it gives entire satisfaction. It bakes quicker and burns muoh less fuel than any other stove or range we ever used. Any one wishing can refer to no. This certificate you may use as you see proper. The following recommendations from Middlesex County :— James Hodgins, Liman ; Wm. Hodgins, Lucian ; Saml. Kelly, Olandeboye ; Wm. Simpson, Olandoboye ; Wan. Nortbgraves, Clandeboye ; Thos. Kensela, \Phalan ; Wm. MoSlnrg, Lebo ; J. B. Petheram, Dunoriof ; Silas Ravitz, East Williams John McKay, East Williams ; II. G. Taker, Mo. Carmel ; Wm. Lewis, Brindsley ; John O'Hara, West MaGillivary ; Wm. Lewis, Maguire ; Nevin Low, Leinra ; Wm. . Young, Leinra ; Richard Sellars, Leinra ; Andrew Paxton, Leinra ; Norman Fish, Arva ; Jas. Carmichael, Arm ; Neil Stewart, Denfleld ; Chas. Robson, Ilderton ; John Robson, Vanneek. Also the following from Perth County :—John McKneight, St. Marys ; Richard Wilson, St. Marys ; N. J. Vernon, St. Marys. We are oilerin.g Extra Bar- -- gains for this month. See our double width Dress Goods regular price 30c, that we are selling at 15c. Colored Cashmeres at 20c. Fine All Wool Cashmeres and IIenriettas—Black and Colored -that we are selling fully 20 per cent. be - lo iv Regular Prices. 1Bargains in Prints, Flannelettes and. I nsl ler Another lot of those cheap Lace Curtains. 50c. Curtains for 35c, ; 90o. Curtains for 85c ; $125 Curtains for 95c., &c., c&c, Readymade Clothing at Actual Wholesale Prices. BA G. ITTS 2N BOOTS AND SHOES. Everything mut go this month, 60 o a'� Min this chance. Highest market price pccicZ for Butter ctnd E`' ss. JAS. IRWIN,