HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-6-16, Page 8tefFailweeeeemerwmeeeemeemeele
G.'NICER & VANs'roNo shipped n
>t ear load of mime hogs from Brussels on
Monday of this week,
�4 ` l entexen Examination oommenoes at
I R BrumeIs ou wednes io Jou With, end
If you are wanting street Jersey oroam
Sor.table use ur fur house made hoe oroam,
garden particle, &c., 1 can supply it limit.
ed quantity. Also ioo in email gnau6fbles.
As heretofore we will keep at our Drug
and Book Store, ice cool drinks, eon.
Jersey Milk Shake,
Hire's Root Beer,
Jersey Buttermilk,
Lime Fruit Juice.
Any of these are healthful, refreshing
and iuvlgorati ng drinks. Try them as
tee know whereof we speak.
Druggist, Bookseller, fie.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows :
Gonia Sora. GOING Nonni.
lltail..........,. 9:Ota.m. Mixed 0:45 aim,
Idxnroos 11090.m. flail 9:13 p,in,
Mrxod 9:00 pox. Express 9:13 p,m,
11.tc1�Et.(135 t.Cm53
A. chief's amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prone it.
Doerreeos Day will be two weeks fee no
THERE will be a very large attendeeee
at Brussels races on Thursday, 20th in'.
Tan volunteers go to camp at Loud • ,
next Monday, They will be away 1'1
Sten along the personal and ler ,1
items. They are always welcomed i.
TAE Pon.
A sew plank covering will be put d'
the small bridge on the Northern bon •
Bary of Brussels.
I;tonos Co. Council granted $100 , • e
annum toward the support of Mrs. 1'. /I -
Hams, of Brussels.
POSTMASTER Fannon, and A. ItfoLen•- n
have set out nice ceder hed_es on t'. 'r
respective properties
Wezca one for a big haul up for ;• ,•
le who persist in trotting aver Bru- .Is
bride, It seems that warnings are t.
TEEM were 89 names attached to Ie
petition sent from Brussels to the Pr' -r.
master General asking for a closed n.uil
on floe noon train.
Liseowee football club will be here on
Saturday afternoon to piay an Assoeia-
tion game with Brnsse:s. It will uo
doubt be a good match.
J. T. PUTTER has been appointed local
agent for the North American Life In.
mance Co. J. S. Huston, of Stratford,
ie the General Agent now.
Lune Jases and Wm. Grower attend-
ed the funeral of David Hamilton, of
Listowel, last Saturday afternoon. The
deceased was well and favorably known
to many in Brussels.
Os Thursday of next week the Travel-
ing Dairy will be at Brussels. Every
farmer, his wife and daoghtere in this
locality should be present to bear the ad•
dresses and see the experiments.
Ax admission fee of 10c. will be chug -
at Victoria Park on Saturday at the
football match between Brussels and
Listowel to defray expenses, Help the
boys by taking stook of the game from
the inside of bile fence,
CONTRAOTs for gravelling on the bound.
aryNorth and South of Brussels will be
let at the American Hotel, Brussels, on
Wednesday of next week at 5 p. m. The
job of re -building several culverts and
chopping bush at Fraliok's swamp will
be let en the afternoon of the Nome day
on the grounds, at 2 o'clock.
Fnetn.-License Inspector Milier laid
iufornation'before Magistrate Ross, of
Gerrie, against S. Lounebury, Lancelet,
for selling liquor dating prohibited
hours. $.20 and oasts settled the account.
Sia young men, who were the purchasers,
contributed $2 each and costa. This is
quite right, as the purchaser has as good 2
e right to smart for violating the law as le
the seller, h
5011rr0N0 has been moving tet a fairly
lively rate during the week. Outward
there bee gone 2 care of peas to London ;
1 car of heading to Nova Sootia; 8 oars
of lumber to Wingbam and Listowel ; G
MO of snit to local points and 1 car of
hogs to Ingersoll. In addition to local
freight, B. Gerry has received 2 cars of
coal ; and Harry Jerome a oar of Dray-
ton tile. Messrs. Clegg & Dames shipped
a car of splendid oottle on Wednesday.
A, 0. Damee accompanied tber to
Lor0nenr Slides -The members of the
Christian Endeavor of Melville churoh
spent a roost enjoyable time at the real•
donee of Mrs. D. Sinolair, Queen street,
en Thursday, evening of last week at
their Literary soda/. A. nam1)0r wore
badges representing some author or his
weeks and other members made an effort
to goose the character. 11Iusioal selec-
tions were given by Miss Jennie Mo•
Laneblin, Mtge Kate 'Wilson, Misses
Annie and Minnie Stewart, A. Ross, J.
H. Cameron, W. M. Sinclair and Mina
Joan Hoes. Refreshments were provided`
in a generous manner. The company
]eft for their reepeotive homes after sing.
hog the Doxology.
Tem Stratford Herald says :-"A Mrs.
1Fluare, of Brussels, was sentenced to six
months in jail et herd labor by Police
llfegistrate O'Loane )'tiday afternoon
for Ilio larceny of a trot: c belonging to a
Mrs. Chubb, Mrs. Dian o got the trunk
at London by the old tit le way of ohang•
11ug eheelce. Mrs. Chubb was present and
identified the brnnk and contents as hers,
and Mrs. Lemon, of Ingersoll, for whom
Mrs. lilunro worked for a while, identified
the geode and trunk as having been in
possession of the prisoner. Detectives
Day and Bradley, of the G. T. R., gave
evidence, and Baggage•master Carpenter
gave evidence as to cheeks, etc, When
asked if she load any defence to offer,
Mee. Munro admitted 11er guilt. A
brooch belonging to Meg. Lemon was also
found in the trilnk, Mete, Munro fe 64
peons old and leeks every year 01 it,"
wlntlnue the two following days.
BAn7 CAnn0Aors.--H, Dennis has re
eeived a fine range of baby carriages -
the 'Meet and beet-whioh will be sol
at low figures.
AN 11 fine bass, an E elaritmet and
pieeele, 111108ned instremente 1n 00n1100
tion with Brussels Hand, wore sold thi
week to Lindsay for the enm of 810
Captain Albertson, formerly of Brussels
is tbs leader of the Lindsay Band.
COtsrLAINT has been mode of the wan
ton destruction of shade trees on Joh
street, u1 the vicinity of 11113 barraoke
A wholesome lesson in the eloape of
good sized fine may awaken the mei
bflitiea of some of the thoughtless youtbe
Scnoox, HOLIDATe.-Pubiio sohoole wi
oloso for Summer vacation on Jane 80th
and will reopen in cities, towns and in
eorporeted villages on the last Mande,
in August, making a vacation of eigh
weeps. In the country the wheels win
reopen on the third filonday in Augus
after seven weeks' holidaye,
ANNIE, the infant daughter of Joh
and Louisa Wright, Albert street, died
on Monday morning of this week, age
21 days. The little Due's life hung in th
balance from the time of its birth. W
sympathise with Mr. and Mrs. Wright a
they have been called to the grave ell
before in laying away other members o
their family.
A Ilreereen.-Thomas Curry, of; Bees
sale, who makes a specialty of gratin
fruit tree, completed a very busy seem
last Friday. He has put on no less than
23,220 gtafte, the largeet number sine
he has been in the businee. His biggee
days work was 1,014. Mr. Curry says
the grafts are growing sp'endidly.
s already got orders booked for nes.
Core re. -The following accounts were
paeeee et the last Council meeting, on
motion of Coanoillore Wynn and
Ross :- .I. Broadfoot, salary, 827.00 ; D
Shine, :'ire Dept., 82.00; Wm. Denbow,
street improvements, „35,00 ; B. W
Melsonl, Fire Dept., $5.00 ; Mrs. J.
Blashil', charity, 52.00 ; Mrs, Wallace
oltaritt. $1.15; Mrs. Stewart, charity,
$2.00 ; 'l. Stewart, Assessor's salary, 560.
G. 1' :stun, late of Messrs. Garrow &
Proud: •t's office, Goderich, has opened
a law c .,ice over Gillies & Smith's bank,
Bruns, Ie:. Mr. Blair lias been a very
saecCF• `:1 student and at his final exam.
eatioa. •-,ok let place in the Barrister's
exam. • ..d 3rd as Solioitor. Tho Gods -
nob ;; ,pie speak very highly of him
after a acquaintauoeship of 10 or 12
years. He was Superintendent of the
.Presbyter:an Sabbath school in the
Cosntc t .wn for the past 2 years and
made ' imself very useful in church
work. 31r. Blair's professiooal card may
be rep 1 in this isene of Tat Pose.
Me:aliloxtw.-Tho services of elev. G.
F. Schon were called into requisition
last Tuesday evening, at the residence of
Alfred Lowry, Tarnberry street, Brus.
sels, when L W. Kingswood, of St.
Thomas, and Hiss Rachel, second daugh-
ter of James Sharp, of Morris, were
united in marriage. Miss Minnie Sharp,
sitter oe the bride, was bridesmaid and
William Lowry groomsman. The guests
partook of a most excellent spread after
which the evening was pleasantly spent.
The happy ootaple took the night train
for St. Thomas carrying with them the
best wishes of a large oirole of friends
for their future happiness and prosperity,
Tau Pose throws an aditerial slipper
after them,
Fool Bola, -The junior foot ball club
of Brussels played a friendly match with
the Blyth team at the latter village on
Friday afternoon. Brussels won by 1 to
0. The following were the players and
the positions they occupied :-
BnrasAn4. 1300Th.
Heuibly Goal .............. McGee
Sample t Backe 3 Leckie
Ward Mason
Davies J. Sloan
1 Rooks Tamin
Ilouclell,, 1Quinn
Center W. Sloan
toarnasanrittlatr,utra.;iaZ.,..IrrrA�. este come ft
Business Locals, S'I,1X.D1i7?.7) 73,/1N.1i OF CC4N,I.I)e1, MEDICATED
sztazxsx3aaa 1070.
30,0.1 an 'a. HEAD OFFICE,, - TORONTO,
A lose or Woke for 5e, at llallantyne S:
Pols finest photno goStrong
Guon bicycle for sale. Apply to Jas.
Walker, Brussels.
d 1 5110 Williams' new buggies, 'Their
prices will surprise you.
e, Dm you see l'eilltnnis & Sons new bug.
gies 7 The finest line of the season.
a Jan,'W.mere soils road auris from 817
, to $50. Oall and see him at Brussels,
Yuoio cow for sale, supposed in aalf.
Apply at the Tot Paso' Publishing IIouso,
Loge that a lovely picture 7 Where did
n yen have it taken 7 Why at Strong's, of
, Oolir08.
a Norsuxo but high gl'nde photos are
. made in our studio.
H. J. Strong, Photographer,
ASSETS, (Sown Million Dollars) 57,000,000
CAPITAL (Authorized) - . 52,000,000
Agencies In ell principal1mtnts in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, t'ntt,'d Steles 1C, England,
U Huou Wltranacs cC Sox handle the
, easiest riding road cart in the market.
Call and see 11,
y Tum Rotary Spray Pump for sale by
t Ballantyne te Wilton, Every fruit grow -
1 er should have ono. Call and see it,
t Me gallery having been repaired I am
now in firet•ciasa shape to do excellent
work at reasonable rates.
13, J. Strong.
e1 I neve, sold 12 new buggies and 18 road
e carts already this season. IlIocb people
e know where to go to get the best rigs.
Jas. Walker, Brussels
e Borno your old buggy wheels fee re-
f pair, we are ready for them. Prices
away down as I gbave a large stock of
wheel timber on hand. Jae. Walker,
g Brussels.
11 A GENTLE31AN, under forty years of cage,
whose hair was rapidly becoming thin
e and gray, began the use of Ayer's Hair
t Vigor, and in vii months his hair was
restored to its natural color, and even
e more than its former growth and rich -
t 0958.
ROAD QUITS. -01 all the carts that you
have ever seen or beard of the "Mineola,"
beats anything that ever strncic Brus-
sele. The most stylish, the best finished,
, the easiest riding, free from horse
motion and. throws all other carte in the
, shade. I sold three in one week.
Jas. Walker, Brussels.
HAPPY days and restful nights result
from using Ayer's Sersaparilla. It so
regulates all the bodily fnnotions and
strengthens the nervous syelem that
worry and fatigue are comparatively un-
known and life is truly enjoyed. It is
certainly a most wonderful medicine.
Duncan j Right wins./
Dodds ( Symonds
Ferguson ,. BallvauEque
Gerry }Left wing {' Simms
L. Jackson, referee,
H. J. Monnnr, of Brussels, President
of the Maiblaud District Football As•
sooiation, umpired the match between
Gorrie and Listowel, at the latter town,
on Saturday. Listowel had a walk over,
scoring 7 goale to 0 in loss than half an
Roam TEurLAns.-At the meeting of
Brussels Council, Royal Templere of
Temperance, last Tuesday evening,
useetl Fletcher and Nelson Gerry were
0 osen as representatives to the County
meeting at Exeter next Tuesday. One
oendidate was initiated. Officers were
elooted for the current term as follows ;-
\V, 11. Kerr, Seleot Councillor ;
Mrs, McLauchlin, Vita Oomloillol• ;
Jas, Moore, Secretary ;
Mies Annie Ross, Fin. -Secretary ;
Nelson Gerry, Treasurer ;
Jno. Spenoe, Herald ;
D. G. Hogg, Chaplain ;
Samuel Plum, Guard ;
Wm. Griffith, Sentinel ;
J. McAlpine, J, B. MnLanchlin and
G. A, Deadman, Trustees.
It was decided to discuss the quosbion of
Prohibition vs. Plebiscite at the next
meeting, Jane 27111. D. G. Hogg and J.
Moore are the leaders. An invitation
was received from Wroxeter R. T. of T'ee
to their pie.015 on the 20th inet, Quito
a boom is expected in Temperance work
in 13rnesei5 this Summer and Fall.
Pnesmeenreos,-Last Wednesday even-
ing the members of Mrs, G. le, Salton's
Sunday school class called at the
Parsonage and presented her with a
handsome souvenir spoon beautifully
abased and the word "Brussels" en,
graved on the bowl, accompanied
by the following address :
DN.tn Mee. S,tvroo,--We, the members
of your Sunday school class, regret that
the pleasant associations as teacher and
pupils will shortly have to be severed by
your removal from Brussels. We are
very geatefutfor the great interest yon
have always Wean in tie and hope that
the wise counsel and instruction we have
received will bear fruit. Please metope
this souvenir spoon as aomali memento of
our love. We wilt often think of yon and
we hope you will find many true friends
in your new home.
1yonn S. S. CLASS.
Brussels, June 13,'08.
The address was read by Miss Jennie
Rowe and the presentation =de bYMies
Maud Cliffe, Mrs. Stilton replied in ap•
propriate theme, thanking the girls fee
their gift,
NURSERY STocic.-T. Garry, Bruesele,
le prepared to take orders for all kinds
et uur'ery st"c'c and as he is a thorough-
ly practf0a1 man be is able to give use-
ful and necessary information as to
stock, cultivation, &o. Ho represents
the Port ;Elgin mtreery, hardy Northern
Winn-Dlnertto Asn DR annus. -George
Bfre hits all the necessary machinery for
digging and drilling wells and is prepar-
ed to attend to nil work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction,
Wells (leaned one and pub in proper
share. Terms reasonable. Residence
second door north of the bridge, west
side of Tarnberry st., Brussels. 31-14
IbEB0eeA Wilkinson, of. Brownevalley,
Ind., says :-"I had been in a distressed
condition for three years from nervous-
ness, weakness of the stomach, dyspepsia
and indigestion until my health was
gone. I had been doctoring constantly
with no relief. I bought one bottle of
South American Nervine, which did
nos more good than any $50 worth of
doctoring I ever did in my life. I would
advise every weakly person to use this
valuable and lovely remedy ; a few bat -
ilea of it has oared me completely. I
consider it the grandest medicine in the
world." A trial bottle will convince you.
Warranted by G. A. Ddadmau.
Vie= 00 Yonn Ntrounorsoon,-The fol.
lowing is most important to ruptured or
deformed people :-Oharlee Olutbe, the
celebrated manufacturer and inventor of
Hoe great Spiral Truss and many others
for the cure of the rupture, line been
known as one of the foremost thinkers
and designers to overcome and relieve
Hernia or any deformity. For club feet
he has a system paleuted by whiob he is
enabled to straighten a child's foot with-
out operation and male them natural
from bip to sole. Spinal inebrumente,
half the weight of others. Come with
your swollen knee joint, he will make an
instrument that will make you walk from
the minute it is adjusted and overcome
your trouble in a short:time, whiob other-
wise means amputation. Bow legs made
natural in five weeks. Knock knees
straightened. The fiuest patterns in
abdominal supports. I will visit
personalty Stratford "iltansion House,"
Saturday, June 1711), 1898.
A WEs0nn0011 LADY'S CASE. -West-
brook, Ont., June 12th -One of the
most popular ladies of this disbriot and
one who has been for years es strong a
worker in the church as her health would
allow, bas recently, after six years of
terrible suffering from kidney troubles,
been cured by Doll's kidney pills. Her
ease was one of the most pathetic in our
knowledge.; she had tried all remedies,
had interviewed many famous special -
We, and had tried treatment at Ring -
;bon Hospital, only to be dieobarged as
fnourabte. She was quite hopeless, and
resigned herself to a few more years of
horrible suffering, when by chance, with-
out much confidence in a care, she tried
Dodd's kidney pills. She has taken in
all six boxes and is now entirely cured
and able to devote herself to her duties
with youthful energy. No one could be
more thankful and generous in praise
than she. Sho bas told everyone for
mike around of her release from a bond-
age of pain, and has said to your cor-
respondent tbab the proprietors of the
remedy do not advertise half enough.
"It should be proolaimed from the hoone-
tops" she said, "I am positively con.
vinoed that it ie a certain more for all
forms of kidney disease. No one can
thank its discoverer more than I."
The two• oar -old colt A omattox has
been sold by the Wellington stable of
Toronto to J. )3, Dyer, of New York, foe
Tiros, Griffin, a G. T. 11. employee,
while attempting to jump from an engine
et Dundee on Sunday, fell on the traok
and was terribly injured. It is feared he
will die.
The Y, P. S. C. fl. convention Dom.
mittee at Montreal has arranged for the
oonetrtration of a huge dining hall and
bhe serving of 10,000 meals a day during
the convention.
Joseph Brigdoneaged 16, was run over
and instantly killed by a train in the a.
1?. R. yard at Carleton Place on Monday.
It is thought he was trying to get on the
train while it wag in motion,
A General Backing Business Teen:meted, Femora' Notes Discounted,
Drafts Issood and Collections made on till pointe,
Interest allowed on deposits of $1,00 and upwards from date of deposit to date of
withdrawal and compounded half yearly,
Every £anility afforded Customers living at distance.
W. D. HART, lileseemn.
•va,n,rir.,..SYr]C,aeeL9Av",KCS,Oi MITI ICIIMIS9lm¢i ME.IS RVRmIDNm+VITONI,M120otW`L- ®mSt�ic4ss a
F , LT S S ; 'SLS,
Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on
all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain,
C e.le r6.era ! "t2.S1'a ('&PafNlleizieSerg%
I1lterest Allowed ou One Dollar and Upwards at Current Bates. Interest Com-
pounded Twice a Year, Being Added bo the Pei ueipal at t110 end of the Months of
October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits.
":-e effect to is rile insurance in old iingli0b o' ('nnndio, Coss pitnles, or fn Mut-
ual. Coinpanii's its may be desired.
.rmomme -
Sway. -In Wingham, on the 6th inst.,
the wife of Mr. 12. J'. Swan of a
Mexsen,-In Morris, on the 81h inst., the
wife of Mr. Chas. Manger of a eon.
MoOuncnl:oo.-In Lit/towel, on June 5th,
the wife of Mr, W. H. 11IOCutohaon
of a eon.
11 cCu:rcolooi.-•In Morris, on June 18th,
the wife of Mr. Jno. Meoubeheou of
a daughter.
3YYA1 RS��,
MILLEn-Potain.--At the residence of
the bride's parents, Male/Hop, on the
14th fust., by Rev, W. Ottewell, Dir.
Alfred E. Miller, of Loudon, to Bliss
Lon,, daughter of Mr. Richard Pol-
0055107-DrXo1,-Iu Listowel, on June
7th, in the Presbyterian church, by
liev. J. Livingstone, assisted by the
Rev. Messrs. Amy and J. A. 11'Iori-
son, 13. A„ Mr. Geo. A. Cassidy, of
Shelby, Iowa, U. S., to Miss
Berths A., second daughter of Air.
Wm. Dixon, of Listowel.
)1INastvo0b-SEAnr,- -At the residence of
Mr. A. Lowry, Brussels, on the 13th
inst., by Rev. G. F. Salton, Mr.
Isaac William Kingswood, of St.
Thomas, to Miss Rachel, second
daughter of Mr. James Sharp, of
sxo1 rn-
WnronT,-In Brussels, ou June 12th,
Annie, infant daughter of John and
Loniaa Wright, aged 3 weeks.
IEAacrn'rux.-In Listowel, on June 8th,
David E. Hamilton, eldest.son of
David Hamilton, in his 82nd year.
nams-rxsanno:), 00 ,
Fall Wheat
Spring Wheat ...
Butter, tolls and rolls,
Eggs per dozen
Flour per barrel
Hay per ton
Salt per bbl., retail
Hides trimmed
Hideo sough...
Sheep shins, each, .,
Lamb skins each
Apples per bag
Pork ..
60 62
30 85
64 00
81 82
13 00
10 00
8 00 8 50
60 00
7 50 00
1 00 00
00 1 CO
65 00
50 00
17 18
7 00 7 50
INonnsoLL, June 18 -Cheese. -Offer -
fogs bu-day 2,225 boxes; first week June
make ; no sales ; no life in the market ;
85e bid ; salesmen holding for 9c,
June 13. --At Deptford yesterday trade
was firmer ; 412 Canadian animals of the
prime51 quality sold at four shillings
twopence per eight pounds ; se000d qual-
ity, three ahilihlge twopence. Thirteen
hundred Canadian cattle at Glasgow in.
eluded soma very first•olass oattla, bub,
while trading has been no worsc,shippers
aro losing, it is reported, no end of money.
TORONTO, June 13 -Flour, straight
roller, 52,05 to 58.10 ; extra, 52.65 to
52.70. Wheat, white, 640 to 65o ; No. 2
Spring, 610 to 62e ; red Winter, Ola to
65e ; goose, 60o to Geo ; No. 1 Mali. hard,
85e to 80o; No. '2, 830 to 84c ; No. 8, 70o
to 77o ; frosted, 050 to 050. Peas, No, 2,
578 to 59e. Barley, No. 1, 410 to 42o ;
No. 2, 87e to 371e ; No. 8, extra, 840 to
Sec ; No. 8, Soo to 82o. Oats, No, 2,
370 to 38}0. Market showed no ine•
provemeit. Sales -Oats on track at
38o to 381c and outside at 84eo.
Live/omen Pnovisiog MARIiiT, June 8, -
Meese is without material alteration.
The chief demand this week has been
for choice Septembor.Ootober maks at
fully last week's vaiCea, and the stook
now remaining of this class 18 very small.
The sales of NO new have been rather
disappointing, the quality being unsatio•
factory, We quote, today, finest old
colored 1180 to 54s, and ditto white 60s to
56s. Finest new 50s to 61s per owl. for
both colored or white. Low to medium
grades have only been in small request at
prices ranging from 58 to 40s, as in quad,
ity. Butter -Thorn ie no change to re.
port lo this article ; there are a few par.
ogle of American and Canadian unlet
finest t11at aro offered at GGs to 805 per
cwt. We quote Irish better -Cork firsts,
84s per owe; seconds, 82s ; thirds, 77s ;
and fourths, 75e per cwt,
23w'e'Aeo, June 13. -.Cattle- 24 oars
through. 14 sale ; market vent/ dull,
trial number of icodoat 1a unsold ' de.
mantl very liglt6; oltafoe heavy steers
[' bold at 55.26 to 55.60. Salus : Good
butobers', 84.25 to 564.75 ; common lots
neglected ; closed weals, with bulk ship.
pad onb. flogs -12 care through, 8 sale ;
market steady and firm for good meth -
urns and heavy light grades stronger.
Salee : Good to choice mediums and
heavy, 57,20 to 57.26 ; choice light Yorlc-
ore,57.30 to 57.35"; good York weights,
57.26 to 57.60 ; pigs, 57.30 to 57.35 ;
closed firm. Sheep and lambs -5 oars
through, 28 sale, all held over stook.
The market was dull end demoralized,
only few small lots sold up to late boor ;
prices nominally quotable ; yearlings,
,54.00 to 55.20 ; culls to fair sring lambs
54 to 55.50 ; choice, 56 ; fair to good
sheep, 53.75 to 55 ; olosod dull and un-
.rr.��BTa ,1 W1LL BUY AN EXTRA
jJ�® gond now. I will giro 520 for lei•
next heifer calf from 1111' Jersey bull. I have
also for sale a young jersey 005 recently
calved, and a half Jersey heifer calf from an
extra good dam.
G.A. DIIADMAN,Drnggist, Co,
SAnR,-Diggs of Pure Brod Black Min-
oreas, and White Legborns, from Thos.
Attee's best strain, 01.00 per setting (13). Al-
so 1 trio of Bloc1, Minorcan welt no relation
to hens, and two LoghorAbooltorels. All of
best stook in Ontario,
50•tf \rill. HAItT1IY, Soaforth,
.L Dens will be received by Um under -
Signed, n t Brossols, for the job of digging a
drain, as per S.ngineor's Award, on Lot4,
Oloh. 29, Grey. Tendons to bo received up
to Juno ! Obb et 0 0, m, For further partic-
ulars apply to
JOHN 120DDI000,
48-2 Pgg Emporium, Brussels.
or to rent in tho village of Oranbroold.
Tho purobaseo may have from t to 5 acres as
they wish. House eomforbabio/ good aeilar,
orchard, stable, &e. For loartoulars its to
39108, terms, &0,. apply ou the p4romises to
JNO, 010INTO000, sr.,
47-4 Oranbrook P. 0.
of those commodious houses in the
Terrace , on Tarnberryy St, aro for sato, that.
is Nos.11 10, 17 and l8, with .each there ion
garden plot, They aro offered at 5820 each.
The purchase money to be paid about Got.
1st, ISM Title ie gond. For further _poaboo-
tilersapply to A. MG AIRT2, No, 18, Terrace
Brussels, or A310V, W. NORTON.;
40-5 Mount Forest.
1. one will bo received, up to O p, m, on
Wednesday, Jnne 14th, for the repairing of
the Mobhodiot [Merck, Roe's appointment,
Con. 9, Grey. Ten dors OF keel for either brick
or lumber, 0 ontr notor to furnish all mater-
ial except stone. Plane and spooileatiens
may be soon by applying to S. Ames or 305.
Baynard: The lowest or any tender not
neoes0ar111• aeoeptsd,
S. AMU, Secretary.
Volunteers' +4tte72ti077.l
A number of recruits ere wanted to attend
tho M11{tary Camp which opens at London
on the 20th Juno nest, New uniforms have
been issued to the Brussels Company. Fol
partiaolars aptly to B. M. DIO0SON, at
Brussels, or to bo undersigned at Soaforth.
It, S. SIAxe, Captain,
0ommaucUng llrussols Oo'y Volunteers,
DE1L5IONBD has several good Farms for
sale and to rent, easy berms, in Townehipe
of Morris and Grey, F S. SCOTT. Brussels.
J Being South half Let 27,0013.0, 0001115,
105 acres, nearly all aimed. Good buildings,
Mae young boring orchard, Immediate pos-
session. Lacy Tor,Oo, Apply to
tf- Solicitor,,Re„llruseeis.
The 200nom farm being lots 11
and 12, eon. 10, Grey, to offered for sale, 120
Ropes are cleared and the balance well tint -
bored. Ruticlinge first -el goo. ()Pollard, well,.
dm, School house within 40 rode. Peones-
elon given et once if doeirod, E'er further
nerticulare UN 00 prise terms, rte. apply to
MRS. WBoseIto,
0-tf Roseville P. 0.
or NELSON BRIONER, on farm.
1Dcneiosxpt o offers bis splendid Isd aol'e
farm ,bong:DotS andwost part Lot O,Oon,'
0, Grey, for sale. There aro 1C0 Gores eleaoed,
balance timbered. tewo dwelling houses,
bankbagne, good orelined, well fenced. A
never failing spring on rho place. Posses•
sten nlvouany time. The subscriber also
offers for sato a dwelling house, stable and 6
110000 Ofland in the corporation of Brussels.
The lionise and garden would be rented fora
Rht,' b tilers if Slot sold, Hard and Soft water,
Fol urines, mut 0,1 00!ll1e tart oulare
app., to 3011N SMITH,
!7tt Demise leP.0.
---FOR TH18--
25c, and No, a Dottie, at
Pepper's Drug Store,
.L14 Scheiner null Convcryancet', Co11ee.
Hens made. Cileo-Vanetonc'e Block, BM.eels. 21 -em
+ Sella' tor, 00u vs yaueet. Ne tuoy P eb•
Ifo, &0, Oi11ec-Vlwstoro's Block, 1 door
north of Central 1otcl, Private 01 suds to
'vV Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Radio,
Gouioh, Ont.
M, b. 00310(.00017, O, 0., manly 710110,
DUDL101. 1)00.100.
• Solfoiter, ,40, (tate of Garrow &
Prondfoet'e 011iuo, Golerial/4 Wilco oyer
Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brnssois,
Money to Loan. 47
• to ntlsales of fawns, farmtstook rlSreedy to
cheerfully given, Oreubrook P.O. Sales
may be arranged ab Tan POST Publishing.
House, Brussels.
Ltaovead Anetlaueor. Sabos eonduot
or on reasonable terms. Farms and farm
stooka specialty. Orders left at Tun Tom
Publishing Hou se, Rrn ssels, or sent to Walton
P. 0,, will reeolvo prompt attention,
en ns an Auctioneer, I am prepared
to eonduot salon of farm stools at reasonable
Priem 'Knowing the standing of nearly
every person I am in a position to hell to
good works and get good security hien Bold
on credit. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give
111 a gall. 02- 1 8. SCOTT.
II, MoORA011lliN,
• Iaminar of MIarriage Licenses. Office
at his Grocery, T5rnberry street, Breese's,
Tonsr,rfnl Artist; Sloop -Next deer
South of A. M. Molfay do Co's hardware store.
Ladies' and childreus hair cutting a specialty
Insurer of Marriage Lioonsos, by
appointment of Lluut,-[lovo•nor, Commis-
sioner, Inst Insurance Co, Conveyancer
ut t e Orasbrooh
Post Office.
Clerk of the Fourth Division Court.
Loan nndlInsuaance Agent. Public
Invested and to loan. Oollootiaus made.
oiboe in Graham's Block, Brussels.
Mies Morioe, of Wingbam, ie prepared
to give instruction. in oil painting. lemic
maybe asoor*alaed a t afiss Nellie Ross' store
where samples of work may be seen. Moos
Mortes would also take a few more pupils lu
• Organist in St. John's Oburoh, Brus-
sols 011c1pupil, to the Art of Teaching,of A.
W. Thayer, Mne. lloo., New York, wilgive
lessons to unpile Dither at J. C. Halliday's,
cor. Ring and John Sts., or If__pproforrcd, at
their Own b0005o Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday at Walton. Terms moderate.
tl • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary collmge, is prepared to treat all
diseases of domesticated animals In a com-
petent manner. Partsonlar attention paid
to veterinary dentistry. Galls prompt] at-
tended to, Office and Infirmary -Two doors
north of bridge 'i'nrnberry ste Brussels,
JA. frIoNAUGFITON, 121. D.
• 0.741.• L. R. 0.P„ Edinburgh, M. 0. P
S. Out, Residence and ofdoo h1 Wilson'
Block, corner of MIIl and Turuberry
1)]C.Ld'.LY rI
M, CAVANAGH, L. D. S., D. D. S.,
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
BruS,n'g0o0ls,ns, Ontario, and of Toronto Uni-
versity. A. It. Smith's Store,
*Undersigned will :hoop for s0rviee on
Lot 20, 000, 0, Morris a registered Store'
bred. Durham bull, ?forms 57,00, to be paid
on Juouary 1st, 1804, with, privilege of re-
turning If necessary.
40.4 P74T,7R R ABIs, Proprietor.
Undersigned -will keep for Sorvies, on
S. Let 25, Con. 5, Morrfe, the thorn' bred
Durham 14ull "Orear the RegisteredWayy
Pedigree105 bo seen on appli' oaation. ged
years, t Digin 1,700 Pounds. Terms, 8150
to be gold January 1st, 1501 ; single oo'ivs
oast. To:Insure 02,00.
CARDIFF Proprietors.
SPARE 130A11.
Tho undersigned will keep for aervioe this
present Season the Improved largo white
Yorlcnhibe pig "Bendy” en lot 20, oou, 0,
Morris, to which a limited number of sows
will bo totc u. Toruls 5
1.00 t0
bo paid at
o With rho ri iso of return -
loiofecoeoe ,w e n gv
0(0it ileage% Pedigree meqq b0 soon up-
on 1558 at{on, BOR74RT NPOOprie
1pGt7 PtOpriotor,