HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-6-16, Page 5l0 zl cl 0 tr 1118 rsmatnnSa JUNII 16, 1895 DISTRICT N EVTL' . ♦ l0(1,X l t*1-. J•C1,e following was 9110 result of the 0leebioo of Eldora in the Presby9oritin Church hero :—Win, M»SCerriohor, jr., T, 10. Millet, Robb, Bleak and James Fox. 131tnt3var Ju. Ludt week'Solesmau Blesser sold the May cheese of this buttery t0 1111. Cook, at the Lio9owol Hair. The prioe ea. oeivod was 9{, cants. This is le good price for this season, W a,l ton. Wm. Pollard is raising hie barn and is having stone stabileg pub underneubh, All the shorts in this locality are waiting for the races ab Brussels on the 29th. A eon of Wm. Dounison fell and in• jnred his head. A physician is waiting on liim. I9 is hinted that au old resident of this locality, in the person of Matthew Mor- rison, may remove to Brussels next Fall so es to be more centrally located in hie work as insurance agent, t@u. Dont forget that the Ontario College Travelling Dairy will visit Walton on Wednesday of next week and will illus. trate the cheese and butter making pro. cess. There will likely bo a large turn ont to hear them. 1.13. Morrison, who taught at S. S. No, 9, Morris, is now swaying the ped- agogue's ruler near Brandon, BVlanitobn. IIe attended the Normal school in bloat town Iasi Winter. Boyd is a good teacher and we wish him suoceso. The Methodist Conference just closed at Owen Sound oontrmed the appoint- ment of ministers in connection with Walton, as indicated on the 1st draft of sv. T. W. Cos ne will be stations, and Ra T. e 0 W. Otte all will the newpastor. Rev. W w remove to Belwood, a village on the C. P. R., near Fermis, 1E:th e!. Colonel! mooting on Tuesday next. Don't forgeb the pig-nic on the 22nd. Stolen "rides" are sweet, are they not, girls ? Jas. Spence returned to Montreal last week. Mrs. H. F. McAllister is visiting friends in London this work. Presbyterian Sabbath school pic•nie next Thursday in R. Dilworth's grove. Road work is progressing rapidly and our sidewalks are being repaired, but not before it was needed. Some of our villagers attended Mrs. Hitchaox's lectures in Atwood and re- port very interesting meetings. The Travelling Dairy is billed to be hereon Friday of next week, 23rd inst. Everybody is welcome to attend. Station Agent Girlies' little slaughter bas been called away to bhabhappy borne whose inhabitants know no 0101(13000 nor death. J. 0. Voigb, of the Northwest, i0 visite ing in this locality. He sold oat in the West. Ile talks of brying his luck in Manitoba. Goon Iloss,—Chris. Raynarcl delivered 8 pigs six months old to Messrs. Broker Vanstone, of Brussels, last Monday for whioh he received $102.50. This pays rather better than horses but the pigs were dandies. Bliss Mary J., daughter of John Lam- ont, has arrived home from Toronto Where ilio took a course in Bookkeeping, shorthand, &u. receiving te diploma for profioienay in the same. We congratul- ate Miss Mary on her 800050s. As Matilda Rupp and Mrs. Davidson were driving on the bridge near the saw- mill, the horse gob scared at a holo in the bridge and backed the buggy over the approaoh into the water. Fortunately the harness broke and lib rho horse free or some of them might have been seei0as- ly hurt, as the place where the buggy went over was very steep. Listo'ty el. The High School Board are aontem plating changing the method of heabing the school building and putting in coal furnaces. Henry Goddard has a green tomtit., the size of a big bean. If it does nob fall a victim to the June frosts, he will have ripe tomatoes by the 12th of July, G. Y. Donaldson, of Scott's e banli n g hones has been spendingndiug his holidsY s in Uncle Sean's domains, taking in the World's Fair and other sights at Chicago. The Hamilton Daily Herald of a recent date says :-"Geo. E. Tookebt of this city has sold his black coach stallion Adriano (4800) to Jno. McKeever, of Listowel, for a good sum. O. H. Ward, of the Bank of Hamilton, started ono evening of Last week to make 12 miles on the course on a Comet wheal on a priveto wager, iu 1 hour and 82 min. He was to go without previous training. Tho time was not fast but it was thought be would not be able to stand ib. He is nog maclo of that kind of snuff and rolled around the track at his ease finishing the 12 miles in 68. min. utas, not a bad page for a green rider. 01tnuuts.--At hie father's residence on Elmo street, on Thursday morning of last week, David E. Hamilton pasted away, Me Wes iu his 82nd year and until a short rima ago was au active and vigorous young man. An injury to his arm a few years ago did not heal and emoted hint a lot of trouble. The sore developed into what the (looters oall sarcoma, a disease allied to canner, and about a year ago the arm was amputated. It was hoped the progress of the disease would 11ow be stayed end for a time ge• °ovary eeomed probable but this kind of disease is hard to eealfaato and soon (gain developed. A course of treatment at the Galt hospital gave no hope of re. oovery and he carne home reduced in strength end a severe sufferer. On Tuesday a hemorrhage set in, duo to the destruction of an artery, and he rapidly grew weak. He expressed a desire to 000 his brother Morton, of Galt, again, and be was telegraphed for and arrived on Wednesday, a000npanisd by Rev: Dr. Jackson, of Galt, who has shown him many hind attentions, The first hem. orrhago was stopped and be rallied some. what but a second sot in and be rapidly sant( and died. Deceased was the eldest son of David Idamilton, the family eon. elating of bob talo boys, David and Mo1'900. The funeral took place On Saturday at 8:90 p. m. to the new cemetery, Although expected for some time the death of their eldest sou ih his early manhood is a severe blow to his parents and en1isbs much 9800100 empathy for tlituti. John Budge is lying very ill at present and there 1s vory little hope for his re. cowry, Rev, Mr. Cecklos, of Whitaalntr'ob, erosohed on Saturday atbbe preparatory communion 50rviee in Knox Ohurall and delivered an exceedingly able sermon on preparation for partaking of the Lord's supper. We are DOW t0 have a Commissioner for taking affidavits, Peter W. Soobt hay. ing received hie commission, duly gee etbed for same, This is something whioh has beeU required here for sumo time and appointment ointm 1 d the L� out is a good one, Our congratulations are hereby tendered Peter in the honor given him. The oongroga9ion of Knox ehuroh met on the 10911 inst., lab 3:30 p, 01. and de- cided bo purohase one•fourth of an Gore of laud Irene Wm, MoOree adjoining the Foresters' hall, for a site foe their now church, This is almost the highest ground in the village and the ohurch when built will be oondpiouoes from afar and will be an ornament to the village and a credit to the congregation. .&.tzvooti. C,uronEn ins Proza,—We are glad to hear of the 5000050 of our frioncl, J. II. MoBain, at the oratorioal roiliest in (*e- motion with Vioborio University, The Toronto Mail reports the coutest as fol. lows : " The chapel of Victoria Univer- sity was the some of an exciting emoted last evening. The oocaslon was the ora- torical oompetition for what is known as the Bliehael Fawcett prize on the subject of "The Planting of B'Iethedism in America." This prize, the gift of Dr. Fawcett, of Chicago, in the name of his father, was secured by the efforts of Prof. Wallace' nor is this the only result of such efforts upon 1{s port A fair audieuoe listened to the efforts of BI. E. Sexsmith and J. H. MoBain. Mr. Sex - smith labored under the dioadvantage of inadequate preparation. Mr. McBain standing boldly before his audience, without the aid of any notes, with a striking hold on his subjeob, which made the interested audience entirely forget the nature of the occasion, he briefly outlined the labors of Barbara Heck, Captain Webb, Franois Ashbury, and Dr. Coke, tracing their work in et manner that made one forget the past and sym- pathize with the difficulties of those early days. With Mr. MOBain's choice of good strong Anglo Saxon and his con- Sdenoe before an audience, he gives promise of being one of the strongest men of future Melhodism. The judges, Revs. J. F. German, M. A., John Philip, M. A., and Prof. John Bnrwaeh, Ph. D., 0tvai did the prize to Mr, MoBain." The prize is $50 in money. • Ceres-. • Ed. Hill and Joseph It rzell spent Sum day in Beaforth. The pie ni0 season is beginning to loom up in the 1is9anee, Township Connuil will meet next Tuesday at the Hall, Ethel. Jas. A. Frain, of Gerrie, has been on the sick list but is getting all right arabin. A Sunday school has been organized in Bethel church, loth oon., with M. Har- rison et enporin9endent, James MoNair, 15th con., if attending rho General Assembly of rho Presbyter- ian church at Brantford, Dame Rumor has it Chit another estimable young lady of rho 13th coon, ie to change her name soon, Iu the Sunday euboot established at Whitfield's church Isaac Delco bas been alcoved to the superintendouoy. T. Wilson, a 9bndoub from Torocto University, was visiting his brother, G. E. Wilson, teacher in No. 8, last week, Angus Shaw, 6th cone has puroha4sd a fine Berkshire boar from the well known breeder, C. R. 'Decker, . Chester- field, Ont. J. J; Ball and Mies Libbie have gone on a visit to Stratford, Bseoheille, St, Thomas and other places driving animas the country. Peddlers selling all kinds of wares travel cep and clown the concession lines bbese days. Yon can gab anything from a needle to an anchor at your very door if yon have a mind to invest. Hill Mas. Jobe Ii 1 be v a es nest weals on a trip totha Notthtsb white several members of the family reside. She will be away six or eight weeks. We wish her w pleasant visit and a safe return. W. A. Smith, who is now a probation- er in the ministry of the Methodist obnroh, will attend Victoria college ab Toronbo, by permission of Oohforenee. He will oommeuoe biestndiee next Fall. Thos. Davidson had his barn ou the Delgatty farm raised and the stone wall builb cue foob'higher and otherwise re. modelled. Mr. Davidson will now have excellent stone ababling under this barn. Wm. Dark dict the mason work in his usual first•alass style, •- A bioyole rifler in the Southern pedalo of this township collided with an elderly gentleman and knocked hien down. It would be well for wheelm en to under-, stand that podestriane leave nob lost all their rights and privileges on the high- way even when bloyol° riders are runutug round loose, On Wednesday evening, 21st inst., a concert will bo held is Bethel church, 10911 cou. The tousle will be furnished by the renowned Lamont family, of Lis• towel, Besides an address by Rev, H. A. Newcombe rsaclings and reaitabione will bo given, Proocols will bo applied toward the organ fend of the Wawa, fete aflep. June will not pass by before another wedding or two will be ohronioled in this ]ocnlity- A numbr of our public suholle will be represented at the Lnbranoo examin- ations this Summer. Next Monday the Travelling Dairy will visit Winthrop. They will bo ab Walton on Wednesday, Rome I3ennowois and Dopiest Rcove Evans arrived home on Saturday from attendance at County Oounall. John Searlebt, a well known resident of this township, had a very narrow es- oapo for his life a short) bine ago. He was hauling gravel on the road and went to areange something in 0ontectiou with the whiffiebreos. The bases started and he was thrown bo the ground, the front wbool running over his leg and side and the hind wheel over his head, It was a miracle that he was not instanbly killed, 1Vfr. Soarfott is doing a0 moil et could be expeoted, THE BRIJ SSET4S POST soileo G'<:'ss•s wmn; aeuuatolo.a_okx:,., .auays g 1 0114i. Ritchie 15 making ire arations t and others, lee imprevieg 111- firm buibl. lege. • Mrs, John John0tme, of the 2nd con AI ` Tank,, of Pi:Reline, sem4 tigitin at tbo nmlwdist perenua.„o 91 lid Week lirflliu Ottewull retuned with him for short visit. M,oleillop township presents n Ano tip pearatloe at this (wagon of the year. The inclioablons ars for a liret.olass orop of boy and grain this year. The troeimie of the Methodist ohurelt intent' pnt91111 a et'no foundation under the btu' onitee owl the Iiad105' Aid wilt attend to (Turd noue05ary improvemouts to the interior. llntuNno,,—Last Wedneeclay a nett• rimonial alliance was entered upon, at the reside neo of Richard Pollard, betsvoon Alfred h. 117iller, of the Free Press staff, London, and Bliss Lon. Pollard, one Of thomost popular young ladies 09 this locality. Rev, W. Otbswalt bled the nuptial bow in the orthodox fashion. The bride was attended by her either, Miss Emma, and the groom by 'tie brother. Atter ten exoe110nb spread 'of 000kerytfruits, tee., the happy couple left foe Seaforth where they took train for London followed by the best wishes of a host of friends. • for patting tonna work tinder do barn 131.1. 01. 111rs. Dugald McKellar and family left recently on a visit to Strabhroy. Mrs. Gerbig returned on Monday from a visit among friends in Wingham, Airs. Herrington returned from a visit among friends fn Exeter an Monday. Alm. Hannah Joukins' marry friends regreb to hem that elle ie seriously in• disposed at present. Rev. Mr. Campbell, pastor of the Methodist ohurch, preaches his farewell sermon on Sunday evening, 20th inst. Mr. Howard has a largo gang of rnan Working ab his prick block, whioh he ooutelnplabos having finished with all poteiblo speed. Will, Bell is having te large quantity of stone drawn on to his lot on Queen street for the purpose of the foundation of his t b new livery stable. Y On Saturday evening until daybreak one of the heaviest downpours of rain passed over this burg that has been ever remembered by same of our oldest in- habitants. %'Vingltale. Thos. Bell Lae the contract for seating the now St. Paul's church, Rev. H. MoQuarrie preaohed his farewell sermon in the Presbyterian ohurch last Sunday. Last week the Salvation Army cele- brated the seventh anniversary of the establishment of the Army in town. Seventeen pupils of the Wingham school hove deposited the $5 necessary before being allowed to try for a third glass certificate. Rev. W. H. Watson attended the an- nual meeting of the Congregational Union of Ontario nod Quebec, whioh was held in London last week. The flowers placed on the lawn in front of the town hall add moll to the appearance of the town property. Some. one deserves a vote of thauks. Goo. Hughes returned from the old emintry last week, that being his first trip of the season. He delivered his cargo of cattle in gold order, This is the ninth year he has bren employed in taking cattle across the boon acd strange to say he has never loot a bulimic. Mrs. R. Orr and Tilos. Scott have se- cured the eervitas of Miss E. Pauling Johuston, of Brantford, the faeou, Iu• dian poetess and elocutionist, who will take part in a fleet ciao entertainment in town on July else, Part of the pre- emie will go in aid of the Methodist pipe organ fund. Friday last was decoration day and there was a good turn out of ton differ. ant societies of the town. The proces- sion left market square for the cemetery at a quarter past three and after spend- ing a couple of hours decorating the guavas of departed brethren returned to 90,911 in time to witness an exhibitirn game of lacrosse between local teams chosen by Geo. Sills and W. Shanks. • The ladies of the Presbyterian clluroh here presented the Rev. Mr. BloQuarrie with two beautiful 1110011 ohairs on Mon- day evening last. The gentlemen of the some ohueoh presented Mr. 10IcQuarrie with 200 dollars in gold. Mr. MoQuarrie has preached here for the lasb sixteen years and is as muoh respected by the members of bhe different churches in town as he is by the members of his own. Fe intends g oi g to Tomatob to reside. Sometime daring Tnas daY night o f Last week some party or parties soured an eutrauoo to the D1101ey House by' boring a number 01 holes through the bat room door and toilocking the door. They secured $2 or $13, whioh wore in the till and took is few boxes of cigars and de- parted without disturbing the inmates. There is no clue to the perpetrators of this daring burglary. Wingkanl Advance :—"How many Wingliamibos have ever seen an aerolite ? Perhaps not very many. Mae Forster has at sp'ondfd specimen of those muni. ositio8, whioh worn tekon out of She earth by some mu while digging a tnill•raue at St. John's near London. It is perfectly round and weighs nearly 700 pound0. The a01oli9e is a stole or mineral mass of ultra•terrestrial origin whinll has fallen to the earth. In passing through Our tames shoo they undergo some change as busy always take fire in the upper regions, and arrive at the ground quite hot, and they present the appear- anoo of having boon snbjeoted to great beat. Mr, Forster has his aterolite set ou It posb in hie lawn, and it is worthy of inspection.” leiioesiolss Couuoil meeting will be held next Mon- day. Charlie Owens, of Belgrave, Sondayod at his unoles, George Pea000k's, ou the let pen, David Moore, 8 11 liue, was visiting his 0011.11110m, Dr. Knoohtol, of Ripley, for a few days last week. Fred. Johnston, Prbnoipal of Listowel High School, wet visiting rolatiees on the let eon. on Sunday. Thos, Warwick raised hie barn ou Thursday of last wook and will have a stone foundation plaood under it, John Lamb's now barn op rho 0th eon. is nearly completed and will improve the looks at well as tho value of his farm. Manly Merles, of Wilmat, who was visiting at his uncles, Allan Ramsay'(, fora few days has returned to his hornet, The annual pic.nie in connection with Barrio's wheel Will be Hold by the pupils. and teacher in R. Nichol's grove, of Friday afternoon, Juno 80th, The chief amuOelnOilt on the grounds will be a football and it Lase-bali match, together with various other games, who has been very (holt for 009110 911110, i8 not improving very mn0h, the are sorry bo say. A dead hor::o has been supplying an aroma o,loulated to breed. 011010rte germs on the banks oe the Maitland. Where's the Board of 'Health ? 111re. James Johnston, of Pahnerston, and Miss Fnnone Johnston, of the same place, were visiting relatives on the let and 2nd cols. on Sunday. The question of Huron Oo,. vs. Morris township is dealt with quite fully on page 0 of this issue in connection with the reoonarbitrabion over the bridges. The invigorating olimabe of Manitoba has nob evidently agreed with Neil Mc• Callum who went bo Brendan last Menlo, as he returned Home on Friday laeb. For away fields aro green, Neil. Mrs. J. Bevin and family, of Ileepoler, Jae. Hodgin and wife, of Luoan, and John Sboldioe and sister,' of Ineker. smith, were visiting ab Wm, Sholdice's, 9911 line, last week. Airs. Shoklioe is still seriously ill. A nurrlbet• of farmers on the 8th line are malting cotaiderable improvements on their farm buildings this summer. W. Jaoksnn raised an ad litiol to his barn on Friday. The nl'O oils are build- ing a stone f ,iuulation ander Geo, Mc. Call's baro and be intends erecting an addition to the se, el side of it. Win, Gray, of l'op'e:oa. B[nnona Ca., Iowa, wn'.i 9)'1'»I'r ,I'iGt 0',(114 on the 8rd line for a. fr,w day.: t•,at we•1k. Mr. Getty Nit th.r 3n1 5.)1(1.1 niva ye't,ra .ago and ttr,it np I,1,1 is tilts 91'09•+ Ile et lire' b:meet. 80 wire. ant Ii . ling this t00 (191.91{ for iia in 0, Itvi017 o1 four boys he on. (Mallet th.• Ma I•o Valley stook farm, c..ntainlnO 'l!n Itcre4, for the good sum of $11,500. Litt year he had 0,000 bushels of shelled earn and this ea • the 1100 140 acres in or stock Ycorn. His at present ooheiets of 19 horses, 75 head of cattle and shoat 100 hogs. He gives glowing accounts of the prosperity In this State but says that every person has nob had the same good luck that he has and advises no person who is making a good living here to leave for that State. A. McDonald, 09 Morris, lost a fine cow a short time since from milk fever, and some of his neighbors, knowing him to be in rather straightened oiroum- stances, got out a subscription list, which was taken through the township by Jas. Gray and -Wm. Martin. In less than a week they had fully enough to buy another cow, with which they presented Min. Mr. Gray headed the list with $6, and many of the neighbors subscribed very liberally. The cow was purchased from P. MoCasey, who sold it for less than he would have done under any other oircnmsbanees. Mr. McDonald wishes to express his sincere thanks to lois many frieuds for their liberality in this oaee, especially to Messrs. Gray and Martin. Counterfeit e2 Dominion notes are in circulation at Kingston. \Voits» Fanning, of Belleville hos ship. ped 10 high grade horses for the States. Mrs. William Henry Johnston, of Pio. ton, was found dead in bcd at her tomo Sunday morning. ALLAN LIN E 100yai Mail Steamships. LIVERPOOL °ANo LONDONDERRY. Prom Portland. from Halifax Sardinian Marob 30. April 1. • Parisian April 13, April 15. Mongolian April 27. April 20. Prom Montreal. I'ro'n Quebec. Sardinian May 0, daylight; May 7. Batas of passage via Portland or Halifax— First cabin, from $45 and upwards ; return, SO5 and upwards. Second cabin, single, M. Steerage at lowest through rotes. From New York for Glasgow, calling at Derry— tate of Nebraska, April 13. First Cabin, 810; return, 680. For further particulars as to railroad rates, berths, &c., apply to W. H. KERR, �ERR , AGENT, Bltassnne White Stu Line. ROYAL MIAIi, S'1'! i11SIIIP9. Bobweeu Now York 011,1 Liverpool, via Queenstown, every Wednesday, As the Steamers of this lino carry only a strictly limitocl number to the puns! and 00.00x0 CABIN naoonmodatioua, intending passsngot'e ore reminded that tin early ap- plication for berths is nsoe0sery ab this see - 5011. For plans, rates, etc., apply to W. H. Kerr, Agoub,.Brussele. 1.-.:1R1 I wish to intimate to tho ladies of Brussels and surrounding country that I am selling my large stock of Millinery goods, conslstiug of Eats, Bonnets, Fllow�ol's//,''VV_tllcc.., ��yy� ��y+t RE GARDLE S S OF COST. Gall at once and leave your order if you wish to secure a bargain. SSS YOPherS0.n1 Fashionable Milliner. _ ........,, Farmers' Fxcil sIDns Prom all Mattoon in Outerio,return rates to ESTEVAN 1)LLOI0AIl,lb, B NSCAI9T I J LI iJ (J Iti4STON REGINA a° ONy �r 1 t 30.00 CALGARY1 PRINK1•. 1 3 5.00 ALBERT Edmonton $40.00 To leave all points in Ontario, on .81)91x' 1;; -.Return uubil ahoy ord. J1; 551 20—ltettirn until July 80th, ant: 27—Return until Aug. Oth. J CLY 01--lieturn until Aug. 20th. Parties Moho ting from Other points should arrange to elrlyo at Toronto in Uwe to eov- 500t with the 10:15 p,m. train on above dates, The )v iontpeq Exhibition will be held from ,7uly 15 to 22, inclusive, and persons leluving ou July 11 will be In splendid bine for this event, ._1 B� \. } a✓I .a» E WAGON —AND-- ,+r�.�yy, . Sr The greatest number and hugest as. Oorlmo»b of Buggies, Wagons and Road Carts to bo found 111 any 0110 house oats side of the cities, is at t H. Willialms0�S 7' � S J. T. PEPPER, Agent, Brussels. IN BRUSSELS. They are from the following celebrated makers : Gananoque Carriage Company and Brantford Carriage Company, Those,, buggies are guaranteed Srst•alaes in all parts, and eve make good any breakages, for one year from date of pnrobase that comes from fault of material or work. manebip. We do no patching, but fur- nish new parts. We mean what we ad- I vertise, and back up what we say. Our wagons are hand made. We use nothing but ohoioe oak in their manufacture. -� Five etylee of Road Carts. All kinds of Agrioulturai Implements, We handle` the Fleury Plow and keep' a full lino of repairs for same. Our pr otos are right. Call in and see us. FI WILLIAI'S-t& SON. 11 Yon et ? TGOT this bat at Strachan's and if you hurry up you. eau get one like it. They are what they call the "Yeddo" hat and are made of Southern sea weed—are very light, easy on the head and durable. You can get them in straw color for SSo. and fancy for $100. Summer Eats—Light weights and light prices—Ask for the "Yeciclo" hat. A full range of black and colored Fedoras, also a full range of black and colored stiff hats for mon and boys. Beadymaclo suits for men, very cheap, away down in price. Beadymacle suits for boys and eIlilciren extra value. Our reaclymade clothing has been offered and sold by ns cheap, but we have given the prices a good "Goal" kick so ,you may expect and will be certain to secure a bargain when you come to be fitted. Special value for the balance of this month in ordered clothing of which we have a good range and nice goods. In shirts, collars, ties, iftc„ our stock is complete and good value. A. call solicited, ] ppo a s-Trad c1 st Price Paid is I� ...... or r111-1 Ni �# yy •ti , �i. F d� g. t , 1 ode :.ria:.' hlt� A::. lb E0 i Wish to remind the public that they still want more Wool and that they bane on hand for this season's trade the igegezt Stock ©f Woolen . (Feed.e Ever shown by any other factory in Ontario, which tlioy wilt ex- change for wool at prices which will Astonish Everybody. It will pay you to come and see our Tremendous Stock which is Opened For in.speotio .. Come and Satisfy yourself before disposing of your Wool elsoehoro. Do not forget to 8ec167'e for yozor° wife nrze of oar° Fine Wool Scotch Skirts. tiNOTICE.—Do not be lecl away by shoddy peddlars and others travelling through the country. Wo do not employ any such men. But come direct to our factory and by Fair Dealing we hope to gain your support and confidence. - We Guarantee First-olaos Work in Roll Carding, Spinning aiid Manufacturing. P. S. --"Parties from a distance can rely on getting their Roll Carding back with thein the same day and they will find 1.1.3 ready to give the most prompt and careful attention to all. tiBitoors saw.